HillBoulder ago

Spokeswoman you insensitive racist misogynist homophobic transphobe

cantsleepawink ago

It was a mistake, normally I would type 'spokesperson'. It is not possible to edit the titles on voat posts. Now how do you feel ? Idiot.

And for the record, you have no idea of my gender, race or sexuality.

HillBoulder ago

It's such an obvious joke get a sense of humor

cantsleepawink ago

Oh. Hard to tell on the internet. :)

HillBoulder ago

Like I said. Get a sense of humor

cantsleepawink ago

Jeez. I put the smiley at the end of my last sentence. What part of that didn't you get? Guess I'll now have to say you could adopt your own advice too.

ThePedoHunter ago

Sorry, but what am i looking at? I watched the vid and all I saw was some slapper with issues. How is this Pizza gate related? How is this closer to evidence to bringing down a pedophile?

Nadeshda ago

No, I'm not kidding... sorry, if I gave you that impression... On a side note there is a lot of rubbish kids shows out there... plus rubbish reviews to refute and I'm a bit of a stickler to high moral and honesty, and especially when it comes to kids... it may not be useful to many, but I am certainly up for the idea of rebutting that which is currently being pushed on our kids filled with harmful intent and destruction and pointing out those issues which need to be addressed by the loving and concerned parent.

I hope this makes sense, speaking comes so much easier to me then writing does, epecially the fact that I am on a phone right now...

GuannaRue ago

Lol, i see what you mean but, i think she is being genuine.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Basically, unplug. Not hard to do at all. They will get degeneracy at school but by the time they are adults they will be much better off.

You don't want to swing too far so that you come off as a zealot. You want to just keep exposing your kids to positive things. Have fun outdoors, learn about interesting things and every once in a while make fun of consumerism or Hollywood movies without naming the Jew. I find it's best to never name the Jew to your kids.

Rellik88 ago

Go forth and breed like the Zerg!

Nadeshda ago

Its a good question/ suggestion, wow... I think your on to something here...

Hmmm... thank you, I think you have possible helped me make sense of how to be of value whilst protecting that which is so valuable and precious, the very minds of our children...

I may ask you for help, because you mentioned it... ☺️ Ok? 🙂

artfullyours ago

I did watch the video and it was not as bad as I anticipated. Nothing about sex. She talks about depression and anxiety. About how it's ok to tell someone and that they are not alone, that lots of people have it. I thought you meant that she was going to be like a forever spokesman...I sincerely hope not!

gentlemanadventurer ago

Fucking jews hate White children so much they want to expose them to degeneracy at a very young age. Protect your children keep them away from jews or niggers.

Nadeshda ago

You know how much critical research would have to go into that? Secondly, its actually impossible to find anything that has not been tainted.

Study material alongside it, is much easier to provide, using it as a learning tool, for critical thinking and how to disseminate information given.

This is pretty much what takes up a lot of my time with my own children...

Big_Willy_Wallace ago


CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago

This video is chilling.

looking4truth ago

I used to think (((they)) were just a meme. But I can't stop noticing (((their))) pattern . Everytime I hear about some fucked up society destroying shit it's always one of (((them))) behind it.

1Sorry_SOB ago

One's children may not turn out well on their own but if you mix Jewish things in with their upbringing you will more likely end up with a slut daughter that will not make a good mother or a beta male son.

They will NOT be racist to the point of self hatred too.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Tip to young parents. Avoid things Jewish for a rearing a gentile child that will live a healthy life as an adult.

Sad to say but its the truth.

hojuruku ago

This came into my mail box 10 mins ago! MassResistance.org just put out a press release about the gay pedophile organizations of America trying to make it against the law to provide ex gay therapy to a child who was raped into homosexuality, as well as make it so school Councillors / psychologists can turn kids gay without their parents consent. http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen3/17b/MC-CO-vs-age-of-consent-therapy/bill-stopped_050917.html Also see this - the gays are pushing to make sex with dogs legal yet again... http://www.massresistance.org/docs/issues/splc/targeting-mr-chapters-2017.html and my extra coverage: http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/05/splc-soros-sponsor-gay-terrorist.html

sugarskull ago

Not to mention you can touch my boobies song fame.. 5m+ views on yt. Barf!!

remedy4reality ago

panda eyes

remedy4reality ago


DonKeyhote ago

She repeatedly references spirals, and not with the common "downward" phrase.

It's clear that certain celebrities are called upon to do public things that irreparably embarrass them -- think Shia LeBoeuf and now this jewess and Bill Nye.

Should be possible to examine the producers of the show, their political donations and maybe find some recurring names

Brainyidiot ago

Great post bro

redditsuckz ago

She is a "hypnotist"...its like these jews go to a school JUST to learn how to mind control goyim...

She is holding a spiral cup and telling the viewer to "focus" on her boobs...


@8:40 (((CIA))) agent alex jones does some mind control hypnotism with the words "It doesnt Exist" + "Now you begin to see" and then a snap of the fingers;


David Seaman is in "Deep Shit" - Con Artist 101 | NLP & Mind Control


This is the mind control in JUST a 5 minute news broadcast in the media;

Total Breakdown of The Media's Use of NLP & Mind Control


This adds to my theory that the whole Baphomet image contains MKULTRA that is used on the public from birth;



cantsleepawink ago

That's a very interesting comment. I've been thinking lately more about the increased mind control that we're seeing everywhere and hypnotism is an element to the Hampstead children story that hasn't been explored enough. Hmm..

jstrotha0975 ago

No, i finally got my life back on track. A house and 2 cars. I got too much to lose now. I was homeless for 8 months from 2010-2015.

ByTheBook ago

What was it like being homeless? You can answer in a private message if you'd prefer. If one knew one was about to be homeless, how would one prepare?

1NationUnderAGroove ago

You can't prepare for that shit! Its day to day, you against the world.. and it also gets very boring... Try to avoid it.. but if you have a car things would be a bit better.. as you could travel/camp out of town

ByTheBook ago

I can't drive so I guess that's out.

You against the world: sounds like a good way to put it.

Grifter42 ago

I was homeless briefly, after my house burnt down. We lived out of a Motel Six for a while after that. It was shitty as hell. Then, we moved in with my aunt until we could afford to get a place of our own. If you're about to be homeless, try and find someone who cares about you who will help you get back on your feet.

Also, get a gym membership to one of those twenty four hours a day gyms. It's shelter from the elements, and you can work out, and become King Bum.

ByTheBook ago

I believe you. I'm not exactly looking forward to it, but if all goes well... well actually "going well" in this instance is very subjective.

Long story very short, I'm going homeless as a result of discovering about pizza gate.

Grifter42 ago

Seek out family or friends that can help you get back on your feet.

Don't let Pizzagate ruin your life like it has all those poor kids.

If I might ask, how did learning about Pizzagate lead to that?

ByTheBook ago

You can ask, but I can't say. I'm sure you'll remember this comment thread later when things get strange.

jstrotha0975 ago

If I didn't believe in God, i would have killed Podesta and Alefantis already. Too bad this didn't happen 15 years ago when I was a depressed Atheist. I'm on meds now.

jstrotha0975 ago

Look at her eyes, how dark they are. Something definitely wrong. The lights are on but nobody's home.

44NJ9 ago

They don't have complete power over your kids. It's going to take some effort and work but it's time parents reclaim the right to their kids' minds. Get them off the TV, Disney and Cartoon Network are especially destructive, Disney is all about sexualization and Cartoon Network is like watching a mentally deranged lunatic. Get your kids back into nature. Nature has everything, it's healing, it's entertaining, it connects us back to life and Source. It teaches compassion for all things, when you learn to be a good caretaker of the earth you put value back on life. Get your kids on real living food, not this garbage in a box. We are living being, meant to interface with the real world, not just on technology. Redpill your kids, a sovereign mind with strong discernment will not fall victim for this garbage. We take back our world right after we take back our minds and the minds of our youth from this attempted highway robbery of our souls.

survey_girl ago

same could be said for us adults too. We don't do anything "real" anymore... it is all done on a screen. We don't use real money, we just swipe a card and never physically have cash. We don't read real books, we don't have real relationships - just converse on social media... the MSM isn't reporting on real news. We don't eat real food, just fast food or processed crap because it is easier to do in our fast paced lives. We all need to slow down and get back to the way life was meant to be. We need to enjoy life, not just go through the motions.

artfullyours ago

Society's problem is going to be with the homes that do not monitor their kids. Lots of low income and even career people because they are so busy let the T.V. be their babysitters. Our kids are in trouble! Public Schools are a mess. I can't believe they are letting this woman have any influence on young minds. Just like Hitler, it is obvious that they are targeting the young minds because they know adults will not stand for it! I thank the Lord that my kids do not allow trash on their T.V.s.

heyjon ago

I just recently came to all the same conclusions you stated here. Best way to live. A little isolating right now, but more people are turning to it.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

Totally agree, and one step further. Watching TV, sitting on the computer, and looking down at your phone all destroy your spine and posture.

Parents have to take their kids back from the combine of BS education (conditioning) and harmful media (basically most of it).

1Sorry_SOB ago

They don't have complete power over your kids. It's going to take some effort and work but it's time parents reclaim the right to their kids' minds. Get them off the TV, Disney and Cartoon Network are especially destructive, Disney is all about sexualization and Cartoon Network is like watching a mentally deranged lunatic. Get your kids back into nature. Nature has everything, it's healing, it's entertaining, it connects us back to life and Source. It teaches compassion for all things, when you learn to be a good caretaker of the earth you put value back on life. Get your kids on real living food, not this garbage in a box. We are living being, meant to interface with the real world, not just on technology. Redpill your kids, a sovereign mind with strong discernment will not fall victim for this garbage. We take back our world right after we take back our minds and the minds of our youth from this attempted highway robbery of our souls.

This is the natural way to raise a child. You get TV out of the house and they will never pick up the habit as adults. There is plenty to do without it. Good food, nature, these things also set patterns for life. Don't take your kids to the mall. Being frugal and eschewing consumerism sets another life pattern.

PlebeianCuck ago

Yes this , nature

YingYangMom ago

This is the most intelligent and level-headed comment I've heard in a long time. Wish I could upvoat 1000 times.

cantsleepawink ago

Me too.

ArtsyLiberationz ago

horrible media

Jobew1 ago

what legitimate responsible entity would hire this barely talented troll to be a spokesperson?

44NJ9 ago

Ones that worship Molech and want to sacrifice your kids soul or keep us locked into the Dark Matrix of Humanity. Obviously not ones that want us to go to the light.

Jobew1 ago

sounds about right

ArthurEdens ago

Remember when they would exile anyone that had a toe wet in vulgarity away from anything child related, like Pee-Wee Herman?

GimmyJimmy ago

You blame jews, but 1 going to save you from all your wretched sins. Yeah, ok.

GimmyJimmy ago

Maybe if your King James Version of it.

GimmyJimmy ago

You speak Spanish?

Gorillion ago

Sink, faggot. Sink like the Titanic into the icy black abyssal waters.

OdaNobunaga ago

Das pedojüden

equineluvr ago

Jews be Jewin'.

Jews have the highest rates of mental illness -- across the board -- of any other group. Unfortunately, they want EVERYONE to be mentally ill so they can be prescribed toxic, sometimes brain-altering "medications" as "treatment." (Prozac and other SSRIs have been proven to permanently alter neural pathways.) Even sans medications, they (NGOs, mental health "agencies," etc.) will make a fortune off of you.

Then, once you're saddled with the diagnosis of being "mentally ill," it's used as an excuse to curb your civil liberties.

This INDUSTRY and the agenda it serves are evil.

survey_girl ago

Look at all the mass shootings that involve people on SSRIs. (putting on my tin foil hat - some of these might be false flags done by the government to get the average citizen to be ok with taking away the rights of anyone on mental health meds. You always have to look and see what the law makers try to pass right after one of these shootings). There are SO MANY Americans on anti-depressants & Xanax & ADHS (etc, etc.) medications now it is scary how over prescribed they are - and how young they are prescribing these mind altering drugs too.

jstrotha0975 ago

Jews are mentally ill because of the inbreeding. Just like the elites, they like to keep it in the family. It's not uncommon for brother and sister to get married.

GimmyJimmy ago

Christians be looking for a JEW to save their fucking wretched asses.

mrohm ago

Jesus was not a Jew in the modern religious sense.

ByTheBook ago

Who better to conquer the so called Jews than the King of the Jews?