pizzagate3456 ago

Where was this posted on twitter?

13Buddha ago

I did not save it but will try to find but truly have no idea how to do that. I am not a true twitter follower, but a couple notifications appeared today, and as I was checking them out, I saw the twitter post with the police report. All I recall is that the logo was a black and white version of a face shot of either CW Fields or Winston Churchill. I didn't bother to look at it more closely to differentiate.

Commoner ago

Was this leaked?

13Buddha ago

Looks like yes. All that I have ever seen before was conflicting info describing what what was in the report.

Notgood2 ago

Can we please stop talking about Seth rich and start talking about Skippy? Seth Rich has nothing to do with pizzagate and nothing to do with abusing children.

Commoner ago

John Podesta said in his email that he was all for taking care of leakers. Was he referring to taking care of Seth by murder?

13Buddha ago

If Hillary Clinton and Podesta are involved, it has to do with everything.

carmencita ago

Yeah so that blows GW's theory of him being given the drugs and shot in the van/car and dumped out on the sidewalk. Was he full of drugs when he got to the hosp. They must know. This stuff is getting crazy. I am going to believe this report. Now, we still don't know who attacked and shot him before the police arrived. In the report it says 3 officers were wearing a Body Cam. Where are the vids from the Cams? FOIA? Also where is the vid from the ShotSpotter? Those should be released. Pronto.

Commoner ago
