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Vindicator ago

@anonOpenPress: Thank you for consolidating this into a single thread and raising awareness about the problem of duplicate posting. I have been trying to flair good non-Seth threads that are being buried. Please ping me to any you notice.

Just a bit of insight: Mods are discouraged from curating content -- the Voat-wide standard is that users are expected to downvote poor quality, redundant or otherwise inferior posts. I'm not sure why that doesn't happen in v/pizzagate as efficiently as it does elsewhere -- perhaps users have grown too dependent on mod removals?

In any case, to start removing duplicates, we would need to embark on a community-wide rule revision, which we've only had a few requests for. Were there a clamor for it, we could make a sticky so folks can vote on proposed changes. A few have asked for this in v/pizzagatemods, but not many. Anyone who wants this should comment and upvote that thread, so we can show community support for changing the rules.

anonOpenPress ago