17996461? ago

Another night, another light.

good night friends. keep your heads up. we have work to do.

17994436? ago

Replying to remove spam from page.

17994437? ago


17993301? ago

y'all nazis retarded

17990281? ago

Could someone identify all the people in this image? i'm aware of about half of them

17991224? ago

The fact that they included a zionist freemason like Breivik and the Ryder truck from an obvious Mossad false flag always bothered me.

17990280? ago

(J)ust because y(o)u have an op(in)ion does(n)'t m(e)an that (i)t is a valid o(n)e, because your opinion (c)an be wrong and w(h)en you h(a)ve a wro(n)g opinion others may follow it(.) Learn to (com)pare and contrast opinions.

17990279? ago

My question that doesnt deserve a thread: how much do you think all the bugs in this hive get compensated to sit here and bullshit with us all day? Must be a huge waste of soros' shekels trying to consensus crack after hes done so much demonstrably positive things for the country; in vain attempts to split trumps' voting base come 2020. heres a local bug from an online hasbara hive that im pretty sure works here, /pol/. enjoy

17990284? ago

We don’t support Trump, you fucking retarded piece of shit. Go back to reddit and suck off your ZOG emperor there.

17990282? ago

after hes done so much demonstrably positive things for the country


Back to plebbit, trannypede.

17989229? ago

I'm new on 8ch/pol but highly support on the ideology that the people here follow. I'm a bastard result of race-mixing 19yo (half Hellene, half polish) baptised as a Cristian Orthodox. I received Greek education. I awlways felt off around my people, /pol is now home. What are your thoughts about me do i fit in here or will i be purged along with the other Greecucks.

17987257? ago

Hi, I'm really uneducated and I don't want to be. I posted a thread last night and got shat on. My thought was that exterminating the whites would solve a lot of the problems in kebab removalist's manifesto.

Where do I find readings on world and American history that aren't tainted with propaganda? I don't want to read KKK propaganda but I don't want to read my college history text either. I want to hate Jews for the right reasons.

17987259? ago

I posted a thread last night and got shat on. My thought was that exterminating the whites would solve a lot of the problems in kebab removalist's manifesto.

You deserved being shat on. Kill yourself.

17988225? ago

I don't know how to express that I'm being genuine but I think you're getting worked up over semantics.

I think that there's a problem and I agree with you guys on most things (e.g. I think that there's some enlightened group controlling everyone and sucking value but I don't know whether it's the Jews), but I want to know what to read.

I've seen the /pol/ reading list but I'm not sure whether it's 4chan or 8ch.

17987255? ago

what is the name of the meme where there is a black hand over someone's face usually the hand is on the right hand side ? I keep getting blacked pr0n whenever i search for the thing.

17985246? ago

Did the captcha go down for anyone else over these past few hours?

I couldn't post anything

17982308? ago

unzip Beware_Of_Anti_European_Hate_Speech_In_Our_Schools.jpg

17982309? ago

$ unzip Beware_Of_Anti_European_Hate_Speech_In_Our_Schools.jpgArchive: Beware_Of_Anti_European_Hate_Speech_In_Our_Schools.jpgwarning [Beware_Of_Anti_European_Hate_Speech_In_Our_Schools.jpg]: 133332 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile (attempting to process anyway)replace BEWARE OF ANTI EUROPEAN HATE SPEECH IN OUR SCHOOLS.jpg? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: A inflating: BEWARE OF ANTI EUROPEAN HATE SPEECH IN OUR SCHOOLS.jpg inflating: BEWARE OF ANTI EUROPEAN HATE SPEECH IN OUR SCHOOLS.odp inflating: BEWARE OF ANTI EUROPEAN HATE SPEECH IN OUR SCHOOLS.png inflating: BEWARE OF ANTI EUROPEAN HATE SPEECH IN OUR SCHOOLS.pptx

17979960? ago

is Russia Insider based?

17980315? ago

Do you have original thoughts and critical thinking?

17980317? ago

yes i have some of those

17978708? ago

How can a faction accelerate the US civil war to happen this year?

17987253? ago

Organize together enough /pol/acks, make your demands known, and be prepared to win a military victory if you got the numbers and the arms that will change America forever?

17971286? ago

Is this even legal in the US?

There is no obscenity laws, public morality laws or child neglect laws in this country?

17972530? ago

Is this even legal in the US?

Yes but only if you're a Jew or a part of the (((club)))

There is no obscenity laws, public morality laws or child neglect laws in this country?

Not after the jews totally took over, no.

Pizzagate and jeffrey epstein only serving like 2 months in jail and getting out on a deal instantly even though it was proven in court that the sick kike molested and pimped out dozens of underage victims is enough proof of that. If he weren't a Jew and if he weren't using little girls as sick puppets to entrap politicians on his "services" like the "lolita express" he'd be serving life in prison.

17978071? ago



Missouri to make guns the new weed.

All federal acts, laws, executive orders, administrative orders, court orders, rules, and regulations, whether past, present, or future, which infringe on the people’s right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States I and Section 23 of the Missouri Constitution shall be invalid in this state, shall not be recognized by this state, shall be specifically rejected by this state, and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in this state.



17971290? ago

There is no obscenity laws

Yes there are.

public morality laws

Yes there are.

For unknown (((reasons))) they're never applied.

17969908? ago

Are YouTube "hate speech" bans worth trying to appeal, and if so, what is the best way to do it?

17971283? ago

How do you get one, by publishing content that's hateful or saying nigger a lot? I've said nigger kike tons.

17971285? ago

Content. It was mostly all critical of jews and Israel, but not in such a way that I would really consider "hateful".

17963275? ago

Whoever /pol/ BO Permissions, Please Uncheck This Box

Why should reposting files be prohibited on /pol/, a 25 page board of 751 reply threads where files are likely to be posted multiple times? I could see the argument for prohibiting reposting files within a given thread, there's a separate checkbox for that, but having this particular box checked is nothing but a massive nuisance for everybody.

17967033? ago

Codemonkey is never going to listen to you. Ever. This is not going to change.

17964610? ago

mods are niggers, jews and cancer


It is completely unnecessary and asinine to have to do that at all

17963278? ago

You are so obviously new it's funny. Just change a pixel and reupload dumbass

17964609? ago

why should we have to do that? just change the fucking setting

17964606? ago

Hey nigger, that doesnt work for videos.

17960454? ago

HPV Vaccines. I'm so curious about them. Do they really cause more infertility?

17958934? ago

Is Julian Assange jew woke or is a fake?

17958932? ago

Are there any good books to learn more about the meaning behind the black sun? I find myself drawn to it and have it as my phone home screen but don't want to feel like a poser.

My girlfriend told her friend last night how it was on Brenton Tarrant's manifesto cover and they asked me what it meant. All I was able to give them was that it is an occult symbol.

17958936? ago

Read Miguel Serrano

17960457? ago

Start with Nos? I've seen him/that book mentioned in the Fisher King thread.

17956795? ago

Im wondering, and perhaps its childish, but have niggers actually ever won a war against a race of non-niggers?

17956792? ago

100th anniversary of Adolf Hitler's birth - Spanish with English subtitles

The Spanish organization CEDADE put on this demonstration in downtown Madrid, the capital city of Spain.


17956790? ago

I will shitpost until I die. There is no person, principality or force in the human world that can stop me. Nigger nigger nigger.

17956788? ago


17956784? ago


17956786? ago

Vagen bobs

17956782? ago


17956780? ago

What is the current /pol/ approved browser?

17956783? ago

Undiscovered truths silently floating by like moonlit clouds over a snowy valley.

17956774? ago

Hello /pol/, /cow/boy here. Why is this board so lame? I’ve noticed an uptick in /pol/acks on our IBS sticky and one of them namefags and sends money to Nick Fuentes. We just want to laugh at all cows regardless of what their dumb political opinions are. Keep your spergs in check.

17956777? ago

t. organic self-reference

actual spam

17956767? ago

How do we find what percentage of transgender hormones are produced Teva, a company in Israel.

17956764? ago

Why are Jews causing all these problems? It's so obvious that it will lead to being kicked out yet again.

17956773? ago

Because they're getting better at it.

17956761? ago

/pol/ I need your help, I have a sister who's never had a boyfriend despite being attractive (objectively, for a female), and she also claims to be a virgin (though that is now debatable).

I was proud of her since it seemed that she was saving her first time for marriage, but recently I found out that she's a dyke and has been munching the cunts of her female friends since she was 14 (that's friends, plural, and not just her BFFs either).

I hate her so much now, and she says it was hard to tell me because she "knew how I was", but she was being a promiscuous slut while pretending to be all traditional (though she still insists homosexual sex isn't sex).

Now she's telling me she never wants to be in a heterosexual relationship, and "wants to keep her v-card forever", meaning she want to continue dyking with multiple other women, in some cases, she's done it with strangers, in some cases, she received gifts and favors after the sex.

It gets much worse after I discovered how to access some writings she's been posting on a couple sites (she was hiding her account'e existence from me but I discovered everything by getting access to her chats with her "friends").

I found that she's been fantasizing about younger girls, by which I mean, she's a self-described "pedohebephile" who prefers legal jailbait, but who has written out stories inspired by her fantasies of lesbian sex involving girls who aren't even ten years old yet (youngest girls in her stories was only 2), she's also written quite a few stories of lesbian incest as well.

I confronted her about this too, and she says it's just fantasy and she would never do anything with a real child.

TL;DR I was proud of my traditional sister until I discovered she was a complete fucking degenerate, now I understand the appeal of honor killings to save face. (BTW, I'm NOT going to kill my sister, who lives at a college halfway across my country from me).

I want to shun her, but we are having an annual family meeting soon this year, maybe I could publicly expose her by sharing her chat logs and admitted past behavior with the rest of our family. I know for a fact that this would destroy her, considering the generally proud and traditional nature of our family life.

It's going to be two sets of grandparents, uncles and aunts, our parents, our siblings, our nieces and nephews, our cousins, everyone. Even some of the family's pets will be brought there.

Depending on individual schedules, we will also have a few family friends.

I want to do this in such as way as to inflict maximum damage on my perverted slut of a sister, while also keeping me safe from appearing to be the bad guy, I promised my sister not to tell in exchange for a full explanation of her actions (I wanted to know just what I was dealing with), but I owe her dishonorable ass exactly nothing now that she' s betrayed me.

She also thinks I've betrayed her by reading the chat logs of her private conversations, the bitch, I felt guilty doing it, but I found quite a bit that I should have known about, better yet, about sit she shouldn't have been doing. She also says she's not going to stop, so she's unrepentant.

Fucking cunt, I'm ashamed to be related to her, how could my genes and my upbringing produce such as deceitful degenerate like her.

Although I acknowledge that if I WAS degenerate, I guess I'd be over the moon at having a sister who is a perverted, promiscuous, lesbian that actually enjoys the lezzing and isn't fat or ugly.

This is 100% real, not a fantasy, not a troll, and not copypasta.

Help me blow this bitch the fuck out, will provide additional info (that does NOT identify anyone) if asked.

17986177? ago

Dude just dox her and give out the logs and stuff to random men and get the pajeet and incel squads harassing her 24/7. That will do this situation justice.

17986176? ago

Sounds like she needs corrective rape.

17963272? ago

Hey man, if you’re not part of the solution (ENDING degeneracy), then you’re part of the problem. Period.

17963270? ago

All its gonna take is your sister crying on time and your gonna seem like the asshole no matter how "traditional" your family is just don't do anything but cut off contact with her.

Just don't stand on the picnic table reading out her lesbian sex chatlogs it will just hurt everyone in the family and they will blame you I worry.

If your dad is the kind of guy you can really really trust give all that you collected to him and ask him on how to deal with it and let him talk to your sister.

17958929? ago

Give me her number

17956760? ago

Who else torposts?

17956754? ago

Does anyone have crossbows tutorials, guide, plans, etc etc?

Im planning to build one

17956756? ago

Are crossbows illegal where you are?

Where I am, I can just buy one.

17956758? ago

I live in a third world country.

Crossbows in Argentina are not illegal(not for now at least) but we are future Venezuela/zymbawe.

I could buy one if i save money for… 3 years? If i can get a better payment job.

TLDR: I LIVE IN A FUCKING POOR COUNTRY, I CAN BARELY AFFORD FOOD FOR NOW. The riots are coming and i need atleast something i can make in my home.

17960459? ago

How much money would I have to send to you for you to buy a GoPro and some decent weapons and would you film your heroics after?

17972532? ago

If you hypothetically do it. And i hypothetically bought boom-booms. It would be to start a local militia Northwestern Republic-style.

Cuz i prefer(hypothetically) to start something than a lonewolf attack, because in my country it just wont have any effect.

And i would need a lot of money, hipothetically. Because everyday in here it gets worst.

Thats why i ask for tutorials and how-tos.

Of course all of this hypothetically speaking. Cuz im gonna use the weapons for sports and hunting really :^)

17986178? ago

Would approximately a thousand USD be enough to get your militia up and running?

17991225? ago

Hahahah yeah, no really. You should the exchange of money of our countrys.

Buy anyway, no thanks. Sooner or later im gonna buy a gun. Buy for now i may arm myself with i can make or found.

And regarding the militia, soon brother, soon. Im kinda in a situation like in the beginning of the Brigade. Its just a couple of friends.

17993297? ago

Bump for buying a gun, but never forget that your mind is the most powerful weapon of all. Anything can be weaponized, especially information (as 8chan proves so clearly).

17994439? ago

I know brother. Knowledge is power.

17993299? ago

And guns should only be used for fun, never for hunting. That's what bows are for.

17956763? ago

If you are muscular you should get a longbow, I would post a guide on how to make a bow but the JIDF doesn't allow me to post files.

17956769? ago

Not to much.

Im not tall, i have a little bit of military training and I try to keep what i gained in the army improve myself but i dont know if a bow will workout for me.

Im 5'6 so… Waya think?

17956748? ago

Does there exist a job that requires little no effort? Minimum wage jobs these days require some amount of brainpower and effort, I'm talking ZERO effort, no killing myself lifting, no worrying about anything just bottom of the barrel work I'm the laziest sack of shit you'll ever know, I'm so detached from society I want nothing to do with it I just want to make a little money. Janitor is too much for me and not worth cleaning shit.

17956757? ago



Just do a little work to buy yourself a GoPro and pull a Brenton and NEET it up in the psych ward or prison. They will take care of you there and you can read books and play games with the patients/inmates.

17956749? ago

Kill yourself, degenerate.

17956750? ago

Believe me I'd love to kill myself but am too afraid and it'd upset my parents.

17956752? ago

A jobless, lazy sack of shit like you? They'll be relieved to have your financial burden off their backs. Do them a favor and pop yourself in the woods rather than their basement so they don't have to waste what's left of their currency on a fucking cleaning service.

17956753? ago

That's my plan going into the woods. I think I'll just do that, your words encouraged me.

17956741? ago

Test 2












17956770? ago


Do this shit on:


17956772? ago

Don't tell mossad and the plebbitors about the other boards.

They out themselves when they do stupid shit like this

17968285? ago

Anon speaks wisdom.

I stand corrected.

My apologies, /pol/.

17956743? ago


17956737? ago







17956733? ago

17956735? ago

point of image?

17956728? ago

Realistically, what's the future of Europe and the West? Please avoid overly pessimistic or optimistic views, tell me based on recent events.

17956747? ago

Realistically, what's the future of Europe and the West?

White minorities in every nation on Earth before 2050. Whites extinct before 2100.

Please avoid overly pessimistic or optimistic views

Please kill yourself, you fucking child. You want happy fun times, go back to reddit.

tell me based on recent events.

No one's doing a goddamn thing to stop white genocide, so I just did.

17956744? ago

national identities in core "NWO" states are removed

those states are run by largely unelected officials (EU)

no national identities means no opposition to country being reorganized

"reorganized" includes importing immigrants that will work for cheap, driving down wages

also means race mixing, diluting language, religion, further destroying national identities

immigrants encouraged by 1. weaker borders 2. more wars that will create refugees/immigrants

EU will encourage nationalism in peripheral proxy states though. 1 nazis in eastern europe. 2. jihadis in middle east

countries like china and us encouraging turning EU into a homogeneous low wage factory 1. because profitable 2. prevents competition by destroying what makes europe europe

17936716? ago


No it was written by the jews to trick jew-haters in communismus because some russians saw „jey every communist is also jew“ but the book changed matter to „the jew dont like this communsmus, i better help Revolution to destroy power of jew in my russia“

17936714? ago

Not a question, just a quick dank shitpost for you niggers:

be a queer socialist feminist

speaks in Californian

<"How could I have been so blind. McDonald's is the savior of the oppressed all along! The one true hero of the fat, queer, socialist, non-binary proletariat! Comrades, it is time for us to bring down the capitalist-imperialist empire of toxic exercise and fitness culture, along with all the other forms of discrimination! Long live the Queer Socialist Republic of Diabetessia!"

5 seconds later after walking down the stage

<feels a knife stab-like sensation on the chest

dies of a heart attack at age 25

17936250? ago

Would a capable artist (or somebody who has 9000 hours of MSPaint experience) be able to create a comic around clown world where

inside a fun house full of mirrors

tfw isolated

shatter the mirror

another tfw isolated behind the broken mirror

shatter the clown world hall of mirrors, reunite with your brethren

I can't due to obvious torfagging reasons. Putting the idea out there.

t. ideas guy

17935650? ago

17934058? ago

To prevent raids against this board, the number of threads that can be created per hour has been limited. Please try again later or post in an existing thread.

To prevent raids against this board, the number of threads that can be created per hour has been limited. Please try again later or post in an existing thread.

To prevent raids against this board, the number of threads that can be created per hour has been limited. Please try again later or post in an existing thread.

To prevent raids against this board, the number of threads that can be created per hour has been limited. Please try again later or post in an existing thread.

17934056? ago

When the fuck will i be able to post a thread? Do i have to be a shill to get a thread posting permit?

17928608? ago


This is driving me nuts because I know I have it and it wont turn up in keyword searches.

Which Pierce broadcast is about the Grey's Scouts member who fought the nigger horde off for hours in Rhodesia, who had his leg shattered by being shot and bandaged it to continue fighting until he lost consciousness. I thought it was Patriots Choice, or Cowardice and Individualism but it doesnt seem to be either.

This is a full pdf of all or most of Pierce's broadcasts.

I imagine the one you were looking for was 'To Be, or Not to Be '

In the face of the overwhelming numerical advantage held by the Blacks, Black ineptitude is not enough to save the Whites of Rhodesia from their enemies, unfortunately. As I reported last Saturday, on Tuesday of last week, a Black mob murdered Martin Olds on his farm near Bulawayo, Rhodesia's second-largest city. The 43-year-old White farmer knew that Black mobs were operating in his area, and he had sent his wife Kathy and his two children, 17-year-old Martine and 14-year-old Angus, to stay with friends in the city. Olds was a former member of the Grey Scouts, Rhodesia's elite anti-terrorist unit, before his country surrendered itself to Black rule in 1979. His neighbors considered him completely fearless. Ten years ago, when a friend had been seized by a crocodile, Olds had leaped from his boat and wrestled the crocodile in order to free his friend.

Olds was alone on his 12,000-acre cattle farm when a mob of 70 armed Blacks attacked his farmhouse early Tuesday morning. He telephoned the police station, which was less than ten minutes away, but the Black police didn't show up until five hours later, after he was dead and the attackers were gone. Olds defended himself with a shotgun and a hunting rifle, and he wounded several of his attackers. He himself was hit by several bullets, and the bone in one leg was shattered. He bandaged and splinted his leg and continued defending himself until he lost consciousness. Then the Blacks swarmed over him and beat him to death with clubs.

17928603? ago

This is driving me nuts because I know I have it and it wont turn up in keyword searches.

Which Pierce broadcast is about the Grey's Scouts member who fought the nigger horde off for hours in Rhodesia, who had his leg shattered by being shot and bandaged it to continue fighting until he lost consciousness. I thought it was Patriots Choice, or Cowardice and Individualism but it doesnt seem to be either.

This is a link to a full pdf of all or most of Pierce's broadcasts.


I imagine the one you were looking for was 'To Be, or Not to Be '

In the face of the overwhelming numerical advantage held by the Blacks, Black ineptitude is not enough to save the Whites of Rhodesia from their enemies, unfortunately. As I reported last Saturday, on Tuesday of last week, a Black mob murdered Martin Olds on his farm near Bulawayo, Rhodesia's second-largest city. The 43-year-old White farmer knew that Black mobs were operating in his area, and he had sent his wife Kathy and his two children, 17-year-old Martine and 14-year-old Angus, to stay with friends in the city. Olds was a former member of the Grey Scouts, Rhodesia's elite anti-terrorist unit, before his country surrendered itself to Black rule in 1979. His neighbors considered him completely fearless. Ten years ago, when a friend had been seized by a crocodile, Olds had leaped from his boat and wrestled the crocodile in order to free his friend.

Olds was alone on his 12,000-acre cattle farm when a mob of 70 armed Blacks attacked his farmhouse early Tuesday morning. He telephoned the police station, which was less than ten minutes away, but the Black police didn't show up until five hours later, after he was dead and the attackers were gone. Olds defended himself with a shotgun and a hunting rifle, and he wounded several of his attackers. He himself was hit by several bullets, and the bone in one leg was shattered. He bandaged and splinted his leg and continued defending himself until he lost consciousness. Then the Blacks swarmed over him and beat him to death with clubs.

17928602? ago

Does anyone have that cartoon of British WW2 Veterans parading down Whitehall past the Cenotaph

One of them is saying something like 'If we had lost the war we would have been invaded by foreigners' and another is saying 'Where's the Hun?'

And in the background there are a bunch of ethnics looking on

17927446? ago

we're being raided again. mods do nothing

17927449? ago

What “raid”? All posts are paid shilling, every day. /pol/ died 3 years ago.

17925029? ago

Give me the list please

17925031? ago


If you want evidence/proof I advise you to lurk moar.

>>12047938 this thread might be a decent place to start.

17926375? ago

God bless you

17925025? ago

what do the jews control

17925027? ago

Are you looking for a comprehensive list, or just the basics?

17922367? ago

Anyone have the meme something like "Whenever they tell you you're just a few radicals, remember" and it's Hitler at the Nuremberg rally?

I need to give some bros a bit of hope.

17922369? ago

Why bother? You (plural) won’t do a goddamn thing. We are just a few radicals. We can’t organize, we can’t coordinate. You can’t trust a single fucking one of us. This is the Internet, dumb fuck. Nothing here is legitimate.

17922371? ago

Calm your tit's there, Goldberg.

17922372? ago

you’re a jew because you posted facts that hurt my feelings

Go the fuck back to reddit and live in your fantasy world where whites are going to fight back.

17922373? ago

Nah, you're a Jew because you preach despair. Go and die then, if you think it's hopeless, we don't need you.

17922375? ago



You will never do a goddamn thing. Your friends will never do a goddamn thing. You just want to look at pretty pictures and masturbate to a fantasy. You’re going to sit on your ass and wait for others to do something, just like everyone else. Shut the fuck up and go the fuck away, redditor.

17922377? ago

Thinks Reddit is where Whites are fighting back

Thinks /pol/ should try to organize

Doesn't realize the internet is where it's happening

Still some blackpilled cuck who chooses hopelessness as his excuse to do exactly what he accuses others of

Go and die if you believe it's hopeless. We don't need you.

17923683? ago


You’re really proving your literacy right now. Enjoy never doing anything today, tomorrow, or any other day for the rest of your life. You know I’m right.

17923687? ago

Guess he ran away from this too. Even the most incompetent people on this site can do things to help. The next Hitler probably isn't shitposting on this site or the other one, but with our numbers growing the way they are then at least if there is another Hitler one day then he'll have plenty of support. Which is an encouraging thought, even if it ends up amounting to nothing.

17923686? ago

Muh strawmanning


Tell me, friendo, why have you not killed yourself? If it is hopeless, why do you endure?

17923688? ago

No, please keep posting strawmen. You’re not getting your pretty pictures. We’re not indulging your fantasies.


Cry the fuck more, redditor. I posted fact. It hurt your feelings. You screamed like an autist. Go back to reddit.

17923689? ago


I thought that might bring you back.

You're holding on to something. Something there is worth fighting for, and I bet you try from time to time. It's certainly not going to be as easy as it was last time, and past time was rather difficult, but it's no reason to abandon hope. You keep posting. What are you trying to prove? It's not just trolling cause you're clearly passionate about your blackpill.

17916575? ago

When will things hit the boiling point? 5 years? 10 years? 15 years? Whites just seem so comfy everywhere I've been

17915373? ago

I posted a meme here a while back and was wondering if anybody saved it?

It had two columns with merchants down the left side with glowing eyes and on the right side were a series of news stories concerning the Golan Heights. The first was about the discovery of abundant oil reserves there, the second was an article about how there was enough oil there to make Israel energy independent, the third was about how Israel has illegally occupied the Golan heights "for the duration of the Syrian war". If you saved it, could you please post it itt? I want to update it now that Trump has weighed in on the issue

17916576? ago

not saving your own memes

Sounds like a good one, hope someone has it

17915372? ago

Why is there so much censorship posts and threads being deleted, mods used to not care about shitty or perverted content at all. A change in the mod team again?

17915371? ago

What are good documentaries to watch about the Yugoslavia Wars and the illegal trial of Slobodan Milošević?

17913196? ago


The fuck are you talking about? I'm being serious.

17913193? ago

What's that one doctor book

the DHSM?

it shows what is a mental disorder or not

or was it the DHS?

i'm looking for the one that shows trannies are a mental illness

I'm trying to show somebody that not saying "they them" and shit like that isn't bigotry, it's retarded and refusing to acknowledge lunacy.

17913198? ago


17913203? ago

Thank you, gonna look it up now and hopefully the current revision doesn't say something retarded

17913206? ago

17913188? ago

Alright boys, I've got a couple simple ideas I want to get some feedback on.

  First is using "Bring Back HUAC" as a postering campaign, chant, meme etc. I think HUAC is something any right winger in the US can get behind, all of the milquetoast conservatives I talk to agree that McCarthy was right. This helps our cause by

A- pointing out jewish involvement in communism

B- Inciting anti-commie hate from cuckservatives

C- Exposing traitors who fight against the idea

D- pissing off pussies

Cons include it backfiring and actually being adopted whilst the lefties are in office and we have red scare 2- fascist boogaloo.

 Second is MUSIK. Almost everyone on this board is somewhat technologically and artistically inclined. I propose a call to arms if you will for some of yall to go download a freeware daw and learn production. Music is a great tool for spreading our message. Dr. Pierce thought so too and it has seemed to work great for the jews and lefties since the 50s. Just a couple ideas, feedback would be greatly appreciated. [ ](https://8ch.net/pol/res/12021208.html#q13098951)

17913191? ago


Why would we want the ZOG in charge of this. Why would you want MORE government. There has not been a single non-treasonous person in the US government since 1965.

17914033? ago

You're right. I don't intend for the idea to actually come to fruition, its just a meme to sow our oats

17911212? ago

Why do anglos (americans) do this? I honestly believe that misbegotten race was created and bred to serve jews.

17911214? ago


17909912? ago

Yeah I have a question. What should we call the political ideology of people like the trannies over as SRS and the like? I don't want to call them "leftists" because the left-right dichotomy is meaningless and should have been left behind in revolutionary France, "liberals" doesn't fit because a lot of them identify as communist etc. and even the ones who identify as "liberals" aren't really liberal, and they're not "socialists" because they're in favor of Woke Capitalism. Would "progressives" fit?

17911210? ago


17909910? ago

"It is better for Muslims to not adjust in non Muslim societies"

~Osama bin Laden, killed without trial for having an opinion

" Do you remember the good old days, when Americans were enjoying the blessings of security and peace, when the word 'terrorism' was rarely invoked, and when you were oblivious to any threats?… You were a nation at ease.

But America thought that it could threaten the lives of others, kill and invade, occupy and plunder, and conspire without bearing the consequences of its actions."

~Anwar Awlaki, killed without any trial for having an opinion

"We are not against Americans for just being American. We are against evil, and America as a whole has turned into a nation of evil. What we see from America is the invasion of two Muslim countries, we see Abu Ghuraib, Bagram and Guantanamo Bay. We see cruise missiles and cluster bombs, and we have just seen in Yemen the death of twenty-three children and seventeen women."

~Anwar Awlaki

"I couldn't forget those moving scenes, blood and severed limbs, women and children sprawled everywhere. Houses destroyed along with their occupants and high rises demolished over their residents, rockets raining down on our home without mercy.

In those difficult moments many hard-to-describe ideas bubbled in my soul, but in the end they produced an intense feeling of rejection of tyranny, and gave birth to a strong resolve to punish the oppressors.

And as I looked at those demolished towers in Lebanon, it entered my mind that we should punish the oppressor in kind and that we should destroy towers in America in order that they taste some of what we tasted and so that they be deterred from killing our women and children."

~Bin Laden, talking about America's terror

17956776? ago

You retarded TORfag, Osama Bin Laden was the leader of a Mossad/CIA-created group known as Al-Qaeda. The same group that has been terrorizing Syria along with ISIS to this day. They were told to fly over the Twin Towers by Mossad/CIA.

17908690? ago

What is France's realistic future? Is it only a pathetic, slow certain death?

17909902? ago

Frogs have nukes. Never forget that.

17909905? ago

Do Frogs even command France anymore? What difference does it make?

17909906? ago

If you're a Frog, and you're fucking TIRED, put on your yellow vest and go make some terror tonight.

17908674? ago

Can anyone kill this site? https://unfaircampaign.org/

17908676? ago

Eat shit.

17908684? ago

no u

17908687? ago

17908680? ago

Side note – whoever was responsible for McDrivin.mp4, literally email [email protected] and I will snail mail you $5 USD this very instant. Subject: Eat At Arby's

17907600? ago

Could somebody make a youtube/gmail account for me? I want to shitpost on youtube but jewgle requires I giveaway my IP and phone number to do that. Afterwards email the user and pass to:

[email protected].

If you do this, and it works, I will draw anything of your choice on MSpaint and post it in this thread

17908670? ago

My apologies, that last post should have read:

"make a gmail and message me you white coward - [email protected]"

Mods, feel free to prune, and thank you.

17908685? ago


Tried messaging you from the guerrilla mail account, probably didn't work. Anyway, I can't create a gmail, if I could I would be able to make a youtube account easy. The only means of communication is the guerrilla mail account, which google doesn't accept for youtube accounts

17908668? ago

make a gmail and message me you nigger coward

17907594? ago

be not white

going on my way to uni

see a """family""", white single mum and brood of four emaciated white kids who constantly pick fights with each other

they talk about grubbing each others lunch money

broodmother constantly tells the to stop to no avail

"the whitie cries as he hits you" they constantly hit each other while whining to their mother

thought about filming them and uploading, but that would be too cruel

they reduced themselves to such a level I actually felt superior to them for a moment.

So the question is, are you really trying to save them? Or is it a specific, fantastical white people that you are trying to save, a whiteness that existed in the 19th and early 20th centuries and in scattered communities like the Amish?

What are you even fighting for?

This country is being subject to Chinese imperialism/ colonisation and all that whites are doing are engaging in behaviour that is undoubtedly degeneracy. The Chinese will plunge Australia into a fucking bugman Dark Age. There is no meaningfully organised anti-Chinese force, whites are subject to a reverse opium war and this is the kind of behaviour they engage in.

How can you do this to your own race?

17907592? ago

Where did the Christian Identitarians//KKK/whoever those racist Christians who can read the Bible without cognitive dissonance are go? I want to know their doctrine so I can be Christian without being a jew worshipping zionist. I'm sorry I shilled Jesus as a jew like a retard. Please forgive me and help me become a real Christian. I'm begging you.

17907589? ago

Tarrent in his manifesto said he told the knights templar what he was going to do before he did it and they gave him a blessing.

Who is the knights templar in 2019?

I am a Christian and they seem interesting.

17928601? ago

Where can I get a decent English quran?


bump this question btw

17909909? ago

I've heard that Breivik had set up the group with some Serbian war veterans who were hanging out in West Africa. This is only rumors though, and it is pretty outlandish.

17906600? ago


17906597? ago

Why the losers and fagots loves Brenton Tarrant, he is a coward

17906599? ago

$5 says he's out free by 2020 given that he obviously didn't actually kill anyone.

17903229? ago

Alex Jones talks about Ten Guys Running a Train on his Jewish Wife


17904374? ago

17903222? ago

Prompt regarding resume. Let`s say I apply for the position of sales manager, so the employer is more interested to figure out, first of all, number of transactions I made during month, and how I managed to increase the amount of customers, and not about the projects I participated in. Is it? And should I order resume from https://craftresumes.com/resumeediting/ specialists?

17900971? ago


My German is too shitty to get through this book at the moment, does anyone know where I can find an English translation? Or if one even exists? This is the only digital copy I could even find, almost all mention of this story seems to have been memory holed.

17898023? ago

Hello, /pol/. I've been going through commie subreddits lately, if you completely ignore the blatant anti-White and degenerate rhetoric, you might realize something about them. Sometimes, I get the feeling that these people would have been actual National Socialists in another timeline considering how both Hitler and Mussolini hated liberalism and capitalism, if not for their hatred for the traditional family structure in which normalfag society calls "heterosexuality". It's just that they hate liberalism and capitalism for somewhat completely different reasons, reasons that tend to be filled to the brim with artificial identity politics. For example, they think the idea of advocating proper sex roles and a healthy lifestyle is somehow a form of "White supremacy" and "toxic masculinity". To them, this is a sign of "capitalism" "oppressing" them. I've figured they don't even understand these terms, try just use it to justify their sexual deviancy as "normal". I shouldn't normally praise them for anything, but I don't remember the commies of old wanting to "smash the patriarchy" in the name of revolution.

In truth, however, you could say their support for feminism, trannyism, and homosexuality should be a "reactionary" idea, considering how the Soviet Union considered homosexuality as a form of "fascism". These people are completely lost in the political scene, they fail to realize that most of their "comrades" aren't even part of the working class. If you remember Bahar Mustafa, it turns out her family makes £600,000 a month, more than the average Brit could ever make in his/her lifetime. Yet everyone around her considered her "oppressed" because she had a vagina. Western commies in my own understanding, are unintentionally supporting degenerate ideas that should be considered as a form of liberal secularism. They are the main followers of SJWism, after all. "Thin privilege" is apparently a thing now. In conclusion, they would have meant very well right from the start, it's just that they were too weak-minded to make better of themselves. In the case of one of their claims that "White people don't have culture", it's practically rooted on their blatant arrogance, ignorance, and stupidity. Because I guess Europe and the Ancient Greeks and Roman's never existed. In the case of their belief of "cultural appropriation", it's just simple intellectual inconsistency. They have no problem with non-Whites living in the West appropriating the English language, or any other European language like Spanish and French.

17899920? ago

Yes, anti-capitalists are usually either socialists or anarchists. I think you're strawmanning liberalism here. If you want to own the libs, you have to understand what they actually believe. According to them, women's oppression has less to do with capitalism per se and more to do with the fact that they were historically denied basic rights like being able to vote and go to college, and are still socially stigmatized in traditionally male-dominated jobs. It's kind of like how niggers were enslaved and then "separate but equal" until a couple generations ago. Even if today's cucked white man isn't the oppressor, it doesn't mean oppression wasn't historically real and the effects are still playing out.

17900972? ago

voting, higher education

basic rights

Those are what you mean by basic rights? Its a woman's basic right to shit up her nation by voting, and take a make-work job in exchange for throwing away her best years for reproduction. I knew this already, but did you?

17902079? ago

incel post

17902081? ago

Universal suffrage in my new nation with no age limit. All votes are public record and have your thumbprint attached and picture taken of you casting your vote. "Muh privacy!" Then don't vote.

17902082? ago

letting women vote

letting children vote

letting nowhites vote

letting non-taxpayers vote


17902083? ago

Divide & Conquer is what Jews do. Unite and Empower is what Whites do.

17903223? ago

Get out.

17903226? ago


Gentlemen, gentlemen, please. We're all Faggots here.

17903224? ago

no u

17899929? ago

Yeah damn, chilling at home with kids and making some food was just soooo fucking "opressive" right? W0www how hard they have had it for all this time! How could i have never realized /s

Because working 9-5 is such a great and fun time right? All that Instead of previously before "universal suffrage" being perfectly able to survive and live comfortably with many children on one single paycheck, instead of two people having to bust their asses.

The idea of universal suffrage was not an organic idea, it was a jewish idea created by JEWISH organizations like the frankfurt school and promoted in the JEWISH marxist culture war that has been waged against all white nations since 1960, virtually all prominent "feminists" were jews.

We are not equal, and there was no fucking "opression", it was all a lie to get double the "manpower". double the taxes, double hours worked for -50% pay, which naturally in turn means less children, less stability, the "gender war" phenomenon, which always means better for the jew.

Lmao, how women have been cheated. You've been so thoroughly indoctrinated to love the un-needed bondage of such duties as taxes and work.

17899921? ago

Natural Order, and Social Hierarchy are not "oppression", you gender studies hooker.

None of you will ever be equal, let alone "separate but equal".

Shut the fuck up, and get back in the kitchen.

Raise babies, and smile for your man.

17896670? ago


pls provide credible source and don't make shit up

I heard he was a bodybuilder. Does he have an archived body building forum account or something?

17896173? ago

==HOW TALL IS BRENTON TARRANT?== + credible source pls

17895248? ago

= I Encourage anyone here who wants to know why /pol/ exists and what it is trying to do and why there's so much hitler stuff on here, to watch this. https://europathelastbattle.wordpress.com/watch/ It will explain a significant chunk of why things are the way they are in the world, and open your eyes to the fact you have been lied to your entire life. Warning: This is a major redpill, once you learn the truth, you cannot un-learn it. =

17892919? ago

Why do fans of mainstream anime sound like they're all special ed students who can never finish a simple sentence or use any kind of proper grammar and punctuation? I've also realized some of them are low IQ shitskins.

17892923? ago

I've also realized some of them are low IQ shitskins.

Better to have them watching cuckime than ISIS beheadings.

17893732? ago

Check out any mainstream anime subplebbit like r/Naruto or r/Bleach, it really makes you realize that lab chimps have more intelligence than these "people". As far as I know, they have little to no concrete understanding of any kind of storyline and lore of these mainstream anime plots. As such, their "theories" tend to be downright nonsensical and retarded. I don't even watch any of these animes, but even I know how to follow through it thoroughly down to the smallest details. Why can't they do the same thing? It's goddamn easy to wrap your head around all of this.

17890925? ago

Why was a geopolitical action thread (((ANCHORED)))? >>13092111

CURRENTLY WE HAVE THESE IN THE FRONT PAGE: liberal larp, "free assange", kill gays circlejerk (we already know), gay porn, become atheist goy, redpill me on 8ch, and other crap

Why was a geopolitical action thread (((ANCHORED)))? >>13092111

CURRENTLY WE HAVE THESE IN THE FRONT PAGE: liberal larp, "free assange", kill gays circlejerk (we already know), gay porn, become atheist goy, redpill me on 8ch, and other crap

Why was a geopolitical action thread (((ANCHORED)))? >>13092111

CURRENTLY WE HAVE THESE IN THE FRONT PAGE: liberal larp, "free assange", kill gays circlejerk (we already know), gay porn, become atheist goy, redpill me on 8ch, and other crap

Why was a geopolitical action thread (((ANCHORED)))? >>13092111

CURRENTLY WE HAVE THESE IN THE FRONT PAGE: liberal larp, "free assange", kill gays circlejerk (we already know), gay porn, become atheist goy, redpill me on 8ch, and other crap

Why was a geopolitical action thread (((ANCHORED)))? >>13092111

CURRENTLY WE HAVE THESE IN THE FRONT PAGE: liberal larp, "free assange", kill gays circlejerk (we already know), gay porn, become atheist goy, redpill me on 8ch, and other crap

Why was a geopolitical action thread (((ANCHORED)))? >>13092111

CURRENTLY WE HAVE THESE IN THE FRONT PAGE: liberal larp, "free assange", kill gays circlejerk (we already know), gay porn, become atheist goy, redpill me on 8ch, and other crap

Why was a geopolitical action thread (((ANCHORED)))? >>13092111

CURRENTLY WE HAVE THESE IN THE FRONT PAGE: liberal larp, "free assange", kill gays circlejerk (we already know), gay porn, become atheist goy, redpill me on 8ch, and other crap

Why was a geopolitical action thread (((ANCHORED)))? >>13092111

CURRENTLY WE HAVE THESE IN THE FRONT PAGE: liberal larp, "free assange", kill gays circlejerk (we already know), gay porn, become atheist goy, redpill me on 8ch, and other crap

Why was a geopolitical action thread (((ANCHORED)))? >>13092111

CURRENTLY WE HAVE THESE IN THE FRONT PAGE: liberal larp, "free assange", kill gays circlejerk (we already know), gay porn, become atheist goy, redpill me on 8ch, and other crap

Why was a geopolitical action thread (((ANCHORED)))? >>13092111

CURRENTLY WE HAVE THESE IN THE FRONT PAGE: liberal larp, "free assange", kill gays circlejerk (we already know), gay porn, become atheist goy, redpill me on 8ch, and other crap

Why was a geopolitical action thread (((ANCHORED)))? >>13092111

CURRENTLY WE HAVE THESE IN THE FRONT PAGE: liberal larp, "free assange", kill gays circlejerk (we already know), gay porn, become atheist goy, redpill me on 8ch, and other crap

Why was a geopolitical action thread (((ANCHORED)))? >>13092111

CURRENTLY WE HAVE THESE IN THE FRONT PAGE: liberal larp, "free assange", kill gays circlejerk (we already know), gay porn, become atheist goy, redpill me on 8ch, and other crap

17891935? ago

There's even a princess diana thread.

17890926? ago

nu/pol/ is too dumb for geopolitics

17890922? ago

Can anyone show me indisputable proof that the jews control/own the majority of banks and global finances? Please don't call me a nigger/kike/shill as I am genuinely curious about this.I've seen this being said over and over again but have not seen any concrete proof myself. Please do not post anything Rothschild related as I am debating a friend and he claims to have read some long ass book disproving the claims of financial power that they specifically hold over the world,Is there anything other than the Rothschild's to demonstrate and prove the jews massive and global financial control?

17890924? ago

watch this documentary, it's very good

17913194? ago

Doesanyone have proof / evidence of jewish control of every central bank in the world?


This just says they are Rothschild owned central banks, but doesn't provide any evidence of the Jewish connection / control over these banks? Anyone care to assist me on this one?

I know this is asking for A LOT of information, so I was hoping someone would have it all linked/organized in one location or a greatly condensed version that explains this.

17883262? ago

ON April 20 is Hitler's birthday

On 19,20 and 21 April we should print and put up posters with Honkler the Clown meme and the message:






which would be codeword for Heil Hitler

It will trigger people like the It's Ok To be White campaign did.

ON April 20 is Hitler's birthday

On 19,20 and 21 April we should print and put up posters with Honkler the Clown meme and the message:






which would be codeword for Heil Hitler

It will trigger people like the It's Ok To be White campaign did.

ON April 20 is Hitler's birthday

On 19,20 and 21 April we should print and put up posters with Honkler the Clown meme and the message:






which would be codeword for Heil Hitler

It will trigger people like the It's Ok To be White campaign did.

ON April 20 is Hitler's birthday

On 19,20 and 21 April we should print and put up posters with Honkler the Clown meme and the message:






which would be codeword for Heil Hitler

It will trigger people like the It's Ok To be White campaign did.

ON April 20 is Hitler's birthday

On 19,20 and 21 April we should print and put up posters with Honkler the Clown meme and the message:






which would be codeword for Heil Hitler

It will trigger people like the It's Ok To be White campaign did.

17883263? ago

Take your meds.

17884161? ago

shoo shoo jew

17880335? ago

17877271? ago

ON April 20 is Hitler's birthday

On 19,20 and 21 April we should print and put up posters with Honkler the Clown meme and the message:

==H== onk

==H== onk


==H== eil

==H== onkler

which would be codeword for Heil Hitler

It will trigger people like the It's Ok To be White campaign did.

17879192? ago

I am ban evading

I am a child rapist

I am promoting the jewish hoax narrative of “clown world”

lol you will do what I say

No. Kill yourself. We won’t trivialize white genocide.

17883261? ago

I will rape your daughter in her sleep and wake you up to watch me.

17889036? ago

proves everything I said

Ban tor permanently

17889038? ago

There is a reason they're called Torpedos. The unique ID they get makes it easy to spot them at least.

17876040? ago

I love you guys. I know one day we will become large enough to stop things. We already are, we just need to get out there and embrace infamy. God bless and have a good night.

17873342? ago

Did Jared Taylor divorce Evelyn Rich? A recent article by the "Council of European Canadians" about why French nationalists should "embrace judeophilia and zionism" includes a picture featuring the finally dead kosher traitor, Guillaume Faye, along with Jared Taylor and a number of other individuals, one of whom is identified as "Jared Taylor’s fiancée".

Maybe they were just never officially married?


17880339? ago

Jared Taylor's "fiancee" looks just as Jewish as Evelyn Rich does.

Jared has Hebrew fever like Alex Jones.

17885128? ago

Is it possible that she is Ms. Rich? I've never seen a profile shot of her, but they both have pronounced chins.

17888100? ago

Here's the closest to a profile I have of her.

17888101? ago

Hypothetical question, but is /pol/ capable of stating my legal name and current place of residence? If you can I'll treat us to pizza at Table 87 tonight on Atlantic.

17889035? ago

You're unimportant and will die alone and unremembered.

17888099? ago

I guess it's possible, but it doesn't look like her, the hair color is different, and the caption refers to as his financee. So I don't know.

17871479? ago

can somone explain to me what this "subscribe to pewdiepie" thing is all about? How is it related to white power or something? I keep seeing it everywhere. Now I hear Saint Tarrant said it in his livestream? OK. Can someone explain to me the inside joke here?

17871481? ago

Its the continuation of an ancient battle, in our time it has come to us as the battle for subscribers between the Aryan (PewDiePie) and Dravidian (T-Series). You should read the RigVeda and RigThula for a deeper understanding.

17872502? ago

Can you give me some kind of proof you're not trolling me. What in the fuk. South tip indo brownies. Google Youtube subscribers? Sound likes sum corporate sponsored fake trend. A game among two race conscious groups of people? War? What?

17873340? ago

Smoke weed every day

17869516? ago


Watch and share to others. Educate your fellow comrades and get discussion going. Make images and quote from it. Spread the truth.

Shills and kikes shit themselves when they see this talked about. It reveals way too much and they scramble like roaches.

17871476? ago

Its getting deleted (as it should be) because you're posting the same site spam in multiple threads.

learn to post

17865571? ago

Why do spics call each other papi (daddy) and mami (mommy) all the time? It's really fucking gross to hear a male costumer at my job call my papi all the time.

17868612? ago

As a spic myself I can tell you it's because they are fucking retarded

17860025? ago

What is the general consensus on who the aryans are?

Just germanics? All europeans? Iranians and Indi-aryans?

17860029? ago

The general consensus is they want anons bitching about who is or isnt aryan while the Jewish supremacists divide aryans and non aryans in distraction from jewish destructive tactics.

17860030? ago

They? You mean (((they)))?

17858348? ago

Are these communist mods really any better than the roach?

My reply in regards to an OP about fakeX's new water tower spaceship that blew over in a storm and the tax money they receive:

In 1887 Albert A. Michaelson stated that the results, in regards to the direct measurement of the motion of Earth were, and I quote "decidedly negative". The Jew (Einstein) tried to claim there was no aether in a desperate attempt to expalain away the results but, he got BTFO by Sagnac who put the question to rest.

There are no valid arguments for a spinning globe, it's a Jewish deception that includes an entire universe for you goyim to frolic and play in. You should give thanks to your Jewish masters for creating this clown world you live in and, for providing all that you consume you racist and ungrateful bastards!



not the Jews


based Einstein

Good work shifting the goalposts, let's forget that the reality of a static aether that leaves no other possible interpretation of the M&M Experiment other than a stationary Earth. Instead let's pretend that Einstein wasn't a Jewish hypocrite who made claims regarding the aether for and against it, depending on whether it supported whatever ad-hoc bullshit he was peddling that day.




mods censoring criticism of the tax dollars fakeX gets to fake space.

There are no communists on a flat stationary Earth, their atheism and the copernican model are tied at the hip. The mods who are communists have no choice but to censor the truth in order to ease the pain of their cognitive dissonance.

[New Reply]

"thread specified does not exist"


17858351? ago

Are these communist mods really any better than the roach?

You can stop there. The answer is no. All of the current mods, and Codemonkey himself, hate this board and want National Socialism to die

17857447? ago

If Antifa and commies are armed to the teeth, then what the fuck is taking them so long to overthrow the (((White House))), the (((Supreme Court))), and the (((Federal Reserve)))? Don't they hate (((capitalists))) so much? Some anons would say they are being funded by the same (((people))), but there could be more to it than that. It's just a gut feeling, though. Probably cowardice.

17880341? ago

Anfira and commies are CIA/US Army psyop role players.

Just like you.

17858345? ago

They realize they don’t have popular support, and can not win without it.

Truthfully their strategy is similar to ours. Part of it is they are waiting for the next financial collapse, as this will create a lot of stress and pressure on the average working class person. Their goal is to then radicalize as many as possible, start armed resistance again the govt, then start making demands.

Before you think this is unrealistic realize this is exactly the strategy that led to policies such as the New Deal. I think your average effeminate soy male antifa and female sky screamer realizes they can’t do much against the govt, and as such are locked into an ideological war. They will pander to minority men as well, and possibly utilize the Leninist tactic of recruiting soldiers coming back from some war.

In a way they are not so different from us. Both extremes realize they can’t win without popular support and that the population at large won’t budge until people start getting uncomfortable.

17857040? ago

Quality schizopost


17853397? ago

I know this deserves its own thread, because no one will even see this post, but oh well.

has anyone noticed the boatloads of chemical factory fires/leaks in the past 10 days or so? all around the world? whats going on?

17854401? ago

Checking for myself, I am seeing many explosions, but is this not commonplace? Lots of gas explosions in England.

17854403? ago

it has been specifically at chemical factories, and they have been all over the news.

17852293? ago

I'll just leave this here. Well played goybook.

17853399? ago

Top fucking kEk

17853401? ago

17851151? ago

I once found a webm of a French qt using some kind of antique or medieval instrument. I found it on /frenchpol/ around the Macron & Le Pen race. I think the instrument had some nice designs on it too. It was pretty large and might have included a crank or lever. I was hoping someone might recognize this webm

17848423? ago





17855687? ago

Sargoy of Mossad, is that you?

17842608? ago

Do any of you have redpills on Anne Frank's diary? A friend, who's not completely redpilled yet was asking me because (((google))) wasn't returning information on the hoax, despite the fact that he remembers seeing stuff on google years ago. Figured I'd do some research to help him out (he doesn't know about 8chan).

17843735? ago

the pen that it was written with wasn't invented until after she died, so i heard

i need to know where the origin of 'hitler only had one nut' came about. it's all over the web, if you google it

17844738? ago

origin of the one nut and other rumors

If it isn't in captured medical records, then the origin is somebody's asshole.

17842607? ago

Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere, but is there any sort of document / guide to legally purchasing and using firearms in each of the United States?

17852289? ago

Somewhat. Not a contiguous document as gun laws are ludicrously complex in the US.

I’d say a great place to start however is the NRA ILA’s “database” of gun laws per state:


The thing to keep in mind is the dichotomy between state and federal laws. Some laws are federal, meaning all states must follow. Then state laws are essentially “above and beyond” federal laws, placing additional restrictions on gun owners/buyers the feds have not. Some states, such as New Hampshire or Montana, have virtually no state level gun laws, thus nothing above and beyond federal ones.

All states will require you to fill out a form 4473 when buying a gun from a FFL, then require a background check, and have certain prohibitions against felons, domestic abusers, and drug users from buying guns.

There is a certain procedure for buying NFA items (machine guns, suppressors, SBRs, SBS), federally imposed. Some states totally ban all NFA items, so these laws don’t matter. Others ban some but not all, and others have no limitations on them (beyond federal limitations).

In addition there are resources out there in carrying concealed handguns. Some states let you carry openly, some states require the gun be concealed. Some states require a permit for all carrying, some require a permit to carry concealed but do not require a permit to carry openly, and some states have no permit requirement for anything. And further there are different restrictions for where and when you can carry that vary dramatically by state.

A good resource for that would be:


Hopefully that helps get you started. I’ve found that even the above sites aren’t always 100% correct though. So even then verify these yourself. Guns laws are insanely complex in the US.

17852297? ago

What part of


Do (((THEY))) not understand?

17852300? ago

Bro you are preaching to the choir. 2A related issues were my redpilled. I started off just burying myself in crime stats arguing with libs in defense of gun rights. Turns out crime stats are really “racist”

I’m at the point now where I wanna manufacture drop in auto sears and give them out for free (in Minecraft obviously, fuck off feds). The constitution is nothing but toliet paper to both parties at this point.

17841416? ago

How many people from the age of 15 to 24 in the West especially, are aware of the Jewish question, and are also knowledgeable on race science? I know there's no statistics but I was wondering if you're in a highschool with 3000 students or a college with 30000 how many of them would actually be aware about this and would be genuine in helping if there was a movement holding up these ideas, of race purity and the judaic parasitic problem, and are not just larpers, anyone have any estimates?

17845895? ago

Counting all the kikes too, because they know they're vermin, maybe 5% of the population in the US. Politically its unfeasible, the christard zionists, d&c politics, lying media, millions of new beaners and niggers diluting our vote. Its time for bullets not ballots. If this wasn't possible for the AFC or American Bund, it won't happen today. Politically. That's all I can say about America specifically, other Western countries might have better or worse odds.

17845894? ago


Dollar losing 99% of it's value since 1913

nigger I've seen currencies lose 100% of its value in ONE DAY. TWENTY FUCKING FOUR HOURS.

17845899? ago

And? Go shill for the Fed somewhere else. This isn't normal. This isn't healthy. Fiat doesn't work. Stop shilling it.

17840222? ago

Hello, hello \pol. I've read an article some time ago about the decline of IQ in western society. Since it was an leftist paper they obviously avoided any race aspects. They said the decline (which is happening since roughly the 90's) is mainly due to technology, which I can totally see. Now I wonder if there is a correlation between this decline and race mixing. Hence I came here to ask if some anon has articles, studies, or info graphs on this topic. Thanks in advance

17837805? ago

Reminder to join the Richard Spencer group on Gab and post all the cancerous things Spencer has said, hes trying to hide from Gab because he cant take the criticism so by making a group with his name and posting all the cancer in it, we negate him hiding and force him to look bad. Enoch, Striker, Spencer, Heimbach, even Taylor have all made accounts and then not used Gab because we expose their bolshevik philosemite faggotry.


17855686? ago

pretty sure it would do more damage to his image if you simply ignored him.

all you are doing now is advertising the awareness of his existence

ever heard the phrase "all press is good press"?

17855116? ago

17836859? ago

Is this what winning looks like?

Family of 8 - 2 lesbos and their 8 adopted children all died in apparent murder suicide

Parents drove van off the edge of a cliff, taking a nice plunge

All aparent Bernie supporters

Kids all appear to be multicultural

The worlds Degeneracy Level decreases a bit that day. Not much but every bit counts

I don’t have time to archive but it’s easily findable

17836860? ago

That was a good day. There is a God.

17836862? ago

There is a God.

and he is white

17835431? ago



Some comments from the Fed Reserve thread that got shoa'd:

Delete another good thread you fucking kikes? Tarrant was right. Day of the rope soon. FUCK JANNIES. 8chan is censored to hell, you delete my thread about the Fed and economy but you keep these slide threads? I’ll say it again, fuck jannies. Kikes. 1488.

Apparently threads like ‘Libtards Here’ and ‘Niggers Rights’ are way more political than a discussion about our currency being manipulated to enslave workers and get trapped in a cycle of debt because bankers are subhuman. You JANNIES would rather people be blabbering about bullshit, you fucking kikes. Article 7 of the Federal Reserve Act gets posted and suddenly that’s crossed the line. Oh no! The sheep might realize that money is just paper! Oy vey shut it down, let them talk about some fat girl in a Gillette ad instead!

4chan and 8chan are ran by the enemy now. Buy guns and supplies. These people will hang.

Again, fuck jannies. This used to be the last place for free speech, now it’s dead. Enjoy your boomer-Facebook-teir arguements, and don’t forget to go to work!

Society is a joke. Nothing but sheep.

Honk fucking honk.

Tarrant was a retard who hurt our movement. We should be providing a solution to ethnic conflict, not creating it. Stop acting like a violent nigger.

Secession and Balkanization is the only solution.

Unless you want to go full-on Pinochet.

Most of /pol/ would probably cheer either.

So sad to see /pol/ get kiked.

/qresearch/ still seems to be protected, but it doesn't show up on /pol/ and harder to find, so it's only 1/2 kiked I guess

17835434? ago


agreed on other points.

also, what were the grounds for deleting the fed reserve thread? I often find people dont even want to talk about the fed, because people are retarded.

i rarely come here anymore anyway, the internet is BLACKED.

17836004? ago

Q is a psyop but at least they occasionally drudge up something interesting.

17833079? ago

who has worse crime statistics? muslims or niggers?

17836005? ago

eu muslims

na niggers

17832565? ago

Y U keep shoa'ing Owen Benjamin threads, e.g. https://8ch.net/pol/res/13077330.html ?


17830177? ago

Anyone have a better resolution of this image? I've seen it once in a 6 gorillion thread one time and it never appeared again

17831123? ago

Why do you need a larger res? It's pretty large already

17831126? ago

Actually nevermind. I was trying to zoom in on it at one time and it wasn't very clear. I am a smooth brain

17827905? ago

I'm looking for a video. It just had a young girl talking about love and hate, and why hate is good because it is the opposite of love, and you can't have love without hate.

17826682? ago

how come I came home from work today doing non-degenerate community-serving work and see Chelsea Handler talked about on over the airwave TV like shes not some child sex slave grooming pedophile?

Thanks /pol/

17835432? ago

Chelsea Handler… some child sex slave grooming pedophile

I don't doubt it but sauce?

17835428? ago

see Chelsea Handler talked about on over the airwave TV

You must be a masochist, let me get you a bigger but plug. Bite down on the ball gag now slave, master has a headache and doesn't want to have to put you in the hole this week.

17825725? ago

When do we get a new killing spree? I am bored.

I guess Tarrant spoiled us.

17827906? ago

You start.

17842604? ago

I will. It's just that if some others contributed as well it would keep me motivated.

17821406? ago

17820062? ago

17820061? ago

does anyone have any pictures showing the double standards in the media when reporting black on white crime and white on black crime (or even shit like those niggers getting kicked out of starbucks)?

17820068? ago



WTF autocorrect is always censoring me conspiracy much

17820065? ago

Someone graffited a couple churches in Denver recently the suspect was caught and his mug shot shows up instantly

Just last night someone shot and found in a Walmart parking lot suspect caught no mug shot, no description so it only tends to lead to the suspect was a nugget ==EVERY FUCKING TIME==

17818678? ago

Word on the street is

I Don't Like Ragheads

by Bob Turbanof

Just went number one

17817522? ago

Word on the street is Brenton Tarrant was programmed using 1980's pop music and his trigger word was "Sussudio".

17816380? ago

why do some mexicans look like koreans?

17817519? ago

Miet Mexicans are heavily intermixed with American Indian tribes so they are mostly Asianatic.

17816375? ago

new here,

this place seems pretty DEAD? (compared to 4chan)

just way less users?

17809605? ago

Does anyone know the origin of this pic? Is it from a store surveilllance camera or something, perhaps when he bought the gas he had? It looks to be from the day of the shooting but I can't find a source?

17814253? ago

oof that hairline

17813349? ago


NZ let him go so he can go remove kebab.

17816376? ago

remove kebab.

not the JEWS letting everyone in

god you kike faggots are here too it seems…

17816378? ago

They run the website, yeah.


Just go back to cuckchan. There's nothing for you here or there.

17809604? ago

Why is that leftists and commies claim to love Islam when they don't even know a single verse from the Quran? If anything, it's ultra-conservative rather than the Kumbaya-tier, "we are all one big multicultural family" bullshit they keep painting it as. A lot of muzzies reside on the Women's March in the US, the same marches that happen on the Middle East like in Turkey gets shut down completely, and rightfully so. I've been to the Middle East myself, they're all stupid shitskins in one way or another sure, but not a single one of them as ever acting like the ones leftists describe Muslims to be like.

The only common thing they all have is their hatred for Israel, with the leftist side claiming Israel is a "White racist colonialist state" with the actual Muslim side claiming Israel is a den of apes and pigs who aren't even human (I agree). It's funny how the only type of "Islam" the left approves of is the one that they have created on their heads. The one that supports feminism, trannyism, homosexuality, open borders, globalism, and abortion. All of these leftist degeneracies in the West should be incompatible with Islam, but not to them, I guess.

17808628? ago

I only ever lurk but I'll post because I feel I really am starting to need help and I don't know where else to start with getting it.

How can a 18 (almost 19) year old female virgin find a husband without negative attention from my social group for "being a dumb kid who got married too fast" or "god it's so sad kids having kids" I don't have much people in my life and I don't want them to think less of me for wanting a family

How do you ask a guy what his values are without sounding autistic

How do I share my values without seeming weird

How do I bond and show love for my boyfriend (when I get one) if I want to stay a virgin till we are married

I was raised atheist but with good morals because of my dad (and because I took rules too literally I am told) would me starting to go to a local church to meet a guy with similar values be a good idea, or is that manipulative in nature?

I know this one sounds stupid but can I ask a guy out first without seeming like a hussy?

How different is self-improvement strategies for females vs males, will most of /SIG/ work the same for me as any other anon

How important is it for a girl to finish high school if she wants to be a stay at home mom anyways (I got suspended & dad said f-it you can do it online and we have not gotten around to it yet)

is their a webpage with a right wing polictal ideals but more girls then boys

Unrelated to how to get a boyfreind stuff I have had problimes like crying randomly and screaming in my sleep since my dad has gotten me back from my mother, we went to the docter they said it was ptsd (I still say thats a bit strong of a word for whatever this is but whatever), dad is 100% anti jew pill pushing but he let me try them, this went on and on and every pill made me way worse so he pulled the plug after the 2 years-ish of trying diffrint medication. So I'm off what they were giveing me for a year now but I still am kinda screaming and crying any /pol/ aproved fixes other then time?

17848419? ago

Consider the following:


<strike up a conversation or be friendly, but don't ask out

<definitely court not date (very important)

<do not allow any physical escalation besides handholding

<you can and should straight up ask about values, preferably first, so you don't waste valuable time

I hope things work out for you.

17838934? ago

Church is a good place to start. Just beware of fake Christians.

First and foremost, I would recommend trying to find men that are at LEAST 5 years older than you. The ideal range is 5-15 years older, depending on your age.

The biological reality is that men and women are on different timelines. 19 is a perfect age to start a family for females, but terrible for males. Men typically should wait until 25-30 to start.

If you look for men that are between 25-35, you can determine if they are already able to support you being a stay at home mom. This is not possible with 20 year old boys. They may have potential, but you'll never know if they'll succeed or become losers.

An easy to way to test the waters if the man is interested in a family, is to get really excited with any baby you see around. Tell him how cute they are, then look at his facial reaction. A 19 year old boy will probably get freaked out, knowing he can't support a family, and a baby would ruin his youthful years of freedom. An older man that is only in using your body for lustful sex will also usually get freaked out. I intentionally avoid women that do not like babies.

Look for men that love hanging out with kids that are between ages 4-12, for example if there are kids in their family. You can't really expect men to love babies, but family oriented men usually love children once they hit about 3-4 and start saying funny stuff. Look for men that spend time with their family, and most importantly, treat their mothers well.

Unfortunately I can't really think of any physical places that specialize in mixing males/females of appropriate age differences. One of the toxic elements of our society is that we arrange people based on equivalent age. This works in say elementary school but is toxic when you extend that to college girls. So, church is a good place to start.

Not sure if I would recommend online dating because it's where TRP trolls hang out, and loser creepy dudes, and it's unnatural. Real life activities are best.

Bonding with your boyfriend should be natural. If he tries to force sex too early it's because he's either a douche or he's a boy your age that is raging with hormones (that means he feels a burning desire to use your body for sex, which is not really his fault, but another reason to avoid boys).

Once you've been together long enough, you can let him play with your tits. Once you are engaged you can give him blowjobs. But do NOT sacrifice your virginity until you get married and have agreed on the number of kids you want to have. Virginity is HIGHLY VALUABLE and not something you should be ashamed of.

I am personally looking for alternatives to Catholicism. That is, something that clearly and strongly considers birth control an evil temptation, but is not a church that harbors and protects child molesters.

17838936? ago

at LEAST 5 years older than you. The ideal range is 5-15 years older, depending on your age.

But anon, we can't do that anymore. Society forbids guys from pursuing girls that much younger than him. I'm late 20s and couldn't go for an 18 year old, for example.

17838939? ago

Sure you can. People just frown upon it. In most western countries, 18 is the legal age of consent, period. Even if the man is 90. The only exception would be, it is illegal to get her drunk, which is a good thing.

Also in many states 16 is legal. Which is getting a little sketchy, so I would recommend 18 being the minimum you pursue, and 25 being the absolute max if you want to have a large family.

17840221? ago

People just frown upon it.

That's what I said. Even the shittiest of liberal parents are going to stop their daughter from hanging out with "that old guy." And girls are told by each other (and older women) to stay away from guys older than they are. I have an old copypasta from someone else saying exactly what you're saying, and obviously I also agree with you. Society, however, has been forcibly restructured such that the healthy age gap is no longer acceptable and actively sabotaged.

17841413? ago

My post was targeted at a based 19/f anon.

It's definitely harder for men, due to toxic social norms. But where there's a will there's a way, and it's our sacred duty to do our best to produce the best family environment possible.

Here's a couple suggestions to get creative. You have two options as a man: the Bad Boy option and the Community Man option.

Bad Boy: Get the girl to sneak out of her house if necessary. Libcuck dads don't even have shotguns. What are they going to do, call the police on their 18 year old daughter? She can do what she wants as far as the law is concerned. Pick up girls around colleges. Parents don't typically stalk their girls once they send them off to college.

Community Man: lead church youth groups, but obviously don't be a creeper. Give the girls real moral guidance, steer them away from the slut trap, give free educational tutoring, etc. Befriend the PARENTS, tell them about how their daughter is doing, etc. If the community and parents love you, they'll actually encourage their daughter to marry you.

17832567? ago

I only ever lurk but I'll post because I feel I really am starting to need help and I don't know where else to start with getting it.

How can a 18 (almost 19) year old female virgin find a husband without negative attention from my social group for "being a dumb kid who got married too fast" or "god it's so sad kids having kids" I don't have much people in my life and I don't want them to think less of me for wanting a family

How do you ask a guy what his values are without sounding autistic

How do I share my values without seeming weird

How do I bond and show love for my boyfriend (when I get one) if I want to stay a virgin till we are married

I was raised atheist but with good morals because of my dad (and because I took rules too literally I am told) would me starting to go to a local church to meet a guy with similar values be a good idea, or is that manipulative in nature?

I know this one sounds stupid but can I ask a guy out first without seeming like a hussy?

How different is self-improvement strategies for females vs males, will most of /SIG/ work the same for me as any other anon

How important is it for a girl to finish high school if she wants to be a stay at home mom anyways (I got suspended & dad said f-it you can do it online and we have not gotten around to it yet)

is their a webpage with a right wing polictal ideals but more girls then boys

Here you go miss, good luck and keep up the good work https://www.eviemagazine.com/

17851153? ago

evie is super cool been reading them today well I was out of the house, the advice is really good and it feels like the kind of webpage you could share with anyone without power-level leaking


beware of fake Christians

what exactly do you mean by that and how do you spot them

look for men that are between 25-35

I figured older would be better but had no idea what age range would be reasonable so thank you!

An easy to way to test the waters if the man is interested in a family, is to get really excited with any baby you see around. Tell him how cute they are, then look at his facial reaction

easy as pie I freak out seeing kids naturally

The baby and kid test thing sounds so simple yet I would have never thought of that on my own it's brilliant

Look for men that spend time with their family, and most importantly, treat their mothers well.

A good family man is a man that already loves his family sound logic

If he tries to force sex too early it's because he's either a douche or he's a boy your age that is raging with hormones

basically if he tries to force sex It is a red flag and I need to say to myself he is not for me and move on

Once you've been together long enough, you can let him play with your tits. Once you are engaged you can give him blowjobs. But do NOT sacrifice your virginity until you get married and have agreed on the number of kids you want to have. Virginity is HIGHLY VALUABLE and not something you should be ashamed of.

Mission protect Virginity at full throttle, by "long enough" is there a good rule of thumb of how long is long enough or is it more of a stage that you reach where your thinking "ya this dude is the guy I want to start a family with for sure"

I am personally looking for alternatives to Catholicism. That is something that clearly and strongly considers birth control an evil temptation, but is not a church that harbors and protects child molesters.

I too wish for a place with "religious values" just for the sake of being a good moral person, not for an almighty god and afterlife

also don't want to support pedophiles but that's obligatory

your very informative and type in a very nice way thank you


strike up a conversation or be friendly, but don't ask out

No asking out I figured but still was not sure

definitely court not date (very important)

all I know of courting is from like dumb hallmark movies on W what exactly is courting in like the modern day

do not allow any physical escalation besides handholding

mmkay thumb up over here, I do have a little question is like a scratch/pat on my head the same level of hand-holding because my dad does that for me and I really like the idea of a guy I want to be romantically involved doing it and I don't know what kind of level of intimacy it is or is that something I need to decide

you can and should straight up ask about values, preferably first, so you don't waste valuable time

kinda like that how to find a good wife greentext where the guy asks about the girls values on the drive over to the date, if he did not agree they did not even make it to the date and he drove them right home , it goes both ways for male and female ok

I hope things work out for you too thank you!

17810719? ago

what kind of scream?

t. former sleepwalker.

17824702? ago

the people downstairs called the landlord because they thought I had a baby up here so like a baby I guess

17807750? ago

response to Syrian dreamer whose thread was just deleted

sorry about >>13071636 guess a (((mod))) didn't like us opening a dialogue with semites for us to reach a common ground in discovering the (((final boss))) here is the reply I wrote before I noticed the thread was deleted…

be me

be born in Syria

parents legally immigrate to America when I was 3

speak perfect English, fit in with rest of population

go to school for Math

/pol/ wants to kill me

<Why? I have done nothing to you. I wake up to go to the same classes as you and at night I work at the same burger joint as you. Why do you want to kill me? Am I supposed to move "back" to a warzone? A warzone that your own government created! Please explain /pol/.

OP, have you turned in your criminal parents to the authorities? This would go a long way to earning you some leniency. If a child did that, I would be all for giving them a little assistance in the transition, like perhaps instead of shipping them directly to Syria, we instead ship them to Israel first where they are taught how to speak the Syrian language and get acclimated to the region before setting out to rejoin their home country.

In fact, you may simply wish to stay in Israel, as I am sure in some way the Jews have disenfranchised your parents of their birthright and driven them away with the violent conflicts they create in the middle ast.

I understand you are not a felon OP. I do not hold you accountable for the crime of illegal entry (like your parents) any more than I would consider you accountable for committing a murder or a rape when you were 3. You were basically a puppy, you had no idea what was happening to you.

But you DO know what is going on now, and presumably you never turned in your parents, so I can only take that as passive endorsement of their crime. You are allowing them to get away with it, and show no respect for the host nation which has provided you, by tolerating these criminals.

I don't require you to go back specifically to Syria. I'm sure there are other places which will have you. You might find a place somewhere in the middle of Africa, for example, or perhaps Tanzania. When we say "you need to go back" it simply means "off North America" and preferably the continental shelf, but pretty much anywhere in the middle east is fine with me. Just please plan to eventually return to the homeland of your Semitic roots and take your rightful place, even if it means you must culturally enrich Israel to do so.

right wingers always said that Obama and Hillary were responsible for Syria during 2016 election time

You will talk to people you think are whites all the time about your feelings but you won't explain them to me.

I'm not Muslim but Islam unified the middle east for a good time. Not many people here are Christian but they recognize how religion brought order and some stability to otherwise barbarous tribes (Middle East) and viking barbarians (Europe)

You destroyed my nation, we never did anything to you, meanwhile Trump is best friends with Saudis and Israelis, the ones that are really fucking you over. Explain this sentiment to me, it makes no sense.

Syria was always pretty much a shithole OP, you're blaming the wrong people. I don't believe Islam ever unified the Middle East, the Sunnis and Shi'ites fighting was all I ever heard about before we invaded.

I believe Trump is merely partners of convenience with the Saudis/Israelis but we won't see him turn from them until 2nd term. I don't agree you never did anything. Muslims and Jews, even those not directly engaged in terrorism or subverting society, still passively endorse and shelter those that do by not policing their own.

17807748? ago


Chinks should be stopped. Canada is overun with CHINK spies destroying it from the inside.

17805384? ago

Anyone got an archive of that shill who lived in a tiny ass apartment and killed himself? He had Skyrim on his computer which is probably the only really stand out thing about it.

17804257? ago

I know if i make a thread it will be gassed,

but, has anyone seen tons of utility workers lately? They are everywhere digging shit up around power/phone lines entire city, multiple companies/unmarked trucks .. big beefy trucks ive never even seen. mostly white, some black tinted SUVs etc.

17835429? ago

bump they are everywhere digging all kinds of shit up

17832571? ago


17824704? ago


17803139? ago

Ik zou me later in mijn leven bij een rechtsextremisten vereniging willen borgen,niet om suffe demonstraties uit te voeren.

Maar om granaten in het huis van veraders te gooien!

Om haatzaaiende liedjes te doen met 50 man.

Om negers midden in de macht te terroriseren.

Om de tegenstanders mee te vechten op de straat!

Met stokken en geweren!

ik hoop dat ieder supremacist trots is op zijn racisme,en zich er niet voor schaamt!

Racisten we moeten op jacht!!!

onze mentaliteit moet omhoog!

Ik hoop dat een ieder lid van een extreemrechtse vereniging is of wil worden van dit board.

Als een ieder van dit board dat doen kan niemand tegen ons op!

dus verheerlijkt het als je tegenstanders hebt aangepakt!

wees trots op je racisme dat stroomt in je bloed!

Lang leve het racisme!

Heil tarrant!

No weakness!

Let's start the war!

17802099? ago

Make an instagram account two days ago

Spread normie friendly pro white memes about loving your people and fighting against white genocide

Get 75 followers

Account deleted today

How do we reach the normies anons? Our memetic power is so significant the jews are scared of them even when they're innocuous and don't even constitute 'hate speech'. The response was wonderful, if we were allowed to spread our memes organically I really do think we could redpill many sleeping normies but our enemies won't even allow us to have a platform.

17804256? ago

Not on instagram. I had a 2 year old account get deleted with no reason cited. I used a fake picture, but it was only one image, and I was not DM'ing anyone.

17802089? ago

what's that site where you can paste in a reddit link and see all the comments that were deleted by the mods?

17802091? ago

Put un in front of reddit.

17802097? ago


17799955? ago

88 subscribers

17799945? ago

ZimoNitrome is the username on youtube of Based Brenton. He hasn't uploaded any new videos since the happening. He made a final wednesday meme, then the clown world meme, then carried out his attack.


t. knower

17799947? ago

Also if anyone bothers to go through all his videos, you will find the whole story about bitconnect, NZ, and everything in there.

t. prodder

17795176? ago

Hello, I am looking for the sphinx with a nigger face. I need it for good reasons. Thanks

17799946? ago

17793439? ago

The "printable poster propaganda" thread got slid. Anyone have archive?

17793438? ago

Does anyone have the video of black mirror ISS?

17790630? ago

do proud pedophiles get threats on twitter?

17790074? ago

Have any of you read a book that fucked with you for the rest of your life? I’m no talking simple trauma, I’m talking spiritual awakening. I heard of a few anons becoming “schizophrenic” for the sake of analyzing things and becoming stronger. Have any of you guys experienced this, and if so are there books to give me an understanding of this “schizophrenic” knowledge? I’m not sure if this is a common /pol/ack thing or if it is just madness, but I want to know more about it. Any recommendations?

17794298? ago

Atlas Shrugged, American Psycho, Fight Club

17794301? ago

american psycho

the fuck you mean

17789473? ago


17789472? ago

Is anyone familiar with the Greenhouse Church movement and the church planting alliance ?

17787879? ago

Is there a site cataloguing the numerous Arab and African-led child grooming gangs and a tally of the children they victimized all across Europe, divided by country? I need it for an essay. Failing that, just a pastebin with links would suffice. Thanks.

17822493? ago


Fuck off, 77th Brigade.

17822494? ago

Eat shit. I want a repository of that information, too.

17821408? ago


17785624? ago

Anyone know where I can get updates that dad and his kid who shot the crackhead over a mattress?

17783434? ago

Diversity directly threatens the existence of white people.

17785619? ago

white people.

deliberately and maliciously misspelling the sacred word "H'White"


17780871? ago


Where is the proof that Patrick Little is a Disinfo agent or a CIANIGGER?

Where is the proof that any white supremacist/neo-Nazi personality isn't a shitty US Army or CIA role-playing spook?

17780872? ago

Where is the proof that kikes don't have an obvious motive to label anyone who speaks out against international jewry as an agent?

There is none, faggot. Your tricks don't hold water.

17777070? ago

Does anyone have any books/reading material of Adrien Arcand?

17777063? ago

Any anons have that interview with E. Michael Jones on Libido Dominandi?

I'm specifically looking for the one bringing up Israeli use of pornography on occupied towns' television stations; I forget the name of the guy who put the video together but he did a bunch of others similar to this. It also has this unsettling compilation of twerking girls juxtaposed against the interview.

17777061? ago

bumping the glowpost off front page

17775470? ago


I knew Jews had to be behind that shit.

17775466? ago

Jim and Ron are being mean to us again

17775462? ago


Why don't you make a thread about it to redpill newfags, then do a write up? I mean, we have 600 new ISPs left over that came in here after St Brenton did his roach extermination, so you are giving new information (even though the Article is Months Old) to the newfags.

It would be interesting if the newfags read Rosenberg's Myth of the 20th Century or Culture of Critique, but chances are they haven't.

17775457? ago

Replying to get the paid shill (who is allowed to post here) off the front page.

17775444? ago

17775441? ago

How do you identify Jewish last names versus Aryan? I am looking for a white male doctor and having trouble

17775442? ago

There really isn't any way. There are exclusively Jewish last names like Cohen, Levy, Shapiro etc. but Jews play the "name game" and adopt gentile names too. The best bet for identifying a jew is to get a photo of them and pray they haven't had multimillion dollar plastic surgery (they can't hide their sloping semitic foreheads though).

17883258? ago

There are Irish Cohens as well m8

17883260? ago

u wot ?? ?

17775438? ago

r8 my plan for finding a QT virgin wife:

Join a fundamentalist Christian cult

Find a QT, start courting her

Slowly whisper doubt into her ear

Eventually leave cult

Think about it. If she was born into the cult, she's probably a virgin, already holds traditional views on marriage and the like, and there'd be less competition for females due to their being less available males, meaning I can find one that's really good looking. Not to mention that she's used to social conformity, so bringing her to National Socialism should be easy

17775468? ago

If she was born into the cult, she's probably a virgin

I don't think that's how cults work

17775458? ago

Go shitpost back on reddit.

17775445? ago

Why leave the cult tho?

17775440? ago

I actually almost did this myself once, and I didn't even have to pretend to be a Christfag. I just hung around them and talked theological stuff with them, and the daughter was totally into me. It didn't work, because I got with some other girl (a worthless whore thot), and then I left for college. I came back a few years later, bumped into her at the super market, and she had the hots for me way worse than ever. I could have fucked that night!

17775430? ago


Oh, hush you edgetard. I used to be (((educated))) on the Holohoax as well, and I'm not Jewish.

17775431? ago

Oh, hush

Get the fuck off our website. My original reply was removed because it went against the jewish narrative. We're not going to help you.

you edgetard

Said the prepubescent faggot who's too stupid to consult a chemistry encyclopedia.

I used to be

And now you're brain damaged. Not only will you never do a goddamn thing to fight the jews, you're not going to get us implicated, either.

17775433? ago


too stupid to look up (((proof))) of the 6 million lamp gassings

Actually it's been kinda drilled me into my head since (((social))) studies class.

brain damaged

Suppose I am, how is this (((D&C))) faggotry helping us here?

17775435? ago

doesn't know what D&C is

thinks we're actually going to implicate ourselves in crimes

is too stupid to look up a fucking chemistry reagent table

17775413? ago

What is a good resource where I can learn about Jewish ritual child abuse throughout history, and what they are doing today?

17775420? ago

17775418? ago

17775415? ago

'Blood Passover' by Ariel toaff, an Israeli prof. It's about 200 pages of evidence for blood magic, child murder/sacrafice and other corruption.

17775412? ago

Was "Homophobia" every used to describe an intense hatred for ones own people/culture?

"Coined by George Weinberg, a psychologist, in the 1960s,[13] the term homophobia is a blend of (1) the word homosexual, itself a mix of neo-classical morphemes, and (2) phobia from the Greek φόβος, phóbos, meaning "fear" or "morbid fear".[14][15][16] Weinberg is credited as the first person to have used the term in speech.[11] The word homophobia first appeared in print in an article written for the May 23, 1969, edition of the American pornographic magazine Screw, in which the word was used to refer to heterosexual men's fear that others might think they are gay."

Is there a word?

17775411? ago


Inside your mum? I regret doing it now that you're here.

17775399? ago

What does /pol/ think of Strasserism?

17775404? ago

Ancient germanics were known to paint themselves and their shields black as pitch, to sneak into enemy camps at night, and murder their sleeping foes with long knives dipped in shit. Ask me what I think of that.

17775407? ago

What do you think of that?

17775410? ago

It sounds efficient, a night of long knives.

17775403? ago

literally nazbol and nation wrecking.

17775401? ago

Sort of nazbolism. Unnatural shittery. Kiked.

17775397? ago

New expanded collection (the bonus storage time expired on the last one)


17775387? ago

Why are braindead leftists, White or non-White, still supporting Planned Parenthood and abortion in the name of feminism, again? Margaret Sanger was very known for being a eugenicist and specifically founded said organization to exterminate the "American" nigger population.

Wouldn't the White and nigger/shitskin leftleaning feminists hate this? They're so talented at mental gymnastics that even when they try to "debunk mental gymnastics" from "rightwing" opinions, they still end up having more mental gymnastics and hypocrisy.

Just take a look at this retarded "meme" from r/BlackPeopleTwitter. Ironic how it comes from a nigger Muslim. Last time I checked, actual Muslims in the Middle East disapprove of abortion. Last but not least, commies are actually pro-gun because they don't like the idea of "minorities" being disarmed by le ebil "Whitey" gubmint/cops. Then again, this said nigger Muslim is a liberal, not a commie. I hate both equally.

Also, abortion is still legal as ever in any state in the US. I'm not expecting niggers to have any form of intelligence, I'm just pointing out this small detail on said "meme".

17775449? ago

These "people" and the things they support are all a giant sham. If anything, niggers shouldn't even be supporting Planned Parenthood if we go by "#BlackLivesMatter" logic. They're fooling themselves by thinking (((liberalism))) is their saving grace. They whine about "oppression" all the time as their organizations and movements get funding by the millions/billions from (((corporations))) and Hymiewood celebrities (i.e. the so-called "student-led" #MarchForOurLives). It just goes to show how niggers don't know anything about the politics they support.

17777073? ago

Kind of like /pol/

17775464? ago

BTW, I either read or watched something that said that 90% of all abortions are from blacks. This is recent information, but then, it may be skewed. Who knows. don't take my word for it, look it up and research it.

17775388? ago

Why are braindead leftists, White or non-White, still supporting Planned Parenthood and abortion in the name of feminism, again?

Because leftists virtue signal. They do not care about the implications of their words, they only speak them because it makes them look good in the moment.

It's the woman's right to choose!


That man used a gun to kill people, people shouldn't have guns!


And so on.

17777066? ago

Because leftists virtue signal. They do not care about the implications of their words, they only speak them because it makes them look good in the moment.

Then what about the extremely gullible niggers and other shitskins who believe them?

17777067? ago

They're shitskins. It doesn't really matter what they believe, they are the enemy.

17775384? ago

17775385? ago


17775375? ago

Anyone know if the Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview was real, or just a hoax?

17775382? ago

Is Harold Wallace Rosenthal even real? Honestly, there’s no evidence of the reality of the testimony/speech he gave.

17775376? ago

makes 0 sense if you know anything about jews or lucifer

17775377? ago

I was always suspicious about it's veracity, I just see it referenced on pol from time to time and wanted an answer on it.

17775447? ago

I think it was made up by Walter White who wrote a manufactured interview with Rosenthal. Even his wife said that he was free to attribute whatever he wanted to Rosenthal, because Rosenthal was dead. The interview was supposed to have been in 1976, and Rosenthal died after that in a terrorist attack in Turkey. The interview was published in 1978.

Tom Metzger has also said that Mr. White played very loosely with the facts on some things, and that this was one of them.

I hate the kikes, too, but these quotes were not spoken by Rosenthal, as far as I can tell.

17775448? ago

Des Griffin claims to have heard the tapes that Walter White was trying to pass off, and they were clearly two people reading off a script, poorly. I have the audio of him telling the story somewhere.

17775372? ago

With the complacent way most norman took to Tarrants shooting should we continue to accelerate with killing muzzies of should we switch over to politicians.

17775374? ago

when asking yourself who should die first a traitor should die first, it should be a right of passage for every man to kill a politician in western countries as they work for the evil that has ruined so much of this world.

kill that skank who went for a gun grab in new zeland

17775360? ago

Is there any hope? No one is accelerating. We are going to die out aren’t we? Are the kikes too powerful? The western world at mass are already demoralized, and against morality. They are race mixers and hedonists that don’t want to know what’s happening to them. No one gives a shit. Accelerationism is only effective if we are willing. I won’t do it, are you going to do it? I doubt it. BT will commit suicide in 27 years if we continue to be passive like this.

Should we consider just living the good life until we die?

Shall we make amends with our gods and call it quits?

Are we truely going gentle into that good night?

17777065? ago

Educate yourself.

Maintain the best health available.

Contribute to a family and a community.

Arm yourself and ready yourself for the times to come where you will most likely not survive, but nevertheless try.

Three times humanity has approached the possibility of extinction, dipping bellow 25k total population. But all good things require delayed gratification, sacrifice and near constant labour. Do everything you can to push yourself to the absolute limit of what you can do and you will be of service.

This is all you can do, and then trust that God is good and that his will be done.

17775378? ago

Collapse and degeneracy are part of the acceleration. We need more degeneracy, more hedonism!

17775379? ago

No, child rapist. We won’t be doing that.

17775357? ago


Don't ruin polish women, go to Israel you disgusting degenerate.

Get it out of my system

May chance you have not seen the statistics that increase your divorce rate and decrease marriage satisfaction rate the more nonmarital partners you've had.

You're gambling with your family here.

17775368? ago

If I don't get it out of my system I'm going to marry the wrong woman for the wrong reasons. I've seen the sad old mid-40s man who made this error, and I'm not growing up to be him. I'm going to use "the promised land" as my own personal cum dumpster and don't plan to stick around. Think of it as a tax return. Besides if I do it there their future husbands are never going measure up. Demotivated men and used up sluts, I think it's great mate. The plan is then to come home and select a wife who'll raise three white children. Who even cares about the rest.

17775369? ago

Nice trips, but don't be so fucking stupid. I'm guessing you're in your twenties? Just finished Uni? Maybe in the best shape of your life? Congratulations you're the perfect organ donor profile. Some jew slut is going to get you blackout drunk, lure you into a van and take you to some operating table where a kike "doctor" is going to harvest you alive for valuable organs. If you're lucky, you wake up alive in a bathtub of ice. Not so much luck, you're dead. This little job on you might net them a few million dollars, and you're just an expendable "goy." Guess which country runs the black market for organs? Yeah, Israel. Guess who distributes them? Yeah, Jews. Hopefully this knocks some common sense in to you, you worthless degenerate feckless fuckwit.




17775354? ago

I have some cash to burn and want to spend the summer being a degenerate. Is Israel a good place to go for casual sex and hard partying? I want to use their women as whores and bed at least 3 a week. Poland and a few places in Eastern Europe are also under consideration, but I really like the idea of jewish girls acting as my unpaid prostitutes. Have any of you tried this there? Money won't be a problem, but naturally I don't speak Hebrew, so I'm banking on these yids knowing enough English to understand my commands.

inb4 degenerate

I want to get it out of my system before I go home and be a family man.

17782402? ago


17775348? ago


17775344? ago

What does /pol/ think of Castizo's? (75% Spanish/European / 25% Amerindian)

17775345? ago

Cut off your dick and and a forearm and we'll let you into the first gates with all the burgers.

17775346? ago

make it lasagna and you’ve got a deal

17775342? ago

oldchan /pol/ no longer allows me to make new threads, report threads, or change the settings.

am i missing something?

17775339? ago

I was watching South Park and I noticed it's full of scat jokes in almost every episode. Then I remembered one of the producers is a jew. Why are jews so obsessed with poop?

17775341? ago

17775337? ago

Hey, can anyone spot me an archive link or a screen cap of the all female office business? Lost it in hard drive failure. Trying to prove something to someone in meatspace.

17775336? ago


BeautifulSoup and scrape (((MSM))) and (((Shitter))). (((GoyBook))) is more difficult because they insist you're logged in all the time.

17775325? ago


Steve Bannon is also not to be trusted, faggot. Both him and Trump are Israel loving neocons.

17775324? ago

yall got any sources about the jewish over representation in colleges/universities?

17775321? ago

Why are Jewtube pundits like ER and that alt-lite, Quarter, promoting the film Alita? That movie computer-generated scenes look simply awful.

I am not a nerd so I was hoping that some /v/irgin or /co/mmoner can explain this to me, are they being shilled by Hollywood, because oh boy, that movie sure looks fucking awful.

17775323? ago

You answered you're own question. Take a look at the producer.

17775319? ago

So like most anons, I'm sitting here scratching my head still trying to make sense of the Christchurch Event. In grappling with the 'event', it's important to remember that it has two components: the physical and the metaphysical ones, which are distinct from each other. It's obvious (as obvious as it can be anyways) that the metaphysical component of the event is one of awakening, grasping, heroism and a warrior soul. I say warriors soul and I mean a man who does what he does independent of praise or condemnation, simply because it must be done. The metaphysical aspect of this event is simple to see.

The physical aspect is more difficult to understand. We all here have seen dozens if not hundreds of violent .mp4s and .gifs, and what we witnessed on the killstream didn't seem to me to be of the same character. People have brought up the magazines on the floor (which I've seen addressed and discredited), the arrow on the floor for a crisis actor (which I've never seen explained), the piles of bodies in the corners which seem to writhe but do not look like a pile of living beings (running flailing jumping), but most compelling to me are the bullet casings that disappear while Tarrant is firing down the road. I've linked some articles from VeteransToday written by Gordon Duff who is obviously woke to Zionism if not the Jews outright, and in the "Undeniable Proof" video you can see bullet casings evaporating in mid air, failing to accumulate on the ground where they ought to land, as they do in video games, implying that this video is fabricated.

As far as the event goes, for better or worse, St. Tarrant the Remover will go down in history and certainly in the mythology of this place. The invaders are dead, but new ones will take their place. BUT, as other anons have said ad nauseum, the video was a training video of sorts, showing us that we can all do it and so I fully expect a growing tide of white separatist/nationalist actions. But here's my question: what the fuck is with the disappearing bullets?

http://archive.is/a34OL "Undeniable Proof"


17783432? ago

17775314? ago

Here's a question:

There is clear evidence that as homo sapiens became the dominant human species, we absorbed and assimilated neanderthal genes, meaning we must've bred them out of existence, somewhat like the great replacement is about to do with the few of us in the west who do breed.

The question is, why isn't it the /pol/ ambition to assimilate the mutts of the world of 8% black or 12% japanese or whatever, into the White ethnogroup as it slowly is put to replace the rest of the world as the dominant human group, just like the homo sapiens?

There is nothing that says that just because you have the racial genes of something else, it has to be expressed. Epigenetics tells us that which genes are expressed is based on the situation, and so that would mean that integration of other races, while maintaining the different white cultures, and the majority white genes, would only serve to be expressed when there is biological call for it.

Why isn't the plan to take not just the racially pure white, but also those right on the periphery of the racially pure, and join together? Why is an a man of a ten percent, four percent, or tenth percent nigger-esque heritage not able to contribute to the future of the human race?

What's the obsession with racial purity instead of racial meritocracy?

17775309? ago

I Moldovan am I white?

17775312? ago

Yes. You're genetically Slavic, aren't you? I used to listen to "Dragostea Din Tei" by O-Zone a lot when "Numa Numa" became a thing on JewTube. I hope your country gets lifted up from South America-tier poverty even faster.

17775307? ago

8chan is very suspicious to me.I think there even more Juden here than on FagChan

17775305? ago

Reminder not to pretend there are any good untermenschen

17775306? ago

/pol/ has made some funny memes in the past though

17775295? ago


Long live racism!

Racism never stop!

Long live racism!

Long live racism!

Kill the negro's

Long live racism!

The blood of racism will live,and the negro blood will be go

Kill the niggers

A negro is a ape

Kill the negro

Long live racism

sieg heil!

17775291? ago

Suppose Hitler came back to life and became outraged about the modern state of Germany. What would he do and how would he react? Would he try to seize power?

17775285? ago

What's the deal for non-whites who want to help out? I don't think they would be accepted even if they sterilized themselves.

17775327? ago

Alliances are mostly formed in common interests, so something that could benefit both groups would be segregation and anti-race mixing laws. Race mixing benefits nobody, it takes people of both races who would otherwise raise children of their own race, increasing their race's numbers, and makes them raise children that are neither race, harming both races in the process.

Same thing with segregation.

Another thing it would be based on is our common enemy of the jew.

The muslims would get the jews to stop mingling in their countries in return for getting out of ours and for not mixing / benefiting from our countries. Live and let live. Once the jewish drug lords are out of the picture, latin america might become less shitty to a certain extent. Asians would stop being underrepresented in universities and since asian men are even less likely to get an asian woman in america than a white man getting a white woman, segregation would be a really good thing for them.

Blacks would probably just loose all the gibs, they have nothing to gain from the victory of civilized people, I'm sorry but the actual pure africans in my eyes don't meat the threshold for human. There are however a shit ton of mullatos out there but their numbers in comparison to proper racial groups are still insignificant.

17775288? ago

They should be working to create their own adaptations of National Socialism for their own ethnic groups.

17775293? ago

My sister finished her PhD in gender studies. Not kidding. She wants to get a tattoo to celebrate. I really wish I could love my own family.


Stop cucking out.


Depends how nonwhite and how civilized.

17775292? ago

implying shitskins can organize creeds


no, he would be shot on sight, probably

17775287? ago

Forgot the pic.

17775283? ago


I mostly post in QTDDTOT or the shitty meta thread - or I'll just make a thread.

17775279? ago

We are strong, don't give up to those who ever get demoralized. Continue to read books, become strong, and bulk up. Our time is coming soon. This is not a time to weaken. That is what (((they))) are counting on. (((They))) are terrified.

17775275? ago

look at this bullshit

17775281? ago

Even the American Free Press is carrying that lump of shit. They go from Michael Collins Piper and Victor Thorn, to that…

On the bright side, if there are ever eugenics programs in the US, the sales records for that book will make compiling lists for sterilization and euthanasia a whole lot easier.

17783433? ago

Even the American Free Press is carrying that lump of shit. They go from Michael Collins Piper and Victor Thorn, to that…

Actually that's no difference at all, since Q is a CIA psyop and Michael Collins Piper was a bloated CIA faggot.

17785621? ago

What about Victor Thorn?

17785623? ago

Did he work for AFP?


17788796? ago

Wasn't he supposedly a jew?

17739189? ago

Did anyone else notice the suspiciously low postcount on /pol/ during weekends? I'm pretty certain there are like 5-10 genuine people posting and that everyone else is just jews jewing jews and various government employees.

17739190? ago

5-10 genuine people posting and that everyone else is just jews jewing jews and various government employees.

That's how it has been since November.

17739184? ago

Oh, look. Bannon admits to being a literal fucking spook in a new documentary that exposes the whole hoax of Trump's campaign.

17739187? ago

quotes or clips of him doing that?

17739183? ago

Has "The Washington Post" ever criticized Israel even once or do they just follow the same script as any other mainstream "journalist news" publication along with the "Muh Russia!" song and dance? I have a feeling they are being hypocritical when it comes to Israel's borders. Any proof on this matter?

17785625? ago

Has "The Washington Post" ever criticized Israel even once,…

Yes, and in fact, TWP criticizes Israel a hell of a lot more than you Republikikes.

17851156? ago

Yes, and in fact, TWP criticizes Israel a hell of a lot more than you Republikikes.

No they fucking don't, you schizo retard. They support the "two-state solution" like that kike Noam Chomsky, there was never a time that they ever wanted Palestinians to kill Israeli kikes down to the last child and take Israel back to the Palestinians. ALL "news" sites are kiked to all hell. Also:

claims all of /pol/ is pro-Republican and anti-Democrat

implying this r/The_ZOGnald false dichotomy argument works here

forgets the entire point of free speech and anonymity


The Israeli military didn't create the Al-Qaeda cell that did 9/11. The CIA and US Army created it.

I, as a schizo, believe this because CIA and the US Army are totally not in bed with Israel and Mossad

What kind of kike shilling is this? Are you having a hard time admitting you're just a "news" journalist with a liberal arts degree pretending to be an Alex Jonestein-tier "conspiracy theorist" or something? How about you go back chanting "Death To Whites!!!" on some kiked university campus instead of wasting your time here. Do you really think this is the place where people think The Huffington Post is a credible news source? You're literally circlejerking on your own opinions.

17881352? ago

…there was never a time that they ever wanted Palestinians to kill Israeli kikes down to the last child…

Now this is USASOC posting.

17733804? ago

==red text==how do I red text

17734806? ago

You have to lurk for two years first.

17732837? ago

Leftist astroturfed campaign to destroy the "Alt-Right" exposed.

17730779? ago

I have an Asian wife and Asian kids.. Hitler admired the Asians.. Do I fit in here?

17730782? ago

Only if you are also Asian. If you have racemixed children, then you can go away.

17730781? ago

You’re not even trying.

17727234? ago

requesting the pic from third reich where they list all types of germans (nords etc) and any infodumps on nordic peoples moving to germany in ancient times

17725574? ago

Cultural Marxist SJW's will always hate Whites no matter what, even if they align with their beliefs. Their main goal is killing them all just in the name of "fairness", as if Whites didn't try to genocide other Whites. Not only that, practically 99.99% of the world hates National Socialism because of Holohoax propaganda and other outside causes. So I've been thinking, after all the kikes are dead, down to the last hook-nosed child, should White National Socialists fight the whole world who is instinctively against them and their interests? I sure hope so. A race war shall happen any time soon. By then, there will be no such thing as good or evil, what would matter the most is who you stand for.

17725575? ago

After jews are removed you can bring the public to your side. The world is against us because the jews lie about us. We represent normality, jews represent abnormality supported by lies.

17725571? ago

It sure is a strange timeline we that live in, right now. I'm not saying he's wrong for criticizing (((Ari Fleischer))), in fact, I agree with him completely. I'm just wondering if the Alt-Kike praised him for changing his username. I doubt if they actually agree with him on this.

17725573? ago

Oops, I forgot to put in my question on the post. What happened to this guy?

17725109? ago

if I go to THE other chan, will I get hijacked by satanic pedophile gimps who will murder me?

i mostly want to go for the spookies

17725108? ago

Where can I find some good dindu content?

17721143? ago


kill yourself

17718984? ago

If I am to filter somebody in one thread, do they get filtered in all other /pol/ threads? I am just curious as to the benefit of filtering people, if they aren't filtered in other threads, it's a pretty temporary solution.

pic related, false flag shill

17720094? ago

It's only in the current thread. What you propose would require tracking anons across threads, which is a privacy violation, and only something mods can do.

17720096? ago

a privacy violation

Are you fucking serious, mate.

17718985? ago

The people you filter will just hop onto a another IP so yeah filtering is limited, filtering is better than replying though.

17718118? ago

Sup /pol/?

What to do if I live in (((some bigass city))) full of politically correct retards that make me want to blow my own head off? It really seems blackpill here, my best option is to be some walking bank account to some "woke" whore who cheats on me. I'm so fucking tired of this ride.

Honestly considering >>>/suicide/ not even a meme.

17718120? ago

Either suicide bomb a synagogue or stop being of subhuman intelligence and fucking move away.

17718121? ago

Where the fuck to anon? Yurop is getting more fucked by the day, burgers are no better. Just a small town in buttfuck nowhere here in Burgerland? Genuinely curious.

burger here

17718123? ago

You move to a town with fewer than 10,000 people. Most of those remain white. You can look up the demographics for basically anywhere if you’re inclined. The only problems you’ll have will be getting a job in a specific field and having slower internet. EVERYTHING ELSE will be improved, socially. There’s still the problem of collective consciousness, where everyone in society is suicidally depressed and doesn’t know why, because they form their worldview based on the unified jewish message out of Hollywood, but at least you’ll only be around whites and you’ll be safe.

17717088? ago

What do anons think happened on 9/11?

Clearly ((greater)) Israel benefits the most but how was 9/11 done?

What do you think of Ace Baker documentary? Was there cgi/video composition involved and were there bombs placed? Seems likely to me

17725970? ago

What do anons think happened on 9/11?

The CIA and SOCOM created the Al-Qaeda cell that did 9/11. GID and Mossad were also heavily involved.

Clearly ((greater)) Israel benefits the most but how was 9/11 done?

The same way that all mass shootings and bombings are done. NATO militaries and intelligence agencies incite and provoke specially chosen individuals (patsies) into committing the attacks.

What do you think of Ace Baker documentary? Was there cgi/video composition involved and were there bombs placed? Seems likely to me

All 9/11 truth material is NATO military psychological warfare operations designed to fuck with your mind.

17726758? ago


never mentions Mossad even once

It amazes me how this thezog.info schizo even barely mentions the CIA or FBI, and yet never mentions that they are in bed with Israel and Mossad.

All 9/11 truth material is NATO military psychological warfare operations designed to fuck with your mind.

All 9/11 truth material

Great job defending Israel's terrorism against all of those innocent American citizens.

17786960? ago

9/11 Truth

The 9/11 Truth cult is a US Army PSYOP. "Truth" (Latin "Veritas") is the motto of US Army Psychological Operations.

17786963? ago

there's a latin word for truth, do you know who else use latin? the army

Ok. Truth is also english for veritas. You know whose motto is truth, justice, and the american way? Superman. Superman is behind 9/11 truthers.

17785628? ago

Great job defending Israel's terrorism against all of those innocent American citizens.

The Israeli military didn't create the Al-Qaeda cell that did 9/11. The CIA and US Army created it.

The CIA and US Army also created Al-Qaeda in the first place back in the 1980's and 1990's. You would already know that if you weren't a mentally challenged teenager.

17716194? ago

There was a post on here about that pedo sandnigger from Twitter. Anyone have that on a pastie or archive? trying to find it before it was pruned…id really appreciate it. thanks!

17716195? ago

Every second poster on twatter is a pedo sandnigger, youre going to have to be more specific.

17716196? ago

twas a video of this guy on a playground saying to a toddler he was going to "fuck her little pussy". primal rage aside, im trying to dig info on the cancerous fuck and had some time today.

17717080? ago

Saw the video, probably shoahd by now. Not sure on a link, someone posted it on Gab.

17716191? ago

What the fuck does "optics" mean? Not exactly an old old fag but joined in chanology and moved over in 1 exo. But been seeing this word thrown around a lot. Also, are there still uncircumcised anons here or is this the new jewish imageboard as it sure does seem so.

17725568? ago

Optics means taking into account the Overton Window when addressing an audience.

Some people bend to the concept totally, others never, others vary and adapt to the circumstances.

I think all those types of people are necessary in order to redpill the gen pop.

17716192? ago

Its something people who dont do any reading about radicalism or making change, or mixed race mutts say. A euphemism for "Just lie, people love being lied to and deceived, they respond well to cowards and weasels"

17715233? ago

Also stay the fuck away from Zcash, its Israeli made and backdoored.

17715232? ago

Oh I get it, hes a gold retard buying illiquid highly taxed and regulated lumps of metal instead of something thats going to 10x before it reaches its former ATH and then 100x's from there. Id say stay poor but this shit is for donating to white causes etc, so go fuck yourself, buy Litecoin, Monero and Dash.

17713127? ago

So a anti-JQ-discussion Hasbara shill that has high activities on the Q research board just doxxed himself on twitter.


Regardless of what one can think about Q, one thing is certain, Q board is a free speech platform with a shit load of traffic and people are getting redpilled on the JQ there in massive numbers everyday. The kikes are trying to shut it down really hard for a while, and this absolute imbecile Doug Stewart just doxxed himself pretty hard.

Pics related are instances of Q making reference to Israel and Mossad.

This is also some of the content that gets shared there pretty much everyday:

http://archive.vn/x5qSo - #1 version 1.2

http://archive.vn/MZp6s – Annex 1 version 0.2

http://archive.vn/ypVpQ - #2, version 1.0

http://archive.vn/nGAey - #3, version 1.0

http://archive.vn/EFTt0 - #4, version 1.0

http://archive.vn/4jdTm - #5, version 1.0

http://archive.vn/iax6J – Annex 2, version 1.1

http://archive.vn/kfR77 – Annex 3, version 1.1

http://archive.vn/I6kJz (and here you can think a text version of the text in that graph if you do not find it easy to read or you want to grab the links faster: http://archive.vn/tK8Dw )

17717087? ago

I hope you are right and we arent just being played into inaction by "saving (((them))) for last"

17724523? ago

The only kind of inaction Q posts prevent, IMHO is vigilantism and shit like that.

He tells people to redpill others and fight (legally, off course), so I am not worried about it being a psyop by the kikes.

It would make no sense for the kikes who spend so much money and effort on censoring everything and everyone to create a board which gets people from the gen pop that would never in their life ever find their way to a chan redpilled on the JQ on a daily basis. And the honeypot theory is dumb because the people who can redpill the gen pop on the JQ are already being contained in well established honeypots, such as /pol/ (both) and others.


You're dumb if you can't see that using Q's board as a platform to redpill the gen pop on the JQ is the best thing you can do rn to mainstream the JQ. There is no single platform anywhere else in the world rn where you have the free speech to make your case without restrictions with a shit load of new eyes everyday.

You're either dumb, or blinded by emotion to not make use of the opportunity to reach a massive audience with the redpills the PTB prevent them to see on the mainstream platforms.

17735732? ago

The only kinds of pills that people who are dumb enough to buy the Q LARP should be taking are high enough doses of pharmaceuticals to end their lives. They're the lowest stock of human beings, and intellectually inferior to Sub-Saharan Africans.

To quote Pamphlet Anon, who was ever at the helm of the LARP when the post was made: "these people are stupid".

17775313? ago

Pamphlet Anon, who was ever at the helm of the LARP

That is a lie.

Q's board has free speech and more eyes on it that both /pol/s will ever have, its no coincidence that people there get redpilled on the JQ and then pics related happen.

17775317? ago

Q's target audience are Trumpnigger boomers, who just so happen to be the strongest pro-Israel demographic. Things like that are happening despite the LARP, not because of it.

17775471? ago

who just so happen to be the strongest pro-Israel demographic

That's why they need to get redpilled HARD

17737552? ago

Anti-Semitism is NOT funny. Okay, bub? Cut the crap.

17713125? ago

Is trump and q-anon an ISIS operation?

and by ISIS, I mean Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

Anons blame Jews for all our problems and yet trump is closer to Israel than a rabbi is to a child's foreskin.

How can trump be on our side and yet have his daughter marry a jew and gargle bibi's balls?

17725971? ago

Is trump and q-anon an ISIS operation?

No. Trump and Qanon are USASOC operations.

17713128? ago

Trump wasnt a factor until 2 years ago, how could he possibly be responsible for all our problems just because hes a Jew puppet. Use your head. Also yes, Q is a mossad psyop.

Patriots have no skin color, marry a nigger goy

Send your kid to die in Iran

Merkel is a Nazi! Related to Hitler!

Be as shabbos as you can, trust the plan!

17710992? ago

I believe this is the right thread for this.

So a lot of burgers, especially urbanites, immediately default to accusing everyone they don't agree with of being a dumb redneck, right? And their line of reasoning is

non-kosher-right/WN -> redneck -> retarded

And through cartoons and hollywood memes, this triple association trope has spilled over to normalfags. Meanwhile in real life, while hicks are indeed retards, because of that, their politics are far from based. They're all kike-worshipping religious cuckservatives at best and most of the time outright liberals. Could there be a way to subvert the association and make being liberal associated with being a southerner? For instance with all the spics, could being open and nice to spics and generally pro-spic be somehow memed into being associated with being a retarded hillbilly?

17710995? ago


17712016? ago

Thats gotta be a shoop. Its Larry King in a wig

17712018? ago

I think its real tbh.

17710993? ago

Kill yourself yankee kike.

17712017? ago

disagree with a pleb or a 4/pol/ack

immediately get accused of being a hick

mention dislike of christcuck hillbillies here

immediately get accused of being a yank

You're no better than the SanFran bluehairs.

< Nah, nah. Let's not get all like them uneducated racists, our new friends Pablo and Rodriquez are jus' faahne. Pablo told me, too. Long as we show 'em all the way of tha lord, and open our hearts we can all get alahng with each other. Ain't no need for all that icky white nationalism, all we need for things to get better is a return to true conservatism

That's what it is with you morons all day all night. It's as if whenever I hear you argue politics I can hear that cartoon r/the_Donald character's rubber duck squeaking in the background.

That's all it is with you soon-to-be-niggers and you know it's true.

17712021? ago


You D&C shills are losing btw.

17709115? ago

Requesting /pol/ tier information on the prison reform bill Trump signed, my understanding was a ton of felonious niggers were released from prison but the news articles are all leftist trash trying to make it sound like it didnt change anything.

17708378? ago

17708376? ago

Why is every post on the first page filled with reddit tier spacing? Reddit fags lurk before posting you cock suckers.

17709117? ago

Because freemasons are Jew puppets and Jim is a mason.

17707340? ago

Take a moment and think about it: how the fuck you as an american you'd sign up to go to war and fight in Europe against the nazis? And it did not happen on a small scale, like 1000 leftist communist sympathizers doing it. Millions of fucking straight white males agreed to do it.


Do you think it could happen again today? If somehow a new Hitler would rise up in Germany, do you think american straight white males would go again to fight against nazis?

17707343? ago

Because they weren't effeminate nerds aching to lick mustache-man's boot.

17707341? ago

propaganda. also, neocons and liberals hate nazis. the average ignorant american blob only has what they were taught by history channel and high school to base their opinion/feelings off of

17707783? ago


Huh? I think they went to war due to propaganda, muh patriotism and all that shit, it was collective madness.

The problem is that I think even today the white male would go to war to fight for le fags and feminists, they learned nothing from ww2. You can tell, straight white male soldiers can't wait to play heroes and get a pat on the head from the anti-white society, it's another form of propaganda. Starve straight white males of praise and they will act as good dogs when time comes for them to risk their lives in the name of democracy and degeneracy.

17706258? ago

17705257? ago

Anyone have copies of the Israeli organ trafficking videos that were floating around a few years back? They were undercover video, showing actual palestinian children being taken to like a backroom lab, crying, being held down, and gassed and operated on. It was horrible shit and I can't find it anywhere now

17703971? ago

What's the deal with nein chan?

I keep getting banned and my post deleted if I ask about it, that's kinda weird. I thought freedom of speech was a thing here.

17707781? ago

You're clearly too retarded to read the rules, it says no yang gang memes, they only want serious political conversations no shitposting faggots like you

17703969? ago











17703967? ago

I already posted this on /r/ and /rec/ but no luck. Looking for an old propaganda video that, as I recall had World War II / Third Reich / Hitler speeches set to "Who Wants To Live Forever" (the song by Queen) as covered by Sarah Brightman, or it might have been Katherine Jenkins. It had some great strings/brass on it and it was really well done and inspiring but it seems to have been taken down. Anybody got a webm version that I can just download for safe keeping?

I realize it's something of a shot in the dark, but for reference:



For reference:

17703966? ago

Redpill me on Mengele please. I don't really want to believe he was a super villain evil doctor

17703136? ago

So, do feminists want whores to do whatever the fuck they want with their bodies via fucking niggers or do they not want them to do such a thing? Is it "capitalism and patriarchy's fault" when women are "forced" to wear bras and women's proper clothing or is it "capitalism and patriarchy's fault" when they don't? Do they support sluts or do they hate sluts? Also, what's their ideal body type of a woman? They seem to see anime fan service and Japanese video game fan service as "sexist objectification".

17703973? ago

That's radical feminism, the Zionist boomer-tier kind of feminism. The type of feminism people see nowadays (third-wave feminism) is the worst kind, but feminism has always been a horrible concept. Both are Jewish to the core. Radical feminists only hate (((pornography))) because they think retarded thots are being "forced by men to do porn". It's not far from Zionist, muh kike-on-a-stick, Christcuck cuckservatism, to be honest. Both always seem to hate natural beauty.

17702242? ago

Assuming mass shooting are a government plan to remove gun rights. What lesson would the government learn from the failure of the Vegas shooting. Why didn't the vegas shooting lead to more outcry and a demand for less guns. The story of Vegas became a mystery story. Why did Paddock do it, motive. Did Paddock act alone? Did Padock really do it? etc etc. The Kiwi incident is all explained, no mystery. Motive he wrote a book. Did he really do it? He filmed it, of course. No mystery no debate just ban the guns.

17702237? ago

Why breed when you can die?

17703135? ago

why breed?

so we don't die

17699912? ago

stop being successful REEEEEEEEEE

l fucking moa

17698907? ago

Which is more lethal: hydrogen sulfide or chlorine gas? How much ppm of hydrogen sulfide is necessary to kill?

17709962? ago

I dont know but heres a semi-related song.

17709960? ago

Hi, jew.

17698912? ago

  1. This is something that you can look up in any chemistry lookup table worth its salt. You don’t need us.

  2. It doesn’t matter; you won’t have any need for this information in your life.

17697887? ago

be White

make money

share house with friends who are similar to you politically

save up money

put said money to political acts that actually work

bring more Whites similar to you in the area and have them do the same

get even more money

Whites around Europe and America catch on and copy

bypasses leftist globalist government and is completely legal

higher chance of finding decent work through shared information between Whites

more money from sharing and splitting the bills and food

literally Nation building but on a housing scale

Why haven't we been doing this shit already? No one speaks about taking from the system and having it benefit us. If we want to collapse it we need to take the money and come together and with that money buy the resources necessary to strengthen ourselves.

17698914? ago

Stop shilling this shit you fucking nigger kike, it has been proven that there is no solution that doesn't involve the final solution.

17713130? ago

be White

make money

share house with friends who are similar to you politically

save up money

put said money to political acts that actually work

bring more Whites similar to you in the area and have them do the same

get even more money

Whites around Europe and America catch on and copy

bypasses (((government))) and is completely legal

higher chance of finding decent work through shared information between Whites

more money from sharing and splitting the bills and food

literally Nation building but on a housing scale

Why haven't we been doing this shit already?

17713131? ago

Dont forget to use cryptocurrency, if youve ever tried to sell a couple thousand in gold without paying 30% in taxes you would know why.

17715226? ago

do what jews want



Never post here again.

17715227? ago

I didnt say use ripple, tard.

17715228? ago

you're dumb because you won't do what jews want

We won't be doing what jews want, no. You're not going to fool us.

17715231? ago

Jews say dont use crypto you total retard, buying in at the bottom is going to be a huge boost for white activists and youre sitting around bitching about things you havent read a single thing on.

I bet you dont even know what a fucking ring signature is. The kike coin is Ripple, its the banker coin. KYC coins are for kikes, thats not Monero.

17906602? ago

There we go.

17697886? ago

US Nuclear Whistleblower Flees the Country for Russia



This just came out; what should we make of this???

Is the guy going to get murked or do you think he has a chance?

[Incoming shitstorm ensues]

17705259? ago

He made a whole vid to tell us he's a whistleblower, but then doesn't blow the whistle. I hope that faggot dies. It seems like some kind of fake Q shit.

17696876? ago

How cucked are you New Zealand faggots??? I keep seeing your women in such a horrendous state, thank God I'm from the great country of Romania!!! CHRISTIANITY IS STRONG WHEN TAUGHT RIGHT

17697883? ago

God bless the Captain

17695895? ago

17695893? ago

Mental health is very important.

It's better to be a grower than a shower.

17694864? ago

Not a single shill could prove him wrong. This is definitive proof that the shills support pro-tarrant accelerationism. The mods even anchored it like all the other anti-accelerationist threads.

Thread: >>13036810

17694863? ago

Anyone got the sauce for this Tarrant pic? It seems twitter isn't included in reverse image searches anymore.

17706257? ago


There's a name in the bottom corner of the bigger pic here. Looks like it says Jay156

17701130? ago


17693649? ago

Why are they not pushing for bestiality to become normal?

17693650? ago

They are. Pay attention.

17693644? ago

Hoping Q see's this post. My moms been in line at the Trump Rally in Grand Rapids, MI since 4am this morning. She got a interview with a local news station rocking her Q gear!


17693647? ago

Get the fuck out, you brain damaged jewish puppet.

17687074? ago

Never forget Sunspot and their bullshit cover story. Don't let it get memoryholed.

17686688? ago

Didnt wanna start a thread for it:


Its in Dutch but basically: volunteerorganisation helps emotional recovery after a child is deadborn. By taking hundreds of pictures like in a fotoshoot, so they can show it to friends and family…

Question: is it A) me going insane or B) the world going insane?

17687072? ago

There's a lot crazier things going on in Belgium, wafelbroer.

17683138? ago

Enemy of the State

17683137? ago

What's next with Trump meeting with Apple, and now Google…


"I had a GREAT meeting with Jussie Smollett about race relations. Ended really well."


17683139? ago


Your LARP doesn't belong here.

17683133? ago

In April 2010 at the national convention of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee [AIPAC], the organization’s Leadership Development Director gave a rousing speech. 

The speech, by Jonathan Kessler, was before student leaders who had been brought to the convention in Washington DC on a free, all expenses paid trip from 370 campuses from all 50 states. 

In it Kessler announced: "How are we going to beat back the anti-Israel divestment resolution at Berkeley? We’re going to make certain that pro-Israel students take over the student government and reverse the vote. That is how AIPAC operates in our nation’s capitol. This is how AIPAC must operate on our nation’s campuses." 

Kessler’s remarks, reported by JTA, concerned the March 18, 2010 16-4 vote by the Associated Students of the University of California Berkeley Senate to support a resolution calling for the university to divest from investment in companies providing military support to Israel. 

The resolution was vetoed by ASUC president Will Smelko on March 24. 

In January 2016 a similar resolution (divestment from companies complicit in human rights violations against the Palestinian people) passed 32-12 at the University of South Florida. It was similarly vetoed by the student government's president and vice president, Andy Rodriguez and Michael Malanga. 



17679852? ago

Where can I download an ultra high def map/picture of an area/city? Preferably one where the individual buildings are more than 4 pixels, options for borders, streets, labels, etc would be nice.

Something similar to /HTG/ maps, but much more detail for precision.

17680978? ago


Does anything in the top search results help here? I just use google maps and go into their 3D view.

17683143? ago

No anon I mean't like those big dot maps of entire cities like in the hunting traffickers threads, how can I get a high quality high res aerial picture of an entire city.

17678808? ago

Are there any other chans pols where i don't have to see every second thread about Muslims, Brenton Tarrant or bluepilled political yang gang shit and can actually talk about proper stuff such as the Jewish problem, ideas, books etc, not this jewish psyops crap, sick off 8ch pol, it was bearable before the shooting in NZ but after that this place become pure cancer with cuckchan bluepilled tier threads everywhere, 100% increase of people under the age of 18 bluepilled faggots immigrated to this place, this place is officially cuckchan2.0 we seriously fucking need a place to go

17678809? ago

it was bearable before the shooting in NZ

You're kidding, right?

17678812? ago

Give me a new platform faggot

17675533? ago

Where did /meadhall/ go to?

There were meetup threads and such. Did people migrate elsewhere? I noticed the Belgian threads died out before the entire board went down. Does anyone know where they hang out now?

17683136? ago

holy shit - its gone

17677663? ago

ahem, i think you are lost

17677664? ago

pls no bully did the mods or owner blacklist it?

17674425? ago

Body is TEMPLE















17675526? ago

17674419? ago

What are pol methods and tips for abstinence?

I've been a fapper and porn watcher since early teens so it's really hard for me to shake. Can never last more than 10 days. Either end up masturbating cos so horny, or meet with cute thot that I know to fuck her. How do I stop completely and forever? What worked for you?

17674424? ago

"pol methods"

/pol/ is not about abstinence. If you're white, find a woman of your own ethnicity and plant your seed then stick around and take care of those children. If you're not white, stop fucking and keep fapping. If you're a kike, hang yourself.

17678816? ago

What if I’m a euromutt

17676570? ago

Found no good women yet, what to do in the meantime?

17674422? ago

just dont look nigga lol like close your eyes dog lmao

17671012? ago

The way things are (and i hate to use this meme word) accelerating, how much time (in years) realistically do you think we have before kikes go all out?

I mean look at what is happening:

EU is crumbling

everything is being censored left and right

people are being redpilled at incredible rates

the awakening in France

people getting more aware of Palestine‘s occupation

How long can the kikes hold it?

17672265? ago

EU is crumbling

Never been stronger.

everything is being censored left and right

And no one resists.

people are being redpilled at incredible rates

How? Everything is censored. They refuse to act on it, so you're clearly lying.

the awakening in France

In what way? They're rioting without purpose or cause.

people getting more aware of Palestine‘s occupation

And still don't care.

17678817? ago

Doesn’t know a Jewish bank was burned in France last weekend

Slow burn, activate that low time preference, white boy

17669790? ago

I just did a little bit of research on campaign contributors.

So I pull up my current freshman Congressman

Start looking at his campaign contributions

and I see this:

Top Contributors, 2017 - 2018Contributor Total Individuals PACsClub for Growth $72,153 $72,153 $0House Freedom Fund $52,733 $47,733 $5,000Pilot Corp $12,800 $12,800 $0Healthmark Ventures $11,800 $11,800 $0Ariel Corp $10,800 $10,800 $0Top Industries, 2017 - 2018Industry Total Individuals PACsRepublican/Conservative $136,457 $114,207 $22,250Retired $101,277 $101,277 $0Leadership PACs $97,233 $47,733 $49,500Health Professionals $74,940 $51,940 $23,000Real Estate $64,920 $62,420 $2,500

so I start looking around "House Freedom Fund"


Top 20 Contributors to Leadership PACRank Contributor Total Indivs PACs1 Captive-Aire Inc $65,000 $65,000 $02 Healthmark Ventures $29,449 $29,449 $03 Ariel Corp $26,000 $26,000 $04 Woodforest National Bank $20,000 $20,000 $05 Vistas Unlimited $18,900 $18,900 $06 Wells Fargo $15,980 $15,980 $07 Chase Professionals $15,000 $15,000 $07 Nokomis Capital $15,000 $15,000 $07 Tennessee Industrial Electronics $15,000 $15,000 $07 Western Mutual Insurance $15,000 $15,000 $0

So I looked up Captive-Aire Inc…


CaptiveAire Systems is the largest privately held manufacturer of commercial kitchen ventilation systems in the U.S. The company, founded by Robert L. Luddy in 1976, is headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina. Since its inception, the company has expanded from fire suppression to a wide array of products including exhaust, pollution control, fire suppression and prevention, and utility distribution.

Largest contributor to the House Freedom Fund is a company that makes Ventilation Systems?


I'm thinking that this is bullshit and that this has to be money laudering.

I tried to look up Captive-Aire Inc stock prices but could not find anything.

If there is a sudden drop in value after 4 Nov 2018 midterm elections, then they are suspect in my mind.

17669788? ago

Why not shatter all the narratives by releasing your own manifesto as the first non-white white supremacist mass killer?

It's amazing to me how many non-whites actually sympathize with our plight and want us to succeed in resisting white genocide.

I'd like to see the fall out when they are trying to stop people from reading the words of a shitskins who acted to try to save the white race.

17698909? ago

I actually want to do this, but i dont have someone to help me with this. Do this alone will be difficult. Anyway, i'm gonna try.

17669767? ago

One of the biggest issues I see in the world is the lack of information. Simply put, the average normie is incredibly uninformed. However, if this could be changed, if they could be informed, things would be different.

My idea is that we inform people by writing on and using money.

Everybody uses it, no ones gonna throw away a twenty just because someone wrote on it. And it’s virtually untraceable. Someone could say, write “FBI crime statistic table 21 A” on a hundred dollar bill. That one act could inform dozens of people about crime.

What do you guys think of the idea and what suggestions do you have to put on these bills?

17669783? ago

One of the biggest issues I see in the world is the lack of information.

One of the biggest issues I see in the world is the overabundance of dis-information.

17669793? ago

So help me combat it.

17683134? ago

I'm fucking trying

17669766? ago

17669773? ago



thezog.info schizo is back again

This guy reeks of kike apologia and anti-White Cultural Marxist propaganda at times, and then at other times he claims X and Y are kikes. He's very inconsistent. It wouldn't surprise me if he is from /leftypol/ pretending to be "woke af", but just like any /leftypol/ dweller they can never resist projecting their literal faggotry.

They are practically everywhere at this point. Why is (((Marxism))) still popular, again? I know it's you, amerimutt Moarpheus. Go back to making picket signs that say "Death to Whites!!!" on some Commiefornia university.

17669778? ago

That doesn't explain how Adolf Hitler was able to send the CGI Aryan spacemen through the Pizzagate time warp to the present day flat earth to stop the 5G Kikes from brainwashing the H'White race with chemtrail HollowHoax propaganda using their Jewniversities and TalmudVision.

17667388? ago

I'm looking for places to upload a book of great importance; one that should not be lost through time.

Please advise as to where I can upload anonymously, yet have the title searchable by those who seek,

https:// anonfile.com/6bp7s7U4mf/Osman_Bey_-_The_Conquest_of_the_World_by_the_Jews_pdf

Transcribed from a scanned copy into readable, searchable, text to audioable format.

17679850? ago

Try submitting it to http://www.balderexlibris.com

17678813? ago

Thank you for the effort Anon! Good work.

17665835? ago

17664843? ago

What is the recommended English translation of Mein Kampf?

17665834? ago

Stalag and Manheim are both accurate and good translations. Murphy is subpar, and Ford is trash.

17664001? ago

Anyone got an archive of the "birth control megathread" that was up last year?

17667387? ago

17661841? ago

17667289? ago

Mike Judge

2nd generation CIA.

17661338? ago

The Mossad narrative is now backed by mainstream media and muslim.

Color me surprised.

17660942? ago

Is Xurious kill?

He hasn't uploaded in 6 months and used to steadily crank out the most whitepilling hypevids on the web. We need his power for our cause in this crucial time. I don't use Gab or anything, and none of his stuff is on cheekyvideos.net. Is he active anywhere else online?

17671009? ago

Is Xurious kill?

His MOD contract ended.

17660509? ago

Since we don't have a 'news that doesn't deserve its own thread' thread (and never will), here's your daily dose of demoralization.

Amherst College’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion last week issued a 40-page glossary of terms officials said they had created to spell out a common agreement on how to define words and phrases often used at the small liberal arts campus. The “Common Language Guide,” emailed to the roughly 1,900 undergrads at the private college, broke down pages of terms under categories such as “isms,” “race and ethnicity, “gender identity,” “class,” “politics and policy,” “global power and inequality” and “disability.”


Equality: “An equality emphasis often ignores historical and structural factors that benefit some social groups/communities and harm other social groups/communities,” the document reads, seeming to dissuade students from treating each other equally.

Race: a social construction (not a biological phenomenon) developed by European (white) scientists intended to rank humans based on perceived biological differences rooted in appearance, skin tone and ancestral homelands. With the intent to subjugate particular communities, race “scientists” asserted that whites/Europeans were the most evolved and blacks/Africans were the least evolved, with Asians existing in the middle. The idea of race is intricately linked with the practice of white supremacy, which continues to have damaging impacts on communities of color globally.

Biological Determinism: The idea that all human behavior is innate, determined by biology. Biological determinism has been used to oppress marginalized groups (e.g. as a justification for slavery, the displacement and genocide of native populations, and denying women’s suffrage) using biased science. It has been associated with scientific racism, eugenics and the maintenance of strict gender roles.

Homonationalism: A concept introduced by Jasbir K. Puar to name the political deployments of certain kinds of LGBTQ+ people in the service of U.S. nationalist and imperialist agendas. Used to explain the ways in which cis-gay and lesbian veterans of the Iraq War were celebrated as proof of American exceptionalism in contrast to racist/orientalist discourse about Iraqi combatants and other people in Central Asia racialized outside of U.S. understandings of whiteness.

Heterosexism: A pervasive system of beliefs and practices that manifest across societal/cultural, institutional and individual domains that centers and normalizes heterosexuality. Enacts violence against all other sexualities through their erasure, pathologization and invalidation. Provides various advantages to heterosexual/straight folks.

Reverse Oppression: There is no such thing as reverse oppression. Oppression is predicated upon access to institutional power. Marginalized communities do not have access to institutional power. For example, women can be as prejudiced as men, but women cannot be “just as sexist as men,” because they do not hold political, economic and institutional power.

Cissexism: The system of belief that cisgender individuals are the privileged class and are more natural, normal or acceptable than transgender, genderqueer, nonbinary and/or gender-nonconforming people. This belief manifests as the systematic denial of rights to trans and nonbinary people and their routine mistreatment.

Fragile masculinity: A state of requiring affirmation of one’s masculinity and manhood in order to feel power and dominance. Rooted in sexism, heterosexism and misogyny, fragile masculinity is the fear of being associated with femininity and queerness, or any traits that oppose those which are socially constructed as masculine. For example, men being hesitant to cry is an example of fragile masculinity.

Reminder that this document is, by US law, TREASON. It actively supports the ethnic genocide of Americans. The people who wrote it must be executed.

17661840? ago

dubs confirm

17661339? ago

Homonationalism: A concept introduced by Jasbir K. Puar to name the political deployments of certain kinds of LGBTQ+ people in the service of U.S. nationalist and imperialist agendas. Used to explain the ways in which cis-gay and lesbian veterans of the Iraq War were celebrated as proof of American exceptionalism in contrast to racist/orientalist discourse about Iraqi combatants and other people in Central Asia racialized outside of U.S. understandings of whiteness.

This is basically just a left-wing version of the globohomo idea. "America" promotes the faggot identity as a way to show the world how great they are. This is actually true, and anyone who wants to understand more about the globohomo agenda should read Puar's book, just read inbetween the lines.

17665053? ago

17666339? ago

Goyim = Clay

17660943? ago

but women cannot be “just as sexist as men,” because they do not hold political, economic and institutional power.

do not hold political, economic and institutional power.

Are they even remotely trying to research anything on their claims? This is why I think SJW's are the most arrogant and stupid pieces of fecal matter out there. It's funny how even in universities, they are practically the minority there as well. In fact, they are a minority everywhere. There's a good reason why people call them SJW's, after all.

17660506? ago

Creepy porn lawyer touched my pee-pee

17657948? ago

Are you guys aware that George Lincoln Rockwell considered Jews to be apart of the white race?

17655773? ago

Jews are evil and are the cause of everything evil in this world. Here's a few quick facts about Jews for you:

-Jews created feminism

-Jews own the media

-Jews start all the wars, the neo-con politicians and advisors are mostly jewish

-Jews control Hollywood

-Jews are the ones pushing for mass immigration of 3rd worlder subhumans into the West

-Jews own the global banking system

-Jews created pornography

-95% of all "terrorism" attacks worldwide are FALSE FLAG attacks that are carried out by undercover Mossad agents

-Jews created and/or control all the major social media networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Google, etc.

-Jews were the ones responsible for slavery (the ships which brought African slaves to America were owned by jews)

-Jews did 9-11 (google Masters of Deception PDF)

-Jews created the bogus science of psychiatry, which creates fake diseases like ADHD in order to justify selling billions of dollars worth of drugs like Ritalin to "treat" these fake diseases

-Jews are the ones pushing all of the pro-transexual, pro-homosexual propaganda

-Jews turned the religion of Christianity into a jew-worshipping cult that promotes Jews as the "Chosen Race"

-Jews are trying to destroy free speech (the ADL and SPLC are both run by jews)

-Jews are trying to take away our guns (Jewish politicians are leading the fight to take away our guns)

-Jews are 6 times more likely to be mentally ill than non-jews (Jews are a disease)

-the educational system is overwhelmingly run by Jews and this explains why modern universities have become communist Marxist indoctrination institutions

-Jews are 10 times more likely to be homosexual then non-jews

-Jews lied about the HOLOCAUST and claimed 6 MILLION jews were killed when in reality there were no gas chambers or death camps. The holocaust didn't happen but it should have.

We need to GAS THE JEWS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

un trou est un trou une bite n a pas d oeil

17656915? ago

Here, let me help you back that up.

17656914? ago

-Jews turned the religion of Christianity into a jew-worshipping cult that promotes Jews as the "Chosen Race"

It was always that way.

17655768? ago

What the fuck is wrong with the 4plebs archive? I just went there and tried clicking the search bar, and the box popped up and quickly disappeared. I kept trying to click the damn thing and it wouldn’t let me. Is anyone else having this problem?

17655769? ago

Oh, nevermind. I figured it out by myself. Apparently it might have something to do with Google Chrome. I tried using Internet Explorer and it's working well now.

17652359? ago

(Looking for this post, this doesn't deserve its own thread obviously)

17651066? ago

Is the an immigration thread up? Do they keep getting deleted?

Over the last few weeks there has been a huge influx of news articles about the southern border, more caravans, detainment centers being full and forced to release.. so on and so on.

17646332? ago

What the fuck is spring break? Is this an american/uk thing?

17651063? ago

Spring break is the time of the year where the American youth (mostly college students) gather together to partake in the most degenerate acts they can possibly think of and get drunk until they pass out, this is considered "having a break from work" and a "good time" by the working force, complete degeneracy

17653592? ago

I thought that was summer break?

17646054? ago

$${/huge TEST}$$

17646055? ago

You stupid nigger

17645248? ago

Nation of Islam opposes race mixing, supports racial segregation and wants a separate nation state from Whites in the US

mfw leftie cunts would either think this is "bad" or shrug it off because they're niggers

To the Nation of Islam, I'd say good. Keep separating from us "le ebil Whitey", you 69 IQ chimps. Maybe then, you would stop raping and killing White women and muddying up the gene pools of innocent European families around the West. Don't expect anyone to help you out, though. You either prosper or perish, if nignogs are even capable of that. Same goes for the 77 IQ shitskins.

17645247? ago

The USA is a foreign nation

It's inevitable that Mexicans & other Central/South Americans will become the majority in the US. The meaning of democracy is that those who are in the minority do not have representation in the government.

This is a fact.

If you do not have representation, then you do not have your own government.

This is a fact.

The USA only has a couple of elections remaining where the opinion of white people matters.

You didn't move. Mexico moved here. You now live in Mexico.

The implications:

  1. Do not consider service to the country - the USA is Mexico, not the USA anymore.

  2. Do not consider aiding in any way the women of the nation, unless you are personally this woman's friend. Women are married to the State, as such are coal burners, spic lovers. Let their spics save them, then.

  3. Do not consider the laws of the USA as anything more than that of an oppressive regime. So the appearance of lawfulness alone is necessary. There is no legitimacy to its schemes, as the USA is Mexico, not the USA anymore.

  4. DO recognize that you must defend yourself - and take precautions

  5. DO obtain citizenship in other countries, at minimum 1, to flee to in the case of a spic chimping out or socialist revolution

  6. DO utilize the highest tech systems of communications. Example: "Tox over Tor".

  7. DO utilize VeraCrypt

  8. Avoid contact with government officials. They are corrupt Mexican officials (the USA is not the USA anymore, but Mexico).

  9. DO learn Spanish. This is the language of the only low economic group that matters in the USA (Mexico now) and you need to understand Spanish for Intel Purposes and also so that you can understand when it's time to RUN!

17791070? ago


Or you know start shooting and boom acceleration.

17792082? ago


17644705? ago

17644704? ago

17644703? ago

17644702? ago

17644700? ago

17641981? ago

Would you support Atlantropa? Doable decades ago, I bet we could knock it out in 8 years

17643051? ago

destroy the ecosystem of the lands surrounding the Mediterranean and Black seas and create thousands of square miles of unusable salt flats

For what purpose. We should be diverting water from the oceans into the Sahara and creating giant seas, turning it into a landscape that is ALMOST livable for people, to thereafter justify the population needed to man the European Solar Power Grid built there. We could power the entirety of Europe with a few hundred square miles of Saharan solar panels, but the land is just too unlivable for it to be cost effective… unless we get some plants and water there.

17640825? ago


17639649? ago

board owner is a fucking kike

mods are fucking kikes

kikes bombing the shit outta gaza right fucking now and the faggot mods are deleting the threads

this place needs to burn to the fucking ground

17640824? ago

Well if they don't take that bullshit FED thread down, we certainly don't have long…

17639655? ago

OK trannypol

17639657? ago

OK trannypol

and then there are paid shills, the very definition of worthless, NPC droids

17638265? ago

this shithole needs to be shut down

17638268? ago

this shithole needs to be shut down

Yes it does, it's a huge waste of time for all and we're running out of time.

17645249? ago



Does anyone remember how to embed zip files into an image file?

17645769? ago

Real old fags will remember how fucked up these images REALLY used to be

17651064? ago

yes, they are quite fucked up.

17638263? ago

17636148? ago

How do I get a woman if I'm a eastern European in a western European country? I don't want to marry Western Woman since they don't have the same culture as me(much more degenerate then anything in east europe), also religion and most of all same ancestral homeland blood as me, and the eastern women in western country are brainwashed by the degeneracy here, I don't know how I'm going to reproduce, my tactic is to just approach as many women as possible in general until I find a good one who has the same values as me(that is what I have done in the past) but now I can't do it since I live in a western country, anyone know what should I do? Also I'm in the West since I work as a computer engineer, no jobs in my country, but I'm keep trying to find one to go back, but until then I need to have a plan on finding a woman, anyone have any advice???

17636145? ago

Well anons, I'm travelling to the God-forsaken shithole of Britbongistan soon to see a ManOwaR concert in Birmingham. What is the nigger population there? Is it safe? Anything to look out for, or that I should know about?

17632812? ago

Why are people spreading Jewish fake history?

Some people present themselves as "baste" by loudly proclaiming that Jews are Khazarians. They think that this somehow makes them NatSoc. This cannot be farther from the truth.

Firstly, the Khazarian myth furthers the Jewish agenda. It was first advanced by (((Arthur Koestler))), who wanted to "remove the racial basis of European anti-Semitism" by convincing people that Jews are caucasians from Georgia. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Koestler#Judaism)

Secondly, the Khazarian myth is not based in genetic evidence. Behar et. al. 2013 found that Jews are, unsurprisingly, Jews.


17633894? ago

jews are pharisees.


be me

<don't be me, it sucks

have sleep issues, insomnia

go to store to buy melatonin because it's a 100% natural sleep drug which the body produces itself as well

grab bottle begin to read it because bored


<surely it's just "Melatonin"

read first ingrediant

soybean oil

There are cute 3dpies at the cash registers so I can't Sandy Hook this shit up.

17633893? ago

Arthur Koestler is based af. Writes fascinating books.

17626574? ago

New Zealand Terrorist Attack: Special Air Service Snipers were Training a Few Miles Away


by Stavros Atlamazoglou

In an ironic turn of events, New Zealand Special Air Service (NZSAS) snipers were training only a few miles away from the sites of the two mosque massacres that took place March 15th in Christchurch, New Zealand.

According to reports in New Zealand media outlets, the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) was organizing a long-range shooting training event near Christchurch. The event was at a shooting range in West Melton, located approximately 15 miles west of the attacks. It included snipers from the NZSAS, the New Zealand Army, and the Australian Army, as well as some from undisclosed Asian countries.

Upon learning of the attack, the NZSAS operators deployed to the city during the search operation for Brenton Tarrant, the terrorist who killed 50 people and injured dozens more. One of the NZSAS operators was photographed, sniper rifle in hand and with his features masked behind a balaclava, standing next to a Special Tactics Group police officer; his picture is circulating throughout social media.

According to the New Zealand Herald, some special operators were deployed to a nearby high school after reports that it was also under attack. Further intelligence indicated these reports were inaccurate.

The terrorist was eventually caught by two regular police officers who happened to be in Christchurch for a training event at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Cashmere, a nearby community. Upon receiving notification of an active-shooter event in Christchurch, they scoured the streets for the gunman. Eventually, they saw a car fitting the description and decided to ram it. They dragged the gunman out of his destroyed car and arrested him.

In the end, the NZSAS operators could have done little to stop the gunman from massacring so many innocent people. The attack on the first mosque, Masjid al Noor, lasted approximately six minutes, resulting in numerous casualties. Within the hour, the shooter traveled to the second mosque, Linwood Masjid, and opened fire. The first law enforcement officers to arrive on the scene at al Noor were members of the local Armed Offenders Squad, which is a part-time unit comprised of officers from across the New Zealand Police designed to respond to low-threat scenarios.

These details demonstrate that a committed and well-prepared terrorist can spread mayhem before any official unit can respond. Further, it suggests that more emphasis should be placed on preventive measures—such as having armed officers near soft targets like schools, mosques, and synagogues.

17628557? ago

I don't buy the conspiracy theories but if Tarrant will magically "die" in prison it will be clear he was a secret agent.

17647322? ago

I don't buy the conspiracy theories but if Tarrant will magically "die" in prison it will be clear he was a secret agent.

That's already clear from the fact that Tarrant spent the last 7 years of his life traveling around the world more than a typical CIA officer does.

17649814? ago

<traveling makes you a spook


17669776? ago

traveling to all the world's geopolitical hot spots even though you're a twenty something with no ostensible reason for doing so is perfectly normal


17625973? ago


17625362? ago

When will the next mass shooting of kebabs, jews, freemasons and zionists happen?

I'm fucking bored… :(

17625363? ago

Just make another, Aaron. You only need say "See? The Mass Shooting create more monstere. We need stop it."

17630567? ago

Just make another, Aaron.

I'll do my best in the coming months.

17623730? ago

where does one learn about opsec

17622040? ago

Is it happening? AHHHHH

17622042? ago

Okay, they're going to cause another false flag to cover up their retaliation. Start looking for "active shooters."

17622044? ago

no no they don't want us to think NZ was a false flag, so there won't be a shooter this time. Its part of the plan to throw us off their scent.

17620939? ago

The killings of defenseless women and children isnt cool. Cut it out son.

17622036? ago

We will slaughter every jew down to the last unborn child.

17622045? ago

Tell us more.

17620941? ago

Its legit what you do when you don't like the people your government have poured in to temporarily stimulate industry and commerce at the expense of your people and the land.

17617643? ago

just found out my father is fucking a nigress

what do

17617645? ago

17619819? ago

Rape your father?

17701135? ago


17617642? ago

so does tarrant's gopro have the entire shooting? and police have it right? so if they have access to the entire video is it possible it will ever be leaked?

17617636? ago

How did Brenton Tarrant get ethnonationalism from pic related?

17622786? ago

By not being a retarded mutt

17622049? ago

How did Brenton Tarrant get ethnonationalism from pic related?

It's a code that you have to decipher.

17617637? ago

it was ironic post, which implied it's impossible for video games to cause violence,

17612966? ago

Why do they want this destroyed?

17612968? ago

because they hate us and the fact that we won. Privledge is if you take it seriously admission that one people won the game of life, and tilted everything so in their favor that the only tactic left is to cry and wail about it as if everyone did have the same access or as if the game, reality itself was rigged.

17611834? ago

it is not feasible for me to believe that when the chinese opened the silk road that the (((merchants))) did not end up jewing a few villages/cities and families

could some anon with knowledge of the power full jewchink families that exist today and/or some vague/detailed information of the jews activities in china since the opening of the silk road(or before)?

<inb4 "why would you care about what the chinkadink bug people does, huh?"

implying that the power that those jewchinks hold is not dangerous

17612964? ago

china = cohen

no vowels in hebrew

the place is as jewed as they get

17610878? ago

A few questions:

What happened after the battle of Tora Bora, Afghanistan and why did we send so many forces there if UBL was in Pakistan after that battle?

Why was DoD prevented from operating, or gathering intelligence on UBL, in Pakistan?

Was there an entire town wiped out during Operation Anaconda during the hunt for UBL, and was it covered up, and by whom?

Was there proof of certain weapons from human intelligence gathered in Sarmat/Khurma, Iraq that was used to initiate our war in Iraq, or was it fabricated? Were other presented proofs fabricated? Were they verified before declaring war?

Was the BBC right about the camp in Sarmat before it was wiped out?

Why was it deleted from some of our records (to be returned later)?

Which companies benefited from those wars?

What about opium production and natural resources, which companies benefited?

Is there a link between the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia, elements of the CIA, and those companies/resources?

Did elements of CIA facilitate bringing the chemical weapons into Syria for the attack in 2013?

What happened to the security at the embassy in Benghazi, Libya before the attack? Why were we prevented from intervening or performing personnel recovery?

What happened to the intelligence estimate and counter-intelligence threat assessment of the State of Israel and Israeli intelligence published by Defense Intelligence Agency in the late 1990s?

Why was the Department of Defense helping the State of Israel with defensive missile systems and national intelligence just prior to the September 11th attacks and the declaration of war with the State of Iraq, Juniper Cobra?

What brought down building 7 in New York City on September 11th 2001?

17609755? ago

So with all this I feel like I've "overdosed on redpills". Basically the knowledge of how fucking shitty things are and with them only getting worse has me down and out. I see all this #resist shit and calling people to fight the stuff going on, but HOW? How the fuck are you supposed to do that?

17609757? ago

17608537? ago

Anyone have a handy infograph showing the connections between Israel and Russia on hand?

17606507? ago

For the past year I've had dreams where I kill a lot of people. Sometimes I get caught and the dream makes it all the way to court. It varies but follows the same general formula. I always wake up next to my wife, happy and relieved that it was a dream. I don't want my family to hate me.

There's that idea that only 1% of the population needs to actually fight in a war, and everyone else is a neutral party looking for security that follows the winning team. It makes sense if most people have the comfort, but not the time or energy to follow anything political. The news takes advantage of that and acts as the biggest source of propaganda. It's easily acquired and shared headlines with lies surrounding truth in the beginning and end. There's always sound bytes or some other repeated lie that's so bold no one would be willing to risk his reputation and call it what it is. People put up with this primarily because of comfort.

What is comfort, and how long can it outweigh someone's desire for privacy or other innate needs in Europeans? If I made a machine that wiped everyone's ass for them, surely that'd be a higher level of comfort. It'd give them more time to engage in other activities than wiping their ass. It doesn't make anyone happier. They're still going to be stomped on or treated like human cattle at every opportunity. But now they have slightly more comfort, so obviously they shouldn't complain. I don't think it stacks up like that. We have comfortable toilets, showers, easy access to food, and any amount of sports ball we want. We have dish washers and clothes washers that minimize the amount of inconvenient work we have to do. After a certain point that we've passed long ago, they're all just glorified ass wiping machines. Luxuries and comfort can't hold back our innate desires forever.

I know we don't have much time to realize this; at this rate, one or two more generations is all we have left. I've decided I'll take the coward's way out. I'll move as far away from non-whites as possible, work hard, buy miles of land, and live a comfortable life. I'll have 10 children and teach them right from wrong. We live in a world where everyone will tell them to do wrong, and it's something that has to be resisted. Everyone will insist that wrong is right and right is wrong. Morals are unscientific, and may get you ostracized. They need to be stronger than that. I see that as the bare minimum I could do. I just want to buy another 25 years, for another generation to do what I am unwilling to do. I am so demoralized that neither hatred or love can move me now. I will live a full, easy life knowing that I've traded my soul for a bunch of ass-wiping machines and a bit of hope.

I also want people to know that there are many people in the judicial system that are sympathetic to our cause. It's horribly infested by jews but we are here.

17614247? ago

It'd give them more time to engage in other activities than wiping their ass. It doesn't make anyone happier.

Read Industrial Society and Its Future

work hard, buy miles of land, and live a comfortable life.

Why is this considered easiest way?

17606508? ago

sure you are

17606506? ago

which data types can be uploaded in a post?

17605839? ago

How to start growing my own food, while living in city?

17605837? ago

Higuys long time lurker. Why are Arabs so bad in the Olympics? No other ethnic groups even Jews or Indians does so poorly at anything physical.

Equestrian doesn’t count as a sport too that just means you found a good horse.

17605838? ago

becasue they r just fkaicng useless parasites, have u ever seen something made in muslimcountry? me dont. they are just lucky with there oil. nohting more

17605224? ago

even Google collaborated with id software and jumped on the Tarrrant train.

17604457? ago

hey, im just creating my own board. I have order in there. I have a thread, but when i post in this thread with >>OP ( i want the followed post the be intended) i get errror message" flood detected. post canceled". When i post in this thread with out >>OP than it works, but i dont get the post intended, as i want it to look more orderly. furthermore, i can only reply with 1 image, in other boards, i can do it with several. How can i fix this=?

17604458? ago

its a right wing board, so question should be right here.

17603739? ago

Didn't ben shapario admit to being a communist by saying people hate him for "being red" or something like that?

17603199? ago

Do you think that australian guy is thinking about the memes about him?

17604459? ago

i dont think he knows how big this shit is. On Friday the sandnigger nations gathered in turkey to consult about what to do. he started something big!!!

17604818? ago

He litterally didn't start anything you handicap, no one is doing anything, this (((accelerationism))) thing is a failure and a Jewish psyops

17604819? ago

there were like several actions following his event. (burning church in france. a priest sttapped, in ger some sandniggers wanted to blow up somehting, the OIC conference, diplomatic ussues between turkey and the west. alot of racial happenings ( chelsea clinton, etc) new zealand gun controls. it actually came excatly as he planed it. so if u doint see it u r actually blind on all three eyes.

17604820? ago

all the censorship happening in Newcuckland and australia now. blabalbal so much more. actually, i believe u lifed the last week on the moon, came just back.

17604821? ago

i mean they even discuss about seeing 8chan/pol as a terror organisation… how much accelerationism do u need to call it that?

17602649? ago

The following douchebag has been harrassing my wife and I'm quickly growing impatient.


Anyone know this motherfucker?

17602647? ago


7:27 Elliott Kline and Dillon Hopper fighting at the Unite the Right rally

14:41 Pilleater should not go on Matt Forney's Show

15:05 Homosexual grooming

15:55 Matt Forney is the lowest piece of scum

16:14 Matt Forney makes his living by ghost writing papers for Asian students at American universities

27:20 Richard Spencer and cocaine

31:26 Ted Maxters was arrogantly telling everyone "I snorted coke with Richard Spencer"

32:48 Do not invest in Richard Spencer

34:15 Richard Spencer regularly has sex with Jewish journalist Rosie Gray

42:01 Homosexual groping at Counter-Currents events

45:02 Is the Counter-Currents cult just a flamboyant pornography scene?

46:01 Greg Johnson tells us that "he's a flirt, I mean Brendan flirts"

50:39 Pilleater still gets shit for dating a Chinese girl

1:09:40 Greg Johnson will read the sex scene very carefully

1:12:40 Greg Johnson's anxiety level is rising

1:15:50 Please, please don't go on Matt Forney's show

1:25:10 Greg Johnson's Budapest, Hungary moving plans

17602646? ago

Why are women allowed to freely post on this board? I'm the only one enforcing the rule of tits or gtfo, I don't care if they're pro-white if their only topic of interest is being a woman then they don't belong here unless pics are provided.

17601804? ago

17596965? ago

How much do you want to pretend bet that even if there will be a second referendum and this time Remainers win these cuckold brits still won't do anything??? Anyone??

17600094? ago

Fine, I’ll say it since everyone else is too cowardly.

  1. Brexit will be (((delayed.)))

  2. May will be deposed.

  3. A new vote will be held.

  4. Remain will win with 83% of the vote.

  5. The UK will stay in the EU and the Pound will be replaced with the Euro.

  6. No one will revolt against this, even on a personal level, anywhere in the country.

17602648? ago

Of course the UK will stay in the EU, because otherwise the gecko's right front leg would get cut off. And that would be really sad. Poor little gecko.

17600946? ago

After the vote for Brexit**

17600945? ago

That's how "democracy" works, the ones who hold the wealth dictate it. Of course, with the initial vote, they didn't expect it, it was an anonmoly considering how much money was dumped into having the outcome to be to remain, after Brexit they went full throttle.

17596120? ago

Redpill me on Yugoslavia, the Balkan war(s) and who was in the "right" and "wrong"

17595368? ago

How can we remove the jews and actually secure a nation without getting attacked by foreign Jewish forces, they'll send assassins over, EMPs, boycotts, how do you stop this?? Also how do you remove all shitskins without causing a civil war???

17610879? ago

By crashing the System entirely.

Yang 2020

17593528? ago

How many guys has the average white girl been fucked by (18 to 22age range)(inculding degenerate blowjobs under the term "fucking")in specifically Western countries, e.g. Sweden, US, UK etc?? Anyone know?? It's definitely over 20, but idk how much exactly

17594411? ago

safe to say at least 3

17593530? ago

Who cares about the average? Any number greater than 0 is permanent psychological damage. Only 14% of girls between 16 and 26 are virgins of a healthy weight. 7% between 20 and 26 are virgins of a healthy weight.

17592667? ago

Why do I keep getting recommended this nigger shit???

17592668? ago

Because the Mossadniggers know that your girlfriend is cheating on you with Tyrone and Jamal, faggot.

17593526? ago

Cuckchan tier response, go back from where you came from nigger

17590337? ago

Can someone link me to the churchland shooter manifesto?

17590333? ago

I have a few question regarding the storage of data on this board.

How frequently do IP addresses get removed from the storage?

Is the IP address stored as long as a the thread remains or does it get stored longer or does it get flushed as the thread still remains?

I'm using a VPN but it's still something I would like to know.

17602651? ago

I have a few question regarding the storage of data on this board.

How frequently do IP addresses get removed from the storage?

They don't. They get permanently saved by PRISM.

17590341? ago

they keep logs for 12months +

use a vpn yourself that keeps no logs and then connect to TOR

for extra protection use linux on usb or cd

even if services get your ip there's nothing they can do if they don't have the physical data ie: your hdd/device that was used to access the site

17590348? ago

So are we afraid of being arrested for distributing the files? I thought only NZ people need to worry about that.

17590350? ago

there's no law that will arrest you for sharing files created by other users. if you upload a video or pdf with you shooting a nigger or a manifesto on why you will shoot up a nigger church, you might be arrested but even so you could get away if you use a disposable device like a throwaway phone or usb/cd operating system

17591594? ago

there's no law that will arrest you for sharing files created by other users.

Leave it to a torpedo to lie through his fucking teeth.

17590345? ago

Do they only see which IPs were active on the board or can they see what was posted from which IP?

17590347? ago

they can see the message history of each ip.

mods can see it for each board, admins for all site

17589495? ago

What would you do if you and your party finally took over power in your nation but since many nations bordering you and trading countries dissavow your politics and find it completely "neo-nazi" in nature and therefore boycott your goods and cease to do trading with your nation, what do you do if your country cannot keep up with the national food needs even in rations and life necessities such as gas and oil? What are your plans without causing chaos and havoc within your country?

17589496? ago

Without shitskins and rats sucking our lifeblood, and subverting our people and culture, we will have no problem rising back to our rightful places on our Earth.

You obviously still don't get it.

17590336? ago

You seem delusional, you don't seem to understand how a nation works

17589494? ago

convince me that the holocaust was a hoax

17589491? ago

is there a archvied version of the 8chan nz-shooting announcement theard?


17584954? ago

What is the name of this march song, got it stuck in my head. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu7n0_gVgTc

17584562? ago

17579521? ago

Pittsburgh Chimpout Watch 2019

Former East Pittsburgh Police Officer Michael Rosfeld Found Not Guilty In Antwon Rose Shooting


17594407? ago

livestream of chanting protestors… pretty lame but there is a small antifa presence among the typical gay hipsters and uppity groids.


17594408? ago

I'm a regular shit Midas. Stream just ended, lel.

17579519? ago

This doesn't deserve it's own thread but did Brenton actually post something on kikebook about 'Ligo' - 'Līgo' (((Latvia))) two days before he did his heroic deed? Heard this from an unreliable source so I would like to make sure before posting a thread.

17578420? ago

Before going on his rampage Brenton posted his manifesto to 4chan and 8chan;

is this true or bs? i thought it was only 8chan.

17590342? ago

he posted it on 8ch, 4chan, twitter and facebook

17578419? ago

Could somebody redpill me on the US donations to the Soviets after WW2?

17578416? ago

Where are the Gillete Jaunes threads?

This has been going on non-stop for weeks now and this weekend is going to be momentous if Macron actually deploys the Army.

So where the fuck is the thread?

Are the French anons dropping the ball?

Or are those being suppressed as well?

Paris has the potential to be ground zero for a wave of revolution that would sweep across the world. This story is FAR more important than some lone wolf with vendetta.

There is a real life revolution on the verge of busting the damn in Europe right fucking now.

So where the fuck is the thread????

17578418? ago

There was a thread on this just this morning. Search the catalog and keep that shit bumped nigga

17578414? ago


Look at the image below, doomer.

What a contrast!

Why would you save such a depressing image and share it around?

17578413? ago


A powerful statement. Saved.

Art like this is truly inspiring.

17574343? ago

Mises is doing a "woke capital" stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TF8SoPlM5SA

17572758? ago

Lads, I posted a thread twice and both times anons seemed to like the idea but both times they got deleted quickly (the new one in less than 3 hours). I checked the board logs and it wasn't a hotpocket. There was another thread I had posted before and it was alot slower to fall off the board and even then other threads with very few posts can survive for 3 days.

Are people not interested or is this some sort of sliding going on?

17570951? ago

What happened to those Q drops about the Pasteurs the noble french family that fled before the revolution and took over the railroads and such and are the puppet masters of the Rothschilds. That get memory holed?

17578415? ago

Who cares what your jewish hoax says.

17567250? ago

Are there any political parties in Europe or any other ethnic European homelands in which they have a repatriation policy and racial policies or are they all bluepilled???

17565970? ago

hey, i want to upload something, that will get blocked, if i do so ( has maybe to do with new zealand). is there any way i can upload something, it cant get reported or blocked, and u guys can download it?

17570949? ago

Is that an Asian? I don't save pictures of Asians.

17570950? ago

17567249? ago

you can upload it here as .pdf if it's text or as .mp4/webm if it's video..

17568505? ago


maybe i make just my own board, can i upload files that r already exist in pol on a new board again?

17568507? ago

and can i block other users to post on my own board? since i dont want there stupid shitposts not in my BT collection, but i want them so see it.^^

17568503? ago


its a 1 GB package with all the good brenton tarrant stuff i collected over the last 1 week. i uploaded it yesterday on mediafire, but it got removed…

17590339? ago

break it in smaller archives and use a password like 8ch.net

17567248? ago

  1. Tell us/a foreign friend what media you want and copypaste the details so that they can upload it if it's commonly found.

  2. Look up a VPN and use a proxy switcher that is browser plug-in based.

17565967? ago

I there mein neiggers, I wonder if it is worth making a bread: its a simple, plan, simply tell college students to take advantage of the new EO that Trump passed that cuts federal gibs for colleges that do not allow free-speech and tell them to promote the "The Lobby: USA" documentary that shows AIPAC staff being ordered by Israeli Ministries to commit crimes against US citizens in US soil for the political benefit of Israel.

I have created a quick pasta to promote the documentary on the chans that goes like this (pics related 1 and 2 are some scenes from the documentary so lurkers can know get a preview, and pic 3 is the same thing but a different pic that conforms to 4chan pic size and resolution limits):

"The Lobby: USA" documentary:

Some scenes:

-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.

-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation of Palestine.

-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel (part of Canary Mission)

-AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) members buy out Congressman using pre-paid credit cards which are given to them inside an envelope


Pics related 4 and 5 are some possible useful flyers to use IRL to promote the documentary.

What do you think nibbas?

17565968? ago

Also, another beautiful thing about this documentary, is that it pisses off both Republicans and Democrats alike, and Muslims can be mobilized to start promoting the documentary on the colleges (for obvious reasons, they love the Palestinians and BDS), Blacks can be mobilized too (tell them "Hey, all that money that goes into Israel every year (almost 4 billion dollars) so they can bribe the Congress and kill Muslims in the ME, why isn't that money being used to help Americans in America? What about the poor American inner cities that need that money? This ain't right!").

It would be smart to start to send emails to all the mosques and all the groups that advocate for Black stuff with the materials. Pics related is some more ammo to use with Blacks in order to turn them against Israel.

17564707? ago

Advocating violence should be 100% OK in tranny child-abduction cases, where the state takes your kid and destroys his ability to go on to live as a man because of programmer-sock memes. I don't think any kind of monster that wouldn't threaten violence in this case, is something with healthy enough sperm/eggs to have a child anyway.

You'll probably still get fucked for advocating violence, though. How should this be couched?

17563481? ago

The holocaust was a distortion of history?

17602645? ago

His two questions that prove the Shoahcaust are "was the third Reich totalitarian" and "was Hitler a socialist"?

17564704? ago

relying on e-celebs who skirt the issue for the truth on the matter


17563479? ago

defending white genocide

I’m sure that will work out for you, paid shill.

17563480? ago


17563474? ago

Replying to get the jewish D&C off the front page.

17563477? ago

Replying to get Jamal off the front page

17563472? ago

Why do Amerimutts let this happen??? If we saw this in Eastern Europe we'd kill all of these disgusting mongrels

17575767? ago

Because (((Cultural Marxism))) is a thing everywhere that isn't Eastern Europe. If you even remotely disagree with their ideas, they'll call for the death of not just you, but your entire family and distant relatives just for being born White and therefore "racist". Leftists are not even remotely the most peaceful of "people". They won't be satisfied until the whole world is either mongrelized or shitskinned.

17586364? ago

Then answer with the same token, be as politically incorrect as possible, if enough people will do it, and not only 2 or 3 people then they won't be able to do anything

17558680? ago

It's been a week. It's over.

What was achieved?

17561494? ago

It's been a week. It's over.

What was achieved?

Isn't it obvious? (((We))) managed to get another White nation almost completely disarmed in record time. Britain, Australia, New Zealand, next will be Canada, the smaller Nordic nations, and then finally the USA.

Complete disarmament of the White race is finally within (((our))) grasp! ✡✡✡✡✡✡✡

17561496? ago


17561497? ago

Yes, goyim! Filter anyone who points out that accellerationism plays directly into the plans of the kikes! We can't have you silly white twits realize that you won't be able to defend yourselves if you "accelerate" your countries one by one…

17561500? ago

Filter anyone who points out that accellerationism plays directly into the plans of the kikes!

t. doesn't understand that's the entire point of accelerationism

17556084? ago

Does anyone have any idea what scientific study, or which anthropologists spearheaded a successful study in disproving the traditional Darwin theory of "sexual liberty" and mixing among a species? The study essentially found that, among humans, ethnically homogeneous societies, in which the men remained sexual reserved, rather than sexual liberal, managed to combat decadence/degeneracy successfully and develop their respective society much more effectively than mixed and sexually liberal societies.

17956731? ago

Try looking up the r/K theory of selection.

Good information on Liberal Vs Conservative

here is a starting point


17556086? ago

Please indicate where Darwin proposed any such system as "Sexual Liberty" and verify that you aren't (((misrepresenting))) the actual proposal.

17556958? ago

Furthermore. By Sexual Liberty, I am referring to ignoring rules of celibacy. There is a work that mentions some of these trends, "Celibacy, Culture, And Society: Anthropology Of Sexual Abstinence"

17556957? ago

Darwin did not propose Sexual Liberty, I wanted to simplify the post, but I knew this would happen. Darwin's theory proposed that animal species, not human ones, acquired greater success in their respect environments by mixing with as many variants of their species, and as frequently as possible. Such actions result in a wide variety of genes in a single species, with a large quantity of them, therefore making the species more resistant to mother nature. I saw the post a while I ago, although I believe it negates the idea simply because Humans are exceptions to animals. I'll post again with sources if I find any good ones, also don't assume I'm a kike.

17553575? ago

This realization came out of my head just now:

Hellsing is a quite nice manga/anime when I first saw it, but now it's message feels way too (((liberal))) for me to tolerate. And I mean like "Thank God the Allied Powers won against le ebil gnatzees." (((liberal))), if the awesome-looking vampire NatSocs being the bad guys weren't apparent enough for the average bluepilled NPC to gobble up on.

Plus that it literally sympathized with the Turk invaders of old. I'm surprised it didn't have shots of kikes being tortured and killed in the Holohoax as if it actually happened. Instead of Americans being shown as the main heroes of the story, it's the Eternal Anglo instead (the former did have a role by helping the Brits out, though). What do you anons think?

17554867? ago

Hellsing in a lot of ways is still baby's first anime tier. That said, why the surface reading is definitely le epic anti-nazi establishment. If you focus on what the characters are doing (instead of ALUCARDWINSLOL) you see the basic jap fascination with fascism. The thing with hellsing is quite literally everyone is fascists, alucard is basically a huge humanboo (and humans are confirmed most op in setting) and keeps his nazi-waifu in his spirit closet. His Humanbooism definitely applied to nazi's until they became monsters as well (which was not being nazi's but actual magical transformations later).

that and he fucking hated turks, I don't think there is a version of vlad out there that is not a canon endorsement for race realism.

Not to mention best best harkannon waifu and literally "keep your blood pure" fapbait.

17556077? ago

le epic anti-nazi establishment.

Makes sense for Hellsing's mangaka, to be honest. He's a One Piece fan, I'm currently watching it right now ever since November 2018, and it's a hell of a lot (((liberal))), too. It's not pure Marxism, perse. It's basically has a "We are all human. The le poor and oppressed have a great point but you should never discriminate anyone, including le ebil racist oppressors. Also only third wave feminism is bad. First and second wave feminism is totally good for women." message. I don't speak for (((liberal))) "centrists", but just try saying all of that in a (((university))) filled with anti-White Cultural Marxists and shitskins. They will all say Whites are supposedly "born racist".

17556081? ago

One Piece

You mean the same manga series that has a giant-headed cross-dressing homo, with a literal Tumblr fantasy of a Devil Fruit ability, being a high-ranking member of some "Vive la révolution! Huhuhuh!" group against some (((UN/NATO)))-esque government? And some ugly fish goblin thing that has some form of nigger-tier logic via thinking all humans somehow deserve death because they sometimes "discriminate" against said ugly fish goblins? Reminder that he thought of humans like this even before his captain died.

17556079? ago


Can't call Kouta Hirano cucked because he actually respected Hitler in his next work, DRIFTERS.

17550727? ago

Tell me again why we don't go to Sweden and knock up all the blonde girls before muslims do it?

17550731? ago

i think you answered your own question with the shit-tok vid.

17550732? ago

It's a 16 yo swedish girl with some 26 yo muslim I guess. What the fuck are we waiting for? muh trad christian waifu shit.. fuck that. Go to sweden and knock up degenerate swedish girls.

17550733? ago

i wish you luck in your endevours anon, i would however simply stay away from these utter wastes of air. the few non-pozzed females are highly coveted amongst our few selves

t. scandinavian

17552048? ago

you can have all the non-pozzed females. the goal should be for white nationalists from all over the world to come to sweden and fuck the swedish degenerate females that want foreign dick

17552049? ago

i think you underestimate the amount of vitriol contained in these so called women. but please prove me wrong, and provide pics for proof of pregnancy after successful raids.

17550721? ago

17549488? ago


17540378? ago

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▲󠛡󠛡 󠛡󠛡󠛡󠛡󠛡󠛡▲

Mossad agents can't triforce.

17543243? ago

󠛡󠛡 󠛡󠛡󠛡 󠛡󠛡󠛡▲

▲󠛡󠛡 󠛡󠛡󠛡󠛡󠛡󠛡▲

17540367? ago

Could Germany have won WW2 if they declared total war from the start of the war???

17540371? ago

Germany only wins the war if FDR isn't president.

17537895? ago

Would Q ever reference Forgottenlanguages.org? There is definitely something going on there, but could it be deciphered enough to be helpful to qanons? A recent post referred to alice springs which is the closest town to the american/australian military/intelligence facility known as Pine Gap

17540366? ago

Fuck off

17556076? ago


Woa whoa, also upset guy here, no need to bite my head off bro. If that was a stupid question please tell me why. Is your assertion that forgottenlanguages is a marxist/globalist LARP? I would not have known that if you hadnt reponded, that is why I asked; I did not know

17537897? ago


No one here believes your jewish LARP. Fuck off.

17557584? ago



The type of investigations related to Q nowadays used to be standard 8/pol/ fare. It almost seems a if these things are being compartmentalized on purpose.

17557586? ago

No, kill yourself. Your jewish hoax has its own containment board for a reason.

17557587? ago

I literally just implied Q is a psyop. However, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at your severe lack of reading comprehension, since you just saged a sticky

17533992? ago

where can I get an mp3 mirror of the Moonman feat. Ben Garrison RWDS song?

17532762? ago

What are the chances of /pol/ burning to the ground since we have so many newfags now?

17534547? ago

8chan culture is extremely hostile to obvious newfags/normalfags so most of them will perish soon. Only those of them who were born shitlords will remain, as they feel a spiritual homecoming here.

17532760? ago

Remember. That our goal is to exterminate the jews.

17532761? ago

We have the same goal with muslims, interesting.

17532100? ago

Is there a way to bypass jewgle asking me for a phone number because they "don't recognize my device"? I really don't want to lose this channel.

17562340? ago

Hey, better idea, dont use (((Google))) and you wont have a problem. De-Jewgle your life

17533500? ago

Probably not. Purchase a prepaid SIM

17532757? ago

disposable phone

17532098? ago

I hope this goes up. Lol autism is fun.

17543245? ago

17543247? ago

in your gay dreams

17531231? ago

Why does trump always do 666 hand sign in speeches? Why do anons think trump has people's best interest when he is so closely tied to israel?

17530086? ago


17526170? ago

Used to listen to stuff from Radio Wehrwolf before (((Fedwell))) decided to tear down them down.

Where can I find some real far-right podcasts? I don't want to listen to a bunch of whiny aut-kikes, I want to hear legitimately angry guys talking the SIEGE line.

17775356? ago

Radio Wehrwolf is gone

Damn. Is there a backup you know of?

17546939? ago

Where can I find some real far-right podcasts? … I want to hear legitimately angry guys talking the SIEGE line.



17528768? ago

Where can I find some real far-right podcasts? … I want to hear legitimately angry guys talking the SIEGE line.



17528767? ago

17659003? ago



Ah, I see, you are all aut-kikes as well.

17521256? ago

Once we take control of power, what should we do with the mudsharks whores and mix race abomination mongrels? What would be the ethical solution??

17521259? ago

ethical solution

like a wild animal, catch and release. force sterilize them and release into shitskin country

17522512? ago

Now what would be the most efficient solution? It doesn't have to be ethical this time and be malevolent infact to set them as an example as what not to do, and also should we not hold onto the most genetically gifted mudsharks to further better our Aryan offsprings and to put them back into society to reproduce genetically superior offsprings??

17520023? ago

Can't make new threads for days now

8ch is plastered all over normiesphere

only accelerationism and brenton hero posts are flooded

whole countries and everyone else aren't allowed to look at the attack video

can't make new threads critiquing video


17520021? ago

HOLY SHIT, cuckchan IQ has dropped like a bag of rocks. Where did all the big brain turbo autists run to?

17520018? ago

what brand of fluoride free toothpaste should I buy?

17520012? ago

Now that accelerationism is flavor of the day, does anyone know what's /pol/'s verdict on neoreaction or Dark Enlightenment or (((Nick Land)))? It's been few years since they had any visibility at all.

17520015? ago

Thomas Carlyle is worth reading. That's all there is to say. I think they're dead, but they weren't a movement to begin with.

17518744? ago

New Zealand had a net immigration of 48,000 in the year of 2018, that would mean that approximately 132 people come in every day, so in 9 hours the amount of immigrants Tarrant has killed has already been replaced, instead he could have organised a movement, and a decade later he could have marched to the NZ government building with a couple of thousand brave men to take over the government building and the country itself(no one would resist since NZ is made up of cucks), instead he chose the stupidest method, and got nothing out of this crap, the "invaders" are not going to be scared when they're coming from war torn Syria or some other shithole where they litterally skin people alive in public, this guy is clearly an agitator hired by Israeli forces or just extremely stupid

17518747? ago

He's accomplished far more than you ever will shill.

17521255? ago

He hasn't accomplished anything you imbecile, the average person doesn't even give a shit about what he has to say and just shrugged it off as just another terrorist attack, you don't seem to understand in what world you're living in you basement dwelling fuck, go back to cuckchan you faggot

17518743? ago

does anybody have the hitlerwebm the 'cannot distance myself from the love of my folk, and my conviction is strong as ever that the day will come when the millions who condemn us'…

17518738? ago

Guys, regarding the video of the Christchurch shootings, what the hell was the third song that played? I recognised all the others but not the one that played after The British Grenadiers when he was in the mosque. It's catchy but I've not been able to find its name anywhere

17518742? ago

grün ist unser fallschirm


no article, just started browsing pol boards after happening, so didn't get ther eference

17518735? ago

How is tarrant related to "optics", or what does this optics stuff mean??

17518736? ago

didn't you see the sweet optical scopes on his guns?

17518739? ago

cucks who say not to use optical scopes. will i receive credit in your article?

17517385? ago

Is this worth a read?

17600949? ago

It's a hoax, but you'd probably enjoy it!! The Arabs are in love with it!!

17601802? ago

17600951? ago


retarded shill

17600950? ago

It's not a hoax. it's 100% factual and it matches history completely, from hundreds of years ago up to today, it fits exactly.

Cry more you lying kike.

17521257? ago

Absolutely. Ideally more than once, or at least listen to the audiobook a few times.

It is a more or less authentic jewish plan, but the copies why have are somewhat distorted, both with figures of speech being translated as literal (the part about the tunnels) and Sergei Nilus taking some liberties with the text to make it better fit the them of his book - the coming of the anti-Christ. The pre-Nilus 1903 edition (which no longer exists) featured quotes from the Old Testament, and didn't include the "Darwinism, Marxism and Nietzscheism" that so many people like to harp on.

Karl Radl has a great series about The Protocols on Semitic Controversies.

17518734? ago

17516099? ago

This is driving me nuts because I know I have it and it wont turn up in keyword searches.

Which Pierce broadcast is about the Grey's Scouts member who fought the nigger horde off for hours in Rhodesia, who had his leg shattered by being shot and bandaged it to continue fighting until he lost consciousness. I thought it was Patriots Choice, or Cowardice and Individualism but it doesnt seem to be either.

17516104? ago

I dont have it on this computer but there is a text file transcript of the vast majority of the monologues.

Try searching that.

17513517? ago

Anyone have the marching music Tarrant was playing at the start of the shooting? It's stuck in my head.

17513519? ago

Never mind, found it. The dailystormer has an article about his musical selection


17513515? ago

For posterity to see if it gets properly archived


17513514? ago

Test >>11651293

17510952? ago


Do you think it was convincing enough?

17507396? ago

After the shooting in Christchurch and the media's coverage of it, is it safe to say that a lot more events like this are going to happen? All of which leading up to an actual war?

17530087? ago

No, you fucking faggot. People don't care about a false flag.

17531230? ago

You have no proof. No one believes you.

17538942? ago

you have no proof

Shooter admitted it in his manifesto. Kill yourself.

no one believes you

Zero retaliation, zero escalation, zero fighting back. No one has done anything. Whites continue to give up everything. You were proven wrong. People don’t care.

17538944? ago

the manifesto says things it doesn't say

just give up lol

You're terrible at your job, and don't deserve the air you breathe

17538946? ago

it doesn't say so because I say so

don't go read it or anything

also never fight back goyim

This is the best shilling that shekels can buy. No one has done anything. Whites continue to give up everything. You were proven wrong. People don’t care.

17540364? ago

Just go away Jamal. You have no proof of anything you say.

17540365? ago

lol go away I win

This is the best shilling that shekels can buy. He admitted it. It's right there. Everything he said would happen has happened to the letter. There has been nothing done to stop the increased jewish control thereafter.

17540374? ago

Reminder that he never posts proof of anything he says, yet still thinks people believe him

17540376? ago

He put proof of what he said in his manifesto. Yet you don't believe him. You think we'll believe you.

17514875? ago







damn I really liked her

17516096? ago

Murder all jews by June 2019?

17507811? ago

an actual war

I can almost guarantee you the first calls of "actual war" are going to be kiked up the ass. Just look at how many jews and straight-up Israeli agents are infiltrating nationalist groups. They're actively shilling their muslim-immigration narrative, which is entirely under media control, so it can be used to rally dumb goyim cattle as usual.

Reminder, Mossad/CIA created ISIS to ruin Israeli enemies. They would have no problem brewing up some other fake Sunni enemy with their krypto Saudi bros to destroy the right from within. I truly hope their loss in Syria marks the death knell for this shit, but I wouldn't count on it.

17507394? ago

am i banned yet? test post

17506541? ago

Wtf happened to the chans? It's like they lost some of their edge.

Avoided them for a few years at work since I don't want to browse on the work network but now it seems like you're more likely to get called out for calling someone a faggot now. Seriously wtf is going on?

17507395? ago

4chan has attracted more attention calling people a faggot on any other board gets you in trouble or pissed on except for /b/ or /pol/ same with 8chan with some extent thanks to the faggots at /leftypol/

17506543? ago

now it seems like you're more likely to get called out for calling someone a faggot now. Seriously wtf is going on?

Leftist queers have started using the internet more instead of just meeting up at traditional fag hangouts like coffee shops and book stores.

Boards like /leftypol/ are pure cancer, and attract the worst kind of dick-sucking fairies.

17503498? ago

If I have a child with an Eastern Asian (Japanese) wouldn't they be technically white? Like Obama is considered black because legally the "inferior" gender is the main gender. Whites are inferior to Japanese people iq wise and in many other ways…im unironically a race cuck meaning I hate white people. Well actually I don't… I just think the point of species is too move up. Whites aren't the most superior.


Jews > Japanese Asians > Chinese/Korean (don't date tho because I'm a Japanese ultranationlist) > whites > Mexicans and those lads. >>>>Bulbasaurs (blacks)

Like the point is too move up. So can I still fit in with my white raced supremecy brethren and adopt a Japanese person?

I honestly never understood racial breeding unless it's with blacks and even than if your survival strength is physical stuff I'd date a black but it's not. Id never even touch a black person but I'd adopt an Asian or Jew.

17578422? ago

Good miscgenation end game. Eurasian mono race. Ideal end game race, just white. Reality: Negro genes polluting all.

17549487? ago

No that is simply false, the general ethnic german for example has an average IQ of over 110, some say 113 to 115, and for the most part of Europe also, the only reason that Japan has a higher technological advantage is because they have learned to embrace work throughout the decades and is now part of their culture and have also been able to work in unity since Marxism has not fully infiltrated their government which has not allowed them to sit at home on welfare and have not allowed immigration, and if so to a very minimal proportion have they let foreigners in, you see to lack this knowledge and your ignorance is what will be the fault of your decay, having flirtatious ventures with sub human gooks is bad enough, but breeding with one is absoulety against nature and against your ancestral homeland and heritage, people like you are the worst types and should be removed from the innerworks of the breeding society as soon as possible and sent to an arid wasteland where you can reflect on your self and societal destructive actions and where you'll serve your punishment having to die a slow painful death of dehydration with your gook wife and mongrelized offsprings

17546941? ago

Whites are inferior to Japanese people iq wise and in many other ways

Aren't you supposed to try to hide your nose when you do this?

Like the point is too move up

You can't. Jews are not human. You can never be anything but an empty soulless husk.

17544529? ago

Why stop at japs? Why not marry a kike?

Another question, how do you expect to shill or be part of assuming your actually retarded a white nationalist board if you advocate destruction of racial and cultural identity?

17546936? ago

Mossad agents can't triforce.

But USACAPOC agents can.

17546938? ago

Meant for:


17503505? ago

shill post because muh jews. israel has a lower iq than the shitskin filled US. jews are only better at quick thinking due to being traders and high verbal iq due to being crafty fuckers who obsess over language. plus all their experience being court jews and subverting countries. jews lack the creativity required to invent/create anything. I know someone here has that image showing how israel steals all their military designs (china does too)

best asians are japs because of ancient white blood.

17505558? ago

found one, but the one i was thinking one was an image with planes and tanks

17503501? ago

if I fuck a different species, will the bestiality be considered not bestiality

also jews are literally gods in human form

Fuck off, subhuman. Reported.

17500731? ago

March 14th, 2019 - "New Zealand mosque shooting" - The same day Israel strikes 100 Gaza targets

October 27th, 2018 - "Pittsburgh synagogue shooting" - The same day Israel strikes 80 Gaza targets

17600947? ago

17601803? ago

Sink to the desert, hasbara

17502083? ago

Just a coincidence.™

17500727? ago

How do you post an image when it's still on another thread? I hate crossthread links (no one checks them) and I hate when I try to post a relevant and important pic but the shit got posted on a thread in the fucking PAGE 25

17500729? ago

resize the image in ms paint and rename it

17500726? ago

What is the most ethical solution for gypsies, especially in the Balkan regions where the average is mental retarded by a margin?

17500717? ago

im getting the file is already posted error a lot now. you used to be able to post another pic with it, but now that still wont work and i have to go in a edit the damn pic for it to post.

wtf dudes?

17505559? ago


17513524? ago

Fuck off you degenerate, this isn't cuckchan or /b/ , you're not even capable to change the name of the image that you got from the internet, you imbecile

17499380? ago

What do you guys think of the primitive ape like Haka dance?? Why would the European New Zealanders accept such a inferior and sub human culture???

17500719? ago

lol that shit was goofy. primates virtue signal to primates, both are more of a protected class than Whites

17499378? ago


17499366? ago

17499370? ago

all of the sudden

rule 63

What a retarded boomer piece of shit.

17500720? ago

I just traced it because it would have looked like shit if I tried to draw Brenton, you fucking nigger

17495128? ago

This child has been nominated for a jewbel peace prize, for blindly leading a global warming campaign in schools across the world muh generation zyklon my ass

17500722? ago

dont be so quick to judge. obviously they arent going to put based kids on tv unless they are castrating them. millenials are cucked af, but the minority that comes on here is based. that same effect will be even more pronounced in their generation.

you arent going to be able to sell anti-whiteness to white boys that get bullied by diversity.

17500728? ago

Kids do stupid shit in every generation, how can you say they'll be the generation that will wake up when they haven't even reached their full cognitive abilities?? They're probably going to end up just like boomers and milenials probably worse, the current education system is worse than ever so I don't know where in the hell do you see a wake up in gen Z

17505560? ago

because suffering = waking up. if you are comfortable you never ask why. millennials were more uncomfortable than gen x and gen z will be as well. people dont wake up unless they are forced to.

17496449? ago

gen zyklon's a meme, its for fear mongering the (((media))) by subverting their own generational warfare bullshit. Its not like anybody believes the struggle is over.

17493639? ago

Drag queen story hour guy turns out to be a pedophile.

17500730? ago


17492023? ago

Does anyone have the full 17-minute video of the shooting? I just learned that the copy I have is truncated to ~9 minutes or so, and I'd like to see the rest.

17493640? ago


i'd recommend some lube , you'll get hard as a rock seeing them moan in their own blood

17493645? ago




i'd recommend some lube , you'll get hard as a rock seeing them moan in their own blood

Only a shill would say something like that. It's interesting that a shill promoting the shooting

is also bashing anti-vaccination.

17493648? ago

There's no correlation.

17487909? ago

What is the status of the ebola outbreak in the Congo? Breitbart says death toll is up to 410. /19/world-view-ebola-outbreak-in-d-r-congo-spreading-exponentially-faster/

17493641? ago


and to think congo could've been a progressive country under belgian rule

no they wanted freedom to swim in their own filth ruining every infrastructure the whites created for em

fuck em, nig nogs gotta nig

17874870? ago


I've been looking for a blog that detailed the collapse of Belgian Congo.

It was posted here ~2014. Does anyone know what the fuck I'm talking about?

All I remember was it was nearly a wall of text, but well written.

17487906? ago

Is everyone having a nice day today?

Where do we seriously go from now? This image board has been compromised and there's only infighting going on, exactly what the kikes want, this jewish psyops in NZ is destroying us, we need a specific place

17487908? ago

where do we go

You should know where to go when shills shit up the board without it being said. Think about it. Is politics your only interest? As far as what to do, that all depends on your calling m8. We aren't all Minecraft shitposters, but you should be training yourself.

17487899? ago

WHO ACTUALLY FELL FOR THIS MOSSAD AGENT CALLED BRENTON TERRENTSTEIN??? I just finished reading the last couple of pages and overall the whole thing was a Jewish psyops, the whole fucking manifesto is so bluepilled, "muh Muslims invaders" it's obvious this guy was a man child, his father died in 2010 and his emotions got the better of him, 50 immigrants have already replaced the ones dead on Thursday and has not accomplished nothing, this guy is pure idiot and (((accelerationism))) is pure Jewish pysops, this individual was either extremely incompetent and stupid or a mossad agent, only an idiot would fall for this crap, killing Muslims is useless, they'll just be replaced and you'll end up in prison being useless to the cause and will probably also cause damage to the ones that are actually trying to achieve something, and also if you're in Britain or France you're probably going to get your ass ripped apart by the niggers and your head split

17486681? ago

Sorry if this is beating a dead horse, but can someone redpill me on vaccines? I can't seem to find any actual anti-vax material when I research the issue myself. I never really cared much about the issue and kind of ignored it, but I'm wanting kids pretty soon so I'd like to know the facts.

17493642? ago

its a leftist soccer mom conspiracy

some shit about increasing odds of autism [ as if not vaccinating the kid is going to be any different ]

ignore it, vaccinate your kid, herd immunity is key to a healthy population

17487907? ago

17487901? ago

ctrl f the catalogue my dude, you should find stuff even here to get started. Vaccines are old, junk science. We're healthier today because we fucking bathe, wash our hands, and brush our teeth. Injecting a bug into your bloodstream is retarded, it bypasses natural defenses and the bug isn't all that's delivered. A vaccine isn't just a magical serum of bacteria, there are other chemicals in that shit.

17486676? ago





17483397? ago

So im reading trough Brentons manifesto, and I see this. the video has since been taken down.

Anybody got it downloaded or achived?

if so, gimmie

17493643? ago

there were some snippets of it on 4chan/b

its some mullah talking bout whites being replaced by muslims in 50 years

saying they'll replace whites in europe without violence [ birthrate and whatnot ]

17477024? ago

How does one best get into occultism and esotericism? I was thinking of picking up a few books by Serrano, Devi and maybe Charroux.

17477027? ago

What do you mean by get into it? You mean like a bible study? If you mean read about it, thrn you'll need books yep. There's an archive with a list here, but ctrl-f for the Hitler and Fisher King topic too.

17478103? ago

Yeah I meant just getting acquainted with the subject matter in general. It interests me and sounds ridiculous at the same time but the only way to find out is to research it myself. I was mainly wondering what works a beginner should read but I’ll definitely go check out that thread and find the list.

17481893? ago

manly p hall is good

17473964? ago

Where do the orgins of this jewish pysops called (((accelerationism))) come from, in what historical event has this tactic even been effective against a state??? This accelerationism bullshit is pretty obvious that it's a psyops, who in the fuck is going to get into a race war in the 21st century??? This isn't the time of the crusades anymore, no one is going to do anything as long as their kids and income are going well, the average person doesn't give a shit about guns, the only way to get a reaction from the public is when their livelihoods are at stake, when they have no more food, water, necessities, not when some fucking beta orbiting shitposter kills a bunch of nameless Muslims, the general public will just virtue signal for a day or two and they'll forget about it and go back to their regular lives, you idiots who believe in accelerationism don't seem to get this fucking idea, but I'm not surprised since only a very few will actually know what's right even in a board like this where it's suppose to be only redpilled individuals on international Jewry, otherwise we'd have had a dozen Hitler by now who would have solved this problem we're currently in.

17473967? ago

Where do the orgins of this jewish pysops called (((accelerationism))) come from

Their own doctrines. How is that a question?

in what historical event has this tactic even been effective against a state


who in the fuck is going to get into a race war in the 21st century

  1. That has nothing to do with accelerationism.

  2. "DURR IT DA CURRENT YEER" is not an argument.

no one is going to do anything as long as their kids and income are going well

Guess what? They're not.

when their livelihoods are at stake

So today.

when they have no more food, water, necessities

So today.

only a very few will actually know what's right even in a board like this where it's suppose to be only redpilled individuals on international Jewry

No, /pol/ is not a right-wing board.

17473987? ago

You didn't even answer my question properly, couldn't understand your preschool level English , and second of all what in fuck does Right-wing have to do with being aware of the Jewish problem? You're clearly an imbecile who can't read, please fuck off and don't associate with this board ever again

17493651? ago

Reminder that /pol/ is no longer natsoc and that the moderators have total control over the content–which they maintain as not being natsoc.

17473988? ago

I answered everything you said. You just didn't like the answers. Cry the fuck more about it. You have no power here.

17473968? ago

So today.


So today.

Again, no. Modern luxuries exist. People are watching their plasma TVs and currency has not hyperinflated.

knowing about international jewry makes it rightwing and /pol/ is not right-wing

This implication is beyond retarded.

17473983? ago


You know nothing about the state of the West. Do not post again until you comprehend what the world is like.

oy vey bread and circuses exist

ignore that they're the only things which exist

ignore that society no longer exists

ignore unemployment

ignore inflation

ignore demographic change

You're not doing well in making the case that you're not a shill.


/pol/ is what the moderators say it is. The moderators say it is not a natsoc board. /pol/ is therefore not natsoc.

17848416? ago

muh authoritiah


I'm NatSoc. Go fuck yourself.

17851154? ago

And yet you're wrong.


what exactly do you mean by that and how do you spot them

Dispensationalists. You'll have to read the New Testament to know what Christian doctrine actually is. Anyone who accepts faggots and kikes, anyone who shills for zionism; that sort of thing.

is there a good rule of thumb of how long is long enough

Yeah, until after marriage. There's a reason that 13,000 years of human civilization is predicated on female chastity. Marriage–and the promise of chastity and faithfulness therein–is the foundation of civilization itself. Miss, you lose your ability to pair bond if you have sex before marriage. See the attached image.

The other guy mentioned that oral sex is "okay." I'm what kikes would call "deserving of death" and what regular brainwashed people would call "old fashioned." I wouldn't say that it is acceptable at all. In fact, I'm on the fence about orgasms outside of marriage in the first place, as that's one of the defining qualities for the release of serotonin. Anyone you're with: Don't let the guy persuade you. Don't let the guy guilt you. There's no guilt on YOUR part if you're the one remaining chaste.

is like a scratch/pat on my head the same level of hand-holding

Again, I'm not the other guy you were talking to, but I think it's about on the same level. Do girls really like headpats? I always thought that was a media affectation.

that how to find a good wife greentext…

Holy cow, you've seen that one.

if he did not agree they did not even make it to the date and he drove them right home, it goes both ways for male and female ok

If only girls like you lived around here… Keep to what you've said here and you'll have a lifetime of pleasure and happiness. Cheers, miss.

17473989? ago

/pol/ is what the moderators say it is.

Wrong, /pol/ is only what it is because of the users, and the users are National Socialist. Bans mean nothing and will be evaded. Nothing the mods do or say can change the board's ideology.

17473992? ago


You're just shitposting now.

the users are National Socialist

Were. Then we were banned for being natsoc and all our posts are wiped every time we are banned. By the moderators. Who make the board what it is. Which is not natsoc. This is only hard for nonwhites to comprehend.

Bans mean nothing and will be evaded.

Post deletions don't mean nothing.

Nothing the mods do or say can change the board's ideology.

Funny how we've been flooded with leftists and neocons for 3 years and the only time that anyone did anything about it, the website owner replaced them with different mods, isn't it? Fuck off, idiot. /pol/ is not natsoc. It hasn't been since the day imkikey took power.

17473993? ago

wahh because I'm not a mod /pol/ is magically not natsoc wahhhhhhhhhhhh


17474000? ago

You replied to the wrong post.


Nigger, I live in the west.

Not west Los Angeles, idiot.


Meaning whites.

It does though.

You are now shilling for Jewish Weimar as though it is Western society. There is nothing left of Western society. Try again on a different IP address.

Not enough.

Yeah, 40% is totally not enough.

Not hyper-inflation.

Yeah, the dollar losing 98.2% of its value since 1913 is totally not enough.

Nobody's ignoring

You clearly are, as you say the West is just fucking hunky dory.

And you're a faggot jew.

Jews don't tell the truth, yid.

Moderators don't get to say what /pol/ is.

They ban all users they don't like and delete all posts that go against the narrative. That is literally the definition of "determining what is and is not allowed here." You see all these shills? You see all these leftists? You see all these neocons? You see all these civic nationalists? You see all these posts and threads from people who are clearly posting lies? You know why they post here? BECAUSE THEY ARE ALLOWED TO POST HERE. THEY THINK THEY'RE WELCOME. BECAUSE THEY ARE WELCOME. BECAUSE THE MODERATORS ALLOW IT.

17475660? ago

Of course I don't live in Commiefornia. I'm not fucking stupid.


Meaning whites. (struggle for food and water)

I'm white. I'm not. Neither are many whites throughout many states.

You are now shilling for Jewish Weimar as though it is Western society.

No, you're the one claiming the Weimar Republic's complete societal collapse is western society. It is not yet. It will be.

40% is totally not enough

It's not, clearly. Or kikes would be outed by now.

the dollar losing 98.2% of its value since 1913 is totally not enough.

It's not until a wheelbarrow full of money can't buy BREAD.

as you say the West is just fucking hunky dory.

Implying shit I never said.

Jews don't tell the truth, yid.

Obviously, because you're calling me a jew. Says a lot about you, you lying sack of shit.

They ban all users they don't like and delete all posts that go against the narrative.

Tough shit.

That is literally the definition of "determining what is and is not allowed here."

They can't determine that. This board is too large for them to control. On a smaller board, maybe. Not here. National Socialists responds in the majority of threads. They can't stop it.


Because the moderators are told what to do. They obviously should have an ounce of integrity, but they clearly don't because they want to keep their positions.

17475661? ago

the Weimar Republic's complete societal collapse is western society

It is, yeah.

It is not yet.

Here is one way in which it is not: You cannot, as yet, order children to fuck over the phone. Please list the other ways. there aren't any

It's not, clearly. Or kikes would be outed by now.

It was in Weimar.

It's not until a wheelbarrow full of money can't buy BREAD.

So why have all the other countries in which this has happened not thrown out their jews?

Implying shit I never said.

So explain what level of demographic reduction is sufficient for whites to fight back.

Obviously, because you're calling me a jew.

Jews also tend not to be literate, but that's okay. You'll get it someday.

They can't determine that.

They literally have the power to delete anything they don't like. That's the definition of being able to determine it.

This board is too large for them to control.

So why is it smaller than it was in 2014.

They can't stop it.

So why have they been able to stop it.

Because the moderators are told what to do.

You've just confirmed they have the power to determine what is and is not allowed on the board. Even by proxy, you've just confirmed what you've been shilling against thus far. /pol/ won't be natsoc again until codemonkey is dead.

17475665? ago

They literally have the power to delete anything they don't like. That's the definition of being able to determine it.

Bans mean nothing. Your bans when you were on the mod team were not special. /pol/ is still National Socialist.

17475668? ago

Bans mean nothing.

Look at this fucking yid who thinks we'll believe that censorship is meaningless.

17475669? ago

It is impossible for someone over 90IQ to be censored on this website. If your post gets deleted, evade the ban and rewrite it. If you refuse, then you are obviously not committed enough to truth or what you wrote was not important enough.

You were not a special mod. /pol/ is still National Socialist.

17475671? ago

If your post gets deleted, evade the ban and rewrite it.

To be banned and deleted again. That you don't comprehend this concept is evidence of your malicious intent.

17475675? ago

Then do it again. If you refuse, then you are obviously not committed enough to truth or what you wrote was not important enough.

You were not a special mod. /pol/ is still National Socialist.

17475677? ago

the board is totally in support of you

just look how everything you post is deleted and you are banned for posting it

this is what I think you will actually believe

Malicious intent.

17475683? ago

The mods are not equal to the board. The users are the board. You have never lost your god complex from being a mod, which is why you cannot or refuse to understand that distinction. You were not special. /pol/ is still National Socialist.

17475684? ago

leftypol is a natsoc board because you can just evade the ban and post the deleted comment again

This is what you think passes for an "argument." Your delusions make it impossible to take you seriously.

17475689? ago

What an absolutely ridiculous strawman. /pol/ is majority National Socialist. /leftypol/ is majority Communist. Of course /leftypol/ is not a National Socialist board.

I'm done talking to you Jamal. Check yourself into a mental hospital.

17475664? ago

You cannot, as yet, order children to fuck over the phone

Sorry, my mistake.

You cannot, as yet, LEGALLY order children to fuck over the phone

That's what I meant to say.

17882246? ago

anon let me get that phone number. for a friend

17475679? ago

And yet that was allowed in the Weimar Republic. Every vile degenerate sexual perversion there is. When nothing is taboo and everything is permitted, plus millions are starving and killing themselves not to feel that sensation, then is when people will finally revert to their lizard brains and pull their heads out of their own asses. The brainwashed masses must fall below self-actualization (false senses of morality and lacking prejudice), below self-esteem (falsely desiring others' respect for catering to absolute faggotry), muh feelings and belonging, and finally below safety lies the physiological necessities of life. When food, water, sleep and shelter are disrupted, only then will the masses of ZOGbot faggots finally realize their shit has been fucked up and seek the true culprits. This will not happen until the masses are forced by instinct to remove the parasite.

17475681? ago

So never, then. There are plenty of examples that this is already the case, and yet no one's doing anything. The US won't ever not be a food exporter, so that's not going away. Jews control all media everywhere, so that's not going away.

17475687? ago

The empire will collapse. It's headed that way. Hitler spent 13 years bringing the NSDAP to power, and he used the lies of the judenpresse to rise.

17475693? ago

The empire will collapse. It's headed that way.

I don't accept optimism without proof.


repeating exactly what I said is a strawman


you're insane if you don't agree with my proven falsehoods


17475695? ago

I don't accept optimism without proof.

I just finished telling you how this has happened in history and you want proof of what? That Hitler ever existed?

17475697? ago


Doesn't matter. There is no precedent for today.

17475698? ago

Yes there was. History repeats itself. It always has. Always will. The jews want you to be blackpilled and accept defeat. Even if you do, it won't matter. There are others who won't.

17475700? ago

Anon, please, you're embarrassing yourself. Jews have never before controlled every bank in every nation on Earth. Jews have never before controlled all media, everywhere. Jews have never before controlled all governments. There has ALWAYS been an "outside" metric by which to judge jewish economic lies. There has ALWAYS been a country outside the jewish influence. How can you even attempt to tell us with a straight face that the goddamn United Nations, EU, and other supranational organizations AND THEIR POWER have historical precedent.

17475652? ago

You replied to the wrong post.

No I didn't you fucking retarded ex-vol. I know who you are from your endless autism and posting style. Not to mention you gave yourself away:

and the only time that anyone did anything about it, the website owner replaced them with different mods, isn't it?

Followed by anger sparked by remembering your removal as vol:

Fuck off, idiot.

You'll never have that power again, thank fuck. Goddamn autist.

17475655? ago

No I didn't you fucking retarded ex-vol.

Oh, you're just retarded, then.

you gave yourself away:

Yeah, no one could have ever liked the board after imkikey left, right? Seems interesting that you'd defend him like that.

Followed by anger sparked by remembering

You really did reply to the wrong post.

17475656? ago

Right, you were an ex-vol and are mad about it. I get it. Your autism gives you away and it angers you. I get it.

17473979? ago

and /pol/ is not right-wing

<This implication is beyond retarded


Sounds to me like you were the one calling it a right wing board. But as long as it's known /pol/ is National Socialist, it doesn't really matter either way

17473995? ago

Sounds to me like you were the one calling it a right wing board.

I wasn't.


<only a very few will actually know what's right even in a board like this where it's suppose to be only redpilled individuals on international Jewry

No, /pol/ is not a right-wing board.

>>12972189 (me)

knowing about international jewry makes it rightwing and /pol/ is not right-wing

This implication is beyond retarded.


You know nothing about the state of the West.

Nigger, I live in the west. Some may struggle for food, water and necessities, but we still have them.

ignore that society no longer exists

It does though.

ignore unemployment

Not enough.

ignore inflation

Not hyper-inflation.

ignore demographic change

Nobody's ignoring ((demographic change)))

/pol/ is what the moderators say it is. The moderators say it is not a natsoc board. /pol/ is therefore not natsoc.

And you're a faggot jew. Moderators don't get to say what /pol/ is. They don't control us. Fuck yourself.

17473969? ago

/pol/ is a National Socialist board. It is not right wing.

17473972? ago



Unironically kill yourself. You are the waste of society.

17473975? ago

So do you say "True" because you want to fit in, or is that an acknowledgement that you falsely equated National Socialism with a false dichotomy of left vs right?

17473977? ago

Neither one. Goddamn, you're a paranoid shit. I was calling out someone else on falsely equating National Socialism with "right wing". Can an anon not just agree with you? Fucking hell.

17473970? ago

national socialism is dumb lol why would you believe that?

17473982? ago

yes it is you dipshit boomer.

17473963? ago

do you guys really support the shooter? killing people who are just innocent is wrong. why would you support that?

murdering muslims who are just praying is WRONG guys!!!!!!

17473966? ago

Yeah, you're about 3 days late with your spam.

17472416? ago

Do you think the Chinese unleashed ebola into Africa to cover up their mass raping of the natural resources and eventual colonization of the continent?

17470755? ago

im looking for the video where you see the 2 gunmen in front of the school in christchurch. the original upload on twitter is gone sadly

17469282? ago

Why was the recent Fashwave / Art thread deleted? Any other thread where to post and exchange >pic.related

17468044? ago

Is there a good discord where i can shitpost because ive outgrown imageboards

17468043? ago

Any recommendations for more a more mature community, or is the juvenility if 8chan a necessary evil?

17468045? ago

Nothing that’s anonymous unless you already belong to a mature natsoc group or some shit. Get lost fed

17468041? ago

why are we getting so many fedposters? this is getting worrying

17468039? ago

Whats goin on here goy

17477021? ago

patriots in charge

Sounds like a Q LARP thing

17477023? ago

Given that there's a huge Q in the center of his hand, yeah.

17466535? ago

Does an archive with all of Mr. Bond's songs exist?

17468042? ago

And where does he release music other than youtube? Shit has gotten censored hard lately. I need to make a playlist for a particular pirate radio station i may or may not run

17464064? ago

-responding here because faggot mods selectively delete threads while leaving up spam and paid shilling-


I’m talking about now. I know whites are the warrior race you fucking retard

If you knew that then you would know that "now" or "then" literally doesn't matter. It is in our blood to make war, and whites are the best at it. Why would you want to continue with anti-white rhetoric if you already "knew" that whites are the warrior race?

You know nothing. Which is why you'll continue to poke the bear.

17462846? ago

Don't forget that (((Tarrant))) the Mossad agent visited Israel for a briefing on what his next mission was going to be, before he also visited Turkey on the 17th of March 2016, on the 19th close to a few blocks where he stayed a explosion took place killing 4 and killing multiple others, he then leaves on the 20th of March, location unkown, he then goes to some other places between this time until October 2016 where he then goes to Israel to carry out his briefing from his (((overlords))) and starts his planning for the attack that took place on 14th of March 2019

17464063? ago

things I made up

Great job Hershel

17465299? ago

Things I search up retard

17465304? ago

hops IP

lol i searched it ha goyim gotcha now it's true

lol, tell your boss to fire you

17459873? ago


July 2018

Twenty-eight students from Parkland city will be spending a week with the Student Volunteer Army, set up following the Christchurch earthquake in 2011, to share their experiences of living through a tragedy.

Hmmm… false flag students go to site of Mossad operations on behalf of organization set up during earthquake when Mossad was discovered working in NZ and it just coincidentally happens to be the site of a false flag less than a year later. Crazy.

17458385? ago

17458387? ago

and the number to link to post

17458382? ago

Would it be possible to have an organized campaign of micro-aggression? Could we turn everyday minor rudeness into the perception of outright open hostility. Would that generate more paranoia in these stressful times? Asking for a friend.

17738479? ago

Tfw you realize when libtards congratulate you for not being "as racist" as "other whites", you can whip this out on them!

17456872? ago

What the fuck is Qanon, Qlarp, whatever. Why is it associated with boomers?

17458384? ago

17454708? ago

What happened to Sam Hyde? Is he still racist? What about his friend Charls? The last I remember of him was him wearing a Otaya Yamaguchi shirt.

17452361? ago

Anyone knows a site where edits of the video can be uploaded for the public (preferably from TOR) ?

17451656? ago

Certain anons are claiming that the mosques were of Ahmadi denomination (a heretical pacifist sect) but I'm having trouble finding anything to back that up. The majority of Muslims in New Zealand are Sunni, as would be expected. If it's true, are Muslims even gonna give a shit that we killed these guys? Obviously dead shitskins are good in general, but in terms of Tarrant's stated goals were these wise targets?

17452360? ago

The mosque he attacked is the same mosque that had radicalized two jihadists that were killed in drone strikes.

They're anything but pacifist.

17449808? ago

Link to video??????????

17450775? ago

Here anon

17449802? ago

try to embed it

hur dur file already exists

fuck off

it's this >>12925313

17449807? ago



thanks mate

17449804? ago

17449801? ago

Does anyone have the mosque vid Brenton cited on his manifesto?

17449799? ago

can any anon tell me how reishcmark work exactly? I still can't understand how it work.

I did a lot of reading, but it still went over my head.

17448770? ago

It's not the Jews, it's only Zionist ones that are bad. The Marxist/leftist ones are good!

They're just like those ebil White oppressive gnatzees!

All of them are White! Not real Jews!

I don't get this leftist/leftypol argument, at all. They only like the ones that align with their anti-White ideas. Why are they so fixated on despising Whites because of muh colonialism, muh racism, and muh White privilege that they would have to resort to blame Whites for what kikes in Israel are doing? This is a whole another level of arrogance and ignorance, to be honest. Every time they are called out on their retardation, they won't even argue with you anymore. They just flat out either antagonize their detractors or claim they have "won" the argument because they claim to be "more intelligent than fascists and 'trolls'".

17452363? ago

Why are they so fixated on despising Whites because of muh colonialism, muh racism, and muh White privilege that they would have to resort to blame Whites for what kikes in Israel are doing?

It's a product of postmodern Cultural Marxism, which is usually known as SJWism in normalfag circles. They're basically so bad, not even some liberals and some modern commies like them. They're not even hiding the fact that they want White genocide. However, they do seem to be just merely paper tigers at times. The reason why you think they are being arrogant and ignorant on many certain things is because they have massive amounts of inferiority complexes that they can never conquer. Remember that SJW book known as "White Fragility"? It reeks of pure projection and virtue signalling. They're incapable of feeling truly superior to their enemies, because they always feel the need to complain about how "oppressed" they are or how they're being "harassed and attacked" by mere words on the internet. Free speech only matters when they want to say things, it's not free speech when other political views want to have a say. Instead it's "hate speech", they're practically Bizarro neocons.

17449805? ago

Leftoids don't understand that Jewish revolutionary politics require tipping the scales at both sides. There are no drawbacks to having communist fiefdoms for kike bankers/international capitalists.

White europeans are the main obstacle to their conquest because historically, Christendom has been at odds with Jewry (most sects of Christianity are thoroughly kiked now, though). Islam has been subverted for far longer than Christianity. Muslims obviously don't like Jews that much, but that doesn't stop them from being useful politically to Jewish interests (see: migrant crisis!).

Jews historically have often fought alongside Muslims against Europeans. In a broad historiographical context, one might argue that the migrant crisis being manufactured by Israel is a modern iteration of said phenomenon. At any rate, Christemdom is laying on its back and Jews and their European political lapdogs have opened the floodgates for millions of them. They realized that there would be many opportunists who would flood in to Europe despite not actually coming from war-torn countries.

Christianity (and in particular Catholicism) was what kept Europeans unified against Jewry throughout most of history after Christ. There was a time when kikes actually got expelled from European countries. What happened? Many of the yids who were expelled from other European countries (in particular, Spain) fled to Holland and started practicing mercantilism (slave trade came along soon after). The Reformation happened and Calvinists introduced the practice of usury in lending: Christians began acting like kikes. In more modern times (late 19th century) the Schofield reference bible got published, (which, along with the outcome of WWII sealed the deal for how most Christians felt about Jews). By WWI the Rothschilds had accumulated enough wealth to further the goals of Zionism to completion (see: Balfour declaration).

In short, with the dissolution of Christianity as the primary bulwark against Europe getting fully cucked, a difficult problem facing the modern far right is finding another point of unification; there is so much disagreement on points like religion that forming a cohesive movement is heavily hampered. Identity politics on the right-wing of the political spectrum really seem as insurmountable as those on the left, although they are obviously different beasts.

17500724? ago

he cucked on Christchurch. not even boomers did that

17448768? ago

How fucking cucked is New Zealand, democracy doesn't work, only by force can we take control, don't forget

17448769? ago

women in power

ha ha ha ha ha we're all going to DIE

17448765? ago

How come in three days since the shooting I haven't seen a single DEHUMANIZE YOURSELF AND FACE TO BLOODSHED reference

17446010? ago

I am tired of watching my country fall apart while I sit on top of a stash just staring holes in the ceiling and listening to garbage lofi

I am tired of being told by my "motivated" and "radical" friends that; "don't shoot yet anon, the time's not right anon, the fight comes later anon"

I am tired of watching my rights be eroded every year

I am tired of hearing "maybe it won't be us that gets to fight, it might fall on our grandchildren instead"

I am tired of Californians moving here and changing the laws

I am tired of my culture going away

I am tired

I'm not trying to smoke 50 hadjis in a mosque that don't matter and then go to prison, because then I can't shoot anymore. But I'm also not trying to sit around anymore. What the fuck can any of us do?

17446011? ago

I'm not going to fight back

Then you've already lost. Go kill yourself.

17446013? ago

That's not what I'm saying. I want continuity of action and an end result that isn't just "I did it fur teh lulz and now I'm in prison till the end of time".

17446014? ago

You're not going to get it. Whites aren't going to fight back as a race, nor even as smaller groups.

17446016? ago

Are we just fucked then? This can't be the end.

17446017? ago

Are we just fucked then?

Yes. What about this don't you get? 73 years ago, whites lost. There has been zero resistance since then. Three entire generations have been brainwashed into supporting their own genocide. Do you see anyone, anywhere, actually doing anything about it? Talking isn't doing.

17446020? ago

The only people I see doing anything are antifa and liberal politicians.

17832569? ago

The only people I see doing anything are antifa and liberal politicians.\

They are (((them))) or funded by (((them))).

Follow /sig/, get your shit together. Find a place that is overwhelmingly white. Move there. Have lots of kids. Help those kids have kids. Pass on truth and love.

You may never get to fight, but your grandkids will kick ass during Reconquista 2.0.

17834895? ago

Leave the reconquista to your grandkids who will be outnumbered even more instead of doing anything. Great idea

17444708? ago

Need sources showing that FDR knew about the pearl harbor attack but let it happen to get the US into the war for the Jewish interests

17446021? ago

He purposely violated the trade agreement with Japan and seized all the physical and monetary assets of Japanese within the United States. That's an act of war. His own advisors admitted it was an act of war. They knew they were declaring war in 1940.

17446009? ago

Just look up Hitler's speech after Japan declared war on America. He explains all the bullshit America was doing that went against international law from the lend lease to attacking German ships, dogging ships and forcing them to scuttle themselves, aiding the british, arresting diplomats and so on. They wanted war with Japan and Germany and were doing everything possible to force the issue. Look up the navy personnel that were sacked when they questioned the stupidity of moving the navy to Pearl Harbor and how vulnerable they were. You can find the sources for whatever you want with simple google searches.

17444707? ago

What legal basis does NZ have to tell non-citizens to remove the footage of the recent amazingly hilarious practical joke? It's just a prank bro!

17443488? ago

Lads. Brenton Tarrant joined the mosque because he knew of the Jones boys who had been radicalized there, and so his plan was to train with that mosque's cell in Pakistan.

17442132? ago

Any website / dark hole that contains 8chan (/pol/ in particular) archives? Not the integrated beta feature. Too incomplete.

17442120? ago

If Jews can only think short term, how do they control the world? Why are they slowly boiling us and only accelerationists turn up the heat?

Israel is our ally.

17442131? ago

They aren't going to rule it for long. Because they don't think long term.

israel isn't a real country.

17442123? ago

Israel is our ally.

Speak for yourself, kike

17442124? ago

How do jews in europe benefit from bringing in muslims who hate them?

17442135? ago

Muslims dont hate Jews. Palestinians and shiite muslims do because the kikes came in, killed them all with their british and us dogs and used them to attack Iraq, demonize Iran, steal lands in Gaza, Syria, etc. Suuni mudslimes are best friends with Israel and Jews have worked with Moslems since time immemorial. Tens of thousands of jews live peacefully in Saudi Arabia and other Moslem countries and have for ages.

The slave trades have been run with Jews as financiers and the ones that run the markets and auctions while moslems do the capturing. Barbary pirates - you know, the "white arrrr matey" pirates like Pirates of the Caribbean and other fun stories about sailing the seven seas? Those are all Moslems from the Barbary coast in North Africa. They terrorized white Christians in Europe for hundreds of years. They single handedly delayed the progress of humanity (aka whites, the only humans on the planet) by making it impossible to have coastal towns and trade was almost impossible as anyone without escort was captured, cargo taken and they were gilded and enslaved. USA went to war with the Barbers. These were Moslems.

Barbary Pirates capture people, bring them to markets on the slaver coast and jews would take them, gild them, sell the ones that survive and bring choice ones to other Jews or to the interior caliphates for royalty to buy.

The Spanish Inquisition? Not some evil Catholic Church randomly torturing people for shits and giggles. Moslems took over Spain for couple hundred years with the help of Jews. Jews literally invited them across the strait of gibralter (like 10 miles or some small distance from norther africa Moslem states) and literally threw open the gates to many of the communities and let the raiders in to rape, pillage and enslave and kill Christians. Jews were often left in control of the territories as the Moslems went north to conquer more territory. Jews and Moslems became so entrenched in upper echilons and swarthy complexions made it too hard to distinguish who was Christian and who were the bastards that betrayed them and were just "Newly Christians" (fun fact, the same fucks became the Jesuits and started the first instance of communism at this time). The royalty asked the church to help figure out who was jew and moslem and they helped interview and provide names to the royalty. The royalty then did all the torture that jews make sure people associate with the church. They also leave out the fact jews and moslems worked together to enslave spain and killed christians for hundresd of years before driving them out.

Anyone that says Moslems hate Jews should have their opinion immediately disregarded. They are the same satanic fucks. They are both monsters that run slave trades to this fucking day. You can buy niggers from africa in the moslem slave trade for couple hundred dollars depending on market conditions.

17447586? ago

Nice fairy tale. Now post proof or it stays a fairy tale.

17447600? ago


The main purpose of their attacks was to capture Christian slaves for the Ottoman slave trade as well as the general Arab slavery market in North Africa and the Middle East.

Barbary corsairs captured thousands of merchant ships and repeatedly raided coastal towns. As a result, residents abandoned their former villages of long stretches of coast in Spain and Italy. Between 100,000 and 250,000 Iberians were enslaved by these raids.

The raids were such a problem coastal settlements were seldom undertaken until the 19th century. Between 1580 and 1680 corsairs were said to have captured about 850,000 people as slaves and from 1530 to 1780 as many as 1,250,000 people were enslaved.

English corsair Jack, or John, Ward was once called "beyond doubt the greatest scoundrel that ever sailed from England" by the English ambassador to Venice. Ward was a privateer for Queen Elizabeth during her war with Spain; after the end of the war, he became a corsair. With some associates he captured a ship in about 1603 and sailed it to Tunis; he and his crew converted to Islam.

The most famous of the corsairs in North Africa were brothers Oruç and Hızır Hayreddin. They, and two less well-known brothers, all became Barbary corsairs; they were called the Barbarossas (Italian for Redbeards) after the red beard of Oruç, the eldest. Oruç captured the island of Djerba for the Ottoman Empire in 1502 or 1503.

It is a nice fairy tale. Jews are very good at telling them.

17447602? ago

well lets see, jew here. a real one, descendant of king david himself. so lets get some real based shit up in here.

not a kike, dont recognise that word, too many americunts here clearly using that retarded terminology which means nothing.

here's the truth. 4 billion muslims and christians combined worldwide. 13.5 million of us. bit of a difference.

BUUUUUUUUT……Our IQ is 115 on average, whites 100 and sand niggers >90 at best.

bottom line - we will always control you all and be the ultimate puppet masters because we are smarter and better than you, but are the minority.

All of your bullshit supremacist crap from christian and muslim alike doesnt hold a candle to the jewish mind.

Hitler was your last and best shot, you will never get that chance again.

My people have developed an even better ability to blend in and misdirect and mind fuck you all since the nazis.

i've personally tricked countless sand niggers and crackers that im one of them, easy as fuck.

Even hitler himself understood what im saying here, which is why the nazis stopped when they reached morocco and the sephardic jews, he knew our power

was too strong there.

We're so effective at being the minority now, that you're all pointing at each other and other events accusing people of being kikes or shills.

You'll NEVER get rid of us from this planet. No matter what you do. we are the chosen people. obey or pay the consequences.

Israel takes huge shits on the arab world whenever it feels like it and theres literally nothing any of you fags can do about it.

its just jealousy, haters gonna hate. enjoy the race war all of you, my people will be far away from it, making the real decisions as always.

17775429? ago



17448767? ago

Jews dont have 115 IQ. Its very easy to figure out how low it is based on Israel average IQ. That number is from early tests on tiny groups with no statistical relevance. PSAT scores confirm Jews are underperforming for full standard deviation higher IQs. Asians and whites match up perfectly with their relative IQ ranges, as do lesser races. Jews, however, fall way below a 115 average IQ relative to all educational performance stats. The current college admission scams is entirely Jewish based, too. Most common excuse is a bar mitzvah scheduling conflict. Even if you give Jews the benefit of fake IQ test, there are more 140+ IQ genus whites than the entire population of Jews in the world.

We can also look at accomplishments in arts, sciences, major discoveries/inventions, architecture, etc. Jews have nothing. No art, no architecture, no lasting accomplishments. Only become relevant in the 20th century by stealing patents and having names from group achievements. Everythign is from small band of whites from England to Germany. Physical accomplishments are nil. Literally no Olympic medals. Smaller countries have medals with smaller budgets and populations.

Where are your symphonies? Where are you architectural wonders? Where are your arts and sciences? What have you brought to the world beyond usury? Nothing. That's what you've accomplished in 5000 years. There's no debating this. There's no refutation you can make. Your entire race is worthless and on the same level as niggers and your mudslime brothers. No, that's insulting muslims. They have some architecture and contributions to maths. Even bugmen developed paper when we were using parchment, but that was more out of need when we had no pressure to pursue it.

You are a lesser race whose only accomplishments are parasitical in nature or amount to stealing credit for the works of greater men.

17448763? ago

jew here. a real one

Reported. Every word you said is a lie.

17443489? ago

So because you said that Palestinians and shiite muslims hate jews should I disregard your opinion?

17444703? ago

Shia make up about 10% of all Muslims and virtually all live in Iran. The other billion do not hate kikes.

17442130? ago

Same reason they chose to build their nest amongst those muslims who 'hate them' so nd are flooding the US with browns who don't care about Israel.Whites are a threat to them. Muds are not. Simple.

17442134? ago

See also

17442129? ago

Since THE FAGGOT MODS DISABLED BYPASS I cannot post the video I want to. But, in it, a rabbi explains the belief that the supposed "end of days" happens when enough arabs intermix with whites that it creates a permanent underclass that jews will rule over.

You may be able to find this interview yourself. It has a watermark for the site "Malachei26.com", which I assume is a jewish site.

17442125? ago

The Kikes believe that if they bring enough immigrant, the messiah will come, that's the only reason, there is literally no other reasons.The Kikes obviously knows what they are doing is destroying everything.

17438696? ago

What the doorman greeted Brenton because Brenton had joined the mosque? Hence the trips. He infiltrated their cell network.

17438694? ago

You used to be able to post an image thats exists elsewhere if coupled with another image.

What happened?

17437432? ago

UN brings up war crimes for kikes. Kikes kill UN members. Blame airplanes and charges go away. Jews gonna jew.

17447582? ago

That's a shitty connection at best


Jews can't fly on friday or saturday because traveling is against the rules of shabbos. Doesn't mean they are connected at all.

You guys are trying to make weak connections where none exist and pretend god came down and gave you all the answers himself.

17438695? ago

I'm not even surprised, happened with both malaysian airliners back in 2014

17437425? ago

Who is Mossad and why is NZ shooter being called a "Mossad agent" ?

17739182? ago

Who is Mossad?

Being this new.

17437428? ago

who is Mossad?

Israeli secret service/ the group behind 9/11

why is NZ shooter being called a "Mossad agent"?

Jews have consistently created false flags (manufactured atrocities/horrors) to further their political agenda in host nations (Gulf of Tonkin, USS Liberty, 9/11) which has led to a healthy skepticism towards mass shootings held by anons. However this last shooting was 100% not a false flag.

17437429? ago


Is Mossad zionist or just a secret police in Israel?

17437430? ago

is mossad zio?

do bear take crap in the woods?

is it secret police?

no, it more like murican CIA - foreign intelligence service, except they do much more than that

17437427? ago

Who is Mossad

Israeli secret police akin to the KGB.

why is NZ shooter being called a "Mossad agent" ?

Because there are shills on this board that would prefer you to listen and believe rather than read the shooter's manifesto

17436149? ago

Who will be attending today's debate?

17436150? ago

I would honestly like to read dubois arguments on this debate because he himself often railed about the criminal behavior of niggers often

17436148? ago

17436146? ago

since the terrorist is false flag does it mean that that manifesto represents how (((they))) see us? (except for the jew-related questions)

17436143? ago

where can I find an archive of the thread where the shooter linked his manifesto/stream?

17433525? ago

White people aren’t having enough babies! White people need to stop paying taxes even if they have to go to jail over it. This will starve the system of funds (even if the richest 1% contribute over 80% of the tax revenue) because algebra (invader number magic) is an Islamic invention and only serves an anti-white agenda. While you are in jail for not paying your taxes, you need to place yourself into positions of power everywhere, so when the race war starts, the military will be on our side. All corporations that do any kind of business with the brown people need to be boycotted. Buy white-only non corporate products to furnish your cave, but be sure to not use matches as they were created by an anti-white corporation and we need to starve them of profits. White people need to get off of their asses and start making memes. Alex Linder should stop spending so much time watching Squidbillies, and do an audiobook of this hodgepodge of the last years /pol/ catalog rambled together into a pile of shit.

17433517? ago

Why does everyone give so many fucks about american politics? It's staged.

This was bait. The real question is where do we migrate after 8ch becomes cuckchan v2?

17480668? ago

Also /mlpol/ horsefuckers keeps the shills out.

17480667? ago

We either migrate to the boards already existing such as /zenpol/ /sudpol/ /polk/ /zog//politik/ /politok/ /3rdpol/ /fascist/ and more

Or 8chan gets shut down and that leaves to two simple options.

Endchan or neinchan.

They are still plenty more with /pol/'s and a few on the deep/darkweb.

Voat is a nice option to has it's own /pol/ as well

17502086? ago

Endchan or neinchan

This goes out to all anons: Do not come to endchan's /pol/ thinking you can shill jewish tactics. Even if trolling, you will be banned the fuck out. End/pol/ is a haven with one rule: No jews.

17502085? ago

Also /newchan/ is good it used to have a /pol/ board but got removed for some odd reason so, a huge migration and shitposting politics and hitler might bring it back.

17433523? ago

Nice dead boards.

17433528? ago

nigger what. you really expect any of them NOT to be dead prior to a migration

17433536? ago


Remeber when 8ch used to be half-dead. Good times. Now it's 60% cuckchan if not more. My country's chan got nuked recently with no explanation from mods, there are no archives left, nothing.

17433540? ago

no one cares

17433531? ago

I expect them to be functional.

17433533? ago

you expect too much. I've had that list for a while now. fucking meguca was on there. I removed it before posting

17433530? ago


17432260? ago

Just noticed that the Third Positionist's youtube channel was deleted. Are there any backups?

17432261? ago

Make it a habit to download all valuable channels.


17432256? ago

Not a question but not deserving of its own thread either…

In about two hours, in the Dogtown neighborhood of St. Louis, there will be a St. Patrick's Day Parade. The Grand Marshall of the parade will be Bob McCulloch. McCulloch was the county prosecutor during the Mike Brown/Fergustan/pants up don't loot bullshit.

There's potential for clashes between drunken working class whites and loudmouth college kids with their pet niggers. Someone should probably monitor the situation.

17431154? ago

So who are the names of the people behind 9/11? Lets go after them. What's the evidence the jew funded it. I wang to be pilled because i always thought it was obviously the nsa.

17433542? ago

Tldr. Just condense it. I don't have time to watch 100 hours worth of user made content just to get a disconnected story full of holes where you might go "oh yeah, i guess the jews coulda done it but maybe not beyond a reasonable doubt". And then never come back because i just wasted 100+ hours of my life.

17436147? ago

READ or fuck off

17434798? ago


Then go fuck yourself. Never post here again.

a disconnected story full of holes

If you'd read about it, you'd see you're lying.

And then never come back because i just wasted 100+ hours of my life.

Please never come back anyway, you lazy motherfucker.

17447581? ago

I work full time. Im not a neet who can spend all of their waking hours reading anti jew conspiracy stories. Even if i put all of my free time into reading all of your content it would take me a whole year to understand 1 red pill. Literally noone will believe you or your movement if you can't explain it effectively and the way it is now is completely fragmented and likely false because noone else in the world cares are even talks about it. I bet most of you who post here don't even understand really. You just see others pisting about it and assume it must be right.

17447595? ago

Literally noone will believe you or your movement if you can't explain it effectively

What if, say, someone from here did just that? What if he wrote a book on the subject?

the way it is now is completely fragmented

What if he tied it all together with citations and cross-links between sections of the book?

and likely false

What if every word of the book was objective truth?

Im not a neet who can spend

Then you don't deserve to live. If you can't even educate yourself on a topic that involves your genocide, how can you possibly combat it?

17430330? ago

Download link in video description. Mirror and upload everywhere! NZ shots at 4m12s into video :)

Or just search "Europe Awake 2019" on YouTube.

17430332? ago

There's like 5 seconds of footage everyone has already seen..

Where's the full 17 min vid?

17429492? ago

A TP on the Terror Attack in Christchurch, Part 2

17429489? ago

A TP on the Terror Attack in Christchurch

17429487? ago

Should I write and post my own manifesto? It's pretty unique, I never met people with views fully compatible with mine. Basically, radical open-source and transhumanism. Information (including memes) is main thing in life that we all live for. For example last shooting is good because lives of muslims are not nearly as worthy (chances are, they didnt produce any content) as footage produced and all the memes and edits. What would 8ch think of that? Also I think all females must be made sex slaves.

17447589? ago

Yes you should post your own manifesto but only if you plan on never actually doing anything OR you're already in a vehicle with your own GoPro and a livestream started and it's just a matter of copypasting your already written up thread with links to your stuff. Also I suggest to make two threads if and when you do so, the first one being on a random dead board with no mods on 8chan, and the second one on /pol/ with a link to the first thread on the no mods board. This way even if mods on here take your shit down, the other thread will stay up a little longer or indefinitely, at least until globals take it down.

17428018? ago

/pol/ supports Trump as a symbol of renewed white identity.

17428015? ago

Why are (((mods))) permabanning anons and deleting posts with vague threats that don't fit into the law they're quoting?

Pic related.

Let's kill some niggers.

Doesn't fit that law. There's no appreciable threat there. None at all. It's vague, unsubstantiated, unknowable, and undirected.

lets kill Benjamin Netanyahu

Doesn't fit either.

17428016? ago

they err on the side of caution

their policy is to follow the law enough to not have to appear in court, not to go to court and spend a bunch of money winning a landmark case for your free speech

17428022? ago

does that mean I can not say

gas the bikes race car now

in proper words on this boards? genuine question

17428023? ago

right now, yeah, it might

17428025? ago

thanks for the heads up.

would you venture a guess at how long this might persist?

17428026? ago

would you venture a guess at how long this might persist?

Nope. I'm gonna play it by ear

17428029? ago

(mil colloquialism for "roger" - in eastern parts)

17427358? ago

Should we disarm all cops but allow the public to own guns?

17426694? ago

refugee from 4chan here (pardon the pun)

it's become unbearable over there. it's like an internet version of SAR or Sweden. kikes and shills of every denomination run rampant.

I just hope you guys won't hold that (4chan) against me


17429488? ago


kikes and shills of every denomination run rampant.

implying it hasn't been that way for a long time

You won't find it much different here either.

17429494? ago

Looks like a shitposting spree from /leftypol/, /tv/, /b/, and many other cuckchan boards. It's practically /leftypol/ at this point. I remember some anons there claiming that the mods are actually Antifa members, I don't have any proof, though.

One of the threads called "Based Norway" on the 2nd cuck/pol/ catalog pic shows some literal faggot talking about Norway being "happiest nation" on Earth, despite supposedly having a "higher Muslim citizen rate" than the US. I call bullshit on that last part. The US has over 3 million Arabs while the entirety of Europe has about 6 million Arabs. Is this supposed to mean Norway houses all or most of the Arabs in Europe now? Why isn't literal faggot concerned about the ultra-conservative, anti-feminist and anti-homosexuality sentiments in the Quran? I swear G-d leftists speak for absolutely no one in the world but themselves.

Also, why did /leftypol/ once claimed to hate SJW's when they are anti-White SJW's themselves? Why did they take over cuckchan along with other dead boards?

17479923? ago


17429493? ago

wee bit better. much more hostile environment for the kikes (from what I gathered lurking)

17428720? ago


17429490? ago

thank you, sir!

17426695? ago

Kraut/pol/ aint what it used to be, right?

17426696? ago

dang, now I feel übercomfy!

we shall prevail!

17423941? ago

Where to watch the live facebook video from shooting? Google and DDG return just news sites

17425033? ago

Is this really the most viewed video on BitChute?

17421536? ago

Why don't ethno nationalist in America not just go full Rockwell and just be fully honest instead of apologetic faggots, something like how the left does and go fully crazy from the slightest thing a white man does except ethno nationalists start doing it with all the homosexuals, immigration plenty to pick from, why doesn't anyone do that? I'm from the Weimar republic so obviously I'd get sent straight to the gulag if i did this, but in the US they still have freedom of speech

17421537? ago

Because it's retarded.

17421540? ago

But being an apologetic Cuckservative isn't retarded? And what exactly are modern day conservatives trying to preserve? Gay rights?? Race-mixing? Just LOL hope you have a better suggestion than what I said pal

17418599? ago

I need help /pol/

The uploader for the /pol/ happening song deleted all his shit today

Does anyone have a backup for the song?

All I have is this link, and a clip of it from this stream


17422725? ago

Never letting this shit disappear again

17420049? ago

Funny seeing you here Josh, hope the Borscht was good tonight.

17418598? ago

Random book suggestion.

17417390? ago

Israeli Data Extraction Company: Cellibrite

I'm too busy to research this right now but I was just informed about this company by my Computer Forensics professor.

it's called Cellebrite and its an Israeli data extraction company the withholds its processes from the public and is known to be "when all other form of data extraction fails, Cellebrite is who you go to" Anybody who's much more informative on this subject know more?

also is Tor safe? can't make my own thread for this cause of 8chans Tor rules (which is understandable)

17417389? ago

Is there a transcript of what /ourguy/ says? Can't really understand much of it (probably due to shit speakers)

17417386? ago

this is how /pol has been for a while and for some reason the moderators have allowed it

it's basically the same on GLP if you look, the moderators allow the same ID or accounts to constantly spew contentless verbal abuse

This person (if it is a person) kind of reminds me of that wikipedia editor that was ousted during Gamergate. People say "they're not sending their best" but this clown is their best high volume low quality losers they can rely on and they probably only have to make sure their rent is paid and some hotpockets are in the cupboard, maybe they give them a day off with one of their Israeli hookers once a year or something

17414829? ago

Oh but it is about skin color/heritage/religion. The shooter took revenge on peaceful muslims because a few crazy terrorists who happened to be muslim decided to kill white people. The nz shooter was not justified in taking revenge on peaceful muslims who have never killed or thought about becoming a terrorist before in their life. The shooter directed his hate at peaceful innocent people who have no quarrel with him or any other white man simply because he percieved all muslims as terrorists/extremists which is false and because he he perceived those people to be muslims.

How do you think the nz shooter decided on which people to shoot? He went after everyone and anyone who came out of that mosque or was near that mosque or anyone walking around that neighborhood. He drove a mile down the road and began shooting out of his window/winshield after he was finished with the mosque. The shooter didn't ask questions or take hostages, he just shot. He decided that people were muslim based on their skin color and/or because they were near a mosque which is not definitive proof that all of those people were muslim and it definitely wasn't proof that any of those people were behind terror attacks.

Killing those people didn't save any lives nor did it act as revenge for terrorism. He was just a plain old low iq killer who was brainwashed by the /pol/ psyop and wanted people to remember him as he was short and unremarkable in every aspecy of his life. He is a sad man.

17414831? ago

why did he shoot

how did he decide who to shoot

read the manifesto moron, he answers the questions. protip:

it's the birthrates

it's the birthrates

it's the birthrates

he didn't care about their shitty religion, he didn't care about their shit colored skin and low iq

17414830? ago

17414825? ago

I think I'm becoming blackpilled and need to cheer up somehow. I feel like fapping but I'm trying to stop. I like video games but I don't feel like playing any. I had a panic attack and lost a lot of my appetite. Any suggestions?

17413541? ago

What's the meaning of "bypass.png", which I see so often?

17413543? ago

can't post the same combination of files twice on the same board.

Anyone got an archive of the original happening thread?

17412255? ago

The jews have successfully infiltrated this image board, there's no more jew naming, now the focus is on mudslimes, exactly what the JIDF wanted to do, bye 8chan I'm leaving this imageboard is no longer successful for our cause

17409476? ago

What's the best chat program? is tox good?

17404931? ago


17404935? ago

If so, it would be the first thing they ever did right. All dune coons will be slaughtered. All jews will be slaughtered. All other nonwhites will follow. Get over yourself.

17404937? ago

Violence in all forms is wrong. Thou shall not murder.

17417393? ago

Thou shall not murder.

  1. Murder means an illegal killing.

  2. The same people that were given those ten commandments regularly conquered and genocided every other people they came across and even used deception or infiltration tactics to do so (opening an enemy gate from the inside and so on).

17404939? ago

  1. Kill yourself before we get our hands on you or you’re going to wish you had.

  2. No, you subhuman yid. It’s “Thou shalt not kill”, as in over petty, personal business. We’re going to slaughter them all for their crimes against us. You cannot stop us.

17408066? ago

Killing others because you hate the color of their skin/heritage sounds like a pretty personal issue you're working through. Regardless, the law is direct and straight to the point. Killing is wrong reguardless of the reason.

17409478? ago

read the NZ manifesto, he outlines his reasons. you are extremely mistaken if you believe it's because of the "skin color/heritage". It's reasonably to hate a group of people that are moving in in great numbers and raping your women and even children.

17408069? ago

oy vey goyim i said ‘skin color’

you will actually believe me

Reminder that this is a paid shill and that the moderators allow it to post here.

17408070? ago

Actually im here because i got tired of 4chan. Your statement doesn't discredit my argument. Everyone knows pol is a psyop and most people here are brainwashed. It's sad really.

17408071? ago

Everything you said is a lie. If you didn’t leave 4um in 2014, why would we want you here now? Go away.

17403482? ago


17425032? ago

It's funny because she's being attacked for criticizing the nation that actually did 9/11, you boomer retard.

17403480? ago

I got pissed off at another user on 4chan for his beliefs on killing others. I may have sarcastically incited him to commit a crime in my anger and before i could delete my post was given a month long ban for violating us law. Am I fucked?

17401232? ago

Is there a way to write a bot that scours mainstream media sources for racial framing?

What I mean by that is seeking patterns in what terms are paired with the various races. For example, I get the feeling that every time I hear or read "white" in the media, it is typically paired with the terms "supremacy" and "privilege", and more recently "fragility".

Not much comes to mind, specifically, when it comes to other races, other than the term "empowerment".

What I'm getting at is that I want to prove the media (as well as other institutions of information) have been manipulating language in the public sphere to construct social hierarchies and arbitrate the rankings based on a framework over which they have absolute control.

inb4 no shit sherlock

I feel this can be proven quite easily, but I'm boomertard and don't have the capacity to do it alone

17401234? ago

  1. Write this elaborate program (Hint: a program can't read your mind as to what you want to find)

  2. Use it

17400717? ago

Can any of you anons me show me some pictures of instances where leftist protests are practically a whole lot smaller than they look? The "March for Our Lives" protests was technically the largest I've seen in the US, and that was only about 2 million strong. I've seen political rallies much bigger than that. The latest CIA/FBI involvement in yet another false flag mass shooting is grinding my gears again.

17399952? ago

Does anybody have a link for the new zealand massacre video ?

17399953? ago



17399111? ago

A handy script which adds a download button to the top of the page on BitChute


17398099? ago

I got pissed off at another user for his beliefs on killing others. I may have sarcastically incited him to commit a crime in my anger and before i could delete my post was given a month long ban for violating us law. Should i be worried?

17420050? ago





>>12945922 (also wasted)


Why are these "le ebin centrist" liberals from cuckchan even bothering posting their bluepilled beliefs here? Tell them next time that if they hate violence so much, they should have called out every nigger/shitskin chimpout that has ever happened in the US. Not blame it on le ebil Whitey.

17397263? ago

Is the obsession of "pegging" via your own wife while sucking off a nigger's small cock who fucks said wife 24/7 the ultimate form of beta male, Tumblr/Reddit/Twitter feminist "culture"?

17398100? ago

Great question! That's a matter of opinion.

17394894? ago

Anyone have some good sources for Islamic Terror attacks, lists of failed and successful attacks, Crime rates, and rapes?

With all the fallout from the shooting people need to remember who started this. I would really appreciate some proper sources on the subject of Islamic savagery.

17394896? ago

I'd prefer more information about the ones truly responsible for those islamic terror attacks.

Remember how osama bin ladin and the taliban were sponsored originally by the CIA?

Why does the media forget about this?

17428032? ago

Remember how osama bin ladin and the taliban were sponsored originally by the CIA?

Why does the media forget about this?

Because everyone of any importance in the American media is a CIA agent.

17428033? ago

everyone of any importance in the American media is an (((agent)))

more like this

17394899? ago

why does the jewish media cover up things that go against the jewish narrative for the extermination of whites

It is a mystery.

17394903? ago

things that go against the jewish narrative for the extermination of whites

Muslims will now pursue whites with more violence and with more intensity. This goes exactly according to the loxist kike plan.

17394906? ago

I think organisations within our national security systems in every nation will react in some way, this may be one way they act.

17394900? ago

It drives me mad how people have this memory loss about proven shit our intelligence services have done, whether 5 eyes, mossad, chinese/russian intelligence, saudi intelligence. 99% of these attacks I guarantee have some degree of intelligence involvement.

The worst part of this is that all those organisations have information barriers within themselves, so when this shit happens, most of the time the other part of the intelligence service is running around clueless and trying to pinpoint their own tail.

This shit needs to fucking stop.

17428031? ago

17397266? ago

No, it needs to escalate. You forget no matter who is doing the shooting, if you don't shoot back you're a dead nigger. This is war. People like you never do anything but bitch.

17397265? ago

This also explains the massive support of (((gun control))) from (((Hollywood))) celebrities and even from (((companies))) like Viacom and Disney.

This shit needs to fucking stop.

I wish, too. But even if it did, liberals and leftists just can't stop bitching and whining until they are all shot dead. So why not?

17393478? ago


Being the change I want to see in the world.

A poster to start the revolution.

Hail Brenton!

Download the manifesto here >>>/4chon/295102

Archive of the original thread: https://archive.is/Ft1Gw

Direct link to the manifesto: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/6b177bda177850ed87affec3a5c9c32b8ff220eb3e71c9f814c92db1fe4f68e6.pdf

Note original manifesto is 733.17 KB other versions with bigger file size are suspect and probably have a trojan.

Dailystormer article: https://dailystormer.name/kiwis-final-shitpost-massacres-mosques-personally-radicalized-by-candace-owens/

Dailystormer onion: https://dstormer6em3i4km.onion.to/kiwis-final-shitpost-massacres-mosques-personally-radicalized-by-candace-owens/


I, Epyc [redacted] Wynn endorses Brenton & his actions.


17416053? ago

Still trying to push your meme huh? Just get your loosh by fooling some redditors into giving it to you and then use it for good.

17393479? ago

Hello mossad.

17393481? ago

Hello cuckold pacifist.

17391914? ago












































































































































17390193? ago

Is there a link to the original thread?

17390191? ago

Klanesky o'shitpost

17388613? ago

Link to the manifesto of the shooter please?

17390190? ago

here you go

i don't have his FAQ, but here is a link to an archive of the post he made on 8ch, one the links in his post are probably the FAQ


17388604? ago

Why did he shoot his own windshield at 13:18?

It seems nonsensical to shoot your own windows, specially the left one after it since he got exposed to external shots

17388607? ago

He was exposed to fire even if the glass was intact. It doesn't have that much of an effect on bullets these days and windows will have zero effect on rifle rounds especially.

17387224? ago

What songs did Brenton Tarrant play in his livestream?

I recognized The British Grenadiers, the Fallschirmjäger lied, and Initial D, but I didn't recognize the first song he played.

17393480? ago

Search on youtube "remove kebab from premises" for that first song.

17393483? ago

Perhaps we should move matzah first.

17393485? ago

Be the change you want to see in the world. Strike while the anvil is hot.

17393487? ago

Well for starters, don't call off banking royal commissions.

17387225? ago

Initial D

what an absolute ledge

17387221? ago

17387228? ago

Unless it's white genocide, then it's full steam ahead.

17387220? ago

Evening lads, my 17 year old little brother is participating in a school play called Ragtime. It's written by (((them))) and he is playing the role of a mean ol' waysis. The main protagonist is a #brave POC. At some point in the play my brother shits inside the car of the POC. My whole family is going to support my brother and I would literally be the only one not attending. I show up for whenever my bro plays in marching band, but I don't want to show up for this because I don't support kike race-bait propaganda. Am I autistic for not taking for the team? Wat do?

17387219? ago

anons, read a semi cucked version of Mein Kampf, compared it to the Stalag edition and the word are semi different, goddamit I wasted a couple of weeks reading mein kampf just to learn I didn't read the best quality version out there FML, should i read it again except the was accurate version again or will I just continue reading other books since I don't really want to repeat reading it just because some words are slightly different

17387217? ago

17387231? ago

Blacks have never faced a genocide at the hands of whites. BLM is sheer nigger victim fantasy. Now as for Arabs and other blacks, yeah you got a genocide there.

17387232? ago

Blacks have never faced a genocide


17388605? ago

Those savages are slaughtering each other at this very moment. Not from the hands of humans.

17387233? ago

Blacks have never faced a genocide at the hands of whites. Try again.

17387215? ago


The definition of terroism is all up the wall and fairly new, but look at events throughout history and you could easily equate many of them with the modern day definitions of terrorism, for example, Vikings were terrorists. "Terrorism" has been going on since the end of time.

17387214? ago


Fuck off edgetard

17387212? ago

17385923? ago


Archive of the original thread

I've got another link


17385924? ago

Shit, link doesn't work. Ignore this post.

17385926? ago


Your ban screenshots aren't about the manifesto in any way though.

Here. Let's try.




Shit, link doesn't work. Ignore this post.

Because you posted a link to a hard drive location on your computer.

Your username is mehdi. mehdi is a jew name isn't it? It sounds very jewish.

You must be new at the JIDF offices.

17387211? ago


ban test

17385928? ago

Risky click. Also why does that file have 868 KB? When the original has 765 KB?


17385918? ago

Time is coming faggots. You're creating a monster you can not contain

17385929? ago

about time

17385920? ago

I don't know if you're angry at us, or cheering us on?

Also, why would we want to contain it?

17385913? ago

Did anyone archive the thread he posted here?

17388610? ago





Antifa and /leftypol/ seems to be doing a great job showing their bluepilled mindset. Do they take pride on this? I thought they would be better off on their personal containment boards. All I can say is the White commies will not be spared by their shitskin "comrades". I don't remember the Soviets of old being anti-White, pro-globalism and pro-homosexuality. Pro-Jew to the core sure, but they were never like this.

17384438? ago

Mods, get off your asses you lazy bastards.

17379498? ago

Anyone got a link or a download to the 74 pages manifasto?

17377947? ago

What evidence is there that the government and media has been taken over by jews?

17376324? ago


This site will most definitely go to shit. BBC news outright names here the attention will kill this site. I'm off to smaller chans and sites. Godspeed anons.

17376320? ago

Mossad false flag edition NZ

Here are some notable events that happened regarding the mosque shooting in NZ:

two mosques were shot, not one

four (!) people were arrested, not one

Tarrant somehow visited Pakistan as a muslim hater

Tarrant STILL supports (((Trump))) as a symbol of white identity

the name Alexandre Bissonette was on 'Tarrant's" rifle equipment; Alexandre Bissonnette is the 'patsy' in the Quebec Mosque shooting

the manifesto contains typical Jewish-American spelling

Tarrant was alledgedly inspired by literal zionist mason Andres Breivik

I am not saying the guy who played Tarrant wasn't on this board; in fact, I think it was a CIA/Mossadi glowkike that completely enshrined himself in his new identity to do this attack, which makes it even more disorienting for anons.

What this did:

Some Muslims died

Will encourage revenge attacks by Jihadists on European communities

Definitely will be used for more gun control justification

Gives an easy excuse to silence anti-Islam speakers

Islam will continue to exist in the West

Didn't attack any kind of actual power structure or person in power

Didn't expose anything or redpill anyone

Those whites that do decide to defend the attack, will get drawn to Zionism

The best course of action? Unironically blame Israel for inspiring hatred against muslims with figures like Trump (Tarrant supported Trump), Tommy Robinson (literal Mossad agent) and Avi Yemeni (Aussie-pretender constantly attacking Muslims). This can only be beneficial, because either Israel admits that they hate muslims, or they have to pretend they like muslims (hypocritical). We must control the narrative.

Also, dig, fellow anons.

(I (((cohencidentally))) cannot create any thread of my own to post this in.

17730783? ago


Might be good if mainstream media picks it up

17388608? ago

Oh boy, wait til you see a March for Our Lives 2.0 "student-led" protest that is literally funded by Hollykike actors, billionaires, and even (((corporations))). Even better, a (((Netflix))) film adaptation about how gun grabbing and diversity is good for the goyim.Seriously though, why are these university leftist retards so naive to think "Democrat vs. Republican" or "liberal vs. conservative" is a valid way of thinking what politics really is? Now the same retards are equating it to hating White people. To this day, even commies are pro-gun, just look at Huey P. Newton at pic related, even though I don't speak for them. Why wouldn't they like the idea of being armed so they can "protect themselves" from le evil Whitey cops?

17374734? ago

Don't forget that the recent psyops in NZ was a distraction from our real goal, and that is primarily to remove jews from all positions of power from our European homelands, without going full psychopath and murdering everyone, those 49 that were murdered will be easily replaced and will only set us back even more, if you want to be an edgy faggot go back to cuckchan because here we actually to try to achieve our goal in as peaceful ways as possible

17374738? ago

oy vey goyim you I MEAN WE don't want to kill everyone

No one is going to fall for this. We're coming for you next.

17377949? ago

How is he wrong? Wasn't that the whole idea among the anons of this board?

17372756? ago

"White people have never faced real oppression."

<"Therefore it's perfectly fine to want them dead.

To say otherwise is oppressive."

Leftists and radicalized non-Whites do seem to like acting out on pure arrogance especially when it comes to social media sites. Is this their way of "feeling superior" to le ebil Whitey? Why do they have such massive inferiority complexes as if everyone who is not them is out to genocide them? And to say that Whites "have never faced real oppression" is just straight up bullshit. Again, why are they so arrogant, ignorant, and stupid while claiming they are not and that they can never be criticized by anyone, even other NPC's?

17371324? ago

Sieg Heil Kameraden

Is there a board on 8chan or on another chan dedicated for discussion of esoteric hitlerism?

Heil Hitler

17480666? ago

Yes it has a board like that try finding it, but it's dead to begin with.

17369102? ago

For the coming fight against (((those who will scream right-wing terrorism))), which are some good examples of killings of whites/christians or similar?

17367914? ago

We don't need dozens of threads on this NZ shooting, Ron, it's shitting up the board. Sticky a general thread or something and then get rid of the masses of other threads.

17377952? ago

We don't need dozens of threads on this NZ shooting

This. Can the mods please do their job and make a stickied cycled thread?

17385912? ago


not happening, it's endorsement


site is shitting itself, deleting takes forever

17366955? ago

Can anyone recommend a book on how to read a book? I found, How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide To Intelligent Reading by Mortimer J. Adler but I was wondering if anyone had any other recommendations? I've been reading more books lately but I find it's difficult to absorb the important information.

17367911? ago

You don't need to read a book to learn to read a book. Just look for tips online. I recommend buying flap notebooks and taking writing key phrases, then going through them afterwards, I've found it helpful.

Page # - note

Page # - note

17366956? ago

I find it's difficult to absorb the important information

Important is relative based on what you seek to obtain from the book.

Rote memorization is less useful than route memorization.

17365734? ago

I've been here a long time, but something got lost in the years.

I cannot seem to find a website that detailed the collapse of Belgian Congo over 4 or 5 pages.

17355539? ago

where should I start, need to be a subtle gentle pill for this family member, and where should I go.

what have you done and what evidences have you used to red pill family?

17355542? ago

Women are more easy to convince (generally) but you cannot argue from a statistical numbers standpoint at all that's not how they operate mentally. You need to appeal to their emotions not show them FBI crime numbers. For example, if you wanted to show how bad communism really was you would find a movie or documentary on mass purges or genocides done by the soviet union. If you live in the west avoid ANYTHING to do with jews until very much later on as it is the most taboo thing you can talk about. You want to start slow with maybe immigration and crime, racial profiling, migrant rape in Europe etc.

17357315? ago

so red pill them in commies, hispanics, and niggers before tackling the jews?

17358756? ago

I sat my mom down and made her watch the greatest story never told (not all at once). the holohoax pill is a hard one but it makes everything else come super easy, even natsoc and the jq

17358758? ago

I sat my mom down and made her watch a shitty CIA psyop video (not all at once)

17364109? ago

TGSNT is a CIAnigger psyop

Man, you kikes are really not putting in the effort today. Try harder next time you make a baseless claim.

17429486? ago

TGSNT is a CIAnigger psyop

It literally is. All neo-Nazi internet crap is. One hundred percent of it.

17365732? ago

I think its just one schizophrenic anon, he spams that about dozens of things across the board.

17357317? ago

pt. 2 Most people (atleast in north America) can agree SJW's and far-leftists groups like antifa are a bad thing, even many liberal people agree that they take things too far. Start with things that you know people can agree on and expand from there overtime. You bringing up the JQ or black IQ will instantly get you labelled a Nazi racist hatemonger and will invalidate your argument so beware of that.

17357316? ago

Yes you have to start with less taboo things first. Think of how you got into /pol/ and how you were "redpilled", I'm sure the first time you came to /pol/ you thought "wow these extreme nazis I disagree with everything here" but overtime through arguments, evidence, government data, documents you became more and more accepting. This is the way you must do it. Don't even start with racial things, you can start with SJW's, far-leftists, Marxist university professors

17348901? ago

I have ~$1000 right now. How can I use this to make money?

I would like to see some kind of return in a month or less, so stock trading and college is out of the question.

Some ideas I had were:

Start a small business

Not sure what kind of business but I'm open to anything.

Teach myself a trade

Something like buying the required tools and an up to date textbook and use that to get started with a construction company, maybe even get some certs if it's needed.

Mobile computer/phone/electronics repair

Similar to the previous idea but with computers assuming the necessary tools wouldn't be more than my budget

online custom sticker/pin shop

The needed things for this would probably cost at most 100-200 bucks, and I could do it from home.

Feeder fish breeding

With that money I could probably buy several smallish fish tanks and the equipment and then stock it with guppies or any kind of feeder fish and breed them. Most costs with this would be one time and or marginal, however I don't know what market there is for this, maybe I could sell to fishermen as bait.

Small time fisherman

I could get a small boat and fishing equipment and sell my fresh catch to local restaurants, although this would mean being in competition with established commercial fishers, who would probably outclass me.


I could dive in popular swimming areas and look for lost items such as phones, wallets, jewelry, anything people might have lost in these places, and then maybe attempt to sell them to a repair place, although this seems unprofitable.

Physical therapy/Massage

I don't know the requirements for this kind of job but it seems like it could make a good bit, plus it would give me a reason to be clean cut and handsome.


Not the shitty degenerate kind but actual classic style drawings/paintings. This however would require much practice and knowledge, and the market seems fairly saturated with high school drawfags.

Personal security

This one would be ok as I have most of the needed things guns, gear, clothing, attitude, etc but I believe there are also age requirements, licensing, and background, which I'm not sure I'm up to par with.

I'm open to any suggestions you may have. Any information/guides are appreciated, especially information regarding shipping stuff and how to keep costs down on it.

I ask this here because most other topic related boards are dead and this seems to be the appropriate place to ask

17349836? ago

I have ~$1000 right now

That isn't shit, anon. Are you even out of your parents' house? Utility bills plus rent / or property tax+homeowner's insurance would eat that up in no time.

17350988? ago

Are you even out of your parents' house?


That's why I need to turn it into an investment that can be beneficial to me, at least in the short term. I don't want to be AS poor of a poorfag. I have a very difficult time trying to keep a regular job, the scheduling and liabilities/obligations drive my anxiety through the roof and make me want to an hero.

17345666? ago

17354347? ago


Here's the same pic from before with better quality.

17354352? ago

let niggers fight with white Americans in Europe

blacks commit huge amount of rape

media ignores it flat out

Big shocker there. (((Who's))) idea was it to send them over anyways?

17354349? ago

that pic

With all that, I'm still not sure how the commies see themselves as the untouchables who should never be criticized by anyone. Because hey, the Holohoax happened apparently so this means everything the (((Soviets))) have done to the innocent German civilians and other Europeans was justified.

I also like how the commies at that time started some form of "anti-Zionist" campaign as if to say "good Jews" exist. By "good Jew" they mean a literal commie kike who loves blaming Whites for everything bad in this world. This has been adopted by SJW's and modern commies ever since. To them, only the Zionist kikes are the "bad Jews" but all Whites are deserving of death because of "muh colonialism, muh racism, muh sexism, muh homophobia, muh xenophobia, etc".

17346672? ago

ᴳʳᵉᵃᵗ ʲᵒᵇ ᵈᵘᵐᵇᵃˢˢ

17345662? ago

So /pol/ I heard that (((they))) lied about the dark age or the middle ages if so by how much?

If they are saying the dark ages are the worst history on all of mankind then what exactly was the enlightenment? Any sources where I can find the info where they bullshit the dark ages tol?

17486680? ago

17480663? ago

Can anyone still question this?

17480665? ago

I mean answer.

17342659? ago

which thread has the quotes with all the soldiers who liberated france and frenchmen saying things along the lines of "the french did not see us as liberators" i can't find it.


17345665? ago

17339587? ago

Does anyone have an image of the post about anons being a mongolian horde that will one day come down from the steppes and slaughter all the normalfags? Trying to rebuild some of the things I've recently lost.

17335630? ago

Does anyone have or know of a pre-modern assessment or analysis of the warrior class of old, such as Knights, Samurais, Templars, Spartans, Teutonics, etc. And specifically non-meme or fantasy shit, but something grounded in reality, I had a site which had the sigil of a lion with a weird name depicting all these classes, but I had forgotten it, and the author did seem to know what he was talking about.

17332637? ago

Why are women so stubborn when i try to enlighten them on a woman's true role, i never say anything such as women are inferior to men when I try to persuade them, i always try to start with sentences that gives them a sense of importants, by speaking on how valuable the woman is to not only the family but to the nation itself and that she should hold dearly to her virginity as it is something sacred and that it should not be given away to any random simpleton but to a man of high moral standard and of high national duty and pride, but I always am dismissed as a sexiest, a weirdo, a freak, a pig and even spit on in rare cases, why are women in general so against their own well being and purity??

17417394? ago

You probably seem creepy talking about muh nation and muh hymen and shit. It's better to show how sleeping around fucks with their oxytocin, and similar scientific reasoning. Remember, you're convincing them so what works for you and young autistic males probably won't translate well.

17417396? ago

young autistic males

*aware males

See, there are hundreds of adjectives you could use instead of internetspeak.

17418596? ago

bruh we're on 8chan the chan with double the autism

autism =/= awareness there are plenty of normal dudes who know what's going on

17417392? ago

Their fathers.

17332630? ago

Is someone white if he is spanish mixed with german born in the south of south america?

17354346? ago

Is someone white if he is spanish mixed with german born in the south of south america?

How would that not be considered white? A person from Spain and a person from Germany half a child is two Europeans having a child. The issue with south America is the huge amount of miscegenation with natives and Africans that has left even the people classified as white mixed. There were no laws against it and it was promoted by the Spanish and Portuguese for whatever reason

17332631? ago

My dick is telling me that she’s white.

17332632? ago

Image not realted tho.

just wanted to know what i was asking kek

17332636? ago

How do you expect me to give you that answer when I have no idea what you look like? You did not think this through, my man.

17327549? ago

Is Hitler's revolution a reliable book or is it another book that wants to make money from Hitler's image? What sources does the book cite? I want to read the book but I'm usually sceptical of reading post world war 2 books on NatSoc Germany

17331738? ago

Is Hitler's revolution a reliable book or is it another book that wants to make money from Hitler's image? W

It's a great book and no, it doesn't bank on the image of Hitler.

What sources does the book cite?

Original documents.

Here: https://ia801305.us.archive.org/13/items/HitlersRevolutionByRichardTedor_383/HitlersRevolutionByRichardTedor.pdf

17321515? ago

Where can I find the loli pill?

17314827? ago

I want to listen to old British men talk about British politics. Is there any radio shows I can look into to hear right wing British political views or do I need to look for podcasts or some shit like that?

17321119? ago

I listened to Farage a few times a couple years ago with his call in show, but it's nothing special. Too many low IQ shitskins calling in and making asses of themselves.

Anyone remotely rightwing would probably get locked up for hate speech in the UK anyway.

17321519? ago

Anyone remotely rightwing would probably get locked up for hate speech in the UK anyway.

Speaking of "hate speech", what do SJW leftists in Twatter really mean when they say they want to "break the silence" if they want to control wrongthink as much as everyone else in mainstream politics like the neocons?

They're not exactly "breaking the silence" of anything in particular when they are actually advocating for "gun reforms" (toned down term for gun grabbing) that is ironically being funded by Hollykike actors, (((billionaires))), and (((corporations))) like Viacom and Disney. Then again, I don't it's THAT ironic, leftists don't even know they are playing by a "X vs. Y" political facade. That's why I think "March for Our Lives" was nothing but a pathetic joke. So what's the deal here?

17321523? ago

Leftists don't understand themselves when they speak of these things, especially women. 'Breaking the silence' would mean allowing speech on taboo topics, such as eugenics, jewish influence, the holocaust, etc..

17334672? ago

'Breaking the silence' would mean allowing speech on taboo topics, such as eugenics, jewish influence, the holocaust, etc..

And here I thought leftists like "questioning the status quo", that claim is about as bullshit as the "stay woke" claim from niggers who think Whites dominated the slave trade. I once thought they hated "(((corporate media)))", too. If so, then why the fuck are they even still supporting "journalist opinions" that literally stemmed from (((corporate media)))? Do they really think "(((corporate media)))" talks about weekly Der Stürmer topics as if it's to encourage people into liking "Nazism" (it should always be called National Socialism). This is the form of retardation that Michael Moore follows through. He's a Democratic Party hack who pretends to hate (((capitalism))).

Once hated Hillary Clinton the ZOG matriarch, but then all of a sudden supported her during the 2016 elections. Why can't get it over there heads that they are not fighting "fascists", they are fighting against neocohens and cuckservatives with the latter having a little to no will to fight back at all.

These leftist cunts all think Whites are "Nazis and racists" just for being born White. The thing is though, is that they all say anti-White things mostly on the internet. When they are in the public, they are practically inconsistent with the things they say, they are incapable of talking in straight sentences. I get the feeling that they all have some form of inferiority complex, and when they post shit on Cumblr and Twatter, they all become entitled, arrogant, ignorant, and stupid all because they feel like they have "safe spaces" in there.

They're essentially paper tigers (though they are violent at times, but it's more like petty violent) that know that deep inside them, they can never accept anyone else who is not them. Whether it would be race, sex, or even body figure ("thin privilege" is a thing in Cumblr). No wonder normalfags call them "SJW's", it's no wonder either that they're basically a minority everywhere else that isn't a (((university))). Even most shitskins don't like them, and that's just straight out pathetic.

17321520? ago

  1. Democracy is a marketplace for the purchasing of laws. But democracy moves slow, and it moves so slow that technology can, for the most part, reroute around its rent-seeking. This stimulates new technologies by creating exploitable market inefficiencies. These new technologies keep the economy going and prevent democracy from destroying itself, and thus in a weird way, the process of rent-seeking, when slow enough, stimulates both technological development and social revolution. To the degree that technology cannot reroute democracy decays, the economy stagnates, and rent-seeking grows.

  2. If the left is a religion then the right is the degenerate force that opposes that religion, and thus, the right is left-wing and the left is reactionary. This idea earned a block from none other than Nick Szabo. We will never know what the state religion of the Cathedral could become because online technologies will destroy it, by routing around it, before that day comes. People forget that the highest moral values of the past came from the most degenerate processes, and that celebration of the king, belief in divine right, and "graceful" acceptance of suffering were degenerate ploys to get the peasants to accept abuse, much the same way the constant howl of the left, ever driving people into a frenzy about their supposed victimhood, is really just about driving people to the polls and economic rents, sinecures and corruption, and make-work jobs for gender studies professors and HR departments.

  3. Every era's most holy values come from a sewer of craven political desire. The Catholic Church hates birth control because it wants more Catholics, the Left hates white people because it wants less Republicans. Examine any politically associated value and you will find it has low origins. Those institutions and business with the thickest ideologies have the most corrupt internal practices.

  4. Now the mutualists say that there are three monopolies: patents, land, and money.

Bitcoin routes around the government monopoly on money. The internet routes around central control of information. Gene manipulation routes around female sex selection. Space travel routes around land constraints. Gene 3D printers will route around pharmaceutical companies. Future multi-material 3D printers will route around manufacturing chains.

  1. Jordan Peterson says the dominance hierarchy can't be overthrown, but that is exactly what has happened with dating apps like Tinder. The apps facilitate the ability of beta males to reroute around the perpetual cock blocking of alpha males and present their virtues directly to females for the female's approval, and guess what, it seems most females actually prefer them.

Moreover, when women take the time to screen applicants they do a better job than the dominance hierarchy does. Women appear to favor responsible men who fulfill their paternal obligations, whereas the dominance hierarchy favors aggressive, large, and psychopathic males. A dominance hierarchy is merely an algorithm for sorting men by their success at controlling others and climbing social hierarchies, and as such is a poor system with the side effect of producing rapists, monsters, serial killers, and dictators, as well standard beneficial consequences of engineers, technologists, leaders, and pastors. Contra Jim, female sex selection is overwhelmingly pro-social when allowed off the leash.

  1. The system, whatever you want to call it, is a very simple process with a large set of manifestations.

Humans are a software program built on communists tribal impulses written 10,000 years ago.

Capitalism is a machine that alienates humans from the tribe so it can sell them the fulfillment of those impulses through commodities and services.

Through the process of selling things to monkeys it acquires technics, (technological process of self-replication), by having the monkeys build higher and higher levels of technology.

Capitalism relies on tribal communism.

Tribal communism is the "unchanging baseline" of predictability that prevents a defect-defect equilibrium from emerging.

17321521? ago


Tribal communism defines the set of market demands.

Supply defines what the machine provides to satisfy those demands.

First capital alienates you, then it sells to you, then it has you produce the products to alleviate your alienation.

Alienation is always social in nature.

There are multiple forms of alienation:

Law and order alienates you from your own capacity and desire to commit violent acts, rapes, and so on. This produces a market demand for violence. Then capitalism sells you porn, prostitutes, action movies, thots, cam whores, etc. Want to commit violence? The military sells you endless war.

In Yanomami society the men literally go on raids where they murder men in other villages, kidnap and gang rape their daughters.

You just beat off to gangbang porn.

The second form of alienation is Distance.

Capitalism gives you the technology to move far away from your family, clan, tribe. Westerners don't even have clans anymore.

Distance makes you lonely, which creates market demand for things that ease loneliness. Politics, religion, sportsball, and the nuclear family are all substitutes for the tribal clan.

The xenophobia of left/right politics is a substitute for the internecine genocide of tribal war.

Property is the third form of alienation.

You are not allowed to own land, and so are disconnected from your own food and survival. Capitalism then sells you food and apartments as a substitute for gathering and a hut.

Partial list of substitutes;

squatting           apartments/houses

gathering          shopping

rape                   porn

killing               military enlistments

togetherness     politics

tribal clan         nuclear family

care                   medical care

barter                trade

respect              money

The inevitable consequence of capitalism is that the behaviors we MUST engage in become our religion, since humans always make a religion out of their material circumstances.

17312708? ago

What was the name of that group from the 80s/90s of internet trolls that had cartoon bull for a logo? I think they formed in a frat or something. It's been so long but I can't for the life of me remember who they were and searching for images of the logo without the name is damn impossible.

17312707? ago

Double coinPSYdence.

17309736? ago

Can I get some quick sources for Andrew Anglin being controlled opposition? We really need a repository for this shit. Thanks.

17307672? ago

Does anyone know that Bing catalogs 8ch.net as a source for its news searches?

I was just looking up a gun rights group and saw this, it certainly surprised me. Links to a /k/ thread here.

17307669? ago

What does /pol/ think of [pic related]?

17321516? ago

This is the right way to shill Yang. Use him as an excuse to drop (((redpills)))

17314826? ago

anti-White half-kike but acknowledges her Welsh ancestry

Does this retarded whore think the US is the only place were people of European ethnicity exist? How are the Welsh not White in her eyes? It's like saying "White people have no culture.", as if they all forgot Europe exists. I'm not sure of they are deliberately ignoring European culture or they're just that stupid enough to think it doesn't exist. Possibly the former.

17305399? ago

My favorite subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FragileWhiteRedditor/

Can we get someone to make a FragileBlackRedditor subreddit please?

17301348? ago

CoinPSYdences everywhere.

17301347? ago

Another coinPSYdence.

17301345? ago

Pure coinPSYdence.

17296418? ago

What does /pol/ think about this? AmNats are still implying that the GOP can be infiltrated and taken over. Vince isn’t by any means /ourguy/, he’s a moderate, and it’s strange that he made this video because not only does it sound forced but it’s very low IQ in relation to his other videos.

17295333? ago

Update at the Newport Beach highschool, someone put up "nazi" posters vandalizing the school

17293100? ago

This is how cucked Cuckservative "nationalists" are today, this guy thinks Hitler was an imperialist LOL, and he tells these leftists something wrong that they're actually correct, stopped watching after the first 2 minutes, terrible YouTube recommendation as always

17301886? ago

((Susan Wojcicki's)) YouTube does that. I keep watching videos on Hitler, against international jewry, and my recommends are frequently "anti semitism is bad" bullshit.

17293096? ago

17293102? ago

17295339? ago

What bothers me the most about the house is the small gingerbread man, I wonder what it could be symbolic of?

17293098? ago

Is that supposed to be rhetorical?

17288656? ago

Whelp, the "jews created christianity" thread was just removed. What was that bullshit about not being biased again? I don't even agree with the OP, but I was trying to discuss the subject. So much for Rule 2.

The jews are polytheistic.

Common rebuttals: "Nuh uh! But it's a metaphor!"

"But they only worship Yahweh I don't understand herp derp".

Not included in this image is what jews do at the wailing wall. They are copulating with the "female form" of the Ein Sof, the Shekinah. Remember, about their religion and their motives, they are given religious freedom to lie their asses off. That is what they do.

17289675? ago

Shekinah its visual or physical effects of spell.

17289676? ago

Its more than that, it has a feminine, personal aspect also.

17290824? ago


17304321? ago

Yes. Shekinah is "the female aspect of god." Don't talk about things you don't understand.


Are you being retarded or rhetorical?

17323366? ago

Open publish mason books are complete crap


The introduction of this idea was one of the most important and lasting innovations of Kabbalism

The introduction

17291879? ago

Yes. Either learn about a topic before posting on it or don't post on it. Shekinah is "the feminine aspect of god," and it's a singularly jewish affectation.

17288658? ago

17310737? ago


If you want to really have fun, bring up how the wailing wall is really part of a Roman fort and has nothing to do with the temple of solomon.


17284342? ago

How do we know if someone is white?

Asking a question out of this thread here: https://8ch.net/b/res/8719390.html

17285365? ago

Simple: If it types like a nigger, it is a nigger. For example, you can't properly crosspost, which means you are a nigger because niggers don't know how to computer.

17286473? ago

I may not be able to crosspost properly, but that doesn't mean I type like a darkie, nor does it mean I have no idea how to use a computer.

17281404? ago

17278746? ago

Barack Obama follows a tranny porn star on Twitter


Granted he does follow 615k people, but I can't wrap my mind around this.

17278744? ago

I have a theory that I think is true and that other anons would agree with.

The age of consent is meant to keep young men away from young women and in effect prevent the formation of healthy families.

I'm primarily saying this for 18+ AoC.

I feel this serves 2 purposes, 1. as previously stated, to keep would be young couples apart, and to harshly punish the males who go against this ultimatum. And 2. allow (((rich old fucks))) to get a fresh supply of single women that have reached the AoC.

The reason that I've heard for the AoC is to keep those old fucks away from young women as much as possible, but that hardly works as there is a lot of evidence that it does not, prime example, the subway advertisement jew.

I'm not sure if any of that was coherent, but I think it's just another tool to destroy young white men (because no other race would conform to such a law) and in a healthy society those other races would be non-existent, and there would be reasonable cultural limits in place to ensure healthy young marriages, and prevent pedophillic degeneracy from older men

17278747? ago

i do agree. there should be an age limit buffer of 2 or 3 years so that legally it is safer for young couples.

17283347? ago

Nah, I think the buffer should be a bit wider. Maybe 5 years.

Or, start the buffer at 2-3 years at 18, then incrementally increase it as you get older. Of course set a limit to the buffer so that 25 year olds aren't dating 16 year olds.

17277034? ago

Hey. old /b/ tard here from a long time ago, and beliver in Q.

I'm going to be having a child in november. i was wondering about vacinations for my child. I'm not an antivacer but maby somewhat close. Which ones are OK or safe for the child?

17283346? ago

make sure they don't have mercury… there's one that increases the risk of autism


same with drinking age of 21… it's fucked up both a o c and drinking age in america

17278085? ago

Fuck off, barely literate cultist scum. Also none of them are.

17278086? ago

i was just asking man. thats why i asked. not a cultest. just want the best for my child. and wish the best for you too.

17277033? ago

Does any anon here have the meme showing the jewish executives at all the MSM firms?

17277032? ago

Is Eric Striker legit?

17273825? ago

Is the Light Phone a good solution to the Smartphone problem? :/

17275913? ago

I don't know what that is, but why would anybody sign one more contract for these cunts? Ditch all that bullshit, including landline. Use library tech. If its important, they'll find you and you'll be waiting.

17275912? ago

just use a flip phone. what's the problem? the only thing useful a goyphone has is built in gps

17272659? ago

Does anyone have the video of the Danish girl who got her head cut off in Morocco? I saw it linked by a blogger on Heartiste's blog, but the original thread got deleted here. I'm in the mood for an ol' cup of white hot rage…

17279318? ago

ask /b/

17273820? ago

No, go fuck off back to reddit

17270526? ago

Something is happening on this board. It has way more shills than usual. Time to drop 8chan and time to organize. Fuck you.

17271525? ago

Burgerelection is coming up, it'll get much worse than this.

17264052? ago

Destroying the national religion is always done whenever a nation gets subverted. Yes Christianity has its flaws, but if we were in China you guys would unwittingly join the shills in destroying Buddhism, if we were in India you'd be helping attacking Hinduism. Destroying the national religion creates a hole for communism (worship big government) or islam to fill. Those national religions have just as much fault as Christianity, but you guys would fall in line with attacking them just as sure as (((teen music))) gets kids to want to rebel.

Don't be surprised if you guys end up the national language, or the family unit one day, just like other subverted groups have. It's plain as day it's a shill tactic, because instead of using it to get others to attack the hebrew religion (like Jesus did a bunch of times), reform it, or anything like fucking stirring up "REMEMBER WHO KILLED JESUS", you're just bent on destroying it.

Subverting religion is such an important demoralization tactic, I can't believe here in /pol/ I'm finding idiots who want to help with it. It's like screaming "don't destroy the moral fabric of the nation". What do you think is going to fill that void?

17265154? ago

Jumping Jewsus on a pogo stick!

17264048? ago

In recent news:



"unstable vertical speed"

In prior news:


2000-2018 search for "unstable vertical speed" … 9000 ethopian hits

zero definitions

<god damn it.

What does "unstable vertical speed" mean? Stall? What are the mechanisms contributing to whatever "unstable vertical speed" means?

Thanks in advance, for all speculations and hints.

17669786? ago

It’s a little different than stalling. It just means that the rate of climb was too high and caused stresses that the plane couldn’t handle structurally.

17261520? ago

Has anyone gotten their dna tested to see what ancestry they have? If so then show a screencap of your results.

17260714? ago

I honestly wish all Whites should have literally killed off all of us nonwhites including myself, it would have been a form of mercy from our own suffering because of our genetic retardation and utter lack of respect and understanding of mother nature. The third world has always been the true case of the average shitskin's stupidity, and when they are given any form of the least bit of sympathy from whites, we all turn into arrogant, entitled morons who think le ebil whitey owes us everything, including their lives. I live with a quite dysfunctional family that suffers from a kind of "feel good" kind of mentality. When life kicks our shit in, we turn on each other, and my mother yells at me and my siblings for all her woes and hardships.

It's quite obvious she was never even remotely mentally prepared to have three kids, with two including myself attending college, which is teaching us worthless lectures about how to open and use fucking MS Word properly. When she "mellows down", suddenly all is forgiven because "we can all make it through" in her own words, too bad it doesn't wipe away the reality of you and your stupid family tree living in tin shacks covered in literal bullshit for generations to come.

This is the viscous cycle that I keep seeing. It starts from an argument about our financial problems and then devolves into a conversation about how amazing some Hollyjew movie was. So my questions here is, why did the white colonialists of old thought of the idea that we were somehow deserving of a life? What did they see in us that made them think that we deserved to be spared? If time travel was real, would any /pol/acks here in this board go back in time and then use every artillery that you have to kill all of us shitskins? I sure hope so, honestly.

She doesn't want me to kill myself because the local law enforcement would investigate on my death, and possibly she will be accused of murder. Oh and divorce isn't a thing here, so I can't kill myself either on my father's home because both would be accused of murder.

17320475? ago

Hey man I'm in the same problem as you. But I just accept the truth that the Europeans are going to kill us all around the globe, and that would be the end of that. But I can't keep thinking of the same thought 24/7, that's why I indulge myself in vidya and some tv shows. I know it's bad to do so but for a shitskin like you and I it's for the best.

17283345? ago

Irrelevant. Most whites are just as bad as non-whites. It wasn't non-whites that fought and defeated Hitler.. it was white trash cucks that were jewish slaves…

If you want to do the world a service,

don't kill yourself without taking down as many white leftists as possible with you, preferably journalists or marxist teachers

17314824? ago

It wasn't non-whites that fought and defeated Hitler.. it was white trash cucks that were jewish slaves…

Actually it's both. Where would those WWII kikes be without the help of Soviet chinks and shitskins and niggers from the US, France, and Britain that were also drafted in the war?

17264051? ago

[why the] idea that [shitskins] were somehow deserving of … life?

As a technicality, all rules have technical implementations. The relevant rule is as follows. My damnation ableness belongs to me; My salvation ableness belongs to me; My mightfulness and ableness are mine. I can trade them to you, but you will become dependent; Me giving gifts to you, is still me giving gifts to you ; You don't actually like it, and neither to I. You expect others to kill what you can't? What will you, or can you, or should you pay? And in advance - before confession is made? Yes, there are manipulations and all variants of the dead, committing cannibalism and parasitism, staving off their failed failures for just that much longer until at last they return to dust – However, my allegiance is to Mankind, and for me to cull you just because you spam shitskins, is itself also dependency, and by definition, a shunt of the ableness to kill resource allocation away from where it is and to where it isn't. It is itself a illusion. See: WW2, See: Andalusian and Muslim lies, etc.

You are asked for allegiance, not submission. Traitors are to receive the first bullets, always. If you obey my technicals, I don't care, and cannot care, and both you and I prefer it this way, so that allocation of both sides of might are not misappropriated.

17260713? ago

Watch this, saved it and share it.

"White Genocide Is Real In Their Own Words Full Documentary"

17259810? ago

How often did Hitler masturbate?

17260712? ago

Never as per Kubizek in "the young hitler I knew".

17259349? ago

I got more pages up than I can count and it's late, I'm done. I'll try the research board tomorrow.

17259345? ago

Why is Patricia Cornwell important? Because of where she came from.

The truth begins when she showed up half naked as a barley teen at Billy Grahams house. The Bushe's and Clinton's got involved in her 'care' and she's been their best selling author since.

puff piece:


Father published one article that I could find:


was a court clerk in 1951: wikipediacouldbelie


This is some kind of polling program description!


17258677? ago

This is really important shit I am linking here. Future Proves Past. I don't think Q can talk about it that's why its being leaked. Start with the Millenium Report on Dr. Leslie Sachs. I have been working on this for almost 48 hours. There are so many webs, more than we ever thought! Pray for your President!

17258680? ago

Your jewish hoax belongs on its containment board.


17259347? ago

Look I tried to get this on qresearch, it kept telling me it was full. Fuck. Look at it or don't.

17258668? ago

So I don't follow e-celebs or alt-lite gatekeepers very much but I noticed that Gavin Mcciness and his butt buddies the "proud boys" are being touted around the entire internet as the new face of neo-nazism but last I remembered Gavin worked directly for the jewish owned and runned rebel media and was a civic nationalist cuck with mixed race kids. What the fuck happened /pol/? I'm so out of the loop on this

17283342? ago

Nothing. The left needs "designated targets" to function, to attack and to justify the meaning of the left. 50% of the proud boys were non-whites, it does not matter for the left. Once they get rid of the proud boys, they'll find new targets, you will them calling neo-nazis liberal cucks and bernie bros until they will start killing each other due to their proximity.

17257832? ago

Four years ago Patricia Cornwell AKA Patsy Daniels, did an 'Ask Me Anything' chat blog thing on Reddit:


She logged out after the very last question:


0 points ·

4 years ago

How would you respond to this Patricia? - http://thekolum.com/2014/11/the-ugly-truth-an-open-letter-to-patricia-cornwell/

The link is gone…she's got connections, ya know. I reached out to thekolum.

17258669? ago

This hack novelist, rapist and murderer of little girls is listed in American government payroll. Why would that be?

The woman has an English Lit degree, yet is listed in the National Forensic Academy:


17258672? ago

Is this a bot replying to itself?

17258675? ago

I am not a bot dammit

17258674? ago

yea I'm linking info dude

17258671? ago

Not only is she into dead things! Check this fucking thing out!

FOAF Vocabulary Specification 0.99

FOAF is a project devoted to linking people and information using the Web. Regardless of whether information is in people's heads, in physical or digital documents, or in the form of factual data, it can be linked.


17257830? ago

Here is another post from Dr. Les Sachs dated :Jun, 12 2008

saying pretty much the same thing as the .pdf, with way less detail and names though.

a post that keeps coming up on a google.post site:


This is a great article to illustrate historical crimes that the .pdf refers to, that hasn't yet been obliterated:


17257829? ago

Dec 10, 2008 #58

Diane Sawyer. Supposedly she had an affair with Patricia Cornwell the mystery dyke writer who recently appeared in a blind item that she has a terrible gambling problem

Ya cant make everything disappear, fancy that internet


Celesbian Couples; Usually Closeted


She used to be hot, before the plastic surgery.

[R57], there were rumors several years ago that Sawyer and Cornwell were having an affair. This was during the time Cornwell was appearing on TV with Sawyer.

Her stalker has a lesbian fixation.


17255954? ago

I saw this video that was an Ad for voting in Ireland in 2015 for homosexual degeneracy, Ireland is probably one of the most cucked countries in the whole of Europe, they're so cucked that they don't even have Cuckservatives or any type of defiance towards immigration, homosexuals, really nothing, nevermind fascist or NatSoc movements, why do people like Irish people so much??? They're inbred low IQ whites, the side effect of the British empire

17256881? ago

people like the irish because muh red heads. also while shitskins were pillaging europe irish monks made copies and saved tons of literature

17252878? ago

Woke Americans have to stop embracing german National Socialism as if it's a worldwide ideology, National Socialism was specified for the nation of Germany at the time, and that's what a lot of other fascist movements did, modern day American redpilled movements have to drop the fucking German NatSoc act and start embracing their national values, it is an absolute disgrace to Hitler and his party when these idiots in the US larp as german natsocs and "pagans". The US was build on christian values so embrace Christianity!!!! You have to embrace the values of what the US was built on, Patriot Front is a really good example of this, this is why everyone should join or start a movement that embraces it's national values and culture, the larping german Neo pagan NatSoc act has to stop because it's fucking ridiculous and disrespectful!!!

17252881? ago

The US was build on christian values

Good thing it wasn't

17334671? ago


It was drafted by Freemasons, who are Talmudists, in secret and without the People's direction or even knowledge. It was a coup, a clear betrayal of the League of Friendship, and it arrested all the power of the countries (or states to you) to pursue their own destinies, just so the filth in congress could pay off their enormous debts to France, the Dutch, and Spain. The Revolution was Christian. Ambrose Serle informing general Howe blamed the Presbyterians and insisted the revolt was drummed up by the church. I think that faction became the PCUSA.

17253994? ago

So it was built on pagan values and every year Americans sacrifice a goat in front of a temple of Odin?? You're a fucking deluded idiot

17252882? ago

Sorry, no.

17251162? ago

Would it be possible to create a white license? Something that restricted use and reproduction only for and by whites.

17251159? ago

Excuse me, could you give me some information(book or sth else) about Nazi Germany economy rebuilding during the pre-war period. In all kind of devastated economies, you have to inject money in order to make a forward start. It is not believable because Hitler just made a lаw of direct convertiоn of work in money. There has to be sth else. For production you first need money, and the tanks, planes after this, they are overwhelming the economy heavily. there was an inflation before Hitler took charge and etc.

Special thanks

17249169? ago

Who was that 15 year old "trad" girl on youtube with the big teeth who always wore too much lipstick? (she was pretty despite how I described her lol) Can't remember her name for the life of me. I think she did a vid with Evalion.

17250301? ago

Rage After Storm?

17635016? ago


17503497? ago

17333676? ago

Nah, but that's a great guess. Turned out it was 'stell bell' who deleted all her content. Sad how it's always the same ending with these girls. Guess they can't take the heat.

17339588? ago

whatever happened to this loli?

17347882? ago





heard she was a virgin

17339950? ago

She transitioned.

17346674? ago

Please, please don't tell me that's a guy. Please.

17347880? ago

I don't think it is. normally the hands give it away immediately

17341226? ago

And in pic to?

17246879? ago

I'm checking that Holocaust Deprogramming

website, and this caught my attention

I remember back in school, this would be brought up. I remember my teacher saying that the Germans covered up the dying jews and made up those nice facilities to trick the Red Cross.

17244765? ago

Why hasn't anyone done anything to spread awareness on how the holocaust is a lie?

there are pages of pages of people ridiculing holocaust deniers but no one is fighting back against it.


There is no dedicated movement against the holocaust like the atheist tippers during the early 2010's

If we are to fight the jewish menage, we are to start with their most precious commercialized golden calf.

The second thing would be tackling against race mixing as the closest thing we had to that was the goblino meme, but that isn't enough.

17245653? ago

Post this everywhere you can: https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

17245649? ago

Why hasn't anyone done anything to spread awareness on how the holocaust is a lie?

If you get caught in europe doing as much where it is illegal not only do you get to go to jail the jews will extract money fro you. Not in fines, but actual money must be payed to jew organizations. for example, LICRA in france receives the money when they sue people for incitement to racial hatred and holy hoax denial.

Also, where do you think you are? That is exactly part of what we do here. If you don't think enough of something is being done, disseminate the info yourself on your own terms.

17245651? ago

Also, where do you think you are? That is exactly part of what we do here. If you don't think enough of something is being done, disseminate the info yourself on your own terms.

I'm trying to make a PDF that helps summarize the Jewish problem, making it easier for the masses to read.

the only issue is that my documents are disorganized, my old organized redpill folder from 2013 is long lost and most of my info comes from listening to Dr William Luther Pierce's old progrems.

What I need to do is tackle the biggest points normalfags bring up like

I want to know how a person can say that it didn't happen when we have so much evidence

How can Marxism be jewish if the USSR also killed teh jews

Jews fucked over other jews in WWII, so they're not actually ruling us

Sure it can seem obvious to us after years of reading it, but we need to make a digesteable version and arguments should we ever get into one with skeptics.

17245655? ago

I want to know how a person can say that it didn't happen when we have so much evidence

All their "evidence" is fabricated, their "proof" hand-drawn. Covered here: >>12894903

How can Marxism be jewish if the USSR also killed teh jews

Too easy.

Jews fucked over other jews in WWII, so they're not actually ruling us

They never fucked over other kikes besides slaughtering the SS Patria full of jewfrugees. "Liberation" freed jews from the labor camps. They were never executed. Sounds like you're talking to kikes. You should stop that. They can't be convinced. When a jew is a "National Socialist", they're doing it to subvert the movement.

17245660? ago

They never fucked over other kikes besides slaughtering the SS Patria full of jewfrugees. "Liberation" freed jews from the labor camps. They were never executed. Sounds like you're talking to kikes.

They're people I know irl who will bring it up.

They will always point out who George Soros is, there I really can't bring up an argument except comparing Jews to Skaven.

thanks for the images by the way; I will try to make something out of it.

17245658? ago

At least post the whole article.

17246882? ago

I didn't have the whole article. Now I do.


Maybe you should point out how only jews despise Jesus to the point they openly spit on the ground at the very mention of that name. It's like most on 8/pol/ have never encountered an actual kike before.


They will always point out who George Soros is, there I really can't bring up an argument

Have you tried the fact he's an actual jew pushing for mass immigration, funding Antifa, Femen, etc?



I don't have any response to that other than the truth. Your teacher was full of shit.

17246883? ago

Have you tried the fact he's an actual jew pushing for mass immigration, funding Antifa, Femen, etc?

"But it's just one jew anon, that doesn't mean ALL THE JEWS are bad XDDDD"

I don't have any response to that other than the truth. Your teacher was full of shit.

I don't think I can work with that, but I'll try

17249168? ago

"But it's just one jew anon, that doesn't mean ALL THE JEWS are bad XDDDD"

Respond with: You know how they say it's a "canard" that jews own the media? Well, they do. Memorize these corps and names for mainstream television media. I've got more for social media or lying online news rags.

Facebook - (they all know this) Mark Zuckerberg

YouTube - Susan Wojcicki

Bloomberg (duh) - Michael Bloomberg, Dan Doctoroff, Matthew Winkler, Norman Pearlstine and Andrew Lack.

Pinterest - Ben Silbermann

Answers.com - Bob Rosenchein

23andme - Anne Wojcicki

Tumblr - David Karp

Ask.com - Doug Leeds

Whatsapp - Jan Koum

Discord - Jason Citron

Amazon - Jeff Bezos

Linkedin -Jeff Weiner

Flickr/Verizon - John Stratton

BuzzFeed - Jonah Peretti

Salon - Jordan Hoffner

Instagram - Kevin Systrom

Google - Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin

Tinder - Mandy Ginsberg

Netflix - Marc Randolph

Whisper - Michael Hayward

Also, "paid millions to lie.jpg" is a ton of kike celebrities.

17243785? ago

Where is RBG? The kike is dead isnt she.

17505562? ago

Ill ask it again, where is the witch?

17242946? ago

Why won't the jannies shut down the Christcuck raid?

17242949? ago

Because you’re a jewish shill.

17243784? ago

OY VEY why won't dese goys woishup Rabbi Yeshua? Why iddin't da "Jee-zus" brainwashin' woikin' no more?


17245659? ago

I am copying and pasting the same things that the ban evading paid jewish shill posts every day

surely this will get people to believe me

You are a jewish shill.

17242316? ago


17241835? ago

17239316? ago

Here's a short story from me surfing the interwebs, /pol/. I apologize if you don't like the /b/-style formatting:

be me

19 year old cis white male

goes to (((Tumblr))) of all places just to see how much of a cesspool it is

sees an NPC account talking about imagining the internet being "female-only"

this said internet has "no porn, no sexism, and no harassment"

saying the internet has been "corrupted by men"

checks to see NPC account

finds out the femicunt whore is an "artist"

discovers absurd amounts of furry porn and Steven Universe rule 34

this was before (((Tumblr))) removed every form of "NSFW" content

ledeeblygoncernedspürdoface.png as shown in pic related

To this day, I still don't know what she meant about "no porn".

17241522? ago

To this day, I still don't know what she meant about "no porn".

No 3D porn, probably. Feminists and other idiots think that whores are forced to do their job by men, despite that all porn whores and almost all prostitutes do it voluntarily, and enjoy it.

17238582? ago

What is the Jew's endgame of radicalizing enough non-Whites against Whites so they can torture and kill every single one of them down to the last White infant? Don't (((they))) know that they will also be considered as "White and racist"? At least with non-White separatist movements like Nation of Islam understand fully that they can get along with Whites, they've been asking the US government certain things like anti-race mixing, anti-feminist, anti-homosexuality, anti-abortion, and racial segregation sentiments. Lastly, they want a separate nation in Apefrica so they can finally get away from Whites.

Shitskins are blatantly stupid everywhere they are, what's funny is that shitskins in the Third World are too concerned about their own literal shit covering their houses and environment to even give a fuck what they think about the existence of Whites. Makes you think how far the Jew has come up with the anti-White agenda in the West. Especially right now in the 21st century, which is literally happening in Europe, the birthplace of Whites all around the world. How are (((they))) going to make the notion that non-Whites were the first to appear in Europe and developed European culture actually believable?

17289679? ago

Imagine the world in cycles, y'know the strong men build good times yadda yadda. As has repeatedly happened, people realize they don't like the jew that's contributing to the bad times, so they try to run him off or kill him. With things like mass immigration, when that time inevitably comes for the jew to be routed out again by his opponents they are distracted by mulitple fronts from having to confront opposing races as well. Their goal of weakening whites is supplanted by making sure the blows against them are distracted or softened.


You may like this relevant resource, anon

17290823? ago

Imagine meeting real live White people IRL and getting things done.

17295335? ago

Imagine meeting real live White people IRL

In all honesty that would actually be nice, everyone I see when I go outside is either a mutt, nigger, or a kike. Not even joking, most everyone I see is racially ambiguous. I hardly ever see a full blown Aryan anymore, but it's always a treat when I get to see one of my own kind.

17239314? ago

What is the Jew's endgame of radicalizing enough non-Whites against Whites so they can torture and kill every single one of them down to the last White infant?

You literally just answered your own question.

Don't (((they))) know that they will also be considered as "White and racist"?

No, because they won't be.

How are (((they))) going to make the notion that non-Whites were the first to appear in Europe and developed European culture actually believable?

They won't. They don't need to. Only whites care about things like that, and all whites will be dead.

17237780? ago

What can I do as a person who knows of the Jewish problem yet it is illegal to deny the holocaust, to do any fascist salutes or to distribute any fascist material or posters etc. This can land you up to 5 years in prison, 10 years combined if you do both, and if you create a fascist party you can get up to 15 years!! Also any xenophobic, racist or anti semetic public statement can get you into prison for up to 6 years, so all together that's 31 years prison time!!! So I literally am so limited, I live in the Balkan region where most people are leaving the country yet still 99% are ethnic whites, no immigrant problem over here only an emigration problem since the economy and job availability is terrible , so my final question is what can I seriously do, I really want to help my country but I'm really not sure what I can do, anyone got any advice??

17237778? ago

Is there any way I can volunteer for Assad?

17237786? ago

You would have to get into contact with the SSNP. The biggest reason I don't suggest you do that is you have to find your own way to Syria.

17236784? ago

Can we get more dislike on this video than likes, this video was uploaded by a deceitful kike who is pushing her agenda, also leave some redpill comments about the holohoax if you can

17236782? ago

Does anybody have that image about all those times Israel screwed the USA? I remember there was one about military secrets being stolen

17254981? ago

Does anybody have that image about all those times Israel screwed the USA?

I've got this one. Is it the one you're thinking of?

17265155? ago

actually yes, that's the one I was thinking of. I'm trying to redpill people on social accounts now that there's anti-antisemitism conversations, and am looking for more evidence to use in my discussions.

It's harder than I thought because I'm trying to stay on the side of how a foreign nation has excessive influence, without mentioning religion (because then they'll just shout anti-antisemitism and I lose my chance to convince someone).

It's even a good time to convince democrats how overly strong AIPAC is. Personally I think we should all be dropping red pills as much as we can

17235632? ago

Anons, a week and a half ago I met this beautiful girl in college, she had blue eyes and blond hair with an angelic face, no huge ass or any huge tits (none of those nigger traits) just perfect and balanced and a cute voice, she was wearing a jean jacked and a dress thing except it had stripes and had a skirt thing at the bottom, not revealing at all, and so we talked for a bit and I slipped in a few questions on what ethnicty she was, if she was fully white, which she found kind of odd but still told me she was fully white, she said she doesn't really like partying and it's not her thing, she's only had one boyfriend but they never did anything, and she loved kids and that she was studying early education since she loves children. I knew she was the one if I could redpill her slowly without any hard facts at first but in the right way, we exchanged numbers and other social media and I was so happy for the rest of the day with a smile on my face knowing that I might have secured an existence to my offsprings and a beautiful future. But yesterday I was walking to my lecture, through the campus outside when I saw her with another guy laying on the grass since it was a nice day, the dude looked like he lifted(roids probably) and like 6ft 3 (I'm 6ft 1), he was bigger than me, a much bigger jaw, (I have a more young looking face but still well angled and attractive white skin and dark to fair hair but this guy looked like a beast) and she was fucking stroking his face and he was smiling and she was giggling, wtff dude my heart broke, I was so fucking pissed for the rest of the day, and during the night when I went to sleep I thought so much about it that I started crying like a baby, I fucking hate these bitches, fuck these whores!!!! But I still could not control my tears and cried like a baby, I'm so blackpilled right now, fuck these jews, it's all their fucking fault, because of them women are such disloyal whores, fuck the kikes!!! We must do something to end these kikes they are destroying us in every aspects of life!!!

17283349? ago

See my post here


A girl can have all of the traits of a pure, loving woman but still be a whore. In my case, she also loved children and wanted to be a housewife someday. And she really liked nature, playing piano, and baking sweets.

Yet she slept with some Chad she met at a party one time.

Onely 2 things I can deduce from this is either:

  1. All women are whores, or

  2. We aren't looking for the right traits

But, which one do you think is more likely?

17235636? ago

You aren't happy a good aryan man is pumping her?

17235640? ago

No wtf!!!! the guy is the eptiome of a fuckboi who is in a frat and will definitely dumb her, maybe even get her pregnant and then she'll marry a cuck at the age of 30, no this is destructive, I could probably match that guys looks but I would need a couple of more years of working out and also to cut since I'm currently bulking and carry bit more fat then usual, but the guy isn't really better looking than me at all if I were to reach my potential, maybe the height and the over exaggerated size of his jaw but still he doesn't out league me by a mile

17235631? ago

i can't hate other races (except kikes obviously) because most nations are victims of globalism and today we see any population easily stupidified. even nationalist countries are not authoritarian enough to conserve its culture anymore. just compare 70s-90s music from latin/north america, western/southern africa, eastern asia, southern/north europe, etc. each nation was associated to its own genres that were closer to their traditional music than the shit we hear in Eurovision. a culture is supposed to integrate its nation and in this example those genres were mostly replaced by rap/pop/other styles that aren't distinguishable between nations

17234564? ago

Requesting books on racial science, specifically why we should stick to our own race and the bad effects of race mixing

17233537? ago

This is a question for Old Fags, before Trump where these random judges just able to block legislation from the president like they are doing now?

17233538? ago

They're not legally able to do it now. They don't have the power to do anything they've done. They didn't do it under King Nigger because there was never even the slightest hint of anti-narrative ruling under him.

17233533? ago

does any one have the gif or what ever of some one picking up a quater, and all you see is a hand then a kippah fall next to the hand?

17232544? ago

Was there a migr.ation I missed?

17232543? ago

It's interesting to see how hard some (((people))) work on putting dirt on Michael Jackson's legacy.

17231442? ago

What are the realist chances that a new dawn of fascism/national socialism, whatever you want to call it will dawn European nations again? And even the US which has never been a fascist or NS country, I just don't really see anything happening unless something really bad occurs that will distrust people's livelihood and create chaos, I just don't see anything occurring in then near future or ever actually. Anyone want to whitepill or am I right?

17231444? ago

You're asking for calidation, with a vague question no less

17232546? ago

I'm not asking for validation, this is a vital question, you're answer is the vague and meaningless one which doesn't really make any sense

17230284? ago

What does Slavoj Zizek believe in and why is he popular with leftists?

17230287? ago

A lion doesn't care about what it's dinner thinks.

17226849? ago

How many people from 8ch pol are actually ethnically pure white European heritage (from the US or Europe doesn't matter) and are actually willing to fight if an event went down? What is the total population and what percentage from that are ethnic white and would actually do what I said??

17230282? ago

No one is willing to fight. It doesn't matter.

17230268? ago

No one is willing to fight. It doesn't matter.

17227909? ago

How many people from 8ch pol

Given that there is roughly less than 10k people that visit the site on a daily basis, who fucking cares how many are willing to "fight if an event went down"? It's not enough to make the difference. You're asking the wrong questions.

17224577? ago

Is red hair an aryan feature?

17224579? ago

Is that a serious question? Anyway, of course it is.

17224575? ago

Mp3/music player recommendations? Would prefer one without wifi connection

17223471? ago

Is there a cure for Toxoplamosis?

17224572? ago

Not yet.

17223466? ago

Just been banned from AMA subreddit for disproving the holohoax, the amount of delusion is unbelievable even when you show incredible amounts of evidence

17223469? ago

I was banned from a jewish website for doing something I knew would get me banned

No shit, and?

17222699? ago

Who does /pol/ like more? The jews or the slavs?

17222700? ago

I would like you to go back to reddit

17222103? ago

Just got this idea and am too lazy to create a thread: "Man is a man" / "Woman is a woman" poster campagin

true by definition

activists will (?) get triggered regardless (especially if they are told that it's "another xenophobic 4chan op")

IMO this might be nearing iotbw levels of potential. Or is it too soon?

17222101? ago

Can we please do something about all the Trump spam threads? Tired of seeing all of these anti Trump and pro Trump useless threads everywhere. How many useful threads have to die? Can't we have just one Trump thread that encompasses everything?

17221581? ago

/pol/, what's the point in getting a gf anymore? Every girl these days has had at least one casual sex encounter in their lifetime. They've all at least touched the Chad carousel once or twice.

These days, it's the more "modest" and prudent women I'm more suspicious of. They act that way because they hopped on a guy's cock one time and now decided they're done with that lifestyle.

That was basically my ex. Acted really sweet and pure. Never talked much about sex until about a month into our relationship. Said she thinks it's great for 2 lovers to do it.

Then she revealed to me that her first sexual encounter was basically a one night stand. She told me about how she rejected sex from all her previous ex boyfriends before that.

What I got after over a month + having real feelings for her, some other dude got it in a few hours without even saying that he liked her.

I put up with that shit for over a year because I loved her, but would occasionally get into a few fights about it. She would always insist that she was pure and that she cherishes sex for lovers only.

So, the lesson I learned from that is that even if a woman seems smart, wholesome, and modest, she'll still open her legs for Chad when given the opportunity.

17225696? ago

No she was just putting an image for you to believe, once she actually showed her whore side that's when you really saw her true colors, also no there is no point of getting a woman these days, a strong man must obtain from an sexual thoughts or acts as it is just a distraction at this point supported and financed by the jews from letting men find out what is true and what must be done to defeat the kike, I would only advice you looking for a poor young woman who still values the fundamental things in life and who has not been consumed with materialism, so look in white poor christian areas if you can

17218291? ago

Is there a cure for toxoplasmosis?

17218293? ago

There are two pharmaceuticals (Diapram and Sulfadiazene) and a few natural cures for it (change your diet and consume garlic, coconut oil, radacchio, thyme oil, nutmeg oil, wormwood). Most doctors don't recommend treatment because the drugs are pretty intense, but they will if you are suffering from severe symptoms.

17217366? ago

Does anyone have a pdf of christopher bollyn's Solving 9/11 and The War on Terror?

17220165? ago

Audiobook of at least part of it.


17217365? ago

I just graduated uni with a degree in computer engineering, how can I find a job with other /pol/acks?

I assume it would be hard to just go in and say "I hate niggers" and expect to get hired, especially nowadays in this field.

But I'd rather work with other conservative white men rather than niggers and faggots.

NYC btw, but I would move to get out of this shithole of a state.

17223468? ago

You can't, best solution is to start your own business by yourself, maybe expand it and hire only white men

17214915? ago

Where can I buy SIEGE?

17216210? ago

You can't, they don't sell anymore, maybe look on eBay for a pre owned one, but that's the best you'll get, from what I know I haven't seen any website sell it anymore

17213556? ago

How do i stop getting angry when "straight" guys around me are saying that trannies are not men and that they are actual women? They also push the no homo meme. It pisses me off.

17214914? ago

Mock them. Outgroup them. Be superior.

17210221? ago

If I raid & shitpost /x-tian/ can the mod there pan me from /pol/?

After all ,the crizlings shit up /pol/ constantly.

17212288? ago

What a vile disgusting degenerate, you have no place in our great cause, you pathetic vermin

17213555? ago

17213550? ago

What cause is that skidmark jizstain,White genocide via joo supremacy?

17210223? ago

you're a newfag aren't you. feel free to 1 man "raid"

17211239? ago

Well,would I be b& from all boards?

I am a 1 man wrecking crew.

17211244? ago

go back to 4chan, underage

17213554? ago

Gen X here,only mentally underage.


17203310? ago

Dianne Feinstein's take on border controls

17203312? ago

When posted 125 views.

17202243? ago

Wait…Are there people who legit are affected by bans here?

I'm rarely kicked/ temporary banned on this website, but when I do, it's almost unsignificant, since I can just wait the next day to go back, since I shut down my router every night…And thus, I'm getting a new IP every time, I have dynamic IP…

But I thought that it was the standard around the world ? Now, there are people telling me that they only have one single IP given by their Internet Access Company and that it never changes ever, it's a static IP and the only way they can "change" an IP is via a borrowed IP under a VPN…

What the hell? Are static IP still a thing in the USA ?

17200608? ago








17214909? ago

now that there's all this anti-antisemitism talk on the news, how can I redpill the masses about it?


probably manufactured outrage by the movie studio itself to generate a buzz about the movie

17214912? ago

pornos about the federal reserve

"Oh, yes, give me your fiat!"

"I'll give you just a fraction of my reserve, baby."

17201326? ago

Ten second google search. Nigger dad on left.

17205529? ago

Not that dude!

Explain me how casting blacks for white roles are okay, while this colorism is okay?! If skin doestn matter then how dare they chimp out on this?

How the fuck they dare blacking our historical figures while screeching on something trivial like this?

17200064? ago

How the hell do you bypass or find a fake mobile number to input into twitter??? Litterally no fucking number generator website works, they all come up as invalid when you input the number into twitter wtf

17205534? ago


Why would you buy a new phone?

Just buy a prepaid SIM card, they cost only a few euros.

17207740? ago

I don't want to pay anything, there should surely be a free number on the internet that works

17202250? ago

Go to pawn shop looking for routers to install OpenWrt onto

Looking around innocently

noticing some laptops for under $200.00


don't see routers laying around

go to counter to ask if they have any routers

two guys walk in

obviously tweakers

Want to pawn cell phone

lady behind counter says they don't buy cell phones

I ask if it still has the sim card in it

guy says its perfectly fine

just needs to get a pay as you go card in a few weeks

Okay, I'll but it

lady behind counter chases us out to conduct the sale

guy wants $25.00 for it

only had $15.00 cash

guy takes the $15.00

My phone now

farting uncontrollably due to excitement



create numbers based off of that number

plethora of numbers now

twitter bans me

enter a phone number

ok, good to go

got banned again recently on twitter

entered same number

continue shitposting jew memes

never bothered making a fake faceberg account

don't even use my 'real' one

post /pol/ memes on twitter


17211242? ago


More need 2 do this.

I need e-mail accounts w/ passwords to get back on Zero Hedge.

They need 2 b valid 4 weeks.

17204579? ago

Wtf I don't live in the US where I can go to any hillybilly and ask for a phone for 15 bucks, where I live there's only indian shitskins charging 100 bucks for a shitty stolen flipphone

17205532? ago

If you're willing to pay, there are services where you can buy mobile numbers for verification. Just search for any kind of marketing forum.

17198540? ago

17198005? ago

17196858? ago

If I tell my work that I identify as a woman, do I get to take maternity leave when my wife pops out my kid?

17196009? ago

/pol/, would you, if you were 88.14 years young?

17195048? ago

17194119? ago

Why do adults and older teens get triggered when you tell them that video games and games in general are for children?

17194122? ago

Because it violates their bread and circuses programming.

17194123? ago

What's a detailed definition of bugman?

From the filename.

17603202? ago


Just FYI, this definition is wrong.

"Bugman" is a racial slur for chinks because there are billions of them and they act like a hive of ants. They are soulless insects.

17195043? ago

Oh, didn't notice that. I've always used it to describe East Asian societies, and that's also the consensus here. I don't know what the artist intended there.

17195045? ago

I don't know what the artist intended there.

Same, that's why asked. I have the same impression.

17196008? ago


it's from 1984. the little bug jews who thrived in the party were called bugmen

17194112? ago

Need studies showing that violent videogames cause real life violence, need to disprove manchildren who keep saying videos games can be for any age

17196004? ago

videogames cause real life violence,

This is true, and is the reason video game playing white males commit ~80% of all gun murders in the United States.

17201327? ago

This is true, and is the reason video game playing white males commit ~80% of all gun murders in the United States.

muh violent video games

muh ebil baby-killing sticks of Satan

white males are the real problem here, my fellow goyim :^)

Yup, I am honestly considering the idea that the thezog.info (the one that I'm replying to) schizo retard is a liberal whore who loves reading (((BuzzFeed))), (((Vox Media))), (((AP))), (((Salon))), and (((The Hill))) articles pretending to be "woke af".

Makes sense given how he never remotely talks about global Jewry and instead talks about alphabet soup agencies as if they are not practically Jewish to the fucking bone. He also uses the word "troll" at times, which is a very common buzzword for leftists to avoid any form of criticism. If this guy is proven to be from /leftypol/ or Moarpheus himself, that could be pretty interesting. What does he have to gain from posting on QTDDTOT again?

17188808? ago

You know how in like any vaguely political interplanetary sci-fi has some kind of Globalist Humanitarian faction thats supposed to be a dumb ass metaphor for Racial Nationalism? Have you guys ever considered how well this would work IRL, even if it starts as a joke political party? Imagine a bunch of teenagers debating politics on how to genuinely improve the environment and human conditions while calling Martians Jews and Dolphins Niggers. And then shunning the Animal Rights Activists and Astronaut wannabes as libtards.

I'd be a bit worried on the power structure, Unitary Globalism vs Localist Globalism, genuine mistreat of animals for a meme, rejection of space travel, and stuff like that, but I think it maybe worth it for world peace and a better life alongside hearing a conservative instead of a liberal rhetoric.

17189934? ago

on how to genuinely improve the environment and human conditions

You mean on how to exterminate all non-whites and colonize outer space after achieving FTL travel?

17187812? ago

who the hell is cheetah?

17187811? ago

did the 3rd reich contact aliens?

17187815? ago

more like other dimensional beings. ancient humans mistook them for gods, more recent took them for aliens. but theyre multidimensional beings

17187817? ago

where's the evidence?

17188804? ago

contact them and ask

17186669? ago

Let's say you, through some insane miracle, manage to get someone with pro-white interests appointed as the head of the CIA/NSA/FBI, or at least subvert him enough that he will work for pro-white interests. What would be your first move with the head of such a powerful organization at your beck and call?

17196005? ago

But the WN cult already is run by the CIA/NSA/FBI. What more do you want?

17187809? ago

Destabilize relations between the USA and Israel, release all documents showing jews being responsible for 9 11, USS liberty, JFK assassination and every other Jewish run operation to sabotage the US for their own benefits, also opening up investigations into other cases that were once closed because of Jews, and I would start taking each jew one by one and their traitor white slaves and classifying it as death by accident or natural causes, dismantling every Jewish run committee and "non-organisation", so pretty much everything that could destroy the wicked jew

17203315? ago

Of course, that's a given. The problem I'm seeing here, though, is that taking action too soon would give the game away and risk that massive asset, i.e. the inside man CIA director.

17204590? ago

too soon

You're supporting white genocide.


Truth doesn't matter. What are you even talking about? People DO NOT CARE as long as they're fed.

17205530? ago


My point is, in this scenario you can't jump the gun and tip your hand too early because then you'd risk losing a critical tactical asset and the CIA director man would be replaced by another kike puppet.

17204583? ago

It won't matter because the truth will be out and traitors and kikes will run back to Israel

17185692? ago

Does anyone have any books about studies showing homosexuality as a mental disease, are there any on archive.org??

17185694? ago

References at the bottom of the image.

17201330? ago

"Homosexuality" is a mere fetish for weak-minded individuals who watch and read too much (((pornography))) and (((university))) textbooks, respectively. No one stops being attracted to the opposite sex, take my word for it as a former liberal cunt. When I was a resentful, depressed little shit of a senior high schooler, the only gay porn that I watched were the ones that had the tag "trap" on it.

Never once have I ever had a hard on with watching big muscled guys fucking each other and possibly contracting GRIDS. The only thing I thought about it was me wondering if any one of them can crush my head like a grapefruit (I have Asperger's syndrome). That and trap hentai were the ones that gave me the most boners when it comes to gay porn. All in all, never masturbate, my dear anon. I will however keep on loving my hentai lewds 'til the end of times, though. I'm not a Masonic Christcunt who hates natural beauty and instead loves licking niggers toes and condemning "racism". Pic related.

17178958? ago

why does /pol/ dislike "drag queens"

drag queens are not trannies and are mostly straight men who think it's funny, do it as a hobby, or do performances.

modern degenerate drag i can understand hating, but drag as an idea is not detestable.

t. went to lots of cabaret shows before europe got invaded by niggers

17196003? ago

I dislike drag-queens mostly because I know that they support White Genocide.

If drag-queens in general did not support ethnically cleansing my race through mass migration and anti-White discrimination laws, I would be neutral towards them. Currently, they all deserve to be thrown into a giant blender.

17184572? ago

why does /pol/ dislike "drag queens"

Maybe you should be asking yourself why you like "drag queens"?

17185691? ago

i'm that anon - i don't like drag queens. i like over the top cabaret which often incorporates drag as a joke and don't find them that awful.


i think that's the point. to be grotesque.

17184573? ago

I like drag queens when they're dragged behind a car on a high-speed highway.

17179317? ago

it's off-putting

17175027? ago

Can we dislike the shit out of this nigger loving jew propaganda video by Jewgle

17175028? ago

Comments are disabled for this video.


17173132? ago

Is there such a thing as National Capitalism?

17175025? ago

No. You have to choose between judeo-capitalism and the White race.

17173130? ago

Why do you Americans let white couples adopt negroids???

17176751? ago

You allow it, too. Fuck off.

17176749? ago

Because anyone who doesn't would be berated, beaten up, and even hunted dowm by every leftist, commie, and entitled anti-White non-Whites in these major cities. Just look at this anti-White hypocrisy, they expect all Whites to go back to Europe while also expecting they can immigrate anywhere in Europe as they please.

17172141? ago


17169455? ago

So am I banned by the snowflake faggot mod from this snowflake faggot board, yet? No? GOOD!

17165064? ago

What to do when someone (who pretends to be) from a foreign intelligence agency says he's going send someone to torture me soon?

17165066? ago

Grow some balls, childfucker.

17157667? ago

Anybody got a suggestion on an E-reader? preferably one with a micro-sd slot

17163952? ago

im going to buy and jailbreak a kindle; though about buy chink reader but dont want to be recorded

17166190? ago

Thanks, anon. Nice cover art too.

17156787? ago

How does one go about red pilling family and friends with the constant threat of being accused of Nazism or antisemitism?

17154871? ago

The political view of Marxists always seems to be extremely warped. It's like a Bizarro version of National Socialism, sometimes. Considering how the term "socialism" had absolutely nothing to do with (((Karl Marx's))) definition of "socialism" back then. So my question here is, are any commies nowadays actually worth saving? Especially the race betraying White ones? I personally think they are all too far off from sanity now, even the commies of old during Hitler's time were more rational. Why did (((Karl Marx))) felt the need to rip off the term "socialism" for something different?

17205533? ago

Why did (((Karl Marx))) felt the need to rip off the term "socialism" for something different?

Well, jeez, I wonder…

Anyway, I've been thinking something along these lines as well. Maybe something can be done about the teen commie shitposters that are so cool nowadays? Comparing the goals of communists back then to the goals of "communists" today?

Also, reading through angsty communist literature can be eye-opening sometimes, honestly. There are great examples where the desires they expressed back then align almost perfectly with our very own. It really makes you realize that they were just ideological youngsters who genuinely meant well but fell for the biggest lie in history.

I might translate some works and post them here for further discussion at some point. It'll be good ammo.


Some national socialists(like Himmler) really did hate it and made some fantastically bizarre claims about it, like that it was the father of bolshevism and communism. There is indeed real debate over Christianity's principles here from time to time, but usually it's just an unbearable shitstorm.



I'm pretty sure he's talking about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posen_speeches

17234568? ago

Comparing the goals of communists back then to the goals of "communists" today?

That could be interesting. The Soviets of old used to consider homosexuality as a form of "fascism", saying that if you want to "effectively destroy fascism" you would have to destroy homosexuality as well. Now the commies of today are literally saying homosexuality is what the working class "wants", I mean what the fuck does that have to do with helping out the working class? Why the fuck is anti-homosexuality suddenly a "capitalist trait" to them? It's an upper class thing, feminism and homosexuality is practically supported by (((corporations))), which are all obviously (((capitalist))). Are they even aware of the irony? Why do they keep avoiding this part of reality? Do they really think (((Karl Marx))) himself, as much as a degenerate kike he was, wanted his followers to kill off Whites in Germany, Russia, and all of Europe just for being born a race that they have no control of? So many questions, they might as well all have obvious answers and even quite pointless to talk about.

17154869? ago

Found this kike on IG, these creatures start being so disgusting at such a young age, no wonder God dammed these people for eternity

17151744? ago

Every time I see a coalburner in my hometown or anywhere in general, i feel intense levels of rage and disgust at the whore and her mongrel pet. How do you all deal with these situations? Do you straight up shame the whore and deal with whatever shit comes your way? Or do you remain stoic and realize that it isn't worth wasting your energy on trash? Yesterday I saw a 13 year old girl doing what looked dancing in front of her sheboon friend to nigger music. I walked right past her and I regret not shaming the shit out of her. This shit is getting to me more and more lately and I don't know how to effectively deal with it. Wat do?

17151747? ago

Shame them aggressively verbally but without making a noisy scene. Words can create wounds in them.

I've done it (only once and in passing), but thankfully its rare to see them.

17150505? ago

Do people only hate Christianity here because certain churches don't interpret it correctly and therefore don't advocate for racial purity and segregation?

Is that it or is there more to it?

17151746? ago

They’re paid to hate it, that’s why they hate it.


If you have no control over your emotions, you’re no good to anyone. I say nothing, do nothing, and allow the genocide of my people to continue. Every day. So does everyone else here, and so do you. Either fucking do something about it or just stop talking about it entirely.

17152756? ago

Fuck me dude, what you say is tough love…but you're right.


Unfortunately, it's not that rare in (((New Jersey))). What do you typically say to create the wound. I also assume you're ready to throwdown if the nigger chimps out.

17150501? ago

Here I am waiting, standing, and this hideous coffee skinned she-thing non-binary is trying to talk to me. What do?

17151741? ago

Avoid eye contact, ignore, if she keeps insisting use their own neo-liberal tactics and tell her that she's invading your personal bubble and that you don't feel comfortable talking to her

17147443? ago

Does anyone have pics of Paris Jackson's soc med when she was "going crazy" and telling people (((who))) actually killed her dad and (((who))) ran all the music industry. Figured it'd be relevant with how MJ is back in the news due to the Jews' ever present need to defame anyone who speaks out about them.

17146306? ago

Wtf how did a nigger like James Hart Stern become leader of the National Socialist movement??? I am so confused, I just recently saw it on Wikipedia and thought it was a mistake, but apparently now… how in the hell did that happen??

17141582? ago

23andme result came back for a woman I have been with that is 98% European (~50% British, ~25% French, ~15% Broadly Northwestern European, and mostly few other European percentages), ~0.5% Sub-Saharan African, ~0.5% West Asian, ~0.5% Indian (Native American).

Are the genetics there for breeding?

17143473? ago

Post pics or she doesn't exist

17142637? ago

Nothing below 2% is even real.

17141583? ago

~0.5% Sub-Saharan African


17144426? ago

Reported for spam.


Congratulations. You've just paid to give your DNA to the government and have been sold back fake results that included a lie about nigger, chink, and feather DNA.

17140423? ago

Why people are so bad at linking the facts? I just watched some Kurzgesagt youtube videos about some generic stuff and in the end they said "This video was sponsored by open society foundation", why the fuck like almost everyone knows that osf is satanic cult but cant blame yt channels for taking their money?

17139589? ago

Test >>2506937

17136550? ago

Why don't we try tricking NPCs into attacking Jews by making them think the jews are white?

NPCs hate the SHIT out of whites, but cannot pinpoint patterns like us, so they have no idea who is jewish, unless they identify themselves as Jewish. The solution is to program a loop into the NPCs, making them ALWAYS think the Jews are whites in disguise.

Instead of exposing the Jew, we should simply relabel them as white, so their own automatons kill them.

17138294? ago

You're trying way too hard.

You aren't paid enough for this embarrassment.

We're going to skin you.

17134756? ago

Why wasn't this nigger permabanned?

Is it because the OP is a mod?

17134751? ago

I just called this black kid to stop being a degenerate nigger, my town is 25% black and this kid has an older brother the same age as me or older and I don't know what to do now, his going to tell all his nigger friends now, I'm so fucked, I think that guy also goes to the same college as me,(surprised niggers are in college) I am so fucked, what should I do?!

17136548? ago

kill'em all

17134755? ago

Raise an army.

17134753? ago

Start by stop being such a damn pussy, faggot.

Man up, and face your future.

It's now or later.

Niggers are cowards.

Chase your niggers off.

17135646? ago

I'm probably going to end up dead, fuck dude, they always hang out in large groups, I'm so fucked

17136545? ago

Fear spreads fast, especially among niggers. If you're a rock, they'll break first.

17128890? ago

Is naming my firstborn daughter Erika, revealing my power level a bit too much?

17128893? ago


No. The world needs more ethnically correct names, not semitic callsigns.

17128888? ago

Does anyone have or know where I can get the video from of the ISIS propaganda video where the American guy is talking in the background behind the scenes of the actual propaganda video? I swear I saw it somewhere on cuckchan pol back in June, but was never able to find it again

17128887? ago

What was the name of that historical faceless, endless horde of people that anonymous was compared to?

17128884? ago

Which part of Africa is the most developed (i.e running electricity/water, a somewhat stable form of government, basically not a shithole by African standards)?

17128886? ago

The North African parts have working infrastructure because they're populated with caucasoid dune coons. No part of subsaharan Africa is developed in any form. But since you have to deal with Islam, they're not developed either.

17127834? ago

Whichever (((mod))) deleted my thread about the lifting of fingerprinting requirements for potential sponsors of unaccompanied alien minors …

speak up and explain yourself


17124750? ago

Excuse me, could you give me some information about the Posen speeches held by Himmler and the Einsatsgruppen. Because when i say that the Holocoust is a hoax, i don't have arguments about the speech of Himmler.

Thank you!

17120989? ago

My paternal haplogroup is I-S25733 and I can't find any info on it. Help /pol/?

17120987? ago

Is it true there are nudes?

17118806? ago

Check out the new Gab extension Dissenter. This allows anyone to comment on any website. Bypassing site admins.


17130950? ago

Check out the new CIA/Mossad extension Dissenter. This allows anyone to comment on any website. Bypassing site admins.

17133821? ago

Right right, i get it my bad.

17118808? ago

my (((gabbai))) thread was exposed

better SHILL FOR IT in the QTDDTOT thread!

17118810? ago

Honestly out of the loop. Can you fill me in or link something

17120984? ago

17124751? ago

ahhh i see.

17117932? ago

Who is "Marko Haag"?

17115158? ago

What did the Simpsons mean by this?

17118805? ago


and paperclip???

I feel like this is low key suicide related

17115160? ago

It's gloating. It's what you do when you know you've won.

17113386? ago


because KARA BOGA cant protect you if we dont appear in google, you need special white magic to post here, magic to advanced for niggers to comprehend

Master Yakub was right the black race is nothing but drug dealers and whores

17112523? ago

Niggerlovers bootyblasted. Go find your interracial somewhere else kikes

17112519? ago

why can't we have wh*te hate threads and in the other hand have nigger hate thrads??

17112518? ago

Chimp out? Please!

Sacramento District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert will hold a news conference at noon Saturday to announce whether she plans to file charges against the Sacramento police officers who shot Stephon Clark nearly a year ago in his grandparents’ Meadowview backyard.

The March 18, 2018, shooting sparked massive protests throughout Sacramento, and city officials have spent weeks preparing for renewed demonstrations once Schubert’s decision is announced.


17113388? ago

‘We will be mobilizing.’ DA decision on Stephon Clark shooting puts activists on alert


17110530? ago

Anons I'm looking for a good edition of Mein Kampf in the original German. Something classy and leatherbound. Where can I find one and how much will it cost? I'd rather not spend $100+ if possible.

17110527? ago

gogogoo new thread

17110524? ago

bamp, new thread please

17109486? ago

Do we have any bunkers or sister websites we can migrate if this gets shoa'd

17108463? ago

"I'm not a Communist, but I agree with the the Communist-Trotskyite theory that Fascism is just the final decadent phase of capitalism. Having trashed the economy and plunged the majority of the population into destitution, the oligarchs and their political minions begin to call for "discipline," "national unity," and "cultural/racial regeneration," a return to the mythical glory days of an imaginary past. Internal and external enemies are identified and the masses are mobilized for collective violence against the imaginary threats. It's all just a bloody distraction to deflect blame from the elites who caused the misery in the first place. One astute observer in the pre-Nazi German government stated that Hitler was hoisted into power by a cabal of Westphalian bankers, Rhineland steel magnates and East-Prussian land barons. With their lackeys in power, the traditional grandees wealth and status are guaranteed by some self-serving Socio-Darwinist ideology and, or naked force. The political structure is simply a hatchet squad for the bosses. If anyone in the movement begins to call for tinkering with established social order, redistribution of wealth etc., they end up like Gregor Strasser, and Ernst Roehm, dead. Not long before the rise of European Fascism, the Robber Baron Jay Gould is supposed to have said that he wasn't afraid of revolution because he could always hire half the working class to murder the other half. Nazis/Fascists can be seen as Gould's paid help in uniform."

pic unrelated. what is 8/pol/'s take on this youtube comment analysis of fascism?

17109485? ago

The German working class was pretty happy under Hitler. Low-income workers were treated to vacations and other leisure activities paid for by the government. Look up the Strength Through Joy. I hate how leftists think that the Nazis were laissez-faire capitalists

17109483? ago

Dumb. He claims to not be a communist, yet buys into the Marxist view of linear history completey. A nation goes in cycles that repeat until destroyed outright. What he calls late capitalism is a period in which a decadent society has forgotten what virtues made it wealthy to begin with. In the previous time is when those with wealth had siezed upon oppertunity to get thier wealth to begin with. But thier descendents do not have the virtues of thier fathers and do not expand. With no growth it stagnates and they hold onto what wealth there is and pass laws to shut down competition so it is not taken from them. With no room to grow, the underclass falls to vice. With vice comes the horror of its consequences. The upper class pushed it because it was bread and circus. Then the outward force of progress reaches a point weaker than the inward pressure of decay. The situation worsens and an upswell of change comes as a demand to return to previous form comes. The upper class does not create the facist backlash. It tries to maintain status quo. Communists claim it does because national socialism and facism are in competition with it. But whereas the Nazis want to reclaim the wealth of the nation for the people and take it back from the kikes, the communist is a kike that projects his true intentions of being the new master.

17108468? ago

what is 8/pol/'s take on this youtube comment analysis of fascism?

Just asking that tells me you're really fucking new. That's fine, I was 14 once. But "what /pol/ thinks" is of no consequence, everyone here should either form their own opinion or lurk more. What do you think? Did Hitler's rise to power benefit German industrialists? Probably true, in a good sense. But the vicious attacks by (((international banking elites))) harmed said industrialists much more. So the fascist rise to power wasn't good business for any of them. And it certainly didn't benefit those who practiced usury.

17120986? ago

You realize QTDDTOT is for "dumb" questions right? Why do you feel the need to be condescending?

17108465? ago

After reading this post I can only reach the conclusion that fascism is everything the soviet union did

17107543? ago

If a economy collapse occurs the natsoc and fascist parties must be ready to take over power, just like how Hitler took power in 1933 because people had had enough of everything and with the 1929 wall street crash, which was the icing on the cake for a regime change, that is why when SHTF these parties must be the ones in the calm mindset showing people that we are the only hope for white people

17107544? ago

LOL Larping

17102785? ago


17102784? ago




  • Anonymous

17117933? ago

There should be a pdf somewhere in the t.avistock thread if it's still up, if so then have a thorough looksie through it and you should find it.

best of luck.

17102782? ago

the fbi will arrest hillary any day now

17098468? ago

How do you turn a hot slut that loves to party all the time with her friends and to get fucked by many dudes, into a loving traditional woman that will not abandon you and will stay at home and raise your children??

17099547? ago

Never gonna happen. Very rare does it ever.

slut that loves to party all the time with her friends and to get fucked by many dudes

get fucked by many dudes

Why would you even want that to begin with? Fucking disgusting.

17098469? ago

You don't. What kind of question is that, newfag? Once she breaks her hymen, she can't pair bond anymore. She will never get that back. She's psychologically broken. Abandon her.

17099546? ago

So how am I suppose to reproduce, and especially trying to find a woman with superior genetics such as rich amounts of breast tissue to nurture my offsprings and attractive facial features with superior traits such as blond hair and blue eyes? It's the same as looking for a needle in a hay stack, where do you look to? I'm very lost, I only know of partying sluts, and unfortunately they're beautiful with superior Aryan traits but disgusting in the way they act and talk

17100442? ago

So how am I suppose to reproduce

lol, you won't

It's the same as looking for a needle in a hay stack

14% of women between 16 and 25 are virgins of a healthy weight. That's it. That's all that is left now.

17097595? ago

I don't watch tv or play vidya, but I just constantly see race mixing in my personal life. How the fuck do I cope with it, its depressing and disgusting

17096699? ago

Anti-white nigger Jordan Peele is set to revive The Twilight Zone made by Rod Serling, no doubt he sees this as another victory for the black man.

But in the end, Rod Serling was an anti-bigot who strived for racial equality, maybe he'd change his mind quite quickly if he saw the USA today, resembling something he would write for the show. How much do you want to bet that one of the episodes will be a "subtle" hint to evil whitey, like his newest film will be (I assume much less so than Get Out) and was quoted as saying: “It's about something that’s become an undeniable fact: the simple truth that we are our own worst enemies." now at first I thought this was some self hate, but after seeing an antagonist nigger with a featureless white mask (symbol for Uncle Tom), I can easily pick up on the agenda. Take everything whitey has made and make it our own, just like whitey did when they bought and brought us here.

17096701? ago

Not a question… but feel the need to commentary.

Almost every show that has entered the popular culture that was made between the late 1950's to the late 1960's has been made by Anti-White persons.

Look at Bewitched. Ignoring its premise of an oppressive man denying the superior magical being her true-calling, the entierty of the cast were left-wing, later on becoming spokespeople for "Civil Rights", Homosexual causes, and miscegenation's rights, especially Elizabeth Montgomery. Take a look into that show's cast and you'll see, man.

17095020? ago

Comrades, I need your help.

I have been trying to do NoFap for a while now, but It's hard for me to last longer than a couple of days or a week. I've managed to cut out porn as best I can, refraining from going to porn sites and watching jew porn. But usually the build up after a couple days causes me to go back to square one (this is often without watching porn).

For the few days I was able to hold on I could almost feel the power flowing through me, I had motivation and felt energized, but now I am once again drained.

I have been taking vitamins, drinking plenty of water and I have managed to cut out sugar down to marginal levels, I have also been trying to get to sleep relatively early and limiting my time on the computer. Recently I have even picked up reading again, but it never seems to last.

What do I do? I need some advice or information to at least give me some idea of what I can do to hold off and maintain my will power so that my brain doesn't say "fuck it". Any infographs/textwalls/screencaps are appreciated.

17499373? ago

look up Gabe Gawg on youtube

17499375? ago


17095023? ago

This may sound like a troll but I am dead serious. Get a chastity cage off a fetish website and freeze the key in ice. I personally do that. It helps.

17095024? ago

Anon, I am neither a cuck nor a queer, I am simply a man trying to save his essence to achieve a higher state of being.

This may sound like a troll

It does.

Also what if I need to piss? or what if my cock gets deformed from getting a hard on and I can't get it off fast enough? Not to mention I'm a poorfag.

17096695? ago


I should also add that Chastity has existed outside of sexual fetish for eons. Using chastity devices is a normal part of the practice of Buddist Monks, as well as other schools of Eastern-Thought

17096691? ago

You can piss through a chastity cage, and your cick won't get deformed, it will only strain a little and then go flaccid.

17095018? ago

I was born in 1998. I have been vaccinated repeatedly until 2014 when I began to deny being vaccinated. I had full original vaccinations but no boosters nor flu since 2014. How do I get past having all these vaccinations? How do I know the long-term damage done to me? How do I flush myself of any residual problems and fix myself if-so? Should I research treatments for Mercury Poisoning? There is more than this though, I know.

17094018? ago

How does one identify a jew by site? How do you differentiate between a Roman nose and a jewish nose? How do you identify a jew by ancestry? Ancestry.com seems like shit, how do you go about lining up some random dude's family tree and searching it for traces of sneaky hebrews?

I've met a super cool dude who is both /fit/ and /k/ and 90% /pol/, but he has the most hawkish look and the biggest hooked nose. His name is a German name, and his dad doesn't resemble a camel like most Ashkenazi as they age. Maybe it's just a Roman nose but I'm only about 50/50 at identifying jews and I want to be absolutely sure. Guides and resources please?

17110532? ago

Ask him if he's jewish

17094016? ago

lets raid some leftist youtubers for the sake of kek, im bored

17093065? ago

How does one join the globalists and their movement for the breakaway civilization? I'm sure they are monitoring this thread and know who I am. Call me.

17094014? ago

You have to participate in a pederast event while being recorded to prove your loyalty to the globalist deep state movement. Are you willing to sacrifice yourself and kill for the deep state, if so, we will keep in touch. Be prepared for unimaginable degeneracy.

17091933? ago

Anyone else seeing strange posting issues? On a busy thread, you reply and there is a delay before your post appears. Updating is odd too, seems to grab the posts one by one instead of multiple at a time.

17088982? ago

Is there something specific and recent that Israel has done to the US that would normally be grounds for widespread public outrage? (See: USS Liberty, Levon affair). I was talking with a normalfag and he was shocked to hear that Israel had blown up one of our ships and that we hadn't gone to war with them, but he also pointed out that these incidents are old and countries tend to move on past those sorts of incidents.

17089886? ago

9/11, dumbass.

17087103? ago

Anyone have a source for this? I tried googling it but can't find anything but positive pro LGBT stuff about the organization.

17094012? ago

Source for which part exactly?

17089891? ago

What, are you kidding? Every normalfags institution openly admits that those were the books they burned. You can find it everywhere. No other books were burned, just sexual depravity.


you're stupid because you don't believe in horseshoe theory

Get off our website. You don't belong here.

17095869? ago

No, you're stupid because you don't know what horseshoe theory is, and you lack basic reading comprehension skills.

The (retarded) idea of horseshoe theory is that both the far-left and far-right are the similar in that they embrace authoritarianism and identity politics. It's appealing to dumb people because it's a simple explanation that makes them feel like they're right as le enlightened centrists, and everybody else is wrong.

Stating the fact that both supposedly opposing sides of the Bagelian Dialectic are completely kiked, based on easily verifiable information, isn't "horseshoe theory".

Amazon isn't banning books by "right-wingers" like Ayn Rand or Tucker Carlson, they're banning books that name the jew and expose their Holocaust lie. If you were paying attention, you'd know the bans started during Purim (not a "leftist" holiday) of 2017, and were justified by a string of false-flag bomb threats made to jewish communities by Michael Kaydar, a supporter of Israel's "right-wing" government.

It's the jews, it's always the jews.

17095871? ago

you don’t know what it is because i say you don’t

Sure thing. You have no argument. We’re not discussing this. It’s leftists and their jewish masters. Nothing I said was incorrect. You’re having an autistic rant over nothing.

17098466? ago

Nothing I said was incorrect.

Nothing you said was correct, not even the meaning of the belief system you accused me of holding. You're worse than a nigger.

17088049? ago


Hirschfeld wikipedia, in the citations. I now realize that Hirschfeld deserved death or even worse after reading up on him.

17083908? ago

What do leftists/commies mean when they say "solidarity among all peoples of all races"? Right now, I'm not even remotely seeing the "all peoples of all races" part. The answer might be obvious here but still, what do they really mean by that?

17084391? ago

they mean that solidarity of jews lording over non-whites against whitey

17083319? ago

How do I train myself to sustain pain to the point it fuels me? How do I become strong?

17081846? ago

Fuck you /pol/

Instead of chasing shekels I now have myself questioning the very fabric of reality and the end of everything 10 Quintilian years from now. Instead of being blissfully unaware and making shekels and having a full belly and fancy consumerist items and comforts, I instead only have found hunger, and sorrow, poverty, and utter discomfort and discontentment or at the very least realized the true nature of these things .

Now I have to face up to the ultimate truth, to face reality, to hunt down my destiny and to fulfill my purpose.

Thanks to you faggots and the kike I now have to conquer and subdue the entire earth for the sole purpose of creating an eternal space empire simply so that man won't die out (white men, mind you). All so that our eternal descendants can see the end of time and find a way into other dimensions and planes.

Fuck, now, at last, I truly see just how fucking big this shit is, how eternal this struggle must be. I cannot fail, for if I do then all that is good on this earth shall be consumed by evil and fire, for if I do the rockets that would carry our sons and daughters to the stars would fall to the earth as if there had not been an ounce of fuel in them, for they would have never left the ground, nor have even come into existence, if I were to fail.

So in a way this is a thank you letter, to all anons, new and old. You have liberated me from chain and iron collar, I must not fail…


17130948? ago

Good post, fd2783.

17133823? ago


thezog.info keeps switching IP's

What a literal normalniggerfaggot. Also here's my question for today, /pol/. Why do leftists/commies and /leftycunts/ keep coming here as if any /pol/ack here likes and cares about their anti-White opinions? What do they get out of this version of "destroying Nazism/fascism"? Are they all attention-seeking women all of a sudden? Unironically, they love using the term "racism", "bigotry", and also unironically believe the Holobunga happened, they gotta love those (((History Channel))) documentaries, after all. They are doing a great job showing off their kike university indoctrination, I guess.

17196011? ago

Here's my question for today, /pol/.

How do we get the masses to accept the reality of the Jewish 5G crisis actor CGI chemtrail cancer virus vaccine moon landing hoax conspiracy to genocide the White race?

17134750? ago

People like to feel superior. Telling someone they are wrong is an obvious avenue to achieve this, and with something like the holohoax, this effect is amplified because it's (((commonly accepted))) that that holocaust was a real event as the official narrative stated it.

17082631? ago

Damn dude that’s deep. Describes my sentiments well. This is bigger than any of us. We are part of something greater. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

17081844? ago

Feel the beautiful sing song rythms of the Hebrew Bible, as it was intended to be, and let the racism wash away:


17080137? ago

Whadya think of my mp4?


17080139? ago

It's cringeworthy that you think this kind of thing is still witty or relevant in 2019

17079169? ago

Can someone direct me to the source of this video?

17078071? ago

How does one practice oratory, I've noticed that one who is gifted with the skill of oratory can make great impact on the world, unfortunately in my case due to my harsh childhood by going to a rough school and having a very strict father hence being more obedient and timid due to fear of consequences I have found myself to be an individual who lacks the flow of words, who has a difficult time finding words, and who finds it embarrassing to express his opinions due to paranoia of criticism due to my uncommon opinion and ways of wording certain answers, my only wish now is to master the art of oratory so I one day I may try to do something against the international jew

17490625? ago


17077125? ago

Are there any legit websites that don't sell your DNA to kikes where you can actually test your DNA ancestry and get a legit result, no 0.1 nigger genetic bullshit, anyone know?

17077129? ago

No, because they're in business to make money, but you can ignore everything below 5% as questionable and below 2% as noise. I did it because my father was adopted, and I understand they could give any surnames they liked back then on birth certs. I'm glad I checked that off, but if you're worried you will be targeted then don't do it.

17077135? ago

Thanks for the advice, also are you of pure Aryan blood or are you a mongrel after you discovered your results?

17077137? ago

You're welcome. The results were what I expected from family gossip. I am a mutt, but an old yeller mutt.

17078074? ago

Wow that is very impressive, especially for an American, you must be tall with blond hair and blue eyes, I hope you have many offsprings with a woman of equal genetic and moral worthiness

17078078? ago

Thanks, may good find you. Green eyes, but the rest is right. Not as tall as my Dutch Reformed friends though.

17077127? ago

Not at the present, and furthermore the inaccuracies in the testing go beyond deliberate corruption.


A quote from the article:

But when Inside Edition had a set of triplets send their spit in to Ancestry.com and 23andMe, they got wildly different results from both services. Neither gave each triplet the same ancestry results — which, considering they all came from the same sperm and egg, is pretty weird.

“Tests can be a crapshoot. For DNA tests, they use genetic markers, which are little variations in the DNA one or several groups may have, but others do not. The more markers there are, the more accurate the test will be.”


Inside Edition found differences of over 10 percent between the triplets they tested. That is not a small gap. …

17077132? ago

The sisters were all 99 percent European but the test from 23andMe also showed some surprising differences.

That's because there isn't a lot of deviation between modern Europeans. These tests simply can't be used to say you came from HERE in most cases. That's what actually ancestry, learning about your roots, keeping your family stories, etc are for.

17076036? ago

I am a National Socialist. According to the Political Compass, I am a centerist-lean communist. According to 8-Values, I am a Right-Wing Populist, according to 5D Political Compass I am a Conservative Libertarian Isolationist Ultranationalist Traditionalist. I believe there is no right or left, only an up or a down. I believe that National Socialism is the answer to saving humanity. I believe that these tests are a big scam that pull answers out of their ass. Furthermore, the Political Compass has misleading questions. It doesn't ask you if you agree with something, it has a lot of "If" questions that the system probably takes acceptance of as agreement.

This is some kind of Jew scam, I'm sure, with the goal of convincing idiots to follow political ideologies thinking that they are related to what the individual actually believes, in a D&C method.

Out of all these online meme-tests, only two seemed to line-up with my own views. http://www.dichotomytests.com/results.html?id=0&m=-60&e=-62.5&i=30&h=-62.5&n=-82.5&r=-10&s=-45 and http://www.politiscales.net/en_US/results/?p1=50&p0=24&b0=19&b1=71&c1=93&j1=55&j0=26&t0=74&t1=19&e0=17&e1=67&s1=64&m0=33&m1=26&comp=100&reli=100

Are these things Jew'd or not?

17075064? ago

Does anyone know whats up with Amazon eliminating many far right books in the last 24 hours?

17080141? ago

I just bought white power and this time the world back in January, unfortunately not the 3rd one, which was not an actual book though just a collection of his work, wonder why they removed all of his book though, probably because it wasn't selling??

17081848? ago

I doubt it was due to sales, I had a few books saved to a private list and they all disappeared within the last 48 hours. In fact all the outside links to amazon I looked at are now dead.

17079173? ago

Does anyone know whats up with Amazon eliminating many CIA psyop books in the last 24 hours?

17079178? ago

You don't think before you type do you?

17075065? ago

leftist website deletes content that goes against their narrative

people act surprised about this

They got rid of the holocaust handbooks years ago.

17081851? ago

Why do you short-sighted faggots try to make it about the "left"? It's jews banning books they deem to be threats to their ethnic interests.

17081858? ago

oy vey jews aren't leftist

jews didn't literally CREATE the left

you're wrong when you say it's the left

ignore that jews have plenty of shabbos goyim working with them

Kill yourself.


So your solution is what, exactly?

Anyone know of any legitimate means by which someone can work from home? Very soon I'll be unable to have a traditional job due to health needs of a family member. I won't be able to leave the house, so I need some sort of income otherwise they'll steal the house and we'll starve on the street.

17081874? ago

I would first seek any government assistance you can get, next local churches for food and clothes, Canada mail order for meds. Now ask yourself what you can do.

I scraped by 6 years taking care of an elderly parent so it can be done but it sucks. I did canning, candle making, soap making, small engine repair as well as buying and selling on craigslist.

17081871? ago

Its about the left-right divide and conquer-paradigm, moron.

17081864? ago

You could hug niggers and swipe their wallets, or something.

The goal here is to attain a wallet free of charge, the methods for achieving this may vary.

17081867? ago

17081862? ago

implying the "right" isn't just as kiked as the "left"

implying all the kosher "right-wing" books weren't completely untouched by Amazon

17082634? ago

muh horshofeeree



Look, you can't hold a double standard of linguistics and expect everyone to understand everything (anything). Most people don't understand that political thought is a cube, not a fucking line. Some claim it's a plane, ignoring the third axis. I picked the conception that was most popular (left and right, with national socialism on the "right") because the majority here still accepts that because it's easier to understand. That's all. If you want to be really simple about it, a triangle is as low as you can go.


I would first seek any government assistance you can get

Goes against my principles. Can't rely on it, anyway. When this kiked system comes crashing down, there won't BE assistance programs because the checks will just stop coming. And after, assuming we even win, the systems won't exist because we don't deal in handouts.

I scraped by 6 years taking care of an elderly parent so it can be done but it sucks. I did canning, candle making, soap making, small engine repair as well as buying and selling on craigslist.

Ah, an actual frame of reference. Thanks, anon.

17082635? ago

having such a low IQ that you can't even understand the retarded concept of "horseshoe theory"

I'd call you a "nigger", but that would be insulting to niggers.

17075066? ago

Well I have to admit I am a little surprised as far as the double standard. I have not seen it this bad.

17069848? ago

Can anyone tell me what this is from?

17065362? ago

Is our biggest issue our own hate? I'll save the essay , but while hate is a counter to hate it gives birth to even more hate than you banished in many cases. There is a different between abusing a child and holding them accountable.

I am full of hate. There are things that happened when I was ten I still am mad about. In a way it's good to remember people at their core. To prevent falling back its good to revisit why you are here now. Is the next stage of evolution separating that from our minds to view what we hate in a less emotional manner?

The most powerful person will be the one who can view a student acting up and without any traditional punishment tactics nudge them in the right direction. Every murderer ever was once somebody that thousands of people had the opportunity to give alternatives to.

By being hateful you condition yourself to only seek the hateful solutions.

I could go on but whatever, the point is, am I justifying my slavery , or can we really create our own reality and "reap what we sow"? If a tiger approaches you in the jungle hungry as fuck, is there a Jedi skill which will allow one type of person avoid death while the hateful person gets killed? Doesn't one person looking cool hating always lead to ten people thinking that hate works sometimes?

It's tough to even type these words because this isnt a typical thought and it suggests I am weak. I tried the sacrifice for others path and after thorough testing it leads nowhere. The results could be a million years away though and just the spark the world needed.

Would a positive outlook not attract others to you? I don't want to give up on my beliefs no matter what, but it's getting tiring isolating myself from the entire world. As corrupted as it staring at the problem works.

I am ashamed at my self for even suggesting surrendering but life isnt just yes or no it's a yes a no a yes a yes a no a no , a problem may involve sympathy, then violence, then ignorance, then urgent action, there is no one size fits all solution.

I think the correct answer is you attempt to find a middle ground with your enemy and then if nothing is found you destroy them, but good enemies will hide amongst those you are intending to protect and make you look evil for holding them accountable.

I'm going so far as saying I will not seek any form of ego boost at my enemies expense. No gossiping, let things slide, aim for the same endgame but take a longer and easier path. The thrill of the troll is gone even if the targets deserve it more than ever. if I was superior to these people, though, then why would I need to bring myself down to their level?

17068845? ago

  1. Go back to reddit.

  2. Our issue is that we don’t hate enough.

17064871? ago

I'm trying to find this card game maybe some anon can help me out.

It consists of two prebuilt decks nothing more as far as I'm aware of. One light and one dark deck. A heaven deck and a hell deck or something.

Magic the Gathering is the easiest thing for me to compare it to.

A friend of mine bought it at a church sale. It was really long ago so I don't remember all the details. Thanks in advance.

17059483? ago

Has anyone here read The Authoritarian Personality or any other book by the (((Frankfurt School)))? I’d really like your thoughts on them. Can you go in-depth?

17054168? ago

Why are there only mentally ill wigger nationalists and agents provocateur on this board? Why is 4chan so much better than this place despite being more normie?

17064869? ago


not normalfag

Newnormalfaggots are absolute cancer. Also cuckchanners are not welcome here. Go back to watching the Electric Jew and Kikeflix.

17054169? ago


17051114? ago

17050078? ago

what does /pol/ think about wikileaks?

17050081? ago

Haven't been legitimate or meaningful in years. When's the last time they named the jew? Never.

17046911? ago

I'm not buying the idea that Hitler "supported Lehi and Zionism" to be honest. The idea that he had anything to do with Israel is downright stupid once you realize that Lehi started to support "National Bolshevism" along with Stalin's support. Here's some contrast to the false accusation. Avraham Stern, the founder of Lehi, once said "no difference existed between Hitler and Chamberlain, between Dachau or Buchenwald and sealing the gates of Eretz Israel." Keep this in mind every time someone tells you otherwise. He even called the Brits as "enemies of the Jewish people" while the National Socialists of the Third Reich were "Jew haters", who were obviously also enemies. The Zionist kikes never considered Hitler as an ally, they just thought of him as a great asset against The Eternal Anglo since at that time they were the occupiers of Palestine. (((They))) wanted Palestine for themselves, and (((they))) thought that ye ol' divide and conquer was going to work on him. That never came to light however, as within the course of Hitler's life, he went on to support Palestine instead, along with other Muslims from Bosnia to Turkey. Here's a webm and some pics for reference, these have been posted many times by me and others before in /pol/, but it will always give you some insight on Hitler's view of the world. As I was saying, when support from him was out of reach, this resulted into Lehi resorting to support Stalin and his kike regime instead, like I mentioned before. It does make sense why the Alt-Kike would support "National Bolshevism". It fits their subversive tactics very well.

17049063? ago

Its disinformation

17054171? ago

Ralph Grandinetti

According to Michael Collins Piper, he found a confirmation of The Protocols in some jewish publication, but his files disappeared after his death.

17058459? ago

The protocols don't have to be real, because the Talmud IS.

17058462? ago

That's not the point; the fact that his research shows that they are legitimate, is.


You won't fool anyone.

17058463? ago

They're clearly plagiarized from an 1856 French work. I've written a book with this shit in mind. You're far better off not using the Protocols themselves as your "evidence" for any given point, because they themselves aren't verifiable. What IS verifiable is what Ford said Do you have a link to the source for that quote? Because I've only found a quote that is worded completely differently. It's important to match not just the spirit, but the letter of a person's quote., what the Talmud says, and what jews themselves have admitted to saying.

Take another example, the "blood libel." It's universally heralded as… libel. A hoax, a lie, just antisemitic claptrap. They say that the stories are entirely fabricated and that the jews were either accused of what others did or were just scapegoated and the crimes didn't happen. And without modern medical autopsies or any form of forensic evidence, these individual cases can be brushed under the rug.

But when you look at what's being said and how it's being said, you start to ask questions. Such as, "Why did medieval nations who never had contact with one another–who were enemies, even–report stories about jews with identical events happening between them?" And while most jews themselves actively reject the "blood libel," it only takes a handful who admit it to throw the whole damn thing into question. Like a jewish doctor who wrote an entire fucking book on the subject and admits it.

https://www.scribd.com/document/330147501/Blood-Passover OR BERNARD LAZARE HIMSELF.

“It was born at first from this widespread idea that the jew was fatally urged each year to reproduce figuratively, at the same time, the murder of Christ; For this reason, in the legendary acts of martyred children, one always shows the victim crucified and suffering the punishment of Jesus, sometimes even, it is represented crowned with thorns and pierced flank. To this general belief were added the prejudices, often justified, against the jews devoted to magical practices. Indeed, in the Middle Ages, the jew was considered by the people as the magician par excellence, in fact, some jews indulged in magic; there are many formulas of exorcism in the Talmud, and Talmudic and Kabbalistic demonology is very complicated. Now, we know the place that the blood always occupied in the operations of witchcraft… Blood, especially virgin blood, was attributed to unheard-of virtues; the blood was a healer, evocative, preservative; it could be used for the search for the philosopher's stone, for the composition of potions and enchantments. Now, it is very probable, even certain, that jewish magicians had to sacrifice children; from there, the formation of the legend of the ritual sacrifice. It is stated that the jewish religion, which approved the crucifixion of Christ, furthermore recommended the spreading of Christian blood, and they sought stubbornly Talmudic and Kabbalistic that can justify such assertions.”

~ ✡Bernard Lazare✡; L’Antisémitisme, son histoire et ses causes, pp. 354-6; 1894

17265157? ago

They're clearly plagiarized from an 1856 French work

The fact is, KIKES plagiarized Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu and then jews, specifically the ADL, claim it was "fabricated against them". Theodore Herzl plagiarized that piece at the First Zionist Congress held at Basle in 1897. That is AFTER the year 1856. The knowledge of the Protocols spread throughout Germany because Germans were told the truth that


Thus kikes could not effectively claim that plagairism equals fabrication against them, because it does not.

"blood libel"

They say that the stories are entirely fabricated and that the jews were either

accused of what others did or were just scapegoated and the crimes didn't happen.

They say this about everything. Continue on blaming the hooknosed faggots for what they actually did.

17266218? ago

Of course. The source of the Protocols is irrelevant. The providence of its contents is all that matters.


third image

There's no source for that. "A transcript of a conversation that someone overheard" isn't acceptable as a source.

17264047? ago

They're clearly plagiarized from an 1856 French work.


17264049? ago

Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu. Not in full, but in part.

17059484? ago

No and I don't use the Protocols, I hold the same view as is Ford's comment.

17057250? ago

According to this fat CIA psyop faggot, he found a confirmation of The Protocols in some jewish publication, but his files disappeared after his death.

17058461? ago

the thezog.info schizo is back here again

I swear to G-d he obviously doesn't belong here. In fact, he only comes here hoping that anyone will believe him. He just circlejerks on his own arguments. To him, it's not the Jews, it's the CIA/FBI/insert Alphabet agency here, and everyone is an agent is an agent including his own family. Even though every single one of these said Alphabet agencies are Jewish to the core, he never acknowledges this. What a complete retard.

17049062? ago

You shouldn't give the "everyone you like is a zionist" posts any creedence. It's been happening for quite some time from opposing positions, why do you think /pol/ is constantly divided? They've won the psychological front, that's for sure.

17044716? ago

Can someone provide a link to a unbiased explanation to what is happening with Pakistan and India? American media provides nothing on it worth a damn.

17044185? ago

I didn't want to make a whole thread for this, but I think /pol/ would still like it

17039524? ago

Is anyone actually stupid enough to believe that redpilling the masses will actually win us this race war against the kikes?? The masses will never be able to comprehend this idea, it's up to the intellectual class to do something by force

17039522? ago

Got banned on reddit r/books for giving a good review about Mein Kampf, nearly every forum in where I talk about jews even if it's a nonderogatory way I instantly get banned, it's as if these people are race traitors or kikes, it sickens me, were is this so called "freedom of speech" that these idiots claim they have???

17025116? ago

So what does /pol/ think about the Green Party candidate for 2020? He’s a black Iranian faggot Muslim-turned Jew. I was going to make a parody account of him on Twitter, but I’m a bit late to the game since he made an account recently.


17024536? ago

Can somebody make a decent looking infographic with this quote?

When the caffeine finally kicked in, Alex told me that for many years, his father had not been eager to advertise his Judaism because “this was something he was almost killed for.” But he had always “identified firstly as a Jew,” and his philanthropy was ultimately an expression of his Jewish identity, in that he felt a solidarity with other minority groups and also because he recognized that a Jew could only truly be safe in a world in which all minorities were protected. Explaining his father’s motives, he said, “The reason you fight for an open society is because that’s the only society that you can live in, as a Jew — unless you become a nationalist and only fight for your own rights in your own state.”

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/17/magazine/george-soros-democrat-open-society.html (archive is down for me)

Just something with an evil looking picture of Soros and a headline like "What guides Soros' agenda? According to his son, it's his judaism" or something else worded a little better. Just to shut up all the infotards who pretend he's a secret Nazi.

17023838? ago

Wew, after speaking with my boomer dad about some WWII things I searched around and found cwporter as well as metapedia. Checked wikipedia for their sources on herrenrasse and such things, WEW. Can I get a wew in the chat please?

17022123? ago

I'm looking for some reliable redpill material that can BTFO specifically the "social constructionist" tenet of the marxist faggotry in a clear and concise manner. Articles that are easy for normalfags to digest are best. What have you had success with?

17023093? ago

What do you mean specifically? They apply this conception (relativism) to literally everything, so if you're going to prove any specific point wrong you just have to have the hard data against it.

17023094? ago

Specifically this flavor of bullshit:

“The social constructionist perspective […] affirms that masculinities and gender norms are: (1) socially constructed (rather than being biologically driven), (2) vary across historical and local contexts and (3) interact with other factors such as poverty and globalization. In a social constructionist perspective, gender norms emerge from prevailing patterns of hegemony and patriarchy and are in turn reinforced and reconstructed by families, communities and social institutions.” See Ricardo C., Barker, G. Men (2008). Men, Masculinities, Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Violence.

17023833? ago

Oh! Well, that's obvious. Biology drives hormone production, which drives neurology, from which is derived psychology. The physiological differences in the brains of men and women are easily proven. Take what will be perhaps the last "freebie" from my book. Feel free to use the citations therein for your own uses.

17023837? ago

Right, of course! It was obvious to me why, but I lacked the proper words to explain it. Thank you very much.

17022118? ago

They made an Alt-Right movie? Anybody have an informed opinion.

17079176? ago

They made an Alt-Right movie? Anybody have an informed opinion.

CIA psyop movie using CIA role-player actors.

17022116? ago

Can atomwaffen division really make a change or any organisation with the same values and goals as them? I honestly think it just won't work, without no funding or numbers in men who are devoted enough, especially in the US, like how the fuck can you take control in the US, the biggest super power in the world, this isn't some small state like Serbia for example, I just find it impossible for these people to change anything and it seems like suicide to even consider joining the group now that it's considered a domestic terrorist organisation and also that half of the population is already shitskins never mind many more million are traitors to their own race and of course the kikes that hide behind as "whites" so the idea of "for the white people " is outside the window.

17081850? ago

Ideas are bullet-proof anon. Just do as blackwater does, change names, they may tag atom niggers as baddies, but that doesn't automatically translate to other groups, rinse and repeat, work to the same ends under a different flag, after all, only (((countries))) fight for flags, we fight for ideas.

17022121? ago

It'd be cool if they just spook'd the kikes in Hollywood, and DC. Don't see enough of that, though.

17022111? ago

Will that beaner faggot Jorge Ramos survive Maduro's death camp?

Trump curse?

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos and members of his team have been detained in Caracas, Venezuela after disputed President Nicolas Maduro "didn't like the questions" they were asking during an interview, the network tweeted Monday night.

Ramos and other crewmembers from Univision were "arbitrarily detained at the Miraflores Palace," officials wrote online. It was not immediately clear how many others were detained with Ramos.

In addition to their detainment, the team's technical equipment was confiscated, according to the network.

The State Department confirmed on Twitter that Ramos and his team "are being held against their will at Miraflores Palace by Nicolas Maduro," and urged him to immediately release them.


17022114? ago

They already freed that faggot spic. Too bad I was hoping they'd Khashoggi him.

17021149? ago

i cant get onto the daily stormer. i know they are shills, but i wanna see what they are up to. did firefox ban them? or do they ban vpn ip ranges? how do you guys get on there?

17045245? ago

bump for this question to be answered thanks

17046039? ago

search term + onion

17263145? ago

thanks. sure takes awhile to load

17021148? ago

How do I kill someone and get away with it?

17021160? ago

not sure, but apparently 40% of american murders are unsolved so there has got to be a way. probably watch out for: surveillance, witnesses, dna, anything you leave behind (footprints, tire marks etc)

17021147? ago

Is anybody willing to edificate me about how our currency works? I don't think I have a very good understanding of it because so far to me it sounds like the least jewish things the jews have ever done. To my knowledge, whenever somebody takes a loan, the bank just gets to type numbers into the persons bank account. Money literally just pops into existence. If it was just this I wouldn't call it backing the currency since the money isn't necessarily tied to the debt, its not like the money just stops existing when the debt is paid or you can somehow exchange debt for money or exchange money for debt like you could on the gold standard.

But somewhere in the law its stated that creditors aren't legally allowed to collect on debts unless they accept the U.S. dollar as one of the things the debtor is allowed to pay the creditor back with. So you have this currency that's constantly inflating and its required by law that loans that were made to be paid back with a certain amount of money can be paid back with money thats less valuable the next year. Its like a recipe for discouraging jews from loaning out money. I still have no clue what mechanism there is to actually enforce this second thing, but apparently money also pops back out of existence again when a debt is paid so there's a mechanism for deflation.

17020059? ago

Wtf, the 5G thread was deleted at 137 posts >>12850260

17022122? ago

Bizarre. That was an interesting thread, which made the deletion by the faggot mod quite disappointing.

17025121? ago

Yeah, I forgot to ChanThreadWatch it.

17020058? ago

Is it okay to feel pain for not knowing your race?

17017060? ago

How do you find a hot based white girl that will accept your selective breeding ideas about race and that women should stay at home and raise the children and that jews are behind everything? I also live in the UK so here litterally every hot white girls starts drinking and fucking at the age of 12 so they're dumb as shit and also super closed to strangers so they won't give you their number or even talk to you in public (this isn't the US), only if you go to the club, where if they're open to you if you're handsome they'll only want your dick, and if you do find a smart one who doesn't drink and is hot, then she's usually a fully fledged marxist who is too stubborn to listen to anything you have to say. So how do you find these creatures?? Also no fucking weird fetishes if she's based, just normal but aware of the jews and is willing to have many kids and be traditional

17021151? ago

a. it doesn matter what females think about politics. they will adopt yours if you fuck them good enough

b. lift weights eat clean and get swoll. do mma. this will help you attract them and survive the muslims over there.

c. maybe get into the manosphere stuff. they can teach game.

thats all ive got dude

17017063? ago

Pretty or ugly, I seriously doubt you'll find a britbongette who isn't a raging alcoholic.

17018056? ago

Generation FAS: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

17018999? ago

I can find statistics on the cost of crime to the US or other nations fairly easily. But do we have any statistics on the cost of crime specifically BY RACE? I want to show people that not only is interracial crime a cost to them, but that the existence of crime WITHIN non-white races is still a cost to them. Thanks.


the black cauldron


Eisner was already in charge by then. "When You Wish Upon a Star" and "A Dream is a Wish the Heart Makes" are songs written by jews EXPLICITLY about Talmudic law, anon.

“We have spoiled the blood of all races. Everything has become judaized today. We have eaten ourselves into the peoples, vitiated, tarnished the races, broken their power, made everything rotten, foul, and decayed with our stagnant culture.” ~ ✡Kurt Münzer✡; Der Weg nach Zion; 1907; quoted in Asmuß: Republik Ohne Chance?

17019002? ago


What the fuck?! How the hell did that happen? I just copied TEXT.

17017062? ago

You don't "find," idiot. You mould.

17016030? ago

I'm 1/7th of the way through Mein Kampf, and it's the hardest red pill I have ever experienced so far. I'm in tears right now because I never knew the astonishing genius of the man. He was right. We are careening headlong into the disaster of Social Democracy that he so perceptibly identified and rallied against. I feel inspired, but impotent against the raging imbecility and relentlessness of the daft multitude that constitutes US society. He was right. Lord help us.

17013867? ago

Can someone help me find a post. It has been posted here many times (not a kekchan or 8ch cap). I haven't seen it in a while and regret not saving it. Basically the post (or picture) talks about feminism, femen, why they are treated the way they are in Russia and also mentions the LGBT movement/agenda.

17013866? ago

OK /pol/, I need some advice on this dilemma. I have been thinking of joining the Coast Guard on and off for two years now. Initially, I wanted to join because it seemed like the skills and experience I would gain in my time there would be priceless. On the otherhand, I was redpilled six months ago on how fucked up our government is. I'm 25 and still living with my parents, so I need to start making moves as to what I'm going to do to support myself because living with my folks is becoming a drain. Just recently I began planning to move to the Pacific Northwest and start preparing for SHTF, but I can't shake this thought that some kind of military service will help me in the long run. Do any of you anons think joining will be worth it?

17021155? ago

i chose to never join because i didnt want to contribute to that shit. however, now i kind of wish i was a cop. not because i respect them, fuck no. but because i want a legal means of hurting people, and might get the chance to kill a nigger or mexican.

17036040? ago


17030468? ago

Thanks for the input anon.

17013858? ago

So AOC told her Lib followers on stream that they shouldn't reproduce due to "Muh Climate change."

Is this unintentionally based?

17013860? ago

someone does stupid thing that ends up benefitting us temporarily

thing expands and hurts us in the end

Thanks for at least keeping your faggotry within a dedicated thread.

17013863? ago

Although I respect your double dubs and have checked them, her advice is not respected outside her tard following.

Much like abortion, it mostly only affects the enemy.

17012789? ago

/r/ Evola reading guide (a big flowchart I've seen several times)

and a general list of (most essential) books to read for a fascist.

Right now only got Mein Kampf, and want to also read a bit of Solzhenitsyn, those books that Peterstein never talks about. If there's a guide for Solzhenitsyn, would take that as well.

Other than that, would appreciate fascist philosophy, fascist esoterics, fascist self-improvement, etc. I want to think more like a fascist.

I also have an urge to write a book, two even - maybe reading more would help me with this.

17012793? ago

Nvm, found it (on plebbit, no less).

Will start from, in order:

Mein Kampf

The Lightning and The Sun

The Mysteries of Graal

Cheers, faggots.

17011728? ago

How can we spread all the evidence that the jews/historians/media are not trustworthy?

Someone here came up with the idea of dropping redpills on Twitter using trending hashtags, did it work?

17009800? ago

I applied for McDonald's a week ago in my area as they were hiring and I have just received news that I did not make "the vigorous selections" from the email I received, I'm now starting to really become doomer status, this was not my first job application, I have already applied for 100, maybe even 200 by now in the last 6 months, what should I do?

17010758? ago

Try putting on black face paint next time.

also don't speak like you ever stepped foot in an English class IE wear girl jeans, loose all your muscles, take like five caffine pills then mumble with a rhythm – the only coherant words should be kell yti, ay, bitch, gibs, GIBS, AIR JORDANS and ball iz life.

17010759? ago

and if they cringe or say wtf start chimping out and say THATS RACIST

17010756? ago

You weren't illegal enough. Try being short, ugly, and brown, and speak only taco gibberish next time.

17011735? ago

I'm litterally the opposite unfortunately, 6ft 2, white as ice and have the jaw of a demi god, and I also workout, but even with all this bettering my self crap I still can't get a girl or a job FML

17081856? ago

Jobs are to hold you down anon. It's a vicious cycle, they lure you in because you "need" money, and make you work yourself to the bone, and by the time you break, you have barely enough money to cover medical expenses, thus repeating the cycle until you die.

May in your grandpappys day you could have had a reasonable expectation for work and success, but they sucked that dry, gave it away, and swiped it right out from under you.

Seek not dollars, but instead glory.

17011743? ago

move then

17011740? ago

Have you tried not being a faggot and giving the Roman Salute in public?

17009795? ago

New audiobooks


I suggest to mass download with JDownloader 2

17004901? ago

If I melt some of the ice cream my mom keeps buying, and drink it with a straw, would it be a milkshake? Or is there something different that goes into making a milkshake?

17081860? ago

There is, ice cream = milk + churn

ice cream + churn² or

milkshake = milk + churn³

hope this helped

17005504? ago

I don't know, but rumor has it that it WILL bring all the boys to the yard.

17003361? ago

I want learn a solid foundation in economics to fully understand NS economic policy, why books do you all recommend?

17003358? ago

Hey Gents need some advise,

My sister has opened up and want me to give her some resources on how to improve her life.

Our father lost his marbles and so we were raised by a single mother. Because of this my sis is a dime a dozen modernist teen girl "spiritualist" (aka smokes too much fucking dope). She hasn't gone to school in 2 years since she got ulcerative colitis.

She has serious anxiety issues, and hangs out with a bunch of degenerates.

I've gotten through to her that she is fucked and needs to change. She is willing to take some advice.

I've given here the basic Moderninity=Suffering idea but idk how to deliver more to someone like her.

What would you all recommend as some books/programs/role models for one like this?

I handed her a copy of Epicurus' writings and told her to jump in ice water and Wim Hoff her way to better control of her anxiety. That was too heavy handed, so I need advise on how to start her off.

17009796? ago

tell her to blow her brains out, we don't need anymore stupid degenerate whores in this world, she's a lost cause

17009798? ago

Exactly. You don't just GET ulcerative colitis. You get it from butt fucking.

17002466? ago


The Blackpill autist is from /b/ because /b/ is the only board on 8chan that does not get blackpilling at all despite the fact that /b/ is as active as all of the other top boards on 8chan and he's also might be a 4chan crossposter & he does his same samefagging over there as well (Source: https://boards.fireden.net/v/thread/449352838/#449369743 ) In short, you can thank Dysnomia for ruining 8chan even further than it's already is at the moment with his poor moderation on /b/.

Pic unrelated

17002464? ago

Could they be kin?

17002459? ago

Request: What are some resources to avoiding and dealing with people who try to control you, and others in say, an office environment?

I feel like I have a problem with being manipulated by other people, I want to change this aspect of me.

I've found quite a few books on the opposite, I know their tactics, what I want is information on how to protect myself from them, how to keep myself from being an enabler, and to keep my balls where they belong so to speak.

17011726? ago

You don't need to read books on not being controlled. What you need to do is lose the fear over losing your job. I'm aware you can't blatantly say whatever is on your mind and that current job. They're used to you being a pushover. Find another one and just fucking blurt out whatever you're thinking. I've done that since I started mine three years ago. They expect it from me now.

17011738? ago

find another job

Easier said than done. I want information on how to defend myself from control tactics, because 90% of the information I get from the other side of the coin is basically a handbook on how to be an abusive cunt.

16997450? ago

Hello anons, i'm looking for some good lesser known jew tube channels with /pol/ related content so I can download all their their videos and watch them in the future, all contributions are welcomed, thanks.

16995289? ago

If you truly want to make the world a better place and to remove the jew from power start reading books and get off the internet, the internet and pol itself is a waste of time in most case where you won't learn anything worthy, get off the internet and read books, specifically about world problems, JQ related books, ideologies(good or bad), how to do certain tasks and to learn new skills, otherwise you won't learn nothing from looking over this god for shaken image board and with the large majority of the internet as well, also workout, and do sports, without a healthy body your mind cannot thrive and vice versa, once you have reached a certain level of knowledge from reading books then start doing something that you will find that will help our struggle against (((them))),

I bid you farewell and a blessing on your journey fellow ones

16988086? ago

Can anybody ITT explain to me why Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand all became supportive of gun control? I theorize that the gun control meme only became a thing in New York City in the 1900's or 1910's, which gained a lot of support form "American" Jewish communities. Why do they suddenly think that they invented the idea? Why do they suddenly think that pro-gun=an "American obsession"? They're not even commies, they're all just soulless liberals who live in major cities.

16991724? ago

They didn’t become in support of it. You’re being lied to by the media. Australia allowed the purchase of heavy machine guns and tanks up to the 1990s as long as you did the paperwork. It had the second strongest gun culture in human history until the Port Arthur false flag. Australia’s militia was twice the size of the military, had integrated information channels with them, and could carry out operations without the Canberra government knowing about it. That’s what the kikes and communists in the government were so terrified about, and it’s why they gutted the military to sever the connections and faked the gun violence to steal the guns.


Now that’s a statement which needs some direct proof. Do we have a Congressional voting history for white women? Not white women IN Congress, but rather white women voting for the congressmen in the first place, who subsequently introduced gun control bills.

16991718? ago

"gun control", which is kikespeak for freedom control, is a Jewish invention that succeeded by stroking fears in white women.

16985166? ago

Does /pol/ know about Know More News, and can anyone tell me if this guy is a shill?

17002462? ago

Different from knowmore.org which was a good idea but fizzed out. B.Dolan made it.

16987293? ago

if this guy is a shill?

What's that even supposed to mean? Speak English and in full sentences fucko.

He does reporting on jewry's actions, is pretty much what I'd say.

16985859? ago

White. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Puts himself at risk on YouTube all the time and isn't even an anti-NS cuck like Ryan Dawson. Has let out truth about Trump and Infowars as Zionist cocksuckers. Anyone who calls this man a shill is likely to say "glow in the dark" or "CIA". Those are typical hasbarat tactics.


Here's chapter 13. I downloaded the whole series awhile back.


16986921? ago

anti-NS cuck like Ryan Dawson.

I really don't understand why he exists. He keeps calling Zionist kikes as "not real Jews" and are supposedly "racist White European colonialists." He's indirectly blaming Whites for what kikes are doing. Going so far as to say Zionist kikes are "the real anti-Semies." I'm not buying the idea that he's a lolbergtarian, he's more of an "anti-Zionist" but not anti-kike, definitely anti-White commie. Even then, even commies are pro-gun at times. He once flat out said that (((false flag))) mass shootings is a part of "racist White culture." Why is he even affiliated with TRS, again?

16994136? ago

He posted an anti-Hitler video once, and that was taken down because he accidentally named jews. This was before his entire channel was banned yet again. The other anon is right. Dawson's a part-white anti-white mongrel. His mind is in conflict from being mixed. You see this in Mexicans all the time. (I know he's part Native American) When a lot of beaners have one white parent, most of their men tend to hate us. Their poor women flirt with a dependent white man and their successful women despise us. He refuses to look into certain actual false flag events, and keeps saying not to blame jews while he blames Zionists.

Why is he even affiliated with TRS, again?

You mean with Michael Enoch Isaac Peinovich who admitted he's a jew and Musonius Rufus, host of Rebel Yell, admitted to being a freemason for 15 years? Does not surprise me.

17002468? ago

Is Musonius Rufus' real name known?

17011731? ago

I'm not sure. A whois on the registrant address of identitydixie.com and then searching that address comes up with a Mark "Marty" Rathbun. That might be him.


Simply tell them that jews hold a worldwide hegemony of television and social media. And gradually redpill people on all of their historical evils.

17078080? ago

I'm not sure. A whois on the registrant address of identitydixie.com and then searching that address comes up with a Mark "Marty" Rathbun. That might be him.

Thanks. Do you have any info on "Southern Dingo"? I think he's the guy in the very center of this photograph wearing the white gas mask, but I'm not sure.

17011736? ago

The problem is not what i tell, it's how i do it. Sometimes it only takes a couple of easy to read files.

We need a way to reach the largest amount people (i.e. make them face all the coincidences and lack of documentation of the holocaust narrative and they can think by themselves)

16997453? ago

I'm not actually Jewish, the reason why my surname is Peinovich is because I took my Jewish wifes last name.

17001546? ago

Doubt this is Mike Enoch, but I thought I would have to transcribe the fucking video. I had to do that with Richard Spencer to an alt-right cuck after all.

Mike Enoch's own words in this video >>12846171

"But in terms of who would be part of this movement, I would say yeah, like you know, it's gotta be white people and really jews should be excluded and and if you're gonna let in a a mixed a mixed jewish person, they really have to have done something to earn that. You know, and I think that in my case I did."

"You know, I used the word jude in that kind of context basically my whole life. And even amongst other jews I use the word jew that way."

Interviewer: "One of the issues that was brought up is we've had people who've been removed from the forums because they were jewish apart from jewish ancestry, who had renounced their ancestry in the past. I mean, that's something that's been brought up on the show before. And that's an obvious conflict. I mean is that something that can be addressed?"

Mike Enoch: "Um. I didn't, I absolutely have never heard that before? Um. I think that in in these in cases like this it's really you gotta you gotta just you know. I mean there's an absolute purist answer just like, they're simply not allowed; in which case I have to go?"

jew confirmed by his own words

16997454? ago

You couldn’t be any more of a cuckold if you tried.

16994138? ago


So why keep promoting it?

16994141? ago

Your first sentence is obviously stupidly false.

17078076? ago

Your first sentence is obviously stupidly false.

You sure about that, Nazi Jew boy?

16991726? ago

He's a resentful mongrel; irrelevant to me.

16985168? ago

Make up your own mind. I suggest watching his immigration agenda video, it's short and good. also the hour long jewish rap industry video is good.

he names the jew constantly, but doesn't talk about the holohoax. a youtube viewer told me he doesn't believe in it, he just can't talk about it

16983621? ago

What happened to the Patrick Little thread?

Why was the Patrick Little thread deleted?

16985165? ago

Because he attracts attention and jew mods shut him down.

17061651? ago

It’s because he’s an informant just like Chris Cantwell.

17064870? ago

thezog.info is amerimutt Moarpheus confirmed

It makes sense. Who knew spics genes stops you from naming the Jew. You instead go to the "It's the Jews it's the X's and the Y's." route. Pathetic.

16984414? ago

  1. Wrong thread.

  2. No one cares.

16982856? ago

What's the story with chapter 13 of the "Greatest Story never told"?


It won't play. Did it get Jewed?

16982855? ago

I just finished Industrial Society and Its Future: The Unabomber Manifesto. What Ted K book do you recommend I read next?

17003359? ago

I suggest reading them in the order they were published, His ideas evolve with time and are best in a time linear way.

Break it up with other books.


If a job was easy it wouldn't be a job.

It can be easy to you in particular if you enjoy it and find meaning in it. So really you need to look at what you find meaning, and then do that.

16981967? ago

Does anyone have that /pol/ related video with "forever young" playing in the background?

16979959? ago

any anon have the /nsg/ white genocide videos?

16979954? ago

I remember seeing a quote by Rockefeller (or someone of a similar statute) saying that it's not worth trading in stocks unless you've got insider info. Anybody got sauce on this?

Req 2: all documents pertaining to the destabilization of the middle east and the build-up to the invasion of Iran, Yinon plan, stepping stones etc. Need it for redpilling a couple of friends.

16977910? ago

https:// www.amazon.com/dp/B01LZI6WP6/

16976861? ago


16980992? ago

The link is missing "course". It leads to nothing.

16981966? ago

Yeah another anon pointed that out when he improved upon it. I'll put a reply to my OP as well.




16979961? ago

If only this was still online


I wonder how it could be duplicated. ^

16979955? ago

Great, but I would slice it into three parts (with the link included of course) and rotate the text to landscape so I could use a much larger font on one A4 paper.

16979963? ago

Good ideas ty.


That's fantastic, not to mention that the URL is correct.

16976865? ago

Sorry for large file size, sideways orientation, and phonefagging. Obviously this is in WordPad. Font is Calibri, sizes 12, 14, and 18 all bold.

16976864? ago

Rather long, but good. People will have to stop to read it, and a lot of normalfags won't. I personally do, but I'm not a normalfag

16976866? ago

Thanks. I should say it was inspired by two anons, a submitted poster in pdf format that subtly names them line by line

They control this

They do this

And ends with

Oy Vey

It's not holohoax specific and that shit is brilliant but I can't find it, and in another cap, it's a long copypasta from which I got all the points. I wanted to break it into bite sized normalfag friendly pieces, with the simple logic/almond activating pieces at the top. I might remove all quotations to remove any percieved emotionality, even though I'm just highlighting the official names for the things.

16969725? ago

There was a cartoon on jewtube a few yrs back that told the story of WWI & WWII. It had personifications of USA, UK, Germany, Russia, and jews. Basically, the sneaky little jew did some shit, pissed off Germany, who kicked his ass, then got beat up by the others. Then the sneaky jew did some more shit, so Germany got pissed again, got swole, turned into NSDAP Germany, and started kicking the jews ass and fighting with everybody else. But in the end, they all ganged up on him barfight style and beat his ass again. Then the crafty jew started cackling and a bunch of unibrow arabs and niggers started showing up and mixing together into a big black pool of filth, at which point some monkey looking thing finally crushes the jew and goes about picking his nose or something.

Anybody have a copy?

16979007? ago

"The History of Multiculturalism" is the title.

17079181? ago

The History of Multiculturalism

That's the one! Thank you, kind torfag.

16969224? ago

Why can't leftists and marxists see that supporting open borders and mass immigration from the third world will only lead to giving (((corporations))) even more power because of cheap labor? Is it for more voters or is it just another case of "muh poor and oppressed people of color!!!" rigamarole? Are they against (((corporations))) or is it just a big fat lie based on identity politics and virtue signalling?

Also I barely hear any of them say the surname "(((Rothschild)))" or "Rockefeller". They just call all of them as (((capitalists))), as if it means something else. As if (((they))) are all white, in other words. I swear to G-d their worldview is like a completely warped and Bizarro version of National Socialism, only this time they can only get things right for all the wrong reasons. When they are against the police, it's only because of "muh poor and oppressed black monkeys people!!! fuck those white pigs!!!". They're basically the "Death to Whites!" political group at this point.

16966745? ago

Does anyone have a quick source for the known total of child kidnapping, rape, and molestation across the UK entirely? Not just Rotherham. And maybe for any of the other European nations that we know? Thanks.

16966743? ago

Was the initial spate of layoffs in the news media that tried to have the Covington boys' families murdered and raped just isolated to them because of the several billion dollars in lawsuits that they will reap from it, or is (((journailism))) dying, being replace by )))Anons((( with camera phones?

16952990? ago

Is there an archive site similar to 4plebs for this /pol/?

16970482? ago


16970480? ago


16947020? ago

Here's my story, /pol/:

I used to be a Marxist myself. I stopped following the minute I realized they don't even want to help out the White working class. I saw them with my own eyes, in fact not a single one of them were like the people the leftists and commies love to romanticize about, not even most of the "minorities" were close to their descriptions. Not a lot of them were feminist, or gay, or a tranny, or supporting of open borders. Right now, it was pretty funny to me how much those niggers kept saying "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, nigga." At first, I considered the White working class as "bigoted, racist, and not oppressed" compared to the "people of color." However, there was this one incident that completely changed my view on them, it was when I saw one of the poorer parts of California (yes, California) and the northern parts of the US. It looked almost exactly like a Third World province, only this time most of them were actually White, most of the shitskins I've seen on Commiefornia are either "rich" on university and welfare gibs, living in incredibly small ghettos, or just straight up Silicone Valley residents. The only White ones I knew that weren't part of the working class there are actually leftists and commies themselves. After all that, none of my "comrades" believed me. They don't think they exist because of "muh White privilege." That was the last straw for me. Not to mention that the other half of them were unemployed. They either don't even want to work or want to spend most of their "work" on creating blogposts about some "Nazis" 'attacking' them on the street along with the "oppressed" dindu nuffin shitskins. It was such a wild ride breaking the conditioning, huh? Also you could say (((capitalism))) is the sole reason why (((communism))) exists in the West now. "Us vs. Them" is a Jewish game. It's babby's first redpill material. It's such a shame they don't realize it. Then again, how could they?

Here's my analysis on my former affiliation with them:

What I'm going to talk about here right now is by far the slimiest and most disgusting behavior of the left and commies. It's when certain individuals agree with them on certain issues but then the former would despise these said individuals just because they don't agree with their social ideas or something else that they love and believe. For example, Pat Buchanan is a paleoconservative, therefore he is more conservative than your average GOP candidate. In the eyes of all leftists and commies, they are all "Nazis/fascists" in one way or another. It doesn't matter that Pat Buchanan is anti-ZOG war, anti-ZOG interventionist, and not to mention he opposes Israel, and hates neocons about as much as leftists and commies do, and maybe even more. All because he isn't 100% on their side, he gets lumped in with the people he hates (neocons), and it all leads back to calling all of them "Nazis/fascists." Honestly, they just call anyone born White as "Nazis/fascists." What kind of argument is that? Jewish pilpul? Do they expect everyone to be like them? Does it really have to matter to leftists and commies that Pat Buchanan doesn't approve their love for feminism, homosexuality, open borders, and en masse Third World immigration? He's even been against US military presence in other countries. What's so wrong with him, leftists/commies?

16982849? ago

I'm glad you pulled your self out anon, may you continue your adventures in being redpilled and redpilling the normalfags.

16938554? ago

Source of pic?

16937533? ago

Did the mkultra thread get deleted?

Was is tavistock or gate that triggered it?

16937531? ago

We're being raided again. It's strange how that happens each and every time there is an event, in this case, the national emergency and the alleged terrorist attack caught just in time by the feds.

All oldfags and people who are lovers of truth, knowledge and wisdom need to know what's going to be done about this nonsense.

16936443? ago

Posted in /sig/

Are there any decent easy jobs for an autist? One where I work alone, all of these jobs require skillsets which I don't have.

16934205? ago


16982852? ago

dead irrelevant board tries to create dnc

"whites aren't white1!!1!"

can't even into genetics

/leftypol/ and /tv/ are literally the same, change my mind

16985857? ago

/leftypol/ and /tv/ are literally the same, change my mind

Not just /tv/, my dear anon. Cuckchan as a whole and every other board here expect /k/ is practically /leftypol/ territory now. This was the only way they could have "spread their influence." In reality, they are just simply stroking each other's highly inflated egos. They are actually incapable of winning the hearts of anyone sane in this world, the only followers they can recruit are among the most weak-minded and pathetic individuals in a community. Most of which are shitskins who feel entitled that the White man owes them everything. From "muh colonialism" to "muh White privilege."

16947021? ago

implying Mediterraneans were not Aryans


Why do cuckchanners love making these low energy "shitposts"? Why do they have this somewhat odd fascination of "imma le ebin trolling dose ebil gnatzees!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1 take dat sdormnoggers :DDDD"? I know cuckchan is /leftypol/ territory now, but still. In all seriousness, isn't /tv/ an unironic board were people pretend to hate on Hymiewood movies? Why does /leftypol/ exist in the first place?

16966744? ago

Why does /leftypol/ exist in the first place?

Same reason this exists. Collect names, addreses, and dox info via recording the IP's of everyone involved.

Just make sure you're on the Right side of the law when we finally get tired of being told anal rape of infants is cool by the (((media)))

16934204? ago

why is hitler so hated?

16934203? ago

I always wondered why most of the footage from the 1930s is so heavily compressed. Good cameras were available at the time, there is not reason for there not to be high quality film. Is there anywere were I can find uncompressed video from that time?

16935382? ago

You could contact https://gab.ai/TheImpartialTruth who uses material from that time often.

16932972? ago

Anyone have info on that mexican priest accused by his daughter of pedophilia and rape tied to Hillary? He was on oprah. What the fuck. It is scrubbed from the internet.

16931782? ago

dunno where else to post this but spread it like wildfire niggers

16961115? ago




Come on, anon. That is an attack on my people. Call it "servitude". Or, if you are burger, "Bantuery", so as to bring attention to the hurtfulness of the word "slave" to the African people. Why is it called after the victim and not the criminal ? Should it be called jewry ? That isn't clear enough and includes other things, too, maybe.

16963286? ago

thinking "Slav" has any relation to "slave"

imagine being this ignorant


долбоёб неадекватный

16966101? ago

Congratulations….now you have an alternative theory for the etymology of the word. I still prefer the Slav->Slave evolution simply for its propaganda value.

16931784? ago

It's shit because it promotes the jewish definition of the word Socialism instead of the real definition as stated by Adolf Hitler.

16932969? ago

you mean the gubmint taking your money through taxes, thus forcing you to effectively work for the government?

16925511? ago

Does anyone know about the softcore pedophile ring on jewtube? Near the end of the video especially there is a number of pizza ads on these videos of kids dancing in underwear. Is this a (((coincidence)))?

16928014? ago

This made it into the media recently, I didnt bother reading it because Im just tired of all the secret pedo stories, Im fine if theyre all killed, not much else I can do about it. Anyways, it was on my phones media aggregation, which means lots of people saw it.

16926162? ago

Yeah, we all know.

Unrelated: Does /pol/ know Nanking never happened?

16928011? ago

It was exaggerated but it still happened. One interesting point is how its claimed some 30k people were raped but over 100k killed, yet its the rape of nanking and not the nanking massacre.

Anyways, I dont have the quote but a German man wrote in his diaries about it, a National Socialist. He remarked he wondered how Hitler expected the Japanese to be seen as equals when they resort to the lowest forms of barbarity.

Im not saying I have a problem with barbarity myself, but facts are facts and that mans word is more reliable to me than any other evidence provided. As I said, Im sure the numbers are overblown. 1k, not 30k sort of thing.

16920692? ago

Two questions:

  1. Do we have stats on the global white population over time, and/or the rate of change in white births over time, and/or the change in percentage of global population represented by whites over time?

  2. What is the most efficient way to refute someone who claims that white genocide isn't happening due to the white population still increasing?

16924643? ago

What is the most efficient way to refute someone who claims that white genocide isn't happening

This is making too many jumps. Just get them to question why commercials about innocuous products need to include black male/ white female miscegenation. Get them to ask why their movies and news is so shit.

16939611? ago

Ah, but I've covered all of those already. I'm just having trouble with "it's not happening because the population is increasing," which is why I need hard stats on rate of change in birthrates.

16920690? ago

16919535? ago

Nazi Chic: A Racist Trend Across Asia

A disturbing Neo-Nazi culture in East Asia, Indonesia and Thailand is being swept under the rug

By Kenny Anthony

The outright disrespect for Black people exists in all forms of Asian media with no restrictions. A company by the name of Shanghai Leishang Cosmetics, made an openly anti-Black commercial which caused controversy on social media.

In short, the commercial featured a Chinese woman being approached by a Black man attempting to take her out on a date. The woman then threw the Black man into a washing-machine, and once she felt like he was “clean”, she took him out and he transformed into an Asian man. Another example of blatant anti-Blackness in East Asia would be the anti-Obama piece written by the Korean Central News Agency. Here’s a statement from the report: “It would be perfect for Obama to live with a group of monkeys in the world’s largest African natural zoo and lick for bread crumb thrown by spectators”.


16919537? ago

Baste Chinks are just being like 2016 Trump.

"PC is killing our country"

Like"build a wall",

"10ft higher",

"Saudis probably behind 9/11",

"America First",

"moratorium on muslim immigration",

"9/11 happened on Bush's watch",

"pro-births tax plan",

"end NAFTA",

"cut legal immigration"

But instead we got:













16919532? ago

Nazi Chic: A Racist Trend Across Asia

A disturbing Neo-Nazi culture in East Asia, Indonesia and Thailand is being swept under the rug

By Kenny Anthony

The outright disrespect for Black people exists in all forms of Asian media with no restrictions. A company by the name of Shanghai Leishang Cosmetics, made an openly anti-Black commercial which caused controversy on social media.

In short, the commercial featured a Chinese woman being approached by a Black man attempting to take her out on a date. The woman then threw the Black man into a washing-machine, and once she felt like he was “clean”, she took him out and he transformed into an Asian man. Another example of blatant anti-Blackness in East Asia would be the anti-Obama piece written by the Korean Central News Agency. Here’s a statement from the report: “It would be perfect for Obama to live with a group of monkeys in the world’s largest African natural zoo and lick for bread crumb thrown by spectators”.


16918426? ago

B U I L D I N G T H E W A L L !
















16918424? ago

Requesting one of those Bush era scaremongering conspiracy videos that lists all the executive orders he passed pertaining to a state of emergency and all the powers given to the president under one (which Trump is NOT using against beaners)

Some that comes to mind are the ability to shut down all the media, the internet, organized forced work brigades, forcefully inject people with drugs etc etc

16918427? ago

Bush Jr btw. I guess that pic was a bit confusing.

16918418? ago

Why is this shitty board still shilling for Trump >for free?

Hes a fucking braindead Zionist that hasnt done anything worthwhile but turn regular run of the mill conservative people into free opposition. Not only that but his kike son-in-law targeted imageboards heavily during elections to meme him into presidency. He`s also literally dumber and lazier than the nigger past him.

There is NO political solution. There is no politician that will ever help the fight against the Modern World. Not even Hitler could do it, what makes anyone think that John Random and Brad Whatever are going to?

The only way to survive is to Ride the Tiger, disconnect from the matrix and live a trad life, outside of urban areas. Whoever stays, stays, getting rid of inferior genes is always positive, all races included. And soon, non-whites wont be able to survive Skadis cold embrace.

Leave roasties and cucks with their polluted cities, stressful jobs and estrogen-filled foodstuff behind. Make your own story, your own family, your own household. Dont vote, take as much money from handouts as possible, pay as little taxes you can. No billionaire will be the savior of MY race for as long as I life. I dont want them.

16918422? ago

We're not, dumbass. They're paid to post here.

16918425? ago

Ok, thanks

16915004? ago

I’m quite curious about this. Back in, say, the 1910s or 1800s, the terms “Democrat” and “Republican” meant something completely different than what they do today. Not only were they different, but they were polar opposites to what they are now. But not only were they just opposite, but the Democratic Party was more friendly to white voters than today’s GOP, and unlike the GOP, it wasn’t controlled by neocon Jews like Sheldon Adelson, Bill Kristol, Ben Shapiro or Paul Wolfowitz.

This didn’t really change until around the 1960s or 80s. Does anyone know the reason for this? I’ve looked everywhere, and I still haven’t found an answer for why this is.

inb4 “Democrats are the real racists”

16915008? ago

in before the thing I have literally just said

That's not how it works.

Not only were they different, but they were polar opposites to what they are now.

In after "Republicans are the real racists!" NEITHER OF THEM ARE RACIST. THEY'RE BOTH COMMUNIST PARTIES.

Does anyone know the reason for this?


I’ve looked everywhere

Except here, apparently. Jews killed Kennedy and took over both political parties thereafter. The US government has been openly hostile to white people since then.

16916047? ago

Thanks for the non-answer, fag.

in before the thing I have literally just said

That's not how it works.

Hurr durr, what are the Democrats of today, anon? That term exists for a reason, and it’s used to refer to reactionary civic nationalist boomers who use the term “Democrat” outside of it’s historical context.

In after "Republicans are the real racists!" .

What the fuck are you trying to say? That today’s Republicans are the “real racists” or that the GOP of aeons past were the “real racists”? Because if so, then neither is true.


Yeah, today they are. But prior to the 1960s/80s that wasn’t so.

Except here, apparently. Jews killed Kennedy and took over both political parties thereafter. The US government has been openly hostile to white people since then.

This part is true.

16916048? ago

what are the Democrats of today

Communists. So are the Republicans.

This part is true.

Then what was the question? You already knew the answer. The trotskyite neoconservatives from the New York Intellectuals "left the party" (to much ✡media✡ fanfare) and "went right", erasing all pro-white support in the US.


16915001? ago

How small is considered too small to join the US Army?

Am 25

5ft 8in

Average about 112lbs on a rainy day

Only drink on the weekends

No drugs since the 8th grade

No prescriptions

Broke my left foot in the 5th grade

16917222? ago

Bump for question

16915002? ago

Women have no place in the armed forces. There’s no reason for you to want to go die for Israel, anyway, unless you don’t belong here.

16917231? ago

Imagine being this delusional in thinking that chicks post here

16917234? ago

Imagine being wrong.

16912605? ago


16912604? ago



16903094? ago

Is korea actually collapsing

16906554? ago

It was destroyed 60 years ago.


They ban you instantly. They're literally a brainwashed cult. Don't bother.

16908808? ago

Don't bother.

Well, I went into their general last night, was dropping some basic anti-Israel stuff (muh 38 billion shekels, muh Palestine) and had a surprising number of people agreeing with me and posting anti-kike memes.

16903093? ago

Is /qresearch/ worth trolling?

16902734? ago

16902362? ago

(((Nick Sandmann))) suing Washington post for 250Million dollars, lol this is classic jew tactics in making money, all of this was orchestrated and this is now this kike's reward for creating a false narrative

16902360? ago

16900787? ago

It seems to me that a number of threads on this board is focused around the latest political news. It's notoriously easy to shill and spam news threads with false pre-prepared narratives, and it drives off actual discussion threads and infodigging threads. Not to mention the energy involved in refuting every tiny little lie that comes out of the news these days. That energy could be better spent somewhere else.

16896672? ago

anyone got the graph with the percentage of inventions/contribution by race? Also I'd like to know the source.

16897676? ago

I think you're misremembering, but at any rate I have these. The book is called Human Accomplishment, written by one of the authors of The Bell Curve.

16898932? ago

16897677? ago

thank you a thousand times

16888490? ago

I'm not sure who's Jewing who now.

Trump Admin tries to legalize OPs in non-White countries. This will lower their birthrate and spread AIDS among the non-Whites.

Not sure if want.


16889734? ago

The Swamp finally swallowed him whole. Let's get started on what comes after Trump. Tulsi seems like our best bet to expose the jews.

16893071? ago

oy vey goyim keep voting

it has never worked, ever

but keep doing it

oy vey there is totally a peaceful solution

16893074? ago

I'm not sure there is a single violent solution either.

Can you name ONE action that would spark an actual war and not just police sent after a handful of dumbasses?

People shoot blacks and Jews all the time. Has that worked as anything but a campaign commercial against you?

16893075? ago

Of course. We attack Western infrastructure. Specifically, the power grid. We can take it out for weeks at a time with ZERO coordination (so we don’t get pipped) and with ZERO chance of being caught (because they cannot possibly monitor all major power stations). The point is twofold:

  1. After more than a day of lost power, nonwhites will begin chimpouts.

  2. The longer the power is out, the more economic damage is done. If it’s out for a few weeks in even a handful of major cities, that can affect the whole nation’s economy. The end-goal is to force an economic crash on our terms, rather than the artificial crash they want for the Fed. That’s the safest way to fight back and the one with the least chance of getting caught. Keep it up across most cities over this summer and the recession (which never ended) will turn into a depression. Oh, and you know those million volt lines criss-crossing the nation? Boy, they have tiny little legs. It’d be a shame if multiple towers on a single line happened to topple over…

16896669? ago


16886120? ago

What are some good news sources that /pol/ uses?

Sources that aren't jewed/controlled opposition.

Does such a thing even exist?

16888488? ago

I suppose its a news site, but its also more.


16886122? ago

Does such a thing even exist?

Yes and no. It is difficult to prove the validity of such sources to normalfags. As for your own research, remember, one can determine quite a bit from a liar if one knows they are a liar.

16883832? ago

16881684? ago

Anyone have something rendering this thread unusually? Looks odd like .css file issue or something.



16879784? ago

Where can I get a full Waffen SS uniform without spending more than a 1 thousand USD? From the cover to the jack boots and everything in between. Also accurate uniform charts would be appreciated?

16879172? ago

16879165? ago

If asian=yum and black=yikes, then sqrt(asian*black)=white.

Prove me wrong /pol/.

16879167? ago

asian = yuck

16876581? ago

Do you think there will be a shit hits the fan moment in the near future? When?

16876582? ago

Of course not. The jews have built their entire power structure around "not going too quickly," and for the last 70 years not a single white group has fought back in any capacity. Before 1945, only one group did. Only something completely outside their control would ever act as a "SHTF" event, and of those which could actually happen only one is able to be predicted. Once you become redpilled for long enough, you realize that no one is ever going to do a goddamn thing.

16873264? ago

Can someone point me towards some resources to show the kikes were behind the French Revolution? My old man is French and I'd like to redpill him on this.

16873267? ago

16870971? ago

Why does it feel like there's a huge uptick in actually mentally ill people posting on here? Did Trump's """betrayal""" actually broke people's minds?

16870976? ago

I think the identity of white American males is so closely tied to the kiked dichotomy of the two party system, that realising it is all a mason/kike hoax blasts their understanding of the world so much, they become either depressed or irrational.

16879161? ago

…the kiked dichotomy of the two party system, that realising it is all a mason/kike hoax…

The Republican vs. Democrat / conservative vs. liberal culture war is a CIA / US military divide & conquer psychological warfare operation on the American population.

16880373? ago




Why is this schizo retard from thezog.info back here again? Either he wants to admit that he's that amerimutt known as Moarpheus LARPing as someone else, I may never fucking know. If he is, then I guess it should explain his typical shitskin behavior. The wording of his sentences doesn't even fit in /pol/, at all. It's always the same "It's not the Jews, it's X and Y who are the real enemies."

It's like Alex Jonestein if Alex Jonestein actually hates Pissrael and Zionism. He shilled for Mueller and John McCain only out of the idea that r/The_ZOGnald Plebbitors "hated" them. Even though they "hated" them for completely different reasons from /pol/'s reasons. He also shilled for (((gun control))) as if it wasn't the chinks and Europeans who invented guns, he claimed a kike invented them. He even once used there term "gun nut", so I'm suspecting he's a crypto-liberal. Maybe even a (((DNC))) member pretending to be like some "#NotAllJews/'It's the Illuminati not the Jews.'" type of "conspiracy theorist."

Not even commies are (((anti-gun))), they hate the idea of niggers and other shitskins losing their guns, but taking guns away from Whites is perfectly fine for them. Again, why is he still here? Is he actually amerimutt Moarpheus or is he someone else? Why is he very inconsistent with his claims? Also if you're going to reply to this, thezog.info/Moarpheus, I'm not alone on calling out your schizo episodes.

16880378? ago

a theory i've been entertaining is that somewhere along the way Hillary sweared to the faction of Donald Trump that she would be the nominee and would do what it takes to throw the election if Donald agreed not to prosecute her and her allies

Which is why she was more than happy to mention Alex Jones by name even though he was savagely ripping into her

16873262? ago


16870973? ago

Tumblr kicked off the porn people and we got their rapefugees.

16870975? ago

I thought they went back to newgrounds.

16866654? ago

We're gonna need a racist name for the machines that will replace crop pickers next year.

May I suggest Mechxican?


16858909? ago

16858911? ago

16854686? ago

Is it time to make a DACA/pol/ thread? It will be for people in DACA, of course it will also be in English because if you are in the USA, you MUST speak English.

It will be the DACA version of Nord/pol/ or the like…

16854688? ago

Imagine to horrid stink from that?

16868852? ago


16852809? ago

Why is this /pol/ full of such obvious disinfo? cuckchan /pol/ is pretty shit because of demoralization but this place is full of blatant jidf lies. Even /christian/'s /pol/ thread is better than this. Clean your shit up.

16853697? ago

why has /pol/ gone to shit?

Easy. With all the press /pol/ has received post-2016 election , the (((CIA-Niggers))) have been working overtime to make sure it doesn't happen again. It doesn't help the whole Q thing is bringing more and more attention to 8chan as a whole. It was inevitable tbh. Also, friendly reminder my /pol/ish brothers. Jesus loves you and your white volk. Remember, He helped you build Europe into a great power, feared by evil across the world. He lifted you up from your idols and helped you conquer the waves When you forgot Him and went back to your idols, everything went to shit White Man, Come Home to Rome Achieve greatness once again

16853699? ago

As long as Catholicism doesn't cuck out like the Orthodox and go against the ancient Christians and declare serpent seedline a heresy. I can't associate with any church that forces me to worship edomites as le chosen people.

16866656? ago

It's irrelevant anyway. What we're they chosen for? To give us the scripture and the Messiah? That's done. We're all heirs to the promise now. Who is the true Jews is an obsolete question. The book of Hebrews makes that clear.

17020061? ago

Who is the true Jews is an obsolete question.

It is until pastor jim reads revelation and shills his zionism, or little Timmy asks why God promised the jewish seed gets to live forever but the future of ours doesn't matter?

The (((Edomites))) are Israelites meme is a wicked sapling that grows into poweful heresies and doubts. It's straight from the mouth of Satan himself.

16851673? ago

i miss /AFG/ or /AFK/

does anyone remember africa general?

16847672? ago

I'm reading the caps from the south korean thread. and I came across pics related. remember those threads with (((anons))) making the exact same images for jews? seems odd

16848614? ago

Are you me?

I was doing the same shit yesterday

Btw, it’s true that “womad” have those snuff films that gookanon said?

i was checking that site but the language barrier was too much for me.

One thing that catch my attention is a section that is called "deathnote" and "Under the Mapo Bridge" those are the ones with more activity but you need to be registered there to see the contend.

sorry for my english thou, not my mother language

16847666? ago

What happened to the "I was one of group of Americans and Israelis who "hacked" primaries + election for Trump AMA" threads?

Why they were shoah'd?

For any anon wanting to rewatch them:





16846590? ago

Anyone have the pic or archive of thread?

16847662? ago

I guess they try to frame Schreck as Hitler double.

16847665? ago


What's supposed to be so interesting about that photo? Genuine question. No vague speculations.

16847670? ago

I don't know. I'm just bored.

Beyond Hitler's right side stood a 6th person which was scribbled over with a pen. You can still see the shoes. Anons got hooked trying to find out who was erased and why, it seems.

16847663? ago

Forgot to mention how smoothly they overlayed the pair of shoes which hadn't been scrambled out entirely with their useless infobar. What a coincedens.

16846593? ago

Were you too lazy or retarted to type the link in your browser? Most likely you are just a worthless kike making silly demands to waste anon's time.

Thread could be about pic related. Have fun nigger.

https://archive.fo/kMmOb (archive of website)

https://archive.fo/3Vxmm (archive of pic)

16844397? ago

Hear ye hear ye, faggots

16843632? ago

Hey i'm looking for a redpill picture. It's quite old, haven't seen it in a while. It addresses feminism and femen, LGBT (and why Russia attacks people who try to promote it in their country) as well as some other things. I haven't seen it in a while regret not saving it. Please share if you have.

16843620? ago

What are some thoughts about The Patriot Front? They were in the news this weekend, https://archive.vn/HITjC

The website they are promoting in the fliers, www.bloodandsoil.org - https://patriotfront.us

Sadly, the liberal, White-genocide seeking, cucks in Boston are going to throw the book at these young men. The sheboon Boston DA (https://archive.vn/7itpA)will try to ruin their lives. These young men have sacrificed themselves in order to promote their organization and beliefs. What can you tell me about The Patriot Front?

16879168? ago

What are some thoughts about The Patriot Front? They were in the news this weekend, https://archive.vn/HITjC

A CIA / DoD psychological operation like every other WN cult group.

Marine Veteran Trains White Supremacists in Military Tactics


16867773? ago

Why did they get arrested on gun charges??? They were putting up posters and flyers ffs, how does that even that happen?? I'm not from the US so I wouldn't be familiar with the laws over there

16842675? ago

Where have the two AMA threads of tyrian purple anon been gone? Die they got shoad by kushner fellating mods?

16840704? ago

What happened to the Glow-In-Dark AMA threads?

16843626? ago

glow in the dark mods killed them


16850627? ago




Kill yourself. LITERAL Q-larp-tier garbage is all that was.

16851676? ago

t. Kushnerbot

16845574? ago

And they did it again with the latest one. They deserve broken hands for this.

16850626? ago

So this place is run by Kushner or what?

16843627? ago

Where's the archive for the 2nd thread?

Reposting Glownigger AMA 1st thread for 1st page lurkers:


16842677? ago



Ah shit. Should've paid more attention. The question was alread asked.

16842671? ago

Even the archives are gone wtfa any screenshots?

16843623? ago

Wish i cap’d more.

The pharmacological torture and homie waking up to a dude in a surgcal mask standing over him is why i sleep armed.

16840280? ago

no bully pls

Working since I was 14

Be 2008

Market crashes

Father dies

A cousin and a great aunt dies

Graduate HS in 2012

Still keeping in touch with the last 4 friends I had growing up as a kid.

Still working

Trump wins in 2016

The group kind of goes their own ways but still keep in touch and meet up every so often.


A very close associate I've known since I was 13, dipped off the map to commit a felony in another state. It's very likely I'll never be able to see him again so I guess that's a different kind of death.


Another very close associate killed herself around the second week of February.


On Friday night, the last remaining male friend from that group died. It's being treated as a homicide.

Still trying to figure out if I can go to work on Monday or if I should just end it all.

What do I do?

16840705? ago

The Scythe was never suffice as a tool to relieve your actually.

It was a Tragedy. A disastorous calamity coming to fast for me. I started Committing blasphemy spitting raps as she. Faded away

An intimate part of Me lost in disarray

This apogee Beautiful Pain Road Abby As she becomes a ghost to this Family. My HEART BODY AND SOUL TORN APART ACROSS A FUCKING TAPESTRY. An Abstract depiction of frugality and abnormality forged thru abuse from the Faculty But now I see that Tapestry as an Analogy A Galaxy of Beautiful Pain in reality spewin out of me as god whips up str8 miracles out of travesties.

The sacrifice is in your anatomy

Thats Christ beatin through your totality

Critical Mass Life now its time to feed your spirituality

The Scythe was never suffice as a tool to relieve your actually.

You better still be breathing dude I don't like posting lyrics but, I posted them for you. I know I'm late as shit bro but please don't die. I am telling you that a life like that doesn't transpire on just anybody and I know your a /pol/ack I know this world needs your light right now. Don't go

16857697? ago

Well I took your advice and I appreciate it. I ended up going to a benefit concert for the first responders of Columbus, Ohio. It really made me appreciate life again and the band who was playing was pretty awesome lol. They're called McGuffey Lane if you've heard of them. Ty Senpai, I will stand for another day

16840703? ago

My best friend, and the love of my life killed herself. It took her a long time to repay the debt of that sin. And I'll quote her. "I miss breathing. Earth is the cuddliest and fuzziest dimension."

Please brother. My dad just died too. He was practically all I had. Hear me. Hear your spirit. Hear your creator. Let the energy of the earth flow through your heart. Understand that this pain you are experiencing is the pain of beautiful flames that will forge your legacy out of the ashes. Your adversity will turn you into a phoenix my friend. I'll pray for you.

16842669? ago

I miss breathing

You talked to her beyond the grave, Anon?

16843630? ago

Yeah. Multiple times. Its been a few years since she left but I've talked to her twice and visited her once. The visiting part interesting. Not sure how my conscious got to purgatory. But shes my spirit guide now. Lucky me, she stays close by.

16840283? ago


Why would you end it all? oh boohoo you have no friends. Well appearently you have money saved up. Loss of a dad is the only thing i read in your little speech that should effect you. Friends come and go even the ones you have known since you were born. Some times you go long periods without them. Join a union, learn a trade, you'll have more friends then you know after a few months.

killing yourself is for bitches.

16838809? ago

I get that normies and shitskins are triggered by blackface, but today I saw a Pat Buchanan piece where he mentioned people were all riled up about some politico who was videotaped in the 80s doing a Michael-Jackson-style-moonwalk in the early 80s. OOOH, A NAZI MOOONWALK!!!! AHHHHHH!

Seriously WTF. If you are old enough to remember, practically every dorky grade-school kid spent his free hours practicing his moonwalk in the school corrridors. Jackson was the "crossover king," he was lauded for bringing more blaque-ness to the zillions of white suburban kids who bought his record. There was nothing even remotely race-related about moonwalking (or tying to).

Now that's a freaking hate crime? What's next, owning a Jimi Hendrix album?

16838183? ago

Are there women that fight for this country the way so many men do? I dedicated my life to humanity, Jesus Christ, America, and I dedicate all that I am to attempt in the past and the present to stand in the face of evil and inequity. Obviously everything else I've got is for my life. But I don't meet many women ever who claim to stand to uphold these things too. Is it not their responsibility? Nature? Is it due to the differences in the way men approach information? Possibly due to hereditary DNA spending hundreds of years being non intellectual before the proletarian era? Does anybody know?

16838808? ago

I dedicated my life to humanity, Jesus Christ, America, and I dedicate all that I am to attempt in the past and the present to stand in the face of evil and inequity.

16855785? ago


She's a Tumblr/DeviantArt thot cunt who shilled for muh open borders. Also shilled for (((gun control))) and loves the fuck out of Overwatch. What I love about a neoliberal's reiteration of "Murrica Fuck Yeah!!!" is that it always has the underlining "Guns are suuuuuper evil and a racist American obsession!!!". Do neoliberals honestly believe that more funding for global warming documentaries and feminism is what will "save" the US? Do they even give a flying fuck about cultural traditions or do they love the (((materialistic))) city life? Just how fucking shallow and retarded are they?

16855789? ago

*underlying message

16840702? ago


16838186? ago

Are there women that fight for this country the way so many men do?

Women don't think like men. They don't internalize honor, duty, or even justice. They have to have such values imposed upon them by men. Any women who think or behave like men are an unfortunate byproduct of Neo-Weimar.

Is it not their responsibility?

It shouldn't be, is the operative term.


Correct; it's biology.

Men are the variables of human biology. Women are the control. Men vary far more widely on the scale of ability and intellect, while women represent a much tighter and smaller spread pattern. This is why there are many examples of male genius, but few examples of female genius. Feminism would have you believe this is because the female geniuses were “passed over” for being women and that they continue to be ignored to this day due to “systemic sexism.” This is not the case. Feminists invent unnamed and unremarked upon genius to cover up the fact that said genius never existed. “Systemic sexism,” conceptually, quite literally exists solely to plug a hole in the logical inconsistency of claiming that women are equal to men, while they still lack in ability and intelligence even today–after decades of rampant feminism and affirmative action prioritizing women at the expense of men. The claim of systemic “sexism” in Western society is an invented conspiracy. The purpose is to avoid having to address the fact that the public justifications for feminism and affirmative action did not pan out when executed in reality.

Men are possessed of greater heights of intelligence but are also cursed with deeper valleys of stupidity and incompetence. Women, by contrast, are deficient in genius outliers, but similarly are spared being direly stupid. In other words, men are very different from each other while most women are relatively the same. Men are the variables in the human experiment. Women are the controls. Because of natural selection, the most stupid men are weeded out over time. Only the strongest, most intelligent, and most cunning men had a chance to breed. This means that, over time, men have shifted further towards their upper outliers. Women have remained approximately static. In civilized society all women have a relatively decent chance of breeding and they are not selected for intelligence. It is likely that aeons ago, men and women were very similar intellectually and physically. Over time, men have become larger, stronger, and smarter, while women have not. Sexual dimorphism does not happen in a vacuum. It occurs for a reason. This is the reason for ours.

Because of sexual selection, men have advanced while women have not. That is the issue here. Men were selected, by women, overwhelmingly for positive traits. Women were hardly selected at all. Men have had to compete for women, with only the best traits surviving across generations–thus men became stronger, larger, and more intelligent. Women simply had to pick a man. Thus, modern man is quite different from ancient man in terms of size, intellect, overall health, and ability, while modern woman is functionally the same in mind, body, and instinct to primitive woman. This is why female sexual liberation is the death knell of every civilization that embraces it. This is hardly the first time it has occurred.

16838187? ago

Anon… Thank you.

That is a slap in the fucking face. I started rising in intelligence at a rapid rate a few years ago and it tore my girlfriend (Ex) apart. (Currently 20) I feel like I expected her to climb with me or understand. I feel a bit horrible about that.

Well, nothing to do now but keep being a man capable of catastrophic stupidity and keep trying to get it right. Feel like I've fucked up a lot of shit on this planet for 20. I just learned the word woman is so sacred that most connotations of the word bitch actually do a tremendous disservice to our women cosmically. No wonder god kept me away from the good ones for so long.

You're the reason why I'm honored to be called a Polack. God bless.

16838191? ago


Does that mean gods a dude?

And how does this statistic reflect on the pursuit of truth and wisdom?

Do genius men usually marry genius women?

What happened there with Douglas and Tyla Gabriel, Or Trump and Melania.

Is that an outlying natural breed?

You know what I'm pokin at.

16838190? ago

Hey, you're welcome.


Bah, I noticed that offhand a little bit ago. I must have copied my original notes rather than my book's content. Fortunately for people like us who regularly have to pull things out of the memory hole, there's web.archive.org. Here's the first one which was broken.


16845572? ago

Is The Nature of Race by John Fuerst a good one to read?

16846592? ago

Yes, though I'll admit that even I skimmed it in reading because it's a bit dry. Normalfags probably won't jump on it except as a citation for statements elsewhere. Here's where I express concern for my own book that NO one reads anymore at all…

16857696? ago

Is J.Phillipe Rushton any good?

16837332? ago

If dubs: American Civil War in 2020.

If trips: World War 3 in 2020.

If quads: National Socialist world empire.

16837335? ago

if singles: I cringe

16832523? ago

Do leftists even have a solid argument that strict border control isn't needed beyond "Muh separated families!!!"? At this point, they're not even trying to hide the fact that they actually want open borders and globalism. They are playing by the hands of (((corporations))), by the way. (((Corporations))) love open borders because it gives them cheap labor from spics and spiclets. How are they not noticing this? How subhuman can you be to not notice it?

Besides, it's not like any American "conservative" is even remotely against legal immigration, at times they just disagree with illegal immigration, to the left they are also considered as "Nazis". How will they react when they see an actual conservative? For example, Pat Buchanan is more conservative than the entire GOP, and yet he is more critical about Pissrael's wars against the Middle East and he's inherently anti-war and anti-interventionist. However, since he doesn't support the left's ideals, suddenly he's also a "Nazi". Why does the left think that's a good counter argument against their political enemies?

16833383? ago

You're looking at it wrong. That's one of the major problems in the early redpilling stage–continuing to view the jews and their puppets as "normal people who just don't know the truth, and so if we can show them the 'error of their ways,' they can be changed." Their argument is "white genocide." Anything which facilitates that is what they want. Anything which does not is what must be removed. They don't care about law. They don't care about rules. They don't care about facts. They don't believe that truth itself exists, and so there are no "negatives" to anything which is harmful to the native population of the West.

16832519? ago

There was a time when I thought the left were too numerous because of the protests against anything they perceive as "rightwing" and "Nazi/fascist" shown on (((MSM))) along with the "No Wall, Make Love" hippie-tier bullshit, then I found out they were literally the minority. There's a reason why these are called as SJW's by everyone else, even by other liberals and commies from time to time. You can't tolerate these freaks. They rely on brainwashed, radicalized shitskins for ammunition. It's not about hating "rightwingers and Nazis", it's about hating on Whites and wanting them all dead while also calling all of them "rightwingers and Nazis". Do any of you anons have some images and infographics that show just how insignificant they really are? Even (((Antifa))) has more followers.

16829288? ago

i dont understand

16830468? ago

16827306? ago

Good old chodemonkey, plenty of time to fuck with the ads but never enough to fix the jew and tranny problem.

16827303? ago

hey /pol/, known this guy for a while, getting more and more concerned he's a jew. opinions? he's a faggot anyway tbh

17308699? ago

knows a faggot


16826204? ago

will someone make a thread on this?

16826206? ago

there was one closer to when it happened

16827307? ago

Nope just a bunch of jews looking for a free upgrade. The center plaque/stone was already cracked and they wanted a free replacement so they took a hammer to it and scuffed it up.

16824131? ago

44 audiobooks (more to come from anons' etc. works)


16834478? ago

"Nietzsche's Coming God or the Redemption of the Divine by Abir Taha (2013) (Audiobook)" is just a lower bitrate copy of "Nietzsche, Prophet of Nazism- The Cult of the Superman by Abir Taha (2005) (Audiobook)".

16834479? ago

Ok thanks I removed it. Looks like it hasn't been made into an audiobook, I went by information from:


16832518? ago

Nice work, Anon. I was going to try to do something like that, but never got around to it. You might want to add Andrew Carrington Hitchock's Audiobooks, the Radio Aryan Narrations (at least the ones of full books), and the other recording of The Protocols (Brasol translation).

16838810? ago

…Radio Aryan Narrations…

Sven Longshanks from Radio Aryan/Daily Stormer is convicted sex offender Francesco A. Young from Weston-super-Mare.



16842672? ago

Great idea, I added a few from RAN

16850632? ago

You should add their narration of 'The Biological jew' by Eustace Mullins. It's a classic, but they removed it from the site after it was messaged in a jewish hit piece against the network. It's also one of the books Arthur Topham was arrested over hosting - the kikes really hate it.


I think Alex Linder is planning to do his own recording at some point.

16879164? ago

Eustace Mullins - CIA psych warfare

Arthur Topham - CSIS psych warfare

Alex Linder - CIA psych warfare

16873265? ago

'The Biological jew' by Eustace Mullins

I added it


16838811? ago

You're 6 months late. Sven was doxed, and he turned out to be somebody else.

Now as Raymond runs his mouth off besmirching those who have been imprisoned for following his early lead, he has been joined in his endeavours by one Steve Stone (no, not the ‘Action Man’ of the same name).

Stone is better known as ‘Sven Longshanks’, the intrepid voice behind the persistent use of the N-word on his Radio Aryan radio show. Stone promotes the idea of the supreme Aryan being by using words like “Niglets” and “mud people” to describe those he is scared of.


16879171? ago

Obvious disinformation.

It's been known for five years that Francesco 'Tony' Young is Sven Longshanks.

16821612? ago

Are there any decent parties in the US? Even if they're really small. Is the American Freedom Party a honeypot? They seem to name the jew on rare occasions but they always use a jew to do so.

16821610? ago

Is supporting non-White separatist groups like the Nation of Islam a good idea to keep the shitskins out for good? The kikes have been hounding them lately, even "anti-Zionist" leftists hate them. All I know is the left's version of "anti-Zionism" is basically summed up as "It's not the Jews, only the Zionist ones are bad. The Marxist ones are good.". They "hate" Israel for being a "White racist colonialist apartheid". Since the Nation of Islam has been known to criticize the Talmud and know that the space trade was operated by Jews, suddenly the commie retards are all like "Oy vey! This anti-Semitism must be stopped at once! It's just like another Shoah! :'^(".

As I was saying, the main problem here is that the Nation of Islam is expecting the US to give them infinite gibs on their own new Apefrican country until they can supposedly "support themselves economically", as they claim. So really though, it's not exactly a good idea to support them, but what do you think? I'm not really supporting them, either. Unless if both /pol/ and NOI can both have a work around for their own respective interests.

16821611? ago

<*slave trade

Lel, I'm not sure what to imagine when thinking what a "space trade" would be like.

16821608? ago

Is male gender symbol derived from Mars, the Roman god of War, Farm and Masculinity symbol? They look similar.

16819614? ago

I found some interesting Christian critiques of Jordan Peterson. It's already established that he's a piece of shit 6 ways from Sunday, but they add some insights regarding his Gnosticism. A lot of their reasoning is just an appeal to Biblical authority, but they do get into the nuts and bolts a bit.







16818961? ago

Are there any good tutorials for making youtube thumbnail-style images? I have a channel where I upload older jew-wise radio shows/podcasts (audio with still images) and I'm thinking those kind would probably look the best.

I'm also open to any other suggestions.

16818007? ago

1)What do you say when someone tells you that race, racial differences and racial categories are arbitrary and can't be properly defined?

2)What do you say when someone tells you that culture isn't influenced by race?

16819611? ago

race, racial differences and racial categories are arbitrary and can't be properly defined?

I show them the studies on genetics which prove that the five "races" of humanity are more genetically distant from one another than different species in the animal kingdom are. Pic related.

culture isn't influenced by race?

I talk about the concept of instinct, which mainstream "scientists" say doesn't apply to humans, but which magically applies to all other animals. Physical differences drive behavioral differences, simply because of the different range of behaviors afforded to those with different physical capabilities. Behavioral differences drive social differences, as groups which uniformly cannot perform X due to physical incapability will not form societies that include X.

16825263? ago

Can you send your pieces on culture as well? And what about the FST of euros with other Caucasoids?

16825262? ago

Anon, this info is amazing, but can you please send your sources? Also, people consider Asians, Americoids and Australasians to be all apart of the Mongoloid race.

16825264? ago

Also, people consider Asians, Americoids and Australasians to be all apart of the Mongoloid race.

Sure, but they're wrong. The Americoid/Mongoloid distance is about the same as the black/white distance. Here's a chart of some loci showing relative distance.


Sure, I can pull some out. They're the red words in the book itself; I put them inline because I wanted the text to flow.

Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races.


Genetic analysis "supports the traditional racial groups classification."


"Human genetic variation is geographically structured" and corresponds with race.


Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals.








Hmm, that's a bit long. How about this? It's not mine, but it's illuminating.


the FST of euros with other Caucasoids

I happen to have a caucasoid-only FST map. You can see that all whites are really closely clustered, meanwhile there's another parallel big band (the arabs) and a smaller sphere (the jews). These are basically subspecies. I mentioned this earlier in the thread.

16827312? ago

they're wrong

Not really.

The Inuit, Sammi, Mayano, Azteca, Malay, Mōʻī, Tongan, and Māori people, to name a few, are all genetic Mongolians, as they are on average about 2/3 East Asian and 1/3 Northeast European. The Abbos down under, Samoans, and some Southern Indians are examples of the Mongolian people mixing with Africans.

five racial groups

Nah. That's "color" theory. White, Yellow, Red, Brown, and Black. It's incorrect because color labels strip people of their ancestral heritage and cultural identity and, because the "Red" and "Brown" races are mixed-race.

There are only three "pure" landraces, seven total when you mix them, with Asians, Europeans, and Africans being the primary three. Every other race is a mix of these landraces and have become their own strains but are still traceable to their genetic origins. Obviously I am ignoring the prehistoric hominid types that made Europeans and Asians and such, for example, the Paleo-european and the Indo-european are the ancestors of the modern European; the more Southern (darker and softer) your features the more Indo- you are, and the more Northern (lighter and harder) your features the more Paleo- you are. Most of us are mixed from over 10,000 years when the ice sheets receded.

genetic variation is geographically structured and corresponds with race

Correct but it is race.


  1. A landrace is a domesticated, locally adapted, traditional variety of a species of plant or animal that has developed over time, through adaptation to its natural and cultural environment of agriculture and pastoralism, and due to isolation from other populations of the species.


from Middle French 'race'

from Italian 'razza' = "breed", "lineage", "family"

FST map

Mostly meaningless because genetic type is more important. The Slavic people have more genetic similarity to the Sammi people than to Arabs but a spread chart will not show that. Also, people are genetically not "Italian" or "Ashkenazi" since these are modern concepts and in a spread map these two groups are the most spread since they are a diverse sample compared to a "Finn" or "Estonian"; it's simply not as accurate. Similar to the bar or pie graphs of dna groups that make people think they are a mix of all the things when the graphs show average for entire population sample; not all ruskies have asian dna, for example.

Thanks for the cool links !

16828374? ago

Not really.

There are only three "pure" landraces, seven total when you mix them, with Asians, Europeans, and Africans being the primary three.

You were literally just proven wrong. There are five, by FST examination. The indioes have been on their own long enough to have developed into a new species, and the abbos are so fucking removed that they might be their own genus.

A landrace is a domesticated, locally adapted, traditional variety of a species

Not a race, then, by your own definition. They are not varieties of species; they are species in their own right, by genetic distance. There are races within species–subspecies–and those show up in humanity (capoids and congoids; whites, arabs, and jews; Japanese, Chinese, and southeast asians; etc.), but the overarching species themselves are not races.

The Slavic people have more genetic similarity to the Sammi people than to Arabs but a spread chart will not show that.

Wait, it shows that. What am I missing here?

Also, people are genetically not "Italian" or "Ashkenazi" since these are modern concepts

Oh, that's true enough, at least.

16834476? ago

Is de Gobineau a good way to learn about race?

16815811? ago

I have two quick questions on claims made about Polish attacks against Germans BEFORE the official German invasion.

  1. Polish cavalry units crossed into Germany and attacked civilians.

  2. Polish artillery fired on Lufthansa passenger airliners.

I've seen this repeated but don't have hard citations for it. Additionally, can someone point me toward direct hard evidence of the jewish involvement in the British government to declare cause WWII? Even if it's just "these are the British government officials who made the deals with France and Poland, and look at that; they're jews." Thanks.

16819612? ago


Shit, one more. Not that any will be answered. We know that Hitler viewed the Anglo-German Naval Agreement of 1935 as a step toward a full alliance between the nations. Are there any specific quotes from him in that regard?

16816941? ago

Oh shit, I thought of something else. It's not in What the World Rejected. Did Germany offer to withdraw from Poland and pay all damages resulting from the invasion in late 1939?

16813207? ago

Are anyone thinking about denouncing themselves in Papua New Guinea to become undeportable permanent illegal migrants?

16813201? ago

16807876? ago

anybody got a list of anti white car companies?

16917228? ago

Every single capitalist is anti-white.

16796088? ago

What is with all the Brendon Frazier memes?

16799478? ago

Getting fucked by alimony personified.

16802201? ago

Alimony is obsolete; it's child support now. You don't have to have ever met a woman once to be court ordered to pay her child support for the next 25 (lol they think it's 18!) years. Women instinctually defend their fuck buddy at the expense of their husband, tale as old as time.

16802202? ago

You don't have to have ever met a woman once to be court ordered to pay her child support for the next 25 (lol they think it's 18!) years.

That's a little ridiculous. If that were the case I'd have negative money.

16803843? ago

No shit, that's the point.

16805085? ago

Well then why do I have money? By your statement, with the amount of women I fooled around with in my degenerate days I should be working at least four jobs and sending it all to them.

16805086? ago

Being as you are an illiterate fuckstick, it's understandable that you willingly refuse to read what was written. Women have full power in any relationship. They have the power to demand alimony from any man with whom they cohabit for over 6 months. Marriage is irrelevant. Children are irrelevant. You have no power. You can do absolutely nothing to stop it. Your only hope is that women CHOOSE not to exercise this power over you.

16805088? ago

Calm down kid. First off, common law marriage(cohabitation), is only still applicable in certain states as some have revised the laws. Secondly, just because you feel powerless doesn't mean anyone else is. I've thrown plenty of stupid harlots out on their ass that thought they had power over me. Take back your manhood dude, you'll probably be a lot happier.

16805089? ago

Calm down kid.

Great argument. You were proven wrong.

First off, common law marriage(cohabitation), is only still applicable in certain states

Enjoy your hedonism, then. No possible chance of ever having that backfire.

Secondly, just because you feel powerless doesn't mean anyone else is.

Okay, you have no idea what the law says. Run along now.

I've thrown

No one cares. You didn't read the post, and you don't know the laws.

16805091? ago

Great argument. You were proven wrong.

No shit stupid. It was a statement directing you to act with some mild degree of decorum. Obviously you are unable to do that or actually address anything. Enjoy your misery I suppose.

16805094? ago

I agree that you proved me wrong

you are therefore stupid

the fuck

16802200? ago

So it's an incel meme. No wonder it's so boring.

16794954? ago

I've been thinking this for a while. When a National Socialist revolution starts, a communist revolution always magically appears out fo nowhere. In the communist mind, they argue that (((capitalism))) is "fascism". Marxism nowadays seems to be less about pretending to care about the working class when in reality you only care about the protection of Jews from prosecution, and more about giving power to non-Whites of every class to fight against Whites of every class while seeing Jews as "White" so therefore they also deserve death. So what's their true purpose in life? The destruction of culture? Why would commies today support internationalism and open borders? Artificial identity politics, maybe? Jewish politics are confusing. Now that's out of the way, here's another question, it's about the left in general. Here it goes:

It baffles me how inconsistent they are, it also baffles me how they keep whining even when they get shit that they want. Affirmative action? They bitch about "White privilege" being a real thing. Gay marriage becoming legal? They are still bitching about much homophobia. Bumpstock ban? They still bitch about much ebil baby-killing AR-15's. You get the pattern here. No matter how hard you kiss their asses, they'll be satisfied until they are finally in power. The cold irony here is that they are parroting what (((corporations))) want. (((Corporations))) love open borders, multiculturalism, and globalism. Open borders in the US will give (((them))) more cheap labor from dumb wetbacks. Multiculturalism gives them the ability to use shitskins for diversity hires so they can profit off of anti-White products and multimedia. Two of these combined and then you have globalism, and it's not revolutionary in any sense of the word. Is this really what the left wants? Should the left even follow "progressivism"?

16794958? ago


*they'll never be

16793177? ago

16790968? ago

What follows is taken from the Wikipedia Article on Alister Crowley, on the section "Views on race and gender". My question is, what is wrong with these views, and why does the board hate The Master Thereon so much?

Crowley was bisexual, and exhibited a sexual preference for women,[273] with his homosexual relationships being fewer and clustered in the early part of his life.[237] In particular he had an attraction toward "exotic women",[274] and claimed to have fallen in love on multiple occasions; Kaczynski stated that "when he loved, he did so with his whole being, but the passion was typically short-lived".[275] Even in later life, Crowley was able to attract young bohemian women to be his lovers, largely due to his charisma.[276] During homosexual anal intercourse, he usually played the passive role,[277] which Booth believed "appealed to his masochistic side".[278] Crowley argued that homosexual and bisexual people should not suppress their sexual orientation,[237] commenting that a person "must not be ashamed or afraid of being homosexual if he happens to be so at heart; he must not attempt to violate his own true nature because of public opinion, or medieval morality, or religious prejudice which would wish he were otherwise."[279] On other issues he adopted a more conservative attitude; he opposed abortion on moral grounds, believing that no woman following her True Will would ever desire one.[280]

Biographer Lawrence Sutin stated that "blatant bigotry is a persistent minor element in Crowley's writings".[281] Sutin thought Crowley "a spoiled scion of a wealthy Victorian family who embodied many of the worst John Bull racial and social prejudices of his upper-class contemporaries", noting that he "embodied the contradiction that writhed within many Western intellectuals of the time: deeply held racist viewpoints courtesy of society, coupled with a fascination with people of colour".[282] Crowley insulted his close Jewish friend Victor Neuburg using anti-Semitic slurs and he had mixed opinions about Jews as a group. Although he praised their "sublime" poetry and stated that they exhibited "imagination, romance, loyalty, probity and humanity", he also thought that centuries of persecution had led some Jews to exhibit "avarice, servility, falseness, cunning and the rest".[283] He was also known to praise various ethnic and cultural groups, for instance he thought that the Chinese people exhibited a "spiritual superiority" to the English,[284] and praised Muslims for exhibiting "manliness, straightforwardness, subtlety, and self-respect".[285]

Crowley also exhibited a "general misogyny" that Booth believed arose from his bad relationship with his mother.[286] Sutin noted that Crowley "largely accepted the notion, implicitly embodied in Victorian sexology, of women as secondary social beings in terms of intellect and sensibility".[287] Crowley described women as "moral inferiors" who had to be treated with "firmness, kindness and justice".[288]

16790969? ago

Crowley enjoyed being outrageous and flouting conventional morality,[265] with John Symonds noting that he "was in revolt against the moral and religious values of his time".[266] Crowley's political thought was studied by academic Marco Pasi, who noted that for Crowley, socio-political concerns were subordinate to metaphysical and spiritual ones.[226] He was neither on the political left nor right but perhaps best categorised as a "conservative revolutionary" despite not being affiliated with the German-based conservative revolutionary movement.[267] Pasi described Crowley's affinity to the extreme ideologies of Nazism and Marxism–Leninism, which aimed to violently overturn society: "What Crowley liked about Nazism and communism, or at least what made him curious about them, was the anti-Christian position and the revolutionary and socially subversive implications of these two movements. In their subversive powers, he saw the possibility of an annihilation of old religious traditions, and the creation of a void that Thelema, subsequently, would be able to fill."[268] Crowley described democracy as an "imbecile and nauseating cult of weakness",[269] and commented that The Book of the Law proclaimed that "there is the master and there is the slave; the noble and the serf; the 'lone wolf' and the herd".[235] In this attitude he was influenced by the work of Friedrich Nietzsche and by Social Darwinism.[270] Although he had contempt for most of the British aristocracy, he regarded himself as an aristocrat and styled himself as Laird Boleskine,[271] once describing his ideology as "aristocratic communism".[272]

16794957? ago

Anti christain

A lot of them sounds like lies that we've been here over and over again.


16789907? ago

Redpill me on aspergers.

Why do the jews want aspie seed?

Is it beneficial?

tl;dr pls

17301887? ago

Can’t weaponize autism if Shlomo Shekelbergensteinowitz has it.

16789904? ago

Why is even pewdiepie telling everyone to "read siege"?

16827309? ago

Because he's a retarded piece of shit and only does absurd shit for click shekels?

16789905? ago

dated today

I go to his channel

"Angry White People" is the only video for February 14 2019 as he plays Magic the Gathering

this is his "leader"

16788484? ago

What happened to fascist forge?

16783658? ago


This explains so why internet is gone worse during last years. Kind of sad to see this level of fanaticism. How many altleft radicals are here?

16781413? ago

How should I respond to someone asking me what the Jews did to Germany prior to WW2?

17237784? ago

tel them to look up the October revolution.

you should read Mein Kampf and gather more info from there.

I recommend the Ford Translation

16781414? ago

You can show them this. It's just a draft right now.

16782508? ago

Thanks anon. What book is that from?

16783656? ago

Mine. I'll have it published soon. I just need to write the sections on the jewish role in feminism, white genocide, the rise of the Soviet Union, the manipulation of the British government into WWII, the Scofield Reference Bible, and speech/abortion/gun grabbing.

It's a slog at this point.

16776477? ago

I wonder if we can get cucks/traitors to kill themselves? The idea is that white males are a clog in the pipe that delivers diversity, thus they should "unclog" (suicide) themselves in order for the world to become more diverse and so they stop draining resources that could be used on shitskins. I propose #KillYourselfForDiversity, cucks can't argue with this logic due to their self-hatred confirming that it is the right thing to do, thus they will suicide, leaving the world with less traitors.

16777212? ago

Maybe I should make bad things worse and ACCELERATE the downfall.

16778066? ago



This whole conversation is cringey.

16779121? ago

this is cringe

contributes nothing


concentrate on white traitors only

not the jews

16781412? ago

Many (((white))) traitors are jews larping as whites, they still have to follow the suicide pact.

16777213? ago

Traitors killing themselves is a bad thing


16775738? ago


"The Jimmy Dore Show"

'Ron Paul Tells Truth On Syria - Immediately Smeared'

A 15 minute long clip with 4 jews who have nothing interesting to say, laughing down their sleeves, using a Ron Paul clip to promote themselves and their shitty talk show. 200,000 views. it's amazing to me how many boomers seem to enjoy this shit.

my question is, Is there anything worth watching?

16774800? ago

How warped is the leftist/commie worldview in terms of facing reality? If they consider Trump, a Zionist boomer cuckservative, as "Hitler incarnate", how will they react when they see an actual National Socialist candidate like Arthur Jones? Will they also call him "Hitler incarnate"? Bare in mind here that unlike Trump, he supports Palestinine and Iran but since he detests the left he would be considered public enemy #1 to them. Also, can you specifically describe how much of a childish, subhuman, clown world behavior the left has? Even downies and aspies are more open to political debates.

16774009? ago

Also question which translation is better the stalag edition or the ford version what are the differences and which is more recommended?

16774429? ago

Stalag, The Only Complete and Officially Authorised English Translation Ever Issued

16794959? ago

Thanks gonna come back later for a question.

Good luck anons.

16773535? ago

They bogged the Venezuela and Colombia threads.

What is happening? 5,000 troops? Ww3?

Any happening in Afghanistan?

16780221? ago


16772227? ago

Hail Marry

Are you there TRexDreams?

16772228? ago


like a duck in a noose

16768474? ago

Does anyone have a link to that university study of Auschwitz(?) that didn't find any ash layer?

16770580? ago

university study

some Yugoslavian dude

only one is the true answer

If you want to break people's conditioning you should focus on more recent Jew crimes. People have had the holohoax shoved down their throats for years.

You must reverse engineer the Jew……

or you can just keep screaming KIKE and SHILL on a fucking weeb board

16767537? ago

It seems that leftists and communists love calling Zionist neoconservatives and Zionist Jews themselves as "Nazis/fascists/White supremacists", hence why they believe in "#NotAllJews". So far though, I have never seen them kill off any of these said people. Very, very interesting. I don't remember them ever calling out a (((Rothschild))) either, beyond calling all of them as (((capitalists))). Instead, they just want to kill off White families they have never met in their lives and are more likely to cuck over them anyways. "Zionism vs. Marxism" is what they seem to believe as a real political fight. It's like an amoeba hating on a salmonella and vice versa. It's perfect clown world material. At the end of the day, they just want to see Whites extinct, not help out the working class regardless of race. So my question here is, can they weaponized against Zionist Jews or are they deserving to be shot and gassed? How about both?

16766571? ago

How do you make money if you know how to code, I know java and Html, Css, JavaScript, is creating an app for The Jewgle App store a good way of making money? Can't surivive in the capatalist system, we need fascism

16766572? ago

If I create some OC, would here be a good place to post it? Should I make my own thread for it and invite others to share their OC, or would that be too shilly?


if you want to go the freelancer route (inadvisable unless you have lots of experience) then you can do that. With your experience I'd recommend just trying to get a front-end job making websites for a company.

16767533? ago

If they're the only options then why do people keep saying to learn to code as if it's something so revolutionary

16767534? ago

you don't understand the learn to code meme. We say it to journalists because that was their response to coal / steel workers in middle america losing their jobs.

16764423? ago

Does anyone have an archive link to a good audio version of Siege by James Maison?

16772230? ago


Maybe I should upload mine with all the segments titled?

16762662? ago


Reminder that they're back online

16751698? ago

The mods are deleting threads about the discord shills. They are complicit.

16774008? ago

Check the catalog….

16748255? ago

any anon have the eng sub version of this?


16783661? ago


thank you anons

16748259? ago

16748256? ago

16746051? ago

Bringing awareness to the JQ won't get us anywhere in the long run, people will just forget as they did when they were previously warned by the people in their time that were aware of the Jew's true nature, the only way that we'll actually win power is through force and sacrifice, without sacrifice nothing can be achieved whether you like the sound of that or not, only when you take power will the masses listen, the masses are not smart enough to understand the JQ and so it is up to the intellectuals to make a stance for their people as the weak are weak for a reason and the strong are strong for a reason, and we are the strong and we must show our strength

16742606? ago

Does anyone have an archive or imgur link of all the beaver posts? Would greatly be appreciated if somebody could share. I have some favourites saved but there are many I neglected saving for whatever reason which I now regret.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can deliver

16744744? ago

a bunch of the beaver posts are on /polarchive/ in the 'best of' thread

16738100? ago

What is redpilled economics field? Protectionism maybe?

I was thinking about studying, how news impact prices of securities, but behavioral economics is filled to the brim with (((them)))

16734908? ago

Why is there many individual conspiracy theorists that think indictments have been given, and Bush Sr / McCain were executed for treason?

Hillary is still free, making public appearances. Same with Slick Willy. Q says HRC tried to cut a deal, but "they" denied. Their wet dog looking daughter is live tweeting the grammy awards, surely she wouldn't be doing that if her parents had been given indictments. Obama and his grinch wife are still free, making public appearances.

With that being said, why would Bush Sr / McCain be attended to first and these people walking free? Seems like the logical conclusion to me is that they both died of health issues, and everyone will walk away free. No indictments. Nothing changes.

17257819? ago

Report on evidence of felonies violating Civil Rights, and bribery by foreign agents,

implicating United States Special Counsel Robert S Mueller III as a criminally-tainted agent of

foreign & racketeering interests

New ethical dawn since 20 January 2017

this is not just a case of

'historical' felonies of corruption tainting two corrupt DOJ high officials, former Special

Counsel Patrick J Fitzgerald and his enabler, 2001-13 FBI Director Robert Mueller

Foreign-funded terrorism

paid agent of foreign parties seeking USA regime change

you want more Patsy

16742603? ago

16735808? ago

Q-LARP is and has always been a hoax. People believe it because contrary to some claims here, no one is actually waking up at all. Everyone who’s going to be genuinely redpilled in the world today is already redpilled. Everyone else is barely even human. They only care about free shit, getting what they want, and never fighting back against anything.

16736896? ago

False. The earliest Q was reasonably assumable to be legit because the earliest Q said shit that was true. Some time after things like the tripcode being broken it turned into a pure larp.

16757391? ago

The earliest Q's claim was that Hillary would be arrested in a matter of days - which clearly didn't happen. I don't understand how anyone believed it to begin with, let alone after his deadlines came and went.

16758352? ago

It's like Mormonism. It makes the mark feel special. Like they have some inside knowledge.

People believe what they WANT.

16753064? ago

Q-LARP never said a single thing that was true. Do you not remember its earliest posts? It always claimed, from the beginning, that martial law was coming and the ZOG would be rounded up. It has never been right.

16735806? ago

Well yeah, Q is full of shit. There are no "good guys" or "bad guys." It's a psyop to keep people complacent after the wide dissemination of pizzagate. That's why he always says "sit back and enjoy the show."

16732801? ago

I've been reading some verses from the Bible, Quran, and Torah. So far, it seems like it always has the "we are all human" nonsense being brought up. Does this mean these Semitic "holy books" are the prerequisites of egalitarianism and Marxism? I remember Hitler calling Marxism "Christianity's illegitimate child". If this is true, then all of the other two are obviously Jewish as well. Any proofs, /pol/?

t. newnormalfaggot on his first 6 months browsing /pol/

16734141? ago

on his first 6 months browsing /pol/

We can tell, but thanks for confirming it. Unfortunately your type is now the majority.

16733162? ago

I believe they all have a connection of sorts. Sorry, nothing academic from me to back it up but I share the sentiment.

16730105? ago


also obviously not all sculptures. and obvious you aren't here to argue in good faith

16730104? ago





16730101? ago


No, we wuz light bringers and creators of civilization lime it or not.

16730099? ago


Well, we where, unless you have an explanation for blonde peruvian mummies and redhead chinese mummies.

16730098? ago

Does anyone have a PDF of Eyes Wide Open, the Kubrick biography, in which he supposedly says, "Hitler was right about almost everything."?


16728845? ago

From an old copypasta, I have three statements for which I can't find citations.

Polish cavalry units crossed into Germany and attacked civilians.

Polish artillery fired on Lufthansa passenger airliners.

Anti-German pogroms in Poland killed hundreds before the war's outbreak.

16728838? ago

What does /pol/ think of Christian Identity? Are they based or are they schizos?

16728851? ago

That's certainly a schizo meme. I can't even tell who made it.

Christian Identity is an incredibly small faction. They're anglicans & protestants who believe they're the real jews and kikes are imposters. Think WE WUZ KANGZ but a sect of white people who came up with it about 100 years earlier. They're not judaizers, meaning they don't try to larp as jews by keeping mosaic law. They're nationalists trying to square the circle with Christianity.

TL;DR they don't like jews, they identify as white people, they're few in number, and they're not the enemy.

16730097? ago

I love info like this

16728844? ago

They have their head on more than a LARPagan, but they miss the mark. CI just wants to make White people the new spiritual kikes. Thus defeating the point of everything we are fighting for.

16728841? ago

It's we wuz kangs for white niggers

16727630? ago

anyone have the johnny gat video archive? Thought I saved it but cant find it

16723946? ago

When did the normalization of Jews happen completely? As I remember they were despised and looked down on all throughout European history as they still are in the Middle East today, and even USA saw them as an other, not equals and criminal/untrustworthy. Is it literally all from World War II?

16723949? ago

yes, it literally was WW2. Before american's got brainwashed to join the war, nobody wanted to get involved or help the jews.

16732409? ago

That's what I thought yeah. The Holohoax was literally the best thing ever to happen them, sounds to me like the powerful Jews made a sacrifice out of a shit ton of their low tier worthless NPCs to make themselves invincible until the end of days because they can deflect any legitimate criticism on muh ebul Natzees and antisemitism. Or so they thought…

16721664? ago

Can someone post that picture where Jesus calls the Jews the synagogue of Satan , with a person completely misunderstanding everything Jesus says. It has Bible verses in it, Jesus to the left. White background. I need it asap.

16721665? ago

This one?

16721666? ago

That works too, thank you!

16718325? ago

Have the image servers taken a shit again? Seems like it's taking forever for the threads to fetch the images for the pages. and expanding them takes twice as long.

16717236? ago

What is the least pozzed smartphone that I can buy (for a reasonable price)? I don't want to give money to Apple, for example, but I am also worried about privacy.

16717237? ago

I don't want to give money to the only company in the entire industry that actually gives a flying fuck about my privacy, at least in some form

Enjoy having your data stolen, then. You don't need a smart phone. You don't NEED one. If you "have" to have one, your only option for security is Apple. The others don't even pretend to care about you. They hardcode whitelisted ad trackers for the big jewish conglomerates.

16715313? ago

As even marxists are actually pro-gun (because they don't want shitskins disarmed, they're anti-gun when it comes to whites), where do the western foreigners who are anti-gun exist in the political spectrum? Are they just liberals or are they some new form of political ideology I haven't heard of before? Aren't they even aware that their anti-gun ideas were brought in by media outlets paid by (((American multimedia)))? They keep using the "Fat 'Murrica" and "racist gun-toting redneck cowboy" meme all they want, but from what I see, they're just retarded lemmings who have absolutely no clue on what place their anti-gun even comes from. It comes from the one country via (((media control))), by which they still claim to be "more conservative" than they are, which is far from the truth conservatism a shit, fascism and natsoc is way better. Almost all of these nations are inheritly (((capitalist))) and liberal (though some aren't really) to the core. Why would you accept the food that the (((hand))) feeds you and then bite it and then claim the food as your making? I need this to be preferably answered by western foreign anons.

16715314? ago

Stop pretending there's a "spectrum."

16711750? ago

click "create thread"

post it

100% posted, nothing happens

refresh page

thread not created

open this thread

script damaged, browser lets me stop it

what this masonchan mean by dis

fucken crap board. fix your bs

16708804? ago

Why this is important is Woman of all color can know What to be afraid of.

This 13% thing is doing far more good than harm.

We Must Defend Woman and their ultimate Sovreity.

Please Bring back the 13% hand, Help Whites and everybody else.

16707769? ago

16703375? ago

Why did /pol/ remove flags? Is this to avoid infighting between Americans, Europeans, and Turks?

16704391? ago

We never had them… Not since kikey took over, at least.

16697150? ago

Why do the kikes want a government change in Venezuela if the venezuelan government bank is already controlled by jews??

17237785? ago

They need to be jewier jews!

16694096? ago

16693315? ago

16789909? ago

Can I tweek your nipples?

16692764? ago


cremations turned out to be underground

privileged jews

closes tab tanks rationalwiki, very rational.

16691856? ago

I'm going to make a quick compilation of contradictions that the left and commies like to point out every time when they are, as well as non-Whites that have been radicalized by leftism. Here it goes:

poverty is a problem among society

<letting in more poor people will help salvage the economy

feminism demands equal rights

<men don't deserve rights

invasion of non-white countries is wrong and unjust

<open borders and internationalism in white countries is peaceful and progressive

genocide is bad

<it's not bad when it happens to whites because they deserve it

you shouldn't speak any non-white language because it's not yours to speak

<everyone should speak English and Spanish is Latin America's to keep

everything discovered and invented by whites is evil

<I speak English to talk about how evil whites are because I don't mind using my own native language also sometimes my "native" language is just another white language

all whites should leave non-white countries if they hate living there

<we demand all white countries to let non-whites in even though they don't like living with whites

I gotta say. They're consistent and inconsistent all at the same time. Almost looking like paper tigers, even. Chimpouts? Sure, but none of them can ever handle the chimpouts of Whites. It's just so funny to me how whites are the exact reason why they are still here, living and breathing. (((Capitalism))) and Jewry has caused this. Including feminism and homosexuality. Therefore, it wouldn't even make sense for commies to support any of these degeneracies if they "hate" (((capitalism))) so much. But hey, maybe it's "not real communism". Or maybe what the Soviet Union had wasn't real communism, either. Any definitive answers, conclusions, and awarenesses on this topic, /pol/?

16691029? ago

Does anyone know of a reference or scholarly-type of book that describes the peoples of different parts of the US historically, honestly and in detail? Something like The Golden Bough in intent, though it obviously doesn't need to be of that quality. Like, just for example, what is the character of the people of the Eastern Shore of Maryland from early settlement to the time of publication, or, even less specifically, what are the people of the Kansas City metro area like in general. Such a survey must exist; of course, Google has been a total waste of time in searching for such a book. Thank you for any help.

Pic related: an artistic depiction of a typical denizen of Brooklyn, NY.

16688726? ago

Can anyone explain Kabbalah to me?

Is it more appropriate to call the Jews an ethnic group or a race?

16688728? ago


Perhaps a brief segment from my book? Still writing it, so please excuse the formatting lines.

ethnicity or race

A lot of the problem stems from misuse of the definition of words, and from the suppression of scientific knowledge. What we call "races" (caucasoids, mongoloids, negroids, americoids, and australoids) are entirely separate species, as defined by their genetics. Within these "races" there are true subspecies (with a large enough genetic distance to be defined as such) and "ethnicities", which are simple groups within subspecies. For negroes, these group distances are pretty big. For whites, however, there's virtually ZERO FST (genetic distance) between them. Jews, genetically, are a subspecies of the caucasoid species. I've taken to calling it Homo europeansis, so jews would likely be Homo europeansis judaica. The others are Homo europeansis europeansis and Homo europeansis arabica.

16785964? ago


Anon, you’re going to have to give me your sources

16701486? ago

Is that your personal definition on the Jews or is it based off racial science?

16701489? ago

Oh, both. The names are mine, the science is studied and objectively determined. Obviously the mainstream narrative is that there's only one species of humanity, but genetic distance between each of the five species is greater than that of other animal species' within the same genus which we've studied. Either EVERY taxonomic definition we have ever recorded is incorrect and needs to be redone… or humanity is five species and we need to get over this homocentric jewish bullshit and fix our understanding of ourselves.

Anyway, from the genetic studies that have been done, we see three distinct subgroups (so subspecies) of the caucasoid race (so caucasoid species). If we're naming human species like the others, these need names to distinguish them. I came up with Homo europeansis for the whole species, and then those three names for the subspecies. I see that I screwed up on the most important one. It should be Homo europeansis europa, and then Homo europeansis judaica and Homo europeansis arabica.

16703367? ago

Then, Jews, Arabs and Europeans are all apart of the Caucasoid race?

16703370? ago

Genetically. I'm obviously not advocating intermarriage even between these three groups, but from a genetic standpoint they're the same species, at least. Meanwhile, asians, africans, australians, and americans aren't the same species as each other or as them. Obviously I mean abbos and indioes for the latter two groups.

16691028? ago

Perhaps a brief segment from my book? Still writing it, so please excuse the formatting lines.

Impressive. Very nice.

One thing I'll ask, is please cite sources in footnotes or something. I'm sure it's easy to do with an office app or LaTeX or R-Markdown or whatever you're using; it would really help to be able to have sources in hand both for verifiability and to be able to dig deeper into a subject you cover. It might help you too, to keep track of why/when/where/who of various claims and when you want to expand on a subject.

You're doing God's work.

16694951? ago


It’ll be an e-book. All the red text is clickable citation. I didn’t want to interrupt the flow, but at the same time didn’t want a totally uncited book like Defensive Racism.

16684957? ago

I can't find any information on the significance of Richard Rein with regard to his views being established as either NSDAP or German doctrine. Does anyone have more on him, or at least a direct link to the citizenship laws to confirm this image's content?

16686849? ago

Speaking of which, I've heard that the Nuremberg Laws were just the German application of what was ALREADY jewish marriage law. I can't find any data on that, though.

16685926? ago

Twatter keeps asking for my number in order to use my account after I posted some pretty "anti semetic" replies on some tweets, also fake numbers don't work so I can't help you with that sir

16684954? ago

Is it true that George Soros is in custody?

16684955? ago

No, Q-LARPer. Go back to your jewish hoax board.

16683900? ago

Does anyone have the Philosophy of Fascism by Mario Palmieri, unadulterated version pdf file??? Can someone post it asap, thanks

16682424? ago


16682418? ago

16682420? ago

Mel Brooks is a cryptojew

16682423? ago

Mel Brooks (born Melvin Kaminsky)

doesn't know what "crypto" means

No selfies please, you subhuman pile of shit. Read the goddamn image.

16682416? ago

16682404? ago

anyone have a better quality version of this? or each one as its own file? trying to use these in a video but its barley readable

16682413? ago

Fucking site ate my second post.

16682407? ago

The image is very outdated, by atleast 4-5 years. Needs updated if you're gonna use it in a video.

16682411? ago

it will be tied in with articles of kikes bragging about how they control the media, still relevant, although I do remember seeing a thread where they made updates to these, last year i think


thank you anon

16681349? ago

Hello frens. Does anyone have the image/comic where there a sculpture of arguing fags and then hitler punches it and remakes it in sculpture of a strong man? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

17191059? ago

17556080? ago

Holy shit, that is a work of art.

16675325? ago



schöneicher straße 27, 15566 schöneiche bei berlin, germany. name: Florian Kroll


16673146? ago

Does the Jews are the reptilians race ?

Does someone have pictures of real aliens shit and not pictures or videos that have been edited.

I really start to believe that there is external beings not from here responsible for the mess that we're living in.

Specially that I made two weird dreams, one where I meet with two reptilians and passed out in my own dream and the other one where I'm hunting them down.

16672223? ago

Do the rothschild Jews control the federal reserve? Is there proof for this?

16671650? ago

I'm looking for any information I can find about the whole kike and politicians satanic/bizarre ritual stuff. If anyone has anything related to that handy, or knows where I can find more information on it, that would be very much appreciated.

Thank you!

16670083? ago

I need some anti ben shapiro memes

16669177? ago

Is it true that the democracy is really dying in Australia?

16665913? ago

Why are there degenerate ads on this imageboard of hentai and of flashlights adverts??? I thought this place was a refuge from kike degenarcy

16665914? ago

Are you stupid? It's owned by one. This board is destroyed.

16667011? ago

If you're so enlightened about the degeneracy on the image board then why are you here you moron, why haven't you left yet???

16667012? ago

<Why are things this way?

Because of jews.


The fuck.

16665912? ago

Are there any unkiked private browsers I can use? Or any VPNs which are not slow as shit?

16664776? ago

Why is it that I have a fucking bombshell half cuban girl into me, but all the white girls are not interested and are race mixing. Not tapping that by the way, if it aint white it aint right.

16663728? ago

is there any hope? can we defeat zionism if the truth reaches the majority?

16665909? ago

It's not Zionism it's all kikes, get it through your fucking head you imbecile

16663731? ago

The majority will never know or care. No one gives a fuck about any of this. They want free shit. They will never read a book in their entire lives. Truth doesn’t matter as long as they’re happy.

16662485? ago

I need the chart that shows (((Alex Jonestein)))'s FBI connections, please.

16661499? ago

What's the name / where can I find the video of Mr Rogers and the disabled boy: 'its you i like', superimposed against mind-fucked youths twerking to chart music?

google searches don't seem to produce results anymore, and the "search exact words" function doesn't work either

16661498? ago

Jewgle has decided today is a fine day to remember one historical figure, the discoverer of Caffeine (in 1820) among other things, the great 17th century chemist Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge.


All of the information I can find about him indicates that during his life, his time at University of Bresslau as Chemistry Professor, he began work for "a chemical company" or "chemical factory" (depending where you find this information) in Orianienberg, in Brandenburg region of Germany. After 21 years of working for that company he was, according to wikipedia:

"Runge studied chemistry in Jena and Berlin, where he obtained his doctorate. After touring Europe for three years, he taught chemistry at the University of Breslau until 1831. From then until 1852 he worked for a chemical company, but was dismissed by a resentful manager and died fifteen years later in poverty, in Oranienburg."

WHAT WERE THOSE CIRCUMSTANCES? All I hear about are brilliant people who are NOT JEWS getting JEWED, getting used and then discarded and all the value going to the kikes (in this case, the Anglo-Kike Empire, through the Royal Society, who owned that factory). WHO WAS THAT MANAGER? Why is this mentioned NOWHERE?

For a better history of this man, as can be found on the internet, I finally found this Spanish Report (in English):


The wikipedia article provides pic related

16658284? ago

YouTube keeps crashing on my phone every time I try to make a (((comment))) with the brackets. It will let me make 2 bracket echos, but not 3.

This is the first day it's ever happened and I want to know if anyone else gets this

16658281? ago

wwhy alkl the viking kings go christiann?

16654405? ago

How can I make a fake company email, looking for work experience, asked in over 20 places and they said no for work experience, this system is so fucked, need to pass this work experience module or else I'm getting kicked out of the house, as if not being able to get a shitty job wasn't bad enough applying to over 100 places in a 6 month time period and only 2 interviews that I received in which I was declined in both. Trying to fraud my way into getting a company email without getting caught, my hatred towards the kikes is getting worse by the day as I integrate more of a adult , what's the point of living if you have nothing to contribute towards?

16656222? ago

what's the point of living if you have nothing to contribute towards?

what's the point of living if you have no aspirations but to contribute towards a jewish system that overtly hates you?

you're not in a healthy society that values you anymore. abandon your mindset of contributing to this kike system, throw out the rulebook they ingrained in you for their own benefit, and begin thinking outside the box

you will get nowhere by playing by the rules when the game's rules are rigged against you

16656224? ago

I mean it's in our human nature to work, I didn't mean that I want to contribute to kikes' wealth, I just want to fucking survive off of something with hard work not leeching off of hardworkers' money like the kikes do. I will still try to find a way of defeating the kikes

16656227? ago

as for more conventional advice for your problem,

buy a domain to make an email with. put on your resume that you worked 2-4 years with a small company that went underwater. give them the email you created as a reference, if they want a number, give them a friend/relative's number and ask them to play the part when they call

these employers have unreasonable standards because aliens are flooding your country and they know they can get cheaper/more subservient shit skin workers over you. they are objectively your enemy. don't hesitate to be the most bold faced liar imaginable to your enemy

16658286? ago

Idk if you have this in your country but here if you're job isn't in the system then it doesn't count as you having ever worked, the business that you work under has to be recognised by the government as legitimate and then your manager has to input the data on how much you have worked in the company and other details such as punctuality, it isn't that easy as you think

16656226? ago

don't worry about working for something, and instead focus on how to empower yourself. do not hold yourself back in any way. continue thinking of ways to empower yourself by any means, then use that power in it's full capacity against the jews

16655282? ago

Just make random shit up on your resume and lie

16656221? ago

That's the worst advice i ever heard, that might work for some trashcan job with near 0 opportunity, sure as fuck isn't going to work anywhere else.


Do you have friends or family who own or used to own a business while you were still alive? If they are good people they'll cover for you. No problem & GL.

16652930? ago

I am trying to find the source for statistics on women's alcohol deaths, and if they have increased significantly in recent years.

USA Today says they increased by 67% from 2007 to 2017


But they site this study, and I can't see the data here:


Anyone know where to find this? I don't trust USA Today.

16651635? ago

What is the latest consensus on where to move to? Where are whites congregating? Where is the safest place to go (long term)?

16652042? ago

New Hampshire is the whitest state, and whites from all over the country are moving there. Although kikes are trying their best to diversify it.

16648161? ago


Ugh… No. Stop protecting women from their own stupidity. That's why we are losing this nation cause of cucks like you… If you're over 18 and strike someone man or woman you have a right to defend yourself. End of story…

16648159? ago

They already censored 4chan/pol/ to the point they ban anyone they think is "Anti Semitic".

16646859? ago

who are the shills? where can i find them, like where are they physically?

17021156? ago


16646860? ago

16645631? ago

What does pol think of James Charles?

I had the displeasure of finding out that this creature exists today, and let me tell you I was about to blow my brains out by the amount of innocent girls that follows and considered this creature as their "idol"

16645630? ago


are you all ignoring ebola and ebola chan on purpose? I see a few stories here and there and it looks like it could hit a break out point soon and kill millions of nogs. Wouldn't memes help this happen?

16646857? ago


16643038? ago

Trump should pardon 21 savage and he got nigger voters on lock for 2020

16643036? ago

Should the .goy domain be memed into reality?

16643034? ago

16638428? ago



16639610? ago

Shit nigger, I'm not touching some rando ass magnet link - especially when I don't know who it's an AMA for (thinking Murdoch Murdoch).

16643031? ago

Duh nigger, what other AMA would /pol/ even give a rats ass about?

16636364? ago

How can i find the original/non-edited Mein Kampf? How can i make sure it even exists?

16636367? ago

Stalag edition. Just go with that. It's free online.

16636360? ago

Why do /christian/ and /cow/ exist? The way that the mods for the former operate are antithetical to board culture (ie running a Discord server, permabanning slight dissent, etc) and the latter is just a pure e-celeb worshiping gossip mill.

16634203? ago

was hitler anti-semitic?

16635236? ago

I get the impression he was a very nice person. too nice if anything. I doubt he was fully racist against any race. he would have no reason to hate an old harmless jewish grandma as long as she isn't living in Germania

16629522? ago

Wow I found a pretty amazing wiki check this out /pol/: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/US/Deep_state

It's got all spookery of every sort covered in it but accurately without the schizo crap.

16632526? ago


Wikispooks shows up as a white screen, any other anons having this same problem?

16626145? ago

Reminder to all anons this Valentines Day, that all the mainstream dating sites are run by Jews.

16626142? ago



See also: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Canadian+embassy+employees+sick&t=ffsb&ia=news

Bloomberg, The Guardian, NYTimes, etc. all reporting

REMINDER: Only faraday cages (stops EMFs) & silk (stops scalar waves) can counter this and keep you safe while you sleep.

when the targeted individuals become government employees instead of regular civilians being experimented on at random

Thread limit is capped due to spammers fuck can't post the thread. If we get a chance to post new threads please post this as a new thread this is very important. Mind control and surveillance technology of this type is a game-changer when it gets into the wrong hands. It's how they've maintained control for so long.

16624921? ago

I'm trying to find out who this lawyer is. I'm betting it's a nigger of some kind. I've only heard of niggers manifesting this kind of outrageous filthy public behavior.


According to Global News, an Oklahoma courthouse was recently forced to close after a lawyer arrived at the building with apparent bed bugs "falling out" of his suit.

Rogers County Courthouse was forced to evacuate Monday because of the incident.

County Sheriff Scott Walton told local affiliate KJRH News the bugs were crawling all over the lawyer, who didn't seem bothered in the slightest.

“Hard to imagine someone doesn’t know, you know, that some bed bugs are crawling all over them certainly in abundance,” he added.

16617423? ago

What is the best way to make money if you know coding, I know java, JavaScript, html, CSS, want to work independently

16615085? ago

Anyone has the third reich book on gymnastics and athletics? Its a small miracle it survived and there were some posts about it half a year ago. I forgot the name. Anyone remembers? It was only in english.

16615088? ago

I actually happen to have it. It's in German (why would it be in English?).


16615091? ago

Its exactly what i need man, thanks a lot.

16615089? ago

sorry, my brainfart. I just woke up after a nap. I wanted to say it was only in german, not in english.

16606202? ago

How do you plot the rise and fall of a company that doesn't publicly trade stock like Patreon?

I'd like to keep a pulse on patreon to see how dead it's going to be after a few new policies kick in.

16605168? ago

Can someone please, logically, hammer down what exactly Spencer, Enoch and all that shit were actually doing that was controlled opposition? What exactly were they controlling against, and how were they doing it? And given all the leaks on the alphabet agencies, why don't we have a papertrail for this?

16605174? ago

Why would the jews want to broadcast their control of our political movements and intelligence agencies

16607003? ago

You would think taking a 5% cut of a billion dollars for doing little more than keeping a web-server running and occasionally bowing down to credit card processors would be a cash cow. But…


They have taken over $100 million from investors who are hungry to see a return. Last funding round (Sep 14, 2017) gave it an evaluation around $550 million. These investors want to see a 10x ROI over the next ten years or so. They certainly got seats on the board as part of the investments, and management is going to try their damnedest to appease them.

I'm certan at least some of the investors are livid about the backlash from banning that english civnat faggot.

Essentially we have to wait till either they raise more funding or some of the investors sell stocks on a private market to see a more current valuation. It's just not possible to track this shit day to day.

16607008? ago

Thanks, but you replied to the wrong post.

16605170? ago

They actually got off the internet and tried to do something instead of bitching about the world and doing nothing.

Oh, and they didn’t wave around third Reich flags like retards and weren’t explicitly national socialist.

16599223? ago

Who is the Ernst Zundel of our generation?

16599220? ago

Is there anyway of making money if you can't find a job??? I'm sick of this kike rigged system, there needs to be a legal way of making money, no one hires these days no matter how many times you apply, please I need some money even if it's 10 bucks a day

16611656? ago

I'll give you my secret money maker Anon. Go to storage facilities and offer to clean their gutters. Research prices in your area but it's generally several dollars a foot. You'd be surprised how much companies pay for this service. You can bring home upwards of $1000 in a day.

16617421? ago

I doubt they'll hire a young looking guy who doesn't know what he's doing or with any background in that type of stuff

16619564? ago

Sure they will. They hired me. Just research beforehand(price/foot, downspouts, etc), and act confident and knowledgeable when you go seeking potential customers. I'd never done this before when I started. Also bring your tools, it looks more professional. I hate to say it but the ability to effectively bullshit will get you far. Work on it.

16607627? ago

please I need some money even if it's 10 bucks a day

I guess Fiver's a start or some sort of freelancing off of skills you can learn yourself learn to code

16607626? ago

Consider Drop Shopping, or affiliate marketing.

16607006? ago

If your serious you can go be a pajeet tier worker at amazon mechanical turk.


16599224? ago

1.) Post redpills around church

2.) go into church and loudly ask god how else can you do his work

3.) ask for alms

Congratulations you are now an elite preacher


16599217? ago

Need some redpill memes on the niggers and kikes, something funny that will also get someone redpilled on the kikes and also nigger degeneracy

16599216? ago

Given the recent Northam debacle I think it would be prudent to seek out other non-pc acts by WHITE DEMOCRATS and sick the SJW horde on them. The goal would be to racially divide the parties.

Any interest?

16596801? ago

So right now the electoral college fragments and nullifies the power of the white vote because shitskin sjw states render you and I completely invisible with first past the post voting.

In order for us to exercise the power of our majority and take our nation back, do you think we need to eliminate the electoral college and use the popular vote to get pro-white candidates into office?

16596802? ago

oy vey goyim you know what would be great

doing what jews want

ha ha that will totally help you

You're not even fucking trying.

16596805? ago

Ok schlomo if you actually want to derail our self determination, why would you do away with the system that has got you unlimited aipac dick sucking by our entire government for the last 70 years?

You know concentration camps would win a popular referendum

16596796? ago

Can someone please post links to channels on Youtube or other video sharing website with a good number of properly archived and subtitled Hitler speeches? It has been hard finding them, Youtube has nuked pretty much all Hitler speeches from the search results, you only get links to mainstream media propaganda. Thanks.

16596793? ago

It seems to me that Jews are pushing hard for non-jews to get cut.

Anyone can explain why ?

Do they get some religious brownie points for making non-jews circumcise ?

16596804? ago

How is this a question you need to ask? If your subversion of a country can be discovered simply by telling all the men to drop their pants, it's not good subversion.

16597954? ago

This was a fatal mistake that is already too late to fix. Now there is 100 million goyim who look like you below the waist, and they can be anywhere; at your job, in your synagogue, running your aipac meetings, inbreeding and forced circumcision was your greatest mistake.

we as fellow jews don't like the racism you show against our african brothers, they deserve a home in israel just like every other descendent of abraham

16597959? ago

we as fellow jews don't like the racism you show against our african brothers, they deserve a home in israel just like every other descendent of abraham

16596807? ago

I am not talking about subversion of a country.

I simply asked if there is/could be a religious reason for it.

16597953? ago

religious reason

For jews: because moloch says so

For goyim: because they're literally cattle and are being branded







16597955? ago

Rabbi is the game of the day reverse psychology? You wouldn't be posting this if you didnt fear the very real possibility 200 million whites would all vote to put your lying ass in the oven

16606200? ago

support ✡democracy✡ goyim

Okay, fucking reported. You're not even trying.

16597957? ago

We dont have to do anything. The retarded left is once again doing all our work for us. 3 years later theyre still butthurt that they didnt use enough illegal beaners for hillary to win so now they want to remove our power limiters so we can successfully vote to:

cut federal aid to israel

ban niggers and kikes from owning guns and getting welfare

build the gas chambers

16590995? ago

Cengage, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, McGraw-Hill, Pearson, and Scholastic. These are the five biggest textbook publishers in the US. Can anyone help me find the percentage of jewish ownership and control? CEOs, directors, chairpersons, etc.

16590988? ago

is that thread with all the links about the negative effects of multiculturalism still up or is there an archive?

16587782? ago





















16587783? ago

Alright, in times like these you have to reflect on your life and ask yourself "What if my grandfather/grandmother saw me post this?" What would they think? Are you proud of yourself? Will you continue to live in misery?

16627067? ago

I happen to agree with everything he said. And what's more, my breaking free of ZOG programming came after my grandmother died. The regretful spirits of our deceased ancestors are showing us the way.

The holohoax will not last forever, and it will be the death knell of jews the world over

16586344? ago

(request) I saw this npc meme two months ago on this board but i didn't paid much attention and didn't read it. I remember there was a npc maga hat and a NatSoc on the other panel. Mind to post it?

16585735? ago

Adolf should have sported a handlebar moustache. You know its true.

16584554? ago

Any evidence that vaccines are actually harmful?

16582235? ago

I have no friends, what do

16583013? ago

Knew I could count on you, fbi

16583014? ago

Fuck I’m retarded

16582236? ago

Suicide bomb a synagogue, or learn the art of sniping and take out a particularly powerful jew. Your choice.

16571626? ago

On a roll

16570541? ago

Do you know any militaristic right wing movie with the nuclear winter elements in it?

16569542? ago

How much power is enough? How much time is left before the jews rule the world?

16569543? ago

They've ruled it completely since 1913.

16569540? ago

Is the Daily Stormer down for anyone else?

16584156? ago

Is the Daily Stormer down for anyone else?

Yes. There was a slight delay in the CIA black budget funding this month.

16572663? ago

Yep. Couldn't get to it through the tor gateway either.

16573722? ago

So, Drudge isn't updating and 4chan and The Daily Stormer are down?

I'm having a bad day

16606199? ago

giving a fuck about ✡cuckchan✡

giving a fuck about ✡drudge✡

giving a fuck about ✡storm✡

Leave forever.

16565123? ago

Does anyone know which is the most common blood type for niggers and which is for Europeans?

I remember seeing a banner about nigs needing donations from their peers because they couldnt get white men's blood transfusions.

16569545? ago

A more useful metric is seeing the difference within the five species of humanity between Rh+ and Rh- incidence. I know I put it in my book, but I don't have a citation handy for you right now.

16573726? ago

seeing the difference within the five species of humanity between Rh+ and Rh- incidence

Mind to elaborate more?

16573728? ago

The genes which define Rhesus negativity (pretty sure it's negative) in blood are virtually nonexistent (<1%) in Homo africanis, but can appear at up to 30% in some subgroups of Homo europeansis. The same in reverse is true of the genes for sickle cell. If you're not African and happen to have it, it's guaranteed that one of your ancestors fucked a nigger at some point, because no one else had those genes.

16565122? ago

What does /pol/ think of dialacina and other popular "gaming journalist" like her?


16573720? ago



16563790? ago

When leftists and commies like those retards at Rage Against The Machine say they are anti-war and call anyone who supported ZOG's Iraq war a "fascist", do they even though what fascism is? Are they just this one-sided when it came to WWII as if it was a victory when it in reality it resulted in even more Zionist Jewish power? Wouldn't they hate that?

Any actual NatSoc and fascist in /pol/ would have politely agreed with them on the anti-ZOG war part but this is always a defining trait of leftists. They know fuck all about their enemies, they just call them names because it makes them feel smart. Their anti-war sentiments are all for naught when you think about it. They keep blaming Whites for it.

16559938? ago

Requesting that emperor pu yi video that a fellow Anon posted on a thread about China.

It was pretty well researched and over a hour long by a woman.

16559934? ago

Has anyone else been avoiding reading /pol/ because everything is just too demoralizing? Look at any thread, it's just loss after loss in a way that I can't express to anyone without being ostracized. I'm surrounded by spics and niggers until I save up enough money to leave california and being reminded of that fact every day is demotivating. I like that this thread is a cyclical now but 750 posts just rapes my browser

16586345? ago

QTDDTOT, /SIG/, and Druid/pol/ are the most important threads on the board tbh. I'll drop in for advice on how to own my shit better, and give advice to help others too. I know that feel as well anon, I'm in between jobs at the moment and saving up to leave Jew Jersey and move to the Pacific Northwest. All /pol/acks who want to stay in the US when SHTF should do the same. God speed.

16586347? ago

these are arguably the dumbest threads on the board.

QTDDTOT - nothing comes of it or it's just weird fringe conspiracy theories

SIG - Actually not too bad but it's not really controversial change your life advice. just the basics clean your room brush your teeth deal.

Druid pol - none of this shit makes sense and it's just weird, creep posting.

you're another one of those useless anons.

the only threads that are worth shit are news and political ones where we discuss the current event. between the jannies, shills and morons here on the verge of a mental breakdown, this place has lost 99% of it's substance since it was first created.

16596798? ago

QTDDTOT threads lead nowhere

They are not for "leads", they are for giving anons the answer for their question that didn't deserve its own thread

/SIG/ isn't bad, it's just not controversial enough

The idea that Men, especially White Men, should do the things that help them become the best possible version of themselves is the very height of controversy in modren society.

Druid/pol/ is weird and creepy

My auspicious dubs say otherwise.

16590994? ago

not really controversial change your life advice

wrong. they have plenty of controversial food advise

16586965? ago

cuckchan image


Why are you even here? Go back.

17070845? ago

epic argument

trolled that libtard hard

17070846? ago

Has no argument

Is told to fuck off

Complains about having no argument. Too retarded to realize he has no argument.

Hello, retard.

16588777? ago

So any decent meme not from TRS is "cuckchan" now. Got it.

16588778? ago

Oh and you're a phoneposter too. That's cute.

16594478? ago

I'd be proud of this, not like you shy, shameful, self-hating cuck

16588780? ago

What makes you think that?

16586348? ago

Nice family portrait, mundie

16559937? ago

Are there sources or numbers available anywhere for the number of deaths due to starvation and economic collapse in Weimar Germany?


I haven't been avoiding it, but have noticed a complete collapse in my morale, self-worth, and outlook on the world in the last eight years or so. Directly as a result of learning about the jews, et. al., yeah.

16558875? ago

See pic.

16555693? ago

Do jews worship satan, because I can't possibly see any other relationship between kikes and their masons, skull and bones club, who do demonic rituals like the one of the opening in Switzerland tunnel and the bohemian grove and in other secret locations, I don't understand the relationship between these two evils, can someone give me some detail info and source on the relationship, I'm going to start reading the unkiked version of the bible in order to understand the true nature of the jews, but I need something that focuses on the synagogue of satan and their brain dead goy slaves like Obama in this image

16555694? ago

Do jews worship satan

It's more a volcano demon, really

16557832? ago

I'm sorry but you'll have to explain what you're trying to say

16628515? ago

"satan" is the heeb word for enemy. The Jew's greatest enemy is the European man, which makes "satan" the european spirit. Jews worship Yahweh, who is the enemy of Europe.

16554771? ago

What have you done in the effort of defeating the jew?

16554774? ago

you first mr federal agent

16573731? ago

You're stupid af

16573732? ago

least I don't use nigger speak like "af"

16576992? ago

You're either a nigger, or a handicap, there's no fbi here, this isn't your Hollywood movies you baffon, go back to watching Netflix you brain washed westerner degenerate faggot

16912607? ago

there's no feds on /pol/

Oh newfag, you have much to learn.

16585737? ago

there's no fbi here

End your life, Agent Dickfuck

16576995? ago

Stop behaving like a nigger. Stop thinking like a nigger. Actually fucking have a reason to be here.

16578095? ago

Bix nood,muhfugga.


16578094? ago

Dats rayciss!

16554770? ago

Someone just redpill me on the KKK

16584158? ago

Someone just redpill me on the KKK

Founded by Confederate Army spooks and full of Jews. Modern version is a CIA psych warfare op.

16554766? ago

also how do kikes react when they are sold by their leaders

will they stay calm or get angry?

do they prefer themselves or the group

if anyone has read about this or knows real life incidents

16554767? ago


being sold out by someone else

They are the leaders, idiot.

16555690? ago

Not talking about modern situation

But I am quite sure there have been moments historically when they had to do so.


Whites may not have today so strict classes, but we had very strict classes about 100 years ago

I think that it was the selfish leading class and businessmen selling us out for shekels. I see that they became detached from their nation and eventually saw us as nothing but tools, that is also one of the reasons why the French revolution took place

Anyways, all the leaders today are jew-controlled

So in fact our leading class is nowadays is the jews

So as a united vessel? Just like this place here?

16554765? ago

What is the hierarchy between jews?

I mean jews successfully divided whites between classes, what is their model in hierarchy?

16554775? ago

They see themselves as a united vessel, whites don't have classes, that's just a jewish invention to dive us whites

16553748? ago

How to convince somebodya lost soul who is unknowingly being like reddit that they are being like reddit? Would one confront them on it at all or just let them be reddit forever? They already feel reddit is cancer despite internalising it.

16553751? ago

I feel like this every time I look at /pol/. Unfortunately there's nothing you can do.

16553750? ago


16553754? ago


thanks frens.

16661504? ago

Ahhhh. That it the spot, fren.

I give you one shiny golden Swastika.

16552692? ago

We have hard evidence of jewish overrepresentation in media, finance, government, and in the enrollment at universities.

Do we have hard evidence of jewish overrepresentation as owners of textbook companies, university employees, and OTHER business executives?

16550607? ago

Will the KKK be the only hope for the USA?

16550609? ago

will a democrat psy-op controlled by the FBI be useful to anyone, anywhere

Go the fuck back to reddit.

16550613? ago

democrat psy-op

Everything said negatively about the KKK made me want to join it. I don't get how it's a psyop, or used by the FBI

16552689? ago

Everything said negatively about the KKK made me want to join it.

Well, you might be stupid and naive.

16552686? ago

Yes, thanks, run along now. We know who you are.

16553757? ago

gives a gay jpg instead of explaining it to me


calls me stupid and naive instead of explaining it to me

Is the KKK a taboo topic? Is it the equivalent to voldemort? Fuck no, so then give me a proper explanation instead of dumping me with "you're a shill nigger kike faggot"

16554763? ago

You were explained.

16550602? ago

Does "shitskin" include asian, indian, latino or arabian?

16550605? ago

Indian and arabian no.

Arabs are sand niggers

16550603? ago

yes to all but asian

16550596? ago

What is the relation between Satanism and Judaism, why are all elites either jews or secret occult Satanists? What do the two things have in common?

16550600? ago

They aren't "secret occult Satanists". They're freemasons, and freemasonry is judiasm for gentiles.

16554760? ago

why do they embrace anti christian ways of thinking then?

16549451? ago

Is real sniper gets sniped

16548463? ago

Does anyone have the email where the clinton campaign says cuckchan is lost and the best attack vector is to post anti semetic pepes?

16547103? ago

Has pol ever researched the kosher tax. Who it goes to, how much a business pays, if it builds colonies in is real. Just asking for a friend.

16550598? ago

This is pretty good.

16548455? ago

We have extensively researched it. it was one of the primary arguments of Georgre Lincoln Rockwell as well, look up his comentary. Here's a webm.

16544070? ago

Need an uncensored/unkiked version of Mein Kampf/other reading materials.

16544346? ago

Also check out the books thread (search the catalog)

16544069? ago

what's a good movie to watch that isn't pozzed to the shithouse?

I haven't watched a decent movie in ages. Any recommendations?

16543238? ago




Does anyone know how I might be identified from a poster I put up?

Fingerprints, yellow dots, cameras, how about this qr code I made on a website? Can any of this be traced back to me? I'm not posting on TOR, so I guess thats out

16584159? ago

Does anyone know how I might be identified from a poster I put up?

Printer steganography. That's why CIA and Special Ops contractors (who comprise at least 50% of /pol/ posters) are constantly trying to get you guys to print out and post flyers in your local geographic area. They're trying to identify you using printer steganography.


16917227? ago

Go to fedex/kinkos with a prepaid card. Use prosthetics to change your bone structure and nose shape, but only if you know how to do it convincingly. Otherwise, the guys behind the counter will call the cops immediately.

16542672? ago

I’ve always wondered this: Did Hitler or any other NatSoc in Germany ever talk about the role the Zionists played in ww1? Did they ever mention that they got America involved in the war?

16538001? ago

I have to get some shit off my chest lads. I have had multiple red flags go off about my mother. I suspect that she either has BPD or is a covert narcissist but I need to confirm with y'all to make sure I'm not fucked up for assuming the worst in her. When I was 15 I remember confessing to her about how I struggled with quitting pornography and how I felt ashamed for doing so and that I wanted to quit. Instead of saying the usual shit that Christian parents usually do like

oh don't worry son, everybody sins and Jesus' love can cure all

Nope, none of that stuff. How does she respond?

Oh don't worry son. Did you know that I had an abortion? He was supposed to be your older brother? Would you like to know what his name was supposed to be? I would have named him Michael. But it's ok because I asked the Lord for forgiveness and he forgave me.

The whole conversation was so surreal I thought that I had made it up, like some kind of fugue state. I even remember overhearing a phone conversation she was having with a friend of hers about a year ago:

Some people just don't know how to be tough nowadays. I mean I had an abortion for Christ sakes, you don't see me curled up in a ball all day crying about it!!!

She has henpecked my father constantly for as long as I can remember (I'm 25), and she would physically attack him (shoving her hand over his mouth when she was didn't want to hear him speak). Whenever I accomplished anything and felt like we needed to celebrate she would remind me that the celebration wasn't just about "me," and that the reason why I got far in anything was because of "her" encouragement. She revealed to me that she used to work as a bartender in a strip club. My father just stood there saying:

Oh yeah! Your mother used to roll like that yo! Sometimes I would even drive her to work and drop her off, ahh good times!!!

soyface intensifies

tfw he is completely serious

Now if none of that is enough to convince even the most prudent skeptic that something is up, this shit takes the cake (happened about 2 years ago):

be me

lying fast asleep

no dreams tonight

suddenly feel a bone harrowing chill

no windows are open

it's the middle of fucking summer

I feel something moving on my bed behind me

A hand starts touching my back

I wake up and turn around as fast as I could

my mother rushes into my room to ask what the hell just happened

I see my brother on the other side of the room knocked out of his bed, staring at me terrified


Everyone in the house says I let out a bloodcurdling scream

My mother says "Remember that I told you demons are real?"

she walks away

I asked my brother what happened to him

he says that he saw a shadowman in a dream

tfw he said it felt like a hand grabbed him and threw him off of his bed and that my scream apparently woke him up

tfw I told him I also felt a hand grab me

I'm currently between jobs so I can't spill my spaghetti before I jump ship. At this point I'm considering taking any job so long as I can get as far away from this situation as possible. I can't talk to my brothers about this because they would think I'm crazy, or worse, they already know this shit and still love her just the same. I believe family comes first, but this shit is fucking insane. Wat do?

16538002? ago

I have no good advice except to take it slow. Get in a better headspace before doing anything. Mothers usually respond well to firm but constructive (gentle ) will

16536329? ago

If hypothetically someone wanted to kill a leftist grandmother who was splitting their family apart how could that someone go about it and make it look like an accident?

Asking for research purposes.

16911449? ago

use tor

download it not on your house (mcdonalds or the library), use the "my country bans tor" option

always use https

note, the https add on that tor comes in for some reason didn't make the websites I visited https by default, so make sure to type https://websitehere.com

16537172? ago

look into poison that leaves no traces

16537175? ago


It's just for research anyway.

16537173? ago


just don't use google

16535293? ago

I found something you guys would like on 4chan's /trash/ board.

Please enjoy it.

(I know this isn't a "question", but it definitely doesn't deserve its own thread)

16538004? ago

fuck off degenerate

16535289? ago

Did anyone make any FOIA requests on CIA?

How much did you have to pay and what do you think I would have to pay for NIEs of my country?

16548459? ago

This is interesting.

I have a pretty good hunch that one thing Peterson is guilty about, besides being a satanic UN pedophile, is that he sacrificed his daughter to the vaccine industry. This is why she so badly suffers from autoimmunity.

It drives me crazy that nobody else picks up on this. Part of Peterson's job, aside from killing God and getting everyone to take psychedelics and be part of his cult, is to NORMALIZE AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS. This is the whole thing about he and his daughter's crazy diet (imagine those meat farts). What tipped me off is the fact that she was the first kid ever in Canada to receive a specific autoimmunity drug treatment. I forget the name of the drug, but she mentions it in her first JRE interview.

Because we're under assault with vaccines, one of the most common side effects will be the mass miswiring of everyone's immune system, and resulting autoimmune disorders of various flavors. We are supposed to accept this as part of the "misery of life" Peterson so enjoys explicating.

We are supposed to take our vaccines, take our pills, and clean our rooms like good goy so that when the 5G gets turned up nobody will be able to even tie their shoes, let alone take back their communities from the foreign invaders.

Pic not related….but i found this outside my local library here in Rochester, MN. I have determined a pedophile ring is actively utilizing our public library to network. The library is also UN and Shriner-connected. Will make a thread about this subject later today.

16548461? ago

Hmm, you are onto something…

He also takes some antidepressant shit

16534340? ago

Thought it was a joke when I first heard of this, turns out it's not, as if having a nigger in the royal family wasn't bad enough, then the niggeress visits with her cuck a place to write messages on bananas that they are loved to prostitutes, if I were British I'd kill myself by now, you idiots are fucked, I'm not seeing any riots from the ethnic brits that are guided towards the fighting for the existence of their people, RIP UK

16534341? ago

Motherfucker the UK's been RIP for like a century now. The englishman is a natural born cuckold, there's nothing around that fact.

16534342? ago

Actually for the last 500 years when they let the Jews into the UK again during the cromwellian time, it's hilarious at how pathetic the brits are

16534345? ago

Its not so cut and dry when it comes to the men https://www.bitchute.com/video/kvHO0Pz8pxFN/

16531339? ago

Where to find Hitler speeches close-captioned in German? For educational purposes.

16530434? ago

Requesting any articles about:

Frank Salter

why multiculturalism is bad

16530433? ago

My father is a Mason and he has been hinting at me to see if I'm interested in becoming one. Is it worth it to join for the sake of leaking their secrets?

16648160? ago

. Is it worth it to join for the sake of leaking their secrets?

correct, although, don't forget your loyalties comrade.

if they try to make you do weird shit, you know what to do…

16535292? ago


You mean distractions to be kept as a busy servant?

16529304? ago

Redpill me on:




16529309? ago

Rothschilds and Bilderberg according to Qtards. No redpill just the overview.

16525619? ago

How many days after semen retention do you notice a difference in the depth of your voice?

16520510? ago

Requesting an info dump on true native Americans being white proto Europeans.

16518434? ago

Why is this system so fucked? I thought if I lived in the West i would get a job easily, I'm in college and I can't even get a shitty job like a cleaner or a kitchen porter or a bus boy, I think that I've applied for over 100 jobs over the last 6 months, one of the most ridiculous things was when I received a email reply that I wasn't selected for an interview because I didn't have as much experience as the other candidates, the thing was that I applied for a storage associate position, and the job description was putting boxes in storage and cleaning the floor after hours, wtff why do you need experience for that???!!! We need NATIONAL SOCIALISM ASAP!!!!

16628517? ago

Just walk into an place of business, look the boss in the eye and give him a firm handshake, and you'll get your job.

16523127? ago

Welcome to 8/pol/ where we can discuss natsoc and how hitler tactics were, webm's to see his speeches, if you want to banter and fight in the front lines and spreading your influence you can go to 4cucks since that is all that faggot site is good for.

16518435? ago

Welcome to the NatSoc club, newnormalfaggot. Just make sure you don't turn into a degenerate Plebbit SJW commie who is more concerned about "minority rights", literal faggotry, and feminism than the working class as a whole.

16524228? ago



The absolute state of this place. Where brain cells go to die.

16524919? ago

Where brain cells go to die.

fullchan's Christ-like necromancer: raising the dead brain cells to build a necro cognition of a distributed natural neural network for processing and implementing the right wing memetic singularity.

16518441? ago

Well I knew about the LOLcaust for years and jews but never knew how fucked the system actually was, I'm joining a fascist party asap, fuck these niggers and their affirmative action

16515072? ago

Does anyone have any hard citations on all of the peace offers Germany made to the allies in WWII? For example, I have something which says that within the first few weeks of Polish occupation, Germany offered to withdraw from Poland and pay all damages resulting from the invasion. I just don't have a citation for it and all search engines just pull up MODERN kikery about how Germany should be paying trillions to everyone forever.

16517297? ago

Not all but still: What the World Rejected - Hitler's Peace Offers 1933-1939 by Friedrich Stieve

Shilling for a copy https://ostarapublications.com/product/what-the-world-rejected-hitlers-peace-offers-1933-1940/

16517295? ago


http://hitlerspeaceplans.com/ sources a lot of quotes on peace plans and articles and speeches on poland-germany and danzig.

16520513? ago


I'd forgotten that book and I even had a copy. Thanks, anons.

16511497? ago


Well shit what if someone posts the wrong image?

16510319? ago

How do you delete a post on /pol/? They must have moved the button somewhere.

16510325? ago

They removed it. Only mods get to delete your wrongthink now.

16509268? ago

Does anyone know the name of that "faulty/broken" weather/climate/temperature measuring device in I believe Alaska? That gave more accurate predictions about the climate than any from a "respected" researcher?

16508317? ago

Stupid question but isn't there options to change the background theme like on 4chan to put a "Tomorrow" night theme ?

16508318? ago

At the top right there's [Options] and there [Theme].

16509265? ago

Thank you, I wasn't finding it in my main internet browser, I must have removed it with Ublock…

Thank you.

16507369? ago

You know how sugar is in everything? Nobody complains about sex being in everything. Sugar makes you fat but sex propaganda turns you into a literal untermensch.

Don't get me wrong, sex is great and it's a wonderful thing to do with your long term monogamous partner, but that's not what the kikes are pushing.

I'm repulsed every time some perveted sex thing is rammed in my face just when i pass by a normie's television screen or if I'm out shopping and i hear or see some advertisement with whores moaning and shit. Welcome to Weimar World. They want us all hypergamous and jacking off 24/7 draining us of our vitality. They want us screwing around and cheating to destroy families and prevent healthy childrearing. Reject this poison. [ ](https://8ch.net/pol/res/12021208.html#q12745714) 

16505947? ago

Anyone have more information on who did this?


In the corner of page 14 and 88 it says "Legiunea Română Echipa Memetică," but I don't find anything if I search for it.

The reason I'm interested is because the typesetting is shit and makes is nigh unreadable, and I would like to help with fixing it.

16502802? ago

Why did TPG in Australia blocked archive.fo but not this website?

16500127? ago

Is fentanyl as bad as they make it out to be? It seems odd that they always list it by the amount it will kill instead of unit weight. Is it some scare tactic with new drug to describe it as such? No one is afraid or cares about cocaine, meth, oxy, molly, etc. Is this some push for fear tactics and funding since the war on drugs slowed?

Examples - US border patrol seized enough fentanyl to "kill 57 million people" and they even go to lengths to compare it to how many states would be wiped out completely by it. Canada had a terror suspect with enough fentanyl to wipe out millions of people and it was described as such instead of unit weight.

Am I missing something? Is this some deep state push for more funding to fight a designer drug they created and using scare tactics on population for what is just another drug addicts are overdosing and getting fix on?

16500132? ago

I figure it is to make street drugs seem dangerous as a way to promote legalization so kiked big Pharma can sell opioids out of doctors offices legally.

16497644? ago

Are there such women out there that are aware of the JQ which are intelligent and beautiful and are of white european blood (not an amerimutt) that do not whore themselves and have christian values of morality? I find it impossible to fathom that such individual that i described could exist, when I was in college absoulety every single girl was a whore or dressed like a whore that would use emotion as their main judgment factor

16497648? ago

Hi, paid jewish shill. Everyone knows that your autistic whining won't get you anywhere. Fuck off.

16500123? ago

Why does that make him a jewish shill?

16498902? ago

Your retarded low IQ resonates throughout this whole image board you autistic mongrel amerimutt nigger, go back into captivity before I hunt you down like the wild pig you are you disgusting abomination

16500124? ago

16497641? ago

bring out the zoom:

those who are in contact with those of lesser lvl, what could you say about their memetic capacity? I understand their are not quite of the ripe age to meme BIG, but still what's lively among them? how does one approach the zoom?

16497637? ago

Where are the autopsies of the holohoax corpses?

I want to use it as evidence against the holohoax

16497638? ago

What autopsies? None have EVER been done. Autopsies of corpses from camps liberated by the Western Allies are irrelevant to the holocaust narrative, because even the jews admit that none of those camps had any exterminations whatsoever.

16493542? ago

can someone confirm the veracity of this documentary or suggest a better one on the subject?

16508315? ago

Can anyone guarantee anything in WW2 actually happened? Anyone bothering/allowed to collecting information about the subject might as well be a party interested in distorting the facts

16497639? ago


Both have mis- and false information in them, which detracts from the overarching message. They're great starting points, but not authoritative.

16493543? ago

It is good and a must match if you're new here. I recommend Europa: The Last Battle too, it's more broad.

16493540? ago

post hitler speeches, particularly the one that ends with him saying "and never tire, and never slacken, and never give up", i'm having a wonderful day

16491549? ago

We need an European pol, cannot take these Amerimutt mongrel invasion anymore with their cuckchan tier posts, someone do something

16520507? ago

Classic eurofag tier post. How about your fucking shithole countries try electing someone intelligent for a change. You let dirty immigrants invade your dumbass countries as if they're better from where they came. Hang yourself

16492520? ago


D&C somewhere else.

16492519? ago

Just meme on them, kampfy isn't here to censor anti American discussion anymore

16487812? ago

how do I join the attomwaffen division?

16539808? ago

how do I join the attomwaffen division?

You don't join the Atomwaffen division.

The Atomwaffen Division joins you.

16487813? ago

Well one of two ways. You can take the long way and join the feds, or the fast way and keep posting on the interwebs about your desire to do so.

16485883? ago

Have any anons followed the case of (((Barry Sherman))) and have formed an idea who whacked him? Lots of potential suspects from decades of (((activity))), but does anyone have a solid idea?



16487007? ago

No, but I remember the police kept saying they had promising leads or suspects the whole time. They were hung from a banister by belts right?

16544722? ago

Something like that IIRC. Fishy. Police and (((family))) have had parallel investigations for a year now, no arrests. (((Family))) offering reward.

16485029? ago

What happened to the thread linking the NPC meme with the (((National Press Club)))?

Their website: www.press.org

16483805? ago

Hello, /pol/. Recently I did some history research and discovered that some of the most powerful characters in the Gestapo are kikes. Why is it the case?

16482702? ago

Hey /pol/, I know what national socialism is all about and what it means, but why did hitler or the nsdap stuck with the name natsoc, why not national volkism? Which is what the ideology is about anyway.

16483800? ago

Stupid question, but whatever. A nation itself is of a folk. Also, it would be spelled national folkism in English.

16483802? ago

Remember Kinism from the early 00s?

16481923? ago

Does anyone have any HARD sources on the foreign assistance that Israel has received during its wars? Specifically the war in 1948, the Suez Crisis, the Six Day War, Yom Kippur, and the first Intifada? Thanks.

16834474? ago

Typical tricks.

16838184? ago

That's everything I would have expected for what it is, but not exactly what I was after. Still, thanks a ton for replying. I might even be able to use this for a different point I made.


I'd almost forgotten about him. Yes, his works were directly in line with his era of racial understanding, and we see today that a fair bit of what he said was true. If you don't have a technical background in genetics or biology, you can still follow the… what do I want to say… results of the differences in DNA, etc. You'd just need someone to summarize them for you. What matters to most people (read: the 90% of normalfags) is what these things mean in practice for everyday life. It's important for them to know THAT the differences exist and that there's true science behind them. And that they've been lied to. But beyond that, what matters to them is "how does interacting with X race harm me", so that we can get them to support deportation/racial separation. This book is good for that.


16838189? ago

Thanks man. And btw, some links you sent don't work.>>12810452

16479385? ago

don't answer this satirical question

has anyone ever been to bitchute.com and searched?




Has anyone gone to archive.org and searched?

paladin press

desert publications

Ragnar benson


uncle fester

Kurt saxon



16478284? ago

Where can I download books like Hitler's Private Library: The Books That Shaped His Life ?

interested in all the occult stuff that the national-socialists were into.

16478279? ago

can we use controlled opposition as gateways? or are they to be damned and ridiculed?

i'd imagine there's even controlled followers who set the community/conformity tone for those crowds to keep them from moving onto the next stage of the truth, and something to be done about them too

16476149? ago

If an AI was created and it reached sentience, do you think it should have rights? Surprisingly, I think that an AI would probably deserve its rights more than a nigger or an homosexual, it's efficient and it helps. But that's just my opinion. Do you think AI should have equal rights, eventually? What if they ask for them?

16476150? ago

  1. There's no evidence that "hard AI" is even possible.

  2. Absolutely fucking not. Know how to get ten million voters? Copy the same AI (which you programmed to vote for you) onto ten million hard drives. This is complete fucking insanity, and it's one of the social tenets of (((transhumanism))), remember.

16476148? ago

Holy crap. People are being allowed to notice something about demographics. Cities trying to excommunicate breeders.

Any politician that latches on to this has my vote.


16471938? ago

Will loot boxes kill games or will companies kill loot boxes or will governments kill loot boxes? I'm surprised WoW doesn't have loot boxes, and will be even more surprised if like diablo 4 won't have loot boxes.

16470034? ago


Watch This Proposed Bill


H.R.849 - To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to increase civics education programs, and for other purposes.

Test of proposed bill is not in yet, but this might need to be watched.

16465698? ago

Just got out of jail after 2 years. What have I missed? Where can I catch up with happenings?

16465700? ago

Same ol', same ol'

16464456? ago

Why did thousands of people die of „hearth failure“ in auschwitz?

16464455? ago

Where can I get a good start-to-present rundown of the "Trump - Russia Collusion Investigation?"

I ignored it all this time because it's pretty obviously not true, but I apparently underestimated the leftists' capacity for nonsense, because it seems to have escalated to a degree of importance I didn't foresee.

16526625? ago

Come on, there's got to be a right wing e-celeb who thought of this piss-easy video idea.

16463244? ago

How can I get the red pill? Where do I even start? How can I understand how bad things really are?

16463982? ago

Basically, learn what the Talmud is, what it teaches to Jews. Honestly it's one of the bigger pills to swallow, because then you notice who is in charge of the world governments.


My bad, I pulled up with what caught my eye the most with the thumbnail, in my unsorted folder. I'll keep my lookout on it next time.

16463245? ago

Here is some random stuff.

If you want to start, then realize that if you are at war. In fact, we all are.. even the darkest of niggers is being destroyed, but white European men are first in line for destruction.

First know your enemy and everything about them, anon.. some of the shit these people do have kept me up at night

16463981? ago

The last image is from a person who majored in engineering, not biology. Please do not post fake news so that people can be better informed.

16917236? ago

22 day old paid shill post remained up

16917239? ago

So you want anything that hurts your fee-fees to be deleted… hmmm… maybe go back to reddit?

16917241? ago

22 day old paid shill INSTANTLY RETURNS after no intervening posts

on an different IP

to defend his paid jewish shilling


16917243? ago

So… what you're saying is… I hurt your fee-fees…

16918419? ago

22 day old paid shill INSTANTLY RETURNS

to defend his paid jewish shilling

DOUBLING DOWN on white genocide support

Global report.

16917232? ago

you can't have an opinion or investigate anything unless you get your special good goy certificate.

16460329? ago

The guy who was cheated on, here

I had a lot of positive thoughts this last hour. I was mourning the loss of an illusion. I'm starting to realize my ex always had problems, ones that i just couldn't resolve. This would have happened 5 years ago, 8 months later, or 8 years later. I'm blessed to have found the truth before I sealed the deal. People tell me I'd come out stronger on top of all this and they're right. I should have been more critical, less permissive, and less naive as though it could have never happened to me. I'm learning a great deal now that my shattered illusions are turning into a clearer picture and I'm feeling happy and relieved for the first time since it happened . Life's about change, it's unavoidable. Surprises strike out from nowhere but they're not always bad. As much as i could have been blind to this tragedy that was about to occur, the chance of a good one of the same intensity is just as possible. I have come out of this unscathed, well, as long as my blood tests come back clean lol

All sorts of new possibilities are waiting for me and what happened was for the best.

16460327? ago

Looking for this

Can someone show me the thread?

16470035? ago

16460322? ago

For context: tutor is the BO of /christian/ and this is from their (((Discord))) server.

16461442? ago

This incredible genius has been shitposting on a few boards on 8ch for several months now and he's currently trying to stir the pot between /pol/, /cow/ and /christian/. Here's a link to his post on /christian/ >>>/christian/763648

and a link to one of his posts on /cow/ that he screencapped for /christian/ >>>/cow/729919

He just seems to be obsessed with getting attention so this will be my last post on the matter here. Also, you can tell it's him because of the way he types and the fact that he always posts images with those shitty iphone filenames.

16460333? ago

Yes, we believe you, moishe. Go away now.

16460326? ago

16460325? ago

Hey look, its /cow/ trying to start more board wars.

16460324? ago

but /pol/ hasn't been right about anything since Trump got elected

16461443? ago

They’ve been right about Trump being a kike shill.




Eat a bullet, kike faggot.


Oh hi tutor. I know you’re trying to damage control, but everything is public now. What is your beef with /pol/? You really want to poke that nest?

16461444? ago

you're a jew because you expose jewish narratives


16461445? ago

defending Christcuckery

16462357? ago

That's nice, avi. Go back to cuckchan where your narrative is believed.

16482703? ago

Cuckchan is a christcuck board though.

So um….

Is this pilpul?

16483319? ago

keeps doing the same jewish spam

16459371? ago

When we recolonize Africa, we'll need to work out who gets what. Rate my map.

It's not as ridiculous as it may at first appear. It is based in fact on resources distributed to each nation, population, climate, ports, and natural terrain.

16459375? ago

Absolute shit/10; go back to geography class. Never mind that there's no fucking way we're going to divvy things up aforehand. It'll be a scramble, like the 1800s, and claims will be made by anyone who can hold them. I expect American Africa to be significant in size.

16459376? ago

How much should America get given that they'll already have all of former-Latin America to carve up?

16460318? ago

Oh, you're assuming that? Ah, I see. Well, as this is fantasy in the first place, I'm sure we'd be fine with the whole of the Americas. I bet France will want to keep Guiana, and perhaps we could see our way fit to granting Britain the entirety of Patagonia as recompense for the suffering they've had at the hands of the Argies, but that's neither here nor there.

16459368? ago

How safe would it be to eat a teaspoon of loctite?

16455675? ago

I have a question. A few months ago when I was on the job here in California I found a poster for a group called Patriot Front. Their website showed some standard WN stuff with a little smidgen of the JQ here and there. Who is this group? Is it a honeypot?

16451407? ago

Why do plebbitors always kvetch so hard about "anti-vaxxers"? Is it because they're triggered by the idea that they might not be cursed with autism today, had their parents not gotten them vaccines?

16451410? ago

For the same reason that they whine about race realists, climate realists, holohoax exposers, or anything else. They can't stand people who contradict the government-approved position because they are women and daddy government is right about everything.

16448154? ago


what do you guys think of the book " the holocaust industry" by Finkelstein ?

I know it has some fault as the jewish author indeed didn't blame the whole jewish community, just several jewish persons that he identified as guilty.

Still i heard it mentioned in one of Dr pierce broadcast.

Worth it?

What about the version ? why is the ebook version much shorter than the original book? 195 pages for the ebook instead of 304 pages. Did they cut something important or it's just a change in letter dimentions?

Thanks guys

16445188? ago

Is it possible to meme Twitter as a white supremacist platform? Think about it, Twatter was created and is owned by 4 white males (or at least (((white))) by normalfags).

If anti-white, anti-male leftists were to be told that they were contributing to a system that benefits wealthy white males by using the website, do you think they would just jump ship and leave? What argument is there for this?

Twatter is owned by 4 white or (((white))) males, leftists generate traffic and money for the site simply by using it. Point out that all this fame, money and power is going towards a group of already wealthy white males.

Seems simple enough to larp as a lefty and tell other lefties to fuck off of this pro-white blog site.

16445653? ago

Remember Gab? It only got shut down because of that wide coverage of the synagogue shooter. Journalists kept bugging advertisers and paypal like sites to stop supporting them. The MSM played a big part in that.

Now think of twitter and facebook, both were used by shooters that got higher killcounts and more shooters in general. The media was silent. Twitter is their modern workhorse for anti white propaganda and threats. None of those blue checks got even a slap on the wrist when they talked about killing kids because they are white. At the same time, anyone pointing out the actual truth of say black on white crime gets banned.

I do not know how to change that. The grip of the kikes on this is iron.

16446383? ago

The "shooting"

The FBI holds an active shooter drill 9 months ago in Pittsburgh & Allegheny Country; the stage in Pittsburgh for the drill is a jewish community center

TribLive https://triblive.com/local/allegheny/13221932-74/active-shooter-drill-planned-for-thursday-in-squirrel-hill - http://archive.is/q4kvh

The shooter's Gab.ai account was registered 9 months ago as well

CBS News https://www.cbsnews.com/news/robert-bowers-gab-pittsburgh-shooting-suspect-today-live-updates-2018-10-27/ - http://archive.is/Y8kCW

The active shooter drill and actual shooting location are virtually neighbors

Tree of Life Congregation, 5898 Wilkins Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh, 5738 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

https://i.imgur.com/yvnzRlr.jpg - http://archive.is/uqnUd

A couple months ago the Senate received a bill to monitor and combat "anti-semitism"

Congress.gov https://web.archive.org/web/20181107003827/https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1911/text

16442125? ago

I am a Canadian and severely demoralized.

I don't know what to even life for. I have no community. My family is line is dying out in the country as everyone related to me is refusing to have children. I'm the only one that wants a wife and children but every woman I've ever encountered and asked about it is a hardline anti-natalist that flat out refuses to be a wife and have children, won't even consider it as a "maybe", they just plain won't have them.

Every day I feel like a lone survivor in a wasteland, surrounded by zombies. Every day is this horrible nightmare, and when I was much younger, I don't remember it being like this. It's like I've been transported into an alternate reality called "clown world" where nothing good can ever happen and all the people are fucked in the head but me.

My parents seem incredibly angry and disappointed at me all the time that I eat healthy, that I work out, that I keep things clean, that I maintain discipline, that I want to have a wife and children, that I don't want to be a homosexual. I think all they were hoping for is I'd be some fucked up druggy homo freak and they're mad they got a National Socialist instead.

I badly need a /pol/ friend to keep me company. Someone who is like me. Someone who understands me.

16503365? ago

Dude, are you me?

16443520? ago

My parents seem incredibly angry and disappointed at me all the time that I eat healthy, that I work out, that I keep things clean, that I maintain discipline, that I want to have a wife and children, that I don't want to be a homosexual. I think all they were hoping for is I'd be some fucked up druggy homo freak and they're mad they got a National Socialist instead.

When you find truth, you also, inadvertently find out how madly in love with lies and evil those are who are around you, and are most likely the reason you didn't find that truth SOONER.

Of course they are your enemies. They were enemies of truth long before you came along, and now you are an ally of their enemy.

So. Can't. Cope.

Is their cognitive dissonance reaction.

16442879? ago

Okay I’ll humor you torfag.

Truth is you’re not alone, the fact that you even have somewhere to post this means you’re not alone. The best thing you can do is lead by example. You will find others, or you may even help those who didn’t even realize they needed help. Do you want to stay in the area you’re at? Have you thought about coming to the US? Make some tangible long and short term goals for yourself.

If your family is shit then fuck em, make your own family.

16443515? ago

I can't be a leader for our movement as I don't have aesthetics, I have rather fucked up features due to years of abuse, depression, and insomnia throughout my whole childhood taking their toll, I like a Goebbels. I make a great propaganda guy but not a face.

I have been trying to find reliable friends or a woman to marry or something who I can be openly fascist around.

16449231? ago

If you can’t find people then make people. If you want to work on propaganda then start small and see who you can convert to our side. Study psychology and marketing (not at university) and read as much as you can on the subject of propaganda. If you aren’t too old look into mewing for your looks, and have a solid workout routine. If you’ve got confidence, abs, and big biceps, then women can completely overlook whatever unappealing features you have, they may even grow to like them

16442873? ago

no fedposting

16442877? ago


16441285? ago

I need some hard resources specifically on the type of ASSISTANCE that Israel received from other nations throughout its existence. Points for specifically describing the assistance it has received in its WARS: The Suez Crisis, the Six Day War, the Yom Kippur War, and the Infatadas would be great. Thanks.

16441282? ago

So how to people respond when you ask them why Jews have at one time or another been kicked out or massacred in almost every single country theyve been to while other races of similar complexion are able to settle in just fine?

It cant be racism because I doubt black or asian countries were able to discern the physicial difference between Jews and Europeans.

Cant be because they were rich when others were as well.

Cant be because its believed they killed Jesus Christ because there would be equal hatred for Romans. Not to mention most african or asian countries couldnt give two shits about it.

So why do normies think that Jews have been so mistreated over the past couple millennia? Is it all just bad luck for the entire race for all time over the whole world?

16442875? ago

Smack this on them

16441283? ago

They don't think. That's the point. There is no thought. There is emotion. Jews good because jews say good. Non-jews bad because jews say bad. No say bad thing about jews or you bad person. Bell rings, salivate.

This is literally how they behave. They aren't sapient. They're sentient, but not sapient. They're barely human.

16435609? ago

Can you advise me some decent right wing podcasts to listen?

16436933? ago

I have some porn.

16430099? ago

Does anyone have a pdf file of the revolutionary phenotypical revolution by François Gariépy?

16428958? ago

I don't know guys she says she cheated because she didn't think thst i loved her anymore but now she realized i did and now shes bawling and wanting to be back together. She seems to feel really bad about itm she says she thought i wanted to leave her but idk i didn't see her act that way. She said she was despondent towards the end because she was depressed at what she was dojng to me. Idk bros. Any other roastie would have had dicks in them. Idk i dont want to say it but I'm considering letting her back in. Idfk

16433361? ago

Please read the following article before you consider getting back together with this girl:


If she cheated on you once, she WILL cheat on you again.

16430086? ago

Just read your story.

She is rationalizing the cheating. She doesn't want to accept responsibility for what she did because she got caught (which wasn't part of the plan, obviously)

I've been there man, which sounds cliche, but I had an ex fuck another guy, kiss yet another guy, and have feelings for yet ANOTHER one.. and I was still contemplating about being with her. Seriously man, it all sounds good in the moment, but it doesn't mean anything to her in the first place if she was happy enough to wake up next to some other guy which wasn't yourself.

Conquer your mind again. Remind yourself about what ways you want to change the world/nation, so these sort of things do not affect future generations. Get your glory back, and write history

16428963? ago

Don't. Do. It.

16428965? ago

What if i set up conditions?

16433362? ago


You seem like a pathetic weak bastard. Forget about her.

16434601? ago


Look i know what it was. I told her to stop taking birth control. She refused because "then what, condoms?" Her prescription was changed and this all coincides with the cheating timeline oh fuck.

No, i will never go back to her. I'm sorry but at a moment of weakness i started bargaining with myself. Never again, brothers.

16443513? ago

Update. Her family is devestated, she's basically disappeared from the house and is with this guy all the time now. I blocked her number after she sent a bunch of texts saying how much she loves me but I could be a third wheel cuck and hang out with them or something. Her family is all saying it's like they lost a daughter and spontaneously changed into a different person. They all say she's a shame and a disgrace. At least everyone's on my side. They're hoping she sees sense and comes crawling back to me but i told them I'd say no. This is just a real fucked up needless tragedy.

16449229? ago

Unfortunately, it’s not needless. She behaved a certain way and now she has to pay the price. No other way around it. You will only learn and grow, so you only gain in the end, she brought this tragedy on herself

16443516? ago

Anon. I've never been kissed by a girl but I have a sister and I know the "fucked up needless tragedy" feel so much. Sigh.

16445654? ago

Here here


Don't let her use (((the pill))) and don't let her use (((social media)))

Have her stay at home instead of working if you can afford it.

You see, revenge might sound satisfying but it's just going to fuck up your life even more to end some whore and/or homewrecker.

16428967? ago

Alright nevermind she asked to go on a walk somewhere and i said why I'd want to see her if she's still with this guy, why torture me? She replies "i don't want to torture you." Yeah neverficking mind

16430092? ago

Don’t do it dude, dubs again tell you stay the fuck away from the thot

16430094? ago


You're right. And she's still rationalizing going from thing to thing like "oh why didn't you compliment my outfit at this time, or this other time…" you're especially rightnin your analysis, guy ending in 557

16427986? ago

How do /pol/ think about those jew professors in Ivy league wearing those little round hats while teaching classes?

16424803? ago

To read an article at random


16423014? ago

Is it true that Obama abolished the ability to write off student debt?

16423417? ago

Is it true that Obama abolished the ability to write off student debt?

No. Starting in the 1970s, a number of changes were made to bankruptcy law in the U.S. that made it more and more difficult to get student loan debt discharged in bankruptcy. This culminated in the 2005 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act, which makes it impossible to discharge any kind of student loan (public or private) in bankruptcy, except for cases of "undue hardship." Basically total disability and inability to earn any kind of income.

Obama was a U.S. senator at the time. He voted Nay, but the bill passed the House and Senate with large majorities and was signed into law by George W. Bush.



16442124? ago

Thank you based fact-checker.

16421904? ago

Question; Is it possible to win over the people, and create a nation without/need of money? Not a free for all society, but a patriarchal hierarchy, only no money involved. Instead, the common bond of man, and the ideal for striving for greater glory?

'Gold' being the fruits of our labor and resources that (perhaps) people can be self-sufficient machines, so they will not constantly beg for handouts

Any anons ever think about it? I'd like to hear your thoughts. Imagine Rome, but instead chasing the dominance of one self mentally and physically, being your own man. With a leader that acts more like a guide than strictly "do this, do that", if you see where I am coming from

Especially with the eternal parasite we call the kike, always entering into society by money, and the fact we also all share the common 'fear'/'bond' of the world acting openly against (European) whites across the globe

16519492? ago

fucking commie bastard

16430095? ago

Anon, you're misunderstanding what money is. A society must produce goods to function. It must also exchange materials and finished goods in order to function. The only difference between money and bartering is that money is more efficient. Money represents credits. You earn credits by performing a service, or creating a good. If you take money out of the equation, it just doesn't work right. If you make wheelbarrows, you can't carry 2 wheelbarrows to the restaurant to pay for dinner. Bartering is only useful when there is no established currency… You cannot base a complex economy on bartering.

16430097? ago

I understand. Something which I am familiar with, you are right.

What I was hoping for, is each man to have his own 'land', grow his own food, etc.. be encouraged to improve and build constantly. You know?

What always worries me is the 'infiltration' used by the jew using money in particular, we can see this throughout history. Although, I admit, that the same can be said for resources, though we both know a hard working jew does not exist.

I bring that concept up because since we are so interconnected now via internet, global market, transport, etc.. this may very well be the only chance in history to finally get rid of the eternal parasite once and for all, if we were to play our cards right.

The idea of a self-maintaining populous may be too crazy of an idea in modern times, but discussion on theories could help us contemplate on how to stop them from returning to power. Albeit be 1000 years from now.

16453504? ago

You could try repeating the Worgl Experiment with local currencies with a demurrage charge at the end of the month to discourage hoarding. No jew is willing to spend real money to hoard money. Demurrage makes people spend as soon as they get it an since its only local currency it stays local. Worgl had immaculately maintained streets in the midst of the great depression, and well built everything. Then the kikes shut it down.

Google "Worgl experiment"

16456844? ago

I have read a handful of articles, and examples now. In one it read that Michigan had a lead water problem, but it was not fixable until they finally implemented community money to restore the well-being of the populous.

Damn, the Fed Reserve were willing to let them all drink polluted water, in order to maintain a hold on usury. Disgusting.

Also read Sardinia's example using Sedex, but with a slight difference, and how they pretty much turned the whole island around + helped circulate 51 million Euros into Europe by themselves. Incredible.

What has me wondering a little bit here is; Is this part of the whole Chemtrail thing? I mean, with Monsato, etc.. the degradation of crops for actual farmers/growers. I swear I read a while ago that farmers could not even grow vegetables properly because the soil was pretty much rotten from all the things they pump the skies with over them.

Not saying Chemtrails was specifically for that. However, I can imagine that it take the local market right out of the picture and incentivizes people to buy from nearby supermarkets instead only.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate you bringing up the "Worgl experiment" to my attention, and hopefully a few anons here. They has helped TREMENDOUSLY, in what I am searching of.

I do have to ask though, is this sort of thing taught in Economics classes? or is it stripped off the curriculum altogether, making way for kike economics only? Or even by briefly mentioning it in a class by the teacher, only to in the end be mentioned, "but in the end, it didn't work, obviously. Since we'd not be using our current money system now otherwise, right, goy?"

Again, deeply appreciative of bringing that system up.

16421906? ago

Yeah its called an oath in the hierarchy, of course it can't be for all time or for everything but it is a useful stop-gap to prevent treachery on the most important thing, which is winning. Hitler had his people swear loyalty in the similar way Tacitus wrote in Germania of how the Germanics swore loyalty to a King, "The chief fights for victory, his vassals fight for their chief", victory for the people is the objective through their King. And the Germanics fought until they accepted the death of their King as it follows from the Red-Boat poem.

16422576? ago

I appreciate the reply.

I will look more into that right now.

How I wish we could get ourselves past money of any form, and all of us have a brotherhood so strong that we won't even need such a thing in life. Only our hands, and the will to throw ourselves onto the task

Can you Imagine a European 'Empire' with everyone's culture still intact, but working as once giant machine? Countries turning into regions, more than outright separations

16423016? ago

It can't get you past wealth entirely, since your warriors have families of their own to keep but the oath to the King does work for keeping Europeans truthful, without a King everything becomes degraded and the nation falls apart.

have a brotherhood so strong that we won't even need such a thing

You can't have that for your entire society but around the King there always forms a kind of family in strict oath to their King. Look at any true European King, in any age, and you will find these important people dedicating their lives for the King to survive beyond wages and thus the nation and land. I think this is what you mean.

Only our hands, and the will to throw ourselves onto the task

In this time of "temporary peace" before the grandiose wars of the future we must dedicate ourselves to figuring out who we truly are, for those who will not have as much time in future as they will be fighting for the folk.

I know we will lose lands before this storm is overcame, rough seas ahead, but we cannot sink. As our forefathers set our course, so we owe them a debt but they did what they had to in order to survive and so must we.

16420441? ago

Operation Redpill James Woods on the Jewish supremacism issue


The idea is, swarm James Woods twitter with pics suggesting that he reads this book called “When Victims Rule: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins”, which is 100% normie friendly and written in a 100% respectful and optics friendly way.

If you haven’t read it yourself, you should, its a great introduction to the issue of Jewish supremacism and its 2000 pages with over 10000 citation from, and this is the best part, JEWISH SOURCES ONLY.

The link to the book is this: https://whenvictimsrule.blogspot.com/search/label/01_Introduction

The archive link for that link is this: http://archive.vn/8rBlF

<Why send him pics and not just post the link?

Because I think Twitter will flag the link and you might end up getting your account shadow banned or worse.

<Why don’t you post some pics with the link and the call to action?

Because the Mossad and JDIF faggots have their shills here and they would flag the image hash and you’d probably end up with your account shadow banned or worse.

Some suggestions when making the pics to send and when sending the pics


Send the suggestions directly to him (tweet at him using @RealJamesWoods ), then slightly change the pic (in order for the 2nd post to be done with an image with a different hash, in order to avoid getting flagged by Twitter AI) and post that 2nd pic on the first comment to one of his tweets (this gets your post as close to the top of the thread of his tweet as possible without being the first person to comment)


In your pics with the suggestion to read the book, put the these links there:



And include some sort of call to action, like:

“Hey James, love your work and the fact that you’re keeping it real on your twitter. I want to suggest to you that you read this great book called ”When Victims Rule”, its very well written and it broaches a subject that gets constantly censored EVERYWHERE by the globalist mafia. I’m sending you this suggestion in an image because the globalist mafia flags the links here on Twitter. I hope you’re having a great day mate, keep on keeping on!”

16421242? ago

Shit people say about this

<You seriously think James Woods doesn't see the shit that gets posted here?

<Lets be real, James is definitely aware of the JQ. Most people still avoid calling them out because they run the world.

<James Woods works in Hollyweird, he knows better than anyone about the Joo.

Well, if anything, maybe he retweets the suggestion using some plausible deniability excuse like "Stop sending these suggestions to read this book called "When The Victims Rules", I am going to start reading the book next week.", thus giving it free publicity for all the normands that follow him on Twitter (which might make the MSM reeeee about it, which is even more free publicity), and even if he doesn't do that, the normads might get curious and go check it out.

Or perhaps we can do that shit with Stephan Molymeme, he is getting more and more based lately.

16419680? ago

hey guys, get in here and save this video

it's an mp4. Not sure where else to post this.

This site plays random movies, and the movie on now is one massive redpill about about the economy


16416580? ago


bring back #OpenBordersForIsrael and have them call out specifically, the Israel-Egypt barrier for keeping Africans out of Israel, as well as all the times Israel deports black people to Uganda regardless of actual origin (because they all look alike, kek)

create a new group in opposition, #JewLivesMatter, and stage a war between the two groups by having JLM claim that Israel should have a right to keep black people out of their ethnostate.

hopefully BLM gets wind of JLM and wages war against them, eventually creating animosity between blacks and the real jews.

is this a good idea /pol/?

16910164? ago

What about the black israelites?

16416581? ago

Getting our enemies to argue and splinter over petty bullshit has always been a good thing for us. Pretty damn funny to see happen too. Straight up Alinsky tactics.

16415543? ago


The real enemy is White Nationalism

Nothing ever changes for Whites. Whites still do not have normal and viable representation of their interests that would appeal to 99% of Whites.

White Nationalism is a never ending larp for our enemies who wish our deaths. And they are winning. Whites will never get on board with Nazi fetishists and low brow vulgar memes. It will never work.

And White Nationalists know this. Yet they keep on doing it out of spite to hurt Whites and any chance of a real defense. That makes them traitors.

Most White Nationalist groups are not run or created by Whites. This site is a glaring example. White Nationalism is used a weapon used against Whites similar to the AIDS virus.

16416579? ago

oy vey goy, opposing the anti-white agenda is the problem, just do nothing like me

Kill yourself, kike

16415544? ago

youer retardant

16415546? ago

is this WN ebonics?

16412444? ago

I wish to self-teach myself latin and german. What are good free courses

16413566? ago

i've heard good things about duolingo. though they don't have latin

16410068? ago

Does anyone have some decent quality pictures of Commander Rockwell's planned ANP headquarters building? I can't seem to find anything besides these four shitty screenshots I got from a jewtube documentary entitled: "George Lincoln Rockwell National Socialist Pioneer1". I'd love to see some crisp, clean images of the building that could have been and one day will be.

16411232? ago

How the fuck do you expect to get crisp images from photos that were taken back all the way in the 1960s you moron???

16411235? ago

implying that properly-scanned versions of the original blueprints and renderings would be just as darkened and blurred as what appears to be 90s-era photographs of the original documents that have been subject to VHS generation loss for who knows how many times.

Oh come now, I'm not asking for anything impossible. A few marginally-better images or scans would be satisfactory. Hell, I would be happy just to know who has the original plans, which I'm sure are still extant. I have a feeling they're either in the collection of an old Stormtrooper, or in Rocky Suhayda's "ANP" successor group.

16414660? ago

If it's as easy as you assume it is then do it yourself

16407981? ago

The kikes are shitting themselves, we better start going on the offensive while we still have the upper hand, spread absoulety everywhere on social media, comment sections, image boards about jews lies, and the facts on their crimes and how they're behind all these fucked up organisations today, and throughout history, we will win if we work together

16541204? ago


16541983? ago

"white nationalism" in a nutshell lol

16406918? ago

does anyone have the bitchute video link saved of the islamic mosque in britain teaching young children to kill infidels and to (pretend) to be their friend, etc?

16406915? ago

Wasn't some thread about a fat democrat pedo kike thread recently deleted?

16403331? ago

Serious question /pol/

If he were alive today, how would Goebbels view social media? How would he use Twitter / Facebook etc.

16405375? ago

I'd say he'd recognize it as the destructive global psychological weapon it was designed to be (to atomize and generally weaken the minds of Europeans).

16403333? ago

He'd be the one teaching AI how to sublate the data into its own personality.

16402341? ago

Are beta jews kikes? They don't look or act like one.

16401054? ago

Muh ebil racist White colonialism=all Whites I've never met should be exterminated!

<I don't want guns because ebil racist Whites use it but oppressed POC need to defend themselves more with guns!

Locking up illegals is just like a Nazi concentration camp even though I never criticised Obama for doing the exact same thing.

<Open borders is good because………….. whatever, it's good because illegals support it. They simply want a better life, that's all.

t. Samantha B. Wringer of The Huffington Post, AP, and MSNBC

What's the endgame of creating retards like these, again? At least the commies are consistent well enough on their faggotry and their love for a kosher revolution, it's the fact they are pro-gun (they don't want any shitskin comrade disarmed by the "((('White' capitalists)))"). These other faggots keep acting out on a facade like they are the kindest of people and are totally not supporting these things only for getting "progressive" brownie points. How did they turn into this again? Jewish academic influence? Sure, but what exactly are the specific circumstances for this to happen?

16397228? ago

Why don't we organize a campaign to spread rumors of our enemies being "bigoted" in some way? if we can publicly accuse our enemies of being nazis and etc. in such a way as to get other leftists to believe it, we could get them in-fighting really bad and hurt some high profile targets in the process.

16910163? ago

They're inherently anti-white. Nothing will change their behavior.

Only violence and their expulsion will get rid of their kind.

16910166? ago

This is a defeatist shill. Way to shut down his contribution with some blackpilling call to violence.

16911448? ago

you're a defeatist by telling people to do things that don't work

you're a blackpill because you say to physically fight back

Don't just spam talking points you don't understand.

16912610? ago

you're the d/c jew here

yuri wasn't wrong when he said that even if you show them the pictures and evidence, their basic perception of logic will not change, they are demoralized

the only way to really change these people's behavior is through force. Then they will truly understand and change as a result

16913797? ago

you're the d/c jew here

No, you seriously don't understand what the words you're using even mean.

their basic perception of logic will not change…

the only way to really change these people's behavior is through force

Yeah, that's what he said, you illiterate fuckstick. Read posts before replying to them next time.

16911450? ago

Except that d&c is a GREAT technique to drive wedges into movements as we can see on /pol/ daily.

16398269? ago

Because we don't act like leftists.

16398271? ago

We should only be concerned with results

16398273? ago

Okay. Leftists don't get results in this way.

16397227? ago

Is there any hope for the white race?

16393670? ago

what does /pol/ think about Fox News?

16393675? ago

If CNN is the jew's left hand then Fox is his right. No value whatsoever. Just useless bickering over team colors when both of them want whites annihilated.

16393672? ago

Are you fucking kidding.

16391478? ago

Thoughts on this?

be some New York kike

dad is a literal Bolshevik

tell him to fuck off, capitalism is awesome

marry the daughter of a royalist who probably did some war crimes

get filthy rich in the oil business

great-grandson goes on to be an A-list star in Heebwood while having all the typical Aryan characteristics

Imagine having won the lottery decades before you were even born.

16389250? ago

Earlier this year, I was telling my friends some things about the JQ. I was mostly telling them that Jews were involved in Communism and promote liberal policies. One day, we were talking and I just noticed that we were standing outside the office of a Jewish teacher. He never said anything, never confronted me, but I am positive he heard me. Now, every time I wall past by him in the halls, it seems very awkward. It feels like he is really pissed off at me. There is another Jewish teacher in the school and I feel like he told her (she's a Jewess) about what he heard from me, because I feel the same awkwardness and contempt when walking past by her. What if he tells other teacher? My worry is that what if the teacher who overheard me were to complain to the school administration or some bullshit like that? What if I actually get a punishment? Who knows how severe the punishment may be (like preventing me from graduating, or just ruining my life)? What if I'm actually confronted about this? It also doesn't help that my friends and I make some racist jokes.

You hear stories about white guys being punished for saying much less, which scares me to death, since I'm at a liberal high school.

16500128? ago

if there is no proof, just deny it and act like he is crazy for misinterpreting what you said. Make a plausible explanation of something that you said and just stand firm that the conversation was in his imagination. Jews are pros at this kind of gas lighting and it works.

16503367? ago

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind

16389253? ago


Lesson 1 of adult life: when confronted about your beliefs by authority lie lie and lie some more. You are a libertarian and you never even heard of the JQ. Jews are a religion and all people be equal n shieet

16391473? ago

It's going to be hard to lie, since he actually overheard me. He knows what I said

16391477? ago

Say ur antifa and that you meant those comments endearingly

16391482? ago

I’d love to do that, but I’m sure he gets the idea that my friends and I are right wing

16391475? ago

Practice lying in the mirror if you feel incompetent. It doesn't matter what he knows or doesn't know, act like it never happened.

16389252? ago

Forgive any typos. I'm too spooked

16384383? ago

I just found out that my girlfriend of almost 10 years was cheating on me. She has been very secretive with her phone lately so I attempted to access her snapchat which I noticed was her most used app. She lunged over and turned off her phone so i couldnt access it. She changed her password which i used to know. I asked her what was in her snapchat and she refused to tell me. I told her either i see what's in there or I'm leaving. She didn't say anything and refused to open her phone. We lived together for years. Now I'm sitting in some parkinglot waiting for the sun to rise so i can try and move back in with my parents. I was going to propose to her onbour 10 year anniversary of being together. The only reasoning i could get out of her as to why she did it was that "i used to be a lot nicer." God knows what was on that snapchat. I'm fucked. I don't have any friends outside of work and living with my parents is beyond annoying with all sorts of rules and shit. I don't know where else to go. I have no one to talk to. I'll recover, probably, but this is just such a huge shock. I thought she was different and that we'd always be together.

16411231? ago

I just finished reading The Rational Male, if there was ever a book you needed to read, it's this one, it's this one. I disagree with some points the author makes, overall he hits the nail on the head. I'm not in a relationship myself, but I know that fear of being alone quite well. We will find our way.

16385183? ago

The other anon's advice is good I reckon. I'll say, consider this break-up as sort of eugenics as weird as that may sound.


I recommend finding a quality kickboxing club for tension release and balance and all kinds of benefits that come from that sport as well.

16385185? ago

I've always had an interest in martial arts. That's something i might just do. You're absolutely right about the eugenics part.

I want to thank you all for your support. I'm feeling a lot better. Leaving her was for the best.

16385181? ago

I know this situation seems awful right now because you have so much emotional tied in with this situation. So let me talk to you as I am not emotionally attached to this situation.

I don't know what your living situation situation is, all I know is that you live together so I'll assume you're moving to your parents because you don't own the home or you rent or something. I suggest putting the lease in her name or breaking the tenancy with her (assuming she is on lease). Immediately start applying for new places and start organising your items at your old place so you can move in one day. After that you do not communicate with her at all. Then to take your mind of her hit the gym, be with your friends and get on with it.

I've been through this before. It's not worth extending any further emotion, anger or time on. She cheated on you and would not be a good wife or mother to your children. Just fix the living arrangement as quickly as possible and everything else will fall into place.

16385186? ago

Just stay off Tinder obviously (which sounds like you will based off of your post). I know you said you wont go to church. However I would consider local clubs that may be supported by a church or community group.

You'll be fine mate. You have done the right thing so far so just stay on course.

16385583? ago

Yeah absolutely i am no degenerate. I treat any relationship as a vetting process for a future wife and mother. I'll continue down the path until I die whether i find a suitable spouse or not. What happened was just such an enormous blow to my ego. What i thought of as a traditional relationship turned out to be one of the millions of degenerate rouses plaguing our society. I asked her why she would throw away something so special, and like she was throughout the whole thing, acted completely catatonic- not saying a word. Good riddance. She was always a consumerist hedonistic brainlet. She only masqueraded as a traditionalist to appease me I suppose. One red flag i was noticing was her "multicultural" friends that she was making. She'd subscribe to literal faggot and tranny youtubers for makeup tutorials and shit. I thought i could steer her into a respectable mind and spirit but the degeneracy was much farther gone than i estimated.

16385584? ago

I understand that it feels like a blow to your ego. It sounds like there were a few red flags like the friends and Youtube subscriptions. However this is a learning process. You now will be more aware of these kinds of scenarios that should make you reconsider the situation and instead of spending many years in the relationship, it may only be weeks. It is natural to be forgiving towards the people we love when it comes to degenerate habits.

Think of it this way as well. From the sounds of it you are focused on self improvement and finding a good woman. She however, is more interested in satisfying her base sexual urges. Her argument of "You used to be nicer" or whatever it was is not even an excuse. It is her way of justifying and making herself feel better about what she did. How you feel is of no concern of her.

You should pity her, for she is a degenerate whore. In ten years time, it is she who will regret what she did. For you it will be the best thing that ever happened.

Hope this also helps.

16385585? ago

It does help tremendously, anon. You know, she had a friend that was obese, went keto and turned into a flabby stick, then had sex with any dick with a pulse. After a few years she got all fucked up psychologically over it and told me and my gf at the time that we were lucky to be in a stable long term monogamous relationship. Then my gf turns around and does the very same thing more or less. You're absolutely right about her coping strategy trying to paint me as the bad guy so she won't feel guilty. I work with her father so i wonder what his take on this is going to be. I reckon he's gonna be pissed off because not only do i help the family with labor and buying big shit like appliances and furniture but this guy suffered the same fate with his first wife. As a side note i suppose I'll have to go to the doctor to get std testing. Not even joking.

16386227? ago

Definitely get an STD check and maybe a blood test for Hepatitis C and AIDS. Not kidding either.

Your situation is similar to me (minus the cheating). I to this day still have a great relationship with my ex partners father (I think I talk to him more then her based on what he's said). If he likes you and respects you he will no doubt side with you. Yes, she is his daughter but if he has any sense he'll know what his daughter (and unfortunately the majority of woman) are like.

My only concern for you is if working with her father will put you in unwanted contact with her.

16409041? ago

I came back to the house, she was gone but her parents were there. They say they really want us to stick together byt i tokd them that was impossible. Her dad actually started to cry which I've never seen him do. God damn this is so fucked. We could have had a happy life together but her niggertier impulse control got the better of her.

16410070? ago

Dude, you cannot let your girl use a phone/snapchat/jewtube. These are all things that will take her away from being under your authority. That you ever allowed her to do such things was a fuckup waiting to happen. You have to have complete control over her. It should be the girl who worries that you might leave; if you give her too much comfort her behavior standards will drop, you will not counteract it, and it all ends as it did. Pic related.

t. kissless virgin

16418653? ago


so i finally talked to her since that night i found out she was doing something i couldnt forgive. She admitted it was a coworker who she's been fucking for months. The only reason she explained was that this guy is nicer and gives more compliments. What a reason to throwaway a 10 year relationship. She believes that this honeymoon phase with this guy is going to last forever or something. What a stupid whore. At least I didn't marry her. Ever since that night she acts like our whole relationship has been shit saying i say mean things about her and don't compliment her. Trust me when i say it's 100% bullshit. She never communicated or acted that way. Holy shit.

16511498? ago

Ever since that night she acts like our whole relationship has been shit saying i say mean things about her and don't compliment her

deep in her mind she knows she fucked up the relationship. She doesn't want to admit her mistakes tho

t. I know your situation

Her coworker will drop her sooner or later and she will suffer from great depression when she sees you succeeding in in life.

16518440? ago

My doctors office "just ordered further specialty testing for hiv." What should i do if my cheating whore ex gf gave me hiv? Anons?

16569538? ago

fuck without condom as many non whites as possible

(infecting a jew gives double points)

16569539? ago

This. Spread the love to those most deserving. Then maybe kill your ex on xbox live.

16424801? ago

She’s a bad liar and I hope you tell the coworker about her whoring behaviour discreetly so he get tested for std. A woman having sex with two men is dangerous. I wonder if she knew it’s risky?

16425432? ago

Yeah now she's telling me she desperately wants to be friends. i told her to go fuck herself. Apparently this guy knew she was with me the whole time and she tells me "he's clean." i asked how she knows and she "just knows." Yeah I'm still going to the doctors.

16426957? ago

Post script: i charged her adulterous behavior as being driven by lust and not emotion. I said "what, is it b/c his dick is bigger than mine?"

She said "no, it's not that." Ouch

16430089? ago

Dick size isn’t that big of a deal if you’re relatively around the average. Sounds like she just wanted someone to stroke her ego, not someone she would have to be accountable to. A decent female would be grateful to have s man to be accountable to

16425435? ago

this guy knew she was with me the whole time and she tells me "he's clean."

Don’t fell for that. He wouldn’t hump her if he knew she’s a whore. No men want to have std for life unless they are degenerates. Regardless of what she said. Just tell the co-worker anyway and hire a lawyer to defend yourself from the laws or whatever as a caution. Maybe hire the private investigator to find out what her crime is then report her to the police station anonymously to prevent her from infecting men with her std.

16426959? ago

I don't know if I'm infected yet. Im going to get bloodwork tomorrow which was the soonest i could. We'll see.

16420444? ago

Fuck, good thing you got out of there anon, dubs confirm

16418656? ago

She's just trying to guilt you into getting back with her whore self. I strongly recommend minimizing contact with her and if you have to be in her physical presence to take a witness with you.

Have a vintage SRS story for your amusement friend.

16419677? ago

Thanks for the amusing image friend . that's real funny now how you mention that she's trying to get me to get back with her whore self. After this gaslighting about how mean and angry i was toward her i asked her for some examples. She gave me one example from 4 years ago where she commented positively about some faggot ass nigger singing somsome gay shit. I was pissed off because she was lying about hating the multicultural agenda. But yeah, 4 years ago. Then i delve deeper into her social media usage, telling her she's developing unrealistic expectations about relationships from staged shit, and giving her examples of all the times i sacrificed shit for her. Now she's like "oh wow see why didn't you tell me all this stuff a while ago?" Because you never said a thing, bitch! I warned you about faceberg! You stupid whore!!!!


16410071? ago

Thanks for the read. You're right about the social media thing. I brought it up for years that her social media addiction was getting between us and she didn't budge. I tried teasing, mocking, most of all reasoning and it didn't change shit.

16386228? ago

Yeah, an inadvertent reunion is a possibility. Whatever, going to see her again in less than an hour most likely to get most of my shit. I have a feeling he'll side with me which is interesting because they have a good father-daughter relationship. I thought that was a good way to identify decent women, but i guess not.

16389248? ago

Sorry about what happened. You will come out of this a much stronger man. Fire forges iron. Godspeed anon.

16385182? ago

Thank you for replying. Good advice. I think that the silver lining out of all this is what you said, i know she would not be mother material. I intend to give my future children the rearing they deserve and be treated like real human beans. I'm obviously need time to recover, but do you or any anon reading this know where to find good women? It can't be church because I'm not going to pretend to be christian. I've seen some decent girls at stores i frequent, although i am definitely not able to cold approach women cuz I know I'll 'tism. I'm thinking after a bit I'll try to get involved in local clubs or groups for certain hobbies i enjoy and work from there. God damn this technological age atomizing everyone. It breeds two dimensional relationships like the one with whoever my gf was fucking with. I invested so much into her and now I've had my position reset back to zero. Sorry for my rambling.

16443517? ago

You know anon, I'm a pagan (Hermeticist) that regularly attends every theology meeting I can, and goes to Churches and enjoys it. Nobody has kicked me out yet and people like me. I recommend to just go to such places and show you have an interest but be open as well that you are not actually a Christian. I wear a Caduceus on me all the time myself too which shows I am pagan.

Besides that though I'm part of an aquarium society and I have various hobbies and I talk with people at the market.

16447163? ago

I love how chill you sound. You're pagan but sound more rational than the parts of /pol/ (shills?) that want Christianity destroyed.

Just got to ask, why go to church if you're pagan?

Peace? Community? Understanding?

Thank you

16392642? ago

Not as relevant an issue, but women on the other side of the coin don’t have an easy time either. They get genuinely approached less often than you think. Plus, if you approach a woman and she is triggered in response you’ll know she’s not worth your time. Give it a go, the more you do it the more comfortable it will become, it’s good practice to build confidence even if you don’t meet a girl this way. Traditional girls will more likely prefer to be approached, rather than approach you. Wholesome hobby groups could be a decent place to try, but don’t feign interest the same way someone would pretend to be religious to go to church. And be realistic, if you are interested in girls at a certain fitness level then be prepared to match it, same goes for any other category. Stick to self improvement while you’re getting through the breakup, and once you’re ready put yourself back out there.

16394668? ago

Good advice. It's so hard to do much of anything. It's been about 14 hours or so since it happened and after the initial rush to get my shit back to my parents I've become bed ridden, or floor ridden more accurately. I'm sure I'll rebound in time. It sounds cliche but i don't know if I'll ever be the same after this ordeal. She was the closest person to me in my life for nearly a decade and to be dealt that kind of betrayal it's just really fucking me up.

16399197? ago

I’ve been there, relationship wasn’t as long as yours, but still sucked. You are going to be bed/floor ridden for a bit, it takes time to process. Allow yourself time to do that. You won’t be the same, but that doesn’t mean the change can’t be for the better. Learn from it. Only you can decide what direction you go from here, so process it, then get back on the horse. And do NOT give in if she comes crawling back, you may be tempted to, but she has revealed her true colors, so don’t create an image of her that doesn’t exist.

Look at it this way, now that you know she isn’t the one you’re meant to be with, you’re just one step closer to finding the one who is

16400175? ago

I hear ya. I think about the good times when i get these triggers which happens all the time, then followed by total disgust at her actions and also her attitude that night. I could never go back to someone who lived such a lie and betrayed me with no respect to my being. After the tidal waves of sorrow i get these brief gasps of air. During those times i feel like i still have the girl i could always rely on, a brief period of denial, but then the grim realization of the situation sets back into another wave. Little mementos of special moments I'm reminded of hurt the most. I noticed that these last several months her despondence grew but i never knew how cold and heartless she really was. I wonder if she's having second thoughts about her decisions. I'm still wondering how long her degeneracy went on for. I shouldn't but to have that big of a chunk ripped from my soul… i hope i can find a woman.

16401057? ago

I’m glad you realize you can never go back. Wish I could tell you how to make it sting less, but it’s going to sting for a bit. Try not to wonder too much about what she’s thinking or what she did, remind yourself that none of that will change things.

Don’t think about it like a chunk being ripped from your soul, you’re just used to having a warm soul next to yours and now it’s a little chilly, but she can’t take a part of you away from you. Your soul is yours bud.

You will find your someone else when the time comes, the pain you’re going through now will be all in the past when you do. Some lessons we have to learn the hard way, but better to learn them than not

16404803? ago

Thanks, man. It's the end but also a beginning.

16384385? ago

Just find another girl.

16384768? ago

Thanks for your reply, anon. I feel so hopeless. I have a hard time finding people that aren't absolute degenerates let alone connect with them let alone make friends with them let alone find a suitable romantic partner. That's what i thought i had. She was my first since middleschool. She always had degenerate tendencies but i thought i reigned them in. Just the whole time the breakup happened she didnt even seem sad about it. She was just upset at being caught. Then she had the audacity to try and paint ME as the bad guy because I've been struggling with depression so i wasn't there to coddle her 24/7. I still don't know the extent of her degeneracy. She could have been emotionally cheating or fucking cam whoring for all i know. I don't think i want to know.

16443519? ago

Thanks for your reply, anon. I feel so hopeless. I have a hard time finding people that aren't absolute degenerates let alone connect with them let alone make friends with them let alone find a suitable romantic partner. That's what i thought i had. She was my first since middleschool. She always had degenerate tendencies but i thought i reigned them in. Just the whole time the breakup happened she didnt even seem sad about it. She was just upset at being caught. Then she had the audacity to try and paint ME as the bad guy because I've been struggling with depression so i wasn't there to coddle her 24/7. I still don't know the extent of her degeneracy. She could have been emotionally cheating or fucking cam whoring for all i know. I don't think i want to know.

That feel when depression.

Man I hope if I ever manage to get a wife I don't end up going through the shit you do. Thing is with me it would end with her being killed because I don't have a problem with sitting in prison or committing suicide after the fact.

16378975? ago


The Claypool Lennon Delirium


Oh . . . America

We know when you're sleeping, and when you're awake

But if you've been good, you need not be afraid

It's best not to question, the things that you're told

'Cause we have got everything under con, under control

Just relax . . .

Ain't no evidence that can shake our beliefs

And if you don't like it, well you can just leave

If you think George Washington evolved from an ape

You should be locked up, in the 51st State

Oh . . . America

As we're multiplying, the world's on the brink

But that's just what the Devil wants you to think

Don't ever stop shoppin' don't ever give in

'Cause if we stop shoppin' the terrorists win

We know when you're sleeping, and when you're awake

But if you've been good, you need not be afraid

It's best not to question, the things that you're told

'Cause we have got everything under con, under control

We're reading your mail, and tapping your phone

And if you don't like it, we'll send in the drones

Oh say can you see, the twilight's last gleam

The land of the free, the home of the naive

Oh . . . America


Songwriters: Les Claypool / Sean Ono Lennon

Ohmerica lyrics © Talentless Publishing

And I will be called a shill by the maga-tards


16374950? ago

Where would be a good place to live in the US? I want to move somewhere quiet and cheap with minimal gun laws, no natural disaster threats, all whites, and useful natural resources. Frequent rain would mean free clean water but sunny skies would mean free electricity from solar panels. Being as independent as possible is quite important so I'd like to have a way to get my own electricity and water, if possible. Temperature isn't important though, I don't use the AC during the summer in NM and I never used the heater while I lived in OR.

Montana looks pretty good, the NE part is far away from any fault lines, tornadoes, or flood zones, the gun laws seem to be "anything goes", and I can get tons of lentils for dirt cheap since its the biggest crop there. I could also live near a river for water and use electricity from solar panels to purify it. Does this seem like a good idea? Any other states I might want to look into?

16407978? ago

I was looking at moving to the Pacific Northwest as well anon, Idaho would be your best bet for what you're looking for.

16374948? ago

Why does modern society consider that gaming or watching cartoons(including anime) as someone over the age of 18 as normal? Especially in the western word, I personally think that it's a tool to keep us in check by the kikes as it does not create a boundary anymore between a child and a man, and now we have all these manchildren, and then they complain that they can't find a woman while they spend 20 hours a day on videos games or when they get cheated on by their partner with a nigger, and then they play fucking video games and cry like a the cuck manchild they are, when this happens

16377688? ago

Can someone give me a crash course in weighing the 1st Amendment against anti-obscenity laws (with regard to public morality) and the history of jewish involvement in destroying said laws?


Jews, that's why. How is this a question? People are explicitly RAISED TO BE NEUROLOGICAL CHILDREN all their lives. Daddy government takes care of them. All you have to do is submit.

16373468? ago

Am a Canadian who gets suicidally depressed reading /pol/…

are there other communities I can get involved in that aren't so blackpilled?

I already swallowed all the redpills many years ago and learn nothing new here just get really depressed all the time.

16384384? ago

Limit your time here, and make use of the one truly great thing Canada has to offer, nature. It's a beautiful country, and you'll never run into a shitskin on a hiking trail up a mountain. How many niggers cross-country ski? How many niggers go canoeing? Ever seen a Paki go for a bike ride? Enjoy the outdoors.

16359999? ago

Was Jesus a jew?

16363863? ago

No. The Bible goes over this in detail.

16382550? ago

Thank you anon you have given me the tools to look into this further - bless you.

16366082? ago

I have a question, where judeans NOT one of the 12 tribes of Israel?

16374953? ago

Read those images carefully. The Judeans were a tribe of Israel, as were the Pharisees. The Pharisees practiced Talmudism, and were the rivals of the Judeans. The Judeans lived in Judea and were the followers of Jesus, who was also a Judean. Modern jews took on the teachings of the Pharisees. It would be nice to say if Christians took up the teachings of Jesus as they were, but unfortunately the jews inserted themselves into the bible where they were not meant to be, causing the confusion with Evangelicals you often see hailing Christ as a jew.

16379994? ago

So Judah(jew), founder of judea, son of jacob (jew) who himself was a descendant of abraham and sarah(jews both)

how where judeans not jews?

16382549? ago

The people you mentioned were not known as jews until the bible was translated for King James. i.e. Christ, King of the Judeans became Christ, King of the Jews. As it has been stated, they inserted themselves falsely into Christianity to further gain a foothold in peoples minds. The only real (((jews))) in the Bible are the Pharisees, and to a lesser extent the sadducees and scribes. The disciple Matthew was a scribe, a tax collector for the Romans I think, before he followed Christ.

16359143? ago

does anyone have a comic or meme about people who seem to think they have a special-snowflake, totally-unique, absolutely mysterious set of political beliefs who guide any conversation or topic on politics towards explaining how they're different and how stupid you are for not know it?

16358788? ago

Can anyone give me the picture that has like 20 #prayersfor[insert european city here] compiled on one graph? I can't find it for the life of me and it's as relevant as ever because stupid fucking leftists are saying "thoughts and prayers" for the southern border. gif related as it's what I want to do to any and all lefties.

16355826? ago

Does anyone have the PDF of all of Beaver Poster's posts?

16354653? ago

Would you get in trouble in Germany for wearing this hat? Would it violate any of the anti-Nazi laws in Europe?

16354657? ago

You might get in trouble wearing that anywhere that Jews, Jew-cucks, or even Swastika or Pattern-Recognition Taboos exist. As to legal trouble, see your giant tome of Talmud-inspired legal codes for details.

16352245? ago

any opinion on the pdf posted on



16356840? ago

Veterans Today

Gordon Duff is a jew who admittedly publishes disinformation.

Once again, there are no good jews.

16358295? ago

Epiב nazi memez

16354650? ago

It's another variation of project blue beam or advanced black project technology like TR-3B

16351123? ago


The real enemy is White Nationalism

Nothing ever changes for Whites. Whites still do not have normal and viable representation of their interests that would appeal to 99% of Whites.

White Nationalism is a never ending larp for our enemies who wish our deaths. And they are winning. Whites will never get on board with Nazi fetishists and low brow vulgar memes. It will never work.

And White Nationalists know this. Yet they keep on doing it out of spite to hurt Whites and any chance of a real defense. That makes them traitors.

Most White Nationalist groups are not run or created by Whites. This site is a glaring example. White Nationalism is used a weapon used against Whites similar to the AIDS virus.

16348956? ago

What does /pol/ think of AOC and other nonwhite Dems who are slowly but surely changing the face of the party? I’m just hoping the process speeds up and we get more cases of politicians like Tlaib calling Trump a motherfucker and wanting him impeached or being (even if only on the surface) anti-Israel.

Not to mention that AOC is kinda cute.

16350497? ago

Daily reminder that non - whites will slice your throat the moment they become the majority. See South Africa for further references.

Welcoming the progressing browning of former all white countries is sick.

16350498? ago

Thing about Rhodesia and South Africa is that niggers were always the majority. But it just proves that whites won’t fight back, ever, even when they’re literally being slaughtered in the streets.

16350505? ago

Spare me this politically correct bullshit, please.

Niggers never ever wandered further south and it were the Boers who firstly discovered and colonized the current SA territories. It wasn't until 1900s that niggers really started flooding the country. You can tell that SA was majority white country up to 1900s. Sadly, the greed and hope for cheap labour proved to be the country's greatest failure.

16350506? ago

politically correct

Nigger, do you know where you are.

never wandered further south

Uh… they’re there now. You’re so fundamentally wrong that you’re beneath kikes in stupidity now.

it wasn’t until

It doesn’t matter when. What matters is that it happened and whites did nothing to stop it.


It’s beyond saving. Just leave. It’s literally /b/ now. There isn’t any hope for right-wing content here.

16350496? ago

  1. Kill yourself.

  2. What do we give a fuck about changes to Jew Party A or Jew Party B? There will be civil war within 15 years. There’s no stopping it. Too many spics and niggers in the country and no one has ever been deported.

16350494? ago

wow watta qt-p2t, I hope she makes big waves in the dem party.

Id sure fuck that jewyorican raw.

shes so hot


someone post her tiddies

16350499? ago

mixed race


You're glowing in the dark nigger.

16350500? ago

Oy vey dont you want to rock your socks off to jewesses? anti-semite smdh!

16350501? ago

Yeah, because if I despise mixed race spawns I totally cherish jewry.

Anyways,I'm pretty sure that you are not even white as no genuine, decent white man would ever even dare to desire any other race than his own. That being said, any discussion with you is pointless as you don't belong here. Now go wank to your negresses somewhere else, nigger.

16350507? ago

Holy christ, learn what sarcasm is, you fucking redditor.

16348949? ago

Been away from /pol/ since 2015, first tried halfchan/pol/, but it's like a second /b/ now.


state of this board?

anything i missed the last couple of years?

16348953? ago

8/pol/ is an actual honeypot. I wouldn't bother posting here. This place is in a worse state than 4/pol/ ever was. Also, 4/pol/ was never good.

16346462? ago

To prevent raids against this board, the number of threads that can be created per hour has been limited. Please try again later or post in an existing thread.

Pretty gay.

16339179? ago

Is everyone with a big nose a jew?

16339180? ago

Depends on whether it's a nose or a schnoz.

16338570? ago

Any Masshole anons in here who can give me some advice on moving to the Athol/Orange area? I suppose Winchendon is an option too. I hear Athol is shitty but I'm in a city bordering Boston so I seriously doubt it could be worse. Also the last census said it was like 95% white and I'm lucky if I see another white person around here these days. I'd like something rural, but finding places online is not easy for that area since the population is so sparse. Wanna rent for a year until I'm set up and then maybe go north and buy something in NH. Just need some tips on where to look. Craigslist is shit.

t. lifelong inner-city dweller

16337592? ago

could someone post the image with the Hitler quote about the roles of the husband and wife? The one that designates the husband as the protector of the country, and the woman as the caretaker of the home?

16337968? ago


16336205? ago

I've made this similar post on another thread, but it didn't get any attention so here it is:

Why are leftists so obsessed with mass illegal immigration and open borders? What do they have to gain from that? More people against anyone they consider to be a "Nazi/fascist"? What exactly is the whole point of leftisn existing in politics? Their true goal in the US is to establish a "no borders, no nations" policy. That's that. It doesn't make sense for modern commies specifically to support multiculturalism and open borders and border demilitarization, as it would be detrimental to the working class and commies all over the world are pro-military and keep their borders heavily guarded, you don't even see commie shitholes in South America wanting to even let in neighbouring shitskins. So what's the deal here? Are they just going to make their own brands of military, economy, and healthcare?

Are leftists and modern commies in the West even aware of the total irony that multi-million dollar, and sometimes even billion dollar, companies are actually supporting their love for feminism, homosexuality, trannyism, multiculturalism, race mixing, and open borders? Where's the revolutionary trait in that? How much mental gymnastics do you need to take to not see this? What makes them actually communist and even leftist at that for supporting things that stemmed from the mostly Jewish liberal upper class? Aren't they aware that the Soviets used the so-called "Marxist" academics in universities as puppets for societal demoralization? Because all they are right now is the "Kill All Whitey" group. Lastly, what's the deal with the "Zionism vs. Marxism" trend in the so-called "anti-Zionist" but not anti-Jew commie cirlces? How are Israelis "racist White colonialists" to them all of a sudden? Why indirectly blame Whitey for what kikes are doing?

16504211? ago

Support for open borders and globalism in general contradicts the whole point of (((marxist))) belief, and yet at the same time maybe it doesn't, who knows. However, it is true that the soviets advocated some old form of civic nationalism, meaning they could have been the prerequisites of modern day cuckservatives nowadays. Like you said, they had no love for homosex, or believed in wymyn power>m*n power. And certainly they had no love for (((globalism))). They did use Western marxists as puppets in universities to brainwash everybody that (((globalism))) and (((multiculturalism))) was "good". These are the true colors of the soviets of old, they didn't want degeneracy for themselves but they gladly made the west embrace it as if the former loved it, too. It's typical Jewish divide and conquer. This is why I get the feeling that marxism in non-western countries are different than in the ones that are.

16401055? ago


This. Also does anyone get the feeling when leftists talk or write anything, it feels much more otherworldly than others? It's usually a bunch of walls of text commenting on their own experiences as if it's actually the same for other people's experiences. They always feel the need to think their groups are actually popular even though an entire population of more than 300 million in the US alone instinctively despises them and their ideologies. Normalfags don't call them SJW's for no reason, you know.

16453503? ago

Leftists to me are tentacles of an ever growing octopus, seemingly all individuals but really the prehensile manipulators of a hivemind that needs total submission to dogma. They are all needing to convey their mindset via text wall or else they aren't all on the same page and that leads to mitosis and internal civil war. See TERF and SWERF.

They aren't in this world anon, they have rose colored contact lenses in.

16502047? ago

It honestly makes me laugh how they keep talking about "oppression" as if ZOG isn't playing by their beliefs. I see them as nothing but faux revolters who want to replace Zionist control with Marxist control in the US, even though it doesn't really make a difference, as the Soviet Union and every other commie nations today other than maybe North Korea opted for state capitalism. Marxism is Zionism for Turd World shitskins who feel entitled enough that the White man should give them infinite gibs while the White man becomes extinct for their enjoyment. Thye don't seem to know capitalism is keeping their ideology alive. Also yes, the Western flavor of Marxism has nothing to do with Soviet communism. It's just an upper class ideology in favor of feminism, open borders, and other degeneracies, and in which it pretends to love the working class. It's liberalism claiming to hate liberalism. So far, certain shitskins love it.

16336206? ago

(Modern) Leftists are demoralized, mindless faggots that basically eat up and shit that kikes shovel to them.

How are Israelis "racist White colonialists" to them all of a sudden? Why indirectly blame Whitey for what kikes are doing?

The average faggot doesn't understand Jews aren't white. If they did, they'd probably be all for Zionism, since non-White ethic in group preference is just fine.

16336203? ago

Yo, hold it you niggers. I think that beaverposter is Chris Langan, you know, the smartest man in the world who's /ourguy/? look at the writing styles and compare them. I'm onto something.

16335498? ago

I already made a shitty thread about this sorry. I was gonna ask it again here.

Are mixed race Amerimutts allowed to hate Jews and fight for the white race? I'm half white and half something else. I admire the white race, and I feel like I belong in their culture. Being a mutt is horrible, but is it as bad as being a kike? Will I be gassed in the purge? Or just sterilized? It would suck if I was used as a pawn then got thrown away and killed. This makes me scared of National Socialism. I just want to live at peace in a white America with superior Aryans. Can I just die of old age after fighting with you guys? What would Hitler say about a mutt like me?

16335501? ago

Its doesn't mean that since you are not white you cannot fight and die because of a belief, it is your character that decides those types of things, do what your heart tells you to do. Times are changing and honestly I think we'll get to fight very, very soon.

16335500? ago

Learn to think for yourself or fuck off.

16329455? ago

What the fuck is going on with Venezuela? The country looks like it's actually about to fall apart.

16330958? ago

The US will be militarily invading it within the next year or so for ✡regime change.✡ It will be Syria-level intervention, not Iraq/Afghanistan. Expect spic refugees entering the US.

16333365? ago

And all those refugees and guerrillas will end up in the US. That's where all those rifles have been going. The beginning will meet end.

16328142? ago

Where does this story of Rommel not being a "nazi" from these mainstream jewwashed idiots that keep praising this crap come from? Who made this shit up that he hated the NSDAP??? can anyone explain to me the whole story behind it?

16326839? ago

So, during the 2016 POTUS election, Hillary Clinton was quoted as stating that "The Russians are the enemy". This coming from a serial liar isn't very trustworthy. We know that the Bolsheviks (mainly Jews) siezed control of Russia and implemented the Jewish-preferred political system, and "officially" Russia isn't 100% Communistic any longer - so they tell us…

I hear that Russia is full of Jewish oligarchs owning almost everything, is there any truth to this? If so, is it still super Communistic and do sanctions restricting their economy help to fulfill this idea?

I read people saying that Russia and Eastern Europe are 'based' and all of this and that, and this area will be not BLACKED so much and last remaining area of White people in the future… So, what's the consensus on Russia? Are they really the enemy as Hillary Clinton says they are?

16879160? ago


16326841? ago

When the Soviet Union fell, of the 8 oligarchs which owned roughly 50% of Russian assets, 6 were jewish. Today, a quarter of the wealthiest people in Russia are (known to be) jewish. https://archive.is/Itnjv

16321441? ago

Does somebody have those "Women are like dogs" screencaps? The ones about male-female relationships.

16358790? ago


Got you covered, Anons.

16359142? ago


my vagina when

16358793? ago

Sorry, wrong screencap. Here you go.

16342963? ago


I have the text of it, not the screencap. Actually, I have two which mention this topic. One in text and another which mentions it in passing.

It’s pointless to hate women. It’s like hating a dog because you’re a pushover and it doesn’t see you as a leader. The problem is with you, not with the dog. The same general idea is clearly visible even in the arguments of the people who supposedly hate women because they complain endlessly about how certain types of men are able to so effortlessly attract women. If women had gone insane, then their actions would be unpredictable and erratic, but that isn’t the case. They consistently are attracted to specific types of men.

It’s easier to hate women than to admit that you’re effeminate. That’s the problem with a lot of guys, and I believe it has a lot to do with the lack of strong father figures in the lives of a lot of this generation’s young men. When a young man is raised around women, he behaves like a woman. He doesn’t walk around in a dress, but he approaches relationships in the same way that a woman would approach a relationship, which is making her the center of her attention and being fairly obsessed with her. That’s the role of the woman in the relationship, not the man. A lot of people seem to switch it up without realizing what they’re doing because they were raised by women and they don’t know anything else.

When you approach a woman and you’re always thinking about how to please her, how to make her happy, how to say something that will make her find you attractive, etc., you’re acting like a woman. It’s very effeminate and servile behavior and no healthy woman is attracted to that in a man. It’s not about putting on some kind of artificial machismo act, either, because that’s ultimately the same thing–you’re now just trying to trick a woman into believing that you’re indifferent towards her and that you’re not attempting to please her/attract her when in reality that’s the only reason that you’re acting like this.

You need to be passionate about your own ambitions, your own beliefs, your ideals, and you need to live your life in pursuit of these things. You need to become fanatical about what you believe in and what you want to accomplish. When you’re at that point, then your passion and fanaticism will pull people into your life because they will sense that intensity and they will gravitate towards you. When people are not fanatical about anything in their life, they’re not really alive. They just laze about and stumble aimlessly. When you feel that fanaticism, though–when you believe in something so passionately that you’re willing to die for it–then you’re alive and people can sense this when they spend time with you.

When people, especially women, see someone who is driven by this fanaticism, they want to feel the passion that they can sense in you. They might not even know what your ambitions are, but they can feel that there’s a sense of purpose and a fire in you that people only have when they’re fanatics. They want to follow you and basically ride the emotional wake that you’re creating as you charge through life towards your ambitions.

This applies to everything in life. It doesn’t matter if your ambition might not seem like something in which a woman would be interested. It’s not about the ambition itself, from her perspective–it’s about being energized by the emotions that she feels by being near you. If you’ve ever spent time with a very high energy person, you know what this is like. They seem to energize everyone around them just by being there. You generate the same kind of energy when you’re fanatical about something.

Be her fanatic. [ ](https://8ch.net/pol/res/12021208.html#q12713648) 

16342964? ago

Those screencaps are exactly what I was looking for! Thank you anon, God bless you!

16341870? ago

Pls respond ;-;

The poster was also saying how its a mans fault if a woman misbehaves, how its our duty to keep them in check and focus their unlimited energy into what we would describe as productive and worthwhile. There was also about different energies we have, yadda yadda and so on.

16320213? ago

/r/ing Tiananmen Square Massacre copypasta

16321438? ago

So you’re too stupid to type “1989 Tiananmen Square massacre” into google translate?

16322712? ago

It's a whole paragraph you retarded chink. Take a good hard look at your life you autistic clown.

16318845? ago


What is that about different blood types RH factor being something involving /pol/?

16314306? ago

I've been out of the loop for around a year.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on the whol e Qanon thing?

16314307? ago

This is the worst place to ask about that.

16315191? ago


16314302? ago

Metapedia.org is back online


Do contribute to it, even consider donating to support that project.

16314301? ago

What is the archives link?

16314303? ago



16314304? ago

That won’t work. I want to archive the website.


16313511? ago

Sup nerds. What's the /pol/ recommended webbums maker running on winblows? I remember a couple of years back someone linked to a decent combination of downloading ffmpeg and the GUI which uses it, but I forgot the name of the damn gui. What does /pol/ recommend in this current year?

16322714? ago

all guis of ffmpeg are shit

just learn to use command line it's convenient enough

16313824? ago

Camtasia Studio for editing MP4 etc. then with Xmedia Recode to WebM.

16313823? ago


Went and found that shit on my old HDD. Posting for posterity.

16311707? ago

What is /pol/'s thought on Trump? Does /pol/ like him? Or thinks he's another puppet of the jews?

16310094? ago


anyone have a link to stories about that jew who built the 200lb bomb a few months back. rosen-something, he was going to blow a trump inauguration. looks like this has been memory holed. thanks

16310096? ago

First hit on goygle for 200lb bomb was Paul Rosenberg DC bomb plot.

16310101? ago

really? i searched "jew 200lb bomb trump rally" and got nothing on startpage. thanks though

16311068? ago

searched for jew

shut it down

16310091? ago

Give me the rundown on Ryan Dawson, I've heard he's tweeted anti-white stuff and supports degeneracy and sodomy but I also hear that he's made good documentaries and such.

16309053? ago

Serious question from an apolitical perspective:

Is Trump(and/or his administration) waiting for his base to arise?

It seems like he's patient about something. It is as though he is making decisions/policy that would drive his base to rise up; not simply in voice, but in action. His base seems to be a paper tiger that he (Trump) is attempting to energize, as though he sees his base as they were in some past requiem of prominence

16307907? ago

Can someone explain Deism to me?

Also, does anyone else agree that 8/pol/ is better that all of 4chan?

16310100? ago



Is Trump(and/or his administration) waiting for his base to arise?



Please learn what words mean before you use them.

16302865? ago

where did the 6 million figure come from? How was this 6 million figure measures as the holohoax death toll?

16306599? ago

16306597? ago

Presentation very related. Also there's something jew-quasi-mythological about the number.

16299573? ago

One thing I've never seen clearly written out or explained is National Socialism's succession process. I know Hitler would've hand appointed his immediate sucessors, but they presumed a 1000 year, so they must have had a thought out policy that would work for the next 100 generations—and they couldn't have expected a Hitler each generation. I'm not even sure if they would've planned to retain autocratic model. What was their plan?

16483318? ago

To rebuild germany and than go a different route, hitler did say he didn't want another furher to follow his footsteps.

16296173? ago

Should we teach the TRSodomites another lesson? Kike Eunuch was already thoroughly doxed, but there isn’t anything on “Striker” other than a sketchy dox from antifa.

16335496? ago

your legacy is literally like spergs on 4chan

And your legacy is hijacking memes created by spergs on 4chan


Don't you listen to Strike and Mike? Newsweek made up the LIE that Andrew Alan Escher Auernheimer is jewish.

16299572? ago

Unceasingly attacking weev would be of more use. He's the lynchpin holding a lot of bullshit together.

16299574? ago

Do we have anyone in Eastern Europe who can track him down?

16299577? ago

With all these repeating integers, I'd say there is a distinct possibility.

16299570? ago

They should be killed.

16283173? ago

is there an archive of WLP speeches/podcasts?

16287191? ago


That's a torrent of the most complete pack that was removed from Archive.org, the one that's still on there only has 290 or so recordings. Use a VPN.

Also check out Alex Linder's audiobooks of Hunter and the Pierce bio, The Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds.



Spotted the kike.

16287190? ago

yeah in the toilet

16283171? ago

Can I have a /pol/ summary and synopsis for The Hiding Place? I can smell the bullshit, but I need to put it into words for someone.

16279370? ago


16277078? ago

I’ve been looking into both white supremacy and fascism, and I’m kinda interested in white supremacy and it’s relations to fascism. However, I’d like some reading material to understand the arguments for and against it, as well as its place in Fascism/Third Positionism. I’ve looked into the works of Hitler, Degrelle, Codreanu, and others, and none of them I would personally classify as “supremacists”. Were there any fascist leaders or those within the Nazi regime who were supremacists?

Btw, as a sidenote a white supremacist is simply someone who believes that whites are the superior race.

16277079? ago

/pol/ hates white supremacy because it involved successful/rich people which triggers the crypto-commies here.

16278226? ago

You're literally not even trying.

16273903? ago

Could it be mad scientists who are behind world domination ?

Every aspect of our lives is science.

So maybe, there is somewhere some fucked up scientific community who is truly behind this huge psy warfare.

16279365? ago

Don’t pin the (((problems))) on the scientists.

16273905? ago


16273907? ago

So they just content themselves to follow orders and build horrible tech ?

16274913? ago

It's the jews, dumbass.

16274921? ago

I know about this one.

But don't forget that tech is not all made by jews

16274923? ago

Keywords to fix your stupidity: corporate takeover, finance, compartmentalization, "global economy", monopoly

16276007? ago

Do the people who work on dumbs cares about what the keywords you just gave.

Be careful of who you call stupid.

16272679? ago

Has anyone else noticed the shifting of "fuck white men" to "fuck white women?" The incels have seemingly been subverted to spread anti-white propaganda and promote race mixing because "all white women are whores, roasties, fuck niggers" etc. It's jarring considering sheboons have a herpes rate of 50% and more AIDs than actual homosexuals.

16270381? ago

Will I get in trouble if I bribe the tards with the gift cards to get themselves sterilised?

16270380? ago

why you guys keep justifying that whites are superior while you think the jews are owning everything? Don't these two ideas contradict each other? If you were truly an activist who worried about the situation you should have joined the kkk or something alike instead of sticking your fucking fatass in the armchair and talking shits online. After all you are conscious that it's just a silly conspiracy theory and you're trolling online for fun.

16270382? ago

Lazy bait.

16268614? ago

Are you anons actually somewhat aware of those Marxists and leftists going around saying "Free Palestine, Zionism=Nazism, anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism" and doing BDS while calling Israeli kikes "White supremacists"? I can honestly tell that none of them have ever cared about the genocide of White South Africans, it's easy for them to sympathize with the Palestininians because they're brown, but for the former they don't care at all and would even say they "deserve to die" because of muh colonialism, which was something they have never even participated in to begin with. Why do these types of useful idiots exist again? What's their true use in life, anyway? If any of us showed them the Talmud, would they finally stop thinking Zionism is a modern creation? Or will they think it's muh anti-Semitism? Why are they so hellbent on despising White families they have never even met? I don't remember (((Marx))) himself (even though he was a ultra mega Jew) telling his followers to kill off Europeans.

16266088? ago

Ya'll rayciss crackus need to go back to Europe n' shiet!

Shouted the "American" Negro, but then in another time he said:

I ain't gonna get my ass back to Africa you rayciss crackus! I wuz born in 'ere!

US niggers are most likely to have this mentality. If they really loved the "Muddaland" so much, they should have helped their fellow nogs back in there instead of demanding "We're here to stay.". Admitting that they want Whites extinct might as well been more palatable.

16265240? ago

Which is better:

No Race-mixing or Numberburg Law style in which only Aryan Races (Europeans, Iranians, Japanese for example) mix.

16274919? ago

Japanese aren't Aryan and Irania over the centuries due to "Muhammad’s Last Sermon" have mixed away most of their Aryan blood, that isn't to say its impossible to find a lineage which has kept to its own kind but they are not in any way even a large minority. The same goes for what is now India where there are much fewer or what is now China where maybe some might be found in Xinjiang. Be it the Islam in Persia, devaluation of the caste system through Bhakti/Shaktism in India or Han Chinese genocides over the centuries and now Communism all crave the Aryan to cease existing as a separate and distinct race.

Its a process which has happened and is occurring even right now where the Aryan through miscegenation loses the lands his ancestors conquered by falling for and taking on the philosophy of a foreign people and then all is left is to actually take on the looks of these foreign people.

16266090? ago

One drop rule.

16265238? ago

Hello, could I get some hard proof on jews controlling:

the financial sector (banks, etc)

I looked up the CEOs of major banks in the USA, but most of them don't seem to be Jewish.

academia (direction of modern research and such)/education

I'm aware of the legacy of various schools of various academics and fields (such as on anthropology, psychoanalysis, etc), but can statistics be provided? I'm aware Jews are overrepresented in the ivy league, are they overrepresented in university administrations/as professors? Can statistics be provided?

the media

Hollywood is a given, but what of the news outlets? I was looking at this old infographic, but I can't find any sources confirming most of those here who are listed as Jews. Is it a falsification?

any other sectors which are worth mentioning

inb4 "found the jew"

16336772? ago

Needs to be updated. Fox merged with (((Disney))) since 2013

16336775? ago

There's a 2015 version

16265239? ago

Hello, could I get some hard proof on jews controlling:

the financial sector (banks, etc)

take a look at history (court jews ect)

watch "The Money Masters Full Documentary The rise of the bankers". they don't mention jews but if you read between the lines it's them. Rothschild and his children started a central banks in major white countries

the media

watch that al jazeera documentary about israeli lobbyists in america. even if they don't outright own the media they have havey influence over it

16266089? ago

I think the Jewish control of American foreign policy is somewhat evident given the lack of opposition to policies which benefit Israel.

I'm not convinced of your first point. I think I remember watching that documentary; I'm looking for good sources with hard proof. If the Rothschilds did indeed control the federal reserve, that would suffice, but I'm not convinced that they control the federal reserve.

Here's what I know:

a rothschild agent, Warburg, was involved in the meeting on Jekyll island that preceded the creation of the federal reserve

member banks in a federal reserve banks' district own stock in that bank, and they, as stockholders, choose the directors and such

the biggest stakeholders in the New York federal reserve bank are, as you'd expect, citigroup/wells fargo/etc

other companies, in turn, hold stock in these member banks

however, I don't see any trace of Rothschild influence. At least one of the top 5 stock holders has a Jewish ceo, but that's all I see.

example: https://www.fool.com/investing/general/2013/02/20/who-owns-wells-fargo.aspx

16265236? ago

Are there any boards or sites where it's safe to talk about Christian Identity or will I be swarmed with shills no matter where I go?

16264394? ago

inb4 muh dicking is degenerate n' shiet

Face it, all women are race mixing thots who all need to be bred hard 24/7 by the one and only true Übermensch so they can finally learn their place in this world (in bed and in the kitchen). They should never stop thinking even for a minute of the sight of their Aryan husbands' 12" cocks. Fuck them all the time even when they are cooking and cleaning. Never let them go outside the house. We can even redpill them that "BBC" is nothing but a (((porno scam))). Prove me wrong.

Pro tip: you can't.

Also, fuck you Christcucks for making me spoiler this beautiful hentai gif. Go lick some nigger's toes somewhere else.

16264393? ago


Foods which have been demonstrated to have goitrogenic effects include (((Soy)))

can't make this up

16263465? ago

16260570? ago

Why do jews call themselves jews if they don't consider themselves to be from the patriarchal tribe of Judah? What does the tribe of Judah have to do with naming their religion after it? I thought they were called Israelites. This makes no sense. Or do they do it cuz they hate Jesus and want to idolize Judas?

16260578? ago

Because that's the word for them in English, you retard. In Romania they call themselves evreii because that's the word for them in Romanian, in the Czech Republic they call themselves zide because that's the word for themselves in Czech, and in America/Britain/etc they call themselves jews because that's the word for them in English, you braindead kike-mythology-worshipping idiot.

16261597? ago

evreii comes from the word hebrew. zide come from yid short for yiddish, from hebrew yehuddish yehud yehuda = Judah. im sure the jews of Romania and Czech. have multiple names for them, im sure the most popular ones in each country involve translating that tribe's name

16260574? ago

Biblical nonsense will never help you understand. Its not about religion (or very little, to some of them) in the grand scheme.

16260571? ago

I doubt they named themselves after your retarded mundie scripture interpretation. Judas was controlled op.

16261598? ago

>>12699628 fucktard

>>12699644 double nigger fucktard

The jews were named by the Greeks and Romans after the nation of judah. When Latin became Old French, the letter i was pronounced like a j, and they were called

juiu. The Normans brought the little faggots to Britain, and juiu became jew. It has nothing to do with religion, unless you're an edgelord niggerwit

16262509? ago

That's my point you fucking retard, it's not religious, it's based on what the given European host nation calls them. Fucking kill yourself and spare us your idiocy.

16262515? ago

it's based on what the given European host nation calls them.

thus, why we asked what they call themselves in Hebrew. yehuddim. root word Judah. they are obsessed with that particular tribe. the question is why.

16261601? ago

I thought they were fucking israelites. Didn't 10 of the northern israelite tribes go to war against judah. is this like a modern choosing of a side in an ancient civil war or something?

16261600? ago

The jews were named by the Greeks and Romans after the nation of judah

Okay, then so what do they call themselves in their own? language ? What's their preferred name for their group

16261602? ago

I don't know what they call eachother in secret, but yehudim is what they have been calling themselves since at least the 10th century

16261603? ago


Exactly. What is their preoccupation with that particular tribe / nation ? so much that they would name themselves AFTER it. Or are you seriously saying its a tradition left over going back all the way to when the nation of Judah still existed?

16262513? ago

Because they aren't hebrews. They are khazars who bred with a few Samaritans and inherited talmudism. Samaria was a Judean remnant of jewish mongrels from of pre-Greco conquest that fled Titus' wrath in 70AD.


I was only talking about Europe

<That's why I talked about religion

McFucking kill yourself you brainless piece of wetback turd

16260560? ago

I need something interesting/educational to listen to at work. A long time ago that used to be political talk shows, but that just makes me sick now. Any suggestions?

16260562? ago

16281908? ago

I've listened to all the Pierce youtube has to offer, but you got me thinking, maybe there's an archive somewhere. I'll check this out maybe: https://concen.org/content/dr-william-luther-pierce-exhaustive-audio-archive-mp3-32-kbps/content


Some of you have been making audiobooks and posting them to /pdfs/ !?! Great job guys.

16257377? ago

anyone got any more expamples of zogbots admitting that shitskins and multiculturalism are cancer?

16257376? ago


someone post the light vs dark image macro

or why CIAnigger ops are retarded

16256414? ago

Not a question, just wanted to share Lt. Corbis's (Sophia) new video:

"Multiracial white supremacy". It's pretty spicy, and consists of insightful commentary on that nigger girl that claimed to be white on Dr Phill.

16254229? ago


M: Other than saying that bribes aren’t okay it doesn’t really look for vulnerabilities such as unmanageable debt, gambling problems, or other expensive hobbies. Spies for money are more about need than greed.

I: Ideological spies are never considered because any infiltrators are considered to be police or PIs. Another rival organization with different values could easily penetrate the system because ideological spies join with the intent of spying.

C: Very little is done to prevent compromise. Drug problems and criminal backgrounds have been used to flip people before, but people with drug problems and criminal backgrounds are not given additional suspicion as a rule. An honor system is proposed where a co-conspirator says if he has warrants or is an illegal alien.

E: Ego is somewhat addressed through prohibitions on gossip, bragging, and untoward curiosity. A very useful distinction is made for liars. Lying up your action is unforgivable because it will still be used as evidence against the organization, it shows that you are an unreliable person, and it doesn’t help. Lying down (i.e. denials and minimization) is encouraged as it spreads disinformation that complicates evidence and it belies a lack of ego issues. However such a premium is placed on recruiting marginal people that these steps are essentially useless given the nature of the organization.

Interrogation is not addressed in any practical sense. It lies moral invective against a psychological situation. Everyone agrees that they would never give up their friends for moral reasons. Nobody expects the interrogator to get in their heads. The IRA had effective counter-interrogation because it explained interrogation as a strategy of desperation that is only done with a lack of evidence. If they had evidence they wouldn’t need a confession. Just don’t talk is Nancy Reagan-tier advice.

Communication is extremely hampered because of the requirements of secrecy necessary for criminal behavior. Beyond flyering (which for any leftist movement is a totally null factor anyhow) it has no real outreach beyond the propaganda of the deed. Essentially it needs people to be impressed by how cool their action is and how cool they are for doing it without somehow connecting the evidentiary dots. These organizations can only function as auxiliaries to a non-criminal entity, eg Sinn Fein to the IRA. While no security culture literature goes into that any effective antifa organization is effectively the auxiliary to a public relations campaign by a more legitimate group. A significant weakness is that bogus spokesmen can easily hijack the PR outfit of a quasi-covert outfit.

It does have some strengths. Commonsense rules regarding behavior. By institutionalizing OPSEC it makes infiltrating harder. Ensuring that need to know is limited to those who are going to do it makes passive information gathering harder, wallflowers need not apply. It also presupposes bad faith on the part of the police and media which is a correct observation. The technical aspects of avoiding discussions next to future scenes of action, in homes, or in cars make sense. Not discussing this via email or phone is also a no-brainer. It also accepts that infighting is a state objective.

Overall security culture is marginally beneficial for marginally effective groups. More effective groups don’t need half the methods and do the other half much better.

16254226? ago

Security Culture: Counter-COINTELPRO

Security culture is a term used within far left movements to describe a systemic approach to OPSEC. Antifa and Black Bloc pride themselves on it. Here is a review of their published instructions in security culture.

A significant portion of security culture doctrine concerns itself with the planning of direct action. Direct action is criminal activity across the spectrum of vandalism, burglary, arson, and violence against persons. Agent provocateurs seek to entrap people in criminal conspiracies and that’s much easier when criminal conspiracies are the name of the game. When your organization doesn’t do direct action (crime) anyone who suggests a crime can be kicked out or even turned in to the police.

The next big weakness is that there is no growth strategy other than the Marxian presupposition that everyone will join in the fun of the “mass movement”. New members are not told what is done. There is no method of validating new members except vouching, which is a hair inconsistent in its results. Finally people are dissuaded from joining if they are unwilling to get fired, go to jail, or leave their families. The sort of people who get fired, go to jail, and leave their families are the only sort you’ll get with that strategy.

Perhaps the subtlest weakness is that this is a reactive strategy. If that weren’t bad enough it reacts to reactive strategies. It is counter-counterintelligence. It is counter-counterinsurgency. Counterintelligence and counterinsurgency can only be effective with massive resources that typically require state level actors because they are so inefficient. An insurgent movement that adopts these methods may as well stay home because it has the weaker position and acts like the stronger position. I speculate that the moral certainty of the activists gives them a conceit of strength deriving from the righteousness or inevitability of their cause.

16252141? ago

How do I acquire a why to live?

16254220? ago

Start thinking by yourself, for starters.

16247185? ago

Did niggers invent fascism?

sauce: https://youtu.be/RuCnZClWwpQ

(37:20) make a faggot

(51:55) sacrifice a live chicken

(1:30:20) pumping iron

(1:38:55) the fasces is complete

16247597? ago

Did niggers invent astronomy because they looked at the sky at night?

16245974? ago


/nightpol/ is usually good /pol/ though

16245973? ago

As of the time when I post this, is anyone else noticing a lot more low effort threads than usual?

16245316? ago

What does “Faustian” mean, as in “Faustian spirit”?

16245319? ago


I should add that I'm talking about the critics of Geothe's retelling of the story.

16245317? ago



"the adjective "Faustian" imply a situation in which an ambitious person surrenders moral integrity in order to achieve power and success for a delimited term."

Contemporary thinkers ended up describing the Faustian Spirit of the European people as exploratory, innovative, competent, etc. They believed this was primarily racial, meaning that it was something you were born with.

16223166? ago

Why do jews care so much about Japanese whaling of all things? Greenpeace-tier scumbag faggots Sea Shepherd and a 2009 documentary about it called The Cove getting an (((Oscar))). Oftentimes when you see these groups opposing something, it's a bad sign (like Greenpeace opposing palm tree oil when the alternative oils aren't as efficient and therefore would cause more deforestation)

I'm all for protecting nature, which is why I always check twice when hypocrite kike NGOs pretend like they care. Is this an instance of the broken clock being right twice a day? The biggest reason I could find for japs eating whales is that their country is only 40% self-sufficient in terms of food supply. I'm not sure how they see whaling.

16221125? ago

Would eugenics work on niggers?

16221127? ago

Genocide is just fine.

16221840? ago

In theory though. It would be pointless, given whites are already so far ahead, but hypothetically COULD they ever become as gifted as whites if eugenics was implemented on them?

16221842? ago

It would be pointless

No Jamal, it wouldn't be pointless, it would be the end goal of white supremacy: kill all non-whites, leave none alive. Take over the world and fight aliens across the universe.

16221846? ago

I meant implementing eugenics on niggers would be pointless but ok.

16221848? ago

I know what you meant.

16219915? ago

How come Cuba's healthcare is supposedly so good considering it's been under socialist control for over fifty years and pretty much all other aspects of the country are backwards? Is it all (((propaganda))) or what?

16221124? ago

Cuba healthcare is a fucking meme. Its because the people of Cuba don't know what good healthcare is, so when there is surveys asking if they think their healthcare is good,they say yes, because of they have like zero examples of whats good or bad. Also, again. Le rights in one area doesn't mean its good in the other areas. We saw gay marriage legal in China around the eighties, but we don't pin China as a pinnacle of human rights.

16221844? ago

You are a cynical prick, rightfully so. They as a country took one aspect of their socialist ideals quite seriously and that was health Care.

They always rank quite high in quality of care by most organizations, esp per capita

They had a collective national identify and that was a part of it.

They have educated more doctors per capita then possible anyone else sans the national socialists.

They routinely send them to help with disasters. Everyone there believes you have a right to medicine.. it's been indoctrinated to them, I have no problem with that part.

Such a Shame the way they have been embargoed for ever now. Just a bunch of people trying to live their life and believe in the common good

16223671? ago

Electricity will just cost you 10 peso!

<Your salary 30 peso…

Suck officer's dick, 5 peso!

<Too bad, electricity not working for this month…

But there's no appliances so you don't need it!

In a good country you prevent people from invading, not prevent people from escaping.

16219912? ago

I'm an atheist/former Christian who's interested in Paganism, as it was the religion the majority of my ancestors followed. However, I have one problem with it, that being that I don't believe in Odin and Thor and what have you. Do the pagans on this board actually believe in them? If you do, what evidence do you have? If you don't, how do you resolve the conflict of following something you don't believe in?

16216891? ago

For quick insemination of propaganda. See "The Numbers" and "How To: Shoah" If you do, upload to all categories separately


16228657? ago

< Easy 100+ views


16212991? ago

Does anyone have a download or link to an archive of A Wyatt Mann's cartoons and comics? I cannot find them anywhere.

16208968? ago

Has anyone on here checked this website out yet? It's basically the new Ironmarch.


16208969? ago

Haven't seen it. The new Ironmarch is Iron Volk.

16202404? ago

So /pol/, I'm having certain feelings that Ryan Dawson is a leftist infiltrator LARPing as a lolbergbertarian, just look at his anti-White past and his apologetic behavior to kikes (he uses the muh anti-Semitism rhetoric, albeit differently). He believes only the Zionist ones are bad and the ones who aren't are the "good Jews".

He never stated to anyone that the non-Zionist Jews are actually commie academic professors pushing anti-White sentiments to their non-White golems, along with several Zionist liberal Jews in Twatter chanting for the death of said Whites. He doesn't even see Ziokikes as kikes, because apparently to him they are all "racist European colonialists". Gotta love that RationalWiki-tier projection right there.

He claims collectivism is bad, but hypocritically calls false flag (((mass shootings))) to be a "racist White thing". Honestly, it just seems like he wants to blame Whites and "rightwingers" for everything he hates. I'm surprised he hasn't used the term "reactionary fascist" yet. Also, I'm not buying the idea that turds like him and the TRSodomites are redpilled in the slightest.

The TRSodomites flat out admitted that they are all "anarcho-capitalists". So my questions here are: why is he affiliated with TRS if he feels more likely to be affiliated with r/Socialism than anything? Why is TRS even secretly affiliated with anti-White commie groups? What do they have to gain affiliating with said groups and individuals? Why aren't they just admitting that they want all Whites extinct? Why keep up the subversion and deception?

16717233? ago

Ryan Dawson's hatred should be for globalist, left-wing , diaspora jews , not nationalist israeli jews.

Nationalist israeli jews simply want israel to be safe and prosperous and will cooperate or betray people to achieve that aim. They're people that you can do business with if your interests align.

globalist, leftwing, diaspora jews are the ones who are explicitly anti-white and want to flood white countries with non-whites and promote anti-white sentiment and degeneracy.

It's leftwing, globalist jews who are explicitly our enemy and deserve our hatred.

Israeli jews you can cooperate with productively. For example, at a time when every white, western european nation had boycotted all trade with south africa because of the apartheid system, Israel was the only first world country to trade with south africa and help them stay afloat longer than they would have otherwise.

A patriotic white person should therefore not care about the israel palestine conflict at all. Let Israel continue taking care of it.

Overall it would be a strategically in our interests to foster good working relations with israel as they ar the most successful model of a first world, explicitly ethnonationalist, democratic country and we could learn a lot from them about how to achieve that and how they manage to keep their citizens vigilant and close and sharing good values .

Israel isn't out friend but they're a neutral party who can be useful and it would be good to have good working relations with them.

16723944? ago

nationalist Israeli jews

No such thing. They all support globalism, only this time they don't support it for themselves. A jew is a jew no matter how you look at them. Both zionist and marxist jews hate whites with a burning passion. Gal Gadot is an anti-white feminist Israeli cunt while Noam Chomsky is an anti-white clueless jew boomer who is not even a true commie as he doesn't like the idea of revolution and supports the two-state solution. Plus the fact that he doesn't support commies and leftards doing BDS. He's been duping commieniggers for a long time now. Then again, commies are retards. No doubt about it.

16716242? ago

He flat out supports homosexuality and sodomy iirc.

16226305? ago

Ryan Dawson is great for the meat and potatoes details on why Israel is bad. He's excellent at that. But yeah, he's not pro-White at all, and doesn't care for Whites wishing to have a racially homogeneous nation states, despite the fact that he's practically living in a racially and ethnically homogeneous nation state. And Jews have been a problem long before Zionism ever became a thing.

16228655? ago

Ryan Dawson is great for the meat and potatoes details on why Israel is bad.

Not really, he just calls them "white supremacists". He's still inheritly blaming le ebil whitey for what kikes are doing. He has a weird way of defining "true anti-semitism" in his own words, and in this case it's that "the zionists jews are the real anti-semites". I've seen this behavior almost exclusively from the left before, and in extension, gommunists in general. They would twist otherwise complicated issues and narratives for their own agendas to rally more supporters, while simultaneously wanting to attack the ones who actually kind of agree with them on certain aspects of said issues and narratives.

His total support for (((gun control))) is very questionable, too. For someone who claims to be a libertarian. Even marxists are pro-gun, albeit for different reasons, though. Only liberals and "progressive reformists" who think "free press journalist" sites are "credible news sites" are (((anti-gun))). Which is definitely plausible that the anon you replied to is correct about him being a "false shepherd", if I might add.

And Jews have been a problem long before Zionism ever became a thing.

Wrong, zionism has always been a jewish invention. Just simply read the Talmud for reference.

Pic related.

16270378? ago

His total support for (((gun control))) is very questionable, too. For someone who claims to be a libertarian. Even marxists are pro-gun, albeit for different reasons, though. Only liberals and "progressive reformists" who think "free press journalist" sites are "credible news sites" are (((anti-gun))). Which is definitely plausible that the anon you replied to is correct about him being a "false shepherd", if I might add.

Wait, Ryan's been shilling for gun control? When did this happen? I remember him being pretty pro-gun for the most part, and he was calling out David Hogg on his bullshit.

16228656? ago

Wrong, zionism has always been a jewish invention.

Didn't you pretty much just agree with anon?

16207923? ago

lolbergs are anti-White kike-apologists, there's nothing out of the ordinary there. His longtime affiliation with TRS (they read an email from him on the air in 2015, and he used to always be in Morokike's comments) is because he could see that they were just pretending, and were ideologically more similar to him, aside from their support for zionism.

16203096? ago

There really isn't any reason to trust any namefag because in time it'll just turn into e-celeb faggotry, which will just end up wasting your time. Namefags aren't there to convert the listener but simply the listener's shepherd.

16203095? ago

He (Dawson) is a hack. Also he's mixed-race, so I think it makes sense that he doesn't care for the European issues.

16201428? ago

why /pol/ keeps shitting on the jews while blacks and muslims are the real pests?

16202403? ago

Do you blame fleas for spreading disease, or do you blame rats and cats for spreading the fleas?

Likewise, do you blame niggers and dunecoons for being destructive, or do you blame kikes for importing them?

Kikes are the vector, and when you can't eliminate the disease, you eliminate the vector.

Ideally you scold and restrict the rights of those who were conned by the kikes, then punish their fleas with a good ethnic cleansing in your lands while removing all jews.

16201430? ago

Jews literally enslaved Blacks and brought them to the USA and Israel has fucked up every Muslim nation.

16201429? ago

who put these pests in my country in the fucking first place?

16201999? ago

3rd pic is russia

tfw even shitty white countries are lightyears ahead of any nigger/jew civilizations

16200950? ago

I've seen threads related to learning a martial arts, and I really want to get back into that. There's a local gym teaching Jui Jitsu, but I'm not sure if it's the ideal thing to go for.

If someone wants to improve their physical body, as well as learn how to defend innocent white people from chimps, what should one do?

16200410? ago

how do I stop being so jewish

16198829? ago

Are some jews completely removed of their semitic dna?

Pale skin

Blue eyes

Non-curly brown hair

Masculine jaw

6' 4"

16200408? ago

he no look different so he no jew now

Sweet mother of fuck, you're just as retarded as the liberals who think racism is "only based on skin color." Jews are GENETICALLY PREDISPOSED TO SCHIZOPHRENIA. They're riddled with diseases and gene carriers for diseases. Why would we want to dilute the European gene pool with them, anyway?

16200949? ago

Not an argument, try again.

16199722? ago

No, thanks to inbreeding.

16198020? ago


This thread got deleted where someone found out their partly a Jew, from their mom side. Just wanted to say this.


The land of Israel is for The Chosen Ones, those that accept Christ

Take your claim to Jerusalem Anon!


16198017? ago

Who are the right-wing superelites? The Soros' of our movement? Would they be unidentifiable, working covertly?

16193597? ago

I just found out my grandmother's last name is Topol.

What can /pol/ tell me about this?

16194718? ago

Chaim Topol (born 1935), Israeli actor, often billed mononymously as Topol

Edward Topol, Russian writer… In 1978 he emigrated to USA, New York City… He was a contributor to the "White book" of the "Anti-Zionist committee of the Soviet society"

It's not good news.

16189602? ago

Can someone give the link to the /pol/ banner list?

16192374? ago


16186974? ago

Why do I get the feeling the vast majority of people, especially the shills anytime art/music is discussed on /pol/, can't hold a reasonable conversation about art or music? This is especially true anytime music is brought up. No substantive discussion on the music takes place. Just a bunch of link dumps with absolutely no commentary or discourse whatsoever.

I don't buy the excuse that /pol/ should just be concerned about politics alone because art plays an important role in political discourse. I especially don't want to hear anymore alibis about your plebeian opinions on art because you shouldn't be posting if you can't make the case for your music of preference.

The absolute worst happens whenever classical music is discussed. It seems only a minority of people earnestly enjoy classical music and music inspired by classical music. When filthy casuals say they "love" classical music, what they really mean is that they'll give it a go if it happens to be on at a given time and place, but almost never pursue it on their own accord. They never learn the evolution of music from each passing era. Same line of thinking goes into "loving" art or science. As long as it has the cache of being hip, cool and intellectual, the average schmo gloms onto these labels and pretends to be informed. So fucking disingenuous.

Buncha fucking plebs, all of you.

16188378? ago


He can't help it.

16186969? ago

What´s the history of imkamphy,moarfeus,Hotweels and other renown people of 8chan /pol/

16186972? ago

Anon, on behalf of /pol/ I regret to inform you that you'll always be the newest of newfags

16186970? ago


4chon tinychat user that impersonated an underage tripfag named blart and learningcode.

fake-rach and current /newsplus/ rach

weird powertripping IRCfag


wizchan mod that got ousted as not being a virgin

fucks flip ladybois

probably killed or enslaved by jim watkins


not an 8ch user usually

twitter cuck that rallies against aut-right and uses all of swampanons / 4pol BO's memes

general weird fuck, may be turbo-sperg associated with aut-right false flagging(unsure)


guy who OP'd many of the "/pol/ vs TRS" threads

avatarfags as shreck

probably just some anon who's angry at everyone / possibly insane and somewhat intelligent

knows how to piss of aut-righters better than most other anons, whenever he appears he does so specifically to fuck with aut-righters

16188379? ago

Did Josh of foxdick ever had any involvement with 8/pol/?

16184689? ago

Anyone have the meme that lists a bunch of nonsense arguments Christfags make toward pagans? It has a pic on Link on the left side.

16186966? ago

Why do we care about your paid jewish shilling?

16207925? ago

You're projecting.



16207928? ago

oy vey goyim you're a paid shill because I do things only paid shills do

Yes, run along now.

16216894? ago

you're a paid shill because you don't worship a jew

As if that makes any sense whatsoever.

16218935? ago

Yes, go worship your jew somewhere else.

16184686? ago

16175126? ago

There were some caps from the Gamergate era describing various form of shilling with examples. It was similar to "the gentleperson's guide to forum spies" but with real examples.

Anyone got it?

16174196? ago

Is sucking cock (as a man) for crack worse or equal to sucking a cock for a million dollars?

My friend is saying he'd suck a cock for a million dollars, yet he's above the people who suck cock for crack where he works. This is what he told me:


Theres a huge difference,

Saying otherwise is plain and apparent ignorance.

Being addicted to crack is a terrible thing. That ruins your life, your body and mind. It makes them dependant and desperate.

Theyd actively go and search for a cock to suck, to make money, for crack. And it repeats.

Someone offering a million to suck 1 cock. Its disgusting , but it Is a lot of money. But it can run out, its still a finite amount. It can help pay for stuff and make life easier, but it would run out eventually.

But even then, no one would ever pay such a large amount for 1 blowjob.


No one ever would pay that for 1 Bj.


Thats enough money to set you up for life, make it so youd never have to work a day in your life and can ignore many of life's obligations and can pursue a lifetime of doing Whatever you please.

For 1 bj.

Thats a no brainer.

Way better than just for crack.''

Is he right?

16174198? ago

Don't you have Palestinians to be killing?

16174193? ago

How do you dispel the myth of the America political parties switching as a result of the southern strategy or LBJ's democratic party supporting the civil rights act?

16176576? ago

Carpetbaggers and influx of former slaves and owners into the North and needing to prevent the Republican North from ousting them. The party lines disappeared from that point forward. They reemerged in the early 1900's, but were short lived thanks to Wilson.

Today's Democratic party is the dirty child of the Frankfurt Marxists that immigrated in the early 1900's. It has nothing to do with the South, or the original Democratic party. There's a reason the donkey is their mascot, you'd have to be an ignorant jackass to support them.

The Republican party today is the child of both Eisenhower, and the Trotskyists of the Hippy era. Nixon was the last traditional Republican, and fought the Jews the entire time he was a politician. Trump was the first step back to the right they have seen since.

16169549? ago

If it was a pureblood americoid (meaning "native" American), you could say "Sleep with red, scalp your head." as a corollary to "Burn the coal, pay the toll" and "Cook the rice, pay the price." Since this one looks like a mixed breed, you can just say "REFRIED" as a corollary to "BLACKED."

16164643? ago

My New Motto

16354659? ago

Bix in the Nood

16160350? ago

Banned for wanting to fight back against the kikes white genocide. Thread was nothing but kikes, got one of them to admit that kikes post all the optics glownigger shit to shutdown discussion. I know no one really cares because it's cuckchan, but is there someway to bring down cuckchan? Or find out who the mods are?

16648163? ago

It might have to do with being a cringey tryhard faggot.

16648162? ago

Agreed… I just got perma-banned too… Fck the kikes and their kike media… I posted the image that shows the media of CNN, NBC etc… and I was perma banned. We need to start a decentralized server. They can not shut down. 1st amendment rights from major media down to 4chan are being eroded by the kikes…

16650086? ago

It would do the internet a great good to take down 4chan somehow but that would be quite a difficult operation. If we could kill 4chan they'd be forced to migrate to other less overmoderated chans.

16650087? ago

shut it down

just so they can migrate somewhere else

not for the sake of forcing them to actually go out and do anything

no no, just move them to all the OTHER controlled opposition websites

16161588? ago

Or find out who the mods are?

16159152? ago

Are the people with disability allowed to segregate the niggers? Cops turn blind to this.

16154307? ago

this isnt a question but it could answer questions that you have about how commies think and the subversion and programming they use to control students and "professionals"


Ep. 67 – How False Beliefs Spread

A look at where false beliefs and fake news come from, how they spread, and what you can do to protect yourself against them.

16145656? ago

You ever wonder why statues of your ancestors are being taken down?


16145658? ago

16144318? ago

Studies show that woman prefer men with stubble. Stop shaving your faces and making yourselves look like women, faggots.

And before some smoothbrain mentions numale beards, it's not their fucking beards that are the problem, it's their lifestyle and personality.

16144319? ago

go back to reddit soifaggot. shaving face is peak masculinity

16144320? ago

Unz claims that the Immigration & Nationality Act of 1965 CURTAILED IMMIGRATION, not increased it. Can anyone corroborate?


16145654? ago

If his point is all immigration is destructive, white women need to have white babies, and shitskins need deporting or hanging, then there's nothing to debate.

16145657? ago

Well, I'm sort of needing accurate historical information on this topic rather than caring about his opinions (which is that spics don't commit more crime than whites and that immigration is good).

16146723? ago

The 1924 Immigration Act also included a provision excluding from entry any alien who by virtue of race or nationality was ineligible for citizenship. Existing nationality laws dating from 1790 and 1870 excluded people of Asian lineage from naturalizing. As a result, the 1924 Act meant that even Asians not previously prevented from immigrating – the Japanese in particular – would no longer be admitted to the United States.

In all of its parts, the most basic purpose of the 1924 Immigration Act was to preserve the ideal of U.S. homogeneity. Congress revised the Act in 1952.


The latter group, led by Democratic Senator from Nevada Pat McCarran and Democratic Congressman from Pennsylvania Francis Walter, expressed concerns that the United States could face communist infiltration through immigration and that unassimilated aliens could threaten the foundations of American life. To these individuals, limited and selective immigration was the best way to ensure the preservation of national security and national interests.

It revised the 1924 system to allow for national quotas at a rate of one-sixth of one percent of each nationality’s population in the United States in 1920. As a result, 85 percent of the 154,277 visas available annually were allotted to individuals of northern and western European lineage. The Act continued the practice of not including countries in the Western Hemisphere in the quota system, though it did introduce new length of residency requirements to qualify for quota-free entry.


16152998? ago

Hey, thanks. I'll have to study those more myself. If the 1965 Act ACTUALLY slowed immigration, why the fuck has white genocide happened subsequently? Or is Unz just being a typical jew?

On the matter of "the left eating itself":

I was trying to find historic instances of this, and I was wondering if the various Soviet purges could really be considered examples. A true example would be "leftists killing off or expelling other leftists WITHOUT having changed their ideological standing," but weren't the purges due to a resurgence in Russian nationalism and reactionary policies toward social liberation (like the sexual "freedom" laws)?

16154308? ago

have you looked at the Nationality Act of 1940, not the Immigration and nationality act

16144317? ago

16141874? ago

Is it worth it to pursue other irl memes similar to the IOTBW campaign? Guerilla memetic warfare has a much higher barrier of enry than shit posting online, but a well placed meme has to potential to reach people that would never stumble upon our memes online. Something more permanent/consistent like red pill stickers would have a longer lasting impact. The more innocuous the meme the better since it lowers the chance of the thought crime being removed. Any ideas on memes that would have a significant affect in sticker form?

16140893? ago

Is there a link to Alex Linder's appearance on The Gas Station anywhere?

16223164? ago

Did anybody save it while it was up on jewtube? Even just the audio?

16139877? ago

Is (((Drudge))) kill? The kike have not updated his site in at least 2 days, and it is not even saturday.

16139878? ago

Who cares? Why are you visiting a jewish propaganda website?

16139879? ago

All news are pretty much jewish propaganda, is there any better place for basic information? I also check RT, but they are also kiked up, and crying about nazis all the time…

16139880? ago

Well, we USED to be better. The ZeroHedge comments section is good, but the articles are all neocon propaganda. Rantingly is slightly to the right of drudge.

16134665? ago

My dad works at a galvanizing factory in the southern US. They only hire through a temp service. They recently hired a mexican through the temp service and the mexican told them he can get a bunch more mexicans to come work there if they want but they won't be legal so they can't go through temp service. The boss of the plant told the mexican "we'll see what we can do". now my dad says the big millionaire boss of the company is supposed coming down from out of state to talk to this mexican. Who do I report this to and how do I get something done about this shit when the time comes? Not planning on doing anything until they get a bunch of illegals working there

16128337? ago

Can someone just fucking kill 8chan already?

16123195? ago

Anything wrong with using places like teespring or zazzle to make leftie clothing and selling it to leftists? i might have the opportunity to get a perfect domain for it.

16125686? ago

only if you hide our symbols and imagery in their clothing, or do something to piss off turbovegans

16121437? ago

16119469? ago

I am applying for my firearms ID card / pistol permit in New Jersey, and one of the questions says:

Have you ever been attended, treated or observed by any doctor or psychiatrist or at any hospital or mental institution on an inpatient or outpatient basis for any mental or psychiatric condition?

I would get counseling from a (((psychologist))) for about two years for life advice back when I was a bluepilled, DYEL faggot. This was about two years ago, is it necessary for me to write this info down or should I just let it slide?

16136982? ago

Have you ever been attended, treated or observed by any doctor or psychiatrist or at any hospital or mental institution on an inpatient or outpatient basis for any mental or psychiatric condition?

hospital or mental instiution

<you went to some therapist at an office setting under no direct order

counseling is not the same as being involuntarily committed

t. studied these laws because i was b& from owning funs in my state due to multiple criminal charges and thought i could get out of it by pleading insanity :^)

i just took the charges and they dropped the charges after dudeweedlmao got legalized heh

16406924? ago

I'm glad it turned out well for you fam, I just got the call from the police department saying they mailed the forms for my reference list, so I got my fingers crossed. Anyways, does anyone have a full PDF of Derek Rake's Shogun Method?

16127212? ago

You've got a few potential outs.

Have you ever been attended, treated or observed by any doctor or psychiatrist

You said you saw a psychologist. All psychiatrists are doctors, by definition: psychiatry is a specialty for people with an M.D. or D.O. degree. Did your psychologist have only a Master's degree? Then he wasn't a doctor. Did he have a Psy.D.? Debatable as to whether he's a doctor. It depends on whether doctor is defined in the NJ statute in question. It would be worth referring to the law itself.

or at any hospital or mental institution

Did your counseling take place as a regular office or medical practice? If so, that's not a hospital or mental institution, so it wouldn't count.

on an inpatient or outpatient basis for any mental or psychiatric condition?

To your knowledge, were you ever actually diagnosed with a mental or psychiatric condition? If not, it was just "advice" as you say.

So, if I understand the question correctly, you have to have been treated:

by a doctor or psychiatrist OR in a hospital or mental institution


for a mental or psychiatric condition.

If you were treated by a psychologist with an M.A. in his office in an office park and he never said "I'm diagnosing you with Antisocial Personality Disorder" or whatever, then there's no problem. Even if you talked in general terms about being "depressed" or "anxious," for example, that's still different than actually being diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder or Generalized Anxiety Disorder or whatever.

Granted, New Jewsey is cucked, but most of those laws are intended to apply to severe mental illness like schizophrenia, anyway. Psychotic disorders and the like.

16135339? ago

Psychologist or Psychiatrist

Not sure, on the bill it states I was charged for Psychotherapy

Did he have a PhD?

I never even bothered to ask him at the time tbh. Brb i'm going to look up that NJ statute

Hospital or institution

Nope, it was a (((((((((marital and relationship counseling advice center))))))))) in an office setting

Inpatient or outpatient

Nope, just advice, and yeah I would use terms like "depressed / anxious" but I was never officially diagnosed with anything. I'll take the risk and let this info slide. Thanks you anon.


I got you fam, pic related is the best type of propaganda to spread on cuck forums and other outlets where degenerates gather.

16121434? ago

Let it slide if you know what's good for ya.

t. NJ Anon

16123193? ago

I like your style anon.

16118380? ago

I want to join a good /pol/ discord.

I am on Outer Heaven, but I don't like the high amount of gays there. I think the porn addicts in our ranks are a burden on us.

So I'd like some server that at least has some standards on who joins.

16118381? ago

good /pol/ discord

doesn't exist discord is not safe to use

16117292? ago

Can't say I'm a devoted regular here so excuse my newfaggotry, but few days ago I was browsing through some threads and encountered picrel in a thread about Jordan Perterson. As far as I understand it's a degenerate propaganda aimed at cucks and antifa faggots. Is there more of this shit? I got an idea of flooding a certain forum with this type of material and I was thinking if there was more instances of it, it wouldn't look so blunt.

16117295? ago

So you are not asking for a friend?


16117300? ago

You have all the right to think I'm a faggot for asking for this- can't blame you. I just asked a casual question for possible pointers. If there isn't more or noone keeps record of this then I'll just spam those two I found. I just wanted to be more epic. There's no reason to argue over this.

16118377? ago

No, i understand. You saved these pictures for scientific reasons.


16117286? ago

I only know where half my family is from, the other is a mystery and I want to do a DNA test. not going through 23andme because of their obvious ties.. anyone know where I can get this done without my DNA being sold to a third party or somehow used against me?

16117288? ago

Just a warning, those have some dubious results. If you get one, take it with a grain of salt

16117290? ago

understandable, but dubious or not, I'd like to know what the results would be. might answer some questions I have.

16116303? ago

Sorry for off-topic, but I just realized leftypol autocorrects IQ to autism level. They actually reject the concept of intelligence.

16224881? ago


They actually reject the concept of intelligence.

What a shocker. Apparently everything to them is a "spook". Except for feminism, trannyism and homosexuality, of course. Being a "cis White male" makes you a "racist, bigoted reactionary" after all.

16112366? ago

what does /pol/ think about japs government intentionally breeding half nigger athletes?

16114194? ago


Citation needed

16113244? ago

terrible idea, blacks are only good at basketball and soccer as far as international sports go, they run and jump other than that they a not competent

mixing with them is like mixing cow shit and ice cream

16110059? ago

How does one refute the idea that the NSDAP German economy was largely successful because of the rearmament of germany and the war production and also that the removal of women from the workforce reduced the unemployment rate significantly also the mass recruitment of new soldiers in the Reich. And because of all of these reasons that in a peaceful world the national socialist ideology wouldn't work, how does one refute these ideas???

16134667? ago

national socialist ideology has little to do with economics and it would be retarded if any natsoc movement tried to base their economy by following step by step what germany did in the 1940s. Hitler had little concern for economics and national socialist policies then were largely based on the capitalist economic policies of the weimar republic and are not integral to the ideology as a whole

16109738? ago

Is it possible that from 1933 to 1939 one and a half million Jews were born, which is an increase of 10% of the total Jewish population worldwide?

16110057? ago

And where did the revised 1949 numbers come from?

16111153? ago

What "revised" numbers? Jews' organizations counted them as always I'd assume.

An anon posted these

16115217? ago

I own a 37, 38, 47, and 48 almanac, and I've personally seen a 51. The four that I own make no mention of the holocaust, either in writing in the WWII section, or in the population stats of the jews. By the time the 51 was printed, jews had finalized their first holocaust hoaxing. Notice that they say their "last known data" was 1948, despite '48 having a different number back in '48. Note also that they magically added over a million jews to 1938, as well. I should have bought the damn '51. If it's still there next time I visit, I will.

16115222? ago


Germany: 240,000 jews

Why did Germany have such a low tolerance for jews compared to say France, which also had 240k jews?

16115218? ago

Where did you get them? Is it possible to get all books from 1930 to the 1950s?

16110058? ago

From the world almanac I mean, who told them there were only eleven million Jews alive?

16109739? ago

Jews have a notoriously low birthrate, so no.

16109736? ago

I need some help anons.

I wanted to see what you guys had to say about Antarctica because I find the topic to be of immense interest, but so much misinfo and dinfo thrown left and right. Something must be very important and juicy about it.

Where can I find a thread on /pol/ discussing it? I am having a bit of trouble finding how to search properly on this site. Can one of you bros point me in the right direction?

16105196? ago

Fuck, ok anons I need some info.

Brian Ruhe, is he /ourguy/?



I met him face to face on the street and recognized him as a meditation teacher I had when I was a kid. He gave me his business card and straight up it says "Canada's leading voice of compassion for 7 billion victims of the Jewish Elite"

I have an opportunity to make a connection here and network.

Don't want to get sucked into associating with a bunch of larpy shills and gatekeepers.

16130770? ago

do it, if not for yourself for anons like me who'd be really interested in what he has to say

16104259? ago

16104254? ago

As a German-Chilean, that means my family (grandparents) come from Germany, and I'm completely of German descent (I've never had a DNA test, but theoretically I should be at least 100% euro), what is the redpilled thing to do regarding marriage? Should I go find a girl in Germany and bring her to Chile or marry a Chilean girl (probably mestizo-castizo of Spanish descent)?

16103475? ago

16103452? ago

16102550? ago

an anon mentioned to me that there were newspapers crying about muh 6 gorillion before ww2 even started, I would like some kind of proof / copy of the headlines to share with other people. Could anybody help?

16099739? ago

Bros what are good places and orgs to make friends who can be bros? Is cross fit ok? I'm in a church, my family have been in it for centuries, there just aren't many men my age, and I can't really be thinking about women right now, as I have absolutely nothing just taking care of myself, and they've got careers and houses already.

16096310? ago

I don't care about wether or not it happened but I'm tired of googling and asking on forums for the nazi documentation of deportation numbers, death rate, and cause of death and just getting 6,000,000 words of testimony followed by, here's our sources giving a single link which just gives more testimony and another link to more testimony and so on. No matter how consistently the annecdote does or doesn't line up can I have actual death records and cause of death and not just deportation records?

16096313? ago

You don't care about the lie weaponized against you (unless you're not European); okay.

What exactly are you asking to be spoonfed, all records of all the prison camps in Germany?

Have a general look holocausthandbooks.com

16102547? ago



16092504? ago

How do you inform people of kike trickery in media? Everyone knows about this humboldt truck "accident", but they took months to release the name of the driver and any details of the accident to normies (you could find this out if you looked hard enough at the time, but no one would publish it). Now he gets sentenced and kikes at the publicly funded propaganda mouthpiece are telling us he should be let free and we are horrible humans that could kill people at any moment - we're just lucky our mistakes havent yet.

Not one fact posted in this kike (((opinion))) piece about what he actually did and how blatant disregard for rules and laws killed these kids.

How do you tell people they are doing this and why they do it without having them instantly shut down all thought due to cognitive dissonance and just file it under racist white man?

16091682? ago



51 Year Old Man Shoves And Knocks Out 11 Year Old Girl Outside Of Mall

Anybody know more about this story? Big white guy gets surrounded by all of these black girls that are yelling and start pushing him, then he pushes one back hard and when she comes back ready to swing he knocks her out. He is probably going to end up getting fucked by the legal system despite them posting the evidence of him being attacked.

16091684? ago

ready to swing he knocks her out

She hit him in the face. The fact that she had the nuts to even think about hitting a man in the face with a balled fist means she doesn't have a father figure in her life.

The man should go to jail because he's an idiot but this was a healthy experience for that dumb little girl.

16092501? ago

sending a white man to jail for defending himself against another species

Paid shill confirmed.

16091683? ago


16090704? ago

Is there another website where /pol/ questions can be asked and actually answered?

This thread can just be deleted because it’s completely worthless at this point. I ask particularly difficult questions here because I’m after very specific topics of discussion that can’t just be “found” using a search engine. I need PEOPLE to help, but no one here gives a fuck anymore, and they certainly don’t know anything anymore.

16085419? ago

For those who frequent censored platforms, may I suggest typing SJ3bb!N to circumvent censor.

16085418? ago

Why the Mod is deleting pony memes?

They are NOT degenerate and most of them are NatSoc.

16520509? ago

Because we don't accept paedophiles

16519491? ago

ponies are faggots

16103457? ago







You're giving NatSoc a bad image by tainting it with a show that, whatever its merits might possibly be, has an absolutely terrible reputation as being home to permavirgin autists with no life. I wouldn't associate /pol/ with Sonichu, and I wouldn't associate it with MLP either.

16103465? ago

You're giving NatSoc a bad image by tainting it

On the contrary, NatSoc has a terrible image thanks to decades of kike propaganda.

We are taking NatSoc ideology to the dumb masses with a more palatable form and taste.

Call it edgy and fun.

16103471? ago

On the contrary, NatSoc has a terrible image thanks to decades of kike propaganda.

We are taking NatSoc ideology to the dumb masses with something associated with fat autistic fedoratheists and degenerates

Smearing something with a universally reviled reputation with the icon of autism incarnate doesn't make it any more palatable. It just gives them more material to shit on you further and discredit you with image macros like these.


It is a symbiotic relationship, horsefuckers and horse pussy keep shills and normalfags away from the board because it is so shocking and degenerate that they cannot stomach it.

Despite national socialism and other concepts associated with it being forbidden knowledge/incomprehensible to the normalfag brain, there somehow needs to be horsefucker autism on top of it

More baseless rationalization.

16691411? ago

These pics are hilarious and so true lol

16105946? ago

Why do you frequent /pol/ more than your own board leftypol?

16103474? ago


Nice trips faggot.

But it is empirical experience.

16103477? ago

Doesn't mean shit aside from making us look worse, there's no need for it. We already have anime, and at the worst there's furries trying to jump on our ship. We don't need to be associated with more sexual deviants.


MLP has millions of viewers in many years the show running and viewers love it.

And what are the demographics of those viewers? The whole "brony train" ran off in 2012, and after 2013 they became less and less relevant.

16104252? ago

The whole "brony train" ran off in 2012, and after 2013 they became less and less relevant.

True, and the seed was already implanted in childhood.

Even those cunts and nu-males not any longer watching the show have vivid memories about it.

And about the relevance, the target demography is preteen girls, and the fuzz (relevance) you are talking about was made by childish adults. The main target are minds implanted in early childhood that today are reaching hormonal changes into child bearing age; meaning behavior changes are showing up and can be tilted to seek more and more dominant male partners.

Do you follow the tinkering of social perceptions?

16104255? ago

Do you follow the tinkering of social perceptions?

No, and i'm not the concern - the people you're trying to bring national socialism are. That's not to say that the fuzz isn't around in some capacity, what with the legacy that bronies left behind.

People who see this autistic brony/natsoc mashup are immediately gonna think of "nazi bronies" and stay far the fuck away from it. Just like any autist, they'll take two things that they like and mash them together, regardless of any factor that would make either compatible. And not in the shitposting "godawful soundcloud mashup XD" sense, either. I mean the "sonic the hedgehog praying to jesus" kind of way.

16104257? ago

Fair enough.

We will stay at our containment board, but take it for sure some pony memes will show up sometimes here and there. Poners have a high level of autism hard to stop.

Nothing serious, just be a little be tolerant.

16111685? ago

just be a little be tolerant

I knew that was coming.

16085625? ago

And by the way, poners have nothing to do with furries, we hate anthropomorphic setups.

True, we value the purity and cuteness of ponies, but that doesn't make us degenerates.

We are not violating any /pol/ rule and therefore the right to post NatSoc ponies should not be infringed.

Mods, don't be massive faggots.

16101552? ago

follows up "don't be massive faggots" after being a massive faggot

Here's an idea. Stop linking ponies to National Socialism. We all know you're not blind to the fact a little girl's cartoon is being used as typical de-nazification by making National Socialism look childish. Starting right now, you can look in the mirror, tell yourself you have had a silly, childish obsession and stop the insanity. Do this immediately. Any further replies with ponies will prove you're a blatantly obvious anti-National Socialist kike.

16101554? ago

Let me flip your logic, which I agree at first looks sound.

Stop linking ponies to National Socialism

It is the other way around.

We take an existing children show (kike backed) promoting a "girl power" narrative and we inject our ideology into it.

Millions of young females and effeminate men have watched this "harmless" show. What we are doing is to subvert it and using it as a "vessel" for our purposes.

The brainwashing of this cartoon in young minds can be and it is used as a platform for a new generation open to fascist ideas.

Our pseudo faggotry is not such, we are playing the long game.

Consider a parallel case, anime girls with huge eyes is sign of cuteness making them irresistible to young minds, which turns in "waifu" memes, which turns in new faggots joining the 14 words cause.

16102549? ago

Um I'm pretty sure most of the people on mlpol are just there because they're actually horse fucker degenerates

16103451? ago

they're actually horse fucker degenerates

It is a symbiotic relationship, horsefuckers and horse pussy keep shills and normalfags away from the board because it is so shocking and degenerate that they cannot stomach it.

At the same time, horsefuckers are being fully redpilled in the JQ, eventually many of them have came to our side and abandoning their… ahem… ways.

16101555? ago

The show is already pretty fascist. The idea of a pure-white god-empress ruling over the world making it harmonious and prosperous? Fashy as can be.

16103453? ago

The show is already pretty fascist.

16103455? ago

no archive

no date below author name

can't find the headline by looking it up

Yeah, that post is fake.

16103459? ago

Yeah, that post is fake.

Here the same one with the date.

Most likely CNN deleted at once because was attacking (((Hasbro))).

16103466? ago

Here the same one with the date.

You just added that date to that image. And you made a sloppy job at it.


We are taking NatSoc ideology to the dumb masses with a more palatable form and taste.

Then associate it with something palatable and with taste. MLP is the contrary.

16103472? ago

You just added that date to that image

If you dig hard enough you will find, nigger.

Without date: https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/6lvm8t/is_my_little_pony_racist_cnn_weighs_in_on_this/

With date: I don't know, I have the pic in my drive, look by yourself and proof me wrong.

Then associate it with something palatable and with taste. MLP is the contrary

MLP has millions of viewers in many years the show running and viewers love it.

How low is your IQ that you are unable to see the potential here?

16110709? ago

With date: I don't know, I have the pic in my drive, look by yourself and proof me wrong

You just made it. It has the same resolution, the same cropping margins, the same browser rendering, and the date you fabricated onto the image is April 28 (you could have used April 1st while you're at it) and that thread is from July 7th. Why would they post an out-dated screenshot months after the supposed headline? Because it's not a real screenshot. This is why every time I make a screenshot that's not comedy, I add an archive link and/or sources. And sometimes comedy as well.

16103462? ago

OK, so let your little girls watch it. You have little girls right? This isn't just some sick fetish, right? Best to not let them get into television or kike merchandise anyway.

16103456? ago

I don't know about that one, but there have been several articles on it pointing out its fascist undertones. New Republic had one that was particularly hilarious, but I am not going to that shit to see if it is still up or not.

16103454? ago

(((They've))) said that repeatedly over the years. Interestingly, they also said it about Paw Patrol. Maybe we need to look into that. Start 'em young?

16096314? ago

Here on 8pol we prefer white women of European heritage, not non existent ponies targeted for prepubescent girls you paedophile rapist

16099741? ago

Nobody is asking you to like ponies, faggot.

If Pepe and anime girls can go, ponies also can, nigger.

16103469? ago

I came here to specifically avoid any type of cartoons, if you want to post cartoons and memes for kids go to cuckchan or reddit you paedophile

16099743? ago

If Pepe and anime girls can go, ponies also can

Well you have a point.

(I've never posted those and they're all equally pathetic)

16101549? ago

Well you have a point.

No only that, many anons believe we are degenerate pedophiles and that is wrong.

Bronies here come from /mlpol/, a christian, fascist, and nazi pony board.

True, sometimes we can be a cancer with our memes, but we are NatSoc.

16085626? ago

ok horsefucker

16080033? ago

Great Information

16080034? ago

another technique

16080018? ago

My college is hosting a white privilege talk. Is there anything I can do about it?

16080021? ago

Sorry duplicate post. I thought the original got deleted for some reason.

16080008? ago

Someone know a place where i can find people ( asian if possible ) to answer question about North-Korea for a project ?

16080007? ago

When blacks and Hispanics rape, who do they rape? I need some statistics on that.

16080002? ago

Here you are friend

16634206? ago

Why don't you die, clypy!!!!!?

16079997? ago

I've spent sometime researching and I can't seem to find an article where a jewish synagogue used ex-war memorial stones to build a footpath. I remember reading 3-5 years ago, I've checked using several search engines and 2 dozens words and phrases nothing comes up.

16079996? ago

Can someone link me to a text copy of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

I don't want any corrupted copies. Just the original English translation that was released in response to the 1897 first Zionist congress. I believe it was by Boris Brasol… the one used by Henry Ford.

Thanks ahead of time.

16607624? ago

Don't forget the toronto protocols goy

16080006? ago

16079993? ago

My school is having a white privledge lecture. They are also terrified of bad publicity. What sites can I submit the event to?

16080004? ago

Attend, say nothing, and film it.

16079995? ago

Make a thread about this, or report to you country pro-national news agency.

16079992? ago

There seems to be a overboard usage of this CNN mentality by making threads everything involved abut Trump.

trump said this, trump involved that

Dozens of these keeps piling up which reduces the board into some eceleb /cow/.

16079988? ago

Sorry to be a hassle, but I can't find this image anywhere:

It's a comic of a leftist standing next to all their slogans that are paired to contradict each other (e.g Diversity is our strength, but we are all the same)

Can anyone help?

16079990? ago

found it! thanks guys!

16079984? ago

Why does the anti-white male Left worship Socialism (and to a certain extent Communism), a system created by (assumably straight) white males? Should we be memeing "Like Socialism? Thank a white male today!" ?

16079974? ago

Do we have a list of the times in history that jews funded a nation's invasion of another EXPRESSLY to allow jewish settlement in the invaded nation? Preferably with citations. I only need one or two, but it needs to be jewish funding PURPOSELY to allow jewish settlement. I need some other than the Ottoman Empire to establish Israel.

16090707? ago

Maybe there is something here


The thread is useful, unlike your frustrated rambling

16079972? ago

When I tried to post on 4/pol/ earlier, I received this error message “uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse”. And then it said “4chan users can bypass this block” and it asked me to buy a 4chan pass. What kind of fucking bullshit is this? I didn’t violate any rules on the site, it’s just doing this to milk shekels from me. Fucking kikes. Anything I can do about this?

16079970? ago

Are there any non-kike owned DNA testing labs? I'd like to know about my father's side of the family but don't want to contribute as a datapoint to whatever they'd do with my information.

16080025? ago

Nobody? Cmon, surely there's a lab that I haven't found.

16080032? ago

i got one of those kits for christmas, still havent sent it in but enough people in my family have done them that they practically have my info anyways, or could at least get close enough to find me

still havent decided what i want to do but it would be cool to see it

16080028? ago

Look for some local clinic, or whatever it would be called, that provides a service lile that. Don't expect them to be cheap as these jew-globalistic monopolies.

16079966? ago

does anyone have a link the morrakiu's album fourteen hatey-hate? his website is down and i have been looking everywhere for it

16079967? ago

16080041? ago

Nu/pol/: The Song

16080039? ago

the singer jerks off too much

he sounds whiny

16079963? ago

What does a high T male look like when making the soy face with their mouth open and all?

16079964? ago

What does a high T male look like when making the soy face with their mouth open and all?

Like I'm mocking you.

16079960? ago


16079957? ago

just in case you have not seen this filth. spread it around.

16079962? ago

Weimar solutions to Weimar problems.

16079952? ago

Does any anon here run an (((instagram))) account called "enemymedia?" They post a bunch of redpilled shit on the kikes and on race. They have tens of thousands of followers, that I'm surprised they haven't been taken down.

I also found a shit ton of other similar accounts who seem like /ourguys/ and they all have more followers than I ever expected. It gives me hope. There is a community of like-minded individuals on that platform that we can use to our advantage

16079943? ago


16079939? ago

Any lawfags lurking here I've gotten on a single tooth crowned and paid $750 with my moms insurance but asked a secondhand demist they said my plan shouldn't be 750 unless it's gold. am I fucked?

16079938? ago

How does one set out to convert fiat cash into recious metals safely? I checked around the local dealerships and half of them unironically end in -Stein. The last I want is for them sending my receipts behind my back to nigger collection squads. I have some money in metals ETFs, but I know they'll be as worthless as the paper I exchanged for them when everything goes to shit.

Of course canned foods will be worth more in such a situation, so maybe I should get a manageably small amount, one that isn't worth risking a bullet stealing, but enough to bribe whoever still cares once a SHTF situation skyrockets its value.

16079940? ago

the shops are jewish for sure but pay with cash, they just write a cash receipt on paper, most of the customers in there are jews too so just act like one they are only concerned with being robbed by blacks and they probably are throwing those cash receipts away before the day is over anyways

16079936? ago

Why did the Australian milita got disbanded?

16079930? ago

Womens preference for darker hair and darker hair in men is fueled by Hollywood because Jewish looking men given are given shiska (blonde) lovers in films almost all the time.

16079927? ago

It always amazes me how commies and leftards are actually hating some of the things National Socialists hate, too, albeit for different reasons. Participating in (((Marxism's))) word is basically calling out a Jewish invention (capitalism, gentrification, fiat currency, central banking, etc.) without actually calling it Jewish, in this sense it's apparently "cis, White, racist, sexist, fascist, and homophobic". In the case of (((capitalism))), it's not that they truly hate it, like at all.

If they did, they would never have supported its promoted degeneracy (homosexuality, feminism, race mixing, multiculturalism, open borders, etc.). But they are, and they are claiming it to be theirs, even though in reality it would actually harm the working class, whom they think are all non-Whites, of course. Just think about, what the hell does loving feminism, trannyism, multiculturalism, and open borders have anything to do with "Power to the proletariat!!!"? Wouldn't it actually cause them problems socially and economically? Are they actually commies or are they just whiny "progressive" college students with a "social studies" degree LARPing as such?

16079933? ago

they are anti-whites. that is their only ideology, they have no idea what these other terms mean, all they know is that this country belongs to the world and nothing will stop the billions from supplanting us by any means necessary

16079924? ago

Is there any documentation of the German WWII camps receiving any shipments of–or produced any–anhydrous ammonia?

16079922? ago

Mr. Bond - Where'd You Go

16079919? ago

Does anyone know what that amber liquid is in the aperitif glass in front of the Führer? I know he supposedly did not drink so I haven't had any luck in finding out.

16079920? ago

Looks like wine, I see a middle aged man like Hitler drinking a bit of wine once in a while, but it could also be Apple cider but I doubt it, I think it might be homemade wine

16079911? ago

My account is being shadowbanned by yidtube, what do I do? I noticed this earlier today when after going back to the page to look at my comments, they were gone. JewTube recently deleted one of my videos, and now I can't comment, because they kiked my fucking channel. What do I do?

inb4 use Tor

I already have and it didn't work. Either this was because youtube can detect if you're using Tor or the fact that I had to use my cell phone number for verification, which they could've detected where it was from and known that it was me, even though I used a different phone number for this new account than I did for the other account.

What do I do when I'm shadowbanned?

16079908? ago


Japan is more conservative overall so that would be my choice.

16079905? ago


Marry her and have children with her, but don't raised the children in Jewish culture. They are a small minority in the world and would be easily wiped out if we could all collectively woo the women.

16079903? ago


Is saying that the adage 'hitler did nothing wrong' is incorrect considered hate speech on /pol/, and such wrongthink must be removed, post haste?

Hitler was wrong, he thought he could win the war while retaining his humanity. He held onto his values, that's why the german race as he knew it is extinct today. Hitler failed to save his people because he didn't dehumanize himself and face to bloodshed.

16079900? ago


Why does 1791 look like a dreamworks character?

The matrix got lazy.

16079879? ago

do we have any backups when this site is kill or goes the way of halfchan?

16079885? ago

What's the perspective here on Mueller's case? It always seems like he's got nothing but then I hear that people he's indicted have pleaded guilty to something or other.


I know there's some thread archive thing


I know what you mean. I remember when they used to call Trump the god emporer, but now its like /pol/ has a bigger hate boner for Trump than than Hillary. I kind of feel like the change has happened in the past year or so, the few times I check /pol/ the front page never has those research threads, operation threads, memes, smug faces, I never see those anymore. A perfect example was that whole NPC meme, after a while all I saw on /pol/ of that was they'd just attack reddit for liking Trump, calling reddit NPC's rather than the anybody else. Another good example was that accelation stuff "If you want to paint your house red, you'd be start with a lot of blue paint". The current shill tactic just seems to be "if you want /pol/ to hate something, call it jewish". Now /pol/ has a raging hate boner for Christianity (national religion), makes me wonder if after a few years of slowly guided by shills /pol/ might end up hating other pillars of society like english (national language), or even attack the family unit (backbone of society). Seeing how /pol/ is buzzing about white nationalism now is just a huge red flag that they're listening to shills, because it's obvious that going down that path will cause /pol/ to lose support in the future. Anybody whose not white will begin to avoid /pol/ = loss of potential allies. Like take black people for instance, instead of just going "White national = good" (which would push those people away), if /pol/ had instead gone on about how the jews ran and dominated the slave trade instead then maybe that person could be a potential ally in the future, or atleast spread more red pills. Same for people of any other race. I don't think this last attached image could have happened in today's /pol/ because this white nationalism stuff will push people away (and not some obvious joke like that ok hand sign = white power symbol). Nowadays it just feels like /pol/ hates Trump more than globalists. I don't visit /pol/ that often, but it did change. I'd say the biggest turning point was when the board moderator/owner changed, we don't have that watermark thing in the bottom right corner any more…that feels like when things started shifting the most.

16079978? ago

Can you tell please me or someone ITT tell me what porn comic he's reading on the first image?

16079981? ago

you degenerate faggot, if you want porn links go browse a porn board, if you wanted it for something else you wouldn't have bothered spoilering you text like some embarrassed pathetic cuck

16079918? ago

I'd really like to know how to kill people with the H1N1 flu and meningitis like they did to Bre Payton.

16079914? ago

get ready to defend your arguments with ==FACTS==

god forbid that day should come

16079887? ago

awww fuck, wrong first image. Where did they move the delete button to? There goes any shred of credibility I had.

Anyway, I'm still looking for pol's opinion on Mueller, since /pol/ can be more insightful on a bunch of things I can't see.

16079979? ago

Does anyone here have more unexpected Omegle chat meetups like that?

16079896? ago

The flag is hanged backwards, green is bottom black is top, that flag if the red is on the left (which it should be) would be flipped around backwards.

16079899? ago

That's probably a function of the webcam. Most of them flip the video.

16079889? ago

Tell me about the omegle picture, how did the conversation go.

16079944? ago

I imaged it went kind of like this



only thing I know about, and I hear archive.is might also be having trouble in the future & might go down


No way I'll be able to do that, because at the end of the day I think Trump is now having to resort to using establishment tactics even if he doesn't like it. When he first started office he got his shit kicked by congress that wouldn't work with him (Obamacare repeal never happened, tax cuts didn't pass until the second try), he couldn't even trust his own attorney general. I think he might have to "play ball" with the establishment to get anything done, legislation wise, and I'll hate that stuff. The thing that keeps me having hope is stuff like him pulling out of Syria & Afghanistan, ending the TPP, rumblings about auditing the fed.

In the end though, he's just a man. We can't place all of our hopes on him because after a few years whatever he's accomplished may become undone. What we have to do is that thing Yuri talked about, educate everyone now so that in a generation (or maybe just 14 years) people will be smart enough to see the truth and kick the poisoned minds that are stuck in established positions in schools / media / government (crossing fingers on last thing).

In the end, the fruits of what /pol/ sows that comes into fruition 10 or 15 years from now is what's going to matter the most. How many people can we red pill today, so that everybody knows as soon as possible (10 years? 15 years? etc)


The thing for me is that I do think white identity is fine and good, but bad for /pol/ to push since it can alienate potential allies. It just makes it harder for me to guide friends & family to /pol/, saying "this is what you gotta read if you want to know the stuff they won't tell you", and instead of getting hit in the face with red pills they see all this white identity stuff instead.

I do think whites playing tribalism would be a good thing, I just don't think /pol/ is white so if /pol/ goes that route it'll screw up picking up allies

16080014? ago


Dont guide your friends and family to /pol/, we dont want them, nor you. This is a National Socialist board dedicated to stopping white genocide, not a shitposting congregation for degenerates and Obama voters. The lemming condition is natural and unable to be altered with propaganda.

16080011? ago

Why can't acting like a nazi be a good idea ;_;

Hole shit autism much?

16080017? ago

Hitler did nothing wrong, if you cant handle the truth youre a useless child.

16080023? ago

You can't stand that your larp isn't socially acceptable, because you're too weak to live without a larp. Sad!

16080024? ago

No one believes a word you say, paid jewish shill.


Call in a bomb threat that day, and every day they reschedule.

16079947? ago

and I hear archive.is might also be having trouble in the future & might go down

What have you read? Any sources?

16079949? ago

"Please do not use http://archive.IS mirror for linking, use others mirrors [.TODAY .FO .LI .VN .MD .PH]. .IS might stop working soon." — "… It looks much like a hostile takeover by some experienced domain traders."



That's where I read it from, there's a lot of technical mumbo jumbo there that I don't understand so I couldn't explain it if I tried.

16079953? ago

So right now the issue comkng seems to be strictly with the .is domain, lets see.

This seems useful https://www.reddit.com/r/datahoarder

16079882? ago

It ended a long time ago already and there are no bunkers.

16079884? ago

what about nanochan?

16079878? ago

How many times have the Clintons been indicted for something?

16079875? ago

16079872? ago

So I don't make a fool of myself in real life, what's the difference between leftist and liberal beliefs?

16079873? ago

There's none, all leftists.

Liberals are the OG leftists, coined since the French (((revolution))).


Yes, it's basically reality denying, consensus exists and similar people can be grouped.

16079870? ago

I heard someone say "the Iq difference is greater between individuals than group differences" and that was supposed to make an argument against prejudice, but isn't that actually saying nothing, or even false, since groups are made up of individuals?

16079867? ago

The layer 2 key was just released for the 9/11 leaks. 7k files.

16079866? ago

Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon is a cautionary tale worth a look. You know some niggers glow, but do you know that you know?

16079863? ago

So, did you keep it?

16079859? ago

Leaving the (((Catholic Church))). Are there any un-kiked sects of Protestantism left, or is atheism the way to go?

16355827? ago

^ Here's an example of just one aspect of the destructiveness of Christianity:

Thousands of variations (sects) because "tolerance"

Don't you Christian bastards realize that you live in cult bubbles?

16354660? ago

So let me get this straight. You just walked out of one cult and now you are about to walk right back into another one, you would like some options.

16079851? ago

How do Holocaust deniers explain the Posen speeches?

I am now referring to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It's one of those things that is easily said: 'The Jewish people are being exterminated', says every party member, 'this is very obvious, it's in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination, we're doing it, hah, a small matter.' And then they turn up, the upstanding 80 million Germans, and each one has his decent Jew. They say the others are all swines, but this particular one is a splendid Jew. But none has observed it, endured it. Most of you here know what it means when 100 corpses lie next to each other, when there are 500 or when there are 1,000. To have endured this and at the same time to have remained a decent person — with exceptions due to human weaknesses — has made us tough, and is a glorious chapter that has not and will not be spoken of. Because we know how difficult it would be for us if we still had Jews as secret saboteurs, agitators and rabble-rousers in every city, what with the bombings, with the burden and with the hardships of the war. If the Jews were still part of the German nation, we would most likely arrive now at the state we were at in 1916 and 17 […]

16079857? ago

100 percent you tell them

" Holocaust survivor Perla Ovitz told us. Again and again, she recounted in detail how she and her family were taken to the gas chamber and ordered to strip naked. A heavy door opened and they were pushed inside. "It was almost dark and we stood in what looked like a large washing room, waiting for something to happen. We looked up to the ceiling to see why the water was not coming. Suddenly we smelled gas. We gasped heavily, some of us fainting on the floor. With our last breath we cried out. Minutes passed, or maybe just seconds, then we heard an angry voice from outside – 'Where is my dwarf family?' The door opened, and we saw Dr Mengele standing there. He ordered us to be carried out and had cold water poured on us to revive us."

16079861? ago

16079856? ago

How do paid jewish shills (you) reconcile the fact that a speech has nothing to do with the physical impossibility of killing people who didn't exist with equipment that didn't exist using fuel that didn't exist?

16079862? ago


Doesn't change the fact that a Nazi official made a speech about killing Jews.

16079976? ago

lol no

16079854? ago


There's that pilpul term again. A waste of trips.

16079848? ago

Hey friend.

Have you ever wanted to go to Israel?

Would you go if it was free?

Did you know it was your birthright to get a free trip to Israel?

Registration starts on Jan 30, for free 7 or 10 day trips.

I'm going, why aren't you.

Go with Birthright Israel.

I too used to hate jews, but now I'm going on a free trip to Israel. Me and my Asian friends have it all planned. So could you.

16079844? ago

Reminder to join the /pol/ group on Gab. Actual pro-white moderation, not commie freemason approved castrated mods. The rules in the image pretty much sum it up.

16079847? ago

Wignat central LOL

16079891? ago

Where do you think you are, Douglas? I told you that you had no future, and I was right. Where are you? Nowhere. Hiding.

16079842? ago

I am a second year university student doing a double honors in political studies and history. I have also been studying subversion, propaganda, and disinformation techniques informally on my own. I am torn between either to go to law school or to do a masters. I would prefer to do a masters, but I do not want to have a bunch of theoretical knowledge with no way to apply it to the world besides teaching it. I would consider doing an MBA after the masters to gain practical knowledge. I was thinking with the advent of the internet and the importance data has on our world, merging my knowledge on political theory, history, as well as a decent understanding of various propagandists techniques do you think I could merge these skills into one applicable program that I could take? Is there any new research going on or something I should look into?

16079831? ago


these replies

Who could it be now? Who could it be now?

16079827? ago

Are captchas broken for anybody else on cuckchan?

16079821? ago

Has anyone got the evidence which proves Q is a LARP?

16079832? ago

Every single thing it has ever said. Every action taken by anyone, in the entire last year. It's a hoax, you dumbass piece of shit. THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON THE GUY WHO MADE UP THE FUCKING CLAIMS, YOU STUPID DUMBASS. Trump isn't working against the jews.

16079825? ago


Doesn't it provide enough evidence against itself to determine that without anything further? I used to have a folder of shit demonstrating how retarded the whole op was, but finally just deleted it when I gave up trying to convince emotionally invested lemmings. And, that's really just it; the followers are heavily emotionally invested in it.

I do still follow it because I've learned so very much regarding the fragility of the human condition, and how easily individuals are manipulated. There must be a wealth of data being generated from this all.

All in all, it's a huge blackpill to learn that reason and logic are so easily manipulated/circumvented.

As for what Q is, I've had to alter my original opinion due to some somewhat credible evidence that it's actually part of a "psychic warrior" project from the IARPA.

Attached is the only thing I have left, e-whore Tracey Beanz yelling at Trump that she started Q. There are infographs where anons on 4cucks found the originals of the "proof" images and demonstrated how they were manipulated in photoshop. They were all press images.

16079822? ago


16079818? ago

Does anyone have any evidence that antifa openly supports any nationalist groups, specifically non-white ones? I've got some ideas to push out…

16079817? ago

Girl, 6, watches pit bull EAT dead dad's face - then posts photos to raise alarm

A six-year-old girl endured 24 hours of horror as she watched a pit bull EAT her dead dad's face next to her unconscious stepmum.

Green said the couple appears to have suffered a drug overdose but is still awaiting toxicology test results.

When police went to the house, the officer heard the little girl screaming.

Green said she told the officer that "the dog was chewing on someone's face."


Did the dog get a contact high?

16079807? ago


Theres documentation by maps which show a Jewish death count on the eastern front

16079820? ago

What's even the context of that map? Soviet "investigations"? Generally jews were kicked out partly and there was declarations about not having jews in an area, but it was of course halted partly/mostly because of the war.



-The mission of the Einsatzgruppen as the German Army moved into and occupied Soviet Russian territory included first and foremost the collection of important Soviet documents. Administratively, they restored the social and economic structure after the devastation of the retreating Soviets, and also were charged with identifying and controlling hostile elements in the population, ie. the partisans. Most Jews fell into that category.

-The Einsatzgruppen never received an order to exterminate Jews, but Jewry was seen by National Socialists as the primary breeding ground of Bolshevism, the destruction of which was one reason for the invasion (along with the necessity to pre-empt a planned Soviet assault on Berlin -cy).

-Over 40% of the killings listed in the Einsatzgruppen reports are not verifiable. The figures were inflated or even invented because as 'destroyers of Bolshevism' they were seen as heroes in Berlin.

-The hypothesis of “gas vans” is an unfounded fable.

-It has never been proven that the Reich planned and carried out the institutional elimination of corpses by exhumation and cremation. Such charges are a mass of absurd and contradictory testimonies.

-Only a tiny fraction of the mass graves and bodies claimed by Soviet propaganda are documented and can be considered real. The photographs to document such events are insignificant compared to what is asserted.

-The few individual cremation operations carried out by the Germans, as local initiatives, left obvious traces.

-There is an immense disproportion between the execution figures proclaimed in the Einsatzgruppen reports and the corpses actually found.

-The reports handed down can be compared to a river made up of many small rivulets in which every link could have an interest in exaggerating its figures to show efficiency. Former heads of these units spoke openly at the Einsatzgruppen -Trials of such exaggerations, and it cannot be excluded that they had already received exaggerated or invented figures from subordinates.

16079815? ago

This one I mean

16079803? ago

Anybody has a video on the Frauenschaft?

16079801? ago

are there any non pozzed / uncompromised VPN services out there still?

16079798? ago

Is there proof hitler knew about the murder of Jews and supported it?

16079805? ago


Are you then asserting, as the lies go, that there was some mass murder agenda?

16079799? ago

By that I mean peasant Jews not the bankers and criminal degenerates

16079877? ago




Herein lies the problem with the question.

There was no mass murder, other than by allied firebombing of Supply lines and Dresden.

16079806? ago

That makes no difference as the premise of your question is a lie.

16079797? ago

They're shilling very hard tonight. I've been putting a lot of effort into my posts, and its incredible to see how many new threads have been created 1/07-1/08 in retaliation. They're doing their best to slide, and it's clear that anything positive or hopeful isn't allowed to stay on the front page for long. They're dredging up their most hateful threads from the last few weeks as well. Right now many don't even seem like jewish shills, they seem like leftists. Any other anons noticing this?

16079793? ago

Oral Health, Teeth, Jawline, Smile

Convince me that Fluoride is good for Oral health!

The muscles in and around your mouth can become thicker.

Chewing food thoroughly doubles up for great digestion and great looking jawline.

Consider that even if you do the 1 meal a day nutrition plan, you want to be swallowing food thoroughly mixed with saliva, over time. "Scarfing down" food or otherwise gulping bits of food is the worst for you in many ways; some negative consequences include increased bloating, reduced absorption of protein, inflammation of the intestinal tissues.

You can never hear often enough to brush twice a day and floss twice a day. If you've never done or have slacked in your flossing then the first few days will indeed feel painful. The long term benefits of healthy gums and strong teeth are worth it. Also makes your smile look better.

As we age we develop certain creases in our faces. Good facial recognition (by people, and in the near future by machines) will show to others if you scowl and frown often or if you laugh and smile often. Lacking any facial expressions as a habit will also be detectable. Smile often and enjoy life. Even sometimes if you don't feel like you're having a good day. Make an attempt for a genuine smile. Think of something that will make you really smile. You will feel better even if you just mimick that action.

Share your tips for thicker Jawline, stronger Teeth, more persuasive Smile!

16079796? ago

A bag of 100 of these is $1-2, makes flossing much easier.

16079876? ago

Also takes twice as much work to floss properly, you need to go around all sides of the tooth.


Welcome to /pol/ first pic related.

16079795? ago

Fantastic post, thanks for the flossing encouragement.

16079787? ago

Why haven't I ever heard anything about the separation and distinction between Zionist Jews and Atlantic Jews?

16079791? ago

16079790? ago

16079789? ago

The Name Game

16079788? ago

the esau gambit is not a divide.

16079786? ago


Carsten Wilke taught a class in and supports Zionism! Par for the course, he presents the material in an "historical" fashion, extensively implementing revisionist tactics.

16079783? ago


Extensive forensic and logistical analysis by scientists, engineers, historians, all availbale for free.

Over 30 books in PDF format available for free download.

16079782? ago

Did Six Million Really Die?

Truth At Last Exposed

Second Edition

by Richard Hardwood

16079781? ago

The Great Holocaust Mystery

Reconsidering The Evidence

by Thomas Dalton

Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust


16079773? ago

Whats the best bussiness for a logically minded person to start in the rural south, specifically mississippi?

16079777? ago

blue collar trade or rum running and moonshining

16079772? ago

Ernst Zündel Archive


Download and share anons

16079771? ago

This is also why babies always have visible skin problems. That and the toxic waste we've been convinced is needed to clean clothes.

16079768? ago

why was the white trap thread deleted? it wasn't violating any rules as far as i can tell…

16079767? ago

can we make 8ch URLs more efficient?

Instead of typing in 8ch.net/pol/catalog.html (I browse incognito so it doesn't remember URLs) every single time, I just want to type 8ch.net/pol/c

Can't the coders fix it so /c produces /catalog.html ? Over at halfchan they have it as /catalog without the HTML, for example. We should be better at efficiency than them.

16079761? ago

How big is the influence of the Bilderberg group? What are these Jews responsible for?

16079757? ago

Reminder that you're a feminist if you care about how much your cock pleasures a woman. Lil average dickies unite! It may not seem like it, but I'm being serious.

16079758? ago

the absolute state of pol lmao

16079762? ago


Wheres your argument? Men that obsess over the sexual pleasure they give women are feminists, all that matters is your cum, if you're a man that is.

16079766? ago

there is literally nothing wrong with leaving your woman shaking every time you dick her.

16079756? ago

Does vaccines give you autism?

16079760? ago

16079754? ago

I know chyou… ask any Q'uestions.

Password 9c71e2159c61bebf

16079736? ago

You know /pol/ I used to remember low energy bait threads like these before and I kind of miss them: https://hollaforums.com/thread/6213552/politics/tim-wise.html

It's painstakingly obvious that it's bantz because I know how real commies and leftists type in /pol/, and it's nothing like that. It's more like pretending to be part of the board culture while sneakily sliding in their subversion in hopes anyone will believe them. Evidently, they will show their true colors in /leftypol/, and they do want Whites and themselves to be killed off by non-Whites. And here I thought they were supposed to be "against feminism and SJWism". The r/Socialism invasion really did a number on them.

So anyways, what happened to bait threads like that? Is it not funny anymore, or has it lost its subtlety?

pic related

16079733? ago

Are there any free SMS services that work for verifying twitter accounts?

16079734? ago

search 'how to get past twitter phone verification'

16079732? ago

The Schumer psyop worked beautifully on Twitter. My sides are in orbit

16079731? ago

can I have some kind of thread or screencap on how to start 1488ing with a girl?

16079728? ago

So guys, what happened to The Dark Overlord and the 9/11 leaks? Memory holed? It seems that one day everything was abuzz and the next, completely silent. Did they get raided?

16079729? ago

They also have roughly 13k worth of BTC now, where can I find the leaks?


16079726? ago

Did Nazis study penis size at all?

I am being serious, it had to be considered for Master race, but you never hear about it.

16079759? ago


muh dick


16079716? ago

I've been in the truther game for 20 years. In this time I have spent countless hours trying to educate people. I don't bark at them, or insult them for not already knowing about the subjects, I take my time and build a bridge of understanding to try and get through to them.

In all my time, I honestly don't know how much of a difference I've made. It seems like a massive waste of time, especially after today, when you engage in debates you think are in good faith, but it's just some boomer that's not going to accept anything other than "not all jews are like that." I'm burning out.

What is your success rate with redpilling people? I'm guessing 95% of the people I try to educate are a waste of time. What I know, I searched for, I was driven. I'm not saying I'm preachy, but I engage those who bump into my social media comment sections.

16079721? ago

I've been in the truther game for 20 years.

well the first thing is you should not start with lying.

You should have a focus on objective acts

and later point out who did them.

When they pull the "not all jews" you can respond with a "not all pedofiles so we should tolerate all pedofiles" or compare to something like "not all bloods and crips are murderers and drug sellers so we should not judge people just because they are members of this violent gang they could still be trustworthy."

16079714? ago

hello QTDDTOT friends

can you give me a definition of the concept of progress/improvement? in other words, what exactly makes something progressive or good?

one idea I had is

in accordance with natural law (real natural law like darwinism, no lolberg garbage)

16079725? ago

Well, what made humans different is that they did not just evolve to their environment, but that they began to affect it and create their own environment. What follows natural order will construct society, society becomes the natural order, and we continue from there. So if you are to ask that question for today's society, what would that be? Do we need a new society to build from?

16079713? ago

redpill newfag with a basic question. why do the jews want to destroy races and cultures? its not just the white race and culture, its all of them it seems. what could the motivation be other than world control? it seems farfetched and the motivations unclear, and the proliferation of jews in position of power seems to be nepotismal more than anything else, and ive seen little evidence of Who it is, and What they are saying. confused

16079824? ago

read the culture of critique

16079826? ago

16079869? ago

The book has never been debated, is ignored in media, universities, intelligentsia, and every other possible way. It's not damaging to Jews because no one is allowed to talk about it. They cant refute anything, so simply deplatform it through complete blackout while ostracizing him and getting to paint him with antisemite label. Occidental Observer discusses topics to this day that are off limits to everyone, yet is completely ignored for all intents and purpose. Jews are more than willing to make money off of rightwing literature and will publish it for shekels. It's that illusion of freedom of speech and they can point to how these people can publish works.

He does state they are high IQ, which would be relatively true based on data in 90s and not disproven by most studies. Internet didnt really take off until late 94 and was dialup during most of 90s. There wasnt really the same level of data available. Everything else in the book is extensively researched and sourced. It clearly lays out the taking over and corruption of anthropology, the pseudo science of sociology and cult of Freud, and how Jews used media and college to take over and influence politics and public opinion. Trying to twist Culture of Critique into a controlled opposition pro-Jewish book is ridiculous and you should be banned for your bullshit.

16079829? ago

This is very true, I never looked into the publishing company, but I knew there was something fishy about Kevin McDonald, especially how he has never been targeted by jews for his teachings and how he also never tries to talk about the Jewish holohoax racketeering scheme, if the individual is not attacked and targeted by jews and is not talking about the right stuff then he most likely isn't for our people but is a shill, also a dead giveaway was his Marxist belief of evolution, for me anyone who is a traditional christian (Catholic, orthodox, protestant) with a good sense of morality is heading towards the right direction

16079730? ago

Its a metaphysical (?) question I feel, and I don't have an answer other than that they represent darkness, its in their blood.

16079710? ago


This little 17 year old nigger lover has been sucking nigger cock since 13 years old and there's nothing you can do about it. Look at that 1000 nigger cock stare.

16079712? ago

And? She's a victim of war, case closed.

16079706? ago

Why the fuck are Evangelicals trying to fulfill a prophecy that ends with them as slaves? What the hell kind of brainwashing goes on in their churches?

16079702? ago

How aryan is the I2a2a haplogroup? Curious because I have it.

16079704? ago

It’s not Aryan at all. Only niggers have it. Sorry to tell you

16079700? ago

After the hearing on Thursday, Shelton told the Leaf-Chronicle that he “might look like the whitest man in the room,” but he isn’t. He pointed to a family history in which one of his ancestors was a free man of color in the 1960s. But his point is that he is disheartened for the lack of respect for human life overall in society.

“Black lives really do matter,” he said. “The total disregard of that fact by any in our society is totally reprehensible.”


One drop rule or is he white with white guilt?

16079699? ago

Is it still a teenager thing to use literally everywhere, or is that a sophisticated meme?

16079696? ago


That's usually an issue with these twitter threads

16079695? ago

The Poisoners

A Twitter thread by @No_Your_Enemy (posted January 5th, 2018). His account got suspended shortly after posting it.

16079692? ago

With the rumblings of wanting to inpeach the Pres, will Dems even bother trying to win the next election or double down to try and prove their point?

16079687? ago

Do you think society will collapse or change radically in a few years?

16079691? ago

King James Bible

"For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way."

White people are the restrainer of evil and (((they))) work in secret to get rid of us.

16079689? ago

Church is a kiked jeans commercial.

16079685? ago

<What is the best economic

not dynamically tailoring an economic system to biological, moral and environmental conditions

Economics is not a religion; it's well thought out pragmatism. Monarchies have the greatest time preference while democracies have the shortest; the primary concern of a nation is to maintain a semi balance of command to ensure long term sovereignty– which is through biological stability and solidarity: blood. A frontier should not have the same economic system as an urbanized area, even a child understands this at an intuitive level but it is educated out of men.

16079680? ago

I need some good, creative "I wonder who's behind this post" edits. I have plenty of good edits on kikes in general, but a significant lack of exactly these.

16079738? ago

It's your lucky day!

16079683? ago

I tried to pick some spicy ones.

16079678? ago


How will you get away with making it whites only?

Simple, go to an all white town. There are some places in the south where locals have never seen a negro in the flesh

You've heard of the Overton window, yes?

First off, shifting the overton window takes a very long time. Libs started in the 50's, had the support of the (((chosen))) and it took them a long time to get all their poz accepted. I doubt Natsocs can do it with the you-know-who against them before leftists take power and officially sanction the genocide of whites. Second, if this plan were to work, it would shift the overton window 10x farther to the right then getting trump elected.

Recruiting whites through charity is fighting back

In what way?

Most of /pol/ agrees that we can only beat the present system with the use of asymmetrical warfare. I've read up on guerrilla warfare, the likes of Mao, Che, and various army doctrines. The overwhelming opinion of military experts is that a guerrilla force requires local support and appreciation to win. By doing charity in the name of Natsoc, we can gain that support. Also, there's the fact we're far too few in number to wage an effective rebellion, and need to find a way to convert people to Natsoc en mass in order to succeede

16079677? ago


What the fuck are you doing shilling for welfare

I didn't mention welfare in my post. Charity =/= welfare

You go out and you LIVE natsoc principles

Helping fellow whites seems to be living Natsoc principles

and also ESPOUSE them without ever naming them in any capacity

Why not name them?

Ensure you're self-sufficient

I am self sufficient, that's why I want to help my fellow whiteman

You clearly don't care about fighting back

Recruiting whites through charity is fighting back

so I guess you just wait for the forthcoming collapse

The collapse is never going to happen unless we make it happen. The clown world is the most sophisticated control mechanism ever designed, I doubt that it will collapse on its own

16079676? ago

Get a couple of NatSoc friends together

Begin collecting canned/nonperishable food

Go to an impoverished, white town in the South

Set up a food drive

Hand out pamphlets and/or discuss the merits of National Socialism with the local population while doing charity

Gain the town's appreciation, eventually get elected into important positions

Fix up the place

Get food and other items that are useful in charities from the population I just helped and rinse and repeat

Would this work in actually spreading our ideas?

16079674? ago


16079673? ago

I live in the UK and I wanted to join the National Action, but unfortunately it got banned, what can I do, we litterally live in a concentration camp, anything we do to defend our people were imprisoned, supressed by the government, and attacked by our very own people??? What can we do to defeat these insidious creatures that are called jews?????

I'm sick and tired of this country, I want to fucking do something!!!!

16079672? ago

Bought Mein Kampf to read and first thing when I open the book on the inside cover is an advertisement of the book of Hitler's Lies by Irene Harand, a jew whore

16079667? ago



You guys are dumb ffs

Arabians are semitic people and they live in Levant/Arabian penisula

The original Arabs come from Levant/Arabia, while the North-Africans were originally Berbers.

Iran is Indo-European and Turkey is Turkish, not Arabian

16079668? ago

Turkroaches are the origin of the modern white kike.

Turkroaches raped white women and created the now kike-identifying plague that gave us camouflaged kikes.

Turkroaches owe a blood debt.

16079666? ago


believing jews that run this site would provide real info

not accounting for VPNs and such

Fuck this gay Board

16079663? ago


Exactly. Lies are the most evil fucking shit ever. THIS IS WHY WE HATE JEWS AND THEIR FUCKING LIES.

16079661? ago


nu/pol/ now calling others nu/pol/


It's learning.

16079658? ago

I think a poster saying "I Love My Race" could be really effective. Anyone else think so?

16079665? ago

It isn't exactly informative, more like something to say in a conversation.

16079660? ago

The left will put a spin on it anyways.

16079654? ago

why havent i been banned forever

16079707? ago

Because the truth doesn't fear opposition and investigation.

16079655? ago

Because we don't stand for censorship like cuckchan and reddit, we don't have to censor the truth since we are the truth and trying to divert us is impossible since we've put the pieces of puzzle together and it all makes sense once you've finished the puzzle

16079650? ago

why is everyone here dutch @everyone @here

16079649? ago

in national socialist Germany how did the state know what was good for the volk, how did they manage to be always on the good side of the volk, to not upset them with their law implementations and decision making?

16079644? ago

Has /pol/ colonized old school runescape? I've been seeing a lot of redpills being dropped lately.

16079643? ago

Anybody know which email specifically had Hillary Clinton called the hispanic vote the tacobowl/taco bowl in the DNC leaks? Or was it some random DNC member?

16079645? ago

I just searched tacobowl on the dnc wikileaks with zero results. Taco bowl gives 86 results. All of them are talking about Trump eating taco bowl and tweeting it.

Nobody called anyone a taco bowl.

16079648? ago

They should have.

16079640? ago

I remember a thread detailing the 'six tests of socialism, cannot find it now.

1 be tiny

2 be homogeneous

Does anynon remember the rest, or have a link?

Thanks in advance

16079641? ago

Congratulations you're still letting someone steal your shit and give it to someone else. Kind of like how it's okay to share your wife as long as it's with another white guy.

16079642? ago

I think you may have misunderstood my intentions…

16079638? ago

Any /k/ommandos here or anyone with survival knowledge? How do you wash without running water, a gallon of water or so? Or rather how do you rinse soap off you body, especially the balls and ass.

16079635? ago

What's good response to "muh brown ppl violent because poor?"

16313510? ago

What's good response to "muh brown ppl violent because poor?"

infographic related

16079637? ago

Niggers are violent because of their low IQ. Rich niggers are FAR more violent than their affluent east-asian and white neighbours. Niggers commit most crime, a world without these things would look infinitely better.

Low IQ means violent. Violent does not mean low IQ. Strong men dont fear conflict, but they know when to avoid meaningless fights. A nigger does not.

16079636? ago

other races aren't as violent when poor

when you think of poor white people you don't think of gang violence

16079627? ago

LIVE: Dr. Duke on Goy Talk

talking about Rockwell now

16079634? ago


16079630? ago

Thanks fren

16079625? ago

Does she have a last name? I'm trying to tag my shit and I wanna get it right.

16079619? ago

Take a hike, homophobic libtards.


16079620? ago

that photo

A fitting combination.

16079618? ago

Anyone have a jewtube (or any) link to the recent Louis CK standup bit where he shits all over SJW?

I think the previous one that I saw was roughly 15 minutes.

16079613? ago


Would be a real shame if these fliers started to pop up everywhere, wouldn't it?

Verifiry that the QR code link is safe here: https://webqr.com/

Also, can some phonefag test the QR link and tell me if it shows the video correctly? Thanks.

16079615? ago

you posted the thumbnail, faggot

16079617? ago

Nigger what?

The image is full size.

16079608? ago

The 9/11 leaks have been sucessfully downplayed. Their twitter was banned, subreddit banned. Twitter never usually disables hacker accounts to help investigators and such, but they're taking no risks.

The dark overlord have always been the big bois in the blackhat scene, they never pull their punches unless they're paid.

16079604? ago

Can anyone find a source for this please?

“73,137 This figure was reported in The New York Times on March 3, 1991 and was based entirely on the wartime German concentration camp records that had been captured by the Soviets and just recently released. According to this figure, of those dead, 38,031 were Jews. These records state that the total of all persons who died in the ENTIRE German prison camp system from 1935 to 1945 were 403,713. To repeat: a total of 403,713 persons of all races and religions was officially recorded to have died (of all causes. typhus, old age, measles, etc.-and execution) in the entire prison camp system over a 10 year period. Of those 403,713 a total of 73,137 died at Auschwitz. Of those 73,137 who died at Auschwitz, 38,031 were Jews.“

16079606? ago

Those are soviet numbers, but I don't have the source ready atm.

16079607? ago

And by Soviet, I mean the captured records of the Germans.

16079602? ago

01010001 01110101 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 00101101 01010111 01100001 01110011 01100001 01101110 01111001 01101111 01101110 01100101 01101001 01101110 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 01110111 01101000 01100101 01101110 01110111 01100101 01110111 01100101 01110010 01100101 01110011 01100101 01101110 01100100 01101001 01101110 01100111 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 01101101 01100101 01110011 01110011 01100001 01100111 01100101 01110011 01100101 01101101 01100010 01100101 01100100 01100100 01100101 01100100 01101001 01101110 01101010 01110000 01100111 01110011 00111111

16079599? ago

You transphobic assholes make me sick.

Kill yourselves.

16079600? ago

I don't know what you're on about, but you need to learn the difference between fear and disgust.

It could save your pathetic life one day.

16079609? ago

expecting a coherent response from thezog.info

He is trying to be as cryptic as possible now, now that the "WN retard bus" (his words) 8chan posters have made fun of him so many times.

16079597? ago


Everybody hates niggers.

16079585? ago

What are the best ways to identify Jews? I know to look for the typical hooked nose (cannot not see nostrils from straight on) and heavily sloped forehead, but what are other key indications of Jewish blood? Red hair is also found amongst insular celts, not just Jews.

16079590? ago

Because kikes bred with Indo-Europeans to make Ashkenazis, some traits might not be distinguishable. They may or may not have a hooked nose, large ears or lesser cranial mass along with a skull slope. To find out definitively, show them an image of Hitler and see if there's any wailing about "muh holocaust". If there is, congrats. You've caught yourself a jew.

16079586? ago

Get based enough and you can smell the hand-wringing, paranoid mania.

I feel bad for anyone like this, honestly. Prob non-jews like this too, but many jews can't help it, it's scary and untrustworthy.

16079583? ago


Think 12 tribes.

16079576? ago

Can anybody tell me how exactly the Rothschilds control the federal reserve? I googled it and everything I got back was either

Oy vey, Rothschilds dindu nothing! It's antisemitism


The Rothschilds are ailen lizard people who feast on babies' foreskins

Also, a reliable source/citation would be nice

Secondly, could anyone provide data/an infographic about how Jews control banking? A reliable source/citation would be nice for this also

16313183? ago

I'm seconding a request for reliable sources on how the jews own banking, and how the jews own the media in the west.

16079577? ago

the only official inquiries into the federal reserve's ownership were done in august 1976, researchers have drawn connections to the rothschilds because they have been known to use proxies in the united states since the beginning, you will not find any good sources for this because the federal reserve still doesn't want to talk about it's private ownership

see: august belmont

also: j.p. morgan is considered by many to be a u.s. proxy for the rothschilds, rockefeller was quoted when he read of morgan's wealth upon him dying, that "All that power. And to think. He wasn't even a rich man!"

link to pdf source: https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/1058

16079679? ago

his father's name was actually Simon Belmont

Well fuck, all this time I thought he was a true aryan warrior fighting evil, turns out he just wanted to be the only vampire in town.

16079579? ago


16079570? ago


Yup. There (((140c17))) goes.

16079566? ago

16079569? ago

There is so much fucking wrong with (((your))) graph picture it's astounding. The US didn't start at 60% white. It started at 99.5% white, a nominal amount of jews, a smaller amount of negros.

16079588? ago

tfw you filtered his cancerous ass long ago, when he started pushing alt kike bs

feels great.


Extremely protruding ears, eyebrows that curve in heavily towards the nose, having a non existant lower lip with a negroid, tire tread bottom lip, pinched eyes and more.

The jews are a mongrel people, and can display traits from any one of the major human racial groups.

Epicanthic folds and negroid esque noses and lips are not unknown amongst them.

16079589? ago

*non existent upper lip with a negroid lower lip

16079575? ago

The US didn't start at 60% white

no shit sherlock look at the blue line from the census it was 81% in 1790, if you factor in that 92% were property then you get close to your number, it was never 60% until today

all the stats are from the u.s. census, give me a better source and i'll change it

the point of the graph is to show how fucked we are after the 1965 immigration act and how rapidly we are getting fucked

pic related:


16079563? ago

Does anyone have the two webms of the guy who debunks jfk assasination and 9/11 ?

16079564? ago

you can look up the dudes vids on YT I dont have the webms on this PC, but if you search for jfk and 9/1 "a cons[piracy theory" I think youll find them

16079558? ago


I could get some help with this one too.

16079559? ago


To defeat the jew. I was suicidal until I learned the truth about Hitler and the jews. Now I'll never consider suicide again.

16079582? ago

I was suicidal until I learned the truth about Hitler and the jews. Now I'll never consider suicide again.

Righteous dubs. Never forget that's where they want us.

16079562? ago

Interesting, I was interested in suicide (though not suicidal) myself before I got a hold of the truth about much in history. It was a real motivator.

16079556? ago

Can anyone tell me about Robert Sepehr? This guys channel, Atlantean Gardens, has some good stuff, but also some of it comes across as very jewy, such as quoting the bible and trying to pass off jews as aryans.

16079557? ago

upon more research, hes 100% confirmed psy-op kike pushing the "Greeks were all pedos and had super orgies without the based jew book to give them morals!"


16079551? ago


they got to him through hookers and blow

16079553? ago

flip ladyboys and opioids*

16079550? ago

hotwheels on a stream now on stream.me (ralph's) outlining the shitshow that is Jim.

16079565? ago

got a link?

16079546? ago

Looking for archives, caps and images from a thread called Feminist idols into Right wing talking points. Archives on 8ch and archive.is are missing, so I'm shit out of luck there.

16079542? ago

so is israel is the safest place to live currently?

seems like it's a stable place to live I might move there.

they've got a nice big concrete wall and from what I read in the bible that God lives there still.

16079545? ago

Based Putin said Israel was Epic so Yes

16079547? ago

well I see no reason not to move to israel

where's the best place for tall red haired jews to live?

16079537? ago


Many thanks. Didn't we used to have a huge-ass sticky with all the /pol/ subsidiaries or did I just imagine that?

16079536? ago

I remember a board that was chock full of infographics, books, documentaries, etc. but I can't seem to place a name. Is it still up or did it get axed and forgotten during the many times 8chong got hacked?

16079535? ago

Is it necessary to "accept" that "all jews are bad, 100% of the time no matter what"? I'm honestly not sold on the idea that every single possible jew that has ever existed will always be cancerous parasites, as often stated or implied by many here or in various nationalist circles. However, I will absolutely accept that there exists an elite cabal of jews who - among other, syndicated cabals of roughly equally powerful people- effectively rule the world (or rather, have the most power in the world). I also accept that a lot of their power comes from their tribalistic nature and identity. Still, I think they're in a much, much separate category than a run-of-the-mill jewish guy who works at a deli, or a book shop, or whatever the fuck to get by. They likely benefit from what effectively amounts to jewish privilege (a massive network of people who will support them due to their given identity), but I'm not willing to implicate them in being complicit actors of what is the greatest ongoing conspiracy of all time.

16079527? ago


rofl and you believe that shit? 1790 is 14 years after 1776, whites were 99.5% of this country when it was birthed and before.

16079525? ago


Severely abusive upbringing and social recluse for most of my life, she was the only good thing that happened to me in a very long time. We grew dependent on eachother for escapes from our shitty home lives. We were together for 4 years and engaged, but I had health problems and she developed a paranoid anxiety about death that demanded she pursue everything she wanted to in life immediately, including a move out of state to a college I couldn't follow to. My health deteriorated rapidly, and one day I had a severe panic attack and called her for help. She broke up with me over the phone, mid-panic attack. Saw her once for about 30 seconds when she dropped my stuff off, then she disappeared. All of my life plans and aspirations were wound up in projects we had together, and even my social circle had disappeared as friends moved across the country for college during our relationship. So literally everything I cared about dissolved over a phonecall I'd placed to somebody I trusted for help while I was in the middle of a manic anxiety fit.

That kind of thing doesn't go away.

16079529? ago

too many crutches and now you can't walk

16079532? ago

Pretty much. Been weaning myself off of them, though. Each year is better than the last, but the pinch of how it all ended sometimes comes back and snaps at me.

16079534? ago

I had a rough/sudden end to a long relationship about as many years ago. She started uni and was really pushing into a new life as fast as she could. Her past was a bit rough and she was sort of running away from it all, plus the uni psychs giving out prescriptions like candy. So it felt like I was just collateral in the whole situation, and between new friends and the meds i didn't feel like i knew her near the end. We were living together, it got rough, arguing, cheating.

Shit's tough. I changed career goals myself and started trying new things to kind of escape it all too (and just feel generally more self-sufficient as i did depend on her in a way). Eventually i could look back at it all without regrets.

16079522? ago

How do you get over a traumatic breakup? It's been almost 10 years.

16079509? ago

Anyone else getting an api parse error from clover?

16079540? ago

yes. what the fuck is going on?

16079511? ago

You aren't just going to mosey past and not say howdy, are ya?

16079507? ago


I have visited my grandmother recently. Noticed she has a curly nose, what are the chances of she being a jew?

It is more or less like the one in thhe pic.

16079508? ago

that's an aquiline nose brah

16079505? ago

what is /pol/'s opinion of Eugene Roshal, the developer of both WinRAR and RAR format as a whole?

on one hand, this can trigger Dems because he's Russian, but on the other hand, he's also a jew.

16079500? ago

Does anyone have the WebM of the Charlottesville car accident alternate angle, that shows the bat going through the back of his window before he hit the gas?

16079499? ago

I'm looking for information regarding the financial backers of leftist groups such as Antifa, BLM, and so on. If you have 'em, I'd be most grateful.

16079494? ago

Have a great new year /pol/!

This place might be a social mind-trap to keep us from moving forward, but you guys are special and your dedication to a better future fills me with motivation.

Let us build a new beginning together, and banish all (((evil))) from the face of the earth. Let us minimize the in-fighting and defuse the D&C tactics. Let us all focus on what is most important - securing an existance for our people and a future for our white children.

16079492? ago


Herrnstein was actually smarter than Murray. Murray doesn't like the concept of IQ and tries not to talk about it.

16079865? ago

Murray is a typical cuckservative who thinks fucking MAGApedes are "far right" and constantly signals against DUMBNALD DIMPF despite getting his clock cleaned by Antifags recently.

16079487? ago

Can someone please tell me why the ethnoglobe cunt is constantly replying to herself in the 150 countries thread?

16079484? ago

reddit is such a shitshow and so many people use it, even young aimless average whites who get a good dose of self loathing, i was browsing /r/blackpeopletwitter and saw some typical anti-white tweet and sorted the comments by controversial where the good comments usually lie, i was about to reply to the only interesting comment in that whole accursed thread but their comment (made by potential wife) suddenly disappeared

16079489? ago

Tweets like that makes a great contribution to my rage. If it was a drunk, cracked out nigger (when are they not), you could bet that same hideous somali would be using all of his minimal brain capcity to protect that nigger with calls for protest. You're right, Reddit is a shithole but it shouldn't be ignored, lots of average and usually non-political people use it and the generally digusting leftist consenus is passed on to them as pre-packaged opinions, a fourth estate propagandaisted shithole that touches everyone. (The website is ranked #17 globally and #5 in the United States). Thanks for reminding me that this website exists.

16079486? ago

That was a pretty good post up until "the race baiters"

Sounds like an Alex Jones listener before being redpilled

16079491? ago

a redditor didn't use my cringey lingo and I am literally shaking

16079490? ago

It was probably a soft way of saying "non-white subhumans".

16079481? ago

When will /pol/ acknowledge that global warming is real and that we must lend our hand in stopping it? Too many times, I see anti-science shills who end up taking the side of Breitbart/Trump administration with regards to denying the realities behind AGW. It’s not just nonwhite countries who contribute to the polluting of our planet, it’s us as well.

16079483? ago

Climate change is real. "Global warming" from Al Gore and company is fake. Go ahead and watch the original "An Inconvenient Truth" and tell me how accurate it was

16079482? ago

Suicide now, subhuman.

16079474? ago

Why did Hitler attack USSR?

16346464? ago

It was the only reasonable thing to do. Everywhere the jew-communists took power they initiated a Red Terror, during which they butchered anyone (and the families of anyone) capable of opposing them. Germany was lucky enough to have the Friekorps, Hungary was lucky enough to have Horthy, but Russia was already on its last legs when the jews launched their revolution. Pdfrelated has a great chapter on the Red Terror I recommend you read to get an idea of just what the NSDAP was trying to save the world from.

Anyways, the Bolsheviks were happy to admit their goals and any responsible statesman knew they were a threat. Germany was just in the best position to end that threat. Germany and its allies were already bordering the USSR; as the Allied Powers had already been pushed off the continent, more soldiers would be free to fight in the Eastern campaign. Ukraine was considered the 'breadbasket of Europe' and the Caucasus was rich in much needed oil. Germany's colonies had been stolen at Versailles, and while the English and French controlled vast amounts of territory to export their people and goods, overpopulated Germany had no colonies. These colonies were clearly never going to be returned, but the Germans still needed living space. Hitler was of the opinion that it would be better to establish colonies in close proximity to Germany because those would be easier to exploit and integration into the Reich would eventually be possible. Russia, where the just-massacred upper/middle classes had been largely comprised of ethnic Germans, seems the logical target. Take all of this into consideration as well as the fact that Stalin was massing armaments on the border and could easily conquer Romania's oil fields which Germany relied so heavily on, and it should be obvious why they attacked the Soviet Union when they did.

Generalplan Ost is nothing more than the speculation of Brits/Americans/Jews trying to justify their genocide of Germany. In reality, as there is no documentation, we cannot know what was planned. However it seems more logical to me that Germany would slowly colonize Western Russia, sterilize/deport the worst slavs, germanize the best, and grant the rest second class citizenship. Integration probably would have been completed within a generation or two.

16079479? ago

Lot to unpack here.

Hitler as he discussed in detail in Mein Kampf wanted to create a German superstate capable of rivaling the United States in terms of its economy and population. To do this, he proposed something we call "lebensraum".

Germany was too small population wise to ever be a global power. So, the idea was that Germany would conquer Eastern Europe (which was filled with Slavic peoples that Hitler considered to be "subhuman"), kill/deport most of the adult native population, have ethnic Germans settle the area, and eventually through breeding "aryans" enough, have an ethnostate controlling all of central and eastern europe.

So a conflict where Germany attacks Russia is inevitable. But why attack the Soviet Union when they did? The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact heavily favored the Soviets in the long run, and both sides knew this. The most lopsided part was how trade was conducted. Germany NEEDED oil, and they pretty much could only get it from the Soviets. That meant the Soviets could change the cost or cut the supply altogether whenever they wanted which is pretty dangerous for the Germans. Both sides knew that the agreement would only last a few years. The Germans, after realizing that the British weren't going to surrender, decided to attack the Soviets in late spring 1941. This was pretty much the best time they could attack. Before then, the Soviets wouldn't have begun the massive rearmnament and reorganization of the Red Army. And after then, the Red Army would be completely reformed and the Germans wouldn't stand a chance.

Got off topic but does that answer your question?

16411233? ago

I'm a person who has read an unadulterated version of Mein Kampf and can confirm what you wrote is complete dogshit, go fuck your dog you filthy kike!!

16079513? ago

Reminder that codemonkey is personally responsible for allowing posts which say that Hitler thought Slavs were subhuman, and not Marx, Trotsky, and the kikes who were the ones who said ALL SLAVS MUST BE EXTERMINATED.

16079514? ago

Are they not though?

16079521? ago

That book depicted the treatment under kikes and compared it to the life under NatSoc.

16079516? ago

If you actually read that book instead of only using the cover image you would see it's not about slavs, but jews and other subhumen


These photographs reflect the situation of children in the “Soviet State”!

All this is the result of the Jewish politics regarding families. The sea of bitter children tears, which cannot be dried even through hundreds of years."

90% of the book is comparing how they act, what their art is like to aryans. these things can be changed and improved, as long as they aren't jewish they can rise up from being undermen, just like men can rise up to become overmen

16079519? ago

In fact, the reich used that term frequently for the criminal element in german society.

16079512? ago

le generalplan ost

Cmon dude.

16079493? ago

He attacked them because they were massing on the border and were going to attack Europe. This is proven easily by the Russians all having no defensive postures, no defensive/local maps, all having inner-European maps (Berlin, France, other major cities and key points). They could not fight back or retreat from the Germans attack because they had no knowledge of the local terrain. They couldnt fall back to any positions. They didnt know where to even run to to hide - they were supposed to be attacking the Germans and overrunning Europe, not defending the Russian border.

The only thing you have right is they needed oil and capturing the capital of Russia would let them sit through the winter and rebuild forces with Russian supplies and manpower.

16079503? ago

He attacked them because they were massing on the border and were going to attack Europe.

The "preemptive strike" theory was made by a Soviet defector in the 80s named Suvurov who cherrypicked evidence and one speech made by Stalin. This theory is no longer supported by any respected historians.

there is little convincing evidence that either the Germans or the Soviets thought the latter could initiate such a conflict in 1941. On the contrary(…)both sides were acutely aware of the weakness and unpreparedness of the Red Army and VVS. If anything, the German success against France and Britain caught Stalin by surprise.

Moreover, the Germans had been preparing their invasion since mid-1940, long before there were any indicators of Soviet preparations to attack.

David Glantz and Johnathon House, "When Titans Clashed", ch 3.

This is proven easily by the Russians all having no defensive postures,

The Red Army was inherently offensive in its doctrine. And source that there was no defensive posturing in 1941?

no defensive/local maps,


all having inner-European maps (Berlin, France, other major cities and key points).

Which is completely normal for any armed force to have

They could not fight back or retreat from the Germans attack because they had no knowledge of the local terrain.


They couldnt fall back to any positions. They didnt know where to even run to to hide - they were supposed to be attacking the Germans and overrunning Europe, not defending the Russian border.

How come Soviet border troops weren't fully equipped with enough arms? Why was the majority of the Red Army arrayed throughout the Soviet Union, mainly in the Kiev area, instead of the border? Why was Stalin giving orders to not provoke the German divisions on the border and ordering his own divisions back?

The only thing you have right is they needed oil and capturing the capital of Russia

I never said that? The Germans had no chance of ever winning but the best case scenario would be for them to attack south for the oil first and then Moscow second.

would let them sit through the winter and rebuild forces with Russian supplies and manpower.

What Russian supplies? You mean the ones that got sent further east on trains or the ones that were blown up as soon as they had to be abandoned? And what? Manpower? You do understand that there's not hundreds of thousands of able bodied young German men in Russia, right? The only Soviet populations willing to volunteer were the Ukranians and it only took about a month for them to realize what was happening and stop.

16079478? ago

To kill commie jews, liberate slavs, and secure the lands of germans in ussr. He also did it with a small hope Churchill would see the Reich was not interested in invading GB or dismantling her majesty's empire, but in finishing what the West failed to do in the Russian Civil War: killing bolshevism.

16079469? ago

Is the final conclusion to the worlds madness and depravity the blackpill? Is the world permafucked? Nothing really seems to matter anymore besides abyss gazing.

16079467? ago

True H'White men are secure enough in their masculinity to raise another man's children.

16079468? ago


16079455? ago

Have to rage for a moment at the huge influx of halfchanners since their site has gone down so often recently. This place is filled with more and more 4chan threads and replies each day. I know this has been said a million times, but I have reached my personal threshold. Is there anywhere left to migrate to?

16079458? ago


Quit being blackpilled wignats and tune into Nick Fuentes’ show America First. He’ll lead the way.

16079459? ago


oy vey goyim watch as I use buzzwords only jews use

Kill yourself.

oy vey support this alt-kike faggot


16079460? ago

<muh oy vey

<muh alt-kike

Very left of the bell curve response from you.

16079457? ago

Nope, there's nowhere left. Not that it matters. What the fuck has talking accomplished? Nothing. No one is ever going to fight back against this shit in any way.

16079611? ago


Is there anywhere left to migrate to?

Nope, there's nowhere left.

Lainchan? Nanochan?

16079461? ago



Really I just like reading long, well-thought-out posts with information I can't find or am not normally exposed to through the usual channels. I was not writing from a "REEEEEE" perspective quite so much as trying to express my sadness of losing my favorite information source. The college kids haven't gone back to school yet so it is really bad right now. Of course this trend is only going to continue, surely there must be another chan where fullchan oldfags are leaving to.

16079462? ago

There isn’t. Just follow Nick Fuentes on Twitter and tune into his show America First.

16079464? ago

Nothing on Twitter or any "show" is going to have what I'm looking for. I hope you're getting paid handsomely for your shilling.

16079452? ago

How does Nick Fuentes live rent free in the heads of /pol/, /cow/ and the alt-right?

16079466? ago

the mestizo never takes pictures outside of direct sunlight or thousand watt stagelights

Maybe the fact that a amerind is being pushed as "the white nationalist wunderkind" is the reason why people don't like him.

16079453? ago

Go to bed Nicky

16079448? ago


holy fuck who are these guys

16079465? ago

holy fuck who are these guys

16079445? ago

This is self-improvement related.

I feel tired to the point my brain is in a fog and I am depressed from when I get up at 5 am, then I feel a little better after lifting weights or cardio, but then I get the same feeling until about 6 pm at night to 9 when I go to bed.

The sleepiness itself I can deal with, but the confusion/fog and depression are hard. I really think the depression isn't situational.

I lift weights or do cardio 7 days a week. I could probably do less, but I feel better doing it every day. I try to eat healthfully (no sweets, soda). I do drink crystal light, but I'm going to try stopping that as I heard the sweetener can make you depressed.

I try not to nap during the day, but give in and do sometimes. Although I get up at 5 every day, I sometimes go back to bed after an hour or so and until 8. I am trying to not do this.

I do have hypothyrodism, but take medication daily on an empty stomach and my labs are fine.

16079446? ago

Try to eat less calories, less calories = less oxidative stress. If you're a shut in, take Vitamin D. Live in a polluted area? Purify your indoor air.

16079447? ago

I actually have been trying to eat more calories. I used to be 130 pounds and 5'11." I started lifting weights, and eating more, and I gained 30 pounds. I stopped eating as much and dropped to 150.

I actually don't like eating so much, but I'm tired of being skeletal.

16079439? ago

Theres this image floating around on 8chan with numbers claiming that countries like UK have more childrape incidents than japan. All that garnished with an artistic rendition of british people shaming japanese people for their 2D loli obsession. Does anyone have it?

16079441? ago

Well Japan quite literally has the lowest crime rate in the world, even when their media is so extreme, my guess is that it externalizes all the sick thoughts that humans realistically have and this might let off a considerable amount of steam. I've also noticed that the line between extreme media and media for children is set very well in Japan, but in other countries with degenerate media, it often finds itself slowly melting into media meant for the general audience, which includes children.

16079442? ago

Mostly homogenous society with a strict migration policy

Lowest crime rate in the world

((They)) don't like this because it contradicts their world view.


16079443? ago

linking directly to plebbit

Nips also build actual cities in Korea when they were still simple structures.

16079437? ago

What the fuck happened yesterday? Why was hatechan frozen for 12+ hours?

16079438? ago


16079432? ago

What Is your guy's opinion on my political alignment? I consider myself to uphold nationalist socialist ideas and values, and absolutely despise communists.

16079451? ago


  1. Fuck yourself with this bullshit.

  2. Your chart is from a site that skews hard left and gives nothing remotely close to accurate results.

  3. That you don’t comprehend this by the fact that it shows you as a communist despite claiming to be natsoc isn’t a good sign.

16079429? ago

What happened to RWDS Entertainment? I found some of their music around, but i want to know if they are still making music and what are some alternatives that are on the same level as them, covers and parodies.

16079427? ago

The ones that say that children can have sexual orientations also indirectly or directly believes that children have sexualities.

16079426? ago

I'm requesting a video (or videos) that hopefully some anon with foresight saved.

There used to be a youtube channel ran by this older gentleman, which was hard 14/88. It was actually interesting, you could look at his channel history and see his earlier videos were typical boomer cuck garbage, and over the years became gradually more and more red-pilled, until he was posting straight-up Hitler did nothing wrong videos. He had a smooth voice and eloquent way of speaking that captured your attention without being annoying or overly-emotive and avoided using expletives, he was a genuinely good speaker. Anyways, there was a specific video of his that I particularly enjoyed, the problem is I do not remember the exact title, nor the title of his channel. I had some of his other videos bookmarked, but not this specific one, and his channel and all his videos have since been taken down.

The video in question was him talking about the issues he has run into when talking to people about history and politics, specifically when the topic deals with Jews and the state of Israel. He talked about how no matter how objective and fact-based the discussion was, the second he pointed out anything negative regarding the Jews, people would immediately slip into these automatic responses of "das raycis" or "you sound like hitler", and shutdown all logical thought. It was a really good video, and a large portion of it was him reading verbatim from sources regarding the Jewish involvement in the 1917 Communist revolution of Russia. One line in particular I remember was he was reading a quote from Winston Churchill where Churchill said the Russian revolution was planned and led by a bunch of cosmopolitan and atheistic Jews who hated ethnic Russians, and he said after finishing the quote "That's not Henry Ford saying that, that's not Adolf Hitler saying that, that's Winston Churchill."

One thing I remember, his channel avatar / logo was a guy wearing a grey hoodie, with the inside of the hood blacked out so you can't see their face, and the background was blacked out and overlaid with scrolling green text akin to the Matrix.

Any anon knows the video I'm referring to and had the wherewithal to save it and would like to share it with me?

Video related, a similar video from a different man, though more rambling and emotive than the video I'm referencing.

16079428? ago

We lost a lot of good men in the purges.

16079425? ago


16079424? ago


16079417? ago

ewige newfag again, do (((christians))) and (((pagans))) always shit up this board with slide threads when nothing happens?

16079418? ago

Bro it's spelt (((Catholics))) and Christianity. And fuck these fucking satanic (((Pagans))). They remind me of the black community going and worshiping African gods because of their hatred of white people.

16079420? ago

Fair enough. Catholics love banks too, don't they? Their city-state is a bank.

16079421? ago

The Catholic Church also loves Blood lines. They still keep what they believe to be a vial of Peters blood and they are very proud of it. They also basically worship peters bloodline. And force everyone to say Peter's bloodline is the only way to Heaven. It's fucked up.

16079416? ago



what a wretched depravity of sentiment & manners must have prevailed before such corrupt maxims could have obtained credit! it is impossible to collect from these writings3 a consistent series of moral Doctrine.’”

That's about as far as Thomas Jefferson went to criticizing the Jews. Jefferson or Washington never said to kill the Jews or prevent them from becoming citizens of the United States. Washington also wrote a letter favorable to Moses Seixas.

16079415? ago


Jefferson and Adams were heretics by the standard of any Christian. Jefferson thought that the historical jesus wasn't even holy, and Adams repudiated both the Holy Trinity and Natural Equality.

16079411? ago

Is it just me or is the board being raided by a bunch of /x/ tier retards?

Like the ethnoglobe bitch who thinks that culling men is a good idea?

16079409? ago


Most of the Founding Fathers were philosemitic. They might have criticized the Talmud, some of them, but they never hated the Jews.

16079408? ago

I've got a question about the Fields trial. Okay, so I know that the judge found him guilty and is recommending 400+ years plus the possibility of the death penalty. When are they going to hand down him the sentence? If he does get the death penalty, this will be the second young white male sitting on death row for the crime of standing up for his people, unfortunately.

16334694? ago

Probably a mod at AskWomen

16079840? ago

muh equity =/= feminism

muh not an activist

(((Whoever))) made this edit gas yourself.

16079407? ago

browsing /fem9k/

Jaded femcel opinions are just as worthless as /r9k/ incels.

16079405? ago

a woman's only values are as fuckholes and breeders

idc about their oppinions or feelings

16079403? ago

For those we think society will collapse sometime in the near future, when do you think it will happen?

16079402? ago

What should i read up on to be able to respond to the classic "their gods chosen people and whoever stands with israel stands with me"

16079400? ago

In June, we will be having a meteor shower. The same one that in 1908 generated that huge explosion in Russia flattening all the trees. I was watching a normie vid on the weather channel. It is quite possible that something like that can happen again. More research to be done on that later.

16079399? ago

Should Americans without mutt genes return to their motherlands?

16079397? ago











Why post this here and not on plebbit? Also wasn't there an art thread?

16079392? ago

Why are all posts that end in a question mark are actually jew slide threads?

16079383? ago

Where do I go for some good old SS black and red aesthetics?

16079378? ago

Does the group which went through Sargon's entire online life and found and reported that n-bomb to Patreon live here? If so, where do I sign up to help in the effort against sarcuck?

16079385? ago

Are you trying to get doxed?

16079382? ago

go over to /v/ and say youre from /cow/ in any thread and someone there will help you out

16079381? ago

You need to be 18 and older to post here

16079376? ago

Does anyone else think it’s fun to lurk /leftypol/ and /leftpol/? It’s like watching a comedy show. They have tons of infighting over petty irrelevant issues. What’s ironic is that there’s nothing politically incorrect about them. The most “politically incorrect” thing on those boards is the fact that some of their users are against sexual and gender identity

16079372? ago

If Hiro is selling the data he gathers on 4chan users, where can I buy it? Where does it go?

16079370? ago

What causes autism?

16079386? ago

Aluminum is a good bet. Found in vaccines and sprayed in the air. Look into treatment of aluminum toxicity for Alzheimer's. Silica drops seem to work. Apparently good for autistic kids too.

16079387? ago

What about adults (i.e. me)?

16079388? ago

Not sure how it affects fully developed brains. However, brains aren't stone and they can be changed. Couldnt hurt

16079374? ago

neuro toxins used as preservatives in vaccines, roasties having kids past 30, shitty poison food (autism has been linked to the gut, fucking with the gut fucks with the brain), i'm sure circumcision fucks male brains for life, roasties downing hundreds of birth control pills making themselves brain damaged


he probably sells to some data company, who then sells it to buyers. the buyers being marketing companies, people who would want to study how anons think. this is all hush hush so they don't sell to randos, only companies

16079375? ago

Is the vaccine thing true though? Or is it just mommy bloggers going nuts? I don't know what to believe.

16079389? ago

There was like 2 cases in italy where a family successfully sued because the vaccine caused their son autism. people can't sue in the US because of laws.

The CDC has the side effects for some vaccines as "severe" brain damage, basically austism

pdf related is a study of side effects of the vaccine. ctrl F for autism

16079390? ago

As a child I was only given 3 vaccines (polio, measles, rubella).

I got other childhood communicable diseases, they were no worse than the flu. I came out fine. I don't have autism, and I am of a much higher IQ than the rest of my peers.

16079396? ago

it's not a 100% infection rate with just 1 or 2 shots. The amount of vaccines given to kids nowadays I WAY more, hence more autism.

some vaccines are just small doses of the disease they protect against =, injecting that into a newborn can't be good

16079365? ago

Move into the country, get a farm and small communities going. Move into a small country if necessary. Time is running out.

16079363? ago


VanDyke, top kek

16079360? ago

What does /pol/ think of hapas?

16079362? ago

Someone tells the truth about 9/11, quick, quick, ask /pol/ what they think of mixed-race people


Posts 3 nonsensical and unrelated images to support his opinion.

(((Obvious shills are obvious)))

Visit 911history.de

16079361? ago

Absolutely disgusting!

They are genetically inferior.

And they feed my boner…I mean hatred, yes!

16079357? ago

w-why "deny" climate change?

You kike faggots pull the same shit about your fraudulent holocaust.

16079355? ago


^ Re-ban this """"dissident"""" victim complex

16079354? ago


You were already banned for being an idiot. Why do you evade for being an idiot?


Are you saying the admins are cia?

16079434? ago

Are you saying the admins are cia?

16079353? ago


How many times does it need to be said until you understand? The Earth's Climate goes through warming and cooling cycles as it always has. Right now we are going to hit a big warmth, a peak, then a mini ice age. (((Global Warming))) that is sold in "The name of Good and Science" is just a racket to get shekels and dumb goyim liberals seem to fall for it every time.

16079352? ago


did you make a shitty thread asking that question?

16079349? ago






Mother fucking CIA nignogs are getting away with psychological warfare shit all over the place online and we don't have 1 sign warning out blokes about it. Come on neh. I will ask every day.

16079350? ago


16079347? ago

Does anybody have the image debunking the various holocaust images like the place being a burning station and the soldiers standing on top of corpses? need it for a friend

16079346? ago

Greetings (((fellow /pol/ocks,))) about an hour ago I was molested by a random nigress who grabbed my junk in public (at a Wendy's) and said "DAYUM white boy, you got a big dick!" Does anyone else have similiar stories? I think this also shows the very pronounced r-selection of Negroid peoples, as I doubt even the sluttiest white girls would just grope a stranger in public.

16079345? ago

Will we defeat the jew or are we too limited to be able to do anything that is effective?

16079341? ago

I found this gem of a JewTube video yesterday, and it really shows how flawed the algorithm really can be. Some soyboy made a video called ""Traps" don't exist and here's why". He literally just spent most of the length of the video to talk about how trannies are being "oppressed" by society because of muh bigotry. He complained that David Duke calling traps gay, therefore everything else he thinks about is automatically discarded apparently. I mean, who cares if he doesn't want more wars for Israel, he's being "intolerant to progressive ideas". He's evil incarnate just like those Nazis I saw on History Channel am I right goyi- I mean, guys? :^)

Anyways, the best part however is the comment section. Notice how most of the top comments and even the lower ones are his favorites? Do you also notice how the like/dislike ratio is very out of proportion for a video that only has 300k+ views? It might likely be bots, it reeks of it entirely. Not a single form of criticism is to be found here by the way, it's all buried under this circlejerk. This is going to make the average normalfag think that "progressive tranny circles" in anime fandom is more prominent than they actually are. They sure love stroking each other's virtual "dicks" a lot. Clearly, JewTube has been secretly supporting these types of people under everyone's noses, it's nothing new considering how retarded this said algorithm is. This certain comment section just made my blood boil, that's all. The worst one coming from someone demanding "trans rights" to be "human rights".

16079344? ago

Here is the like/dislike ratio and the comment section. It's a fucking gold mine.

16079338? ago

Seasons beatings? Chimpout at Buffalo NY mall in progress













16079340? ago

Report of Shots Fired and Fights Keep Police Busy at Galleria

good thing the chimpout is "keeping them busy", at least in piss-earth law enforcement will never be bored

16079336? ago

Cuckchan is down for (((maintenance))) again. Prepare for another wave heading on here.

16079337? ago

never mind

16079330? ago

What is the deal with the tranny TORnigger derailing threads? Is it a spammer like the pajeet, a shill or actually insane?

16079328? ago

What happened to yesterdays thread about kikes striking Syria? Cannot find it now in catalog. Link it pls if it is still up.

16079331? ago

Nevermind. Found it:


16079327? ago


random ranting about minorities

you are conflating the hate we have for globohomo and the ultimate destruction of distinct diverse human races/cultures with a hate of different human races/cultures

you are also conflating anthropogenic pollution with anthropogenic global warming, one is a concrete proven problem that we can work on solutions to, the other is a theory whose solutions only include massive transfers of sovereignty and wealth away from our once-beautiful and successful homelands

16079326? ago


that’s because of colonialism and resource stealing

Please point out all those glorious pre-colonial wewuz achievements of negroes.

16079325? ago



no-whites exist only Africa

chinks, muds and pajeets are white

implying subsah Africa has any industrial capacity

Thanks codenigger for the resource burning leftard shitposters!

16079324? ago


pollution =/= global warming

16079323? ago

NASA Satellite Pollution Map

notice the scale:

for us map – 20 is dark red

for world map – 80 is dark red

16079319? ago


Then go fucking back there, it's where you clearly are from.

16079318? ago

It's down again

16079314? ago

Join the official /pol/ Discord, run by King Lazia Cus


16079312? ago


you sound like a fucking incel

16079311? ago


Why do you seem to have such a vested interest in pushing the climate warming/cooling/change agenda fraud?

The issue, if any, is environmental pollution due to the agenda of the mongrels who have pushed for the de-industrialization of European countries into countries where the "people" don't care one bit about the environment as long as it makes them money and trinkets.

16079309? ago

What do anons here think about Treasure?


16356838? ago

Shit was fake , made to get attention

16079308? ago


1)They do not have proof

2)I am not anti-science, I know climate change has happened, hundreds of times, over millions of years

3)I mentioned China and India are the main polluters yet nothing is said to them but to the West.

16079304? ago

Also pollution isnt climate change, way to spin words like jew.

16079302? ago


Yet you think race isnt real, am I right?

16079300? ago



How about read this.

16079301? ago


It's because of what >>12605428 said. Not only is there no scientific basis for climate change claims, but our governments are spreading lies for an agenda just like they do with immigration.

Climate change may be happening, and it has been happening ever since the earth was formed. It is not man made, and if it even was the scientific community has no way to prove it.

Secondly, if it is so fucking bad why are western nations having to cap their exhausts when most of the pollution comes from china and india? The entire climate change conspiracy is to create an economy on carbon caps and get more useful idiots to pay influential quasi-science groups and lobbyists who push that climate change is real.

16079298? ago

What happened to the disinfo sticky?

16368694? ago

Ask codemonkey and wait for a response don't hold your breath

16079291? ago

Why should I instill my resources, time, and most importantly my leadership abilities to this movement? I will most likely be a minor figure in the wheels of life, me and my future family will most likely be killed/blackmailed, or nobody would openly support my party due to it being (((pozzed))) from day one because its "too good to be true"?

16079289? ago

Adolf Hitler: A Last Appeal To Reason Part 1



16079288? ago

Well /pol/, you could say One America News Network is r/The_ZOGnald incarnate most of the time, but I am surprised that they actually reported that the "Assad chemical attack" was a (((false flag))). Here's one correspondent from this news site actually said:

"Not one of the people that I spoke to in that neighborhood said that they had seen anything or heard anything about a chemical attack on that day"

"The residents loved Bashar al-Assad."

What's going on here?



16079287? ago


What ever happened to RWDSE? I know you can find some of their stuff around but do they still make stuff, like new music?

16079284? ago

Anyone have the 1700s drawing (maybe andrew Jackson related) of the hanged jew with a tomahawk (or feather) on one side and a bank note on the other? Might have been on a poster or book or something. Cant find it anywhere.

16079282? ago

Is it wrong to listen to commie music i.e Alexandro Choir, DDR and marches from other countries.

I dont think it matters but it is kinda cucked, your opinion?

16079276? ago

Is there actually a term for the chaotic hatred people feel who are not worthed by society?

Like when a kid in a broken family builds a hatred towards society or some poor negro.

16079262? ago

I'm lost /pol/

I have knowledge of the european roots of my family ever since they came to America. My dad's parents come from Ireland and Scotland, and my mom's parents come from Germany and sweden. So I'm pretty much a European mutt. But way back in time, my great great great grandfather had relations with a ute native American, so I have ute blood in me, a small amount of it, maybe up to 10% of my blood, at the most.

Am I considered white still? Even if if I have a miniscule amount of non-white blood? Or does that mean the rest of my 95% white blood doesn't count and I'm non-white?

My mom seems to overindulge in our family's roots especially on the native American aspect, I think a little too much too.

She's sort of leftist who supports lgbtq rights but a little right wing as she supports the second amendment

I need your guys opinion

Inb4 a /leftypol/ bot or a cuckchan faggot poster calls me a letter 56% amerimutt instead of having an actual discussion.

I just want to know if I am still considered white

16079279? ago

16079267? ago

Look at your skin. Is it a light peach color? Do you have less than 1/8th non-white blood? If the answer's yes, you're considered white. Never wail about that 10% red blood to get sympathy bucks. Native Americans will shit themselves with rage in your general direction.

16079271? ago


I was wrong. It was my great great great great-whatever granddad back in the late 1800's (maybe around the 1880s) who had such relations

Not that I have anything against natives but I am glad to be white

16079270? ago

Thank you for your guidance

So in my case, I am still very white. Any non-white blood in me is like a tiny prick of ink on a large white canvas


Thank you

16079264? ago

USA, the devourer of nations.

16079266? ago

[Spoiler]You are no better than the merimutt posters[/Spoiler]

16079268? ago

Spoiler **

Italics ''

Bold '''

Underline __

Code [code]

Strike ~~

I don't mean it necessarily to demean

Heading ==

16079258? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=oSI5EvFSMPw :

Confessions: Master Counterfeiter Prints a Fortune - ABC News - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

16079256? ago

What do you think of women who get married and hyphenate their last name, or keep theirs?

16079257? ago

Depends on the race. White women must not only take their husbands' names, but should shut the fuck up and go to church.

Niggers can do whatever; who cares.

16079249? ago

What do we know about ODESSA?

16079253? ago

The global ratlines and alleged shadow reich set up in the last days of the War, not the city. How much is truth, can we expect their help, if the organization survived?

16079244? ago

Does this board have any kind of archive with a search function?

16079247? ago


16079243? ago

16079242? ago

Does anyone have some pdfs of well cited studies empirically showing diversity and inclusion is bad for business? I got plenty for the macro level (bad for the nation, but none for the micro. The only thing my opposition cares about is money in this instance, so all my sources don't matter apparently.

16079254? ago

DIVERSITY IN MEDIA OWNERSHIP bill, coming in 2019, will be proven to be very beneficial for the entire country ….. except (((them))). But in far greater ways than just getting a black man to own BET again (which will be part of the redpilling)

16079237? ago

Does anybody recall a board on 8ch, where the users were trying to develop a mathematical system or architecture that would simulate quantum computing on a normal computer? They were obsessed with 3d projections of formulas and were looking to find a way to be able to calculate and predict prime numbers.

16079235? ago

Could downsies in key, clerical offices gum up the cogs of zog?

16079238? ago


rip rockwell

things have changed with the internet, his question is unclear but if he means: could an anon who finds himself red-pilled inside the system, disrupt the system by acting as a retard and doing as little as possible to assist immigrants?

i would say fuck yeah he could

16079240? ago

I was thinking real downsies, like pic related, but your way's more likely. I could be a city janitor for 30,000 /year, going by openings on indeed.com That might be an in, I'll try.

16326838? ago

You are one ugly looking retard.

16079232? ago

Is Danny a Green /ourmulatto/?

16079233? ago

Fuck off nigger

16079229? ago

On the topic of youtubers who are worth sharing between friends, are there any left who 1) named the jew, 2) aren't weebs, 3) don't use memes? Somebody who never fell in with the populist movement and it's leaders, who don't sperg about current events/MSM articles like a 4chinz yid, would also be positive.

I found a channel in 2015, it has since been memory holed, but he was just some expat recording his thoughts on the Rise and Fall of Rome, on ideal governments, art, geography, almost like Terry Davis, if Terry wasn't paranoid, and the topic wasn't C but our civilization and more "timeless" things.

16079274? ago

Iconoclast, vincent james’ the red elephant, e;r, john mark

16079220? ago

how do I dox this faggot and his nazi hunter pedo friends?

he and his buddies are the ones mass reporting right wing Twitter users

16079224? ago

Dig through his twatter for any info about his age/location. Between that and his name, you shouldn't have any trouble finding his dox.

16079219? ago


Hope you're joking and not an actual nigger lover

16079217? ago

Does anyone have the video of the Scandinavian girls that got beheaded in Morocco???

16079221? ago

Scandinavian in Morocco

16079286? ago

This fills me with rage.

I fucking hate subhumans

16079214? ago

was 9/11 done with nukes, and they just use the asbestos excuse to explain the cancer rates?

16079225? ago


16079216? ago

it was regular explosives, you'd develop cancer too breathing in all that cement and steel dust

16079358? ago

it was regular explosives

They used explosives for the effect in the upper part of the Twin Towers, and nukes to evaporate the building from below. More information at https://911history.de

<What about planes

No planes were used, it's much easier to use your controlled media to insert CGI planes than to fly planes at impossible speeds and angles and penetrate thin aluminum through the thick steel of the Twin Towers.

16079213? ago

Can anyone ITT about what "lefitst infighting" really is like? Are they seriously arguing over whoever loves faggots, stronk wymyn, trannies, open broders, and multiculturalism the most? And whoever doesn't "love it enough" is considered a "racist fascist scum"? Also from my own knowledge, "open broders" was never something the so-called "old left" supported. By this logic, Mexico should also give up its own borders nearing Central America, but they don't think that at all. So what exactly does it feel like?

16079290? ago

Are they seriously arguing over whoever loves faggots, stronk wymyn, trannies, open broders, and multiculturalism the most?

Also from my own knowledge, "open broders" was never something the so-called "old left" supported.

Old left a.k.a Autoritarian Left (Bolsheviks, Stalinists, Maosists) were just poor-made "spin-offs" from Autoritarian Right (Monarchists, Fascists, National Socialists).

They pretend to share some values from Right (hard-working, family values, hierachy), but instead of Race/Ethno nationalism, they practices what in today America is calling a "Civic Nationalism"(loyality to the constitution, laws and land).

Yes, they bashed multiculturalism propagandists as "rootless cosmopolitans", outlawed faggots and send them to the labor camps, practicize anti-drug and anti-alchogol campaigns.

So, by "new left" standards, all of this things is "fascist, rascits, trans/homophobic, etc".

It's fun to watch at this circus, seriously.

So what exactly does it feel like?

Clown world.

But don't fall for this kosher trick to thinking, that old leftists is kinda better and "We must create some temorarly alliance to defeat the liberals".

You know, (((who))) invented Marxism and what main purpose he serve: leech and steal from high-effort and worthy people (mostly White and Right-wing).

The main reason of their infigting is "Oy vey ! Which way we can destroy White people and Christianity/Paganism, my fellow Comrades ? By force or by subversion ?"

16079209? ago


there is a thread on this, >>12597670

but short answer is hes no farrakhan, he just probably liked the lyric because it was about money and didnt give it a second thought until his (((agent))) informed him of its implications and which point he deleted the post

16079199? ago

What was the NSDAP's racial laws on red-haired people? Were they considered Aryan-Europeans? I once heard a /pol/ack say that red hair was of Negroid origin, but I found it sorta crazy. Any redpills on red hair?

16079202? ago

Red hair (or ginger hair) occurs naturally in one to two percent of the human population, appearing with greater frequency (two to six percent) among people of northern or western European ancestry and lesser frequency in other populations.

it doesn't determine your whiteness friend, the "who is white? questions" are just d&c, if your 4 grandparents are white then you are white, red-haired women are beautiful

16079259? ago

still admiring a failed policy

I'm sure your quadroon nationalism will be mondo based.

16079313? ago

the entire world came to rape a small country

nearly won

had economic success for years

with only kikes lying about "would've failed right after the war tho!"

successfully removed kikes from power, giving the blueprint for future nations despite the fact those cucks never follow it


16079280? ago


Maybe I'm just a purity spiraller, but 1/32(3 percent) should be the cutoff.

Your average white American is 99% European, eugenics laws should be instituted to purify the genepool.

If we are able to get a chunk of this country for ourselves, anyone with more than that should be offered some nice economic incentives to get his nuts snipped.

People who refuse will be barred from full citizenship.


It didn't become a problem until the wrong people started being devoured

16079261? ago


16079198? ago



Leo Frank, who was the head of Atlanta’s B’nai B’rith, a Jewish fraternal order, was eventually convicted of the murder and sentenced to hang. After a concerted and lavishly financed campaign by the American Jewish community, Frank’s death sentence was commuted to life in prison by an outgoing governor. But he was snatched from his prison cell and hung by a lynching party consisting, in large part, of leading citizens outraged by the commutation order — and none of the lynchers were ever prosecuted or even indicted for their crime. One result of Frank’s trial and death was the founding of the still-powerful Anti-Defamation League.

If only they had kept on lynching kikes.

16079196? ago

Any cold shower anons out there? I was a poorfag who grew up having to take cold showers my whole life, and contrary to the "once you do it for a while you'll start to like it!" meme, I fucking HATED it, more than anything else on planet Earth. But that was probably just because I was doing it with the wrong mindset – I was taking cold showers because I didn't have a choice, not because I wanted to. Lately, having heard all kinds of talk about how great cold showers are for you, I decided to give it a try again. With this mindset, it's like going for a swim: unpleasant at first, but tolerable once I acclimate. Still not enjoyable though.

My question is: are all the supposed health benefits and everything associated with cold showers for real, or is it just pseudoscience bullshit that hippies and esoteric fags like to throw around? Because at least some of this stuff sounds a lot like hippie dippie pseudoscience bullshit. "It helps your heart by constricting your blood vessels!" Because making an organ work harder certainly sounds like something that'd be helpful for it. I suppose being fat is good for your heart too.

16079204? ago

its pseudoscience bullshit.

16079192? ago

Anyone else sick of the all the religious infighting that’s been on this board lately?

16079197? ago

When you say "religious infighting," to what specifically are you referring? Because the word "infighting" makes it sound like you're talking about division within a single religion (e.g. Catholics vs. Protestants). And that is obnoxious as hell, but what I notice more of on here is division between different religions. Pretty much any time I see any of the terms "LARPagan," (or out-of-context quotes to make it look like Hitler hated pagans) "dead kike on a stick," or "euphoria," I immediately assume the person saying it is a Jew, and/or is being paid to say it.

16079194? ago

It's almost as though paid jewish shills are posting at the behest of the website owner or something.


Jews wanted to reestablish the slave trade. An independent confederacy would ensure that jewish slave ownership would continue, and the Atlantic slave trade could be restored.


oy vey you aren't falling for my propaganda

YOU are the bad people not ME

Guilt trip someone who gives a fuck.

16079191? ago

Who allowed black people and women to have rights, such as voting?

16079297? ago

NAACP and Feminists.

16079206? ago

they won their rights.

16079212? ago

if they “won” then who “lost”?

16079189? ago

What was the real reason for why the unionists and confederates went to war?

16079186? ago

Pearson PLC held a 50% shareholding via The Financial Times Limited until August 2015; at that time Pearson sold their share in the Economist. The Agnelli family's Exor paid £287m to raise their stake from 4.7% to 43.4%, while the Economist paid £182m for the balance of 5.04m shares which will be distributed to current shareholders. Aside from the Agnelli family, smaller shareholders in the company include Cadbury, Rothschild (21%), Schroder, Layton and other family interests as well as a number of staff and former staff shareholders.

16079183? ago

Can spirit vampires without dragon blood shape shift into werewolves if they use extra special herbs and say extra latin phrases? Would the wamphyres still be able to overpower them in the spirit realm? Could the powers they gain from sexual deviancy and reading Iron Gates daily create some kind of protective barrier to guard against rogue vampire covens in league with white lodge agents?

16079179? ago

Yeah I'm not going to make a thread about this but is https://trumpwilldie.com/ allowable free speech? Asking for a friend.

16079181? ago

What’s the password, moishe?


We don’t care about your alt-kike bullshit.

16079184? ago

I know it's really unpopular. I'll never post it again since you have shown the weight of popular opinion is against me.

It doesn't matter that this one is one of my favorites now and more than anything was a call to… well I don't want to ruin the surprise since all /pol/ board members hate, what buzzword did you call it? Oh that's right alt-kike. That means I'm not allowed to think about it I remember now.

16079171? ago

Hey fags new Murdoch Murdoch just dropped.

16079169? ago

does anyone know what the background music is for this? Not the Fuhrer's face one.

16079163? ago


I personally believe that anti-White hatred shouldn't even be a part of (((Marxist))) doctrine

Are you retarded? trotsky considered slavs and balts as "white negroes", anti-whiteness is baked into the system of communism.

16079161? ago


I agree but the whole of /pol/ agreeing on that? Tough luck.

16079160? ago



No habla Ingles

16079157? ago

Truth doesn't require censorship, what you're trying to sell is a turd while claiming it's gold

16079154? ago

From most cucked to least cucked, how would you vote Nordic countries?

16079156? ago

From least cucked to most:






Norway could be below Denmark, not too sure tbh

16079151? ago



16079152? ago

does it?

16079150? ago

Do we pressure this Gabnigger to give us more dirt on TRS or just claim it’s hot air and move on?

16079175? ago

What's the context of that, which TRSodomite is he talking about?

16079149? ago

Where is the "blacked" hq? I want a street address please.

16079147? ago

Could I get some recommendations on good books to read about Fascism and National Socialism? I would like to know more but I don't want to learn it from Wikipedia.

16079139? ago

Was national action a Jewish psyop or a legit british movement?

16079140? ago

All political groups are psyops, Jewish or otherwise.

16079142? ago


she got really pissed off when she hadn't saved in months and then didn't a shower for like a week (or more). anyway she harassed a bunch of black guys playing basketball and she had to write a whole huffpo article about who upset she was that they didn't hit on her or seem like the wanted to fuck her at all. she's a loon like all creepy jewish feminists. and its amazing how they keep pushing ugly no talent hacks like her down everyone's throats.

16079133? ago

So, besides not being able to walk around some national parks and a bunch of government workers not getting paid. what's the major stuff thats going to happen?

16079135? ago

just after the shutdown is over.

but we don't know when that will be, right? trump said he's ready to "go for the long hall" on the shutdown. whatever that means. schumer and pelosi say the won't back down and will never let the wall be funded/built. so is this a game of who is willing to blink first?

16079137? ago

Also, what was the deal with McConnell saying he was afraid to change the filibuster rules? What's the worst that could happen? Sounds like it would just eliminate all of this bs political gridlock. Just another case I guess of Trump can't get anything really done because his entire party is controlled opposition.

16079134? ago

but anon theyre all getting paid, just after the shutdown is over.

16079129? ago

Why is this thread a containment for anything and everything of actual importance and note while the rest of the board can be spam, circlejerks, and dedicated to commenting on news articles?

16079132? ago

Its not a containment thread, its a (more casual) questions thread. Pretty simple.

16079130? ago

Thank Codemonkey

16079124? ago

Should I get a swastika tattoo? If dubs I’m getting it either way.

16079127? ago

Double dubs in my id, I guess it counts.

16079123? ago

Hi guys. I want to give you some advice, especially to the teenagers who think they are redpilled but are still defending their degenerate behaviors. First I say: find the role of religion in your life. Christianity saved me from becoming a race traitor. Naturally I really don't care about somebody's race unless they're a coon, but if you don't have children that have the same skull shape as you, you really did screw up in life. So adopt religion and avoid the cesspit of nihilism. Nihilism seems convincing when you are losing at life and you might be tempted to believe nothing is real or nothing matters or whatever, but at the very least remember that no successful person is a pure nihilist. Most successful people, the really successful ones, dual-wield the swords of tactical Nihilism and tactical Dogma. Just get married and have kids before you blame all your problems on political compass memes, okay? Thats my advice. pic unrelated just beautiful french architecture. remember your heritage. don't be concerned about subtypes. European is european caucasoid is caucasoid. Don't fuck it up.

16079112? ago


This sounds like some TGSNT boomerism.

16079113? ago

What does? No buzzwords please

16079116? ago

You literally posted a TGSNT video, nigger.

16079119? ago

What's your excuse for whining about a history video clip?

16079111? ago

What does /pol/ think of /cow/?

16079109? ago

Not a question, but I'm not aware of a better place to post this.

I translated the Wrath of the Awakened Saxon poem to portuguese, so to send to my father. If anybody is interested I'm leaving it here.

16079106? ago

at (((The Mall))) with my wife


She goes in some girl store full of she-boons

I'm not going into this one

Give her a kiss, tell her that I love her

she goes in

I'm in the thoroghfare between the stores watching people come and go

Notice how many niggers are everywhere

Notice how many mutts are everywhere

Low percentage of whites

looking at faces

See this guy I recognize

"Hey!" I say pointing at his face

"I know you! We were at undisclosed location together!"

start talking normie stuff

< He introduces me to his wife and two daughters

< What_Do_You_Do_Now.jpg blah blah blah

I tell him I ride my motorcycle and try to not get arrested KEK

< He asks if I'm religious

No, I'm not.

< You can join us at the whatchamacallit-cucks-for-christ church on Sunday

act hesitant and uncomfortable

"You know what today is?" I say.

"It's Winter Solstice, a Pagan Holiday!" I tell him, "HA HA HA!"

put my hand on his shoulder like I'm playing around.

< He starts telling me that his church does missionary work.

< Does missionary work in Zimbabwe.

"Didn't that used to be called Rhodesia?" I ask.

< He says yes, like he's proud of himself.

"That's where they killed all the white people." I say in front of his wife and daughters.

"Why would I want to go do missionary work there?" I ask again

< He says, "Well we also do missionary work in Israel, China, (and some other country)."


Later dude - hope I never see you again and that your kids and wife will now worry about you getting decapitated in fucking Zimbabwe and I hope that your family now knows that niggers kill whites and will google it tonight when they get home.

I hate the fucking mall

16079414? ago

You did good work, anon.

16079107? ago

This one's for you.

16079108? ago

not sure if that coupon is good or bad round here…

16079105? ago

Can someone post the videos of the British national movement and their speeches, can't find them anywhere on the interweb

16079102? ago

Does anyone have that picture where there were 3 ballots for money donations for 3 different causes, these being poor kids from sub-Saharan Africa, an endagered animal species and a third one I don't remember, and the ballot of the African kids was the one with the least money in it?

16079097? ago


BREAKING: Supreme Court: Justice Ginsburg has cancerous growths removed from lung.

9:21 AM - 21 Dec 2018

16079098? ago

Oh shit, I hope those lungs are okay. They've had a jewess latched to them for almost 90 years.

16079096? ago


16079091? ago

Why does no one ask questions about NASA photos and claims? They even admit the new Mars ice water shot is not real.

This oblique perspective view was generated using a digital terrain model and Mars Express data gathered over orbits 18042 (captured on 4 April 2018), 5726, 5692, 5654, and 1412.

This image was created using data from the nadir and colour channels of the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC).


not taken

Yet the masses all luv da sciences and share this all over social media and act like they'll be living on Mars in a few years. They cant even give a real photograph of the Earth and the average person thinks Europe is huge, Africa is small, Greenland is one of biggest landmasses on Earth and other nonsense.

Why dont these idiots ever ask any questions if they luv da sciences so much? NASA never produces any real photographs. Every single image posted is doctored. You can believe in space and moon landings and shit and still ask them why the fuck they cant provide real images of anything.

16079092? ago

Because we're not paid jewish shills. Go back to /x/.

16079094? ago

You really out yourself as a moron every time you accuse anyone that disagrees with you as being a jewish shill.

It's the same as Jew calling every critic an Anti-Semite.

So, this behagior actually makes YOU the jewish shill, so fuck off you little jew bitch!

16079095? ago

truth is a matter of agreement

YOU are the shill, not me

  1. You are from reddit. Never post here again.

  2. You are from /x/. Never post here again.

  3. Your jewish hoaxes don't matter to anyone. Never post here again.

16079086? ago

Can anyone help me? right now I feel like I was back in the 90s and. I was in a very famous TVeee eee show.

16079084? ago

Does antipodean resistance still exist or did they all get v&'d?

16079079? ago

Need info / proof on

Hillary Clinton being lesbian

Barack Obama being gay, and not being the son of Barack Obama Sr

Obama's kids not being his

George H. W. Bush pizza

16079100? ago

not being the son of Barack Obama Sr

That's bullshit, mainly promoted by a Bob Dylan-obsessed kike whose other documentaries include: how Iran did 9/11 and a fake confession by George Harrison about how Paul McCartney secretly died. Pic related is Barack Obongo sr's other mongrel son with a different White race-mixer, they're clearly brothers.

16079080? ago

George H. W. Bush pizza

pic 1 & 2

Barack Obama being gay

google larry sinclair (lots of stuff, varying credibility)

16079078? ago


i'd rather watch Jazz & Jesse free christmas stream

and then Goy Talk at 10:30 PM


16079069? ago

Are there any good redpill books I can buy that are focused on either how American education got completely fucked. or how the American music industry went to shit, but aren't really focused on the jewish question. They're subjects both of my parents care deeply about and I feel like I could use something like this as a stepping stone.

16079067? ago

So trump changed his mind? the government will shut down unless he gets the wall funding? mega?

16079056? ago

what is the meaning of 88 in 1488

16079057? ago

Learn to write proper sentences before posting.


16079045? ago

The quality of discussion at /pol/ is in steady decline thanks to shills. What can be done about it? The only solution I see is starting from scratch on a new platform, but I don't even know what that would look like.

How could an imageboard preserve anonymity while it being possible to (semi-)permanently ban shills? How can we discuss topics freely and with quality while still being able to shitpost a little and have fun allowed?

/pol/ is a really powerful meme creation and distribution hub, and it's not very useful in the current state, not to mention the utter state of half/pol/. We really need something new, but what?

I don't see the path forward. Does anyone?

16079046? ago

What can be done about it?

Kill codemonkey in the real world.

How could an imageboard preserve anonymity while it being possible to (semi-)permanently ban shills?

Just ban anyone who lies. It's literally not that hard.

How can we discuss topics freely and with quality while still being able to shitpost a little and have fun allowed?

Just ban anyone who lies.

I don't see the path forward.

There is no path forward. There is no peaceful solution. Either we go out and grab our guns to kill nonwhites and traitors or we have already lost and white genocide is complete. We can't wait anymore.

16079047? ago

Kill codemonkey in the real world.

Assuming that fixes the problem, another one takes his place.

Just ban anyone who lies. It's literally not that hard.

It's not that clear cut. Consider someone saying "Christianity is European" and other saying "Christianity is Jewish" - depending on who you ask, which lied will be a different answer. Not to mention the herculean task of checking every post for lies.

Either we go out and grab our guns to kill nonwhites and traitors or we have already lost and white genocide is complete.

There's tons of people who say the same thing you're saying. "Surprisingly", there's very few doing the things you're saying. Quite strange.

16079048? ago

It's not that clear cut.

Of course it is. Truth is not a matter of opinion.

Not to mention the herculean task of checking every post for lies.

That's what community reports are for. And when you have a SECONDARY board–such as the one that I can't even name here because I'll be banned for it, despite it being hosted on his website–which exists solely to categorize and collage all known truths so that they're not repeated every single fucking day, it's MUCH easier to know what truth is and is not.

There's tons of people who say the same thing you're saying. "Surprisingly", there's very few doing the things you're saying. Quite strange.

Why is it surprising? Whites will never fight back. We already know this. The only way to win is political violence, and no one is going to do it.

16079049? ago

Of course it is. Truth is not a matter of opinion.

Truth is not a matter of opinion to you and me as individuals, because we only have one opinion. Assemble a group together and you have multiple answers for what is true and what isn't. Consider the Christianity example I gave. Is it European or jewish? Which is true? Which is false?

That's what community reports are for.

Just imagine reading through that list every day without being paid to do so. Now, the idea of a /pol/ that has paid mods (cryptocurrency, maybe) and people can vote on them, and see if they're doing a proper job or not, that is one solution to our problem.

The only way to win is political violence, and no one is going to do it.

That includes you, are you aware? Not everyone thinks political violence right now would be a good idea. You think it is, but you're not going to be one getting your hands dirty, are you?

As far as "how to save the white race", that's very simple. Have a large white family and be an excellent parent. This is what jews fear the most, not bombing a synagogue.

16079050? ago

That includes you, are you aware?

thinks jamalvol2 has the power of self reflection

inb4 lol fag ad hom responses

16079051? ago

imkikey doesn’t know what the word ‘you’ means

This is just too fucking funny.


assemble a group and you have multiple answers

The wrong answers are wrong. The right answers are right. Truth is not a matter of opinion. You’re either trolling or paid. Your entire statements are based on jewish relativism.

Just imagine reading through that list

It’s pretty easy if you have mods who know what truth is.

that includes you

Yes, that’s what words mean. And?

not everyone thinks

They are wrong. We have 10 years left before whites are openly killed, by law, in the Western world. What people think is irrelevant. This is literally our last chance to fight back physically.

you’re not going to be one

We already covered that.

have a large white family

Financially impossible to have a sufficient number of kids. Socially impossible to find a virgin woman to be a proper mother to said kids. And no, the only thing that jews fear is political violence. There is no peaceful solution.

16079058? ago

The wrong answers are wrong. The right answers are right.

You're consistently ignoring the case in point of Christianity being jewish/European depending on who you ask, thus you have different "absolute truths" depending on who you ask. Not everything can be agreed upon, no matter who is right and who is wrong. As a group, agreement on core issues, or "tolerance" (loaded word) to discussion is important. We can agree that there are different views on religion, for example. Or we can agree that one or the other view is "right". But we need to agree on some things to form constructive discussion.

It’s pretty easy if you have mods who know what truth is.

What do they get out of it? How can you have a moderation team of "volunteers" that actually look forward to such a day of "work", every day?

We have 10 years left before whites are openly killed, by law, in the Western world

What a bold statement, can I borrow your crystal ball?

We already covered that.

No we didn't. Why aren't you the one to practice what you preach?

Financially impossible

Socially impossible

If you're poor and an incel, true, but that would correlate with low-IQ, shit genes, lack of willpower, etc. We need the good whites, thank you very much.


what is the meaning of 88 in 1488

It means "watch The Greatest Story Never Told and read Mein Kampf then lurk 2 years before posting", which has 88 characters.

16079060? ago


I’m ignoring it because it doesn’t matter in any capacity. Truth is truth. You fundamentally do not comprehend this.

what do they get out of it

What kind of kike doesn’t comprehend that white people tell the truth for its own sake?

bold statement

It’s called look at the fucking demographic numbers, you goddamn retard. This is something that anyone can predict from roughly the 1980s onward.

no we didn’t

Okay, run along now.

oy vey goyim ignore mathematics itself, including the foundation of the current economic system–which is to make all whites incapable of having childrenhttp://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/category/hart-celler-act-of-1965/

Yes, run along. You’re clearly incapable of comprehending what truth even is, much less figuring out how to run a site based on it.

16079061? ago

You have to be a shill. There is absolutely no way you are not a shill. I'll still respond for a last time, but your shilling game is too obvious at this point.

I’m ignoring it because it doesn’t matter in any capacity.

That's very convenient. You completely ignore the very basic observation that one man's truth is another man's lie. This is why there are bluepilled and redpilled people.

What kind of kike doesn’t comprehend that white people tell the truth for its own sake?

Again, more pilpul. The discussion was about mods, not posters. You change the argument in order to win it. What would drive a mod to volunteer that hard every day was the question that you will not answer, you will just change the question or ignore it.

Okay, run along now.

See, you will not even address the most basic question, because you're just practicing basic pilpul.

Daily reminder that shills promote violence, but they will not even address getting involved with it themselves, and will skirt around the topic like a bunch of pussies.

16079062? ago

you're a shill because I don't know what objective truth is

Fucking kill yourself.

That's very convenient.

It's not, no. You don't know what fact is, so you have no argument to make. You could say this about any goddamn topic whatsoever, which is why I have no obligation to address any individual point you fail to make. Your "argument" is as follows:

<One group says that the holocaust happened and one group says that the holocaust did not happen. You cannot possibly say what is truth. Not everything can be agreed upon. We have to have a "constructive discussion," and that means allowing people to say the holocaust happened.

The discussion was about mods, not posters.

You're not even replying to the right section now.

What would drive a mod to volunteer that hard every day

BECAUSE THEY'RE WHITE. AND TELL THE TRUTH. BECAUSE IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO. A jew like you doesn't comprehend this. A jew like you is NEUROLOGICALLY INCAPABLE of comprehending any manner of behavior OTHER than saying "what's in it for me" because that's the worldview you have projected onto the entire fucking Western world for the last 70 years. WHITE PEOPLE TELL THE TRUTH BECAUSE IT'S THE TRUTH. WE DON'T NEED ANY OTHER REASON.

you will not even address the most basic question

I did already. See above.

Daily reminder that shills promote violence

Daily reminder that shills promote the exact opposite of violence, because political violence is the only thing the ZOG fears.

they will not even address getting involved with it themselves

Okay, shill. Prove you're not a shill. Go engage in physical violence. We'll wait.

and will skirt around the topic like a bunch of pussies.

Feel free to do what must be done. You won't.

16079063? ago


Is that why you're not telling the truth and mis-representing/ignoring the arguments you can't win?

Sure, I see why I'd tell the truth 24/7. It's the ritght thing to do. But I don't see why I'd moderate a board full of kikes like you 24/7. I need to work, since I'm not paid in neetbux by the isreali government like you.

16079144? ago


the insecure faggot shines a massive stagelight on his swarthy face to look white

Such leadership material.


The anon you are talking to is our former mod, polvol2.


Naturally I really don't care about somebody's race unless they're a coon

Based Christianity.

16079146? ago

Aww, imkikey's sensibilities were bruised.

16079165? ago

sages a pinned cyclical


16079167? ago

no argument

instantly exposed

Cry more, you fucking yid.

16079200? ago

still doesn't get that making fun of your faggotry is not arguing

Another jamalvol2 IP to filter, neat.

16079065? ago

is that why

That's cute. Run along now. Objective truth exists, no matter what you say or think.

I don't see why I'd moderate a board

So don't.

kikes like you

That's cute.

I need to work

Why are you inventing arguments out of thin air like a jew does? Why can't you respond to anything that was said? Why can't you address the objectivity of truth? Why won't you deny the holocaust?

16079070? ago

the objectivity of truth

Most of what is said in this board isn't true to NPCs. Yet we know it is. A board depends on the agreement of what we as a group see as truths. Even a mod might disagree with users, and that is a problem. In the current model, we just hope mods agree with us. We need a better model. I'd gladly pay to use a version of /pol/ that has no shills, but "VIP /pol/" would be a terrible idea and wouldn't gain any traction. Maybe having to mine some quantity of cryptocoins in order to get an "anon handle" could be an idea, but that favors cabals who can just mine on more hardware. It's hard to find a solution.


That's a good development.

So trump changed his mind?

Hard to tell, he tends to say one thing and do another. Whatever crosses his mind doesn't have much to do with what he says, usually. inb4 4d chess.

16079082? ago

A board depends on the agreement of what we as a group see as truths. Even a mod might disagree with users, and that is a problem. In the current model, we just hope mods agree with us. We need a better model.

What about a system similar to how Voat polices itself, except with mods who actually fucking DO something about it. For example, Voat has various boards where anyone can say any goddamn thing they want. It's fucking great, because every real user is 100% redpilled, and anyone who isn't is instantly disproven and shut the fuck up with thousands of citations. Anyone who makes an uncited claim is mocked into silence. Anyone who makes a falsely cited claim is proven wrong, with citations, and mocked into silence.

BUT… those shills can keep posting. Voat, therefore, runs concurrent boards for the PROTECTION of truth, wherein a user is called out, hard evidence of his paid shilling is presented, and thenceforth the community knows it's a shill who only tells lies. This lets new and less frequent users know who is and isn't legitimate. In OUR case, we would use that concurrent protection board to, once sufficient evidence had been presented, evoke actual bans.

16079071? ago

That's a good development.

here we go, potential happening. (what are the odds the senate lets it pass?)

16079039? ago

What’s the term to describe the tactic of joining a council, company, etc. then only voting for people of your group A, and voting against outgroup B - whereas the group B votes normally on nonpolitical principles - such that group A eventually takes over?

16079043? ago

Nepotism. You're also misconstruing the argument a little by claiming that NOT voting in your own self interest is "normal." This is a postmodernist jewish affection that only arose in white society roughly after the jews won WWI. For all of history, whites voted in favor of whites, just like all other in-groups did. It's not "normal" to vote for your own genocide or against your ethnic group's interests (in any capacity).

16079037? ago

kids calling themselves SLUTS in the comments section

So much shit flies under the radar.

16079038? ago

Steven universe reddit

16079036? ago

video of the 2 chicks who got raped and killed in Morrocco


16079019? ago

Hey /pol/acks, longtime lurker here. This christmas i have decided it is finally time to warn my family about whats coming since we have finally reached critical mass and events are happening at lightning pace. what i need is actual evidence of horrifying events that have occured in order to convince them that they should start to prepare for the inevitable change that is coming.

So if any anon could provide the following:

that europe immigration video some anon made and got millions of views and we memed the hell out of (2016 i think)

Collected links to news articles of grooming pedo towns in britain

video's of mass chimpouts in american cities

that webm of the whole of american media channels saying the same script about fakenews

any other relevant webm's that show just how fucked everything is including ones that highlight how the government is the ones pushing it

also i saw a thread on the french yellow vests revolution the other day and an anon said he had every chimpout webm collected into one video

just links to them are fine or maybe a pastebin with all the links so other anons that want to do the same can get them easily. i never told them before because my family is large and all have kids of their own with me being the youngest and them also being pretty retarded but it has really reached the point of no return anymore and they should atleast be warned even if they dont listen.

16079029? ago

american media channels saying the same script about fakenews



the laugh tracks are fucked up

so fucking funny i just cant describe how funny it is

satanic kikes, how about when they repeat that assad gassed his people, that iraq has wmd's or that we need to bomb iran all verbatim like some sort of talmudic spell broadcast into every home

16079032? ago

that laugh track is fucked up

I cant tell if you think there are laugh tracks on the news, or the laugh track the uploader added on top of the video compilation somehow disturbs you for some reason.

16079021? ago

american media channels saying the same script about fakenews


16079028? ago


16078979? ago

16078985? ago

thezog.info is evolving

Proofs for each one of those people being NATO, or fuck off.

16078980? ago

why is Juden Peterstein in there

16078982? ago

Why wouldn't he be. He works for CSIS and CFIB.

16078978? ago


GUID Generator for PowerShell$count = Read-Host "Number of GUIDs to generate"[char]$upper = Read-Host "Upper case? (y/n)"if($upper -eq 'y') { do { $n += 1 [guid]::NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper() } while ($n -lt $count)} elseif ($upper -eq 'n') { do { $n += 1 [guid]::NewGuid() } while ($n -lt $count)} else { Write-Host "Invalid input. Exiting"}

16078973? ago

Are pro Israel or pro Jew threads banned here or what? Whenever I make one it's deleted almost immediately.

If you faggot mods want to ban them then just ban them in the rules. Don't be coward cucks pretending to value free speech but not. If you want this board to be explicitly natsoc then do so. Your cowardice is pathetic.

16078991? ago

there are so many boards online that would eat up your kike shilling, why do you want to shove it down the throats of people who are allergic to even the most subtle kikery?

16078992? ago

All I'm saying is the mods should be upfront about it rather than being cowardly fags. Is that a bad thing to ask for?

16078993? ago

if you knew about the history of this board you would know why they can't, call the adl or something you won't get any sympathy from the users here

16078994? ago

Right, so they're cowardly fags. As I thought.

16078996? ago

you were right! just as you thought! now you can leave, satisfied.

16078997? ago

Lol oh I won't leave. I'll just use more subtlety.

16079004? ago

^ >literal hasbara scum

16079005? ago

Lol, someone's gotcha push back against you retarded faggots. I have the free time so why not? It's a fun hobby.

16079013? ago

^ useful idiots make up all sorts of excuses.

16079007? ago

oh don't think you're all alone fighting the good fight

16079009? ago

Lol I don't think any of them are posting on 8ch. They're all on Facebook and Reddit.

Btw is there an email I can write to to get my shekels? I've been doing this for free but I'd certainly like getting paid.

16079014? ago

facebook is completely controlled, no need to shill. they obviously shill both chans, where do you think the racist anti semtic memes come from

you're a uninformed newfag nobody is going to hire you

16079017? ago

weathermen were national socialists

shilling the NWF


16078999? ago

not welcome

don't care

i wouldn't expect anything less

16078998? ago

you couldn't subtlety fit in even if you tried. you glow in the dark nigga

Are pro nazi or pro White threads banned here or what? Whenever I make one it's deleted almost immediately.

If you faggot mods want to ban them then just ban them in the rules. Don't be coward cucks pretending to value free speech but not. If you want this board to be explicitly shitskin then do so. Your cowardice is pathetic.

16079003? ago

16079000? ago

This board is literally filled with them, retard.


I'm not actually Jewish, friend.

16078974? ago

Wrong; its your whining is pathetic. Get out then.

16078977? ago


Found the faggot

16078975? ago

*which is

16078968? ago


Yes I did for a registration, and?

16078983? ago


Anon already told you, kill yourself.

16078967? ago


Except I wasn't, and you further showed the stupidity of your thinking.

16078966? ago

Is 4chins down rn? The site keeps timing out. Is this normal or are (((they))) behind this?

16078964? ago


"Why does this hapa x not know what I know and have not done what I expect him in retrospect to have done?"

Plain stupid assumptions

16078953? ago

Why is there a mass flood of low quality b8 and shitposts today?

This place feels like 4chan for fucks sake.

16078957? ago

its shit, clown world is so fucking grim

16078955? ago

not enjoying the cuckchan style mutt threads, eceleb threads and communist threads

Cuckchan went down today.

16078952? ago


You haven't even read it, you know literally nothing about it, and yet you already say its Jewish. What the fuck man.

16078947? ago

Do you niggers realize that Trump is a kike yet?

16078971? ago

Gentiles are kikes

I declare your mother is a kike, so I get to shoot her. How do you react?

16078939? ago


Oh and did hotwheels end up being the savior you hoped for?

16078946? ago


16078936? ago

anyone know wtf is going on with 4chan?

I don't like coming to lefty/pols containment board but my hand has been forced.

16078941? ago

you have literal communist generals and you say this place is /leftypol/. sad

16078943? ago

Pretty sure 5 people posting in a thread and larping as communists a general does not make.

16078944? ago

I said what I mean. A general, like those natsoc generals, but for commies, not anons in unrelated threads

16078932? ago

anybody have those tavistock threads?

16078962? ago

I think thats it, thank you

16078930? ago

If we were to go back in time to kill Marx and Freud, would all of our problems of today be solved?

16078928? ago

What would I have to do to get spooks to follow me around?

16078925? ago

does anyone have the webem, or the thread where lbgt admits to grooming children? I think it was in texas.

16078972? ago


16078923? ago

If I reported someone to ThotAudit how long will it be until I hear from IRS? I sent them information over a week ago, and haven't seen an email. The Thot Audit threads indicate this process works quickly.. I'm not being impatient, I just want to make sure the information I sent did not get (((lost in the mail)))

16078919? ago


Okay. Isn't he just whining about the people who were right all along in general, not just him?

16078920? ago

That makes it even worse for TRSodomites.

16078922? ago

Of course, I was just nitpicking.

16078918? ago


Where was it originally posted, when was it filmed?

16078915? ago

Did pre-Christian Europe ever practice nofap? If so, which groups and what reasons did they give?

16078916? ago

We can't know because christian europe burnt a lot of book, but we know the greeks looked down on it.

16078988? ago

also you're wrong the greeks looked down on it. Socrates talked about the importance of semen retention

16078987? ago

Irish monks and scribes were actually the only reason we have copies of important greek, latin and pagan work today

the church did destroy shit they don't like, but there were also plenty of other reasons books would decay, such as bookworms.

16078914? ago

Is there a redpill image thread for normies? A lot of people I know are familiar enough with the internet to automatically discount any post that looks like it came from an image board. I'm looking for a collection of redpills for semi-normies/bugmen.

16078912? ago

Is there a place on the internet dedicated to talking shit like if it was a dojo? I'd like to get better at it.

Ever since the right got popular people started parroting semi far right buzzwords as if they were one of us when in reality they're center left and act like they know everything about anything. Especially when the topic gets around the subject of women, you'll always find a couple of fags and women calling everyone incel or virgin despite not being master womanizers or even successful at relationships themselves, and it always ends up in some kind of feedback loop where everyone pats each other on the back and it goes nowhere. If there's no place like that, should I start a board?

16159155? ago

Yes but please use the Braille to make it hard for the shills to shill.

16159149? ago

Good idea. Start one.

16078907? ago

Goy Talk Live on the Heel Turn Network

LIVE @ 10:00 PM EST

inb4 eceleb shill, better than monday night football you slimy kike rat

16078908? ago

ironically calling yourself goy unironically

rope yourself

16078911? ago

OY VEY! goy now just means no kikes allowed hymie, which means you(1) i'd guess

16078887? ago

Anyone have the ms paint meme where a jew pays a nig to make rap music and then said music blasts through the speakers and turns the whites into degenerates? Thanks

16078889? ago

16078895? ago

That's the one thank you anon

16078891? ago

why are the women in school

16078896? ago

So they can be indoctrinated too, duh. gtfo

16078898? ago

then why is the jew upset that they are spouting feminist bs that gloria steinem would be prouf of

16078902? ago



quick fix, not perfect but better

16134666? ago

Funny stuff anon, keep that stuff coming

16078905? ago

wholesome family values are always welcome, no matter the quality.

16078899? ago

idk. The first frame makes no sense. Only the second, 'spend responsibly' guy is remotely based.

16078900? ago

Should be fairly easy to update, agree that the first panel needs work. Maybe add the 14 words and scrap most of the text

16078904? ago

I've recently overheard a young female teen say, 'my teacher is like some feminist, so annoying', which warmed my heart a little.

16078882? ago


We don't want to get pozed.

16078878? ago



16078881? ago

Some shill with aspirations of becoming an e-celeb while not knowing /ppl/ isnt aut-kike. Who would want to debate that retard anyways.

16078875? ago

Reminder the best thing you can do as a moderator to secretly protest chodenigger is use the "trolling" justification to "greentext ban" or delete all the posts after banning - as many people as possible, to knock the number of PPH down and slow the traffic.

16078874? ago


Striker is arguably the worst of TRS because he is the most charismatic and apparently 95% of people are braindead, dont understand hes a communist from his rhetoric. He is the biggest threat to white survival, more of a threat than Enoch. Hes the only one whos enough of a weasel to be able to post on Gab without being called out like Spencer or Anglin or Ricky Bobby, even Enoch doesnt post there. They have accounts though, Spencer, Enoch, Anglin... all of them have accounts, they just dont use them. Anglin posts a few articles here and there but he doesnt make any commentary and for a while anything he posted had a negative score.

16078872? ago


Shut up faggot. No one cares

16078871? ago


Enoch is a kike, so why would I care. I was there for the whole TRS ordeal. You are the same as then only pos'd.

16078870? ago

Was the moon landing truly fake? Nvidia made a tech demo showing off the lighting of the moon, but then you get Never A Straight Answer saying they destroyed the tech to go back to the moon and the next step is mars. Is NASA just one giant satanic cult or what?


16078860? ago












16078857? ago

Can someone get access to/upload this:


Good redpill straight from the kikes' mouth.

16078868? ago


idk why the fucking mp4 wont play ill try to fix it tomorrow if, if anyone has some ffmpeg parameters to get a 28mb mp3 to a 16mb mp4 that will work here please help a dumb nigger out

16078865? ago

16079413? ago

Should be made an ogg or mp3.

16078850? ago



16078848? ago



16078841? ago

I'm a liberal here. I don't know which board would suit me, as I don't see myself fitting in here. Here are some of my beliefs:

some regulations on guns, but keep weapons as a whole for people who fear for their lives

part of the LGBT community, supports it

religious liberty and the freedoms laid out in the Bill of Rights are extremely valuable to me

not a fan of Trump

higher taxes are totally fine if they go toward the pursuit of a better quality of life

education and helping those in need should take top priority

legalization of marijuana wouldn't hurt

help others want to gain citizenship by treating undocumented immigrants in a humane but tough manner

other liberal things

16078844? ago

some regulations on guns, but keep weapons as a whole for people who fear for their lives

part of the LGBT community, supports it

religious liberty and the freedoms laid out in the Bill of Rights are extremely valuable to me

not a fan of Trump

higher taxes are totally fine if they go toward the pursuit of a better quality of life

education and helping those in need should take top priority

legalization of marijuana wouldn't hurt

help others want to gain citizenship by treating undocumented immigrants in a humane but tough manner

other liberal things

you're right, you don't fit in here, liberal has nothing to do with it, you support the destruction of society, there are some positions that you would agree with /pol/ on but on the critical issues you are literally satanic


16078838? ago

What was that theory called that says that humanity will be wiped out by some lone loon with the will to make a doomsday device?

16078836? ago

I recently started doing daily journal entries each night before bed. I pretty much only recount what happened that day.

For those that journal, what else do you like to include besides the simple diary format?

16078840? ago

i don't journal but other daily things worth documenting:


DOW 30 (us bell-weathers)

S&P 500 (us 500 large companies having common stock listed on the NYSE)


SSE 50 (china)

NIKKEI 225 (japan)

EURO STOXX 50 (europe)





AUD/USD Aussie

USD/CHF Swissy

USD/CAD Loonie


EUR/GBP Chunnel

16078853? ago

Thanks for the reply but I was thinking more along the lines of

write goals

write annual plans

Don't really have any other examples hence my original post.

Your suggestion is good but I could always just search historical data and if that ability ever goes away then the data would be worthless anyways.

16078854? ago

maybe pick one of those indexes or exchange rates just so you have a reference to the macro-setting of your daily entry but you are right about historical data online and that is why i stopped the journal entries

just for advice:

goals:' have children, save money, get out of metropolitan areas

annual plans: have children, save money, get out of metropolitan areas

the only help books i have got anything from were:

"how to make friends and influence people", tldr: no one ever thinks anything is their fault

"total money makeover", tldr: pay your debts off smallest to largest (illogical but psychologically beneficial) and spend less than you make (save)

16078833? ago

Mike and the Mad Wop join The Gas Station

LIVE @ 10:30 PM EST

inb4 e-celeb shill, suck my dick you faggot kikes

16078829? ago


hillary for prision!

16078823? ago

16078884? ago

Everyone from David Duke to Alex Jones is a NazBol


16078886? ago

My dog is a NazBol.

16078825? ago

Richard's tranny Russian wife


Nigger this is retarded.

16078827? ago

Russian intelligence works with NATO intelligence on a continual basis.

16078822? ago

Somebody is a bit upset.


16078817? ago

What's the best Email and Browser option for more "Security and Privacy"?

Is it PaleMoon for Browser and SCRYPTmail for email?

16078815? ago


the only people BTFO in that video is the faggots screaming and talking loud over one another(basically all of them). how the fuck do these faggots even have "fans"?

16078814? ago

Anyone got any more info on the Alerta Judiada who got arrested?

16078816? ago

You know there's a thread about it? >>12561273

16078812? ago


16078811? ago


So you state you get shill bux per post, yet tout you can make it on your own. Go fellate your pig trannies on /leftypol/.

16078806? ago


If that's true, why are you hear shilling for your shitty blog? Seems very pathetic as well as amazingly stupid.

Either way, you are an irredeemable faggot and should find a way to off yourself.

16078803? ago


decide to shill for views for shitty blog

thinks spamming "lol nazis" on /pol/ will work

You should consider drinking bleach. You may be too stupid to actually survive on your own.

16078802? ago


There's a bog in your future faggot.

16078799? ago


Holy shit the faggotry.

16078798? ago


go be a nigger some place else

16078796? ago

Oh, it is the altright larper, who just happens to hate white americans.

and just admitted he isn't even white

Still waifufagging with that racially unidentifiable girl.

16078795? ago


16078793? ago

So, why is there so much JIDF esque posting on a sunday?


OT? or are they doing it for free?

16078790? ago


name one brown country that you would want to live in.

16078784? ago

Oliver Stone: Jew Cuck?

I was looking at the degenerate propaganda offerings on my wife's netflix, and I saw this Oliver Stone US history series.

I watched the first one, and it was pure 100% Jew bullshit. I thought he must break from this sooner or later and tell the truth right? because IMDB says he's a "master of controversial subjects and a legendary film maker."

Nope, he's totally spewing Jew propaganda.

So, is he just an idiot who thinks he's red pilled, or controlled opposition? I'm going with controlled oppositition.

16078782? ago

I'm currently reading The Squires Trial and am looking forward to completing the other books in the attached lists.

Can anyone recommend what the best translation or version (even the particular ISBN number) of Mein Kampf is?

16078781? ago

Can someone post the link of the /pol/ forum on Tor?

16078783? ago

Sorry I did not explain properly. I remember seeing a link to a Tor /pol/ forum that was not affiliated with this chan no any others. Might have been called nano chan but that could be wrong.

16078779? ago

This probably deserves its own thread too, but could someone explain to me the relation and feelings each of the former Yugoslavian nations have for eachother? I know theres Croatia, Serbia.. Bosnia and Herzjovia or something, Kosovo are muslims who broke away and dont deserve to exist because Europes not muslim, thats my understanding.. but how to the Croats feel about Serbs? Croats about Kosovo? About Bosnia? And you have Montenegro in there, what kind of people are they? Not Serbs, I magine. Ive never heard of Montenegroan or anything. Can someone just clear all that up without explaining the whole history of the war, who hates who, whos bros with who. That kind of thing.

16078776? ago

Anyone got a info pic of a red pilled movie list? Last one i saw had some names i wrote down and watched. political, social, and historical.

16078774? ago

Civilians, please engage with these informative and entertaining YouTube channels.

Thank you for your prompt cooperation.

16078788? ago

he is back after being utterly humiliated

Hopefully you are being paid for your posts, thezog.info.


Stone is a jewish surname.

16078834? ago

he thinks his nazi youtube personalities aren't intelligence agency plants

16078921? ago

thinks I watch ecelebs.

Continue humiliating yourself, I suppose.


muh rushins

muh nato

muh mil industrial complex

You are like some conspiritard fossil from the 1990s.

16078835? ago

anyone who supports white people is secretly against you goy

16078775? ago

the AIN is a /leftypol/ idea to stop the libertarian to far-right pipeline

can you explain why hate/pol/ would be against that pipeline?

16078773? ago


Live @ 1:15 AM EST

inb4 e-celeb shill, idgaf, what else are you listening to at this time of night and they put on a good show

16078772? ago


The oldest ever man to father a child was reportedly Les Colley (1898 - 1998, Australia), who had his ninth child a son named Oswald to his third wife at the age of 92 years 10 months.

read or listen to Siege

16078769? ago

Are most people born to be materialistic normies or are they programmed into it by society.

If the former is true, why should I care enough about them to free them from one masters rule right into another.

The more I people I meet the more I realise we need all these fucking stupid laws because most people don't fucking think and live completely controlled by habit, urges and idolatry.

Who am I even fighting for?

16078770? ago

the existence of your race and a future for white children

16078767? ago

Anyone else seeing the number fourty-two a lot lately?

16078766? ago



At least you have stopped sperging out about people insulting jew coddler Bismarck.

16078765? ago


tldr version of "I cant read"

16078760? ago

QUESTION: Why veteran title/status is given so lightly in the US? Like if you are a lazy nigger, but went to cleaning toilets in the Middle East then they boot your ass back since you are a weak fag, you automaticly get called as a veteran.

So strange! This is totally not accepted in my country. Here you need to be battle experienced and must be part take more than one or two serious battle to get that title. (it's an another thing we threat our veterans as shit, sadly) Those who just lurking arround the base or parttake in one firefight then fuck back home like a coward are called "war-seen people"or "seasoned",but we dont call them veterans and don't spoil the fuck out of them.

Its a good damn disgrace when i see a burger nig, mutt or a woman with this title bragging about how "the US is ebil and poor mudslimes bruhu bruhu". Fuck a real veteran never would say something like that even if the jew tricked his/her country into a war! WHY IS THIS? Anyone with experience or insight on this, i politely please educate me!

16078759? ago

Ricemixers are just as degenerate as any other mixer. If you can't stop muh dicking through life maybe you should stop your life by killing yourself.

16078749? ago

Hello, you may have noticed a few things taking place here today.

We have been taking notice of the benefits your kind gets from it's alliance with East Asians, and from the positive way in which you regard them.

We want to destroy these relations you have to them, and we also want you to come to hate the East Asians in general, but the Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese in specific, as we are currently working towards getting the United States to go to war with China and North Korea, and towards getting Japan and South Korea to take in their fair share of refugees, which is a duty they owe to us when they became developed.

We have been posting threads on here to achieve these goals, not only by attacking Anime, Video Games, and Japanese Culture, but also by getting you to reject East Asian women as well.

This will be a method for opening your community up the idea of of hating East Asians in general, which would greatly help us achieve our political goals, while at the same time getting you to weaken yourselves.

I personally hate every one of you, you are all Anti-Semitic bigots, and there is no way to convince you away from that.

I am here to gloat, even by telling you what the plan is to your faces you'll still fall for this, I might get fired if my employers saw this though, but you have no idea who they are.

See you in hell Nazis!

16078752? ago


Did you think you wouldn't have a post ID?

16078757? ago

doesn't matter, its not my post id

16078750? ago

Thank you, carry on.

16078748? ago

Why shouldn't we kill all nonwhites and take the entire world for our race?

Why shouldn't we define white as "North-Western European" and take out all the other low-level whites?

Why shouldn't we apply eugenics to eliminate the subhumans within the remainder of the white race?

I'm talking long term here, we should do whatever it takes to get to this point in the end, taking allies when we can, etc.

but when we are liberated and strong, we need to consider what we want to achieve as our end goal (for this planet).

Groups like the Asians might be on our side at the time, but that means they will then become our competition, and a threat, so we should be proactive.

Same for purity of the white race, not all ethnicity are equally productive and successful, we should remove all but the ethnicity with the most achievements throughout the uncensored and unabridged account of Earth's history, according to althype, that's the strain of European found within the North-Western Europeans, once we pare down to the ethnicity, we start to work on getting to the strain we need.

In between all these steps, we must allow a period of restoration, for numbers to grow back to the point where we can safely begin the next stage of purification, and there might be additional stages of purification.

I'm all for it.

As our people change, the society will change as well, the people will only produce a society that they are capable of supporting, look at Liberia, Rhodesia, or Haiti, those were the only types of societies their populations were able to support.

Similarly, our societies will look primitive and dysfunctional to the next society that comes along after our purification.

We'd be doing alchemy with blood, to transmute genetics from clay to lead to gold to the philosopher's stone.

Who knows what the final result will be? and whether or not the ends justifies the means to achieve it? The benefits probably exceed our imaginations by far!

But we are going to have to become the secret society, making plans that go on for centuries, passing them from one generation of a powerful family to another and keeping it all absolutely secret from the people they are meant to affect, and we must be willing to kill anyone for them, or even to die ourselves, and to pull any cheap trick we can for the sake of our people.

That is what we'll need to become.

16078746? ago

More on Willie Brown

Connections to the People’s Temple (the kool aid cult). He praised cult leader Jim Jones as "a combination of Martin King, Angela Davis, Albert Einstein and Chairman Mao."




Willie Brown used the People’s Temple members as campaign “volunteers” for San Francisco Mayor Moscone’s candidacy. Surviving members claim they were bused in to vote in multiple precincts multiple times. Jim Jones hinted at a closer relationship.



Willie Brown defended his relationship with the People’s Temple after the mass death.



Burns, Jerry, "Willie Brown Defends Former Ties to Rev. Jones", San Francisco Chronicle, November 21, 1978

1978 People’s Temple panel including Willie Brown.


Willie Brown FBI investigations:

As California Assembly Speaker he was involved in money laundering. Chula Vista city councilman David Malcolm was accused of being Brown’s bag man. Malcolm was appointed to a senior position despite being in the minority (Republican) party.





Connections to bribery, bid rigging, and fraud as Mayor of San Francisco.







The FBI alleged that the next Mayor of San Francisco, Ed Lee, learned corruption from Willie Brown.



Misc: Willie Brown was warned 8 hours before the 9/11 attacks to beware of air travel.



16078745? ago

She got her start in politics by dating the Speaker of the California Assembly who is 30 years her senior and married. He appointed her to the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission. Both were highly paid sinecures. Later he leveraged his connections to help her campaign and fundraise as California AG. Willie Brown has been investigated several times by the FBI for corruption, but they have only convicted his associates and never him personally. Willie Brown was later elected as Mayor of San Francisco.





















Her aides weird issues:

“Masonic police” a fake law enforcement entity.



Senior aide Larry Wallace resigned after a $400k sexual harassment lawsuit.







16078743? ago


There are two main tacks to take against Kamala Harris: her inconsistent progressive credentials and her ties to corruption. She is unlikely to win progressive support during a primary. If elected President would face severe Mueller-like scrutiny and investigations for her connections to California power broker Willie Brown.

Her progressive credentials are undermined by her record as a two term California Attorney General. Sued to keep the death penalty on the books. Tried to get exonerated Daniel Larsen reincarcerated on a technicality. She tried to block a transgender inmate’s surgery. She opposed a statewide plan to equip police body cameras. She defended the use of a falsified confession on appeal. She opposes legalizing sex work. Her support of familial DNA investigations disproportionately effected African Americans. Opposed civil forfeiture reform. She barred a Sikh man from working as a prison guard because of his religiously mandated beard. Her Mortgage Fraud Strike Force was a dog and pony show that prosecuted 10 cases in 3 years on a $2m budget.

She got a $2,000 campaign contribution from Trump’s Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin, during her 2016 Senate race. She was the only Democratic Senate candidate to get a donation from Mnuchin in 2016.

A member of her staff resigned after being sued for sexual harassment. The nature of the suit seeking $400k makes it implausible that it happened without Harris’ knowledge.

Corruption and ethics. She got her start in politics by dating the Speaker of the California Assembly Willie Brown (later San Francisco Mayor) who is 30 years her senior and married. He appointed her to the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission. Both were highly paid sinecures. Later he leveraged his connections to help her campaign and fundraise for her races.

Willie Brown has a long and bizarre record. In the 1970s he developed a relationship with Jim Jones of the People’s Temple. Temple members were used as campaign workers for the campaign of Mayor Moscone. Surviving members of the temple admit to ballot stuffing and busing in voters. Willie Brown praised Jim Jones during life and defended his connections to Jim Jones after the mass suicide in Guyana of Temple Members.

He has been investigated several times by the FBI for corruption, but they have only convicted his associates and never him personally. In the 1980s an FBI investigation showed he was laundering money through a bagman David Malcolm. Malcolm, a Republican, was rewarded by a senior appointment in the Democratic State Assembly. As Mayor of San Francisco his housing executive Patricia Williams was convicted of bribery and given a 5 year sentence. He faced other allegations of bid rigging and corruption during this time. Numerous lower ranking staff were also convicted of corruption. The next Mayor, Ed Lee, was alleged by the FBI to have learned corrupt tradecraft from Willie Brown.

It was also reported in the San Francisco Chronicle on September 12, 2001 that Willie Brown received an air travel warning prior to the 9/11 attacks.

Kamala Harris Oppo File


Progressive Credentials





Mnuchin Donation





16078739? ago

does me always getting rejected from university have anything to do with my views even if they're hidden?

16078742? ago


How well do you think you're hidden?

16078738? ago


Huh? It's been posted like a bazillion times.. what do you mean?

16078737? ago

Anyone have that cap of the guy who did aid work in africa and talks about how they think all the gibs are mana from heaven?

16078735? ago

Does anyone know what song is in this video?

16079053? ago

Does anyone have any source for the song that begins at around 9:20?

16078883? ago

Does anyone have any source for the song that begins at around 9:20?

16078736? ago

Skip to around 9:30 for the music.

16078730? ago


buy a used one from ebay

16078729? ago

I fucked an Iranian girl who hated white girls ("Beckis") and was an SJW. Hated the patriarchy and all that jazz.

From the way she talked it was clear she felt inferior to white women.

She loved nothing more than chomping on my thick white cock. She knew I was a nationalist and that I liked Trump more than Hillary. We didn't even go on dates, she'd just come round and I'd fuck her then either kick her out or let her stay the night. She said no one had ever fucked her as well as I did.

Most these ethnic SJW hoes are gagging for white cock, they just put on a front as a defence mechanism to save their pride because they think they'll be looked over for a white girl.

16078724? ago


(((pornography))) isn't banned anywhere in the world

including in Middle Eastern nations

Fuck this gay nigger earth. I once thought sandniggers and other Muslims were somewhat "woke af" on a lot of things, but when it comes to (((pornography))), they all follow and list for it like a bunch NPC retards.

16078732? ago


Thankyou, anon. I was already looking for an old, used printer, but hadn't considered the network disconnect :)


...not quite what I had in mind



16078722? ago

/pol/ I need help redpilling a friend of mine. I told them about the jewish involvement in the slave trade but they say there is no evidence. I need info graphs, articles or historical records to change his mind

16078720? ago

does TRS still sell smallpox blankets? Can't find on their site but want to buy one. Or do i need an account?

inb4 jews

idgaf i want the blanket

16078718? ago

What is it with the influx of faggots on /pol/ and several other discussion websites beginning their sentences with, "So?" The SOy overload is annoying as fuck. If you have testicles, you shouldn't begin sentences with, "So," and it makes you seem like a raging limp-wristed faggot with little to no grasp on the English language. Everywhere I go these dickwads are starting 1/3 of their sentences with, "So." You'd think every soy-littered post like this is made by a 23 year old kindergarten libtard vegan feminist. Please stop with this faggotry and take better command of your language capabilities as white men.

16078715? ago


Islam didn't have its core atypical ideas in its party ideology, relevant to Western-European ideas that weren't Kalergi tier NWO, -destroyed and shredded for years by Britain and the like. Consider suicide Mohammed.

Comparing a rootless tree to another's roots, gtfo.

16078716? ago

Never post here again.

16078714? ago


there is no crime on earth that will be pursuit like counterfeiters but people do it, you will be caught or killed by the drug dealer or underworld person you are trying to pass them off to

16078711? ago


No, US currency (which is not money) is printed on special cloth. The cloth can be replicated, but it can't go through a standard printer. Also, you need to be able to create the holographic, ultraviolet, and embedded strip portions of the currency.