awake4646 ago

Thanks for your post. Welcome to the team!

Is anyone else wondering if Seth Rich is an MK Ultra victim? I think I remember FBI Anon saying this could be linked to the former head of the CIA as well as two senators. Maybe they didn't just cover this up, maybe this is one of their guys whose programming snapped? Maybe that is where the speculation that this is tied to pizzagate comes in?

Assuming we are right about Podesta and some of the others we've been investigating, it makes total sense that you would want someone under your complete control with insider access to all of your data. You would want someone you had under MK ultra style control so that you could have them do whatever and then put on the face of the patriot after work.

I've been following as best as I can, so apologies in advance if this has been discussed. I haven't had a chance to look into Seth's social media in detail yet, but is anyone seeing signs of multiple personality disorder? We have a couple of unaccounted hours in between the time he left the bar and the time he was shot. He was shot very close to Pegasus museum (owned by Alefantis). What if they tried to bring him back into the fold and then realized he just wasn't controllable/trustworthy anymore?

Vindicator ago

Very interesting post, @DrainTheSwamp1776. Thanks. Here is the link to the original article for those who hate videos.

From what I know about Reddit TOS, they are very strict about doxing and personal information (a claim that they used to ban r/pizzagate, if I'm not mistaken). I'm sure that will be the reason given, if they respond to questioning.

I am going to give this an "IMPORTANT" flair for now.

pizzawithgreenchile ago

It's perfect. The edits can be justified by the the anti-doxx rule, but later the postings are useless for making a case, because they were edited.

Vindicator ago

Do you know if any of that happened with /u/Stonetear? I hadn't considered the legal angle to it, only the censorship; but you're right, compromising the evidence is much more valuable than controlling the narrative.

pizzawithgreenchile ago

I don't know. . But it sure reminds me of murder mysteries on TV where the bad guy rushes up and touches things in front of the detectives, and then says "oops.. heheh.. forgot there might have been fingerprints. Owell too late now eh?"

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Don't deflect attention from this post. Voaters are smart, if they're interested in that Chris Cornell conjecture post they will give it the time of day. Otherwise this is about Seth Rich and his Reddit posts being edited.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for speaking up, Roman Numeral. :-)

keepthefaith ago

Its all related dummy.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

First of all stop with the insults, don't be that person. Secondly, explain to me how linking a Chris Cornell post is related to Seth Rich's Reddit posts being edited?

keepthefaith ago

develop a thicker skin. And figure it out yourself. Start with how they both died.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Nice try. Next time try using much smarter methods to try and connect non-existant dots or simply start another thread to see how far that gets you. Leaving this here.

keepthefaith ago

It's "more smart." "Much smarter" is grammatically incorrect and makes you sound five.

EDIT: please grow a pair and write something interesting + relevant instead of arguing with pixels.

DrainTheSwamp1776 ago

First time posting, all the work you guys do is incredibly important.