Gothamgirl ago

They probably have my info. I don't think I care though.

jangles ago

lots of us probably and they are freaking out because we are all probably freaking out because they realize how respectable this community is

Jem777 ago

There is another leaker as well. Last name is Uriz...?? Something like that. The NSA or possibly FBI unmasked them. Planned murder see "School Play" by CIA.

Mad_As_Hell ago

I think it's Uritsky? Can't find out without The_Donald 😕

The_Roman_Numeral ago

This is very interesting and definitely comes in handy as a connect the dots piece.

2impendingdoom ago

I think this was discussed once. where Brock and CTR use NSA tools to dox 4channers and redditors etc. who are anti-H. I forgot about this, the seth rich comment is very incriminating isn't it?

but it also reveals that there is another leaker doesn't it?

carmencita ago

I can't read too well at night. Does this mean that there have been more leaks passed on to Wikileaks? It was good to see JA step out on the Embassy Balcony today.

jangles ago

I forgot about this