OtisFirefly ago

Release is now canceled due to the interview and supposedly evidence of life.

fetuspizza ago

Wasn't it thought that the 15k Podesta emails were a bit shady, and maybe CIA/FBI "leak"?

And isn't if even more shady, that now "Oh, we don't need to release them guys, he's alive!"

When has Wikileaks ever withheld, teased, then withdrew?

OtisFirefly ago

I figured finding Assange was a third party just trying to get signs of life rather than standard Wikileaks protocol. Though even having heard the interview part of me thinks this is Assange right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu3FRRXqazw

Le_Squish ago

Be careful how access the site. Other have suggested it might be compromised.

Stay safe.