keepthefaith ago

Great post. You must have read my comment from yesterday on one of the threads, talking about the same topic.


I wonder what the REAL story is behind the 1992 Windsor Castle fire that destroyed a shit-ton:

It becomes more and more apparent that Princess Diana was clearly bumped off before she could spill more royal secrets.

3141592653 ago

yes- pure narcissistic meaningless elitism!

HunkaHunka ago

what absolute BullShit that she only has $500 million.

That family has owned and controlled the world for AT LEAST 500 years.

It still owns $33 trillion worth of land alone

Look up "Queen Elizabeth is the world's largest land owner"

Windsor Castle is 1000 years old. They NEVER 'declined and fell'. It 's absolute BULLSHIT

They assassinated JFK like he was nothing but an idiot for defying them.

Interesting facts about Windsor Castle:

keepthefaith ago

I wonder what the real story was about the Windsor Castle fire in 2002??

carmencita ago

I am so sorry for the pain you endured. It is so sad that there is so much of this occurring but good that it is now coming out. We must make it harder for these horribly perverted people to worm their way into professions that allow them to keep molesting our children. I remember something else happening at Sandringham. I believe that is the place where the Queen announced at the end of last year that she was sorry for the wrongs committed by the royals. It was immediately discounted and she was whisked away and put in hiding. Hmmmm. I think she may be doing some damage recovery. The Court of Brussels has charged her with crimes but the UK has taken no action. They also charged Pope Francis. Now the Court of Judges are investigating the charges of Fiona Barnett. They say it is so convoluted that it may take at least five years.

Dasistnichtsehrgut ago

Remember this guy who was found dead outside of Buckingham Palace -

Devious1 ago

It's not the first time

EDIT: The below is copy pasta from above website.

Why are the records of murdered 7 year old Christine Butcher closed till 2047 ?

Unsolved murder of Christine Vivian Butcher (7 years) at Windsor, Berkshire, on 8 July 1951.

This record is closed

Closed For 74 years Opening date: 01 January 2047

Why would those files from a murder in 1951 be closed for so long?

Who is being protected? What is being covered up?

MolochHunter ago

I recall now part of the mystery arounf the 'Jack the Ripper' scandal was whispers of a prince being the perp. I think we can reasonably presume a pizzagate connection, even before pizza was popular!

Devious1 ago

There's an article within the wikileaks files that mentions Jack the Ripper. Jack the Ripper is actually a collective of people and not just the one person. A little like the 'lask' (Long Island serial killer) which in turn makes it very difficult for them to be caught.

HunkaHunka ago

this little seven year old girl lived 30 yards from the Star and Garter hotel where Sugar Ray was training.

Sugar Ray Robinson was good friends with Sammy Davis Jr. ,

and Sammy Davis Jr. was a member of Queen Elizabeth's Knights of MAlta (she secretly knighted

him into that order) in the British colony of Malta.

Here is Sammy Davis Jr. with Sugar Ray Robinson:

Here's Sammy Davis in his Knights of Malta garb:

here's Sammy Davis with Queen Elizabeth herself:

Sammy Davis Jr. was also a member of the Church of Satan:

Sounds to me like the parents of the little girl Christine Butcher might have been in on this, some sort of satanic ritual murder perhaps?

Singleservename ago

A 7 year old girl raped and beaten to death then raped again. I'm nearing my limit of these stories they're soul shattering.

Sugar Ray Robinson implicated WTAF???

HunkaHunka ago

Interracial fishy pervert Queen Elizabeth has been rigging sports and music for her satanic stink fetish for sixty years at least. That's what you get when you let a perverted 27 year old nutcase have her own father murdered so she can take ownership of the world for herself and her cult of Greek jew occultists. Proceeded to spend her life interracially ass-raping her own race and murdering orientals.

ungpoop ago

That's crazy I never knew sugar ray Robinson was a mason and his wife was a co founder of a satanic church.

Dasistnichtsehrgut ago

Wow. Good stuff.

BerksResident ago

David icke has some interesting things to say about the royals in the biggest secret, also I think there has been more than one case of human remains at sandringham

HunkaHunka ago

Evidence linking Bill Cosby to satanic Templar child sacrifice cult:

Cosby lives across the street, literally right across the street, from Lolita Express' fame Jeffrey Epstein, who has an Egyptian sex cult temple on his private island near Puerto Rico. Mick Jagger lived right across Central Park from Bill Cosby at The Langham , beside Central Park (where Mia Farrow grew up living with mother actress Maureen O'Sullivan) and in his disco style song 'Miss You', he sings about shambling through Central Parks' huge gay pick up bushes area (right across the street from The Langham know as 'The Ramble;) approaching young boys , and also mentions Puerto Rican girls. ('Girls'. literally, not women I suspect.)
Bill Cosby knows many of 'Victoria's secrets' , that is for sure (Queen Victoria's satanic cult secrets) There's a whole untold secret story regarding black slavery and child sacrifice rituals Sammy Davis was a satanist and so was Sugar Ray Robinson, and they worked together on a film about boxing. Sammy Davis Jr. has high level connections to Queen Elizabeth, continually photographed with her , which is a very high honor. Alll of these 'Jr.'s' in the black boxing community and the black celebrity community . Sammy Davis. Jr. , Bill Cosby Jr., Willly Monroe Jr. , Ray Robinson Jr., Gary Russell Jr., etc., it goes on and on...there's something going on with satanic ritual births. Jewnior, Jewel, satanic ritual abuse, breeding experiments connected sex ritual cults Juno awards, jews. Sammy Davis converted to jewish. its well known that satanists in Georgia held slaves , and rumored breeding of slaves went on, and pertinent Haitian voodoo's extensive connections to slavery. The HEarsts are up to their eyeballs in this, with the royals at Central Park. Connects in with Greek Ishtar/Easter baby sacrifice rituals and the Greek Eleusinian Mystery rites. Cannibalism and torture rife throughout. author William Seabrook , famous cannibal and S&M fetishist lived right beside The Dakota at Central Park, and knew Aleister Crowley's whole circle in France, including Salvador Dali and Man Ray and the whole vampire cult at Central Park. The Astors were opium -running vampires who helped establish the Waldorf Method of Warldorf Schools , based on SRA trauma. The hymies and the kykes are euphemisms for the jewish vampires of Manhattan. the kykeon is the secret Greek blood ritual drink of The TEmplars, aka the Grail, the grail was the long sought secret blood pact rituals, its about sharing blood and sharing DNA via tranfusions, secret recipes for making it possible to transfer genetic memory from one to the next. monarch butterfiles pass on genetic knowledge via blood, royal bloodlines perfected how to transfer and reprogram genetic memory into others , cock sucking is one way , another is to consume the gut biome of the genetic elder, ie eat the esteemed genetic elder's feces and semen and blood and 'mix blood' via blood pacts and transfusions, its all genetic brain boosting going on, to share the gifted genetics of the elite more widely

keepthefaith ago

and the other royal palace grounds.....Balmoral being the most offensive.

Touchdown50 ago

They like em young so best bet its a 15 year old. I wouldn't doubt the royals had something to do with her death. Probably sold by a latvian human trafficking org.

zzvoat ago

Royal or elite human hunting party gone wrong? Someone forgot to remove the body?

keepthefaith ago

Jesus. Hunger Games.

derram ago :

Alisa Dmitrijeva: Sandringham estate New Year murder riddle victim? | Daily Mail Online :

Four Latvians jailed in UK for exploiting vulnerable migrants | UK news | The Guardian

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Singleservename ago

Very interesting, and tragic. As always it is the concerted cover-up that betrays the Nexus of Evil of child hunting elites.

By the way that net worth quote by Forbes is, well, worthless. Her fortune is many times £500mn.