birthdaysuit11 ago


jstayz44 ago

This GoFundMe description can't be written by the same dweeb who couldn't stop experiencing "duping delight" in the video where his parents speak about Seth and the night he was killed. This GoFundMe has to be a do-good front. I don't buy it.

2impendingdoom ago

can we lay off criticizing he family? I got caught up in it too, and but I'm realizing its just bad form and their appearance during a video is not essential to the facts. If Seth leaked the emails, he is a hero to our cause and deserves our unending gratitude. He sounds like he was a really sweet guy and no matter what happened, he was UNJUSTLY murdered. That is the bottom line and please lets focus on solving that crime, wether he leaked or what the variation in polling places means and if its grounds for murder. As for the other thread about his brother, I didn't know what panda meant a few months ago, and I still think that actual pandas are adorable. His family has suffered a terrible loss.

If he brother is really coming forward, that is fantastic and gives validity to our suspicions of Clinton body count.

I'm not presuming to tell anyone here what to do or think if you disagree, but maybe remember that Seth is a victim and his family must be devastated.

V____Z ago

You actually seem more devastated than the family, and that's just a factual observation, not a criticism of the family. If we were saying all of this back in July, then yes, you might have a case. But it's been 9 months and there is good reason to question things that are obviously awry. We aren't hurting anyone with these questions and observations, IMO. We would be stupid to stay silent about what is obviously something weird, not lining up with what we're told by the authorities.

And getting back to solving the case? That isn't for us to do. That's the job of the police. Even if we solved it, it would be termed a conspiracy theory and would result in nothing positive.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Be leary guys! After watching the video posted on voat earlier today, I think there is something very wrong here! Two different angles of this family! The laughing panda toy carrying fake grieving one, and the we now have hired Det. Wheeler as a PI. Who is advising these people and why?

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Brad Bauman of the Pastorum Group is their spokesman, we know that, but his Pastorum co-founder is Josh Cohen. A democrat who worked for the DNC and Obama for America. A little research on Pastorum will show you nothing. They exist but only briefly, based in DC not Omaha where the family lives. Whom might have offered Brad Bauman's services to the Rich Family? because the family certainly would have their choice of anyone to represent them, so they find some obscure spokesman? I don't think so.

carmencita ago

If you read the whole thread you would know it is Brad Bauman. I agree there is something funny going on but I would not doubt the sincerity of this family. Baumann has been handpicked by the DNC/CIA to keep them in check. They may be using them as tools. It seems awfully funny how much people love Seth and then are ready to slam his family. We know nothing right now. I admit there are strange things in that interview, but we need to keep calm at the moment. Please be kind. Thanks guys.

V____Z ago

We walk a fine line, but i don't see anyone crossing it, especially not in the example above. We are questioning things, and to say "be careful" about donating to the DC Police seems a pretty rational response. To distrust anything coming from a family being 'handled' by the DNC also seems rational.

I don't see anything unkind going on here, but it is good to be cautious for sure.

carmencita ago

Yes, I am afraid some agents may be fighting for George Web on here. I say this only because I do not trust the DS (Deep State).

PQhonest ago

Yes, and there's no way for sure to tell if this is actually Aaron Rich. Could be an imposter looking for some easy $$.

carmencita ago

Yes. We don't know what they are planning. If it were him and all is true as we knew it, then I find it hard to believe. They are not allowed to make any decisions by themselves up until now. As I said this is all very strange. Also how do you suppose Webb will be able to merit an interview when the DNC is supposedly controlling the family? Hmm.If he gets the interview who is he pulling those strings with?

PQhonest ago

Lets hope Aaron is awake even though the parents are clearly not all there. George is a calming person. Keeping fingers crossed.

equineluvr ago

The "grieving" FAKE Rich family -- who smirk on the day of Seth's funeral and sport PANDA BEARS -- MONTHS later suddenly want to find the truth.

So, they go to MOSSAD agent George Webb, who disseminates copious disinfo.

The RICH family are crypto Jews (camp where Seth worked is for Jewish kids; RICH is your first clue as well as names like "Aaron" and attending a JEWSUIT [Jesuit] school).

This STINKS like a big pile of steaming bullcrap.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree!

jstrotha0975 ago

Why is he just starting this now? What took so long?

V____Z ago


phelski ago

well i mean lets look at it. Your brother gets killed, you have a DNC operative with you and your family making your family push a bullshit tale on video. They had to be threatened at some point. Maybe it took him till now to publicly go against them. I know for a fact i wouldn't go public after that shit, especially with the police and FBI involved and stonewalling the investigation and only a shit ton of circumstantial evidence.

PQhonest ago

Click on "updates" - says he posted an update 4 hours ago. Cause of murder and who committed murder likely relates to same players involved in pizzagate. This Go Fund Me could be used to communicate directly with Aaron and encourage him to talk to George Webb.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I strongly suggest not to communicate with these people. Unless, you have someway to hide any and all traces back to you.