flyingcuttlefish ago

I thought Reddit was downplaying Seth Rich story.

But this thread has a lot -

Freemasonsrus ago

I agree. It feels like there is a groundswell of something big rolling up which is why you see the demons scrambling so much. They will not be able to escape justice. This IS a different timeline.

Omnicopy ago

It is just redpilling ang going deeper and deeper into understanding. It goes very deep. What I'm trying to tell people is that there are kids being taken in many ways. They are all very real satanic sacrifices.

druhill007 ago

Love the energy of this post. LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

SoSpricyHotDog ago

May this snowball of light continue to build speed and crush the scum it's heading for!


equineluvr ago

And, as usual in this SHEEP PEN, the truth lies at the bottom of the screen. :)

DarkMath ago

Bring it on. You've got the watch. I've got the time.


Ouch that one looked like it hurt. Did it hurt?

HollandDrive ago

And ... what else have they lied to us about?? I bet it's something big.

QuantumSquad ago

They are Aliens & their tech. Cure for diseases. Rumor has it, the Nazis found a cure for cancer. Many of those Nazis moved to the US. The pharmaceutical companies don't want us to have cures.

Chemtrails, flouride in water. They are trying to kill us. Georgia stones are their commandments

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Aliens....yeah I bet they have lied about them. I think now we lied about putting men on the moon. And I think Tesla had a lead on almost free energy by tapping into the natural energy of the Universe. But the Luciferarians whole world revolves around the control of energy and things being scarce. We dont need rulers if there is almost free energy. Their whole stolen wealth collapses when we dont need their oil wells, their coal mines, their nuclear reactors. When we can desalinify water easily because energy is free the planet can become a eden. Their whole abortion oriented world. Their whole global warming scam will be meaningless in the face of this. I think this is the big secret the Masonic Sabbetean Cult has been desperate to keep from us. We dont need them. At all.

Vindicator ago

Unfortunately, history has shown that power always corrupts. Were we to get "free energy" we would still be dealing with fallen man -- who would find another type of power (longevity/health, perhaps?) to monopolize and wield over his fellow man. The track record of "utopias" has been 100% disastrous.

QuantumSquad ago

" We dont need rulers if there is almost free energy."

^ THIS. That is the bottom line to everything. They want to control us so they need to dumb us down. They have kept everything from us and use their Luciferian religion to place a fog on us. There's a leviathan spirit that some of feel.

They keep us in fear too. They need to remove our ability to tap into our own energy. They tapped into darkness... they need to keep us from tapping into the light or I call it GOD :)

I believe Trump will give us the new energy. Rumor is he ordered the gov (probably SSP or whatever) to unclassify certain things regarding energy & health

HollandDrive ago

Yeah I forgot about Tesla. That would be a big big thing. You may know that Dr. Judy Wood believes that free energy took the towers down. There's even a clip on 60 Minutes about this (it's about cold fusion) ... it's fascinating because it explains what you're talking about and they interview the old physicist whose life was destroyed for looking into it. I don't believe in aliens.

Edit: Rumsfeld on Directed Energy Weapons. Dancing around the question. Rumsfeld has the towers on his mind I fully believe. All them damn "known knowns and unknowns" and so forth :)

Madwack ago

I would love to say Aliens but......, my guess is it has something to do with our ancient past.

HollandDrive ago

Have you seen the trailer to the documentary that espouses the "geocentric" theory of the universe? The film is called "The Principle." This film is a step in the right direction of what's coming, but unfortunately (whether by design or not) it serves as a distraction (a possible attempt at controlled opposition) to what's coming ... which is much bigger than just geocentricity, the theme of the film.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Thanks for the recommendation. On my download list for my next weekend at the cabin.

HollandDrive ago

"The cabin." Don't make me envious ok? Just kidding. If you watch it remember my comments above.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Lol. And to make you even more envious... I can't even get a cell signal there. As close to off grid as I'll be til the SHTF. Have you seen thrive? It was interesting minus the slant against religion.

HollandDrive ago

I would love to watch it, I've seen pieces only. I used to be really into that stuff, I've grown organic and even sold it, eggs, goats, solar. Now I'm just an armchair survivalist. What's worse, I don't even own a gun lol. (My kids have the AR-15's and ammo and gold and Mountain House food.) My getaway used to be the Ozarks, sounds like you're in a much wilder area. Congrats, enjoy! (Be a human for a while again :)

drain-o ago

What's coming?

HollandDrive ago

I hinted in the above comment about the film "The Principle." I can't say more here in this discussion.

sunshine702 ago

I think Comey was key. Now Seth Rich is FINALLY being investigated. Charges are dropped against Assange, FINALLY Weiner will do prison time. And the media can no longer bury it. Too many normal people looked at the Podesta brother and Alefantis' art and media posts and knew something wasn't right. Praise kek.

drain-o ago

I suspect Wiener made a deal and will now blab. If he lives.

DeadMary ago

Let's just say that he's going to be at the gym and accidentally shoot himself in the back 7 times then stumble off the roof of a building...

djklbd ago

Great Post OP, love the enthusiasm. Keep it up folks, this is crunch time.

44NJ9 ago

I got chills reading this. Things are changing.

Deflo56 ago

Victor Davis Hanson said it best on Tucker last night. The flame has been lit. Can't you smell the fire? With Trump out of town maybe the MSM will melt.

Vindicator ago

Love VDH.

MysticMa ago

One can only HOPE!!!

fuspezza ago

Remember that we are here to bring light in to what otherwise would be the darkest pits in hell. Don't think much of your self instead think of the wonders of the earth and the tranquility one gets from gazing at the stars on a chili night. Focus for collective consciousness will make this world better for humanity/nature.

MysticMa ago

So very, very TRUE...

fuspezza ago

I love your title.

MysticMa ago

TY, this week has also cleared a few dark clouds personally, which I guess has given me pause of Synchronicity in very broad perspectives.

fuspezza ago

I feel you. clearing is good we were led to belive that our bottled up dark clouds were sealed and out of danger nothing is further from the truth and that nasty shit oozes out and seeps trough contaminating the clearest of intentions. P.s.

Omnicopy ago

It is great to see a young person seeing the truth! This demon controlled world is real! The news that is all coming out is real! Demons or reptilian shape shifters do control this earth. They control the churches, our churches are not real, they are part of the matrix. I'm sure the matrix goes very very deep now like Seth Rich's murder. I found this website called that really gives some very interesting information out. Just found out about them so don't know if it is legit. Got to be careful , don't get decieved. You have to buy their books. But you can read some chapters of their books. It is mind blowing. They say Planet X is an alien spaceship planet. They say planets are going to smash into the sun and pieces will fall to earth. I'm always looking how the prophesies in Revelation are going to happen and when! Soon!

equineluvr ago

Get a grip, you religious wackjob. There are no demons, just evil people.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I would of said the same thing six months ago. But you know what? I think there really might be something Demonic in all this. I aint the man I was before. I know things are not what the Masonic Sabbetean Cabal has said they are. The World is not what I expected or believed at ALL.

HollandDrive ago

The spiritual aspect of evil is the biggest redpill.

Vindicator ago

What's amazing is that it is something that has been known about, discussed, taught and combated in all major religions for the past two to three millennia. Anything that has lasted that long has got to have something to it. Bullshit just isn't that resilient.

HollandDrive ago

Very well said. Empirical evidence is overwhelming.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

You're so right.

DarkMath ago

"Those whispers are turning into a fact finding Roar!"

I don't mean to be hyperbolic. I only say this in the hope it'll help people. If it helps just one person it'll be worth it:

What's about to happen in America in the next few months is going to be far louder than any "roar". It's going to blow people's minds. And no this isn't the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. This isn't about Religion. I'm talking about the collapse of the Deep State. The higher they climb the harder they fall and these mother fuckers were in the stratosphere so things could get ugly for a bit.

It's going to go beyond many people's ability to comprehend it and it will lead some people off the deep end. Take that for what you will but it's not going to be pretty. Seeing someone lose their mind could turn your shit white for a month. It's important to remember when someone loses control they are no longer willing participants in their own life. They fall victim to emotions that are so deep they're uncontrollable. Medical attention is one temporary way to help but it's way more complicated than putting someone in a straight jacket. Guilt or innocence is irrelevant. When people lose total control of themselves emotionally some end up taking their own lives out of desperation. And that's the tragedy that needs to be prevented because it's wrong and really hard to watch. It's just some people go to a deep dark part of their mind they've never been in and it's terrifying.

I touched a little bit on this in a post here. When you see someone lose control like that they could be a harm to themselves and others. It's often because they can't forgive themselves but it could be they are innocent and have been wrongly accused and can't take it anymore. Whatever it is some people in the past have found Spirituality is the only way they can come back to life. And you can be an Atheist and still be Spiritual so don't tell me it's impossible.

Some people are about to discover the truth behind the term: "There are no atheists in fox-holes.". And the reason is we're about to see the biggest "artillery barrage" in American History coming up in a little bit. Gird your loins.


dickface888 ago

You paint a dire picture.

DarkMath ago

"You paint a dire picture."

Don't worry. It's only the darkest before dawn. History never moves in a straight line.

V____Z ago

Jesus Christ and the Second Coming are not about religion. Religion was an afterthought created to control the masses through fear. But Jesus came, He rose, and He told us the signs of His return.

blumeanie ago

God is real, he's called the universe.

madhatter67 ago

I reached the same conclusion many years ago....good to know many of us are on the same page....and will fight for life and love

HollandDrive ago

Then He's not real. If he's the universe.

blumeanie ago

The Universe is real, God is the Universe, God is real. The 'God' depicted in the Bible smiting sinners and burning bushes is baloney.

HollandDrive ago

Fine about the baloney if that's what you believe, but it's flawed logic to say that there is a being, complete w/ attributes, and then say it's the 'person-less' universe. Sounds great, but makes no sense. You can't have it both ways. You don't want that conundrum, I understand, but you can't have it both ways. People that espouse this don't want a God because they don't want him in their business.

blumeanie ago

Forget I said "he". It's just sounds better than "it". Think of God as a thing, as opposed to a person or being, and suddenly it makes perfect sense.

HollandDrive ago

I understand what you're saying. I would disagree though (respectfully), in that he is an eternally un-created being, a divine 'person.' Un-created is something we cannot, as created beings, grasp, this is where reason is to stoop to faith. "You will find him, when you seek him w/ all your heart."

blumeanie ago

Un-created is something we cannot, as created beings, grasp

And yet when we read the Bible, God is portrayed with glaring human-like traits, emotions and flaws. Speaking of having your cake and eating it too (respectfully).

HollandDrive ago

Only against sin. All these "flaws" and "anger" and "genocide" were towards sin. Why does he permit evil? We don't know.

blumeanie ago

Why does he permit evil?

Let's not forget, the God of the Bible not only permits evil, he perpetrates it as well.

After a childhood full of religion force fed down down my throat, at this stage of my life I need to base my faith in something a little more tangible.

HollandDrive ago

I understand, that's a bummer story. Just for the record, I believe there is very little true Christianity left at this time. They're all hypocrites. And pastor's kids (I'm not saying you were one) are usually the worst. Do you believe we were created, or evolved (regardless of what you think about the god of the Bible ... just curious).

DarkMath ago


GhostOfSwartz ago

"It's just some people go to a deep dark part of their mind they've never been in and it's terrifying." That, right there. I was almost in that place when I first became red pilled. Mine was Sandy Hook. I was in a dark dark place. I was pushing everyone away. Terrified of where I would end up with this soul crushing knowledge. I thought the revelation of it to my husband would be the end of us. And we had a new baby around that time. I'd wait til he'd be working out of town and then binge watch everything with an open mind. 911, Illuminati, etc etc. I started to drop mini red pills little by little, and he was very receptive. Now we're closer than ever!

DarkMath ago

"and then binge watch everything"

I totally know what you mean. This story was more addictive than cocaine to be honest. And maybe that's why I hit this thing so hard. Since I got sober I need to replace the excitement and this story fit the bill in spades.

I bet what's going to happen is after the shit goes down the MSM and Hollywood will rebound and there will be a palpable change in line-up. I'm not saying more conservative, God no. I just think Hollywood will hopefully drop the dramatic equivalent of a crack cocaine high and return to Earth.

If they don't then fuck 'em. Burn Hollywood Burn. Take Down Tinsel Town. Burn Down To The Ground.

I miss the 1990s.


BerksResident ago

Thanks for posting this song, takes me back! Like to propose it as the Pizzagate anthem

GhostOfSwartz ago

Crack high is right. It's like it's a bullet train barreling straight into hell right now. I'm not a prude by any means, but there was something on regular TV the other day. I can't remember what it was but it was a soft core porn. I had to get my husband's attention to turn it because the kid was watching. And i hate Fox news as much as the next Network but what is going in there is blatant. The sons are literally burning it to the ground despite the fact they'll lose all that money.

DarkMath ago

"The sons are literally burning it to the ground despite the fact they'll lose all that money."

I know and it's so compelling to watch rich people lose their money. Many will follow in the coming years ahead. The Deep State and Wall Street are tied at the hip. That ain't good for Wall Street. They're gonna have to start dancin' pretty soon. I hope they pick the right tune.

If they do they'll get to keep the Federal Reserve system and that's good. The U.S.A. is given trillions in free money every year as payment for our services in WWII.

If they don't they have to sell the vacation homes and go out and get real jobs.

Either way we the people win.


awake4646 ago

I have seen the most intelligent person I know go through a complete mental breakdown more than once. It is a completely heartbreaking and draining experience for supporters, and I agree that this information will be just too much for some. The understanding of what our countries/world have really become is literally going to break the hearts of so many - especially the elderly who struggle to understand the scale of technology, globalism, etc. and are often deeply patriotic and religious. This feels like a time when we have to show the utmost compassion and care for those struggling to digest all of this suddenly. Many children will need help as well. If we have ever found it in our hearts to exercise patience and love for others as if they were us, now is the time.

DarkMath ago

"we have to show the utmost compassion and care for those struggling to digest all of this suddenly"


Omnicopy ago

Yes information like our churches are false and there has been many kids sacrificed in them are going to tear up many!!!! Very very sad and desvastating!!! People can't comprehend these kind of sacrifices to Satan! Go to. st. Jude's Hospital and go room to room and ask the families what church they attend. They are all sacrifices to Satan probably!l this is huge! Doctors have never found what causes miscarriages. I can tell you why. They are satanic sacrifices. There are many ways Satan takes sacrifices!!!!

ArthurEdens ago

I keep hearing this over the last nine months. "Get ready, shit's going to hit the fan in the next two months". Why do you think it's really going to happen this time?

DarkMath ago

"Why do you think it's really going to happen this time?"

I was never one that said get ready shit's about to happen. You can go back and check. I couldn't have said that anyways because I didn't know the depths of depravity to which the Deep State got to.

But you can mark my words now. I'm officially saying it's about to get loud y'all. The Word of God is so loud you can hear it half way across the Universe.

My recommendation to America: Buy Really Good Ear Plugs


QuantumSquad ago

"The Word of God is so loud you can hear it half way across the Universe. My recommendation to America: Buy Really Good Ear Plugs"

I also see a revival coming. It already hit me. I hadn't read the bible in years and now, over the last couple of months, I read it every day and pray. When things get bad, many people are going to seek God

Side note: Last week, I saw a prophecy about Trump, Truman and truth. About the truth coming out... I then wrote a specific prayer about evil being unveiled and the lying media being exposed. where every day I prayed that more and more people would see the lies and seek the truth... the next day I read a blog of dreams (I subscribe to) and it talked about a dream of scripts. Where people were like zombies following a script and then it changed as God changed the script and people awoke (and in my mind I related it to the propaganda media)... And since then it seems every day more and more stuff comes out at a rapid pace...

Now I don't think I changed things as much as I was directed to target pray about this topic.

DarkMath ago

Well said QuantumSquad. We're seeing History being made on a daily. This is why I was a History major in college. It's reading about stuff like this. Reading History is like watching a car accident in slow motion. You can't just look away. You've got to watch all the way to the end and half way through you start praying for all involved, guilty or innocent.

In the end we are all Human Beings. We are all sinners before God.

drain-o ago

I would like to know more. Can you elaborate on the specific indicators that you see supporting that THE HAPPENING approaches?

20Justice4All17 ago

I concur and have shared in your past frustrations with the glacial pace of things all the way to last fall. I know so many people cannot handle the level of deprevatity from our 'leaders' and do worry about how unenlightenes loved ones will react as it takes fortitude to stabilize emotionally afterward. But that is the shock our culture badly needs. And i eagerly await exposure. Hoping it happens in the next few months as you say.

DarkMath ago

"the glacial pace of things"

That used to bother me but you need to remember Watergate took two years from start to finish. And this one's about a billion times bigger.

Heck I'm not even sure this country's going to make it to be perfectly honest. Everything's on the table now. If these people have access to the nuke codes it's game over for us.

Coinkydinkyly that's what Hitler did when he was in the same position. In the end as the Russians approached Berlin he told the German people they all deserved to die if they couldn't stop the Russian advance. To Hitler what does not kill you makes you stronger. It's fucked in the head to apply that at the national level but when you replace God with a mere mortal all bets are off.


ArthurEdens ago

So God told you it's close? I like your enthusiasm. Leaked videos are the only way people will pay attention imo.

DarkMath ago

"So God told you it's close?"

No. My European History degree did.

I finally got the lazy mother fucker to do an honest days work for once.


ArthurEdens ago


Joe10jo ago

Go Kek! :-)

jstrotha0975 ago

Conservatives need to make their own POL.

2impendingdoom ago

It is not conservatives v. dems. It is the people vs corrupt cia/banking/corporate interests. Both parties are corrupted and are either peodfiles or being blackmailed against their constitutes interests. "They" target people they can control and rise them up to positions of power or they make sure they "have" something on them (ie. get them drunk and compromised in a taped hotel room). Watch the videos by Kay Griggs (marine Col.'s wife) and Sibel Edmonds, (former FBI) for first hand accounts of the real system.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Yep, throwing all from the Left under the bus is counterproductive and the opposite of what is needed.

Verite1 ago

Exactly! People need to understand there are a lot of people on the left following these stories and fighting this fight!

GumShoe ago

Yes. This is a Demopublican issue.

jstrotha0975 ago

Yes you are right, its the people vs the cabal. So why don't me make our own message board. I would pay a monthly fee to use it too.

carmencita ago

Well we know the owner of Reddit is one of THEM, but this is a really great outing of what is going on behind the scenes especially for those that do not know. This person has guts that is for sure.