pizzagate_crusader ago

Reposting from another thread because no one has noticed : This video was posted by Allyn Hughes
At :14 - :15 in this video, there is a mother with a child attached to a leash. The leash is around the child's NECK. Although, TBH I haven't seen where Allyn is confirmed as Hillary's art director...

V____Z ago

Thank you

TrishaUK ago


shakethetree ago

It got interesting around the 7:30 mark. Everything before that seemed like food and sex dribble, which a lot of people do. I know a lot of counter-culture weirdos, and they can get obsessive about the cues that make them feel a part of something together. Hot dogs has always been fair game for sexual innuendo. That aside, I would certainly consider Allyn Hughes a person of interest due to the pizza related innuendo, her connection to JA (although everyone connected to JA through Comet will be tied through pizza), and Hilary Clinton. Does anyone recall the Hilary campaign logo with the pizza slice on it? Who created that?

EDIT: I would also say anyone with an art background and is current in the field should be placed in a grey area. We now know that the art world is a place they hob nob.

Aloha808 ago

Video is disabled

V____Z ago

you can watch it on youtube though.

LargePepperoni ago

Youtube is messing with the video quality so I can't see the text in some of the comments on the instagram photos...

Antiracist2 ago

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

Bojangles, watch this video and tell me something's not up.

Bojangles ago

This video is unavailable.

eagleshigh ago


Newfind ago

Narrator is mentioned in video above. Gets weird around :55

44NJ9 ago

cool new info on sick facks. They literally surround themselves with pedos.

Newfind ago

THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT LINK TODAY. HOLY SHIT. Look up Allyn Hughes Crying on YouTube app, go to "All" category and scroll down to a playlist that says "Popular videos Kissing Cousins" i thin I am going to puke. I didn't watch anything

44NJ9 ago

I didn't see kissing cousins. Why does she have these few short videos of the entrance of a restaurant? These feel like some kind of insurance.

Newfind ago

The video I'm wondering about it the "crying walk." Bunch of locations but it may be nothing.

Newfind ago

That particular restaurant is known for "Free hotdogs" and mentions underage drinking in their history section of their webpage. Like encouraging it. They also have pickles on the menu which that Allyn person has in her instagram

Newfind ago

One of her videos she is discussing the realm of the dead with a psychic

Newfind ago

This is the playlist that appears when I search her under all

Rmm ago

This is pretty enlightening with this weirdos connection to hilary

Newfind ago

need to look into Rudys BAR In New York. Free Hotdogs. On their website they mention underage drinkers

Are_we_sure ago

Why is free hot dogs suspicious?

Past nobody tell them about bars that offer free pizza

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

@Are_we_sure - Did you watch the video? If so, do you agree or disagree that this particular Hillary staffer sexualized foods such as: pizza, hot dogs, pickles and a peach?

EDIT - Before the Podesta emails were leaked.

Newfind ago

Well... the bar encourages underage people to drink there and they offer free hot dogs. (Which is code for male prostitutes) the girl who had the post of the security cams from that restaurant has some salacious photos on her Instagram. She also makes some strange references in her Vimeo video I posted

Are_we_sure ago

What do you mean encourages underage people to drink there?

I've been there a few times. Hot Dogs means Hot Dogs. Which are free. (Free Prostitutes ? really? How much would drinks cost?)

Never saw underage drinkers or prostitution.

Newfind ago

In the "History" section of their webpage they mention how Drew Barrymore used to Come in before she was of age. I just found it odd given her weird Instagram posts.

Are_we_sure ago

Are you seriously arguing that is encouragement? Drew Barrymore has been old enough to drink for two decades.

Did you miss the part about the bouncer checking IDs?

Newfind ago

Hey, I'm just floating a theory. I have no idea, I'm just connecting dots because the pervy girl had security cam footage of that bar, therefore I thought it might be a bar she frequented. I see they serve free hot dogs... That's one of the code words, so it set my spider sense off...

Forgetmenot ago

Thank you for sharing this great video!!! Very professional, logical, and right to the point.

V____Z ago


Newfind ago

did you get my message?

GregNH ago

The screen shots at this Freep post are telling. "Fresh Cheese Pizza Pictures"

Mellowmountain ago

this is interesting

gurneyx ago

Basically it talks about a woman on JA's instagram who in many photos on her instagram references food to sex. Such as hot dogs being dicks and pizza with a naked girl. The exciting thing is that it turns out she is the art director for Hilary Clintons Campaign. Very directly related to the clinton campaign. This shows a direct correlation with the code words.

palmitespo910 ago

Yes I love this.

Catchthem ago

Thanks for posting!

V____Z ago


Mbailey63 ago

Great work Dan!!

Judgejewdy ago

Can you summarize?

remedy4reality ago

9 minute video, bro.

can you devote a small portion of your day for some critical thinking ?

Judgejewdy ago

No, don't waste our time. If you have info, share it, don't make people dig for what you just spect time on. 9 minutes X 100 people is 900 minutes that could have been spent doing new investigating. That's the whole point of this site, right? To share info? But I'm positive you already know that.

dotmatrix ago

i would say sometimes it's good to let a person watch something for themselves, something you may think stands out could possibly be explained or not even noticed when someone else watches it

remedy4reality ago

So.. 'investigating' is what you do here but watching a 9minute video 'is a waste of your time' and you need another person to tell you what to think about it, so you can be freed up for more investigating. Got it.

Judgejewdy ago

Glad you understand. Math, baby, math.

notdivided ago

tldr=ass out of u and me. Investigating = review original sources. If you want curated info go to a wiki, this is for investigating, not informing or teaching sheeple who are just waiting to be told what to think.

Judgejewdy ago

You're obviously not a scholar - That's what references are for. Nice try tho.