The_Roman_Numeral ago

Only problem I see here is that the video was uploaded by the family on April 24th. Nearly a month ago. The ''supposed'' family statement made by DNC family spokesman Bauman on not tolerating any conspiracies was a few days ago.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Ya know there has been so much conflicting info come out in the past 24 hrs, I'm inclined to agree with you. KimDotcom says he has info. George Webb suggests he doesnt believe Kim. Thomas Wictor says he knows the scoop and Seth was mugged. They cant all be correct so two of them have to be disinfo. Speaking of Webb, I dont follow him much anymore but I flipped over there to see what he had to say about SR. Ever notice when he is walking down the street, loudly recording, not one single person that he passes, or who passes him, looks at him? Not even a glance. You'd think someone walking, talking loudly and videoing would at least get a glance. Not only that.. he is seldom looking directly into the camera when he is recording. He is looking off to the side. Really strange...but, whatever. Hope his info is good for Seth's family's sake.

I believe Seth was murdered by the DNC. The next few days will be interesting.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

The only one going to the forefront at the moment is Dotcom. Why go out publicly with such a high profile statement, if it's only to commit social suicide? He might have something to help move the investigation along if not reopen it altogether, but I would be surprised he has the smoking gun.

cantsleepawink ago

I don't know if this has already been discussed in another Seth Rich thread but this information was posted to Facebook 2 days ago:

Independent citizen journalist George Webb suspects Rich was drugged, interrogated, then dumped on the corner and shot: "They propofoled him at 2AM, he gave up everything under drugs, and they rolled him out of the car at 4:15 AM." He'd been revived enough to call his girlfriend Kelsey Mulka, apparently at 4:17, and had been at a bar so perhaps attributed his condition to alcohol. " He went to the hospital at 4:20 AM, and he talked with his parents and brother. He was sitting up and talking with them, but he was still a bit groggy from the propofol." He lived till 6 AM, over 90 minutes after the shots. "Then the nurse anesthetist took him out at 5:59 AM" or an EMT finished him: "Trainees are a favorite. They are gone in a couple of days. No footprints. Off to another hospital.... I can take an ex-con, train them in two weeks to hang a drip bag, and then I am good at that hospital until somebody lodges a complaint, then I move him out. I still get six or seven "sleeps" out of him before someone complains." Or possibly Seth Rich had been drugged with something designed to interact with anesthesia.

"If there was the slightest possibility that Seth might be anywhere near close to death, the hospital would have had him on a heart monitor, a breathing ventilator, all sorts of drips, and literally everything a person needs to stay alive after being shot. What happened at the hospital makes no sense." -- rockguitarnow

“They were very surprised he didn’t make it,” Aaron Rich said emergency responders told him. “He was very aware, very talkative. Yep, that was 100 percent my brother.”

"So, an assassin(s) pushed a drugged Seth Rich out of their vehicle and shot him while they remained inside? That may explain the bruises and why no shell casings were recovered. They landed on the floor of the vehicle. The police were there in a little over a minute. Anyone on foot would have been caught. Who has possession of that convenience store video? Scary thought... Some operative was surveilling the scene and saw that Seth was still alive when the police came, and called ahead to someone at the hospital." -- Lane Change Webb explains the original set-up: "You can do the extraction off the street in a number of ways. Usually a pretty girl needing help with a tire, etc. You have the accomplice come from behind with the chloroform or whatever they use now. You usually explode something or stage a loud fight at the end of the street. Big move covers the small move. Once in the car, you go to a garage. He never leaves the back seat. He gives up [the name of Assange's now-dead lawyer] Ratner first (but I believe they already know that from [Clinton Foundation's former, perhaps extremely former employee Eric] Braverman), and then he gives up Jones and MacFayden." MacFadyen is a deceased American investigative reporter and deceased director of WikiLeaks. "The grogginess means Seth dissipates the propyfol.... When the police withhold the details, you know something is up. I think the two shots are necessary to signal the JTTF team to come pick him up." Webb also surmises, "Somebody leaked the NSA trace of Seth's calls to Ratner and Jones. I don't think he is killed just for emails. Usually, there has to be a meeting. ...It is after he gives Murray the thumbdrive in the park. He is going to call somebody in London to make sure they got the stuff. Hillary doesn't care about the intermediary. She didn't know who the contact point was in London. That's what they wanted. MacFayden recruited stringers every year at his journalism camp, and their feed point was Jones. That's what CIA didn't know was the feed point." Why would Seth Rich be interrogated before killed? "They need to make sure he hasn't contacted any additional people and check for a dead mans switch release."--Upside Down "Everyone is focusing on the emails to Wikileaks right now," Webb adds, "but it was Seth's phone call to Jones that killed him." Jones is also deceased.

So, what did Seth and his family talk about ? Can someone point me to the video or interview where Aaron or his parents reveal what Seth said about his attackers?

equineluvr ago

That MOSSAD disinfo agent again. LMAO!!!

cantsleepawink ago

Forget Webb. Do you think this statement is incorrect ? > ' He went to the hospital at 4:20 AM, and he talked with his parents and brother.'

carmencita ago

I have heard different versions on this. I first heard that he called his father but his father missed the call because he was asleep. He talked to his GF, but I have never read that he talked to his brother. There were so many stories and they seemed to be different in many ways sometimes. The reason for that imo, is because there was never any real investigation with that information being released to the media and the public. People and sites just scraped up bits and pieces in order to quench the thirst of a those that wanted to find the truth but never seemed to get it.Edit: I don't remember reading that he talked to his mother either.

V____Z ago

What is the source for this claim?

V____Z ago

From WaPost:

Rich placed at least five calls and received two incoming calls, according to the log. The first three were placed before closing time — two to his father, who’d gone to bed early and didn’t hear the ring, and one to a friend; they lasted only a minute.

Rich seems to have been on the phone with another friend, who had called him, when the bar closed. That 12-minute call ended at 1:33.

At 2:05, he called his girlfriend, who was in her home state of Michigan. They spoke for 89 minutes. Then the call dropped. A few minutes later, he called her again, and they spoke for 43 more minutes.

At about 4:19 a.m., Rich told his girlfriend he was almost home and said, “I gotta go,” according to Rich’s father, who has spoken with his girlfriend. (She asked not to be named or quoted because of continuing harassment of those connected to the case.)

Rich didn’t sound alarmed. His girlfriend, according to a person familiar with the events of that night, went to bed thinking there was nothing amiss.

Later that morning, Joel Rich got a call from Washington police. Seth was dead.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Thanks for this

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Credit to UnwittingRussianAgnt @DrinkLibTears for posting to Twitter. Sorry forgot to put credit in title