jangles ago

The sounds in timmyturnersdad youtube videos are suspect for stego

rodeo13 ago

I agree. She definitely has some mind control programming going on. Vigilant Citizen wrote a good article about her.

rodeo13 ago

I recently came across an ARG that has some definite MKULTRA aspects to it. It's called Project Rabbit, and has a presence on Reddit (see summary here: https://web.archive.org/web/20170425082054/https://www.reddit.com/r/ProjectRabbit/comments/5z9ssp/projectrabbit_info_pool_an_updated_collection_of/?st=j1xa817t&sh=633dcc1b)). It also has Twitter accounts, a Youtube channel, and is somehow affiliated with the internet pop star That Poppy. The Youtube videos are really weird.

slickleg64 ago

Pretty much i feel that is the agenda. Leave it to weaponized autism so there is no backlash to the posters. It seems they are uploading a lot of incriminating evidence directed at few individuals.

slickleg64 ago

Underrated thread. ARG is the key to catching these fuckers. I always had a feeling what we were missing is how these high level pedos operate. There is a lot of jargon and word of mouth unknowns when we are given such vague clues.

psynapz ago

I've seen ARGs flourish around discussion forums before, or rather usually around a prolific researcher, in an apparent attempt to drive them to self-destruction or self-discrediting.

The whole Theresa Duncan / Jeremy Blake saga gave rise to such an ARG a number of years ago and it nearly imploded serious research into SRA, pedophilia, mind control, 9/11, etc. occurring publicly within that community.

It's a good sign for the truth, but a bad sign for voat. I see authenticity in the way Worldcorpo is communicating about not even knowing what an ARG is. What's maddening now is knowing that they wish to assert a distinction between their intent & content and that of an ARG. Okay, you're not an ARG. Thanks. SO WAS THAT PODESTA OR NOT YOU MYSTERIOSO MOTHERFUCKERS? GET ON WITH THE WHISTLEBLOWING YOU PUSSIES OR STOP BEING SO COY!

rodeo13 ago

They're just making sure to CTA (cover their asses). Blame it on an ARG.

ArthurEdens ago

I guess worldcorp is saying the video is still real, not a game

Micheal84 ago

Editted it in my op. ;)

Gothamgirl ago

No at all I suspected the sonic 2 video for exactly what you just stated, coming from this video https://gilvasunner.bandcamp.com/album/joejoes-bizzaere-jojoke What a mystery this is..

Micheal84 ago

Man this is some seriously complicated stuff, thanks for the info.

Micheal84 ago

Thanks for the reply, makes a little more sense now.

Well just a little ;)

Forgetmenot ago

What is an ARG? Does anyone know?

rodeo13 ago

Alternate Reality Game. It's a scavenger hunt basically played across multiple social media platforms.

Forgetmenot ago

Thank you!

gurneyx ago

So it was not created by them for a game? why would they admit that.....So are they saying it is podesta? Why would they want us to know that?

Chatman ago

So people stop accusing silvagunner of stuff

psynapz ago

And so to assert their credibility, distinct from that of an ARG trailhead.

There seem to be ARGs every so often that are spawned by actual events, in an attempt to continue the story-starter of some terrible and strange real-world occurrence. Probably a long-game intel project.


well arent they being awfully polite? wouldnt have guessed it from their content.

jw4vc ago

So the video didn't come form silvagunner? why doesn't the statement discuss what the video is doing on a worldcorpo domain server? what gives here?

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