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V____Z ago

Alex Jones: Hillarys first job was defending pedophiles, 5, 6 men raping a little girl.

Holy fake news. It was not her first job, but when she was an attorney, her first case was defending a pedorapist who had raped a little girl along with ONE other man.

Seriously, we cannot be supporting people in this investigation if they play fast and loose with the facts. Alex is a detriment to our movement.

micha_ ago

What you do is classic disinfo. Not the number counts, but the fact that Clinton is a hypocrite which defends rapists and attacks their victims.

HonestBums ago

From my recollection, there were 5 or 6 men involved.

V____Z ago

Um, no. This is a well documented event. Can you find anything about a 5-6 man gang rape?

The victim’s allegation that Clinton smeared her following her rape is based on a May 1975 court affidavit written by Clinton on behalf of Thomas Alfred Taylor, one of the two alleged attackers, whom Clinton agreed to defend after being asked by the prosecutor. Taylor had specifically requested a female attorney.

Forgetmenot ago

News is not reported based on recollection. You use facts that you verify before reporting them. You make every effort to be accurate so that you are credible and believable. He is not news he is a jerry springer who spouts inaccuracies and throws in spiritual vampires and then guilts you into buying vitamins.

Look :'s_a_sucker_born_every_minute

"There's a sucker born every minute" is a phrase closely associated with P. T. Barnum, an American showman of the mid-19th century, although there is no evidence that he said it. Early examples of its use are found instead among gamblers and confidence men.

It is also the last line of the Poem "Gold Bricks" in Alister Crowleys: The Book of Lies

HonestBums ago

I'm pretty sure my recollections are correct. Kathy Shelton herself said there was a group of men.

V____Z ago

Perhaps you could share the source from which this comes?