concernedvegan ago

not enough records to possibly deduce an alleged "phenomenon" as climate change, particularly when the same people don't mention seismic activities , volcanic activities, solar flares, coronal mass ejections, earth's orbit wobble in relation to geo-magnetic storms. if they said climate change was caused by that, it would be more believable. all studies about climate change fail to mention these topics, that's because climate change is very fake news and they don't want you to know about this other stuff. why don't they want you to know? because all of that information is public but surpressed because....pizzagate!

Laskar ago

The girl looks to me like a mind controlled slave. Her face looks to have been recently injured (covered by makeup) and her eyes are not normal in the least. (view of health care professional with a heavy science background)

Laskar ago

(((Nye))) is a CIA creation. Like Anderson Pooper, he is the most "charismatic" front man they can put out. Imagine how vile the ones behind the scenes are.

Jem777 ago

Song also mentioned PANSEXUAL. Which pedophelia or boy lover. It is Alefantis avatar

YingYangMom ago

That "My Sex Junk--Rachel Bloom--Bill Nye Saves the world" YT video has almost 577,000 views. It got 647 likes and... 41, 280 DISLIKES!!!! Woot, woot! So it looks like the citizenry isn't as "unaware and as compliant" as once thought, huh ;-)

Laskar ago

YouTube is not as censored as VOAT, as you can see from the comments.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, i see that :)

jstrotha0975 ago

"damn Skippy, home slice sing it with me all night" translation - damn Podesta, home pizza sing it with me all night.

Laskar ago

Damn Podesta, rape a child all night.

concernedvegan ago

climate change is not real.

Jobew1 ago

Whats most fucked up is that theres very little science in the whole episode. The only statistic i heard was that .25% of pregnancies (where?) have extra sex chromos. All the rest was hack opinions and agenda

Laskar ago

Fake science embedded in programming and propaganda.

V____Z ago

If you are wondering what happened to Netflix, George Soros happened, to the tune of $13.5 million in shares of the company. - The_Donald

Jobew1 ago

you know there's a larger agenda by the powers that be when you see this clown get this platform at netflix or even a show of any kind. hopefully no1 watches this shit

druhill007 ago

these guys are a bunch of little bitches that can't get their sexual kicks from people able to say no.

concernedvegan ago

climate change funding is bigger than the clinton foundation when it comes to pizzagate, imho

Laskar ago

That's exactly why I brought that into the discussion re: Bill Nye. Thanks for the comment; have an upvote.

concernedvegan ago

climate change influence extends too widely across many groups, and has made such a little impact on the world after so much has been invested. i'm calling pizzagate on climate change pushers/funders, skippy loves climate change, so does MR. nye.

concernedvegan ago

if you meet a vegan/environmentalist that pushes climate change, but denies pizzagate is real, ask more questions and push harder. you will be surprised @ the results. i've been dealing with this shit for about 13-15 years and none of it makes sense, why are climate change pushers involved with so much fucked up shit??!?!?!?!

concernedvegan ago

in the animal rights community, if you say climate change is fake, it leaves you open to public humiliation or doxxing, it's fucking crazy. i'm calling pizzagate on this one.

concernedvegan ago

not trying to convert anyone to veganism btw, i'm not here for that, just giving some insight on my experience . most of the vegan restaurants/websites i've gone to push climate change way too hard, and it has seemed way beyond suspicious to me since the inception of climate change regulation. those pushing climate change are always heavily democrat linked and beyond liberal. there is more proof of pizzagate than climate change, and that is scary.

dougG ago

There is more proof of pizzagate then climate change = hahahaha. You must be suffering front extreme iron deficiency and its affecting your critical thinking skills.

concernedvegan ago

someone has a different deduction to your claims and your immediate response is to make fun of their health because you saw the term "vegan''? how strange....

concernedvegan ago

those who deny climate change is part of pizzagate have been missing what's been under their noses this whole time

concernedvegan ago

look @ places with regular food like pizza/hotdogs/hamburgers that serve "vegan options" whilst campaigning for climate change regulation , they are more suspect than regular vegan-only joints.

concernedvegan ago

never forget, pizzagate hides in the most "compassionate" of places, a la vatican.... right?

Omnicopy ago

And other churches

concernedvegan ago

of course, just trying to give a well known viable resource point, so many pizzagate-related things behind the vatican and others

concernedvegan ago

remember who pretended to be vegan? wait for it.......MR. CLINTON!!!

the "rabbit hole"? you don't even know....

concernedvegan ago

there are numerous celebrities who were well established vegans, then went on to "cheat" on veganism by eating dairy-based "cheese pizza" on camera. why? because, pizzagate. this will be a topic for a later date. just wanted to give a heads up.

FE_Rebekah ago

I never noticed that connection.

concernedvegan ago

"cheating" vegans who eat dairy based "cheese pizza" love pushing climate change, wink wink.

concernedvegan ago

this is not disinformation, or misleading, it is very hard to grasp immediately. this is THE "rabbit hole" wink wink

concernedvegan ago

don't believe me? lol "Pamela Anderson has opened up somewhat about her relationship with Julian Assange, which blossomed as she brought him vegan food to the Ecuadorian Embassy, where he is hiding from Swedish authorities. "

coincidence or inverted symbolism? coincidence doesn't happen with wikileaks!

concernedvegan ago

to know about spirit cooking so well, you gotta have someone on the inside. was that someone Pamela? seen at the events

concernedvegan ago

and what does this have to do with bill nye or pizzagate? fucking everything lol.

concernedvegan ago

for the love of everything and all research & researchers devoted to pizzagate, do NOT miss this. a statement about julian, the french election, and climate change, spying, animal rights, and many things hidden between the lines. this means so much more towards pizzagate than it seems!!!!

"Be aware that the CIA/Pompeo has desperately vowed to "end" Wikileaks "now".

I feel the French especially understand how important it is to seek the truth.

and know

that the people they are voting for are honest and held accountable.

And not fall down the well of a surprise Brexit or Trump scenerio.

Le Pen and Melenchon both have been spied upon by the US -

and both have agreed to grant Julian Assange asylum/citizenship.

There has even been mention of the Legion of Honor by Melenchon

a fellow animal crusader,

climate change champion and believer in Justice for all.

How wonderful it would be to reunite Julian and his young family in France.

Mr Melenchon for President!"

S'il vous plait

concernedvegan ago

if this information is ignored, pizzagate will go on for a few years instead of months, this information connected is beyond what is currently available or what has been previously censored and there is so much more. please get a head start instead of finding out in a few months.

concernedvegan ago

if you read this far, welcome to the side of pizzagate they don't want you to know about!

GiantMillipino ago

why don't you just spell it out for us?

concernedvegan ago

love how you mentioned climate change. the subject of climate change is not to be ignored while investigating pizzagate, all the signs are there. all the climate change pushers deny pizzagate exists, and this rings true in the environmental issue community, animal rights/welfare community, alternative energy community and the recently popularized "scienctism" community (liberal non-science). climate change issues receive incredibly high funding from multiple sources and hundreds of billions of dollars (maybe trillions?) have been absolutely wasted, resulting in no visible difference for the planet, so what are they really using these funds for? climate change/global warming has pizzagate written all over it from it's inception. climate change isn't real, pizzagate is real, end of story!

Laskar ago

Exactly. Thanks for the comment; have an upvote.

FE_Rebekah ago

I became curious today about the term "skippy," and I found no shortage of filth in the urban dictionary. Nine pages actually.


My apologies for the length of this post, but I wanted to share some that I find disturbing:

TOP DEFINITION skippy To be right on something or to say i heard you on that one. Usually said as DAMN SKIPPY.

I think your boyfriend is hot!


by Amy November 26, 2003


Any misguided individual who is in blatant denial and/or so completely deluded as to be completely beyond reasoning with. Sometimes used to address just any hapless individual.

Statement: "I don't care what anyone says! I'm still right!"

Response: "Yeah... You just keep telling yourself that, Skippy." by Keepin' It Real July 11, 2004


case a beer, handle of vodka, whole thing of crystal light lemonade mix

Time to drink some skippys and gin bucket for a get blackout.

by c h l o December 04, 2008


Cheap, generic shoes. Frequently sold at K-Mart, Payless, etc

My Nike Shox are totally busted, so I bought some skippies until I can save up for a new pair.

by PigpenJen July 09, 2006


Name of a prominent Australian bush kangaroo popularized in 60's TV adventure show.

The media were unaware that, despite being married, Skippy was a lesbian. No great surprise, she being a "bush" kangaroo.

by randomputz September 11, 2003


Cheap-ass shoes. This term circa 1997. Kids who wore "skippies" were teased relentlessly at the summer camp I went to. Also, the "skip-aa" pronunciation does not apply to this definition.

"Skippies... they make your feet feel fine, skippies, they cost a dollar ninety-nine." I don't know if this was an actual advertising jingle or not.

by Alex September 24, 2003


A brandname of peanut butter.

A term used to describe somthing that is really cheesy, flimsy or cheap. This particular definintion of the word was developed from the poor kids of the late nineteen seventies and early eighties whose families could not afford Nike or Converse sneakers. Instead, they were left with no choice but to wear "Skippies." Skippies were a generic blue sneaker usually with three stripes on the sides(number of stripes varied from 2-4). Skippies were available at budget minded stores such as K-Mart or Spags. Within the store, Skippies could be found tied together(no box or packaging)piled loosein bins often located in the isle. Skippies were of poor quality and fell apart quickly. Their appearance was cheap queer or gay. Hence anything cheap, flimsy or generic in nature can be called skippy. Or, if something looks cheesy or gay it canbe reffered to as "Skippy"

A term used to show that you not only agree with another's comment, but that you strongly agree.

Hey look at that bike with all the reflectors on it, that is so "skippy."

Hey what brand are those camoflauge jeans, Skippy?

Build it solid, I don't want anything skippy! by T Mayo March 05, 2008


the poop smear left in a toilet after it's been flushed.

Someone left a nasty skippy in the handicap stall. by Sven Golly July 23, 2012


A easy girl who will have sex with anyone.

Dat girl is skippy! Like the peanut butter......EASY TO SPREAD

by Pittbull March 24, 2005


a complete dumbass. also known as, mp/ or mental patient.

person1: look at tyler dillon! he's sucha skippy!

person2: damn straight!

by bailexa jirspros April 17, 2010


slang for a promiscuous lesbian;

she's a Skippy, (a kangaroo) since she jumps from bush to bush;

by Chris Barlow May 30, 2008


Slang for handicap

I got a great parking spot because my friend had her skippy sticker.

by Evita_Loquita September 22, 2014


A brand of peanut butter primarily used by sick perverts who wish to be orally pleased by their pets

"Who likes the skippy who likes the Skippy peanut butter...good boy" said by Mark Hoppus of Blink-182

"God I love Skippy peanut butter, I eat it on anything... sandwhiches, rolls, my gay partners 9 inch penis emm baguettes"

by Chargy January 12, 2005


A female passenger that offers sexual favours for lifts, this is usually in a modified car, to a car cruise(a meeting of modified cars), aswell as sexual favours, she also makes a good mdonalds holder and cd changer.

give me a lift to the cruise and i'll pay you later.

whos that in the car??? thats the skippy for the evening

by Unicorn007 October 10, 2006


A well-known celebrity persona created to "house" the EVIL TWIN of a relatively decent person.

Always BLAMELESS no matter what else happens. NEVER, EVER "responsible" for traumas real or imagined.

So there !

" Who put peanut butter on the Pomeranian's palate that cause the owner to rush him to the Vet? "

"I don't want to call names, but SKIPPYwas pointing and laughing."

by skippydammit November 18, 2003


Noun) A penis. From the popular TV series starring Skippy the Bush Kangaroo - from which 'Skippy' describes the penis and 'bush' is the entire pubic region. The term 'joey' is also used to describe the nutsac, for obvious reasons

The phrase "COR BLIMEY SKIPPY JAST POPPED OUTTA THA BUSH" is used to describe the erecting of the penis.

by Incognito December 08, 2003


He's Wicked Important!!

Skippy is wicked important, that's all you need to know. by another random camp guy October 20, 2009


also known as the white devil, or fluffy devil. A white male cat that has satan like qualities. Such as, attacking your feetwhile walking by, attacking your headwhile you sleep, attacking your handbecause it moved slightly, attacking your leg because he thought he saw a bug that some looks a lot like nothing. Its powers lie in its looks. It may however look adorable don't touch it. Its fluffiness hides its claws that are always out. It also has an act for playing dead. Another thing is that it moans for no reason at all. the only way to fix this problem is to shoot the cat (highly recommended) or have it castrated. WARNING: if you have a cat like this do not let it spawn its babies will have wings and the taste for human blood. If this was to happen call the local authorities and invest in a semi automatic shotgun.

Jim: man my cat freakin scratched the crap out of arm this morning.

Larry: sounds like you have a skippy on your hands

by jewman1293 July 18, 2010


A word commonly used to express: AN ELITE ASSASSIN WHO'S SLAIN 1000 MEN - or something like that. "Oh muh gawd! That guy is like totally a natural Skippy. Such a bloodlust in that young snappa's heart!" by Renegade Jesus April 23, 2006


A coded phrase that distinguishly means "fuck tha police !" derived in the Stafford, Virginia area. pronounced skipayyyyy. "AWHHHH SHIT THE 5-0 !" "SKIPPY !" by Miggalicious September 03, 2009


A modified term for spiffy or special. Also everyones evil twin is named Skippy. How are you doing to day? "Just Skippy" by meh September 05, 2003


A man or a woman who uses a person to get to another person of interest. Usually through identifying interest that that person has and exploiting that interest to gain trust and friendship. You meet a person and that person seems to have some of the similar interest as you. You hang out with that person and one day you come home only to find out that person is in your friends bed (naked). Skippy. by kurttword August 01, 2011


A brand of peanut butter. Bruno Mars: Stop! Wait a minute. Fill my cup. Put some liquor in it. Take a sip. Sign a check. Julio! Get the stretch. Ride to Harlem, Hollywood, Jackson, Mississippi. If we show up, we're gonna show out- smoother than a fresh jar of skippy

by @BigTrouble03 April 30, 2015

Laskar ago

And...John Podesta's nickname.

kazza64 ago

another cia backed expert along the lines of kinsey that is nothing more than a front to promote paedophilia they use the media to push their agenda which is having sex with children.

concernedvegan ago

climate change pushers are strong pizzagate deniers, do not forget!

Nye has a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Cornell. He also has six honorary doctorate degrees, including Ph.D.s in science from Goucher College and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Does this actually make him a scientist? Has he published anything peer-reviewed? since other "scientists" consider him a scientist (and colleague) , who else may or may not be a real scientist? Why would Bill Nye think it is okay to lock-up people who disagree with his "science"? Below, there are some articles and videos about the original post, and also some with additional background. has anyone noticed that the same people pushing global warming are very strong pizzagate deniers? the conversation about pizzagate with global warming enthusiasts is very similar i think to the Tucker vs Bill video i linked below from fox news, they only mention global warming, but the fighting and denying remind me of talking about pizzagate with people lol. who else loves pushing climate change this hard? damn skippy



LINK TO THE FULL VIDEO "My Sex Junk - Rachel Bloom - Bill Nye Saves The World". look at the comment section, people mention starting to believe pizzagate is real or even hint at it. currently the video is at 267,676 views with 347 likes and 21,366 dislikes.

Bill Nye's "Sex Junk" Rap Video - The Most Cringy in Human History ("Bill Nye the Science Guy's new Neflix show "Bill Nye Saves the World" produced the most awful music performance in the history of the human race"). Dice offers some good points and commentary.

Fox news interview: Tucker vs. Bill Nye the Science Guy. Bill Nye has argued that climate change deniers suffer psychological delusions.

News article from 2016: Bill Nye, the science guy, is open to criminal charges and jail time for climate change dissenters

remember who else loves pushing climate change? wonder why his hand was in a cast?

remember who is/was involved in this?

sounds like some more skippy b.s.

dougG ago

I am a strong believer in climate change as well as PG. Stop making this political and stop with the blanket statement's as well

acme2011 ago

Stop confusing the phenomenon of climate change with 'having to extort carbon tax because humans are evil'. They are totally different and they are deliberately being conflated for exercising control.

concernedvegan ago

this isn't political , this is pizzagate, and i don't have to believe in climate change because there is no evidence despite billions of dollars wasted. pizzagate is real and climate change is fake, and i don't have to accept climate change, but it is HUGE factor in pizzagate nonetheless.

spezSentMe ago

What a fucking surprise.

Laskar ago

What's wrong with the girl in that video?

FE_Rebekah ago

She does not look safe or well taken care of to me.

Laskar ago

I was hoping someone would notice that.

huntercel ago

"Facts change as we learn more." WHo knew???

GuannaRue ago

"Who knew?", indeed...

MONOLITHicide ago

doesnt exactly pertain to this conversation but thought id share

Laskar ago

It does pertain to the topic "normalization of pedophilia". It's good people are reminded of this.

evademoney2 ago

Flat Earth Asshole Exposes Bill Nye. Skip To 23:00 The Hack Actor/Disney/Nasa Schill Literally. No Degree/Education

dougG ago

He has a b.a in mechanical engineering and worked for Boeing for 10 years.

concernedvegan ago

true and some other places and degrees too. what we are trying to say is that he doesn't have the qualifications to make the statements he pushes and he doesn't have anything peer-reviewed to back up his statements. i'm sure he knows what he's doing with the air pumps on planes, but accepting bill nye's science would be like accepting a veterinarian to perform open heart surgery on a human, it probably isn't going to work.

FuckReddit69 ago

I can't stand this guy, ultimate arrogant, ignorant close minded lemming. I just want to punch his face in till it implodes.

jstrotha0975 ago

Yeah I thought the Skippy line stood out too.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

"Ya think ya hot shit, dontcha?" - Skippy

Laskar ago

A nod to him, and to his proclivities.

carmencita ago

Is he sending a message? Is he telling us that it was Skippy in that video? What does home slice mean? Is it a slice of a home video? I don't know all the new lingo, so maybe someone else does?

druhill007 ago

the message is hes an arrogant pedo

carmencita ago

The Worst Kind. But then I guess they all are pretty rotten.

Laskar ago

It's a slice of pizza.

carmencita ago

I had a feeling it was something telling. So, I am keeping that in the back of my head. Skippy and a slice of pizza.

jstrotha0975 ago

I'm originally from Queens NY and we call pieces of Pizza a slice. It's a northern thing, a slice of Pizza.

jstrotha0975 ago

The line is referring to Skippy aka Podesta and a slice (pizza).

bFuddlez ago

Slice of pizza.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Home slice is a even more slangy way of saying homeboy

carmencita ago

It is horrible isn't it that we have slang expressions for this kind of stuff? Especially referring to a boy. I am sure he is eluding to pedophilia. Boy was I out of the loop. I was over at my friend's house and her grand child was talking about Nye and how he likes to read his articles on science and space. I will clue her in.

PizzagateBot ago

It is ghetto slang, older slang from like the 90's, you call your home boy "home slice"

def 2: means someone who seems like a little slice of home, thus home slice

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yeah he's a real pervert it sounds. You would like to think there are a few public personas that can at least try to give the appearance that they're not sex addicts but more and more it seems like a badge of honor to brag about that even when you're an old dork like Nye

carmencita ago

That is a really perfect description of him now, I must admit. Now that I know what he is really about. An old dork.

rooting4redpillers ago


[NSFW] Bill Nye PG connections (pizzagate) | submitted 17 hours ago by FE_Rebekah | +64 | 63 comments

Laskar ago

Thanks so much for this. I had missed it. Great post--have an upvote.

rooting4redpillers ago

You're welcome! Upvoat back for you.

Laskar ago

Notice how fast the post got buried and copies come up.

Laskar ago


Pizza_Hacker ago

Thought the same thing.. Glad im not the only one.

Laskar ago

Definitely not the only one--have an upvote.