V____Z ago

This post was deleted by M Falcon for reasons 1 and 4. The last time was just for 1.

@sensitive @wecanhelp I know you all stick together pretty much, but this just doesn't seem right. Could you please weigh and explain the moving goalposts on this piece discussing a video widely accepted to be pizzagate related (as it OKs sex at any age, as long as the person is alive).

What's new in this video is the link between Soros and Netflix, who aired this video. Soros is at the helm of pizzagate, according to many

V____Z ago

@Vindicator, it seems the mods are mostly offline tonight. If you are available, can you help to repost this video so that it won't get deleted? I just need some advice, as I'm not seeing the problem.

Vindicator ago

I'm here. Let me take a look. It may be because it wasn't clearly spelled out what this is relevant to the sexual abuse of kids by the elite. But let me look.

Ok...it looks like MF removed it the first time because he didn't see what it had to do with kid sex abuse, and then the second time for the same reason but also Rule 4 because the quoting of the removal reason makes it look like a meta post complaining about mods -- which belongs in v/pizzagatemods.

I could see how he might miss the PG relevance. There is only one line addressing it, and it only mentions it, it doesn't explain it. I know you hyperlinked, but the vast majority of the post was non-pizzagate related. We sometimes remove Podesta posts that have no connection to the sex trafficking of minors also.

The problem is compounded by the fact that Really Graceful doesn't really talk about the key PG issue: He's talking anything-goes-sex garbed as science on a show for kids! /shudder/ At least in the bits you've highlighted.

Here's what I would do: Take out the stuff questioning the moderation that belongs in the other sub. Give it a headline emphasizing what I just mentioned: this sexualization of kids is Grooming them to think wierd sex is scientifically normal - priming them as prey. Then I would timestamp link anything in the video (or elsewhere) about Nye being a globalist propaganda agent for the regime we are investigating. The definition of PG in the sidebar might give you a few ideas.

I'm sorry you've had to do backflips to discuss this. Thank you for striving to meet the guidelines! :-)

druhill007 ago


Edit to add = :DDDDDDDDDD

V____Z ago

Thanks, take your time.

The_Crux ago

What happened? Post disappeared after my comment about Nye's denial of the existence of subspecies of homo sapiens that we call "races".

V____Z ago

One of the mods deleted it again.

rooting4redpillers ago

Not right, I agree. Your second submission should NOT have been removed.

I had a comment ready to post, before I checked to see if this second sub was still standing. Fuck this deletion, and I'll go ahead anyway, and comment here, in support of your valid submission...

Good! I appreciate the NEW, ADDITIONAL INFO, so thanks for STICKING WITH IT.

Really Graceful's video, with Bill Nye's history/family/resume could be useful to look at further. And, she makes an interesting observation - those who watched him in his early days as "the science guy," remember him as just that - and now they're voters. I don't think any significant number of his childhood fans can possibly be THAT stupid, but I don't doubt that their old connection as fans was counted on, to be influential in some way.

I lean towards the thinking, this Netflix shit of his will be Bill Nye's demise. That offensive music video... sweet Jesus, he not only left science behind, he murdered it with words, and he just about killed me with his mad dance moves. If Bill Nye EVER gets an interview for his "scientific" views on FOX again, and they don't bring up this crazy, perverse video, I'll know the final nail has been driven in the coffin of FOX, the very last hope for ANY legitimate mainstream news.

BRIGHT NOTE, the top YouTube comment on the oh, oh oh video is a great laugh. The enormous amount of criticism and ridicule, plus mentions of Pizzagate. I'm not saying this means there's some great awakening, but it's at least another plus.

I don't know if this helps or hurts. Just know, if you try to submit this again, you'll have my future attention, and support.

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