4_InquiringMinds ago

I wouldn't be surprised if they were paid off to keep quiet.

Possibly...but also if your son was just obviously murdered and you still have one son would be easy to say do you want your remaining son to commit 'suicide' out of grief? And the parents obese, particularity the dad, he could conveniently have a heart attack. There are many possibilities just sayin~

PQhonest ago

Seth's parents need to request the official DEATH CERTIFICATE to see where he died, when he was declared dead, who the attending physician was, etc. The parents have the right to request it from DC.

13Buddha ago

Unfortunately, they don't give a damn and God only knows why. They would have done so a long time ago.

Pizzalawyer ago

Only immediate family could have had access to Seth and his family was out of state. Imagine being alone in a hospital where those conspiring to kill you could have unfettered access. His family needs those hospital records ASAP. Even if there was no murder, there might be medical malpractice.

HollandDrive ago

Lived out of state or "were" out of state?

carmencita ago

Another nurse in a post I just read it sounds like Seth was still alive 8 hrs. later. Folks we are being had. They are trying to work really hard to CTR.

HollandDrive ago

Another nurse in a post I just read it sounds like Seth was still alive 8 hrs. later.

They are the same stories that you're reading, they're not contradictions. Same story, two different posts. They are jiving. Both posts give the same info, that Seth was alive in the morning (eight hours later).