shoosh ago

Martial arts would definitely weed the moths.

zzvoat ago

All satanic psychopaths have shooting energy coming out of their brains. It's their souls escaping.

huhhh ago

Just stare into her eyes on her twitter picture. There is certainly something mesmerizing about her.

RaspberryBeret ago

Did you know Leary was in the same jail as Manson at one point?

RaspberryBeret ago

Are you a sex therapist Eva?

shoosh ago

Interesting that you said slowness and attention. Recently on this forum I watched her interview from Sweden. She walked in slo-mo on stage, had to pick up the pace because it's limited time interview and commented on the slow motion walk. She is very attentive and she spoke of energy. I could tell you used this as a presence. All I could think of is that she is a energy vampire sucking it all up with a a straw.

People like the idea of controlling others and having power and control in their own environment and being the center power figure. No doubt these types draw to people like that like moths to a flame.

strix-varia ago

Oh, and so many people want to be told what to do and love being controlled without even knowing that they are.

shoosh ago

This is the truth. Some know they are being controlled and don't care. Some even prefer this.

This is aspect of groomed behavior shows up in child pedo grooming and is similar in all other areas as well. The world currently is like a TBMC lab on so many levels.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

It could go hand and hand with this vaccine video I found :

Truthseeker3000 ago

As I understand it the chem trails are nano particles that enter our bloodstream and stay there and "they" have remote control over them in our system so they can manipulate them. They go to our brains and can control and regulate our thoughts and emotions and make us do things we would not ordinarily do as I understand it. This is all happening to us right now. They can brain map us completely etc. Sounds far fetched and crazy but I now believe it 100%.

strix-varia ago

Yes and no one seems to want to tackle the chem trail world. No one will own up to it. It's all a conspiracy theory they say but we know different.

strix-varia ago

Yes ANYONE can claim these "tricks" but there are also people who do possess powers after years and years of practice.

bdiminishedminor7 ago

You know, I used to believe that too, a long time ago. But the more I learned about these matters, the more I have grown skeptical of these claims. I'm not denying "paranormal" powers exist, and that, indeed, there are (conscious) forces beyond our perception that we are able to call upon (I've had some uneasy experiences with these), but 99.99999% of what I've seen/experienced/read boils down to mind/neurological/ego manipulations that are usually so incredibly base, people simply cannot believe they can be so easily fooled.

And as for the "real" powers out there, I've personally concluded that these are just not to be meddled with. The problem is: we are only human, with a fragile human body, and a very crudely evolved tiny little human brain. And just like our bodies won't survive living on the moon, or at the bottom of the ocean, our minds are simply unable to cope with the vast information/consciousness/energy-matrix that conjures forth the illusion of the Universe we appear to exist in. Narcissistic occultists are keen to claim "divine" powers, and consider themselves Gods among men, but that is, of course, a pathetic and childish fantasy. No-one is a God, because we are physically, ethically, emotionally, intellectually, neurologically and spiritually not equipped to be a God.

In my experience, people who are actually capable of true "superhuman" manipulations, keep very very silent about it, and help humanity in silence. Vanity is, by far, the Devil's favorite sin.

strix-varia ago

I can agree with that, but I also think that the ones who are capable of such manipulations and keep very silent about it are not always there to help humanity. Not at all. What about CERN for example?

ArthurEdens ago

Scientifically proven before the science is done researching the data. The shooting energy allows me to come up with fantastic ideas like sleeping on a cot in a museum. Narcissistic lunacy

MrO ago

I don't know about you people but I sense a huge tranny vibe from Amy Berg..

Marina's favourite movie: (trailer), full version also avaliable on YT

Also, check that sweet little cut "Believe in magic, don't be affraid" at 2:00 here in interview with Amy Berg.

Amino69 ago

It makes sense why 'The Colour of Pomegranates' is Marina's favourite film, it is extremely Satanic conceptually. The blasphemous imagery and defilement of a Christ figure is indicative of the Jewish hatred towards Christianity and its moralism. Christ is regarded as anathema and also the essence of opposition to Jewish oppression and supremacy, therefore it is of the utmost importance to the Jews to undermine, denigrate and ultimately destroy his identity in the consciousness of the goyim. There is also a strong Khazarian cultural element to the film and if you know religious history, you will have encountered the name Sabbatai Zevi and the significant part he played in the development of our now debased and degenerate Western societies.

ben_matlock ago

fack, why oh why did i click on that trailer right before bed?? that is some nightmare-inducing, creepy ass shit.

i call BULLSHIT on ANYONE who tries to say that is 'art.'

Stknstnz ago

Pffft. I don't even need my brain. I shoot magical white energy from my penis almost every morning. It's thrilling. Maybe I should start an institute where young women just take blasts of my magic to their face?

Waltherchick3118 ago

For her sake, I hope Marina sharpens her energy shooting skills as it will be quite the task cutting through handcuffs... "Science!" Bleh.

shoosh ago

She's run to Sweden at the moment. Her recent Swedish interview stated that religious people didn't like her art and that could have caused Clinton the win. Her dark power must be a little unsure after all.

bdiminishedminor7 ago

Exactly! And, what's more, there are numerous non-verbal signals/stimuli that humans are very vulnerable to. Sure, our brain responds to language and logic, but our ability to deal with this information is, from an evolutionary point of view, rather "new". However, our nervous system has evolved over a long time, and is still highly susceptible to many different kinds of non-verbal stimuli: stimuli that will trigger a very powerful response: size, color, light, darkness, fear, smells, rhythms etc. etc.

For example, your nervous system will respond if a person much taller than you suddenly stands up. Even though you might not consider yourself intimidated on a rational level (maybe you know this person very well), your nervous system will trigger a short fight-or-flight-reaction. It's the reason why leaders always seek to build ever taller buildings, in which they wish to occupy the top floor. We cannot help feeling intimidated by people or objects or buildings that loom over our heads. These processes are hard-wired into our bodies; it's what occultists refer to as "lesser demons".

Many who study the occult will learn how to work with these triggers, and will discover how these triggers are used against us almost permanently. Go watch commercials, or visit any religious or political lecture/speech/service ... you'll find yourself bombarded with these kinds of triggers almost permanently. R.A. Wilson's "Prometheus Rising" offers a good read on this phenomenon.

EugeneNicks ago

So, then, what is internet trolling?

Godwillwin ago

Agreed. Now I understand why several of my highschool teachers spent a week on teaching us about cults and how to spot them in order to not get sucked into one. Our religion teacher touched on the topic first, which made sense, but I remember being annoyed thinking why is my civics teacher now teaching this, then the next year wondering why my history was, then being super annoyed when my literature teacher started up on cults. I now see that they weee good teachers who prepared us well

strix-varia ago

Just ask founder of Shambala Meditation, Choygam Trungpa Rinpoche (oh, he's dead now from cardiac arrest at 48, from being an alcoholic) and his sidekick Osel Tendzin (who died of aid/hiv, but not before giving it to a bunch of his students). Ask any older student of Trungpa about his drinking and they will say, "it's not for me to question."

shoosh ago

yes, I see it in most settings. The ''think create positive'' group takes this to programming extremes, for example, rather than identifying something along with its result, formulating a healthier approach to achieve healthier results at the root, many of these groups advise the person to turn off the part of their brain that views it as negative. It's all the persons fault for viewing it as negative, recommending that if you just think more positively everything will be better.

This compartmentalizes and causes people to be positive in the midst of negative, rather than getting to the root and changing it. It disorients a person similarly as if you were spun around in circles and brought to a stop, not knowing up from down, left from right. I recognize media propaganda and politicians plying the same technique by disorientating a person, keeping them focused on the positive thing, the acquisition of consuming more, or ignoring the thing that could be addressed and changed. Like you said, these leaders are usually hiding with drugs, sex or other types of addictive consumption, money materialism power consumption, to pretend they are happy and positive because they're busy denying and ignoring the real root of the issue, and standing up to make necessary changes or identification of what's really going on.

It's alive and well in politics and all types of belief systems. We have a large civilian population of ''don't ask don't tell', or the ostrich syndrome.

srayzie ago

Sounds like a cult leader

o0shad0o ago

Please use quotes around your post title next time, subby. I thought you had lost it.

ben_matlock ago

ha, yea thanks i noticed that immediately but, alas, unable to edit the title.

iamthepizzanow ago

Good call out and good reply. Things we need to see more of.

pbvrocks ago

These people think they are gods or something joke..they convince each other of their "powers"...would not be surprised if some supernatural ability...but if they could rule the world they would be, so minor at best...big G God made us good/evil..service to self/service to others..I think we will soon learn much more about that dichotomy...

34569875444 ago

This quote may refer to trauma based mind control (TBMC). It seems to be, that if TBMC is done to children they show higher alerted senses. Cathy O'Brien referred to that, too, I think. It is visible with photographic memory, f.e.. Another example is, that people having endured TBMC have a much better perception. You may think of it as like the brains filters for perceptions are altered somehow. One result may be, that if you look at something, the normal organized brain switches off 90% of the perceptions, i.e. in the woods, you would perceive only the trail and some details of some plants. While your eye catches much more. It catches details of every plant, of every corn of sand of the trail - you get the idea. Most perceptions the brain deems unimportant (distraction) and shuts them down therefor. A brain of one suffered TBMC or other severe PTSD may be normally under such a high degree of stress, that it filters out much less, to provide the brain with information to compute, in order to not have to process the TBMC state of being. Many ppl suffered TBMC have high abilities in many regards. It looks like as if the brain simply gets used to processing more information to avoid the processing of the endured TBMC.

At least that's what I made of it.

shoosh ago

TBMC is alive and well in government. These politicians have the ability to reduce inflation and provide a ratio of living wages, but they don't.

They have the ability to provide healing medication, but they don't. I just read the Marijuana Manifesto to see how the political powers could use high ratios of cannibidol to cure most illnesses, but instead they illegalize it until the patent comes up in a few years, at which time they'll use their pharma companies dominate synthetic cannibidol and pocket the assets as they've done in other incidents time and time again. Instead of creating a healthy food standard, they allow toxic substances to further destroy civilians. It provides the bases for TBMC.

They exchange the health of the citizens for their own money and power and they can't get either money or power unless they have people whipped into an emotionally confused frenzy while relying on them as doing the right thing.

Then they ply people with controlled propaganda and people bow their head and agree.
It's like the horrible story of the frog boiling in the water.... the frog is put in cool water and heated up gradually. When it begins to boil it can't jump out.

34569875444 ago

At least the ppl I have made contact with, that suffered forms of TBMC did all show advanced perceptions of some kind. Be it photographic memory, be it high social skills, or mind reading, or alike. Someone explained, that those children would develop high skills in reading body language and analytic skills of speech/intention in order to protect themselves if their handler/torturer enters the room to be prepared not to say something offending or act in any offending manner whatsoever. The expressed views are only what this logically could be. The quote from Abramovic just fits in perfectly.

equineluvr ago

"Someone explained, that those children would develop high skills in reading body language and analytic skills of speech/intention in order to protect themselves"

Just about all victims of chronic abuse possess this. It's called hypervigilance.

34569875444 ago

So, in conclusion this would fit as a hint that Abramovic has suffered some TBMC or other severe PTSD.

quantokitty ago

It's not her brain that's in question here. It's what's shooting out her ass that bothers me.

11-11 ago

thanks for this. we laughed

quantokitty ago

You're welcome.

carmencita ago

This is what too much money gets you. Bored, dazed and totally confused. Beyond sick in the head. They think because they have so much money they should be doing something that others are not. Something that costs a ton of money. That makes it acceptable. You are in that special club that no one else can get into. We have heard many times on here, They are in a club and we are not in it, Well they can keep their blood curdling and macabre pastimes. Her brain has probably been washed by MK Ultra. If that is the case, it does not even belong to her.

equineluvr ago

Her money did not do that to her.

carmencita ago

No, but the rich elite and eccentric crazies are all to quick to latch on to someone as bizarre as her. The more wacky she is the more they flock to her. They worship at her feet, like she is their high priestess. I believe she may have been created by the CIA to draw them in like flies to honey. Many MK Ultra Hollywood Robots are gushing over her as well.

Don-Keyhote ago

My gramma has a tumor in her head that she says send waves of shooting impulses sometimes and is uncomfortable. Ms. Abramovic has a more obtrusive one that impacts her functioning more. Just a theory xD

bdiminishedminor7 ago

Don't you get it? This is how power works. You claim some supernatural, superhuman power/knowledge/lineage etc. etc., like, for example, having a brain that shoots laser-beams, and lo and behold! Before you know it, sycophants crawl out of the woodwork, longing to be in your presence, cherishing your every word and obediently waiting in subjugation for your commands.

The power-trick is mindbogglingly simple. All you need is a narcissistic conviction that you really are the superhuman you project yourself to be, and your minions will automatically appear. Anyone who even had to deal with a true narcissist will understand this phenomenon, and will have pulled the hairs out of his head in rage and staggering disbelief at how an entire entourage of disciples will come to the narcissist's defense, in complete denial of any ratio or truth.

The speed at which a considerable portion of the human race is able to completely hand over its brain, intellect, mind, ego, body, fate, faith and money to a posing alpha-monkey, is probably one of the most problematic aspects of life on this planet.

Amyamy ago

well-said. it is the narcissistic-derived delusional believe and proclamation that you are special, in order to garner narcissistic supply in the form of fans and worshipers, so that you can believe you are superhuman. i see the same exact thing in these pop-stars who sell out to the illuminati... beyonce, gaga, perry, etc.

they are all scared weaklings inside.

blumeanie ago

tfw this is a perfect overview of religion in a nutshell.

strix-varia ago

Wow, you said it and the world is becoming full of narcissists especially through "new age crap". A lot of this began at the turn of the last century with Mdme Blavatsky and her circus of occultists.

Being a student of meditation, yoga and a couple of cults for many years, I am beginning to see it all in a whole different way. (No offense to the yoga/meditation people, do what you want). Everything is about bliss, letting everything be as it is, love, light and that bullshit, so that you can appear to be special, compassionate and loving and yet eternally ignorant of subtle evil behind it.

After reading about Crestone, CO (lots and lots of spirituals centers there), Agenda 21 and the vultures that go there I am totally suspicious of all of it now.

"they see the Baca, which they call ‘The Valley of the Refuge of World Truths,’ as the paradigm for the entire planet and say that the fate of the earth is at stake. Apparently, the Kissingers, the Rockefellers, the McNamaras, the Rothschilds, and other Establishment New World Order elites all agree as well, for they do their pilgrimage to the Baca- where politics and the occult- the New World Order and the New Age- all merge…..

Baca Grande also appears to be a magnet for military attention…. And reputedly is an active site for observing both UFO’s and spiritual manifestations."

nnfx ago

and your minions will automatically appear.

Found one:

On both sides, there are too many people who believe in that supernatural stuff THEY want to make us believe in. Many people really think that those people really get supernatural powers by sacrificing children or drinking blood, it scares me.

And I say this as a person who isn't even denying the existence of anything "paranormal". I just know, that mental illness' are real as well and this is what we are dealing with here.

equineluvr ago


Where do you guys think all the SUPERHERO crap that permeates movies, books, etc. comes from?!

rolltide26 ago

There is a good documentary about this on Netflix called Kumare.

The guy fakes being a yogi and gets all these followers that hang on his every word. He is even telling them in classes that he isn't what they think and that they have what they need to be happy, etc. They don't even hear him saying it because they are so bought in.

pbvrocks ago

Well said! We all need to "take a sec" and think before following the posing alpha-monkey! No matter how good it looks!

remedy4reality ago

She is an exceptional Satanist..

Just ask her, she'll tell ya.

acme2011 ago

Expect the unexpected is my motto these days. Not ruling anything out. But focusing on the cold hard facts. This will be on my back burner. Thanks!

Pokes ago

Six minutes after it was posted a troll popped on? Oh please don't let this prove some lizard lineage, this whole scandal/conspiracy is already too surreal!

PGIzRetarded1 ago

Yes, too surreal and insane and ridiculous. But buying into insane ridiculous conspiracy theories is what you conspiratards do.

remedy4reality ago

Hey Alefantis, are you bummed that Pegasus will never by utilized for chopping up kids, after all that hard work and investment?

iamcrd ago

I noticed this one and several others sound just like JA. lol

remedy4reality ago

it's the same guy and yes... I do actually believe it's JA -- if you want to shut him down, just bring up Pegasus

DarkMath ago

It's OrganHarvestGate.

Bee tee dubs, what do you want on your fried Gonads? Extra cheese?

redditsuckz ago

From the undercover Planned Parenthood videos they said that "gonads" was the most requested baby body part...

equineluvr ago

This one says others, including LIVER - 'Yeah, liver is ..."

Pokes ago

Oh fuck, I wish I hadn't googled that. Great, these fucks atop the pyramid are in a real win-win situation here; either the existing system of trafficking, harvesting, prostitution, blackmail and control/profit continues to their enrichment or they tank the public's faith in the institutions of state upon discovery so badly that it just pushes us closer to one world government. These Hegelian fucks think they're brilliant. The reason it provokes so much professional trolling is because shitheads like Alefantis, Brock, and Podesta know that they're the patsies whose head will fill guillotines if the public ever clues in.

DarkMath ago

PGIsRetarded remind me again why you think Pizzagate is only about James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong.

I could have sworn we explained there's more to the story. No?

Haiti, Organ Harvesting, Brownstone Ops etc etc

palmitespo910 ago

It is driven by flawed reasoning, confirmation bias, and complete lack of common sense

You haven't looked much into this subject, have you mister.

PGIzRetarded1 ago

Oh I bet I looked into it more than you, mister.

DarkMath ago


We changed the name to OrganHarvestGate.

Now run along, your mother's got your breakfast ready.

abortionburger ago

Ask and ye shall receive

abortionburger ago

1 banhammer, coming right up!

DeathToMasons ago

Yoiu got no game troll. Poof! be gone!