Altmight ago

Let me clairify. (((Deep State))) aka (((globalists)))

Are_we__sure ago

Jared Kushner jusr deleted all his tweets.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

If this is the account you're talking about, it doesn't appear that he's ever tweeted:

Are_we__sure ago

Thanks for the correcttion.

I believed the stories because I saw he had 45,000 followers and assumed he must have been active. Wonder how many are boots.

RweSure ago

This the Summer of the Long Knives. Now the globalist are claiming a White House cover-up!!

Investigators into Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential elections are now authorized to probe whether White House officials have engaged in a cover-up, according to members of Congress who were briefed Friday by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. A Justice Department official, who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the topic, confirmed that Rosenstein told members of the House of Representatives that the special counsel in charge of the probe, former FBI Director Robert Mueller, “has been given the authority to investigate the possibility of a cover-up.” But he denied that Rosenstein had told Congress such a probe was underway, noting that Rosenstein had declined to provide details of what is being explored. Where the investigation goes would be up to Mueller, the Justice Department official said.

RweSure ago

Pence is in on it!

From Roger stone!

No Vice President in modern history had their own PAC less than 6 month into the President's first term. Hmmmm

HollandDrive ago

Bush the younger did, I heard it the other day on a radio interview. And someone else I believe. Stone's no fan of Pence.