rooting4redpillers ago

Maybe, but I don't think Bill Nye has much say in those decisions. I'd sooner believe, his bullshit science shilling finally hit the brick wall of uselessness, so why not go full outer-limits of sjw NUTS, and see what sticks. Epic failure, or success, it doesn't matter to George Soros. His funding is endlessly disposable, and Bill's end - as the science guy - was Nye.

ArthurEdens ago

News is just PR that's it

rooting4redpillers ago

Good! I appreciate the NEW, ADDITIONAL INFO, so thanks for STICKING WITH IT.

Really Graceful's video, with Bill Nye's history/family/resume could be useful to look at further. And, she makes an interesting observation - those who watched him in his early days as "the science guy," remember him as just that - and now they're voters. I don't think any significant number of his childhood fans can possibly be THAT stupid, but I don't doubt that their old connection as fans was counted on, to be influential in some way.

I lean towards the thinking, this Netflix shit of his will be Bill Nye's demise (and even a wake-up call for pizzagate deniers). That offensive music video... sweet Jesus, he not only left science behind, he murdered it with words, and he just about killed me with his mad dance moves. If Bill Nye EVER gets an interview for his "scientific" views on FOX again, and they don't bring up this crazy, perverse video, I'll know the final nail has been driven in the coffin of FOX, the very last hope for ANY legitimate mainstream news.

BRIGHT NOTE - the top YouTube comment (shown below) on My Sex Junk - Rachel Bloom - Bill Nye Saves The World (3/4 of a million+ views, so far), and the rest of the enormous amount of criticism and ridicule, plus mentions of Pizzagate, in the comments. I'm not saying this means there's some great awakening, but it's at least another plus.

darwinkilledgod2 days ago (edited)

Everything wrong with this video:

  1. Nye ironically genders his audience with "guys" in the first sentence.
  2. No one knows this girl from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
  3. Humans are now apparently referred to as "bipeds" which is ableist against war vets with 1 leg.
  4. "World of ours" implies the earth belongs to humans, which is western chauvinism and not environmentally friendly.
  5. If she has a vagina, she does not have the option of "hard"...she's stuck with "moist."
  6. Her vagina does not have a voice; that's gross. If it makes a sound it is actually air escaping and is rude.
  7. When she sings about her vagina she holds her stomach not her vagina. Anatomy error.
  8. "Metaphorical voice" is 6 syllables and she crams it into a 3 syllable section of the music.
  9. The woman is so out of shape she can't do a proper front kick her and looks like an elephant trying to walk up steps.
  10. "Butt stuff" is not highly related to evolution. Any mammal that does "butt stuff" routinely will actually be selected out. It's evolution in the same sense that extinction is evolution.
  11. Sex "stew" assuming it refers to bisexual orgies actually are taboo in most societies. Anthropology error.
  12. This is Gerard Depardieu:
  13. Singer declares that she will have sex with anything. And is proud of this.
  14. No one is boxing in her box.
  15. She recommends jerking off strangers.
  16. After 1:30 minutes of singing she is out of breath. This is pathetic.
  17. Sexuality is not a spectrum. See evolution of mammalian sex. The book Red Queen gives a good description (by Matt or Mark Ridley...I forgot).
  18. 1:38 Bill Nye grooving is sexually repulsive.
  19. No one uses a Fleshlight outdoors. It is used inside, with appropriate shame.
  20. Bill Nye grooving again.
  21. 2:03 Watch her try to kick. It's like watching someone on their first day of training.
  22. 2:10 - Ironically tells normal people who are going about their business to get off THEIR soapbox while lecturing Americans from a position of ignorance.
  23. Bagels with lox are disgusting...and so maybe her box is better than that.
  24. 2:20 The face of Satan appears.
  25. Ignorant non-scientist calls this "exactly the right message."

Thank you for re-electing President Trump.

V____Z ago


GuannaRue ago


V____Z ago

How Bill Nye Saves the World taught me how to cancel my Netflix subscription

ThePedoHunter ago

What happened to him?....easy - he got taped sucking or fucking someone, that if released would break him....hasnt it sunk in yet pizzagaters?!?...pedo blackmail is the lever for controlling everyone from the bottom feeders all the way to the high preistesses.

Watch a Nye debate on Climate Change...its all hostile and illogical and bizarre....even he doesn't fcking believe it

Forgetmenot ago

I saw that, he is really falling apart. They all are freaking out!

druhill007 ago

the recent bill nye stuff is some of the cringiest stuff i've ever had the displeasure of viewing lolllll

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