flyingcuttlefish ago

I think they are counting that money left in a bag on their porch....

Ziggystrife ago

Rich's parents just did a video like a month ago thanking everyone for insisting on finding out the truth about Seth's death. Why hasn't anyone posted that in response to this bullshit propaganda fakenews they keep spinning us.

flyingcuttlefish ago

you can post it.

What people find interesting is the strange behavior, expressions displayed in the ABC interview.

NotTooLate ago

More from a researcher who identified ties to Soros! Supposedly the Seth Rich family has hired a Washington, DC PR company to fend off unwanted theories and blogs about the death of their son. The PR company is The Pastorum Group founded in 2015 by Brad Bauman who previously worked for the Congressional Progressive Caucus and Josh Cohen who previously worked for the DNC and Obama For America. He states that he worked as a communicator and a ‘digitizer’ for the DNC meaning he was involved in promoting voter turnout and manipulating media commentaries. What he doesn’t state on his Twitter feed is that he is co-founder of Pastorum Group…

The Congressional Progressive Caucus was initially founded by Bernie Sanders and five additional progressive democrats in 1991. Organizations that support CPC include a Soros affiliated media group, Institute For Policy Studies which has been criticized for its radical Marxist ideologies, Progressive Democrats of America, a Socialist activist organization, Jobs With Justice, an organization that motivates college students to protest, and National Council of La Raza which has been criticized as the Latino KKK by Tom Tancredo.

Obama For America was reorganized as Organizing For Action a 501(c)(4). In 2013, the last reported year, they hauled in $21 million in donations. The status 501(c)(4) means the company may actively engage in political sway, contributions are not deductible and they are considered a hub of ‘dark money’ that spends more on political action than Super Pacs. Some of the more notable donors include:.........

Mbailey63 ago

Paid for by the DNC.

HollandDrive ago

And sponsored.

RweSure ago

I believe he's doing it pro-bono.

HollandDrive ago

OK, sponsored.

Omnicopy ago

What is a Pastorum Group? Satanic pastors?

banusaur ago

Oh a "family spokesman"? That's totally a thing. Every middle class American family has one of those lying around.

RweSure ago

Yes, this is a thing when that family becomes part of a news story.

Absolutely 100% not unusual.

banusaur ago

Thanks for clearing that up. My family is in a news story later today. We totally forgot to pick up our family spokesman :{

What do we do? :'(

bopper ago

Hate when that happens.

HollandDrive ago

You mean when that news story becomes part of the family. lol

equineluvr ago

"Yes, this is a thing when that family becomes part of a FAKE news story."


anonOpenPress ago

Pastorum... reminds me of:

PP is not abbrevation for "the Pope" but "Pastor Pastorum"

flyingcuttlefish ago

George Webb - Day 208.1 Hillary's Hackers, Awan Brothers Saga Deepens Part 1

equineluvr ago

And no post in this SHEEP PEN would be complete without the DISINFO of that MOSSAD agent.

flyingcuttlefish ago

they should be pissing in their pantsuits!

derram ago :

WikiLeaks on Twitter: "Seth Rich's new "family spokesman" is Brad Bauman a professional Democrat crisis PR consultant with the Pastorum Group."

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