seekingpeace ago

Yes, there for spoliation of evidence. There's also the possibility that they weren't real LEO.

Bigglesworth45 ago

The thing you have to remember is shotspotter doesn't work. They installed it in a city near me and discontinued use after it was found to be ineffective. It reports everything as shots. It made a small town look like Syria. 400 plus shots a night reported. actual number zero.

2impendingdoom ago

ha, that's funny. Shotspotter was rankling me, being added to the police report after the fact, so I did a quick scan earlier about Shotspotter, looking for anyone familiar in the Directors/Corporate Admin but nothing stood out. Somebody else should double check. They seem to be in a lot of places. Maybe this is a whole new rabbithole.

anonOpenPress ago

The original Police Press Statement

Date Author Domain Topic
2016-07-11 Metropolitan Police Department Homicide: 2100 Block of Flagler Place, Northwest
2016-07-21 Metropolitan Police Department Homicide: 2100 Block of Flagler Place, Northwest (archived)

13Buddha ago

A submission was made a short time ago with a link to the actual Public/Police Report from the shooting. Names of responding police officers are on it, one of whom was wearing a Body Cam. Report also notes that Seth Rich was conscious on police arrival.

Silverlining ago

I thought three were wearing body cams?

jbooba ago

As Georg Webb said, its a play.With changing script.Seems they really are in panic mode.

o0shad0o ago

I'd opine this is a minor contradiction at best, that it's not impossible that both officers and ShotSpotter reported. The time also appears consistent.

2impendingdoom ago

Unless the grammer police are out in force, then you better get in line.

the only police that do anything.


Skunt ago

In the original press conference the spokesman says the officers heard the shots, if it was ShotSpotter I think he would have said so, like a "see how well it works" thing.

Also, same spokesman, same press conference, he made a possible slip in saying "he was taken to local hospital, where he ALSO succumbed to his injuries" as in (maybe) his assailant/s were already deceased.

2nd video

2impendingdoom ago

My internet is stalling the video, so I wonder when was this press conference? The 4channers are looking at 2 murdered in a gold astro van in a parking lot in Myrtle Beach on July 11, 12 hours later, unsolved, as possible shooters.

DarkMath ago

"they “heard” the shots at 4:19"

I bet they've been told to always say "heard" instead of "our ShotSpotter system heard" because they didn't want to remind people they use one.

"The only explanation"

The only explanation I have for all this is "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we set out to deceive."

And this:

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln


2impendingdoom ago

Thanks for your reply but that doesn't make sense, the initial police report is the that the Officers Heard the Shots, but all the papers and the later report claims that shotspotter reported the shots, it contradicts the idea that they don't want people to know about shotspotter, otherwise they would stick to the original report. Why change the report, unless you didn't want anyone to know that the cops were at the scene within only a minute or so. If the cops were that close, how could a shooters get away cleanly?

equineluvr ago

Nothing that the homo Dark Meth posts makes any sense.

TheSadnessKills ago

Suck a horse-dick asshole. Anyone that is attempting to contribute ideas and knowledge here is welcome. You are entitled to your opinion, but not your insults. DarkMath, we have your back.

2impendingdoom ago

it must be difficult to reconcile when you meet jewish horses.

DarkMath ago

"Why change the report"

Who knows. I highly suspect these people are making things up as they go along. We're just seeing the "fog of war".

Dressage2 ago

Lol Just like HRC taking fire on the tarmac in Bosnia, Benghazi comments. Damn that "fog of war." It sure gets around!

HollandDrive ago

But, have you seen this???

Dressage2 ago

That was too perfect!

DarkMath ago

"HRC taking fire on the tarmac in Bosnia"

Yep. The problem with HRC is she started inhaling her own marketing smoke a long time ago and no one ever told her to stop because she surrounded herself with sycophants. It's not a lie if you believe it after all. But things turn south fairly quickly, there's like a 100% failure rate once someone starts getting high off their own shit.

2impendingdoom ago

aka obstruction of justice.

2impendingdoom ago

Sorry about paragraph spacing, having trouble with formating.

carmencita ago

I remember both of those scenarios. Wack job answer. there is a coverup with the second answer. Why change the narrative unless it is to someone's benefit.

carmencita ago

If the Shotspotter recorded it then does that mean the sound of the shots are recorded? FOIA

2impendingdoom ago

Yes, they are. And the shot shooter is processed by a human monitor.

the article says that in the major papers that the shotshooter reported the shots at 4:20 which would mean realistically that the officers still needed a few minutes to put down their donuts and respond, right? So that would give the shooters time to get away. But if the officers were only a minute or two away at 4:18, I would think its pretty likely that they would have seen fleeing shooters. In any case, its strange to change the report.

According to the video, the shot shooter system has a relay time as it required human interpretation/analysis to process, so the shooting time of 4:18 is probably accurate.

carmencita ago

Yes and it records. Does anyone remember what the spot shooter supposedly recorded? Just the feet of the attackers? Where is that?