cantsleepawink ago

I don't know if this has already been discussed in another Seth Rich thread but this information was posted to Facebook 2 days ago:

Independent citizen journalist George Webb suspects Rich was drugged, interrogated, then dumped on the corner and shot: "They propofoled him at 2AM, he gave up everything under drugs, and they rolled him out of the car at 4:15 AM." He'd been revived enough to call his girlfriend Kelsey Mulka, apparently at 4:17, and had been at a bar so perhaps attributed his condition to alcohol. " He went to the hospital at 4:20 AM, and he talked with his parents and brother. He was sitting up and talking with them, but he was still a bit groggy from the propofol." He lived till 6 AM, over 90 minutes after the shots. "Then the nurse anesthetist took him out at 5:59 AM" or an EMT finished him: "Trainees are a favorite. They are gone in a couple of days. No footprints. Off to another hospital.... I can take an ex-con, train them in two weeks to hang a drip bag, and then I am good at that hospital until somebody lodges a complaint, then I move him out. I still get six or seven "sleeps" out of him before someone complains." Or possibly Seth Rich had been drugged with something designed to interact with anesthesia.

"If there was the slightest possibility that Seth might be anywhere near close to death, the hospital would have had him on a heart monitor, a breathing ventilator, all sorts of drips, and literally everything a person needs to stay alive after being shot. What happened at the hospital makes no sense." -- rockguitarnow

“They were very surprised he didn’t make it,” Aaron Rich said emergency responders told him. “He was very aware, very talkative. Yep, that was 100 percent my brother.”

"So, an assassin(s) pushed a drugged Seth Rich out of their vehicle and shot him while they remained inside? That may explain the bruises and why no shell casings were recovered. They landed on the floor of the vehicle. The police were there in a little over a minute. Anyone on foot would have been caught. Who has possession of that convenience store video? Scary thought... Some operative was surveilling the scene and saw that Seth was still alive when the police came, and called ahead to someone at the hospital." -- Lane Change Webb explains the original set-up: "You can do the extraction off the street in a number of ways. Usually a pretty girl needing help with a tire, etc. You have the accomplice come from behind with the chloroform or whatever they use now. You usually explode something or stage a loud fight at the end of the street. Big move covers the small move. Once in the car, you go to a garage. He never leaves the back seat. He gives up [the name of Assange's now-dead lawyer] Ratner first (but I believe they already know that from [Clinton Foundation's former, perhaps extremely former employee Eric] Braverman), and then he gives up Jones and MacFayden." MacFadyen is a deceased American investigative reporter and deceased director of WikiLeaks. "The grogginess means Seth dissipates the propyfol.... When the police withhold the details, you know something is up. I think the two shots are necessary to signal the JTTF team to come pick him up." Webb also surmises, "Somebody leaked the NSA trace of Seth's calls to Ratner and Jones. I don't think he is killed just for emails. Usually, there has to be a meeting. ...It is after he gives Murray the thumbdrive in the park. He is going to call somebody in London to make sure they got the stuff. Hillary doesn't care about the intermediary. She didn't know who the contact point was in London. That's what they wanted. MacFayden recruited stringers every year at his journalism camp, and their feed point was Jones. That's what CIA didn't know was the feed point." Why would Seth Rich be interrogated before killed? "They need to make sure he hasn't contacted any additional people and check for a dead mans switch release."--Upside Down "Everyone is focusing on the emails to Wikileaks right now," Webb adds, "but it was Seth's phone call to Jones that killed him." Jones is also deceased.

So, what did Seth and his family talk about ? Can someone point me to the video or interview where Aaron or his father reveal what Seth said about his attackers?

Commoner ago

There is a certain talk show host who has always said that the Democrats and media will always promote the Republican candidate they fear least, i.e., the promotion of John McCain and Jeb Bush. The candidate that they fear most is the one they call crazy, ie, Donald Trump. I wonder if the same principle can be applied to pizzagate?

AngelTantrum ago

He's the reason we are here!

cantsleepawink ago

Nicely put.

zlomsocz ago

Are you kidding , the pizzagate podesta emails have virtually confirmed along with Robin yound guccifer convos and implications by assange and comments today by kimdotcom say that Seth was the Dnc leaker, his death directly coorosponds to the propoganda war we have been watching unfold with increasing pace. Shill off elsewhere

cantsleepawink ago

I'm not shilling. I've been concerned about the plethora of Seth Rich posts but maybe I'm too focused on my own research. I also believe that Seth Rich was the leaker but I've become concerned by watching the interviews with his family. Something seems off about them. I could be wrong but I'm advocating wariness. The story may be more complicated than we realize.

zlomsocz ago

The only Seth threads I have seen that are irrelevant are the ones talking about the family's facial expressions. What are you even implying, learly there is a lot going on we are unaware of, but even the little the public has access to shows this family is dealing with a lot, I've been a victim of violent crime and everyone reacts differently. The message is that setch was killed and this Russian malarchy is a direct retaliation/response to hide the truth about where these files came from

snefru ago

Seth was 27. Basically still a kid. The future of America. They murdered him so some corpse could keep power tripping. It didn't work anyway but these demons will keep running the same play until it's game over for them or for everybody else. They don't even have a choice now because they dug themselves such a deep hole. They have to keep digging and hope they somehow come out on the other side. That's the mindset. Watch Webb 208.5 or the film Candy Girl. Pedophilia and other forms of blackmail are the cover. It's a control mechanism to keep key people from speaking. It's necessary cover to protect drug networks, illicit arms sales, political corruption, and other racketeering schemes. These are real life vampires. They suck the life out of the country's youth in order to enrich themselves. Complete psychopaths.

Fatsack ago

Seth Rich was the leaker of the dnc leaks to wikileaks which helped reveal the pedophile code words in the Podesta Emails.

Commoner ago

There is good evidence that Seth was the leaker. John Podesta stated in an email that he was all for making an example of leakers. Appears to me that there is a strong link between the two, so why would it not be pizzagate related?

Orangutan ago

Seth released the Spirit Cookers' emails. Then the Spirit Cookers had Seth murdered.

Kacey ago

I don't think Seth Rich was connected to the Podesta e-mail leaks, only the DNC e-mail leaks. However I think that pizzagate is merely a peek into the corruption and attempts to limit this voat discussion to only "pizzagate" are inadvisable. Supposing Comet Pizza was shut down and Alefantis and Podesta sent to jail. The pedophila would go on, the people in high places that promote, participate and protect would remain untouched. To get the focus off Russia and onto the content of both the DNC and Podesta e-mails is a good thing. Note that while the MSM talks Russia and talks Flynn, the Podesta e-mails are forgotten. If it can be shown that Rich was the leaker of the DNC maybe the whole Russia thing will collapse and we can talk content. Don't forget that Flynn's son had some things to say about Pizzagate. In fact removing Flynn might have been more about Pizzagate than anything else. So destroying the "Russia did it" meme about all leaking, even DNC leaking, is a good thing. If we just examine the tread that we see, we don't accomplish much. If we pull on the tread perhaps the whole thing will unravel. I am in favor of letting tangential material stand. People can ignore comments they think aren't relevant. People who want to see a bigger picture can read them.

cantsleepawink ago

Our focus here is corruption which is connected to pedophilia. Could you explain how Seth links to that? This is not a thread for general corruption...a HUGE topic. And by the way, I have discovered possible Russian links to the global pedophile ring story. We need to take the party politics out of this discussion here. Pizzagate is another animal entirely.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Links to Australia, Belgium, The U.K., South Korea, and others as well. When do we call for war against them?

Kacey ago

OK so if someone suspects that something links to Pizzagate but can't quite prove it yet, then we can't discuss it? So we can only discuss what we know for sure links to Pizzagate? Well then the pizzagate investigation is pretty much doomed. Perhaps that is the point of trying all the time to narrow the focus, to keep it small, to make it fail.
Discussing the Russian aspect is not party politics. I am a liberal, lifelong Democrat. But there is absolutely NO proof that Russia leaked the DNC or Podesta e-mails. Gen Flynn has been removed because of supposed Russian contacts that are nothing unusual. So no one is paying any attention to what his son was saying about Pizzagate and resigns from Trumps transition team. Hmmm. Whether or not some Russians are involved in child trafficking is irrelevant. The MSM has successfully moved the Pizzagate story to the back burner. The Seth Rich story has the potential to revive it and to discredit the MSM. And the connection may run deeper, but hey if we can't discuss it how will we know. It is suggestive enough that I believe it belongs on this thread.

cantsleepawink ago

I take your point. I've just been concerned that Pizzagate is on the back burner as you say. And when I mentioned Russian connections I was referring to the wider pizzagate issue not the leaked DNC or Podesta emails. Let's see what happens next.

2impendingdoom ago

rule 4?

dreeeg ago

If its true it will help us because people need to have their faith in the mainstream media shaken

anonOpenPress ago

I'd hope all new Seth Rich submissions to be commented here

Gathering everything for a project there, and requesting help from others due to a lot of submissions (see comment). Welcome along.

cantsleepawink ago

Makes sense to have a focal point for the Seth Rich lines of inquiry.

privatepizza ago

  • this has the potential for being a huge red pill for the masses and PG needs people to be awake

  • it has the potential to bring down the first domino

  • it has the potential to put further public pressure and light on Clinton and Podesta (relevant to PG)

  • the event is exposing further, the corruption in DC including PG

  • if true he was killed, he was assassinated for exposing the truth. That concerns us PG researchers.

  • if he's the Wikileaks leaker, we have used and still use the DNC emails he leaked, in our research

  • if he was assassinated, the alleged perpetrators include John Podesta who is also front line PG

  • Wikileaks has been a main provider for info on PG. News about WK is relevant to the PG investigation

It's all connected and very relevant to PG imo. We all have different subjects which light our fires, and herin lies our strength : )

cantsleepawink ago

Does anyone know what Seth said to his father and brother during the one and a half hours in hospital that they visited with him?

equineluvr ago

Sorry, but you aren't going to be able to prove -- or even demonstrate -- that he was killed on the Internet.

cantsleepawink ago


DangerPizza ago

Circumstantial Evidence is achieved. Motive has been established. Means & Opportunity? Goons!

cantsleepawink ago

That's why we have a multitude of subverses leading off of the main pizzagate thread. I guess there are no more rules here ? Because I have a few doozies to throw in, in that case :)

DeathTooMasons ago

It belongs here and you are using reverse psycholory to say the mods should move these threads, because many of us know the mods are compromised, thus you will get sympathy. You won't get support on this. Seth Rich delivered info to wikileaks, wikileaks was sourced by PG online investigatores. What are you going on about? You must be a shill or somebody new. Seth Rich is directly connected to a lot of the research we have gone through. Stay out of the way if you still don't know what is going on.

cantsleepawink ago

Yeah, sure, I'm new

You've got to be able to debate issues without getting so agitated. I am very grateful that Seth Rich opened up a can of worms with Wikileaks. Yet, I'm seeing more to his story (I think) and I'm just trying to point that out..guess I'll have to put my other stuff aside and go peek beneath this particular surface...

privatepizza ago

Which have each just a handful of subscribers. I noticed your amazing posts and research have been burried under all of this this week however, and understand your POV. Maybe you'll consider reposting them all when this hot news settles down?

I'm sure even your doozies are awesome. Go for it :)

cantsleepawink ago

Timing is everything :)

V____Z ago

He's the source of the leaks behind pizzagate, the Podesta emails, and was murdered by the very people (or at least on behalf of them) at the heart of pizzagate. It's earth shattering news that we may be close to proving that he was the leaker, which will have ramifications that I can't even begin to imagine. This is huge. And it has everything to do with pizzagate.

equineluvr ago

Those are all suspicions. None of that has been proven, and you aren't going to be able to prove any of that on the Internet.

ScalarWhaler ago

Proof kinda falters in the face of overhwhelming public outcry... Justice occurs where they overlap, but doesn't require proof. I'm just hoping the public outcry reaches a level where justice is finally served.

equineluvr ago

Good luck with that.

cantsleepawink ago

and after seeing the panda interview with the family I believe that we're being played.

Commoner ago

I am not sure it is us who are getting played as much as the nonbelievers.

redditsuckz ago

Dont forget we were going to be getting most of these emails anyway from the FBI FOIA requests made from Judicial Watch. Wikileaks then controlled the email leaks.

Then there is the distraction from the real goldmine of the 12 million CIA pages that were released due to FOIA requests;

The CIA Just Dumped 12 Million Declassified Pages of Documents Online

cantsleepawink ago

I did forget that. Thank you for that highly relevant point. More to think about...

YingYangMom ago

Show me proof that Seth Rich was into S&M and a victim of MK Ultra and I will be believing we're being played too.

cantsleepawink ago

That's not what I said :)

YingYangMom ago

Isn't that what you're implying? Enlighten me, please.

cantsleepawink ago

I had the same gut reaction to that interview that I had to Sandy Hook family interviews..and many other staged interviews that I now see on American television. I watch the media alot and have some knowledge of it.

I just meant that the panda was a 'prop'...and there could be a number of reasons for that. I've seen a couple of other interviews with the parents and they seem 'prepared'. Again there could be a number of reasons. I'm not as invested in the whole Seth Rich story because I research many topics and I see him as part of a larger whole. I'm just saying don't get too blinkered over him.. I understand the reasons for the intense interest and speculation but there are many elements to the story that seem quite 'managed' to my eye.

YingYangMom ago

I see what you mean, but I also see what other users here are doing. What kind of things are they posting, is it relevant to PG or is it just a distraction tactic and you know, even though some of them are polite and respectable users, I can clearly see their agenda (even if they don't think anyone is on to them). And even though I don't always voice my opinion and leave comments, if I lurk for example, I can still analyse and weigh in what is being said or analyse the evidence they are providing in certain cases. I'm not referring to you in any way, but to some other voaters I've been on to for a month or two. There are 6 here in particular, on my radar right now. I cannot give out names. I just know and keep silent about it, for now. Remember my thread about Podesta's child abuse video? My perception had been influenced by a tweet and after I found out that I'd been played and might have myself regrettably influenced other voaters, I came out and offered a public apology. Since then, I've been playing this sort of 'game' to find out more about people here and their agendas, if they are being real or here to spread disinfo. I guess we get better with time. Still not perfect (I still make mistakes), but isn't the way to success filled with obstacles and failures? Take everything with a grain of salt. Everything. Analyse and don't jump to conclusions on a hunch. Give the benefit of the doubt, where it is due. Usually, if it doesn't seem to "fit" the liberal agenda, it most probably is true. Seth Rich doesn't fit with it. I'm personally ready to bet that he was for real. Assange, Guccifer 2.0, Kim DotCom seem to think so. Here's for getting the damn DNC, Clinton, Podesta, Brock, Mook, et al. Cheers :)

cantsleepawink ago

Absolutely. The disinfo game is quite sophisticated and it's still possible for more seasoned researchers to be drawn into a story that's been planted or tampered with in some way. I've got my own list of posters that I wonder about. As you say, 'trust no one and think for yourself'. And just to add a thought, there also seems to be a 'conservative' agenda.

Edit: Researchers need to disassociate themselves from having personal alliances with party politics as it can cloud judgement in our manipulated media-based reality.

YingYangMom ago

When I mentioned Liberal, what I meant was "The NWO-Globalist-Soros-led-Progressive-SJW-BLM-Destroy-the-Family-Unit-push-for-the-normalisation-of-anything-that-is-immoral-and-demonize-everything-that-is-moral-including-family-religion-and-personal-identification-such-as-culture-roots-and-sense-of-nationalism-Divide-and-Conquer-movement". I am not referring to democrats or republicans, liberals or conservatives, not in that sense anyway. I am NOT American, I can't identify with any group, however I see what's going on and I can tell you that this tactic I'm referring to is our common enemy. Just my two, very honest, cents.

HolyMoly0 ago

I've been saying "Leftist" instead of "Liberal." Like "Islamist" instead of "Muslim." Leftists and Islamists are the ideological radicals.

YingYangMom ago

Right, thank you. Any ideology that is extreme is bad, no matter what ideology it is.

Verite1 ago

And we should add "Rightist" to the list as well, since many of them were radical, not in facts, science deniers, homophobes, etc.

HolyMoly0 ago

Of course. I don't mean they're the only ideological radicals.

YingYangMom ago

no matter what ideology it is.


Altmight ago

Podesta and hiliary killed seth cuz he was the leaker, it proves the russian hack narrative is bullshit. The russian hack narrative is the main distraction from pizzagate. Getting Podesta any way possible is key to sucess.

redditsuckz ago

Distraction from net neutrality vote...

FCC votes to dismantle net neutrality as critics cry 'war on open internet

Distraction from evidence uncovered by pizzagate reserchers...

Art in Embassies Program Gave Podestas, Jeff Koons, Rockefellers, Clintons, Marina Abramovic, Rothschilds even Alefantis access to a private shipping channel that could bypass airport security

Seth Rich is Jewish = biggest Red Flag

Seth Rich family is Jewish = Red Flag

Seth Rich being promoted by Jewish Media = Red Flag

Seth Rich spam over the last 72 hours = big red flag

equineluvr ago

Yes, I posted about the Rich family being Jews a couple of days ago.

Important info. Thank you.

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you. My own investigations into the Child Mind Institute also add fuel to your stated threads.

redditsuckz ago

My own investigations into the Child Mind Institute also add fuel to your stated threads.

If I recall correctly your specific thread below was also getting buried by the Glacier Dentist in Alaska spam threads;

Rachel Bloom of "Sex Junk" infamy is now a spokesman for Child Mind Institute. Seems they're coming for the mental health of your kids now....

cantsleepawink ago

Yes. It's not the first time I've been a victim of 'forum slide'. But the idiots don't realize that this acts as an indicator to a researcher which lines of inquiry one should look into more intensley. And the Child Mind Institute is turning into a gold mine for me. Many leads which take me to information already posted on here and at the time we didn't fully appreciate what we were looking at, and also new leads. I've tried to encourage others on here to look into them as well but the Seth Rich thing is swamping the subverse at the moment. I don't mind too much because I know the more clued up researchers on here are quietly beavering away. The next thing we need to be concerned about is the wave of posters who will come here from the donald redit thread. Many great researchers there but that is primarily a political thread and I see that's what's happening here again. It's all DNC stuff at the moment. We have to take the party politics out of this..I will post in the next few days about how we are being played by both main parties.

2impendingdoom ago

Most of us here already understand that we are being played by both parties, stay and educate any newbies from reddit, as it is a crucial concept for repairing our national mental health. exposing that Seth Rich is clinton body count is huge for pizzagate and getting power away from the corrupt, it will validate nearly everything else we are finding. We can't prove child porn on the internet without risking arrest for it our selves, but we can take down the clinton cabal for murder.

I've always appreciated your posts so I find it strange that you see Seth Rich a distraction, the pizzagate definition has always included podesta/clinton corruption, not just pedophilia, its been on the sideboard all this time.

YingYangMom ago

exposing that Seth Rich is clinton body count is huge for pizzagate and getting power away from the corrupt, it will validate nearly everything else we are finding. We can't prove child porn on the internet without risking arrest for it our selves, but we can take down the clinton cabal for murder.

I couldn't agree more :)

2impendingdoom ago

and i'm feeling like Armyseer making a mental shill list for all these "lets not look at Seth anymore" commenters

YingYangMom ago

Same. I'm taking on the heat here for it, but somebody's gotta do it.

2impendingdoom ago

the 4chaners are all out and will bust it, they seem to have a lot of resources on it

YingYangMom ago

I hope so. I'm glad they're here now :)

2impendingdoom ago

I think its reddit the Donald who migrated, As far as I can tell they mainly rightwing jew and lib haters, not sure about 4chaners. 4chaners are all about faggot and kek,

YingYangMom ago

Oops LOL

palmitespo910 ago

I believe it is a distraction tactic. I, personally, focus on many topics at once so it's not like talking about Seth Rich distracts me from any of the other subjects, but I fear that others don't have the same ability. You know the kind...the kind that just follows what the crowd is talking about. There are many people behind the scenes that are just ignoring the sensationalizing and getting work done.

Edit: Also, op, this should go in /v/pizzagatewhatever

cantsleepawink ago

I like the irony of your /v/pizzagatewhatever suggestion. That's where the Seth Rich threads should go too.

palmitespo910 ago

I completely agree.

Kleyno ago

Dunno. Perhaps he was killed for finding out more than just how the DNC were playing the system. We'll never know, since his laptop has gone bye bye.

cantsleepawink ago

I have news for you...key figures in the Trump administration are also up to their eyeballs in this.

Gothamgirl ago

Who? If true they need to be exposed to.

cantsleepawink ago

I wasn't referring to Rich's death..I was referring to the wider pizzagate issue.

Gothamgirl ago

So was I, thats why I asked, I am curious. I don't want to support anyone involved in that going forward. I just haven't seen much pointing that way.

cantsleepawink ago

All I can say at the moment is that when I was researching the Hampstead children case almost two years ago now, some leads led me to the Kushner clan and also some possible Russian connections (don't forget the mother is Russian). I'm trying to warn people not to fall into the trap of only focusing on the DNC. I've noticed any threads on here that might lead to any implications of people who are connected with the current administration are swiftly dealt with using mechanisms like 'forum slide'.

Really, when you think about it Kushner is very much caught up in the NY real estate world which I'm finding has an almost mafia-like grip on the property market. That isn't news. The connections run deep. I have to put together a more detailed post but that will take time and careful crafting.

I'm increasingly convinced that we are all pawns in a highly complex political game of chess. I knew that posting a 'hold up, hold up, let's back up a bit with the Seth Rich probe' would raise the ire of the community here but I am no slouch in the body language reading department myself, and the recent videos of his family have me quite concerned. I think that something is wrong there. I don't know what but we have to examine every story... Look at the Hampstead case for example, I was part of a UK based research forum discussing the case. That forum was swarming with intelligence and psychologists. I came to believe that the behaviour of the forum was being studied, not just to put a gate on the story but for some future reason. It was obvious because of the enormous resources that were put into that. Even the BBC got involved with that fake interview with Ricky Dearman. I sat back and waited. One and a half years later, we have pizzagate. I can see the obvious parallels.

We now live in a media-based reality. Most of what we now see and hear has been planned a long time ago. It's not possible to get everything right all of the time. So, I've learned to go with my gut.

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you for the comment, now I have something to explore.

cantsleepawink ago

Here's another pointer:

As the article mentions Kushner works with Tishman Speyer...they have property in Westminster..there's a connection to the Hampstead case..and that's what led me to New York.

Commoner ago

What do you mean? Do you know of any deaths associated with Trump or his campaign?

cantsleepawink ago

I didn't mean to imply that it's related to Rich's death..I was referring to the wider pizzagate issue.