Orange_Circle ago

I agree with you.

But I think he's easing it into the nation's consciousnesses with the recent articles.

The pendulum had swung so far out due to the pedophile-friendly media painting anything of this nature as a witch-hunt that he's going at it slowly to bring things back around.

Orange_Circle ago

Hey, that was a fascinating post of how things went down over the election cycle! I'm glad you wrote it.

Orange_Circle ago

Thanks for posting that!

Orange_Circle ago

I need to watch that.

I always thought her husband was a little hinky.

Haldelos ago

story is off drudge now?? ...

Orange_Circle ago

Was up almost all day yesterday.

alliecapone ago

Easing folks into it

Orange_Circle ago

Let's hope so!

crystalclearme ago

Nope- but for some reason that just reminded me of a hotdog stand here called "Haute Dogs" or something like that. Was in Kakaako but not sure if still there. I will check

madmanpg ago

I honestly don't think so. Weiner's bullshit has been public since just before the election. It wasn't a covered-up story, really. Every major outlet at least gave it lip service.

If you know anything about Anthony Weiner, you know he's reckless and incompetent. When he was in office, he was a loony liar. He always came off like a dipshit, which is why he eventually got jacked from office over his idiocy. I think he bought himself a place in the circle by convincing Huma to marry him, but he was never in any real position to know what was going on or given the keys to any special doors. They'd be smart enough to know he was a liability. I think he'll go down like Denny Hastert, because they don't give a shit about him. He's worthless to everyone. He's garbage that is only connected by a thread.

Orange_Circle ago

What I mean is that the media will make a big deal out of his tawdry, but somewhat small crime while they let the murderous Clinton cabal walk.

RexAxisMundi ago

Connected by 650 thousand threads to the whole shitstorm that pedogate encompasses.

smokemirrors ago

mommy weiner had to pay for his rehab.

shoosh ago

I'm not assuming he'll do nothing. I'm saying that historically thorough investigation has not been fulfilled. There is too much to scum to protect, as was noted by Senator Grassley in Project Flicker.

According to the article it sounds like history repeating itself as they ping for the public's response so they can see if the option of dropping charges will be accepted publically by ''those familiar with this.''

It's naive to believe that Sessions will not try to protect those in higher positions, or drop it because of pressure, as Senator Grassley had to do, because exposure didn't happen in project flicker and Grassley got zero public assistance to support him.

While you wait idly for Sessions to do something the chance passes for the public to make a strong position, and they sweep it along unnoticed amid the other noise. By the time you figure out that it's dismissed or not thoroughly investigated by nonpartisan parties it's over and finished.
Then you have to either put up with the results or fight to protest, like the democrats are doing now to protest something they assumed would work in their favor 2 months ago.

No wonder this world is a f'up. We learn nothing from history and it repeats itself over and over - sometimes in the same month.

shoosh ago

What can we do? We can't just sit back and wish these people will have the best in mind cause we know that there are a few they'll want to protect. Think: shelving Project Flicker.
That alternative hasn't worked out well in the past. If we were grouped back then we could have supported Senator Grassley.

What if we arrange a shark lawyer to represent this and get a crowd-fund going to support it.

I don't trust that any of these politicians, or FBI or CIA have a priority of representing this fairly or non-partisan.

IMO, if we don't represent this we're not generating enough action.

doubletake ago

he's gay, so maybe he has partied in overlapping circles with these folks, not knowing that they are pedos?

Orange_Circle ago

I suspected that, but I'm hoping that he's just a regular gay, not one of the teeny bopper chicken hawk pedo gays.

smokemirrors ago

gay? evdence?

Orange_Circle ago

I think he is. He has a long time live-in that he recently deeded a house to.

Votescam ago

Re the sadistic sex rituals at German Military Base -- See Kay Griggs/YouTube who disclosed similar types of sexual abuse within our own military quite some number of years ago.

More of the tip of the iceberg about what is happening here in the US -- and internationally.

shoosh ago

Prosecutors could decide not to bring any charges.

They're pinging to find the response from quote: people who are familiar with the matter.

If people don't react or care, they'll likely drop them.

If people show an outrage they would be pushed to take some type of action. The lunatic alt-left protest is quite a noisy cover as they quietly drop Weiner and the scum investigation by nonpartisan multiple investigators.

I think as a group we need to make a stand now to email the hell out of those in charge of this discovery probe.

Would anyone with decent writing skills (not me of course) be willing to set up a form letter and distribute it along with email addresses and/or phone number contacts on multiple mirrored ytube channels hashtag pizzagate, post to this forum and fbook pgate forums so we can spread word and email bomb them with our opinion and our response should our opinion not be honored.

This is the time to act on this. This is the time to demand a non-partisan investigation of all involved and open disclosure to the public. NO sealed documents allowed to cover up the scum at the top as they are prone to do over and over.

If a cover letter could be stickied so people could see it and get this spread. Now is the time to act on this to make investigative demands. They just communicated and we need to answer loud and clear and very, very specifically.

Could anyone get this word out to Steemit? I don't have a steemit acct.


Orange_Circle ago

Rand Paul. I honestly love the guy.

What about you?

I couldn't go for Cruz once his closest aide turned up in the Instagram pic wearing Cruz's suit jacket. They both knew better, with their cute matching Churchhill tattoos. Plus, he wasn't born here. We would never hear the end of that.

MyUSA2017 ago

Drudge Report used to be my go-to news source. Last year, his headlines were links to the mainstream media stories. No more pushing the envelope, no more breaking stories. I thought he had pulled back and wondered who got to him or what info they had on him. I hope he continues to expose this.

Orange_Circle ago

He did pull back a bit. I had almost stopped reading him completely and headed over to The Gateway Pundit. Trump was not my first choice at all, and I couldn't figure out why Matt was going to the mat for Trump.

I guess now we know.

Freemasonsrus ago

I have a sneaking feeling Drudge may pull a Monica Lewinsky type announcement when this comes down the pike re: the CF and all of the related (PG) cases. Ill be waiting for the tribunals with popcorn and a keg.

crystalclearme ago

I have 2 bottles of champagne ready. 1) for when ex/early retirement Honolulu Police Chief is officially indicted and 2) when the floodgates open on this

Freemasonsrus ago

Honolulu police chief?

crystalclearme ago

And I'm guessing his wife will be indicted at the same time or I will a bottle short ;-)

ObscureAcademia ago

I'll join you in a toast when the new world has been recognised as beginning.

crystalclearme ago


Freemasonsrus ago

So what the hell was the mailbox all about? Hard to believe that bizzaro case led to a federal case. Any rumors about what the root of it all is beyond just normal corruption?

crystalclearme ago

Imagine keystone cops where some are sociopathic thugs and the others are not the sharpest tools in the box and they all are either related by blood or by marriage. Basically set up and framed Katherine's uncle and used resources they should not have been using to do it. (Civil Rights!) And well...some other highly placed people are highly likely involved in some degree to other related similar massive corruption (RICO) but probably will go on to be elected again and again even though they can't win a single case and are bankrupting the state for a choo choo train.

Freemasonsrus ago

So, kinda like Puerto Rico? ;) What a mess that is. I do wonder if Gabby will be a good influence in helping clean up some of the ingrained corruption. At the end of the day though, the people need to vote rats out.

Freemasonsrus ago

Well I will just have to check that out :)

Orange_Circle ago

Can you imagine? What a day that's going to be!

Freemasonsrus ago

I will continue praying for the evils done in darkness to come to the light. That is when real battle lines will be drawn. When truth is exposed, who is still standing on the side of this lot? It will be very enlightening to many.

Orange_Circle ago

I just wonder if people can ever deal with it. I see so much craziness on Facebook, there are people that believe every single lie that the media puts out and they work themselves in a frenzy about straight up lies.

Freemasonsrus ago

Ya I almost feel sorry for them, (after my rage subsides), bc they have zero discernment.

Orange_Circle ago


Now that's a word people don't use enough!

crystalclearme ago

I keep using the word disingenuous and my friend says I am being too kind

Freemasonsrus ago

Because they don't have any! ;)

Gammi ago

I noticed his lack of reporting it too....he was always ahead on things like Monica I was disheartened when he did not mention PG.....guess he has just been waiting for the right time I hope.

Orange_Circle ago

It's looking more and more like he played it smart. Isn't that interesting? You know people have been leaking to him. He's had to have known for a while. Andrew Breitbart knew about Podesta.

Gammi ago

I am sure he is busting at the seams!

ich1baN ago

Yes he is... I actually have a relationship with Matt (online only). He's posted links that I've sent him in the msg box... I've been hand feeding him PizzaGate posts that I've made on here and other compelling ones over time... he obviously can't link to here b/c he'd be attacked by the shills as a number 1 priority b/c of the immense power he wields... he's playing the long-game on this one and is fully aware of the sh1t happening

Also... Ben Swann was following me on twitter for weeks before he posted his expose on PizzaGate... and I have no reason why b/c I don't have any connections like that in Atlanta and I don't live near there.... but at any rate I was posting a sh1t ton about PG on my twitter and perhaps he picked it up? Who knows.... but it pays to make an effort on this as you can see someone as random and insignificant in the grand scheme of things as me has potentially made a big impact with Matt and Ben... Godspeed everyone

Orange_Circle ago

Sometimes it just takes one person reaching out. A friend of mine saw a Vine by a reporter during the Ferguson riots of protesters verbally accosting a mother and child in Target but couldn't get anyone to cover it so he sent it to The Gateway Pundit and he Tweeted it and next thing you know it had over a million views.

ich1baN ago

Very interesting Orange considering Ferguson was funded by none other than the kingpin behind the curtains (my opinion) of PizzaGate, George Soros.

Orange_Circle ago

Oh yes, I completely agree. They sent Deray McKesson and his red shoes out there for a reason.

ObscureAcademia ago

There are good people in The Washington Times, trust me on that. Their article was objective as possible early on, it hurts them to know the scale of what is happening.

logjam ago

What is your twitter handle ?

Pablolove ago

What is your Twitter so I can follow you if you don't mind?

wrinkleddollar ago

When will this stuff break? The stuff in the pizzagate doc on youtube is waaaaaay too much stuff to be coincidental. we need an investigation and its only going to happen if its publicized.

veritatem_quaerens ago

Which doc are you talking about?

kryptoniankoffee ago

Weigh charges? Forgive me for reacting to the headline, but the only reason they should even consider weighing charges is if he's ready to flip on scum at the top.

Gorillion ago

Weiner is a weak link. I'd say they're doing a bit of legal theater to see if he'll play ball or someone else will come out of the woodwork to cut a deal before Weiner gets the immunity offer or whatever.

shoosh ago

could be why their weighing charges. They need to account for what scum could be flipped.

NetworkEngineer ago

I think Weiner has an advantage here. If he decides NOT to make a deal with the prosecution and go to trial, the laptop emails, which will surely be used as evidence, come into play. They can be introduced as evidence. I'm sure no one would want that ;-)

Orange_Circle ago

Whoa... he's going there. Bit by bit.

Haldelos ago

yep...If they pull on this string the whole thing may unravel. Also- he's a scumbag (obviously) he may flip on higher level people in order for a more lenient sentence...hope this happens!

SitelessVagrant ago

Flipped on his wife and Hillary. I think he's already turned witness. He's trying to save his own worthless self and that's why everything has been so quiet on this whole deal.

Orange_Circle ago

But will they use him to take a fall for the higher ups?

Haldelos ago

Yep- We're on the same page -I'm thinking the same thing. I'm hoping he's such a weasel that he won't accept that and won't take the full fall ...but in that case he likely ends up dead. He may end up suicided anyway...if they do pursue charges I'd get him under protection immediately cause that's a perfect time for him to... "suddenly become depressed and shoot himself twice in the back of the head to end it all"...when the general public would buy a suicide hook line and sinker.

Orange_Circle ago

Isn't it a shame that we live in a world where we know the Clintons can and do make things like that happen?

Anthony Weiner I understand. He was over-sexed and his wife was never home. I'm not excusing his sexting. But I understand a horny guy on the internet. And yes, if the girl was real and really 15, then that's jail bait. He should have looked for an 18 year old.

What I do not understand is the crimes of the Podesta's, Clinton's and Soro's of the world.

witch_doctor1 ago

Is it wrong that I think Huma is kinda hot?

FoxMcCloud11 ago

Not at all - smoke show

Orange_Circle ago

She does have a certain allure. But you know what I get of pics and video of her and Anthony together? She really loved the guy.

He might have loved her too, but he was probably on Adderall and that makes you go crazy for sex 24-7. Plus in general he's pervy, like a teen who grew up thinking sex in real life was going to be like the porn on his cell phone.

witch_doctor1 ago was like a 10 was dropped into Eddie Haskell's lap and he had no idea what to do with it. But with Eddie Haskelll the cell phone porn was more like Nat'l Geographic and the Sears Catalog.

BTW, Joe Rogan had a funny podcast talking about Weiner should go into stand-up because he is emotionally damaged and an asshole, which is where most good comedians begin.....he could start off in prison just like Joey Diaz.

bopper ago

Fifteen will get you twenty we used to say. "San Quentin Quail." My buddy was given 30 years. (Old buddy.)

Haldelos ago

Preaching to the choir, brother...There is a part of me that thinks Weiner is just a sexed up jackass like you said who can't help himself. He's a nobody...I'm hoping this will lead to the other bigger fish...The original Podesta emails got me hooked on this...when I see Podestas name in a main stream media article about this THEN I'll pop the champagne.

Dressage2 ago

Read somewhere that he and Huma both are cooperating with law enforcement otherwise known as singing like canaries!🐥

roundhouse1776 ago

Huma is between a rock and a hard place. If she goes back home to Saudi Arabia they may just see her as a loose end and execute her. On the other hand, the US could try her for espionage and treason.

The_Invincible_Moose ago

If she goes back home to Saudi Arabia...

Her credit card would be instantly declined and if she tried to show up at an airport, her passport would be confiscated and she'd be detained. She ain't goin' nowhere.

crystalclearme ago

Plus what about their child? Another victim of this

bopper ago

My feelings exactly, pretty obvious. He had the Wiener investigation in red headlines today for a while.

Orange_Circle ago

I'm sort of liking the way he making the Elite fret.

bopper ago

One day Drudge will proudly run the biggest headline of his career. Right? Right? :)

Orange_Circle ago

I think it would be hard to top what he started out with, Bill Clinton's sperm on Monica's blue dress.

I think the crimes Hillary is involved in are much worse, but I don't know if the world can really comprehend them.

crystalclearme ago

Better be good. Better be pictures (as even with pictures before their eyes there will doubters) .

Orange_Circle ago

The Left is so unhinged with The Donald keeping out terrorist for 90 days can you imagine what they'll do when the CF is exposed?

The Left is in a position now where to save face they will be ok with pedophiles and human trafficking.

bopper ago

Yeah, right on both points. I always forget that's the story that 'made' him.

Orange_Circle ago

I understand that his security is tighter than Trump's.

Speaking of Breitbart, I wish he was alive to see things now. Watching that video of him calling of John Podesta for being a molester is so much pure gold. He knew, and Podesta knew that he knew.

Sometimes I click over to the Conservative TreeHouse just to see their great header photo of Andrew.

He sparked a revolution.

witch_doctor1 ago

"Conservative TreeHouse" Great website with great posters...Sundance is a badass. I haven't been there much since PG kicked off...have they discussed PG any over there?

Orange_Circle ago

I have not been reading there too much since the election, but I think they are clued in. More than a few old school conservatives on Freerepublic are clued in also.

ThePuppetShow ago

When it happens "officially", the kids win. I can't wait!

Orange_Circle ago

I suspect that's why the Democrats are blocking Jeffery Beauregard Sessions.

ThePuppetShow ago

It's official? They're blocking him? Or, are you talking about the delay?

Scirel ago

As I understand it it is only a delay at this point. Should get a committee vote tomorrow (Wednesday). But it still buys them more time before Sessions gets in. And I think he would need to clean house for yet a while (planting traps for leakers and such).

But my guess is Billary and the Podestas have a plane fueled and warming up the day Sessions steps in!

ThePuppetShow ago

It will certainly be interesting to see how many people go on "vacation" for a while.

Ioxvm ago

It won't matter where they run. Once wind of this gets out there will be NO place to hide for people like that.

ThePuppetShow ago


Orange_Circle ago

They are dragging their feet on purpose.

ThePuppetShow ago

Got it... I thought they found some Republicans with the motive to vote no.

Orange_Circle ago

You are probably so right!

I think almost everything Graham and McCain do is because they know someone knows their secrets.

catslovejustice ago

ACTUALLY, Lindsey Graham gave a GLOWING review of Sessions and voted "yes" for him. It was the first time I could recall totally agreeing with the man. The only ones dragging their feet were dems at least while I was listening. The dems got so long winded I quit listening so I don't know what happened in the 2nd half of the hearing.

ThePoorPeople ago

motive or blackmail.

ThePuppetShow ago

I was thinking motive because of blackmail.

Orange_Circle ago

Yes, he did play it smart, didn't he!

I was outraged at first that he wouldn't cover it, but now I'm glad he didn't. I love the way he's playing chess with them.

Orange_Circle ago

Hey, if you click on this discussion, I'd appreciate it if (when time permits) you could take a look at the documentary "Boys for Sale" on Youtube.

It's from 1981 and several brave men and two news stations got together to bring this report that is vital to understand what's going on today.

One man involved in exposing these pedophiles was Professor Tom Philpot. He was "suicided."

And if you get a chance and would like a very through look at how the media covers up for child molesters, please take a look at "The Witch Hunt Narrative" by Professor Ross Cheit.

Melitica ago

Tom Philpott? As in UT History professor Tom Philpott?

Orange_Circle ago


ben_matlock ago

great find, orange_circle! about to purchase Prof Cheit's e-textbook on shitmazon. haven't read it yet, but looks to be an important resource for any serious PG researcher. has anyone tried to contact him?? he would seem to be an ideal ally. looking at his Brown University page, it seems the last classes he taught were in the spring of '16. wonder what he's been up to this past 8 months or so. actually, this might warrant its own thread...

madmanpg ago

And another one of them is Mark McKinnon, a guy who has been in and around the most powerful politicians for about 20-25 years now. I asked him if he could answer some questions about the documentary. He responded with a brief "Can't remember, sorry".

YingYangMom ago

He can't remember because if he does, he'll probably join Philpot to the grave.

Orange_Circle ago

He can't remember because if he does, he'll probably join Philpot to the grave.

Have truer words ever been spoken?

The only way they let people live (who come close to exposing them) is by gaslighting them and making them look crazy.


madmanpg ago

Considering his apparent education in the video, I'm of the opinion that he went along with them maybe to try to take them down...and got sucked in with them. One would wonder if these people have a "join us or die" philosophy regarding people they see as genuine threats.

YingYangMom ago

Yep. 'You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave' H. California lyrics comes to mind.

crystalclearme ago

I so wish Dr Philpot was still alive. I think of him often when I'm taking notes. Watching that documentary early on in is actually part of what made it all crystal clear to me. And yes unfortunately McKinnon isn't a hero in this story- perhaps he'd have a change of heart as the tide is turning and is not going to stop

YingYangMom ago

I can't blame him for not wanting to be a hero, though. He's in a very very tough spot and I can understand his reaction. That's why heros are called heros. It takes some real guts to stand up to these people.

Orange_Circle ago

Oh my goodness! Tell me more! Where is he now?

madmanpg ago

For one side, here's his Wikipedia article: For another, here's Breitbart:

About our conversation, there's little more to say. His brief yet firm dismissal of having any memory of the film signaled pretty hard that he wants nothing to do with us.

derram ago :

'Sadistic Rituals' at Elite German Military Base Uncovered by Der Spiegel | Heat Street

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