pby1000 ago

Ok! I have no way of knowing because I did not know him.

artfullyours ago

Just wondering if this is why Reddit is shut down?

Mad_As_Hell ago

The timing is curious, that's for sure

pby1000 ago

Sure. When you were 26 years old, what was your favorite stuffed animal. It just seems odd to me...

pby1000 ago

I just keep thinking about a certain owner of CPP posting something about a "cum panda" on his instagram. I wonder if it could be MK Ultra related. Maybe a trigger phrase or image.

pby1000 ago

It is interesting that he is from Omaha, which is where the Franklin Scandal occurred. Any connections?

karenrussell63 ago

fling.com bringtherain44 justice4
linkedin [email protected] freedom44
dropbox [email protected] $2a$08$cFUrNyLkhncqPOdLQwVi1ObrPk/V4HDXoWb7UUDbsMwM/fbA1/oDu (blowfish)

Mbailey63 ago

Awesome!! Great work.

nitro169 ago

I'm not sure why they are trying to link Pandas4Bernie with seth, just look at the parents interview, yep, thats his mom holding seths panda in memory of her son.


cdglow ago

In case people didn't see it, this guy https://twitter.com/therriaultphd deleted one of his (arguably mocking) tweets to Seth Rich sometime in the last 24 hours once his Twitter account was revealed. https://archive.fo/yMO93

And in the last couple of days, he's been protesting against Fox 5 for trying to cover this story and profiting off of the reporting of this story.

His Twitter bio lists him as Chief Data Officer @CityofBoston. Former Director of Data Science @TheDemocrats

Really activates the old almonds.....

Obviously nothing conclusive here, but another interesting item.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Was this around the same time that spez was altering posts?

I suspect that the purpose of that was to make reddit posts ineligible for being evidence in a court of law. they can now argue that a mod or spez fiddled with the posts, so they can not be trusted.

That puts a lot of liability on reddit for defamation, but boy oh boy does that remove a lot of incriminating evidence from the clintons.

Are_we__sure ago

I don't see any of his posts that suggest he was the leaker.

Where's the goods?

andycow ago

I think it's circumstantial evidence that people have gathered. Julian Assange's associate who met with the leaker mentioned he was a bernie bro. Seth had access to the database and people are speculating he worked with someone else. The theory right now is he lowered the firewall and his partner hacked the files. I still need to read more but that's my understanding at the moment.

Are_we__sure ago

The lowered the firewall bit is wrong and I think almost deceptively so.

The reason I say deceptive is if you remember the incident it involved access to the voter information, no the DNC emails and when this happened it was because of a bug in the software, not because the firewall was turned off. The DNC does not create the software. A third party company called NGP VAN does. The issue was both campaign gather voter data that is highly useful is identifying a Clinton voter from a Sanders voter. Both campaigns also have access to previously gather DNC data. During the primaries Clinton team is not supposed to see the data gather by the Sanders team and vice versa. The software has a filter that prevents this. They did a software update where this filter wasn't working and they fixed with within two hours. Then the looked at the logs and the logs showed that the Sanders data guy went and started exporing list after list of state data



So nothing about this involved emails. Nothing about this involved a lowered firewall.

They also seem to think Seth Rich recommended the guy who exploited this bug to steal Clinton's data to the Sanders team, but that seems wrong to me. Rich was not the National Director of Data, he was in a lower position. He dealt with data, but the language used almost certainly points to an older, more senior member.

What's your source on this?

Julian Assange's associate who met with the leaker mentioned he was a bernie bro.

PQhonest ago

ALL of Seth's known accounts must be investigated ASAP. /u/FricasseeingRabbit has posted a thread and reply to this comment with solid info that connects Seth Rich to Bernie and lays to rest any doubt about his motives to leak. (Confirmed) Reddit- MeGrimlock4 (Confirmed) Twitter/Instagram- Panda4Progress (Suspected) Reddit- Pandas4Bernie (Suspected) Twitter- Pandas4Bernie (Suspected) Tumblr- Pandas4Bernie2016

skjult ago

The pandas4bernie twitter account follows Glenn Greewald, The Intercept, & Edward Snowden. Given that, it's almost suspicious it's NOT following WikiLeaks. Also, the panda4progress account follows @ronpaul. Ron Freaking Paul. This bloke was awake.

Gorillion ago

Damn, lucky that he died before seeing what an absolute fucking pile of establishment dogshit Colbert turned into.

koalapassion ago

Colbert has always been a pile of shit, you just couldn't hear him clearly with Johnny Stew's dick in his mouth

Nadakai ago

This is deep

Criticalthinker615 ago

Makes me wonder why he picked "panda4progress" as his username. Pandas are used as pedo symbols also arent they?

errihu ago

Pandas are only pedo symbols to those in the know. To everyone else they are cute, fluffy animals that most of the world adores. That's the problem - most of these animals and symbols are used innocuously by many. I would say if you see a number of symbols together associated with a specific individual or company, then yes, it's probably used as a signal. But honestly, almost all of us thought of pandas as cute animals before the PG stuff broke. And that includes a lot of people who are absolutely obsessed with them.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Could be nothing but, i dont discount anything especially considering how many of his colleagues seem to be pedophiles. I haven't seen anything else from Seth that gives me the pedo impression so, prob nothing but still worth noting

pby1000 ago

The owner of CPP mentioned "cum panda" on his instagram? Is this significant?

errihu ago

In the context of 'cum', probably. And the owner of CPP has a lot of other signs that tip off that things might not be completely upright and proper. I was not talking about CPP. I was talking about Seth Rich. In the absence of other tells, his use of the word 'panda' is probably more as a fan of the real life animal than as a pedo signal.

pby1000 ago

Understood. I am making the connection to CPP because of the strange phrase used on instagram. I think all of these events and people are connected in one way or another.

dickface888 ago

Same thing with pizza, hotdogs and tacos etc.

errihu ago

Yeah, it's when you have multiple known symbols together that it becomes a signal. Both triangles and spiral designs are historic art designs that have featured in countless historic tribal art themes - usually meaning mountains. Pandas have achieved status as a symbol of endangered wildlife, China, and conservation efforts. Pizza is a delicious food eaten by many people, as are hotdogs, and tacos, and nuts. But when you start mixing these symbols in close proximity, particularly in ways that seems forced or grammatically weird, it's likely they're being used to signal something unsavory.

I'm worried as someone who is entering the teaching profession that I'll accidentally buy the wrong mass printed shirt or trinket and get branded a pedo because I inadvertently picked the new fad symbol being fixated on. These symbols have passed under our noses for so long precisely because they are innocuous and used by many under innocent contexts. I'm worried that a lot of innocent people with innocuous imagery are going to get torn apart, because quite frankly there are people here who are looking for molesting satanists under every rock and immediately seize upon innocuous use as "proof" of some kind of deep, sinister involvement. One piece of iconography is probably innocuous. Two together is probably a coincidence. Three is enemy action.

Omnicopy ago

Love the little Voat baphomet!!!

Omnicopy ago

Rich family surrounded by Disney pictures is a creepy family!!!!! Disney's so cute but sooooo demonic! The world fell for Disney hook line and sinker! It's THE most demonic corporation there is!!! And it deals with kids!!! What does that tell you! Open your eyes people!!!

Judgejewdy ago

Eyes wide shut.

MolochHunter ago

interesting, it says there was a second leaker in obvious danger - names by name, but i wont add to his jeopardy by repeating it here

42times5 ago

Woah! Feels sad. 😔

derram ago

https://snew.github.io/r/The_Donald/comments/6c1rj9/not_a_drill_pedes_with_clues_from_pol_and_other/ :

NOT A DRILL PEDES!!! With clues from pol and other public info, I have found Seth Rich's Reddit account and need help archiving 6 years post history STAT! Weaponized autists call to arms, start digging, Godspeed pedes and post your findings. : The_Donald

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