Vindicator ago

@seanhurray, I need to remove this per Rule 6. Thank you for labeling it NSFW; but we can't have people clicking through to CP and getting in trouble with the law. Thanks for reporting your findings to the authorities and for protecting the kids! You might want to ask for further help on /pol/ on 4chan; there are a lot of people there who know how to out these types and some who might be able to hack his locked file.

seanhurray ago

No problem. It is ok. Thanks.

Godwillwin ago

Our FBI should be notified too because it could be an international thing

privatepizza ago

Hope some people come in to help you with this. Good luck.

carmencita ago

Do you live in the U.S. or in Europe or What country? You must report this to the FBI or in Europe to Interpol, Does anyone else have any suggestions? This may be a big cache of a global ring.

seanhurray ago

I am from S.America.

seanhurray ago

I did the report directly to a czech local website provided by google . Tomorrow I will ask to a police friend if I have to do something more. I found all images of that guy.

Thank you.

Zeeeffgee33 ago

You are soooo lucky that did not download!

PizzagateBot ago

You should definitely report it, especially if you clicked on those pictures. Otherwise, if you are not using a VPN/Proxy, you could have record of it with your ISP. Not sure what it's like in your country, but in the USA if there is enough to charge you with a crime and you didn't really do anything, you still need to pay for a lawyer to defend you.

Like someone said, if you aren't sure what agency locally you can report to interpol, most likely your country is affiliated -

To everyone else, 'very inappropriate photos' literally means naked photos of children.


carmencita ago

You must notify your version of the FBI and Interpol and report this immediately. Do not get involved yourself. This is a very large catalogue of Child Porn. You could even be implicated. So be very careful. Keep in touch.