cantsleepawink ago

Good question. Looking at the recent articles and comments I think that the attention is warranted. I guess I was reacting to the disruption of the research flow on this subverse. That's common with get so involved with one's own focus that at times other subjects can seem like an annoyance or not as relevant. Let's see what happens over the next few days :)

cantsleepawink ago

Well, as our investigation here was widening into very relevant areas within the pharmaceutical, banking, shipping, real estate and art world which are not necessarily party specific the torchlight is again on the Clintons et al. I have some bits and pieces that concern key people within the Trump administration which I've been holding on to. I'll have to start posting about that and see if the mods will be as lenient with those. Too much politics being brought into this pizzagate subverse at the moment. Let's not let it get derailed.

Searching4Truth ago

It's absolutely connected. How do you think we even know about pizzagate?

cantsleepawink ago

I've been wondering the same thing. When I think of all the research threads that were deleted because..Rule 1... Rule 2..Rule 3.. and so on. I'm scratching my head.

2impendingdoom ago

and this thread violates rule 4!

2impendingdoom ago

Current Definition of "Pizzagate"

"Pizzagate" refers to the independent investigation of pedophilia and child trafficking by the certain members of the global elite. The leaked John Podesta Emails hint at deeply entrenched and protected pedophile networks operating with impunity at the top levels of government and politics in and through Washington, DC and the world at large. The investigation initially focused on a group of businesses on Connecticut Avenue in Washington DC and their potential connection to a child trafficking ring. While this investigation began and centers around Comet Ping Pong, it involves multiple businesses and numerous connections around the globe. The name pizzagate is simply an easy to remember convenience, referring to what has been called "Pedocracy" which is the suspected, likely informal, association of elite individuals that use pedophilia to organize, manage and discipline their efforts to dominate or disproportionately influence outcomes in matters of interest. That includes government as well as politics -- executive, legislative, judicial, lobbying, military, intelligence -- as well as media, business, finance, law, medicine, accounting, technology, academia, think tanks, philanthropy, endowments, etc.

Relevant submissions would be any content that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children, the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of those children, and/or the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities.

Relevant areas of research may include but are not limited to:

John Podesta and his relations James Alefantis/Comet Pizza The Clinton Foundation/Clinton Family and associates DYNCORP Any entities or events with domestic or global connections to organized pedophilia and human trafficking of minors Official Law Enforcement Investigations Media or Government Cover Up Current Breaking News Tangential Pedophile info/stories (post MUST at least speculate how they might be linked to a network of some kind) Satanism/Occult as they relate to the ritualized sexual abuse/sacrifice of minors Code words and symbols related to pedophilia Any information about someone associated with pizzagate that may plausibly constitute or lead to new evidence or leads. Such as: art, people, food, habits, family, slang, partying, socializing, jokes, music, religion, politics, names, travel, affairs, etc.

2impendingdoom ago

go or stay, do as you wish, no one is requiring you to read every thread. Seth Rich is a murdered kid.

2impendingdoom ago

I think that Pizzagate allows for material from all Podesta emails, Clinton Foundation, Clinton State Department crimes which obviously this concerns. Systemic corruption even not pedophilia related is part of pizzagate such as organ trafficking and regime change for exploitation. Things that FBIanon said to look for.

Pizza-related-sap ago

and moloch sacrifices in the backyard.

TimesUp ago


2impendingdoom ago

I think people will start looking and they will be disgusted,

I doubt it will go to trial. more likely she will skip out to qatar.

equineluvr ago

Distraction. It's blatantly obvious..

Given the piss-poor acting job pulled off by his family, I now question the validity of the entire story. Is he really dead? If so, was he murdered?

Thus far, our sources are all unreliable: MSM, Washington DC PD, and MOSSAD disinfo agent George Webb.

2impendingdoom ago

We can make it happen.

people who actually look at the evidence are very quickly won over to believing that its true. the instagram pics and weird hidden monthly specials menu and all the related Laura Silby, Maddie McCann lack of alibi, its very convincing, then you add the international foreign policy corruption, her being aware that SA and Qatar fund ISIS, is friends with Thorci (sp?) in Croatia known for organ trafficking, and the whole benghazi arms deals cover up, etc. The reason people don't believe any of this is because they haven't read the emails and correlating evidence. (Or they are afraid it will suck them in as complicit). The Clinton Body Count has been going on long before podesta emails and when Seth Rich is proved, naturally there will be interest in all the rest of the shenanigans, all the way back to Mena Airport. Everything the Clinton touch is corrupt and that includes the Podestas, which leads to alefantis and david brock. I don't think you even need to believe the cannibalism or satanism to want her locked up.

The DC police and FBI will be found complicit for failing to investigate, I think we have established enough circumstantial evidence to convince enough people that enough of it is true.

Maybe Alefantis won't be arrested but he won't be making pizza anymore.

I didn't have anything against HRC (I wasn't going to vote for her but I didn't think she was a murderer) but the Tarmac incident pissed me off and I started looking into her. I am a nobody with a little time on my hands and corruption really pisses me off, so I think with Comey gone and Trump actually fighting against the media, its just a matter of time. Shit is starting to break loose already. When Russia Hacking is disproved the media won't be able to spin an out for themselves.

Pizzalawyer ago

The Seth Rich story is irrelevant as tragic as it is. He is neither a pedo nor an elite and he has no associates who are pedophiles as far as we know. The emails allegedly leaked by him were not about pedophelia. His political interests concerned the voting process, not pedophilia. The motives for any assassination plots involving Hillary and John Podesta who are alleged pedophiles, were for the purpose of safeguarding Hillary's path to the White House and not for covering up their sexual behavior. Its time to close out these threads and dissallow any new ones.Thank you OP for raising this issue, many share your thoughts, I for one wasn't brave enough to bring it up as there is such a compelling interest in Seth Rich.

2impendingdoom ago

If Hilary and the DNC are exposed for killing a leaker, then

  1. Locks her up

  2. destroys the Russia hacking narrative

  3. validates Pizzagate including Alefantis running a pedophile ring.

  4. weakens cia/deepstate choke hold.

  5. proves stolen primary/election tampering

DonKeyhote ago

I was just thinking the same. Everyone has already been assuming they were leaks not hacks and that he was murdered over it.

I guess the idea is that if hillarys exposed as a killer it makes PG more believable, which is naive.

These nonessential episodes are distractions by definitipn as rheyre red meat for shitposters and shills.

Theyve slid the thread that finally got people in the art smuggling angle and george Webb wants us reconstructing every sip of beer setj rich took that night like a bunch of assholes

cantsleepawink ago
