Aloha808 ago

I haven't missed a Webb video yet. He is shady and sometimes full of shit but does have some good information. He can tell a hell of a story!

QuantumSquad ago

Interesting. 8chan is working on info on another DNC guy (Rafael Aguilar) was murdered in a double homicide in Myrtle Beach. They think these two did the hit and were killed. But Myrtle Beach was too far. Maybe they were killed in DC and then driven to Myrtle Beach


QuantumSquad ago

I hope Sean knows what it is and that's why he's doing this. Cause I just don't know about KimDotCom. I want to believe!!!!!

When Trump said the comment about a 400 pond guy could have done it, did KimDotCom tweet a response to that. Because I vaguely remember him doing that. Cause this could mean Trump knows

Aloha808 ago

Kim Dotcom sent a tweet out to Sean Hannity about a month ago that said Trump was In Danger and should contact him, Hannity started following him Right after. I think the tweet is deleted but I saw it play out in real time. Dotcom's tweets from the past imply he was aware of the CIA Vault 7 leaks well before they were released. So there is at least a 5 month period where hackers had the entire CIA cyber hacking arsenal in their possession. So know telling what they hacked and found out but we do know that Bradley Manning, a Wikileaks source, got pardoned 27 years early by Obama and just the other day Julian Assange's charges from Sweden got dismissed. I expect Kim Dotcom and Edward Snowden to be pardoned next. And don't forget he hates Hillary as much as Americans do

SayWhatNOWAY ago

These freaks do not care that we know that they are Pedos, satanist, cannibalists, human traffickers, drug smugglers, murders, criminals, so what in the hell are they afraid we will find? What is worse than what we already know now!

Madwack ago

Maybe by doing this they also show us more truth - The false flag if it does happen.

carpe-jvgvlvm ago

There are times he seems shady, and someone on Eddit warned the same thing. I'd never heard of him until the election so I don't know.

What I LIKE, though, is that at least someone's looking into these things. Seth Rich's assassination hasn't been looked into at all, so I was pretty hype to see SOMEONE questioning the weak DC police story.

But I watch everything with a healthy dose of skepticism. At least his vids are shorter now, and I don't think he's ever gotten a huge audience but he keeps on investigating, and his commenters are pretty bright for YouTube.

Vindicator ago

@Aloha88: please edit this thread to include the link to the tweet you have cited, per Rule 2. Thanks.

GeorgeT ago

Sean will gain credbility if he does that.

fartyshorts ago

I'm meeting my legal team on Monday. I will issue a statement about #SethRich on Tuesday. Please be patient. This needs to be done properly.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Kim Dotcom tweets: I was involved with Seth Rich. Public statement Tuesday #Wikileaks

V____Z ago

No one of any good repute has yet mirrored or discussed that article (afaik), and while the site looks somewhat legit, I would think if this piece had any legitimacy at all, some outlet we know and trust would have covered it.

ben_matlock ago

VERY interesting article, really pulls many pieces together...but i concur with v__z, very odd that NO other outlet has covered it in these past 10 months. also, did either of you check out the comments? bizarre. they lead me to believe that it may be an exercise in fiction...

V____Z ago

I noticed the comments too.

I wonder if people put truth out on the net disguised as an exercise in fiction...

HollandDrive ago

Yeah I think they do. Like FBIAnon. He did a bit of that.

The book "Memoirs of Billy Shears" by Sir Paul McCartney, through a ghostwriter, did the same thing. Mainly for legal purposes.

ben_matlock ago

hmm, intriguing theory. there may be something to that... wonder what else could be 'hidden' in this manner...

samhara ago

Hoping they don't have the power and back - up for that.

V____Z ago

They have all the power and back-up in the world. Thing is, they don't have God on their side, so this can only go on for so long until it blows up in their faces.

BlackListMedia ago

I GUARANTEE you're going to be disappointed with what Kim Dotcom says.

Aloha808 ago

Not really, if Seth Rich leaked to Wikileaks then Dotcom would know about it, so if he has no evidence then maybe he didn't leak. I've been watching Dotcom for a while and he's definitely in the loop within the online world of hacking and leaking. He has 15 hackers/computer guys working for him right now under the guise of his new business bitache. At least he's not an anonymous source and we only have to wait one more day to find out if he's full of shit or not.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

sorry if these questions have already been answered. I did not follow this story closely when it broke My questions...

Anyone else think it is strange that Rich a grown man, had a weird obsession with stuff panda bears! So much so he had several handles with the word panda in it and carried one around! (Especially, with what we know about the Pedos and what the term panda bear is known for! ) Let us run down a few possibilities! *Rich and panda bears, was he obsessed because he had been MKUltra'ed? **Was he using the panda as a "hey I know" warning? A very very slim chance that Rich actually ***innocenctly was carrying around a stuffed panda bear!

*Anyone know who hired Rich for the DNC? *Who was his references? *Prior jobs? *was Rich recruited? I If so by who? *Who was directly over Rich at DNC? * Who was under him? *was the laptop found, actually his?

GeorgeT ago

Great point. My question was - who is not part of it. Are all Dem & Rep staff members MK Ultra type victims? Julian Assange himself was part of a cult in Australia called 'Family.' So the narrative we see unfold is that of former victims breaking their programming and turning on their masters. I believe that WK was set up as controlled opposition that went rogue (all it takes is just 1% deviation from the script) and now that PedoGate has been exposed they are in a panic mode ever since (Russia nonsense can't continue forever no matter how many liberal shills in the fakestream news push it into the lobotomized masses)

carpe-jvgvlvm ago

Start with yesterday morning's George Webb series on Hillary, which has focused on Seth Rich lately but really went down the rabbit hole with Day 208.1 describing some stuff that really makes sense by tonight (Day 209.5 or so). He'll sound like a MAJOR conspiracy theorist but he's been looking for Braverman for all those days (209 days as of today), and thinks most of what we've been told about Seth Rich's murder was a really carefully-constructed "school play" β€” and George goes to these sites and talks to people (or tries to), and basically says IF the DC police story was truthful at all (it wasn't), and Seth was taken to a hospital, the FIRST thing they would have done were CT scans to find the injury sites. There were no CT scans. George has done a lot of footwork on this (you can go back a few days to see that).

But as of yesterday, George goes on to link what he'd thought were separate murders all into a nifty timeline that fits with the Wikileaks leaks. I think (IIRC) Seth had been moved to the main DNC office four days before his death, but Molesta was onto him months earlier (when he was working for Bernie), and maybe worst of all, Seth KNEW what he was probably facing (because he would have been reading the emails). Maybe he was digging for more and thought he'd covered his tracks?

I'd guess the pandas is just the quirk mentioned above. I like anime, Latin, yoga, and math β€” my usernames tend to be a play on several things where one would really have to know me to connect them together (like most people's non-throwaway usernames), so I'd look for a link between the panda emails and the other account name (I forget it now).

Btw I did read his college days activities (involved with do-gooder crap), and that Seth worked the Kerry campaign (OUCH πŸ˜‚) over a decade ago, and seemed really freakin naive to "believe" in the DNC/Clinton. George puts forth some theories about how he was shuffled into the main DNC office and used Shawn Lucas as legal counsel and they had about four others involved β€”all dead now, except one. Braverman, the missing guy (and name of George's original series).

Imo it's worth the hour or so to watch the videos.

Are_we_sure ago

but he's been looking for Braverman for all those days (209 days as of today)

really? Is this goof still looking for Braverman?

carpe-jvgvlvm ago

He segued into Hillary's Henchmen and rat lines (pretty interesting stuff), but I hadn't heard him mention Braverman for a long time until recently (the past week maybe?)

I'm really behind and Webb's videos started using a completely different structure: no slideshows, 2-3 minutes long divided into a bunch of videos. Felt a LITTLE like he was monetizing and some weren't that interesting, like the ones where he was walking around in small, midwest towns talking about some fruit flown in with drugs in them. (Too many leaps of logic there.)

pizzaequalspedo ago

Possible IMO. I guess we all have our little weird quirks but yeah a 20-something male obsessed with pandas is weird for sure.

samhara ago

He was making a sly joke about the fact he 27 years old and overweight?

Ioxvm ago

I dunno man. There are plenty of bronies out there which gives me the creeps, why not pandas? It sounds weird to me too, but reality is .. weird.

SecondAmendment ago

This will be epic. But, dammit, why did Hannity and Kim Dot Com have to do all the planning publicly on Twitter? I hope like hell they both have security and protection because I think it is very dangerous to put a date in the future out there. They are sitting ducks between now and the date on which the interview happens.

GeorgeT ago

Does Hannity realize that by exposung Seth Rich as leak source to WK and by exposing his assassination he is exposing PG? Pizzagate in large part originates from WK emails, first the Spirit cooking (with that satanist Abramovic) and then the 'Pizza related hanky .....with a map on it; .... pizza for an hour....' emails. CPP and it's American Psycho Owner originated from the same WK emails that Seth supposedly leaked - a material sensitive enough (I am being ironic) that would have warranted - to quote their own lingo in relation to Scallia assassination - WETWORKS on Seth. Surely Sean is aware that PG is real as hell.

Shitseverewhere ago

I believe the dnc emails are the ones Seth supposedly leaked. Most of the pizza related stuff came from pedostas emails which were acquired through phishing.

GeorgeT ago

But never the less emails are related to the Clinton, who is implicated in the PG big time.

SecondAmendment ago

Yup, and guess what? NEWT GINGRICH JUST EXPOSED THE SETH RICH "ASSASSINATION" on Fox News 2 minutes ago! I love Newt. He was asked what the Mueller investigation into Trump might reveal about collusion with Russia and Newt said something like, "Well, it depends on how far Mueller will take the investigation. Will he look into the 20% of Uranium that Hillary Clinton gave to Russia during her tenure as Secretary of State? Will it include an investigation into the millions of dollars donated to The Clinton Foundation?" Then, Newt Gingrich pointed out that the Democrats have been blaming Russia when, in fact, the more important issue it so focus on the true source of the email links. Then he described the assassination of Seth Rich at 4:00 a.m. after Seth Rich gave Wikileaks 53,000 emails with 17,000 attachments.

In other words, NEWT GINGRICH IS RED-PILLED AND WOKE and just educated the general public about Seth Rich's role in exposing the Clintons, Podesta, and the DNC.

What a change, guys. Things have changed.

Aloha808 ago

Oh shit! Newt is in the game now! If the FBI reports are true you have to wonder why Wikileaks didn't publish ALL of the dnc documents?