new4now ago

What's wrong with the picture behind them? forgot I had sound off and the picture caught my eye because it looked like it was moving. Why is the picture even there? I haven't even listened to what they were saying because I trying to figure whats going on with picture. Anyone else see something strange? Maybe I need to call it a night :)

PQhonest ago

Seth Rich's parents need to request the official DEATH CERTIFICATE for Seth. It would help researchers to know where he died, who the attending physician was, the time of death etc. etc. The parents should already have it. If not, they need to request it asap.

fartnigger ago

The other video was a professionally recorded video... they brought light stands and the whole video crew into their home to tape it. It was a forced video and you can tell from their faces they were uncomfortable, unlike this one. This one is sincere.

keepthefaith ago

Something so 'crisis actor' about those parents.

Verite1 ago

Jesus stop with the crisis actor thing!' Can't you see the very strong family resemblance between Seth and his mother??

Lunger ago

That is the whole idea. Its a psychological trick. When people are barraged with with opposing ideas/viewpoints they shut down and unconsciously choose to ignore what is before them.

Commoner ago

They want to find the "two" that killed him. How do they know there were two? Who told them that?

carmencita ago

Does anyone remember the camera where Seth was found that recorded at the time of the attack? It claims to have only gotten THEIR feet? Evidently the feet were suppose to verify that there were only two attackers. Funny that was never released. Maybe they had unusual shoes or what if they wore shorts (it was summer) and had tats on their legs. This is very suspect. They could be trying to send us a message. Remember. Remember what they first clues were. Pay no attention to all of the crazy new YT Stars or 4chan Anons or whatever. Just Sayin'. @V____Z @quantokitty

V____Z ago

I agree, sticking with original reports is safest.

Boyakasha ago

There's footage apparently from a nearby store that captures the suspects legs. It showed two perps.

fartnigger ago

Even an ankle tattoo can help identify the killer. Any knowledge on what DC agency is holding this info?

quantokitty ago

We've already gone over this. We don't know when this was filmed and we don't know who they're speaking to. They might have made a personal video for workers at the DNC ... or friends ... or Seth's co-workers. This doesn't prove anything. Nothing. It just means they thanked a group of people.

fartnigger ago

Sure we don't know when this was filmed, but it directly contradicts the message pumped by Brad Bauman, the DNC "family spokesperson" PR guy. The one telling the MSM that the family doesn't want any help and wants everyone to stop chasing this crazy conspiracy.

That's good enough for me to never stop.

quantokitty ago

No, it doesn't contradict anything ... that's the point! They're thanking a group of people. That group of people might not be us.

You're extrapolating things that are not in evidence. If this was made months ago and was directed at their family & friends, how would that include us? It wouldn't.

JesusRules ago

so sad, lets get the fukin real killers

EndlessWargasm ago

Ahh, fuck.

Over on /pol someone found a version of this video posted on the 25th April.