Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

My prediction is his lawyers will advice him not to talk...because he's full of it & has no evidence. Hope I'm wrong tho.

Notgood ago

This Kim is a world's biggest troll. He had me is sitting up until 2 a.m. because he was supposedly going to release Hillary's 30000 emails.

2impendingdoom ago

you may hate kimdotcom, and he may be bluffing, but he hates Hillary and the more focus on Seth Rich's murder the better.

Kal ago

All I know for sure is that he has a lot of hot air. Moment of truth for this guy, or I never want to hear about him again.

derram ago :

Kim Dotcom on Twitter: "I knew Seth Rich. I know he was the @Wikileaks source. I was involved."

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