Vindicator ago

@anonOpenPress: Thank you for consolidating this into a single thread and raising awareness about the problem of duplicate posting. I have been trying to flair good non-Seth threads that are being buried. Please ping me to any you notice.

Just a bit of insight: Mods are discouraged from curating content -- the Voat-wide standard is that users are expected to downvote poor quality, redundant or otherwise inferior posts. I'm not sure why that doesn't happen in v/pizzagate as efficiently as it does elsewhere -- perhaps users have grown too dependent on mod removals?

In any case, to start removing duplicates, we would need to embark on a community-wide rule revision, which we've only had a few requests for. Were there a clamor for it, we could make a sticky so folks can vote on proposed changes. A few have asked for this in v/pizzagatemods, but not many. Anyone who wants this should comment and upvote that thread, so we can show community support for changing the rules.

anonOpenPress ago

Pizzalawyer ago

Yes, I agree that the redundancy is very annoying and distracting from the main purpose of pizzagate. Setting aside repetition for a moment, is the Seth Rich story even relevant? If he was in fact the person who leaked the emails, then there is the liklihood, but no proof yet, that the Podesta/Clinton gang is involved and that makes it relevant to Pizzagate. Until the source of the leaks is established, we have alot of speculation taking place and that is where I begin to question relevancy. We can't have this forum turning into a Seth Rich murder mystery. If Kim Dotcom doesn't resolve the identity of the person behind the leaks, I think the mods should consider some limitations.

anonOpenPress ago

Relevant definitely, and worth digging into. Archiving the info out there might be even important.

VoatSearch ago

I hope this list is from postable format! If so, I see you've trimmed some data (fit more within 10,000 char limit?) and sorted by username. Thinking about making those changes to eg could leave out columns searched by, shorten 4-digit year to 2-digit, leave out time etc. Would that be useful? Do you have any other suggestions I could include while I'm at it? Thanks!

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks for asking! Yes, I needed to trim it to fit, and at the same time came up with an idea to sort it manually. I (and maybe some others here too) would be very happy for feature updates helpful for collecting and organizing the data. What I come up with, would be:

  • Option to select the visible columns out of: Date|Author|Subverse|Title|Discussion(D)/Link(L)|Amount of comments
  • Option to select the date format (leaving out time, shortening year)
  • Option to select the dates shown (from date: until date:)
  • Option to sort by Date / Author / Subverse
  • Option to filter only Discussion submissions (or to sort by the relevant column)
  • Option to exclude subverses (not sure if that's already possible, for example using "pizzagate -pizzagatememes" in the subverse input field)

Not expecting everything above to be implemented, so I tried to sort my wishes as the most useful feature on top.

Really happy if you could add even the one on top, and even without any new columns!

About those new columns, I added two wishes in purpose to show if the submission is a Link post or a Discussion, and to show interest towards a submission via amount of comments. Not sure if these features are even possible, but worth asking anyway. Thanks for what you've already done, the search is really great!

VoatSearch ago

Cool. I'll save this for later and work through it, not sure what's feasible yet, but I can say (unfortunately) that I don't have comments (yet!) so can't include that column - but yes you should already be able to do eg "pizzagate -pizzagatememes". I'll get back to you about the rest!

Chatman ago

Voat could use some grouping for posts, maybe tags then search by topic?

2impendingdoom ago

no, seth rich is a real crime and proving it debunks russia hacking and exposes the MSM/cia, and by cia, I mean Pizzagate.

anonOpenPress ago

I was about to, but I found the splattering of information to several submissions too time consuming, regarding decent investigation on the topic. I hope we do something to this problem, to avoid duplicates / quadruplicates and to avoid this investigative forum from turning into a useless news forum. I'm not in here for that.

Our case (helping the raped kids) is too important for us to use our time like this. Let's team up and do something about it.

2impendingdoom ago

it was like this for a lot of subjects. Maddie McCann, Alefantis's instagram, Caris James, Spirit Cooking, tunnels, etc. I can tell you that I am thoroughly sick of posts about magestic ape. What is different about Seth Rich is that this crime is solvable. Someone shot Seth Rich for a reason and is covering it up and/or he is the leaker and we can prove it. If he is the leaker, and we all think he is, it pulls the rug out from under the whole shebang.

Without being in law enforcement, we can't touch child porn, this however, is a different matter. the 4channers have a list of people they are looking at which includes 3 longterm senators, Schumer, McCain, one other. To see people get arrested, this is the most direct route. And FFS, murder is just as bad as raping children.

Don't forget, you can always skip threads you don't want to read.

Between reddit, twitter, ZeroHedge, and 4chan there is new seth rich stuff from minute to minute. It is an actively breaking story.

anonOpenPress ago

But I do (want to read)... As there's constantly new information important for my investigations. I've actually read all those posts listed. The thing is, it's getting very difficult to locate that info due to repeating duplicates. I'm balancing between how much achieved vs. how much time used. Currently, this scale is not favorable for "achieved".

2impendingdoom ago

I hear you!! but don't blame the posters!! I've been lurking at 4chan for new info, and now WaPoo is posting stories, its spilling out and keeping up is a full time job. You may have to put your investigations on hold for a few days and see how this plays out. No one will have time to read a non-Seth post for a while anyway. Now with Newt Gingrich, Hannity, DotCom, you know Trump is going to tweet something sooner or later...

anonOpenPress ago

The question: Why are we here? To wait how this plays out? Maybe some, I'm not one of them. Shouting loud for turning this into investigative forum.

jstrotha0975 ago

Let's see what happens in the next week. Kim Dotcom is supposed to have some evidence.

anonOpenPress ago

Surprisingly, I know... Sorry, I mean let's not discuss that here, but instead in the first submission revealing that.

Having a lot of interest on a topic is great, but having the topic clustered (there's actually more than 140 submissions mentioning him) is nasty for investigations.

I'd hope people to use before submitting more, to find out if their information is already here.

jstrotha0975 ago

Did you get the latest? Newt Gingrich said Seth Rich was murdered, and Russia tweeted a hint that Hillary killed Seth.

anonOpenPress ago

I''ve actually checked those all (so yes), but I found the clustering just too bad for any decent investigating here. We shouldn't use our time like this. Something should be done here to prevent info splattering like this all around, leading to duplicate / quadruplicate info. We should team up more, and produce few valuable submissions on one topic.

Currently, /v/pizzagate seems more like a political news forum than a child rape investigative forum which I joined. I'm not leaving because of that, as our case is very important, but I really hope us to do better.

jstrotha0975 ago

I think they turned the search bar off. You used to be able to type in any word and all the posts about it. We need the search bar back.

anonOpenPress ago


ps. There's a link "Alternative Search" in the side bar

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you.

equineluvr ago

All you folks lapping up every "detail" of the Seth Rich STORY will be feeling like crap if/when it is determined that the entire story is BS.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Really? You have info? I thought so!

jstrotha0975 ago

Exactly, show us some evidence it's a hoax.

anonOpenPress ago

Instead of rants here and there in the comments, maybe you should write a submission with reasoning / sourcing your opinion. Constructive or destructive, you decide.