Jem777 ago

Yes exactly thanks was searching for that. George W. right now is in or was moments ago in Lou's Bar where Seth Rich was last seen alive. He showed a picture of Seth posted in memorial to him at the bar. He is asking for any info on Shawn Lucas. Apparently Shawn and Seth were friends and their anger over the injustice done to Bernie supporters was part of this. Seth leaked the documents to Wikileaks through McFadyn Julian Assange attorney with possibly assistance by Craig Murray a U.K. Politician who has stated he has knowledge both the DNC leaks & the Podesta leaks were inside leaks. One by a disgruntled democratic operative, Podesta by US intelligence much like the Madeline McCann e-fits were released. Shawn Lucas died of an alleged "heart attack" at age 38. Where is his autopsy report & findings? Where are computer forensics done on his computer and possible connections to Seth Rich and/or Wikileaks? Why is this not a potential murder investigation since this young guy suddenly dies right after the above video service of the DNC.

equineluvr ago

The RIch family is CRYPTO JEWISH.

EVERYBODY in PG is a J or a crypto J.

V____Z ago

Yesterday there was a video from Webb posted here saying he was about to meet with the brother of Seth, who had somehow made it know that he wants the story to get out. How this was made known was not revealed. Did he call George, or did George see some post online? Why did George not give us any details? Did Webb ever meet with him? If not can I assume he has addressed these obvious questions, and presented some sort of follow up to his adoring fans?

People please demand more from the researchers you decide to put your faith in. This is getting embarrassing. I know I am offending people who love him, but wake the fuck up. You are ignoring major warning signs, and continuing to give him free reign to say anything, and not challenge him ever. WHY? Can you at least tell me why?

One more thing, the car crash in NYC was a total hoax, does George address that, or is he continuing to suggest it was real and that he was legit scared for his life? An 'ex' CIA operative talking about hoaxes as if they're real, this is the v/pizzagate hero? This is how our investigation dies? We hand it to some dude who came out of nowhere and said 'I'll take it from here, but the perps shouldn't be punished, and performing Brownsone operations is admirable'.

Y'all have been had. Ryan O'Neil and Honeybee are the real deal. Do you see the difference?

George Webb is challenged with questions such as mine, you know, obvious ones like asking for proof. He erases them from his Facebook, or ignores them from what I am told. This is sketchy.

Sorry but I don't know how much more of this I can stand. I am trying to be gentle here, but this is getting absurd.

equineluvr ago

You can't be gentle with these idiots.

V____Z ago


Jem777 ago

@V_Z you have made excellent posts including citing Cynthia McKinney PhD. Do you realize Cynthia McKinney is one of George's sources? As well as a source for Wikileaks? Why the pleading he is not a hero he tells part of the story. The Dyncorp/CIA part. It needs to be told to stop it that is all.

V____Z ago

Did George not literally say he was going to meet yesterday with the brother of Seth Rich? That is a big claim, and it was posted here with no substantiating evidence, just George's word. OK, so you all must have some reason that you consider his word alone to be reliable, but did that meeting actually take place? Did he follow up in his videos since then about this massively important meeting?

Next, if he threw that claim out there, did not have a meeting, and has not even mentioned it since, can you please tell me why you let things like this slide, when there is NO WAY we would let this type of thing slide from someone such as David Seaman, or Ryan O'Neil.

Finally, if indeed you all are letting him say whatever, and it proves false, you ignore rather than using this to inform your views, how on earth can you fault me for complaining about this? Because it just doesn't make any sense on any level.

Howmanyarethere ago

Seth Rich died for leaking is this a play and who would it help if it was?

ACTUALLY Promoting and latching on to a weird idea that Seth is alive and squirreled away somewhere in witness protection ONLY AIMS TO PROTECT HILLARY.from prosecution of murder.

Come on guys ....all this based on bad reactions from parents..... Don't hang ;your hat on this because someone is leading you in that direction

V____Z ago

If you listen to Webb's description of the CIA's "school play", he's actually doing a "hiding in plain sight" - George is actually describing what HIS game is all about. He is pulling a school play on pizzagate researchers, and we seem to be fighting tooth and nail to allow him to continue.

Jem777 ago

You are not following. The death real. The identity of leakers to Wikileaks was made in advance. The play is the script written for the cover-up.

HennyPenny ago

Poke the scenery some more, George. Interview this girlfriend that Seth Rich was talking to that night. Did he sound drunk to her? She shouldn't be too hard to find, she works at the Institute of International Education in NY on whose board of directors sits Henry Kissinger(

Jem777 ago

That is odd @HennyPenny wouldn't you say? Seth, a 27 year old Bernie supporter working for the DNC would have a girlfriend connected to Henry Kissinger.

Just wondering when they trace the metadata from his phone & her location is there a match? Surely the FBI would have done this with a full forensics on the computers, phones, DNC servers and everything else in a murder investigation. Right? Especially before the entire government, & top FBI & Intel state the Russians hacked the DNC and the President agreed. Then the DOJ had FISA warrants and surveillance on opposing political figures.

And his girlfriend working for Kissinger she must have connections to help solve the crime. I mean Kissinger is HRC bestie they spent Christmas in the Dominican Republic.

Kissinger randomly showed up two days ago in whitehouse to Trump. Wonder why?

HennyPenny ago

Whole scenario smells funny like some never ending soap opera . George Webb's "school play" term is very informative.

Jem777 ago

Yes it is that much more calculated and that is hard for people to understand. In other countries yes but not here. If something does go wrong here people have to believe in rule of law. That someone will take a stand. If it goes all the way to the top and citizens & whistleblowers are giving up their lives for the greater cause then where is justice. Freedom of speech is the last right. If your speech can be censored or the press turns on the people and suppresses speech or truth what else is there.

You can love or hate the party in charge but when the whole system tries to shut down truth.

Jem777 ago

This is very complicated just following the story. This is not about George W. that is the point. 1000's of people if not more are involved directly as amateurs. Many more as anonymous whistleblowers which he has stated. In addition to this are professional FBI's, doctors, Intel, etc. that are now stepping forward.

Seth Rich entire social media has been discovered and archived including his own words of patriotism and love of country. The links to Wikileaks archived. The unmasking archived. This was all done overnight by /pol/ & T_D....including all texts and tweets alluding to his death in real time and recently mocking it.

Exposure has happened and they are caught. The Russia story is a huge lie that everyone participated in. Why do you think the charges against Julian Assange was completely dropped today.

Even worse listen to Putin's Christmas speech where he speaks out about pedophelia and Satanism infecting the world.

xyz_3 ago

This "intern" that George Webb is going to interview is actually a blogger, Dr. Eowyn, who reposted the anonymous chat about the alleged surgical intervention and hospital ICU care and death there. He doesn't appear to be the actual surgical resident who cared for Seth Rich, so why is GW going to talk to him?

Jem777 ago

G.W. son is a medical doctor. He has deep connections inside hospitals which is why he can speak of organ harvesting and the black budget business. The actual surgical resident was raided after posting on /pol/ "allegedly" People are leaking to clear their conscience it seems. G. W. is probably one of them at some level that is why he knows.

equineluvr ago

"G.W. son is a medical doctor. He has deep connections inside hospitals"

EVERY hospital?! Will GW channel his son or read his mind? Did GW's son TREAT Seth Rich?!


Jem777 ago

Nice to see u back with your logic & capital letters for emphasis. Tell everyone how smart you are horse luvr.

xyz_3 ago

I just listened to the G.W. video again and he clearly states, starting at about 4:03 that he's going to be "drilling down on the doctor, the intern, Eowyn, is his name..." He doesn't appear to know that Dr. Eowyn is a female blogger, not a physician, which one can infer by reading the comments to that blog posting.

equineluvr ago

Webb is a MOSSAD disinfo agent. Jew777 has been shilling for him for months on here.

Jem777 ago

Horse luvr you fall so easy now

xyz_3 ago

Thanks for the background on GW. I don't follow him closely. How do we know that the actual surgical resident was raided after posting?

carmencita ago

I am not saying there is no truth to GW, some of his videos make sense, but this one had me completely lost. It is hard to follow and much too complicated of a story. It sounds contrived and therefore people will think it is made up. Not saying that it is, but a lot of people have been wondering about him lately. Just sayin'. I have seen some of his videos but am not an avid follower, actually of any of the YT Stars. Thanks for posting and putting it out there for people to decide.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I've changed my mind. His parents are too bizarre to be believable. Who would ask for an autograph from Hillary when the son just died.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

If your slain child was an intern etc. for Trump and you had little to no knowledge of the brewing controversies, and Trump came to wish you well would you not at least take a picture with him or get a sig?

Jem777 ago

Seth Rich is a real death. The School Play is the act that is put on when there is a cover up. The death is planned ahead of time. Seth Rich was identified as the leaker to Wikileaks. He was unmasked by someone. It is in John Podesta own emails "make an example of the leaker"

The School Play is written by intelligence agencies. His interrogation and death planned ahead of time. Joe Capone is called into the Whitehouse for the meeting a few days before for the plan.

There seems to be some indication he goes missing for several hours which could mean interrogation and gives up info on Shawn Lucas or Wikileaks lawyers all who wind up dead last summer. He is then shot and left and dies. His computer seized and is missing. The DC cops told to stand down. This means some in high levels know everything possibly whitehouse, all knew it was not Russia who hacked the DNC. They knew it was a lie and had forensic proof and many dead bodies.

Podesta. HRC, Mook, all of them knew it.

That is why they never pushed to forensically examine DNC servers. They knew.

Now it seems people are coming forward.

DarkMath ago

"'Seth Rich is a real death."

Jem777 how do you explain the lack of a Death Certificate and all the other weird sketchiness?

Jem777 ago

@DarkMath I am not saying "real death" for sure. What I am saying is the lack of evidence including an autopsy makes it all the more stranger. If this was in fact a complete "School Play" and Seth himself is an actor why? If so why not provide the fake death certificate, CIA, or Mossad working with them could easily have that worked out. This is sloppy and the unanswered questions about the FBI vehicle, lack of information released about Jollah being captured a day and a half later when "an alleged botched robbery with a dead DNC staffer" happens to coincide as HRC is stating his name on a campaign trail. Too many questions?

DarkMath ago

"Seth himself is an actor why?"

Seth Rich "murder" eliminates the public from looking for the real leaker(s). Also Seth Rich's "school play" is a distraction and disinformation that Hillary & Co can send people on wild goose chases. Basically it's a smoke screen to confuse people. The more smoke the harder it is to identify the truth.

"if so why not provide the fake death certificate, "

That's a paper trail and easily disproven and would also open up the hospital to a law suit. There are limits to even the CIA and Mossad.

" This is sloppy "

That's because they're desperate and don't have time to fully cook their ideas before unleashing them on an increasingly disbelieving public.

2impendingdoom ago

They are so brazen about killing people left and right, like its no big deal and we (internet nobodies, like me) aren't going to notice or care. I completely believe that to add insult to injury Seth Rich's organs were "donated" and sold as well as Monica Petersons which explains why her family never got her body recovered.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

My understanding is Mr. Lucas was just the person serving the suit to the DNC office. I think someone said he videoed himself serving it. Bold move considering the subjects of the suit.

Jem777 ago

Yes he is on video serving it to the DNC building in Washington DC. He states who he served it to. That video went viral at the time and he was found dead the next morning. The video is still available. The lawsuit went forward. He did not know what he was getting into just like Seth it seems. But who would before all of this except guys like Andrew Brietbart and Michael Hastings?

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Yeah, wow.

Harpua33 ago

So could that mean George Webb is part of this play? Who keeps feeding him info?

Dressage2 ago

This is so crazy! I really do feel like I live in the Matrix! So they set this all up and murdered Rich taking his organs as final act. I don't understand the parents.

Jem777 ago

Not necessarily the parents if they are real. Seth was communicating with Gavin Mckinnis & Jones of wikileaks both killed this summer. He was also communicating with Shawn Lucas who filed the DNC lawsuit on behalf of Bernie supporters. Shawn is on video serving the DNC & the next day was found dead in his home of a "heart attack" at age 38.

Who are the "actors" seems the bar owner Joe Capone with pictures in a "special room" of the Whitehouse a few days before was all part of the plan. See the second video.

Littleredcorvette ago

Medstar Health is where Bonnie Levin works. Any relation to the medstar that GW mentioned?

Bonnie was the person who ubered the 3 kids for the Luzzatto pool party in WL.

carmencita ago

She got her MB from Johns Hopkins. They are highly suspect. Oh my God we could be looking into stuff 24 hrs. a day.