Twitter poll asking if any of the 40,000 emails handed over by Seth Rich contained pizza/pedogate references (pizzagate)
submitted 7.8 years ago by duhiki
Do you think any of the 40,000 emails #SethRich gave to @wikileaks, contained references to what's commonly called #pizzagate or #pedogate? 31%It's possible 31%Most likely 31%Nope 07%pizzagate isn't real
PGIs___Retarded 7.8 years ago
Do you think any of the 40,000 emails #SethRich gave to @wikileaks, contained references to what's commonly called #pizzagate or #pedogate?
Of course not you gullible fucktards.
RaspberryPi 7.8 years ago
29 50 18 03
carmencita 7.8 years ago
Is that the total so far? If it is it is pretty good.
PGIs___Retarded ago
Of course not you gullible fucktards.
RaspberryPi ago
29 50 18 03
carmencita ago
Is that the total so far? If it is it is pretty good.