quantokitty ago

Yeah, this! MSM is a joke ... a disgrace ... but things seem to be speeding up and turning around.

The Cannibal Elite must be shaking in their underground fortresses.

Deflo56 ago

The Russians must realize they are but cover for the murder of Seth. No sane person can articulate that Trump is in the Russians pocket. Only the killers would concoct this hairbrained crap. They are mad!

carmencita ago

Now they are trying to kill our research on Seth by vilifying his family.

jangles ago

His mother said he had bruises on his knees. This supports a different narrative then the MSM.

carmencita ago

I am not surprised the MSM is running a different story. The sheep that watch MSM do not check out the articles that we do. They will be sucking up all the lies.

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/russianembassy/status/865571158862811136 :

Russian Embassy, UK on Twitter: "#WikiLeaks informer Seth Rich murdered in US but 🇬🇧 MSM was so busy accusing Russian hackers to take notice. t.co/0XVezTyfHM"

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