DaleEaston ago

This guy also made pedophile references in his videos, obviously a satanist jew pedo. I'm not going to post a link to this sickening jew filth, but see the video for "black hole sun" - it's sickening jew pedo garbage, and every jew maggot involved in its production belongs in front of a firing squad.

AngB23 ago

Great find OP and I'm so sick. Love his voice. He had demons in the past, but this seems so out of the blue. Reports were coming out that he was on anti-anxiety meds and after concert he took some, called his wife and she said he was slurring his words. Supposedly Chris said he may have taken too much. The story sounded fishy as hell.

Anyone in the public eye that tries to speak out seems to either die or disappear out of the limelight. I wonder who is the other Producer of The Promise? Anyone know?

Vindicator ago

@keepthefaith: Can you explain why you are thinking someone would want to kill Cornell? "What did he find out?" is innuendo, not a research thesis. You've provided no evidence he found out anything -- no quotes of conversations or social media comments he made pointing in that direction, or anything.

If the supposed goal was to stop him from fighting human trafficking or suppress his projects, killing him would make zero sense -- it just draws attention to whatever he was involved in, or might have been.

Not seeing the logic here at all. Please clarify.

keepthefaith ago

Figure it out yourself, homie. If we had all the answers, we wouldn't be posting here. I know being given the title of M, makes you feel like your nuts are a few inches bigger, but this entire website is conjecture. Stop being an ass.

maggiethatcher ago

He has been at the refugee camps. What if he has seen things that do not fit the narrative and, if reported by a celebrity, would be devastating to the globalist establishment? Such as https://www.therebel.media/shocking_testimony_from_ngo_reveals_muslim_un_aid_workers_keep_yazidis_trapped_and_doomed_to_die

keepthefaith ago

voice of reason!

dmthirdeye ago


cloakslanga ago

This idea moves into general conspiracy rather than pizzagate specifically but I discovered today that Jacque Fresco, founder of the Venus Project, died on the same day as Cornell. If we are willing to entertain the notion that Cornell's death wasn't a suicide (I haven't been convinced yet personally but I'm going to throw this out there anyway) I feel another potential motive could be to distract from Fresco's death? Fresco's work centred on building a society uncorrupted by the greed of the elite, it's a stretch but it might make some sense.

keepthefaith ago

Possibly but don't make life hard for yourself. Occam's razor.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Holy shit... I didn't even think of connecting those dots. Well done OP.

  1. Search for details, updates surrounding his death that come forward.
  2. Listen to his wife... Keep an eye out, she seems critical of the "official" story
  3. Any note left?
  4. Watch what happens to/with his new program and movie

Misplacedmagic ago

When are these motherfuckers going to stop killing good people?

keepthefaith ago

VERY pertinent to V/Pizzagate. Not ONE mention of Chris + Vicky's 13 year long charity in all the media about his death, including Chris' recent trip to trafficking hotspot in Greece, just last month....

Jobew1 ago

he seemed like a pretty good dude. shame. hopefully this story gains traction

keepthefaith ago

share share share.

Jobew1 ago

he has a lot of fans. so i think there's a chance there's some type of investigation if the story can keep bubbling for a while. then again, prince was still very popular and the strange circumstances of his death have been largely forgotten. ill try to spread the word tho

keepthefaith ago

thank you. all stories die eventually, but its important to have this one highlighted right now and for as long as possible.

Prince died of Aids; so did David Bowie. (And Steve Jobs - while we're at it - and apparently Brad Pitt has it too. I think those are the only "strange circumstances". Oh. "Allegedly."

Here's Steve Jobs HIV file (yawn "allegedly"...)

Jobew1 ago

there's a little more to prince's death. never heard the aids part tho.....

Jobew1 ago

Its been a while. Having to emergency land plane being sick few days pre death, then being fit enough to do concerts. Riding bike day of death. Death occuring around beltaine or whatever that april occult time frame is. Queen releading a "purple reign" beer like same day of death. Just gotten catalogue back yr or 2 before death. But doc later said hard drug fentanyl was cause, so who knows and could well have been standard "od".

Edit...just saw ur link re aids....wow, cant believe i never heard that. Ok, most likely suspicions unfounded....tx ...re-edit. 6/2016 autopsy apparently contradicts hiv or aids diagnosis....who knows? Lets focus on cornell

angry_mob ago

THIS is the most interesting thing that i've seen today on the web. now i know why "they" offed him. those fucking son-of-a-bitches!! i can't begin to tell you how much i hate those people, if they can be called people at all. such a loss of a great talent! his poor wife, my God, i so feel for her. she's obviously not picking up what they're laying down. good for her.

keepthefaith ago

Share share share research research research!

keepthefaith ago

Spread Spread Spread. Research Research Research....

anonOpenPress ago

http://archive.is/tRleu (mirror)
http://archive.is/kaE3T (upworthy)
http://archive.is/niD5Y (pagesix)
http://archive.is/dBXVn (keeptalkinggreece)
http://archive.is/63gMR (aleteia)
http://archive.is/2zTFJ (youtube, page w/o video)

Important tip for everybody: Always archive external sources before submitting them here. There's a risk that the content gets removed from the original servers. For the most important sources, screen capture or page download recommended too.

Vindicator ago

Screencaps or downloads are vital -- the original content producer you are archiving can have the archive website remove any of their content under the DCMA with a takedown request. Even if it is fair use, most sites will remove anyway.

keepthefaith ago

thank you!

anonOpenPress ago

Any time. Feel free to edit those into your submission too (comments might sink pretty down in the page sometimes)

keepthefaith ago

ok. I wish more people would have commented here. I think this is a huge story. I will repost again later when there are more online and use the archived links this time!

carmencita ago

Please do. I would like to find out more about this than I heard on the news. It seems his wife said he took more of some pill that he takes. So maybe they have already payed her a visit? I don't believe for one nano second that he took his own life. He had everything to live for, his wife, precious children and saving the children of others.

Azagthoth ago

This is making his death realllllllllly hard to handle, being a fanatic of his music. Whats with that article about him meeting Clooney and trashing Donny? Something is amiss.

Edit; just listened to Temple of the Dog, King Animal and Down on the Upside. :(

Joe10jo ago

@azagoth, trashing Donny?? Donny who? All that comes to mind are Osmond and Wahlberg, lol. Or Donald Trump?

Azagthoth ago

Donald Trump.

ArthurEdens ago

I met Chris once and we talked about music. He was super friendly.

kingforpres ago

And he's suicided! Just another bad ass rocker with a drug problem. Don't look behind the curtain, nothing to see here.