Are_we_sure ago

Who said I was sane? I said that I am rational.

Are_we_sure ago

I'm a he.

I have a feeling theyre here to leave trails of doubt for newly redpilled people who might not yet be comfortable thinking for themselves fully.

Where does one get these magical pills?

If they aren't a shill, I can't help but question their stability. How many of us have 3 alts on a flat earth forum where we log on every day for months to refute everyone and post Einstein articles?

This is the correct analogy. Pizzagate = Flat Earth.

Non Pizzagate = Round Earth

SoldierofLight ago

Are_w_sure hasn't switched sides. Rather, he did a bait and switch on the title. He uses a title and a lead that suggests he agrees with the majority of us in order to draw PG investigators in, then the meat of his BS article reveals his true agenda which is to claim that Trump is anti-Comey not b/c he's draining the swamp-- he supposedly did it to save his own ass.

anonOpenPress ago

A fair point on alts, an over critical observer would not need alts. He admitted that, you say, so let's agree (aop is changing his opinion...)

Are_we_sure ago

If you posts facts on this board, and want to reply to comments, you need more than one login

remedy4reality ago

you're a complete (((FAGGOT)))

Jem777 ago

Why did Are_we_Sure just switch sides? He is quite the fair weather friend.

DarkMath ago

"Why did Are_we_Sure just switch sides?"

I don't think he switched sides. I think he tried to be ironic and fell a little short. At least I hope it was meant that way. If Are_we_sure comes over to our side I'm going to wet my pants.


Jem777 ago

Seriously! He provided so much documentation if I had not looked at the author I would never had believed it.;)

DarkMath ago

Are_we_sure are you in mid-memes here because you're working both ends of the toilet with this post. You usually limit yourself to just one end.

Are you saying TPTB want to stop the Russia investigation or start it?

" :-| "

pizzaequalspedo ago

Find the leakers, and out them. This has to stop before civil war ensues.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Who is spying on our President's meetings with Russia and why are they not arrested and prosecuted immediately?

It may be time for martial law to stop this Deep State coup.

Are_we_sure ago

You missed this part

The White House document that contained Mr. Trump’s comments was based on notes taken from inside the Oval Office and has been circulated as* the official account of the meeting*

It's the official White House account. All Presidential meetings are documented.

2impendingdoom ago

Are you trying to get upvoats? because everyone thinks you're a shill

anonOpenPress ago

I never thought him as a shill, more like an over skeptic observer who however hasn't been too helpful for the investigations (well, few exceptions). But now, this post should be on /v/politics instead. No vote up or down from me, serious edit needed first.

remedy4reality ago

lol that is just slightly too measured