rooting4redpillers ago

According to this article - The Hillary for America Design Team on the AIGA (The American Institute of Graphic Arts) NY web site - Allyn Huges is part of THE FIFTEEN MEMBER Hillary for America DESIGN TEAM.

Why do you have the idea that Allyn Hughes is the HFA campaign Art Director, and have you looked into any other members of the Hillary for America Design TEAM ? So far, the only HFA campaign artwork I can find that's attributed specifically to Allyn Huges is this ONE nasty (and simple) GRAPHIC.

I'm finding this business over Allyn Hughes to be a BIG stretch. Why? Because 1) Every leftist graphic designer in the country would give their eye teeth for the chance to work on that vile yet beloved hag's campaign, for the portfolio prestige alone. 2) Leftist artists are notoriously weird.

jw4vc ago

I am going to call this Allyfantis. This is obviously a tactic to give legacy media a new victim of the evil pizzagate. Leave this woman alone, p-gate isn't a witchhunt.

Howmanyarethere ago

ONE more thing. On Allyn Hughes's youtube channel she has a 36 min audio of a discussion she had with a psychic where she is asking pointed questions about afterlife and magical places for speaking to the dead etc. She is asking questions but is being careful not to say what she thinks. It's an enlightening conversation giving insight into their beliefs or at least thoughts at that moment. She thought it important enough to put on youtube without any description

LargePepperoni ago

I listened to it. Didn't find anything significant, but it does speak to her delusions of reality.

Howmanyarethere ago

Ok I just have to point out the ** Lucifarianism** connected to Allyn Hughes post pictured in the video here at 5:21 If you notice there is a Genie Lamp and a Genie pictured. To most of us this is a benign picture and only something from a child story book. However, Genies are ( also called Jinn and Genii) actually evil beings. They are essentially demons. I can give you sources if you like or you can simply google these names and research yourself. These rituals that the elite do involving pedophilia and the physical abuse of children are designed to gain power and favor of these Genii. This is connected to the idea of controlling these Genii to do your bidding as in the lore about King Solomon.

Anyway, the fact that this imagery is included with the pizza indicates rituals involving children in sex magic is something they do. The people who commented under her post seem to also get the meaning of the imagery and should be investigated.

LargePepperoni ago

Thanks for that contribution.

FloridaJackalope ago

This is a bombshell that further links known pedo-code word, Pizza and Hot doggs, to the Podesta e-mails and Clinton administration. This should be stickied, not downvoted.

hels ago

The crying places video was extremely strange.

9217 ago

0_0 that has significance

srayzie ago

It's fine to say you don't agree with someone's post or even say they are a shill. But, I see comments saying that the OP must be 400 pounds. Another that they must be only 15. They were not from new accounts and even had points. If you're not a shill, then you need to think of the crap you say. People are on here lurking constantly and comments like that do nothing good for this cause. With all the shills we have on here trying to cause confusion, we don't need this.

pizzagate_crusader ago

At :14 - :15 in this video, there is a mother with a child attached to a leash. The leash is around the child's NECK. I don't think every child on a leash is suspect (like when attached to a backpack) because parents of children with autism are fearful of the child eloping. However, this is AROUND THE CHILD'S NECK!!!! :( :(

LargePepperoni ago

It is definitely significant.

pizzagate_crusader ago

@largepepperoni Did u see at :13 - 15 in the third video, the little girl has a LEASH around her NECK?

Howmanyarethere ago

It looks like a leash to me. However, the little girl is wearing a rain coat or that is zipped up. It is possible that there is a harness under the coat that we can't see

NO I looked at it again in slow motion. the girl has a strap around her neck but it seems to be coming from the mothers purse

LargePepperoni ago

I couldn't tell if it was a leash or if her purse strap just got caught.

HollandDrive ago

Damn freaks running everything. This is what they teach you at Yale Art School. Complete garbage.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Person of Interest 100%. Clinton's campaign senior director.

minusco2 ago

To the top

Mellowmountain ago

14 total upvotes and it's listed on the first page under "Top". Is Allyn weird? yes. Is this in anyway a smoking gun or deserving of the title "This is it boys"?. NO. Let's stay focused, there's no time to Netfilix and Shill.

Criticalthinker615 ago

this is the art director of the clinton camp we are talking about here. dont let her childish looks fool you. she is an adult and every bit as complicit. we have found the bread crumbs that she, like all of her pedo kin have left everywhere as an inside joke......... what would you suggest we focus on captain?

Mellowmountain ago

I mean, it's ok. I just don't like the post title, it's kinda loud.

Criticalthinker615 ago

thats true but, I imagine whoever posted probably was shitting their pants to find previously unfound "pedo clues" .... what are we calling these kind of pedo inside jokes/clues/hints/subliminals? I've been going with pedo clues or pedo bread crumbs but, has anyone coined a term for this shit yet?

Morpheus ago

molester eggs

Criticalthinker615 ago

event poster 2016 "age is just a number"

cult_of_philanthropy ago

Regarding this link http://allynhugheD1.

Check out the small blue canvas on the counter in front of her. To me, it looks like a depiction of "ping pong".

In this link, the 4th picture in the first row is a cartoon depiction of her praying in front of a pizza. The third picture is the word "rendering". Has anyone viewed that picture? There are several definitions of rendering; however, the one that comes to mind first is the process by which all parts of the animal are separated to be reincorporated another product. Years ago I researched rendering because of all the crap being put into dry dog food. At that time, the definition I mentioned was usually the first one to appear. I had to dig deeper to find this since now the first ones listed are related to the the arts or architecture.

Mooncutter ago

Can someone go in and DOWNLOAD all her VIMEO videos???? HURRY!

jw4vc ago

Shareblue detected. I wonder if something is happening or about to happen.

LargePepperoni ago

This pisses me off. This is a big lead and the top comment is a shareblue/CTR concern troll.

jw4vc ago

This isn't a lead, this is bait. Alafantis earned recognition because of his insanely creepy instagram. This new Allyfantis woman deserves to be left alone. If you were successful, there would be dozens of legacy media headlines on the new victim of pizzagate.

throwaway345678 ago

Yeah but you did use a pretty click bait title which has been overused by shills before to slide good info. "I solved pizzagate" and "ZOMG DIG" have been slightly worn the fuck out by posts with nothing. So maybe a non-caps statement of what you found might have been better. idk

LargePepperoni ago

Well the thread I saw it from tried it your way and got no attention. So I did it like this and it got to the top. If it was so bad, it wouldn't have been upvoated to the top.

throwaway345678 ago

I'm not saying it's bad. I'm saying I've seen good threads get ignored because they don't do "ALL CAPS ZOMG GUYS DIG" And I've seen shitposts upvoated because they use that type of titling. (so I'm agreeing with you on how this sub seems to be working atm) I'm not saying you don't have a legit lead. I can just see in general why people are tired of (anyone) using this method to get "to the top" - if anything I'm pissed at the community that doesn't bother to read and ignores good threads to upvoat THE. ALL CAPS. HYPE. TRAINS. Critical thinking appears to be in short supply.

jw4vc ago

you have been pushing this Allyn Hughes thing for how long now and all the first video establishes is that she is gay and has a food fetish. This isn't a lead.

LargePepperoni ago

This is my first post on her. Go away shareblue troll.

RSi ago

The last youtube clip with the fisheye lens is recorded in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Pipebomb ago


...I saw nothing unusual.

clowntrash ago

There is nothing there. Been here since the beginning...sad to see so much spam on here recently.

LargePepperoni ago

I've been here longer than you and you are a troll. This is equivalent to the jimmy comet instagram. Watch the videos for yourselves thread lurkers.

clowntrash ago

Literally 90% of the comments on here from people I know aren't trolls are calling you a can flip it all you want but we all see it.

LargePepperoni ago

Tell me then, what about the videos were not worthy or investigation? Did you even watch?

Death2Masons ago

Nobody sees what you find so amazing and people don't want to watch a video unless they know beforehand what you are trying to show them. Between the title and the lack of content, this one is a dud. Hope it is not intentional.

LargePepperoni ago

1st video shows Clinton campaign art director has a bunch of hotdog photos in the style of James Alefantis' instagram pizza photos. In code with inappropriate coded comments.

2nd video seems to be code for directing pedo clients.

3rd video looks like a scouting video. Fish eye lense. Captures video of small child, then turns around and start following the kid and her mom.

Stormer-chan ago

Laura Bernstein, another design:

[ ]

She posts a link to someone from the UAE here:

[ ]


[ ]

micha_ ago

Total fact free BULLSHIT!

dreeeg ago

I watched videos - can someone point out the issues - I don't see anything really

pizzagate_crusader ago

@dreeeg Look at video #3 :13-:15 seconds... the little girl has a leash around her neck.

pizzagate_crusader ago

Third video, At :14 - :15 in this video, there is a mother with a child attached to a leash. The leash is around the child's NECK.

micha_ ago

Ofcourse you are correct. There is NOTHING int hese videos. Also pay attention that the shills do not speicify what they mean and do never pinpoint to hard facts.

Reminds me when they claimed a video outside CPP containing sound of a crying child.

It's interesting to study the herd effect here: 90% obviously don't have the mental capabilities to check the presented "facts" for themselfes and say loud, that this was BS, they just follow the herd: oh, this was upvoted, sensationalist headline, a few stupid comments suggesting it was valid, and the zombie upvotes it, too! Stupidity is without limits - and therefore we have the #pedogate problem. Because of people's stupidity.

The good thing is: remember who pushes this BULLSHIT. LargePepperoni, GeorgeT.

LargePepperoni ago

God damned troll. How much you make protecting pedos?

micha_ ago

As usual no facts and arguments from a shill like you.

LargePepperoni ago

The videos have all the fact and arguments.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

That video was from ten years ago and did in fact have a screaming girl's voice saying help me. Not admissible in court but fucked either way.

Death2Masons ago

I'm with ya micha

dreeeg ago

unless someone can just tell me a questionable image... anything... It seems micha_ is being genuine.

concernedaboutitall ago

Yep equal opportunity investigation 😏

BerksResident ago

Good find and good to verify this code.

dreeeg ago

whats the find?

juhos ago

Who's the girl on the plate and the bag?

unixpunk ago

Look at the blue square with the dual 'ping pong' images...

Newfind ago

I think she in an art student.

juhos ago

I think so too. Looks familiar.

micha_ ago

@mods The headline has nothing in common with the presented content!

A stupid 1st post, quickly upvoted and then immediately a few comments suggesting the stupid, fact free topic was interesting. Makes us look like complete idiots.

minusco2 ago

Micha stop being a snitch.

micha_ ago

The global pedophile networks are being exposed, Alex Jones did not cave in, but is on the attack and is repilling millions and you paid losers can do nothing about it. Shills, you have lost control of the narrative. It's wonderful.

minusco2 ago

Technocracy rules.


juhos ago

But why you are replying that to me?

Death2Masons ago

To point out what you did that was wrong or not helpful.

micha_ ago

Because you are one of the total morons who suggests this BS had validity: "Oh, who is that girl on the bag?" LOL! That girl was murdered and their murderers put her pic on a bag! Incredible.

juhos ago

Did I say that? No. Now who's the moron?

GuannaRue ago

She reminds me a little of the girl who was sitting behind ashton kutcher when he was fake crying for trafficked children.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Looks familiar. Like a missing persons pic

fartnigger ago

Most missing photos of kids look like this because it's a high school yearbook photo. If you went to high school in the USA, it's normal to get your picture taken every year for the yearbook. Looks like they took that photo and put it on a bag (for whatever reason...)

Criticalthinker615 ago

I know that but im saying the girl lools familiar. Can't put my finger on it.

44NJ9 ago


Criticalthinker615 ago

i dont watch pron so i doubt that. I actually feel like I have seen that exact same class pic with the same girl. I have a really hard deja vu feeling right now and im gonna go nuts trying to figure out why that pic seems so familiar

44NJ9 ago

Maybe some link with kids? I feel like she looks like girl from the Disney Channel but they are not the same, just very similar. Don't ask which girl, I don't watch that stuff, just seen it from channel surfing.

Criticalthinker615 ago

it just doesn't seem to me like a picture that the girl in the picture would like on plates and bags... i've known a few young ladies and that just doesnt seem like something a young lady would be its placed there on purpose but, its out of place at the same time. I really hope this girl doesnt turn out to be a missing person or worse.

edit: does anyone else find it odd that "yalegiftshop" doesnt have any YALE branded materials?

44NJ9 ago

I looked up Disney shows till I found the one I saw - the blonde one. I don't think she's famous like Hannah M. or Selena. But that's who I thought she looked like. Not discrediting you, just my opinion.

44NJ9 ago

It looked like it had rubber guns or dildos. I figured sex toy because there is no way Yale would have anything to do with guns. Very strange.

ploppy ago

good info!

dreeeg ago

whats good info?

GeorgeT ago

Hillary seems to rub shoulders with every creepo in DC! What in the Hell is Killary into! Why on earth would you, running for the highest office in the land, hire art director who peddles this sort of thing. One big network of creeps.

Newfind ago

This is a strange promo for Yale Gift Shop. It includes what appears to be her girlfriend. She does the voiceover work and it's really good and I think pretty funny, but right around :54 it gets weird and then a little later in the video she says something to the effect of"it doesn't matter if your a little bitty girl or a teenage boy or a grown man you'll love this etc."

GeorgeT ago

I went through it. CPP all over again! Creepy stuff! No wonder Killary lost.

dreeeg ago

Whats creepy?

iamthepizzanow ago

"Watch this one first...

Then this one"

Those are the same videos.... Am I missing something?

iamthepizzanow ago


Newfind ago

I'm not exactly sure, but I believe it's possible this person is a transgender. That means nothing except in the context of it being classified as a mental disorder. She's funny on her videos and she has a good speaking voice, but her name is Allyn. Which could have been Allen.

Newfind ago

Sorry i didn't see you were 4 months old. I thought you meant two days fo yourslelf lol.

Spiritual_War ago

Wow, this is juicy.

Newfind ago

I dug up a bunch in the earlier thread. Her Vimeo as well as her homepage and YouTube might be of value.

LargePepperoni ago

Do people realize how big this is?

cky_stew ago

I really don't understand what I'm supposed to be seeing here, you're going to need to spell it out. Sorry.

micha_ ago

Pay attention who spread this BS and who is saying this BS was interesting.

Newfind ago

Not yet. I googled a bar she had security footage of on YouTube called Rudys New York. They offer free hotdogs and they encourage people younger than drinking age to come because of the fact they only have one bouncer and dim light. They also serve pickles with Irish whiskey. I noticed on her Instagram there was a pickle with some lewd comments.

44NJ9 ago

I saw that vid, very very strange to put on YT. Was she imply she had access to security footage or hack into it? She had been complaining about a stressful job and I wondered if she had dirt on people and vids are ways of letting them know, she knows. It's all speculation, but it does stir up some remote interest. If you are seeing something else, plz share because other than her getting a check for possible sex weirdo, I don't know what more to make of it.

iamthepizzanow ago

Pickles with Irish Whiskey is pretty good tho..

Newfind ago

Lol. I thought it must be. And if she hadn't said something disturbing about pickles earlier I wouldn't have overlooked it.

iamthepizzanow ago

We call em "Picklebacks" Whiskey with a Pickle back

Newfind ago

I feel bad because I used to tend bar as a lad.

Death2Masons ago

Your thread title is everything that is urged we don't do out of respect for other threads. The captial letters, the exclamation points, the dig dig dig or go go go!. This tactic is looked at as advertising that this thread is more important than other threads and it deserves special attention.

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

3day old member Fuck off shariablue/CIAniggers

You fucking cunt attacking the title, not the fucking content. Fuck off

LargePepperoni ago

This is a shareblue/CTR concern troll.

Lonesome_Pizza ago

I'm starting to suspect that "death2masons" is a possible troll. Allyn Hughes was a great find and the fact that she scrubbed and deleted a lot of her videos and social content on short notice, which I find highly suspicious and now I know it's very important to archive everything asap. Keep up the great work

minusco2 ago

I like the thread title, stimulating adrenaline is good in war.

we_kill_creativity ago

Based off what you just said I'm assuming you weigh 400 pounds and would be a hindrance in actual war.

srayzie ago

Grow up

minusco2 ago

You do realise a good game of chess burns calories don't you?

we_kill_creativity ago

OK, and now I'm assuming your 15 as well...

minusco2 ago

The overall energy expenditure in our players during the entire game was of 138 kcal (extreme values 102–198 kcal). If we take the maximum observed number, a chess player would be burning 200 Calories per 90 minutes (133 Calories per hour). It would take you 45 hours of chess to burn 6000 Calories at that rate.

micha_ ago

Interesting how the mods keep it on the top and don't delete this BS.

micha_ ago

Look, how quickly this completely fact free discussion has been upvoted - not a single downvote. It's always the same: immediate upvoting and a few comments suggesting the presented text had any validity - instead of asking: where is the content that is promised in the headline? Why is there nothing?

LargePepperoni ago

Just look at the damn videos and you will see why. 2 day member. LOL

153sdsd ago

4 months is how you know is legit xD

Death2Masons ago

What do the videos have to do with the way you promoted them as more special than most the others?

dreeeg ago

No you point it out

LargePepperoni ago

I edited it. Now look.

GeorgeT ago

This one looks very enticing indeed. Great find! Another jigsaw puzzle piece. How many more are there? This find is on par of Jeff Koons being on the board of directors of NCMEC! Great find!

LargePepperoni ago


palmitespo910 ago

Honey the two videos are the exact same two links.

palmitespo910 ago

Thanks bbg

LargePepperoni ago
