carmencita ago

Not anymore. They are all running scared.

carmencita ago

Yes, there must have been horrible happenings. I shudder to think. Yes, I imagine he is not very popular among others. Knowing of his nasty mean personality I would think only those that travel in the same circles are interested. I would not walk on the same side of the street.

carmencita ago

I may have to put off reading it till later, I am eating my roast chicken right now. If I read that I may never be able to eat the chicken again. I have thought before about how vile and cold and cruel those brothers are and thought I have no remorse for them, I wonder what in the world made them the way they are. It is frightening.

4_InquiringMinds ago


If I read that I may never be able to eat the chicken again.

This world is so filled with violence, cruelty, torture. Yet animals are tortured and ppl look the other way. The violence will stop when it stops for all/its not something you can compartmentalize/torture bad here/okay there. Violence begets violence. Everything has an energy. I was raised on meat. When a friend explained that I was eating fear I stopped/that was over 40 years ago. One of the kindest things anyone ever taught me.

And if the animal suffering is not enough the workers work in such horrific conditions injuries are common (some very serious and some fatal). The quotas of birds 'processed' per hour keeps being bumped so workers have resorted to wearing diapers bc there is no time to have a bathroom break. Many are women and a fair number are pregnant. And yet we wonder why the world is in such a state of denial and apathy.

Food For Thought

carmencita ago

Thank you. We have cut our meat intake in half. I agree with you all the way. Thanks for reminding us.

carmencita ago

I have always been highly suspicious when ever I read that phrase, Mary's 25 (?) adopted children. Hmm. Something just does not sit right. Yes if those 2 brothers where that abused (they had to be since they are so very brutal) then it started somewhere, it is usually in the family or at their school.

V____Z ago

I love this!

carmencita ago

Yes, Add just a little sludge to a pool of clean water and the whole pool is contaminated. It is called Muddying the Waters.

jstrotha0975 ago

Look for more false flags to happen in the coming days. Things always happen in threes.

carmencita ago

Bingo. I started watching a few videos and also read quite a bit about what other members wrote about his discoveries, the same thing started going through my mind. How can this guy still be alive. A lot of times I see him walking around with out heavy security. We would be dead. You see what happened to Ryan over Pegasus.

carmencita ago

This brings to mind one thing. A sort of brain washing ala a mini MK Ultra or Project Monarch game? I hate to put it that way but when it never leads to anything what can you say? Am I hoping I am wrong? You bet.

ArthurEdens ago

That synthetic weed excuse is their go-to lately. That Tim and Eric guy said he was stabbed by a neighbor kid tripping out on synth weed, which sounds like a cover up.

V____Z ago

Check this guys videos from today. The whole thing was a staged hoax. No wonder Webb is there trying to make it look legit. I hear he talks about all hoaxes as if they really happened.

No blood, all staged

Admission it was staged

V____Z ago

Sorry, I hope my reply doesn't sound rude. Didn't mean it that way! I hear GLP tracks you. When I visit it, it says it has me blocked. I've heard warnings not to visit that site, and they seemed legit.

V____Z ago

No I don't believe that's accurate. It's just something Webb said, that he might try and interview the brother. At least that is what I've gathered. He likes to be in the spotlight, it seems.

V____Z ago

Im sure it's interesting, but GLP is one site I won't visit. My overall trust level these days? About 0.

I just think the crash is like people were saying online yesterday - expect a false flag, they don't want us talking about the Seth Rich discovery. Knowing it's a false flag and that they want us to focus on it, makes focussing on it very unappealing to me. It's the rebel in me. Got me in trouble as a teen, but it keeps me safe now.

goodguy1367 ago

Ole Damegard predicted a NY false flag on the 3/22!

V____Z ago

And lots and lots of drama. It's almost like project chaos that the Soros team are doing.

n0mar ago

Why is there absolutely zero social media for the 18-year old victim Alyssa Elsman except for one hastily thrown together Instagram-like account?

Not sure whats meant by this, but this is her Instagram: is just a third-party website that fetches Instagram posts/profiles.

Secondly, why is this in /v/pizzagate?

keepthefaith ago

The answer is in the title of the posting, dummy.

And the actual Instagram doesn't look any less fake. When you google her name, the Instagram account doesn't come up near the top of the first few pages of search results, like you would expect of an 18 year old. Piclone randomly appears on page 5. All fake fake fake. Half the pics don't even look like her.

seekingpeace ago

Believe it or not but there are people and organizations that will pay you a lot of money if you have a big audience and can influence the narrative. Even more so in the alternative media.

This is a growing demographic as more and more people become disenchanted with MSM.

It's always best to verify things yourself and ask questions.

DarkMath ago

"How did the driver drive at high speed down Seventh Avenue in Manhattan?"

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

It could have been any drug like bath salts, flakka, crack, take your pick. I personally would include Irish Whiskey because when I was drinking I did some shit I ain't proud of. I never killed anyone. But when the neighbor below me decided to set up an off-license for profit marijuana dispensary out of his bedroom window and his friends didn't have good aim when they were drunk which led me to descend two floors and around the back making sure to pick up an object possibly a largish rock or half a brick (I can't really remember to be honest with you) and assist my neighbor's drunk friend by providing an example of how it's done meaning how to a) identify the correct window and b) hit that window and c) with enough velocity to preclude another throw but unfortunately requiring a new window.................well then Irish Whiskey is a helluva drug too.


keepthefaith ago

"Whispers to Dark Math"

It was a rhetorical question. The driver didn't drive at high speed down Seventh....because that part was fictitiously made up by the media. Much like another minor incident in New York, involving towers and 'planes' and suchlike, some time back :)

DarkMath ago

"rhetorical question"

I know. I just felt like making a joke because if I wasn't laughing I'd be cryin'.


equineluvr ago

I warned you about looking in the mirror.

keepthefaith ago

I'm here for you x

Jem777 ago

I think it is interesting that George Webb who had just uncovered the identity of the attending physician of Seth Rich death & posted picture of bar owner Joe Capon & the whitehouse visit 4 days before Seths death. He spoke about Seth as the leaker minutes before.

He was in New York running down the Weiner/Abedin & Awan brothers Pakistan ISI infiltration filming on that street when the driver bore down against traffic in the area he was at. He was safe but shaken.

keepthefaith ago

Jem, this is all insane. But why try to run him down when there are many other low key options to silence him instead. I don't really understand?

Shillary ago

Heard he was trying to kill George Webb

seekingpeace ago

Myth-making at it's finest. Lot's of effort to go to when you could easily get him travelling around the countryside. You can't really believe this?

equineluvr ago

Most here are morons drinking the Webb Kool-Aid.

Of course they believe it!!

seekingpeace ago

It's really disappointing when he clearly states he was blocks away from the accident, didn't see anything yet he implies with a worried look and shifty eyes, that maybe "they" were after him. You tube Super Agent Webb!

The lack of critical thinking from his "followers" is really disturbing.

carmencita ago

It is all becoming so clear to me now. It is sounding beyond hokey now. Somewhat disappointing that people do this for a living.

keepthefaith ago

I don't know what's real anymore.

seekingpeace ago

Nature - it's good to commune with animals and nature and spend time away from the internet. But I know what you mean about reality and I think it's part of the big picture to break the human spirit.

keepthefaith ago

Thank the universe for pets, nature and a few good folk (present company included!)

keepthefaith ago

Somebody else said this too. Wow.

Saibra ago

I was wondering if he was aiming for George Webb? He was pretty shaken up in his last video today. He said he was walking one or two blocks ahead of the accident scene with members of his family.

seekingpeace ago

Well he's now created a distraction for why his "alleged" interview with Seth's brother won't happen.

V____Z ago

If the powers that be wanted him dead, he would be already. He's not that important.

Saibra ago

Well, 26,000 + people think he's pretty important, and he's doing a good job.

V____Z ago

True, but he erases messages from his Facebook that challenge him. The people who aren't fans and who are questioning him are silenced or, like here at Voat, hassled and trolled (not referring to you), so we really don't have a good feel for the discerning voices, only the praise. It's manipulative and dishonest.

keepthefaith ago

How in the world is David Icke still breathing?

V____Z ago

Maybe the reason he talks about reptilians is to be the "crazy conspiracy guy", and therefore not seen as serious, and as a threat. He can be written off and laughed at pretty eailsy. It's those who are serious, like Ben Swann or David Seaman, that they go after.

rwb2 ago

That's a random and baseless statement.

V____Z ago

Note that it begins with the word "maybe".

rwb2 ago


Maybe that's a random and baseless statement.

keepthefaith ago

But Icke has millions of disciples, much more than Swann, Seaman, Richie Allen etc

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Ungrounded looking/sounding folks are allowed on to discredit at no cost to them.

seekingpeace ago

No, he genuinely believes it. The crazy thing is that there are plenty of really old estates in England that do have a lot of ornamental carvings and woodwork with reptilian figures. I've seen them with my own eyes.But you're right in that he can be dismissed easily as the crazy CT guy.

If you want a "serious" career in the media you have to toe the line and there are plenty of people who will. Those who don't...

V____Z ago

I didn't mean to insinuate that he doesn't believe it, but that the fact he talks about his belief openly is what keeps him alive (whether or not that was his intention).

seekingpeace ago

I think because the reptilian part of his narrative is just crazy enough that many people think he's a nutjob. Not saying I don't believe him but that aspect of his research keeps him alive. Just my opinion.

keepthefaith ago

Wow - just saw his video. I did not know George was in NYC. This is crazy. The car was aimed at him??

Saibra ago

No. I'm just summizing. He was shaken up.

equineluvr ago

Yes, NYC is bustling with people -- especially Times Square -- and MOSSAD agent George Webb MUST have been the target.

Thanks for the laugh!!!

V____Z ago

And you believe they're worried about researchers being on them, why? I don't know, I just see them trying very hard to get out from under this story, including getting the investigator to change his statement (at least that's what I think I heard, i'm behind on this part of the story). I think they are the ones that are dumb. They have one playbook, and they have no ability to adapt to the present, they don't see how fake their news looks. What they do about researchers is simply to call us conspiracy theorists and link us to Alex Jones, badda bing badda boom.

keepthefaith ago

In the DM link I posted, they denounce the driver as being a "major conspiracy nut"

Vindicator ago

What they do about researchers is simply to call us conspiracy theorists and link us to Alex Jones, badda bing badda boom.

I don't know about that...they got r/pizzagate completely shut down on Reddit less than a month after it started. They doxed the top researchers, some of whom were mods. They have doxed and threatened at least three v/pizzagate members that I know of, including a mod -- all of whom exposed new revelations about them. They shit up the comment section of most solid submissions here on a daily basis. I'd say they do more than call us conspiracy theorists.

carmencita ago

Bingo. Could not have said it better.

V____Z ago

A few high profile people did videos and tweeted yesterday, after the Seth Rich news broke, "Prepare for a false flag".

The Orlando shooting happened the night after Hillary crashed and burned in a debate with Bernie Sanders, where the audience literally stood up and cheered for him at the end, whilst all the media had to continue to say she won every debate... conveniently we all had to stop talking about the debate before we'd even begun. Judge Napolitano is on youtube - saying reports are that no one died until SWAT arrived, and broke through the wall shooting.

The Dallas shooting also occurred after some horrible news regarding Hillary hit the headlines.

Shillary ago

George Webb said these are all killings to get rid of witnesses to other hits.

V____Z ago

You made a statement that you are thinking i'm a shill. But many of us are questioning Webb. It isn't to harm but rather to help the PG community, even though at first glance it might not appear so.

Shillary ago

OK, I believe you. I just am not sure about Webb but I am hoping you're wrong about him.

V____Z ago

We all wish some good hearted angel will swoop in and do what we can't, but the ones who are actually uncovering pizzagate end up silenced, videos removed, fired from jobs, smeared by mainstream media, and smeared on social media by Brock trolls.

David Seaman called out Podesta and Clinton every day. He has his Wikipedia bio taken down, major media did hit pieces on him, and the alternative community also took part in a seemingly coordinated attack. He has his ass handed to him for things such as touting Bitcoin, suggesting gold and silver, and selling a book a decade ago about how to get buzz online.

Ryan O'Neil did a fantastic video showing that there are many questions about Alefantis' Pegasus museum. He had his actual life threatened, as did his family. He was eviscerated here on Voat, just like Seaman, for things like selling t-shirts. In both cases people tore them a new one for making a little bit of money.

In neither case were these researchers caught in lies or even exaggerations. Yet the comments were full of accusations and people being downright mean. To this day I can't post anything here by David Seaman, it gets downvoted and i get 'yelled at', every time.

So to me it would seem that the Voat community is very good at being discerning and won't take even an ounce of what might be questionable activity from researchers.

This is why it's so astounding and an obvious red flag when George Webb can get away with anything, and not get called out for it, in fact those who do raise questions are made into the enemy and attacked.

Why such a difference in reactions? Because Webb is leading people AWAY from the true perps and away from pizzagate, whereas David and Ryan went straight into it.

V____Z ago

So he believes people died in these fake shootings? Has he made any actual claims, like who was killed, and why he believes those people were wanted dead? Or was it just some random, baseless, Alex Jonesian type statement?

rwb2 ago

Any chance you can cite one random, baseless, Alex Jonesian type statement from one Alex Jones? I'm not a gambling man, but I'd wager you cannot and therefore will not cite even one example.

V____Z ago

Alex Jones: "Hillary's first job was defending pedophiles, 5, 6 men raped a little girl."


The victim’s allegation that Clinton smeared her following her rape is based on a May 1975 court affidavit written by Clinton on behalf of Thomas Alfred Taylor, one of the two alleged attackers, whom Clinton agreed to defend after being asked by the prosecutor. Taylor had specifically requested a female attorney.

rwb2 ago

Are you really citing the fact he got the total quantity of multiple child rapists involved in the case slightly wrong as a random and baseless statement? ? ? Would that really justify labeling him as someone with a reputation of producing random and baseless statements?

Nonetheless, I'll give you that one, because I have a sense of justice and fair play which escapes you entirely, but how about just one more, thus doubling the number of random and baseless statements you've discovered from someone who has logged about 20 000 hours of air time, and perhaps somewhat more random and baseless this time.

And while you look for that other random and baseless statement, I think I'm going to peruse our past conversations, because I'm pretty sure I can match every random and baseless statement Jones might have made over those 20 000 hours with one that you've made about him here at Voat. Mind you, there is a distinction between the two. Upon closer inspection, Jones's random and baseless statements are apt to appear as simple errors or exaggerations from the fog of war, whereas yours are apt to appear as flat out lies and disinformation.

V____Z ago

Any chance you can cite one random, baseless, Alex Jonesian type statement

You didn't ask for one whopper that would "justify" my statement about your hero. You just asked for one example which I provided. Moving goalposts instead of honestly engaging in debate is not something I'm willing to play along with. Run along now.

rwb2 ago

In the strictest sense, you are correct. I only asked for one, and you indeed furnished precisely one, but by logical extension, the fact you furnished one jawdroppingly trivial example out of 20 000 hours of broadcasting and hold that one up as reason to insinuate Jones runs off with random and baseless statements indicates you have fantastically insane expectations. To your other point about shilling for Jones, your faulty reasoning is on full display yet again. You know I'm strictly volunteer, and you should expect having your hypocrisy and illogic put on full display whenever you use Jones as your personal punching bag and I happen to spot it.

V____Z ago

Are you really still shilling for Alex Jones?

seekingpeace ago

Personally I think the renewed interest in the Seth Rich case is a distraction from something else. I haven't figured out what, yet.

keepthefaith ago

It's certainly a distraction from how crazy we're all becoming through all these distractions....


V____Z ago

I'm not seeing that. The amount of push-back and obfuscating around the case tells me they really don't want us talking about it.

seekingpeace ago

Maybe, but the "internet warriors" are not focused on Pizza/Pedogate while these "revelations" are playing out. The timing of all these Seth Rich revelations has me suspicious.

equineluvr ago

The strange behavior of the family is highly suspicious. HOAX?

Then they go to MOSSAD agent Webb for "help to find the truth." LOL

cantsleepawink ago

Me too.

carmencita ago

I am with you on that. Somewhat suspicious for me too. We need to rely on our own finding talents as we did before. We are the only ones that we can really trust.

seekingpeace ago

That's why I believe "leaders" in truth movements need to be rigorously scrutinized and I will never apologize for asking questions.

carmencita ago

Agree. Never.

V____Z ago

Is there something in PG research that's just coming to light? I haven't heard of anything.

carmencita ago

It seems that a lot of the "revelations"seem to be coming from unknown sources. Not saying they couldn't be real, it is just a little uncanny. It seems that we are not finding some of these things on our own, like we used to.

seekingpeace ago

Little breadcrumbs left out for us to follow?

carmencita ago

Yes. That is a good description of the game that it seems they are playing. I feel they think we are fools and that we will bite at any little tidbit. Someone said one of the YT idols was calming. Do we need to be put asleep? That scared me if people are being calmed down.

seekingpeace ago

Oh I agree they're:mocking the us the little people. They being the intellectual and pedophile "elite."

Little psyops everywhere...

carmencita ago

Yes we are the peasants and they keep throwing crumbs little by little. We have been falling for it , but now we have figured it out. It is great that we can work like this together. That is how we were researching before. Together. We and Ryan got really hot during the Pegasus find. I believe that is what set this whole thing off.

V____Z ago

Yep. And when @carmencita says "they think we'll bite at any little tidbit", s/he's right - they think so and WE DO. The trending list around here has been downright silly most of the time, ever since Pegasus.

carmencita ago

Yes, that seems to have been the dead end for us so to speak. That could be the whole reason for these false flags and little games they trick us into playing. They want us off that trail.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Seth Rich being the leaker destroys the almost eight month Russian narrative. Their game is up at that point as "Russia" seems to find its way into every little thing they have been throwing against the wall. Big unsticky mess.

V____Z ago

I love this comment.

seekingpeace ago

Yeah, thanks for reminding me about the Russian Narrative. It's so easy these days to get distracted, which is my point I guess :-)

sunshine702 ago

I wondered that as it was going down. The most apples to apples was that VET (check) Hispanic (check most are these days) from ALASKA that flew to FL to shoot up the terminal. But weirdly walks by open targets to target others.

This vet plows through civilians Times Square. 2 Chriatmases ago Las Vegas Strip crazy black chick plowed through AZ white tourists. The cops at the scene said she siad something disturbing but never told to US. Operation chaos indeed.

cantsleepawink ago

Just all part of Project Chaos. And your questions about how did the driver manage to drive down Seventh Avenue which is usually clogged with traffic are the same ones that were asked of the Westminster 'terror' attack in London The answer is obvious, isn't it?

seekingpeace ago


cantsleepawink ago

At the very least.

keepthefaith ago

indeed x

carmencita ago

No one is commenting on this, but I saw it on my local news and the accident looked horrific. Your questions make sense. The three most sensible questions that must be answered for me are #1 #2 #3 although the young lady is off course extremely important as well. There has been a lot of interest around Seth Rich and I believe that possibly some of that may be cooked up as well. This whole day has been bizarre.

keepthefaith ago

Absolutely bizarre! :-)