V____Z ago

Seth Rich Family Lawyer Issues "Cease and Desist" to Investigator - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZqtJmIVqxo

HollandDrive ago

Michael Flynn Jr. re-tweeted this.


V____Z ago

It's getting real.

HollandDrive ago

I've gotta run, but I'm quite surprised how much Hannity has been getting away with lately on the radio.

Very strange. Almost like he's being redpilled .... could it be? We'll see.

V____Z ago

No, I can't trust him. But, it may be that he will give a good, fair interview because MAYBE one of the opposing sides of the deep state has decided to kick Hillary's butt and end the bullshit. We are the laughing stock of the world right now. This cannot continue. There are sane, sensible people who aren't going to let the Clintons make a mockery of our country. Once in a while they pop their head up. I think firing Comey and now this, are planned. They're allowing Sean to be the hero reporter, but i can't believe that in this era where they're censoring every youtuber who questions the official story of anything, they're just letting Sean slide by, and would allow him to "out" them against their will. Sean is being used just as Wikileaks was, to disclose things for the one side of the deep state, the side that got Trump into office, as per Dr Steve Posneczic (SP????)

HollandDrive ago

Yeah, I don't trust him either. Maybe you can keep us posted on stuff - I've never followed this guy much (Kim).

I do think Trump is gonna take the gloves off as he does not like to lose, and he's getting fed up.

privatepizza ago

Kim's said what he knows, and he needs to take legal before he makes an official statement. Not an easy thing when aiming to cover the rule of law in several countries and protect himself and his sources. A minefield I'd imagine.

Kim's not a bullshitter. He doesn't talk unless he has something valuable to say, stays quiet otherwise. I believe he'll come good.

waxdino ago

Why not now? I bet by Tuesday some behind-the-scenes agreement will prevent him from making the statement, but, trust him, it will all come out soon enough. Like Milo, whereisassange.com, Ben Swann...
I hope I'm wrong, of course. Just really cynical at this point.
Edit: I mean findingassange.com. Remember that bullshit?

LightlyToasted ago

He said he will meet with his lawyers on Monday, then release a statement on Tuesday. I imagine some kind of statement is already in his attorney's hands that could be released if something happens to him.

jstrotha0975 ago

I wish H.A. Goodman would show pictures in his video instead of filming his head.

V____Z ago

Please don't spam posts with Webb stuff. We deal with proven facts, we use actual sourced information, not conjecture from someone with ties to the fucking CIA.

HollandDrive ago

But Webb leads a life of danger. https://youtu.be/nGZ0ntpSx2Y?t=10

Edit: I'm sorry V___ Z I couldn't help it, I will delete.

V____Z ago

Never stop 😉

HollandDrive ago
