Rmm ago

Didn't Faust sell his soul to the devil?

Godwillwin ago

I'll dig into Albania sometime this week hopefully and will let you know what I come up with. Someone told me to post in v/pizzagatewhatever. I might try that too just to get the info out somewhere

Godwillwin ago

They yanked my submission. I couldn't fit the sources in one comment because it went over the character limit, so I clearly provided a link to the pastebin of the original research from someone else where they METICULOUSLY sourced everything.

I have spent 4 hours cliff noting the original work of another researcher because I knew no one would take the time to read through his long long long pastebin. It took me all weekend to read the history of all these European countries and wars and organizations.

Even though their pastebin was so long with lots of history, the info is valuable and new to the investigation. I wasn't even finished with Albania where ties to podesta and many other Americans are made.

earthbalance1 ago

"meat grinder and soap crimes"

One of the groups linked to "werkinonmahnightcheese" makes "adipocere soap":


Godwillwin ago

You answered my question and then some! Lol You are quite the investigator! I get so bored reading through the wiki emails so I stopped. I never really found anything too insightful. A few things that I've shared already but not much like you have.

I actually didn't even finish reading your reply. I will in the morning when I can wrap my mind around it and connect some dots. Thx for the info!

Praying something breaks soon so these children will be spared.

salinaslayer ago

Aw crap, I actually like Goethe and now that I know what he was into I realize the Der Erlkönig poem about a kid being taken away is probably some sick shit:

Who rides, so late, through night and wind? It is the father with his child. He has the boy well in his arm He holds him safely, he keeps him warm.

"My son, why do you hide your face in fear?" "Father, do you not see the Elf-king? The Elf-king with crown and cape?" "My son, it's a streak of fog."

"You dear child, come, go with me! (Very) beautiful games I play with you; many a colorful flower is on the beach, My mother has many a golden robe."

"My father, my father, and hearest you not, What the Elf-king quietly promises me?" "Be calm, stay calm, my child; Through scrawny leaves the wind is sighing."

"Do you, fine boy, want to go with me? My daughters shall wait on you finely; My daughters lead the nightly dance, And rock and dance and sing to bring you in."

"My father, my father, and don't you see there The Elf-king's daughters in the gloomy place?" "My son, my son, I see it clearly: There shimmer the old willows so grey."

"I love you, your beautiful form entices me; And if you're not willing, then I will use force." "My father, my father, he's touching me now! The Elf-king has done me harm!"

It horrifies the father; he swiftly rides on, He holds the moaning child in his arms, Reaches the farm with great difficulty; In his arms, the child was dead.


Schubert totally nailed the mood of the poem though

2impendingdoom ago

That seems very strange. I don't know enough about your situation to advise. I have a friend with a window laptop who is always complaining that his stuff gets messed up by the auto updates. I hope you find out that it is something benign, but if you have a hacker, get a lot of backup systems. Also, keep your wifi off when you not home.

SecondAmendment ago

Oh, I am educated, just not in literature. The thing is, whenever I think of "GERMANY" I think of only two things: (1) Hitler; and (2) Merkel. Therefore I have intentionally not given even hoot about learning anything at all about Germany. I am an American, and admittedly a closed-minded one, in some ways. But my ignorance of German things does not, in any way, detract from my ability to smell something fishy in this email, because -- as a professional who works with nonprofits all the time -- it is highly irregular for the author of the email to quote Goethe -- a disgusting pederast who might have a lot in common with the person to whom the email is addressed. Whether your defense of Goethe stems from German nationalism or perhaps having other things in common with him is immaterial. I stand firm in my belief that this email is eye-opening and that the author of it should be investigated. That is, after all, the reason this subverse exists.

2impendingdoom ago

i hope you get in, and get your work back...

witch_doctor1 ago

Good work! This is significant IMO because these people speak in code and in obscure references...like HRC wondering if something violated the "Minerva Rule" and the sacrificing a chicken to moloch email.

popezandy ago

Yeah honestly, don't know how you got into pizzagate without knowing any of the terminology, but this is dead on. Why quote Goethe? Was he, particularly fond of Cuba, or Cuban coffee? I'm sure that people in these communities, trading in children and the like, must have some sort of meetings. Otherwise, the culture would be too strange to induct into, right? Every successful group has group meetings. If you've ever been to a weird, culty group, you'll notice outside the door they'll talk about the same people they idolize inside the door. Alexander Hamilton has a couple of groups that come to mind. My point is, they probably discuss the history of what they are doing, in order to self normalize. Alephantis and his statue of the child love, Sarah Stephens perhaps in her referencing Goethe when nothing related to him seems to be discussed.

2impendingdoom ago

I completely agree that Cuba is all intents being lined up as a new source for dirty dealings but I don't see the coffee or Goethe connection. I think the Goethe reference is simply a pretentious attempt to sound intellectual or highly educated but really is just pedantic load of crap.

2impendingdoom ago

maybe you just forgot your password? I do that all the time. I don't want to believe that your account is blocked.

2impendingdoom ago

the post is conjectured reaching and the comments are all over the map, although I do believe that destabilizing Cuba is totally part of the plan of lifting the embargo...where Goethe and coffee come in, I don't get it either.

Snailracer ago

Democracy in Americas has a photo gallery, there's a pic of a guy posing on a stairwell near some graffiti of a skeleton wearing a t-shirt that says 'working class hero'.


Probably a reference to the John Lennon song. I prefer the Green Day cover...


'There's room at the top they're telling you still, but first you must learn how to smile as you kill, if you want to be like all the folks on the hill', Lennon sure had it right.


The man in the pic appears to be David E. Dreyer, formerly Deputy White House Communications Director for President Bill Clinton, currently with TSD Communications Inc, political crisis advisors... I guess he's the sort of guy who would help discredit PG? The office is near Dupont Circle.


He also looks a lot like the man identified as Ralston Cox, demolition volunteer in the video of the Dupont Underground, but I can't be sure... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNbhDyLhuVU

Godwillwin ago

You found talk of this in wiki emails?

Godwillwin ago

Holy cow! Good find. Another odd email! Very odd. It is not normal

IDeliverPizza ago

HAHAHA pretty fuckin clear if you ask anyone else. Fuck off CIA shill hahahahahahah

PromiseKeeper ago

Sorry, but your Goethe speculations are silly. You mind as well claim that a mention of Shakespeare is a veiled reference to pedophilia. Goethe is as big as Shakespeare and Dickens and Mark Twain, a household quotable.

Pizzalurker15 ago

Reason given: rule 1

Original Submission

Discussion of a murder on instagram

In this image :


There is a discussion that goes as follows:

community__outreach #meltingsnow --- artis and i found part of a bloody scalp and a baseball cap behind our place on p st---in melting snow # goodol'times.

(Talking about finding a piece of a ?human? scalp and their baseball cap that had been unable to be found when the person was killed and the snowed over? )

Conversation continues...

theboundlesslife @community__outreach - forgot about that! ewww! wowwww. .....& poor birdie....;(

(So this person knows about or remembers that they couldnt find that piece of scalp or hat and is grossed out ans shocked that it sat there this long and wasnt discovered until now?)

Then jabbaroos responds...

jabbaroos @theboundlesslife @community_outreach - sounds horrible...Too bad no pics!

(So he knows but is not fazed)

What is going on here?? I havent seen discussion of this??

party1981 ago

Geothe is actually one of the most famous and celebrated authors of all time. He's basically German Shakespeare.

He may have had a fondness for kids, which I did not know about before. But so did most of ancient Greece and Rome and other older cultures. I am not advocating or defending them. I am saying that simply quoting the guy doesn't really indicate anything #pizzagate, any more than quoting Plato or Alexander the Great.

lilwagon ago

Thanks for your post.

Ctrl-Left ago


SpikyAube ago

Here's one article (there are quite a few articles about it): https://www.thelocal.de/20160815/refugee-home-leaders-caught-joking-about-child-guillotine

Berlin tabloid newspaper BZ published at the weekend emails from senior figures in the refugee housing management firm PeWoBe, revealing the internal emails of the private company. In one email, several company bosses were discussing what to do with a €5,000 donation from BMW. The director of a refugee home in the eastern Hellersdorf area, Peggy M., wrote to management saying that a proposed sandbox for children would “very quickly become a big ashtray or a local toilet”. “What about if we instead have a small child-guillotine? Or perhaps a basketball hoop,” she continued. BZ previously reported that Peggy M. had once been an unsuccessful political candidate for a far-right group in Brandenburg. In response to the guillotine comment, others contributed by sending around pictures of guillotines with beheaded people and a children’s slide with a barbed cheese-grater at the end. Peggy M. responded with: “OHHHHH how nice!!!” PeWoBe’s managing director Birgit B. wrote: “I personally find the guillotine to be a totally good suggestion - it will however bring us back into the press and we don’t want that”. Later, Peggy M. complained about the mess that would be caused by the beheadings. “You of course are right that no one wants to clean up the mess; I at least would not,” responded Birgit B. “In principle that would be a nice job for the maximally pigmented.” The firm’s leaders continued to go back and forth about what to do about disposing of the bodies, including using a "large-volume crematorium".

WakeyWake ago

US now has a direct, easy pipeline to Cuba....to traffick children from and thru.

Easy Peasy. Fresh Cuban children they had no access to before bc all the roadblocks. Now smell that Cuban coffee or smell those Cuban children to have sex with as Goeth might say....

My take on it .

JoJoVoat ago

Did you happen to search "coffee" in the Podesta Emails?

Z11Mama ago

Goethe has been my favorite for decades. If nothing else, this post has caused me to change that real quick! Thank you for the great research. It seems important that we divide the good and bad in this. No more Goethe for this woman.

DarkMath ago

"twice the person I was"........I think this is referring to the prospect of ending the embargo not pederasty. I understand your point though. And you might be right. The Clintons and Podestas love to spread around plausible deniability. It's almost as if that's the core engine behind all this corruption.

madmanpg ago

Sorry. From the Wikipedia article you linked, I see nine paragraphs about his literary work, eight on his scientific work, and two on his eroticism. He clearly has far more history as a poet and scientist than as some arbiter of eroticism, and so it's reaching to claim a citation of Goethe necessarily brings up the small part of his work. Further, he's the author of Faust, one of the most acclaimed German plays of all time. You might as well accuse someone citing Shakespeare as being a pedophile because the protagonists of Romeo and Juliet were teenagers.

SecondAmendment ago

I see your point, but in the context of Pizzagate I couldn't ignore this email that popped up when I simply entered the word "SMUGGLING" into the Wikileaks search engine. I respectfully disagree with your conclusion that since Wikileaks wrote only 2 paragraphs on his pederasty (adult men having sex with minors) it wasn't a big deal in Goethe's life.

Before I found this email I had not even heard of "pederasty," and I have a hunch that if everyone in the USA had a Wikileaks page, only a tiny fraction would have paragraphs devoted to their support of pederasty. Probably most would not have any paragraphs on their "eroticism."

I'll be honest. I never even heard of Goethe until I saw this email to Podesta. But the mere two paragraphs from Wiki include the following chilling sentence written by Goethe:
I like boys a lot, but the girls are even nicer. If I tire of her as a girl, she’ll play the boy for me as well.

I don't know about you, but if I were a little Cuban girl (or a girl in Honduras, El Salvador, Venezuela, or Ecuador) I certainly would not want to "play the boy" for an adult man who "tired of [me] as a girl."

So to me, since Wikileaks verified this email from Sarah Stephens to John Podesta, I think Sarah Stephens and the Center for Democracy in the Americas are worth some digging by all the awesome researchers here, who will do it far more justice than I could ever do. Thank you.

Freemasonsrus ago

The lifting of the embargo has done nothing but hurt the people of Cuba. That is why they turned out in large numbers down in Miami to vote for Trump. It's also why BHO was campaigning down in Miami in the final days. i warned some Cubans I know that still live there that the plan I could see taking shape would be allowing the money to flow into Cuba, the government steals that money back from the people ala Quaddaffi, and the crime syndicate known as the CF comes in to overthrow the govt by riling up and arming the citizens to overthrow Raul and proceed on course just like Libya.

Godwillwin ago

Yep. Syria, Libya, Iraq

It's interesting too that They arm the citizens of Muslim nations to overthrow their Govt. then isis moves in. Meanwhile they want to take away the right To bear arms in America. America needs to wake up. Wake up America!!!!

Freemasonsrus ago

I don't believe they're actually arming the citizens in those nations, but rather The Muslim Brotherhood who masks themselves as citizens. Citizens do get involved, but they aren't in the loop for what's actually going on. It's similar in method to the shit-stirrers at Trump rallies who were trying to rile people up to do something stupid. And the weapons purposefully end up in ISIS hands. If you happened to see the recent video of weapons found that were left by ISIS it becomes very apparent that they didn't just happen upon the kinds of weapons they had. Billions of dollars worth...

Godwillwin ago

Right. They know whom they're arming. They know where the weapons will end up. Like the weapons in Benghazi

Wolftrail7272 ago

That is the standardized mode of operation for destabalization. Good summary.

lawfag123 ago

I'm not sure. Seems like people quote Goethe all the time. Would the email be spooky without the Goethe reference?

AreWeSure ago

It's possible to be knowledgeable about Goethe without knowing at all about his sexuality. He considered one of the greatest writers Germany ever produced. I read some selections of Faust in a literature class in College and knew of his artistic reputation, but I never before today would have associated him with pedophilia.

Also today Pederasty is almost exclusively to mean Adult Male with a boy, that was not always the case. Historically it has also been used as a synonym for male homesexuality. It both quotes from wikipedia, where he uses boy/girls and pederasty, he could be talking about adult love. Goethe had relations with women including a long relation with an older woman, but at least one recent biography have claimed that despite these he was homosexual citing his letters to an adult male philospher.

Googling Goethe and pedophile doesn't come up with very much at all about his personal life.

popezandy ago

You wouldn't defend regular adult love, nobody is fighting to see it extinguished... Also, if you don't have sound reasoning as to what reason Goethe is relevant in this context, then you have to accept it's unusual. Unless this girl just has an obsession with Goethe, a theory which holds a little less water at the moment...

veritas_vincit ago

The 21st century is not the only period in history. Homosexuality has not always been socially acceptable. In fact, we are the exception and not the rule. If Goethe had been homosexual (though this is quite dubious to be perfectly honest), he could not have been so publicly.

AreWeSure ago

I think adult love between two men would need defending. I don't know if you include that in "regular adult love."

I have no idea why she quotes Goethe. I do know he's known for being Germany's national poet, not as some pedophile signalling.

popezandy ago

I don't think Goethe would defend homosexuality in those terms. I don't know what Germany's national poet means in terms of Cuban sanctions, but I'm sure there's only one answer to that question.

Fingersweating ago

One of the ping pong theads 1-24 on 8ch contained some anons that were linking weird creepy pizza IG to weird creepy coffee pics and comments on IG. So I tell you, coffee as a code word, is not a non sequitur.

Godwillwin ago

I forgot about the coffee references that Jeff guy made. He was the pajama factory warehouse guy, right?

SecondAmendment ago

Well, thank you for your comment. Actually, no, I don't think the email would have even registered on my radar if she hadn't gone out of her way to (1) quote Goethe; and (2) mention Goethe in the "Subject" line of the email. The fact that she did so is what red-flagged it, and apparently it drew the attention of the Wikileaks lads, too, because they took the time to verify it. That's why I think it may be worth looking into Sarah Stephens and what her 15-year old Center for Democracy in the Americas has been doing down in Venezuela, El Salvador, Honduras, and Ecuador. . . .

Fateswebb ago

Emails are verified when they can be by the DKIM signature. They don't pick and choose the ones to verify, just if they have the dkim signature they can be verified. Here is more details. https://wikileaks.org/DKIM-Verification.html

SecondAmendment ago

Thank you for this info on the verified emails. I had no clue. I never searched them before tonight. I don't have much time online anymore (no, I'm not in jail, lol, I'm just busy!).

lawfag123 ago

I agree it's worth looking into with all the clinton foundation's activities in those countries

srayzie ago

Very good work. That is definitely a strange email. I want to know more about this Sarah Stephens person who seems to really like Goethe. That's a weird person to be quoting.

SecondAmendment ago

Thank you. Given that Sarah Stephens sent this to Podesta and quoted that creep Goethe, and given the fact that Wikileaks took time to verify this particular email, both Sarah Stephens and the Center for Democracy in the Americas are worthy of further investigation by anyone with time to do so. According to the Center for Democracy in the Americas website (http://democracyinamericas.org/?page_id=177)), the "charity" has been doing work in Venezuela, El Salvador, Honduras, and Ecuador for at least 15 years. So I would wonder if any little ones from those South American countries have ended up taking trips to the United States, i.e., to Washington, DC and beyond.

I'd suggest people start by reading the Stephens-to-Podesta email in its entirety and then start digging into Sarah Stephens and the Center for Democracy in the Americas.

AreWeSure ago


This seems to be a mass email. It's says Constant Contact somwhere in the email that is Marketing software for email blasts. I highly, highly doubt this is a personal email to podesta. He was probably subscring to their mailing list.

AreWeSure ago

I can confirm this is not a personal email to Podesta. It was also posted on the blog of the Center for Democracy in the Americans on the same day as the email to Podesta. This is a newsletter. See this page. https://cubacentral.wordpress.com/2016/01/15/stop-and-smell-the-cuban-coffee-or-what-would-goethe-say/

Note on the right you can sign up for three different newsletters. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER To subscribe to the Cuba Central Newsblast, El Salvador Update, and/or Caracas Connect, click here.

When you click there you see a form with the following choices. This is a Constant Contact webpage for handling newsletters and mailing lists. Email Lists

Caracas Connect Venezuela Update (monthly) Cuba Central News Blast (weekly) El Salvador Update (monthly)

This is not a private email to John Podesta, it's a monthly newsletter for a group that wants the Cuban Embargo lifted.

Dressage2 ago

The website has post after post about Cuba and she said they have made 50 trips to Cuba.

JoJoVoat ago

new/more children to take and traffic, abuse etc,...

Fingersweating ago

Great find, research, formatting, post, cognitive flow....for someone who doesn't know what pederasty is. Keep trying to impress us, like you were taught(milennials)!

SecondAmendment ago

Thank you! It's my first post here. I think I managed to piece it together precisely because I didn't know what pederasty is until I looked it up at the very end! I probably would have been too grossed out to dig if I knew it at the outset. That's the value of proceeding in a linear fashion, I guess.

I think this email could be a significant find in the Wikileaks emails because, depending on what connections may exist between the 15-year old Center for Democracy in the Americas and all Pizzagate-related issues (e.g., trafficking, orphans, "adoptions," etc.) it may signify that the ending of the embargo means that Cuba's kids will get (or have been) pulled into this.

Isn't it significant that Wikileaks took time to verify this particular email? I do not know nearly enough about this to know why Wikileaks verified some emails, but not all. To me it seems that they verfied the juicy ones.

In addition, the author of this email to Podesta seems to be drooling over the prospects of expanding her "charity" work into Cuba if the embargo gets lifted. The fact that she writes:

  1. "[t]wo years in a row a U.S. president actually said the state of the union would be stronger by ending the embargo against Cuba";

  2. "'The mere knowledge that such a work could be created makes me twice the person I was,' Goethe said"; and

  3. "What would Goethe say?" in the Subject line

gives me some chills and raised my suspicions about this find. I have done fundraising, networking, and all kinds of charity work in my own life, and never in a million years would I mention a pederast in an email to anyone. It defies logic that she's mentioning this creep, Goethe, when gushing with Podesta over the prospects of expanding into an embargo-free Cuba. As in, WTF?

So my purpose in posting was to let you techie researchers and archivers know it's here. I'm sure there is much more below the surface, if people have time to dig. I am pretty useless with all that. If people have time to research Center for Democracy in the Americas and possible trafficking in and around the countries in which the "charity" has been providing "services," perhaps the email author's references to that creepy pederast, Goethe, will make a lot more sense. Thank you.

Voater_from_Austria ago

... that she's mentioning this creep, Goethe ...

Look, it's not strange, to quote Goethe, because he is the most important writer in German history. Everybody should know Erlkönig (Erlking), Der Zauberlehrling (The Sorcerer's Apprentice), Faust, Die Leiden des jungen Werther (The Sorrows of Young Werther) at least by name. We read his works in school, and there is no man on earth today, who could write stuff like he (and some other important men of this time... for example Friedrich Schiller or Johann Gottfried Herder) did.

Nobody knows about anything pedo-related to Goethe, because that would be ridiculous. There is no mention on the German wikipedia about anything like that, because - again - that would be ridiculous.
I think there are pedophiles on the English wiki site, who want to push their agenda by stating that Goethe was as sexually depraved as them. The English wiki-Article is crap

About the quotes: The first (about boys and girls) is from his Venetian Epigrams. In these, he pictured the European spirit of this age mostly in a cynical or satirical way.
Second quote about pederasty: Couldn't find anything. The Wikipedia-source quotes "Gedenkausgabe der Werke, Briefe und Gespräche" on page 686. But that would be part of Goethe's "Zahme Xenien", a collection of poems. "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" is part of that. Neither could I find anything related to pederasty, nor would it make sense.
I call bs on the wiki-quote. You only find it on wiki and now on voat.

veritas_vincit ago

Thank you.

It's a bit disturbing to witness how easily roped people on this forum are by a conspiracy, just because it involves a mysterious sounding name like Goethe.

If you were to compile a list of the greatest writers in the history of the world canon, Goethe would almost certainly be among the top 10. There's nothing queer or mysterious about quoting him, jeez.

IDeliverPizza ago


MSM will be BTFO like Nick Bryant says in his podcast if former law enforcement and victims come forward. They WILL come forward if all of them go on a major platform so everyone will know who they are. ALEX Jones is a big enough platform for these people to be safe because if anything happens to them all hell will break loose. Can we all write to him to put out something on his website that says victims and former law enforcement who know anything please come forward we are doing a week long special on this. THIS WOULD BE A HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE BREAKTHROUGH because the info would be from firsthand witnesses who no longer can be blackmailed because millions watch Alex Jones' channel.