Forgetmenot ago

I won't watch Alex jones. he has been compromised: Either blackmailed by a lawsuit or bribed or he may even be purposely spreading misinformation and working both sides of the fence. There is a questionable link to Stratfor. Who knows and who cares? He is spreads false information and brings ridicule to the alternative media with his buffoonery and lack of professionalism. At the end of the day, this issue is an issue that belongs in the mainstream not in the lunatic fringe venue of Alex jones. Alex jones put out a fake photo of a little girl with eyes blacked out and said it was from Epsteins island. Really sloppy investigative work. He also says absolutely false things about pizzagate, he is a slob of a reporter and makes this investigation look like crazy conspiracy fanatics. He is not on the children's side. He brings ridicule and mockery with his rants and inflammatory statements. Notice he creates a sense of fear and profits on it. These are car salesman tactics: "I don't know how long we can be on the air 1776 is coming!" Cas salesman say they are deeply discounting because they won't stay open, buy now because the opputjnity will be gone! We need to expose him for who he is he is making a mockery of the pedofile investigation of our government.

The most effective lies are based on truth. That is his modus operandi. He mixes in some truth and false statements and then screams, and then raises it up a notch and creates a sense of urgency and fear. So that you either stay tuned, or are conned into buying some vitamins because he is about to close down. Meanwhile ask yourself why is he never censored? Why is he always front and center on YouTube?

V____Z ago

Alex Jones: Hillarys first job was defending pedophiles, 5, 6 men raping a little girl.

Holy fake news. It was not her first job, but when she was an attorney, her first case was defending a pedorapist who had raped a little girl along with ONE other man.

Seriously, we cannot be supporting people in this investigation if they play fast and loose with the facts. Alex is a detriment to our movement.

micha_ ago

What you do is classic disinfo. Not the number counts, but the fact that Clinton is a hypocrite which defends rapists and attacks their victims.

HonestBums ago

From my recollection, there were 5 or 6 men involved.

V____Z ago

Um, no. This is a well documented event. Can you find anything about a 5-6 man gang rape?

The victim’s allegation that Clinton smeared her following her rape is based on a May 1975 court affidavit written by Clinton on behalf of Thomas Alfred Taylor, one of the two alleged attackers, whom Clinton agreed to defend after being asked by the prosecutor. Taylor had specifically requested a female attorney.

Forgetmenot ago

News is not reported based on recollection. You use facts that you verify before reporting them. You make every effort to be accurate so that you are credible and believable. He is not news he is a jerry springer who spouts inaccuracies and throws in spiritual vampires and then guilts you into buying vitamins.

Look :'s_a_sucker_born_every_minute

"There's a sucker born every minute" is a phrase closely associated with P. T. Barnum, an American showman of the mid-19th century, although there is no evidence that he said it. Early examples of its use are found instead among gamblers and confidence men.

It is also the last line of the Poem "Gold Bricks" in Alister Crowleys: The Book of Lies

HonestBums ago

I'm pretty sure my recollections are correct. Kathy Shelton herself said there was a group of men.

V____Z ago

Perhaps you could share the source from which this comes?

V____Z ago

Holy crap. I couldn't even get through the first minute without hearing bullshit.

Alex "we're seeing massive arrests everyday, including kids in cages"

What is he talking about? Massive arrests everyday? Kids in cages?

I wonder if this is someone we should be featuring here on Voat. My opinion is that he is not. As well, Mike Cernovich did a podcast this morning where he mischaracterized pizaagte using the MSM definition (a Hillary led sex ring run out of Comets basement)

I wouldn't listen to either of these guys about pizzagate.

HonestBums ago

Over 1500 paedophiles have been arrested. There have been major busts around the world.

The most recent has been in Indonesia and India.

Everything Alex Jones has said in the video is verifiable.

V____Z ago

That is untrue. Here is one example where he made a pretty big unverifiable claim

Can you find evidence to support Alex that she was raped by 5-6 men until her insides came out, as he stated?

micha_ ago

Thanks. Just pay attention who is it attacking this very helpful and educational video. V___Z, GeorgeT

Pay attention which BS they suggest was good posting: THIS IS IT BOYS. Clinton's campaign's art director is ALLYN HUGHES! Check her out ASAP More in this thread! GO GO GO

Alex Jones promised to go for the globalist pedosatanists. And two days ago he began to deliver: Alex Jones begins to deliver

More and more it becomes clear, how shill infested #pizzagate was. A brilliant move by him to focus not on speculation but use the ADMITTED and PROVEN facts to spread awareness.

I expect, thanks to his move, the globalist pizzagate shills here will expose themselfes more and more, because they continue with their attacks even the best researched and most educational videos redpilling millions of people. Anon on 4chan said focus on Clinton Foundation. Jones continues to deliver.

HonestBums ago

Thanks for exposing these dopey Media Matters obfuscators!

I agree, Alex Jones is way too smart for thess idiots, and they despise him because of it!