Chatman ago

Newts going to be an unperson by week's end!

Votescam ago

Good for Newt to get the subject out there, but generally he's working behind the scenes and is always a pot-stirrer in his own interests.
As I recall him, he's an extremist who has pulled back a bit, but fanatical. Also worked with Bill Clinton in secret in an agreement to overturn Social Security which got side-tracked when the Lewinsky scandal broke.

Re Robert Mueller, what was his role in 9/11?

The Pact Between Bill Clinton & Newt Gringrich

How Monica Lewinsky Saved Social Security

SecondAmendment ago

Good stuff, @Votescam. And for what it's worth, I've been reading your other posts on here and it's ALL good stuff. Thank you.

Me? I'm new to this. Hell, I didn't even know what "pederasty" was and I had to look it up in order to make my first submission on here (regarding Cuba and the fresh meat that can flow through that island now that Obama lifted the embargo) - In other words, I'm still learning as we all do this. I was a dumbass Democrat back in the day and I voted for Bill Clinton because all of this stuff was so hidden back in the 1990s before the Internet.

So I will certainly look at Gingrich with fresh eyes. I guess I just was so excited to hear him talking about this assassination on a Sunday morning talk show that I just had to post this thread and give him some props. I know that the pedophile ring encompasses people from both parties and I am really hoping to see EVERYONE -- Democrat, Republican, Independent, or whatever -- go down in flames.

So thank you for your great references and insights. I really appreciate it because I always keep an open mind and I always want to learn, learn, learn.

Votescam ago

Second --

Hey, I campaigned for Clinton in '92 and voted for him twice!!

Tried to look quickly at your post -- but see that it's involved and will have to go back to it when I have more time. But I will.

The GOP/right wing was so fanatical that when they started to talk about Vince Foster's death they were largely ignored. And think that's what also happened with Paula Jones and other women in that the right-wingers who were backing their charges just weren't believable and they were ignored. By the time they got to Lewinsky and threw in an impeachment, no one was listening anymore. For me the way in was Mena, Ark. and what looks like a long closeness between Hill and Bill and CIA. Don't think the GOP wanted to go there because obviously it involved GHWB and CIA.

Gingrich may find the light - but the problem is that now we know that both parties are totally corrupted. And that our elections are completely rigged -- the primaries were a great shock as to the lengths they DP would go to keep Bernie Sanders out of the race.

But, I'm also glad that he mentioned Seth Rich on Sunday -- maybe he will have caused some one to begin to look into pedo-gate/pizagate.

Stay in touch cause you're the kind of person we need here. And, believe me, I also get things wrong. I too am trying to learn and this website and others are a big help. Keep reading all you can.

But we all have a lot to think about as to just where we would be if Trump was impeached. Wall Street seems to be crazy about Pence among other problems.


SecondAmendment ago

Good links, @Votescam, thank you. I understand that Newt Gingrich has been a DC operative for a very long time and that some of us are not happy with things he's done in the past. I have watched Mr. Gingrich closely, however, ever since President Trump announced his candidacy on June 15, 2016, and I found Mr. Gingrich to be consistently supportive of Trump and the message necessary to save the USA from the Globalist takeover. I have grown to really respect Mr. Gingrich for his calm, cogent, and consistently "pro-America" message over the last couple of years, and to me that is all that matters right now.

Truth be told, I voted for Bill Clinton to be President. TWICE. Bill Clinton is the last Democrat for whom I ever voted as President. I say that because I am not the same person I was in the 1990s, and I doubt Mr. Gingrich is, either. Just as President Trump and probably all of us in here have evolved (based on our experiences in life and the knowledge that we've acquired), I'm sure Mr. Gingrich has changed since he was Speaker of the House.

What I care about now is "who cares about Pizzagate" and the larger picture? I am so stoked today that Mr. Gingrich exposed the ASSASSINATION for what it is, and had the stones to do it on a popular Sunday morning program. All I pray for is that this stuff will be exposed, and the laws will be respected, and the perpetrators will be punished. I understand that's an ambitiously optimistic goal, given the billions of dollars at stake in the human trafficking world, but surely there will be other ways for people to legitimately make money if we put the evil perps out of business. . . .

Votescam ago

Second --

I have watched Mr. Gingrich closely, however, ever since President Trump announced his candidacy on June 15, 2016, and I found Mr. Gingrich to be consistently supportive of Trump and the message necessary to save the USA from the Globalist takeover>

My knowledge of Gringrich is quite the opposite, sadly. He is #1 for himself and getting into leadership any way he can. He's been a fanatical right-wing propagandist in his day and manipulator of events. And he's been called "Mr. New World Order."

Be Very Afraid Of The Real Globalist Newt Gingrich

Also keep in mind he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations -- and it's a good idea to frequently check the members of that organization -- from politicians to new anchors and reporters.

Though -- I very much hope you are correct in your last paragraph and that Gingrich has somehow changed and that all you're hoping for will come to pass . . . I'm not optimistic about him.

PS: This is interesting re Council of Foreign Relations and The Round Table which was something like 250 major corporations - like Hallmark Cards -- which didn't want their identities know cause they were do all they could to block equal rights for women, labor rights, etc.

Keep in mind that both of our political parties are corrupted and criminal.

SecondAmendment ago

UPDATE: 12:43 p.m. Now we have this douchebag Washington Post writer named David Weigel (Twitter handle - @daveweigel) writing about Gingrich with his leftist, libtard, cover-up perspective. Weigel insists Seth Rich's assassination was a "botched robbery." Perhaps it’s time we looked into why David Weigel’s “journalism” is so blatantly biased. Who is he protecting and why? Why is he calling the Seth Rich Assassination Story "fake news"?

It's not fake news, as we all know in here. And a "conspiracy" isn't a scarlet letter, it's simply an agreement between two or more people to engage in an illegal act or to engage in a legal act in an illegal manner. So the "conspiracy" characterization means nothing, Weigel. You're pushing the "fake news" phenomenon that Clinton worker, Jennifer Palmieri, launched back on November 6th. On that date Palmieri and the Clinton campaign were worried that Wikileaks was fixin' to release videos and pictures related to Pizzagate. Here's Palmieri's "whopper" Tweet heard round the world:

So I'm not surprised that Weigel, shill that he is, paints the Seth Rich Assassination as a "botched robbery." I can't help wonder:

(1) what are @DaveWeigel's sexual proclivities;

(2) who is @DaveWeigel protecting, and why;

(3) why must @DaveWeigel paint his "journalism" efforts with the brush of blatant bias; and

(4) does @DaveWeigel have children or like to, um, socialize with them in any way?

Here is Weigel's bullshit story:



Former House speaker Newt Gingrich, a stalwart supporter of President Trump, used a Sunday-morning appearance on “Fox and Friends” to spread the conspiracy theory that former Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was killed last year to cover up the true story of how WikiLeaks obtained tens of thousands of hacked Democratic Party emails.

“We have this very strange story now of this young man who worked for the Democratic National Committee, who apparently was assassinated at 4 in the morning, having given WikiLeaks something like 53,000 emails and 17,000 attachments,” Gingrich said. “Nobody’s investigating that, and what does that tell you about what’s going on? Because it turns out, it wasn’t the Russians. It was this young guy who, I suspect, was disgusted by the corruption of the Democratic National Committee. He’s been killed, and apparently nothing serious has been done to investigative his murder. So I’d like to see how [Robert S.] Mueller [III] is going to define what his assignment is.” Mueller has been appointed as a special counsel to oversee a federal investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and any Russian collusion with Trump’s campaign.

[Family of slain DNC staffer fights back against conspiracy theories with cease-and-desist letter]

With no pushback from the Fox hosts, Gingrich shared innuendos that got new life last week after Rod Wheeler, an occasional contributor to Fox News whom a conservative donor had paid to probe Rich’s death, told local Fox affiliate WTTG 5 that he had new evidence. On Monday,Wheeler claimed to have sources at either the FBI or the D.C. police department who apparently knew that evidence existed of Rich — who was fatally shot in July — contacting WikiLeaks but that an unnamed person had told investigators to “stand down.”

By Thursday, after follow-up questioning from CNN and NBC News, Wheeler had largely recanted his story, and Rich’s family had rejected Wheeler’s most explosive claim — that Rich’s laptop was in police custody. But Friday, and over the weekend, Fox News host Sean Hannity continued to suggest that Rich was killed in a cover-up.

[A conspiratorial tale of murder, with Fox News at the center]

Like Hannity, Gingrich confidently made claims about Rich that have not been proven and that the family has denied. Police have investigated Rich’s killing, which remains one of many unsolved murder cases in the city. There is no evidence that he was “disgusted by the corruption of the Democratic National Committee,” though last week, amateur sleuthsfalsely claimed that Rich had posted online as “pandas4bernie.” (He mayhave tweeted as “panda4progress.”)

Tyranny-News-Network ago

Recall that Reddit admins edited posts that would have proven Seth was the owner of the "pandas4bernie" account. I sense that the author of this article is aware of that and felt comfortable dismissing the notion. Pathetic.

GeorgeT ago

Basically Newt has validated PG 100% no ifs no buts. Attack of conscience or is it every man for himself? Perhaps short of masonic detectives who covered up leaks to this point. Too manu cracks in the dam? Is it possible that Trump can be for real?

quantokitty ago

Way to go! Speaking the truth ...

Deflo56 ago

Anyone with a brain is awake. Is the Cabal so powerful they can keep us away from information? Spread the red pills. In large groups an aerosol may used to disperse as Newt did.

dingomeat ago


disburse means to pay out a sum of money

lynn1314 ago

I saw it live too and cheered!

Kacey ago

Maybe red piled, but maybe we are just seeing infighting among the elites. I suppose if they are fighting each other some good may come for us common folk. Maybe. But trusting anyone who gets into high position is imo a mistake....

Dressage2 ago

Speaking about this very issue this morning with someone and he wanted to know why not being covered by news. Bingo, Fox and Newt!

PatriotOne ago

My first thought as soon as Mueller was appointed, was that he was brought in to keep the "Russia" investigation from going into forbidden territory. Keep the scope narrow. It is a tactic that has been used time and time and time again during important investigations. The Kennedy assassination, the MK Ultra mind control investigation, the 9/11 investigation, are just a few examples of high level investigations that were severely limited/controlled. Mueller would have never been appointed the FBI director of the of the Bush and then Obama admins if he wasn't dirty and blackmailable. These people DO NOT put honest people in those positions. They only appoint people who have to or are willingly to protect their secrets.

SecondAmendment ago

Very good points, @PatriotOne. I, for one, am hoping beyond hope that President Trump appoints Judge Jeanine Pirro to lead the FBI. She's brave, brash, and tells it like it is. Her appointment to the head of the FBI would let President Trump check the "woman" box, and I truly believe she would dig deeply enough so that the DOJ could LOCK THEM UP. I trust this judge, for some reason, and she was happy with the appointment of Mueller to look into the bullshit. I'm still annoyed as hell that the Trump administration caved on a number of levels, e.g., Sessions's recusal from the Flynn investigation and now the appointment of Mueller (or anyone) to look into this Trumped up "Russia" story. I hope that the truth comes out and that nobody forgets to DRAIN THE SWAMP and LOCK THEM UP.

PatriotOne ago

I like Judge Jeanine also but if she thinks Mueller's going to be doing the Pres any favors she's going to be disappointed. At best he might be forced to clear Trump because of lack of evidence. I suspect he'll continue to allow the media to push the Russia narrative without any evidence while he "investigates" for the next few years while using Comey mealy mouth statements. I suspect far worst though. The only thing in their path of fabricating evidence and trying to indict him is Jeff Sessions right now.

MysticMa ago

You are 100% correct... Sessions and Newt know very well, what time it is! Both have been in the game for a long time. Meaning they know "when to hold their cards & when to play them. No one should underestimate either, as well as Trump. This past week has been currant, of change... That may be scoffed by many but I feel this is just the beginning of more ripples then waves of reveals and wrongs righted. Conscious, collective, thought of TRUTH!

PatriotOne ago

Yes....the Session's recusal was def a mistake. That's the problem with the honest one's thinking they are doing the right thing. They don't know half the time what they are dealing with! I adore Sessions but you cannot fight these monsters by caving in to them to look bi-partisan.

BumbleTummy ago

Nice! Nice nice nice nice!

pretty_innocuous ago

Being that Gingrich is involved at several conservative think-tanks, I actually wouldn't be surprised if he was involved in initiating this new wave of Seth Rich murder narrative publicity.

2impendingdoom ago


WaterT ago

Let's hope with Kim's testimony on Tuesday and the increase in coverage we're seeing that the investigation will be reopened. Maybe these fucks will finally get what's been coming.

SecondAmendment ago

That's my fervent prayer, @WalterT, that these fucks will finally get what's coming. I'm so encouraged that the story of Seth Rich's assassination is out of the bag on Fox. Here's to hoping that the scumbags working at ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and the obsoleted printed media (Washington Post, New York Times, etc.) will finally tell the fucking truth or be taken over by honest and objective journalists who don't give a rip about the effects of the news they report but who, instead, just report the fucking facts.

DarkMath ago

Newt Gingrich said "it depends on how far Mueller will take the investigation.".

Oh stewardess I speak jive. He said: "I have so little confidence in Robert Mueller honestly investigating the Seth Rich murder that I came on your show today to say I think Seth Rich was murdered by the Deep State and that we're pretty much fucked if nobody wants to make a stand here. As the great Martin Luther King Jr once said 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.'"

Many today seem like they've never heard of MLK or if they have then they've forgotten his message. That needs to change.


Cucky_Sanders ago

Newt also mentioned the Uranium deal and the clinton foundation pay off$

DarkMath ago

Yep. I know. Everything's pointing to Hillary Clinton literally being the Anti-Christ.

That's what Satan would do. Come to Earth as a 70 year old woman who no one would ever suspect could be so evil.

MolochHunter ago

WWSD lulz

DarkMath ago

roflmao. i'd never heard of WWSD. that's fucking brilliant. you made my night.

Notgood ago

I bet I know the scapegoat with the initials AW that everyone is going to blame his death on.

HollandDrive ago

Gingrich is, or was, a politician, but at least he didn't advertise he had some bombshell groundbreaking news before he said this, like so many others do.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Seems like Gingrich didnt fuck kids in the ass or slit their throats.....anyone who got burned in the last twenty years has street cred with me. They likely are old school dirty and not illuminati bullshit rapey dirty bastards.

HollandDrive ago

"Old school dirty." I agree, and that's a great way to put it. Gingrich knows about "secret societies" (probably esp Skull and Bones) and says Trump didn't belong to any. Gingrich himself might have but is now seeminlgy going "off the reservation."

CausticRaz ago

He does a lot of ratty stuff and every now and then does something right.

Solentgreenispeople ago

Added the clip below

SecondAmendment ago

Thank you very much, @Solentgreenispeople! I just knew that some smart and tech-savvy person here would be able to add the link. Thank you for taking the time.

HighLevelInsider ago

This is all really odd. Gingrich is a high level freemason, but he's willing to take shots at the establishment on this Seth Rich thing.

SecondAmendment ago

Thanks, @Solentgreenispeople. You rock.

Solentgreenispeople ago


kuchufli ago

He didn't have to name him with that description he gave of him, but it would a made the deep state shit their pants if he would a brought Seth's name up.

HollandDrive ago

He almost hinted at it a few days ago on Hannity.

Hannity's been saying things lately, mainly about Seth Rich, so much that I wonder how he's getting away with it.