anonOpenPress ago

Collaboration update: THIS LIST IS DONE

All sourced claims from above were cherry picked ( /v/pizzagateTeamwork/1883867 Sort the comments by "New")

Moving on to collection 2, and HELP would be really welcome. You people submit more than a few investigators can handle.

carmencita ago

@quantokitty Here is the link for the page: On there you were commenting about a user talking about a camera and two guys going either west or south.....I remember that from reddit. He is the guy that mapped out a whole route as to how the attackers escaped through a cemetery, saying that was the only clean way out For the life of me I cannot remember the street they would exit the cemetery on but I do remember the user - street1510 Is this useful in any way?

quantokitty ago

Hey, thanks. Not sure, but I do remember that thread about the new surveillance footage. Thanks again.

reasonedandinformed ago

2017-05-19 @reasonedandinformed One America News Network is running prominent story about Seth Rich, shows his connection to the DNC leaks to Wikileaks, and is offering a $100,000 reward!

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks! The list has reached post length limit, but let's remember this here (please vote up the above comment)

flyingcuttlefish ago

Seth Rich murder investigation - 2 twitter accounts to watch

anonOpenPress ago

Added, and I reached the final length limit so I took only a part of the topic. This remains as the last link on this list then, must do another if there's still more important info coming up... Or maybe we have enough by now

flyingcuttlefish ago

I say good job. It is enough to get anyone a running start on the topic no matter where it leads.

I do not see how Hillary's gang is going to keep a lid on it. So far all they have is calling everyone looking at it a 'conspiracy theorist'.

flyingcuttlefish ago

and all on Twitter for #SethRich

privatepizza ago

Thanks @anonopenpress for tagging me. It's so good that you're organising us all ! I'd dearly love to help, however unable at the moment due to a deadline. Any thing in the future please ping, and I wish you all God Speed with this collation. You're doing AMAZING work that could change the world,

anonOpenPress ago

np, always great to see your posts here. Thanks for the future ping option and all the cheers

privatepizza ago

A pleasure, and thanks again to you ; )

flyingcuttlefish ago

not a news submission, but any contributing to this list who need help with images, or how to do a screen grab or how to use Paint etc. can contact me.

I do lots with screen grabs for pages that may disappear etc. - or to show G00gle censoring search terms by giving junk link results.

flyingcuttlefish ago

[ this is George Webb ... in case that's iffy for mod ]



Since this is hospital news maybe it can be double checked by another report (?)

Blacksmith21 ago

I will have to abstain. My discretionary time is at a minimum at the moment and about to get a lot less for a while. FWIW - If I am very scarce through July, it is intentional. I'll keep and eye on the sub and if I can provide any insight from a DC perspective, I'll add my .02. Keep up the good fight.

Dressage2 ago

I don't know what is on your plate, but I do enjoy your great posts. Looking forward to you contributing again.

anonOpenPress ago

np, thanks for telling

anonOpenPress ago

@quantokitty @flyingcuttlefish @bobber @Blacksmith21 @privatepizza

I call you in for collaboration on this. I suggest you each (and me) to pick 11 submissions from above and collect the claims following the How-To subtopic here. Please reply in advance with the time gap you select, to avoid duplicate work between us, and then comment with the claims collected. I'll then gather all these comments into a new Stage 2 post. Thanks if you join.

anonOpenPress ago

UPDATE: Collaboration moved to


anonOpenPress ago

@flyingcuttlefish @srayzie @V____Z @downtown76 @Mad_As_Hell

Calling you for some collaboration on Seth Rich, see comment /v/pizzagate/1867217/9146184

V____Z ago

burn out mode still, will pitch in when my brain comes back.

flyingcuttlefish ago

OK. Fot easy research later as the topic expands and more elements come into play it will be important to keep the topics well organized. Like word game 20 questions - you start with the big things (in the game it's "are you animal, vegetable or mineral?).

So maybe simple things like past, present, unverified, opinion, query, etc. would be good.

Past and Present would be known facts and conjecture or theory would be not in those threads.

Maybe copy the structure of what you may think is a well organized discussion forum.

FYI my topics posted on Before It's News are here -

anonOpenPress ago

While the topic may keep expanding, I think it's good to just start with the oldest posts (from the top of the list) and cherry pick any claims in there. No need to dig into the claims in the next layer of links yet, let's just pick the claims in the submissions, including their (possible) sources, like it's done here.

Claims cherry picked doesn't need to be well organized either at this point. They'll get organized when reaching Stage 3. Let's keep this easy for everybody to join. (I'll also add any later posts to the end to keep this project up to date.)

anonOpenPress ago

anonOpenPress ago


  • List of submissions mentioning Seth Rich source
  • Not filtered (might include duplicates, unrelated posts, non-useful posts, shill posts)
  • Does not include Seth Rich mentions in comments (only in topic / OP content)
  • Due to the amount of posts, some help would be welcome on this project. Please refer to /v/pizzagate/1861853