Orange_Circle ago

Thanks so much for this post! I stumbled across his book and started reading excerpts and his blog and I was amazed and so heartened to find that, "he gets it!"

The American Bar Association Journal gave the book a great review so I'm hopeful that the pendulum is swinging back to the side of truth and justice.

ben_matlock ago

No, thank YOU for finding this and bringing it to our attention. We WILL prevail in this fight against such horrific evil...we must.

Piscina ago

That article is about those accused being the victims. Ugh

Orange_Circle ago

There is a great review of the book at In the American Bar Association Journal Winter "16 issue.

Also, his blog refutes a lot of false information.


ben_matlock ago

Will do, in the meantime that huffpost article apparently gives a nice glimpse of the book's thesis.