Carolab67 ago

I am new here and maybe people won't give me as much credibility as an established poster. If you could post it I would appreciate it greatly since you started the topic anyway!

By the way, I learned today that Pandas4Bernie was not Seth's account -- at least that's what someone came forward to claim. They are posting at Twitter today in response to Kim Dotcom's letter to the family and they are on the "right side".

Carolab67 ago

See my new reply above. Thanks. I am wondering whether Seth used this -- the AP IS USING IT.

Carolab67 ago

I found out more about this open source library of data analysis tools that works with Python called PANDA. It was originally a Knight News challenge winner in 2011 but has since become widely used. ONE use is for compiling voter registration data and some researchers even used it to predict how individuals within each precinct vote. I did some more digging and found that the AP has been using it since 2014 WIDELY to store huge amounts of voter registration. THE AP? PANDA? Voter registration data? 2014 (the year the Voter Expansion Project began, a CLINTON project involving Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft among others)? Seth Rich and Pratt Wiley were in charge of the voter data thought the expansion.

Here is an extensive article about the VEP: Excerpts: "The article quotes Pratt Wiley, the DNC’s voter protection director who was fired this past summer after a Wikileaks dump revealed Wiley and other DNC staff including Debbie Wassermann Schultz , interfering in the election on a national level, placing more than a thumb on the scales in Clinton’s favor. In recently leaked documents published via Wikileaks, we learn from Clinton’s campaign chairs, John Podesta’s and Robby Mook’s email exchanges that the majority of the internets technology and data software creators and/or companies themselves are “With Her”.

"The DNC works with closely w/partner network alliances-which act as a funnel for millions of dollars of donations to the party committees and the Clinton campaign. The main alliance is Democracy Alliance and, sister charity to Tides Foundation , the Tides Center-which like the DA, serves as an incubator for fledgling progressive non-profit dark money organizations and private for-profit companies."

All of the election night coverage gets fed to newsrooms through the AP system using data from stringers. Here's how that works: Note there is a cross-check of the total against the number of registered voters in an area. Do you think there might be a connection here? Do you think Seth was into/onto PANDA? Here's more on it: Remember: Seth was hired in 2014 specifically as data director for this project! AND his LinkedIn (now erased but captured at reddit) said he was skilled in PYTHON statistical data analysis!!!

Carolab67 ago

Here's something: I don't know if this is significant but I just realized there is an open source library of data analytics tools for Python called "Pandas" that was developed for quants but can be used for voter data. Here's an example: They were trying to combine two datasets to try to classify each of the voters. "We know the voting records of a precinct, and we know in which precinct each person voted, so we can try and guess who they voted for based on that information." It is newer, only a few years old. I wonder if Seth also was into "Pandas" and is someone could find some links there.

Queen_Puabi ago

Supposedly was an overdose but yes, silence. I don't believe he overdosed

Queen_Puabi ago

No, panda bears weren't a part of Bernie's campaign. We had the Birdie that landed on podium

zlomsocz ago

can we get an archive of the last link @pizzagatebot1

kidavenger ago

From what I can tell, Seth's mom is wearing a t-shirt from the 2016 College World Series, which is played in Omaha (where they live) every year in June (the month before Seth's murder). If you look, there is what appears to be two baseball bats forming an "x". Clearly visible are the letter "W" and "2016", and the tops of what looks like the letters "C" and "S". Under the 2016, it looks like it says "June 18 - 28" which are the dates they played that year. So if I had to guess, I would say she either attended the CWS in 2016, or someone she knows did and gave her the t-shirt as a souvenir.

2impendingdoom ago

I agree with your assessment.

anonOpenPress ago

For possible collaboration

Date UTC Name Subverse Title
2017-05-19 22:39 RhymesWithPizza pizzagate WTF is up with Seth Rich and PANDAS?
2017-05-20 21:30 Gilderoy pizzagate Further thoughts on possible panda bear symbolism in Seth Rich Family video

Retrieved from

privatepizza ago

A more logical hypotheses than the other panda one imo. Seth's recently discovered social media accounts also reflect his love of pandas and support for Bernie Sanders. Your quotes and info OP, and this, should be enough to dispel any other panda BS.

In PG, pandas have been alleged symbols of trauma abuse, where the child is abused physically (shaken), or through having been given drugs. It doesn't seem to fit with Seth Rich.

Disney is loved by the 98% of Americans who haven't yet awoken, so to think that Seth's parents were somehow involved in pedophillia / MK Ultra through the them having Disney prints in their wall, just doesn't make sense. We don't even know it was their wall after all.

Humans can be in denial for a long, long time after an unexpected death. The parents are acting normal imo. In shock. Thanks for posting this OP.

equineluvr ago

Yeah, because a sibling smirking and laughing so hard he had to bite his lip the day of his brother's funeral -- 2-1/2 days after his unexpected, violent death -- is completely normal. /sarc

Tanngrisnir ago

Apparently the song "Panda" was turned into several anti-Hillary parody songs as well futher reinforcing that idea. This seems more plausible to me than a connection to pedophilia. As for the Disney obsession, that is also hardly uncommon in our culture.