DeathTooMasons ago

I doubt they are nervouse when the FBI, DOJ and entire judicial system, is subverted. They are allowing and helping to trafick tens of thousands of chilren, nobody will be in trouble for them blowing away Seth Rich. Arrest are not imminent and they are not losing sleep. But continue exposing them until the citizens deicde they are ready to overthrow the beast and hunt these bastards down. The law is there to help them, not us.

SmokinDave73 ago Video going over written testimony of Doctor that worked on Seth Rich saying he did not have fatal wounds and was going to live.

darkknight111 ago

When all this starts to escalate, we need to be prepared for the fallout.

Refer to my thread on the "whatever" subverse. In the second part of it, I refer to potential mass despair. We will need to become hope to a shit ton of people.

privatepizza ago

Thank you

Verite1 ago

Charlie Warzel senior tech writer from BuzzFeed on NPR right now discussing "Seth Rich" story and how "the Right" is running with the newly alive "non-story" of Seth Rich. Discussing how "the right" is citing "anonymous leaks" and vague sources which are coming from "The Deep State," - it is disparaging, dismissive- the whole lead in in to the segment was about fake news, they cited Alex Jones Roger Stone and Sean Hannity. Also said that "their followers" are OK with these "vague sources."

anotherdream ago

Yes. I am ready. Please for the love of god. I want all these sick bastards put away.

ProudTruther ago

Fuck Yea! Victory could well be at hand!

grlldcheese ago


Like, seriously? Just that on the nose? Did nobody else read that 1000page book 'the illuminatus trilogy'?

Like Wtf guys. You are not the conspiracy theorists i thought you were. Gtfo my lawn.

Yates ago

Do you have a link to the original thread?

privatepizza ago

I don't, sorry. Maybe someone has? I'll add to the OP and ask. Good thinking, cheers

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Seth rich was assassinated. The DNC has covered its tracks or paid off the right people, and the only thing we can do is pressure trump to have sessions open up an investigation. Amything short of that is a time drain. The rich/powerful dont get that way from being sloppy

deadjacuzzi ago

His name was Steve Rogers.

GeorgeT ago

How quickly the tide can turn! Perhaps instead of trolling PG community in the WP along with his CPP Owner King of Creeps - Skippy should have covered his tracks! What did Killary tweet again the day Michael Flynn got fired '...... What goes around, Comets around.....' It sure does, Killary & Skippy... it sure does. Not in the mood for pizza are we?

cthulian_axioms ago

Having your soul sipped like a fine wine and your body turned into a mindless meat-shell slave.

mooteensy ago

Honestly, out of all the HORRIBLE people we have investigated here, I am certainly happy with Podesta as the scapegoat. It's not enough, but it's a start.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Sometimes you just need to refresh your browser.

Gothamgirl ago

So would that make Tuesday Tzuday? One can only pray..

Gothamgirl ago

I think it will be a greencard or immunity seeking, mind controlled couple of subjects, hired by the Awan brothers. Guess we will have to wait and see.

ginx2666 ago

it will bring down the entire DNC

You know, it would have bigger impact (well, any impact) if it wasn't like... tenth such "swoop".

Everything is bullshit until proven otherwise.

new4now ago

I believe Seth Rich went to Shawn Lucas with what he had on the DNC.

On July 1st, Shawn served papers to the DNC and Debbie Wasserman , The lawsuit, filed in June 28, alleged β€œthat Wasserman Schultz and the DNC were fraudulent, negligent and misrepresented their true motivations in the Democratic presidential primary

July 10th, Seth was murdered

July 22, WikiLeaks publishes e-mails

Aug 2, Shawn Lucas found died, cause of death remained murky till Nov 1

Oct 30, Podesta e-mail threat

They had to have some evidence to file for a lawsuit. , The committee Shawn worked for had what Seth had, was Shawn the go between with the committee and WikiLeaks? How they got Seth's name not sure

Both guys were huge Sander followers

Seth was beat to find out what the committee had on Hillary's people and who all knew, not realizing it had been passed to WikiLeaks .

I think Seth gave Shawn the info and he was the one gave it to WikiLeaks, that's why they went after Shawn, after they beat the info out of Seth

Is it coincidence that the DC Police Chief at the time, Cathy Lanier , announced on Aug, 16th, that she was retiring after 27 yrs, and has accepted a position as senior vice president of security for the NFL. She will begin work at the league's New York office next month

crackedscreenLK ago

I read in someone's article that the first cop on the scene who showed up in just 3 minutes is someone who knew Podesta the Molesta from school. That could indeed prove problematic. He was also apparently ALIVE when police arrived and the autopsy stated he had bruises on his face and hands and was shot twice in the back. I know some people here probably already know this, but I sure didn't. And let's not forget the awesome work of quantokitty who archived the business name and address of Podesta's cousin

Gussifer LLC! I just joined a study group on this very subject which is where I learned of the relationship of Mr.Podesta and the DC Cop. I hope they nail that bastard to the wall. He wanted to teach him a lesson ? Who the heck does that little twirp think he is? I can not believe anyone actually takes orders from that little toad.

SoldierofLight ago

He thinks he's hot shit!

4_InquiringMinds ago

Hi, thanks, that's what I thought. What made me wonder is other day I upvoted a topic/had 4 upvotes, but when I upvoated the total suddenly registered over a hundred. That has happened a few times I upvoted. Is it just delayed tally of upvotes?

YingYangMom ago

This is great news! Thanks @privatepizza for being a good messenger :) His name was Seth Rich!

betoche ago

PLEASE READ THIS. This is how the spirit realm works. I have witnessed it and it was crazy real. it says "our war is not against flesh and blood, but in spirit realms". these satanists are protected by the demonic realm and it is known they have done sacrifices to Molloch, and other pagan gods. etc. They may even have principality protecting them in the demonic realm and they have given them a spirit of invincebility...and a spirit of lawlessness. I once saw how this can be broken. Probably THEE most crazy thing I have ever witnessed. 100% true story and still is shocking to me, 6 years later. I had a good female friend, who had a 4 year old son. Her ex was a drug runner from mexico. He threatened to take their son to mexico and she would never see him again. She went to ICE and authorities and they could do nothing...this guy always got away with drug trafflcking and never caught. I told my friend I would pray for her and went to the wisest man I knew about spiritual things. He did not ask many questions and said "lets pray"...he began to pray and then looked up at me "does this guy ever get caught? is he invinceable? I said, YES! He then went back to praying. He said "I break the powers that protect this man and the demonic covering he has and break the spirit of invincibility...I also break the spirit of lawlessness and expose him now, in Jesus' name" We opened our eyes and my friend looked at me and said "it's over. This guy is naked and exposed, It's done and over for him" I was shocked...he said it again "he's naked and exposed, he has NO protection, we removed it"...the next week, my female friend said "oh my god, the FBI broke in his place at 4 am to apprehend him, but he was not there" they later got him! He was never caught before in YEARS. This TRUE story changed my life. Prayer works...our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but is spiritual realms! Its true. pray now, the same prayer to remove spirits of invinceability, lawlessness, and DECLARE _____ (name person) that they are now without demonic protection and naked and exposed (to the light) and that the BLOOD of Seth Rich cries from the ground for justice. (like Cain and Abel, "the voice of your brothers blood cries from the ground" add this in prayer) Blood is life giving and the KEY to so many things.

BloodGod1337 ago

This probably seriously explains the huge decline of spirituality in the western world in the recent centuries. The evil cabal knows that securing a spiritual protection amongst themselves is important, so taking away the population's knowledge and wisdom over that which is spiritual had to have helped them in securing and gaining power.

It's just one thing that I've often pondered, and it's the rapid decline of spiritual beliefs in western society. I've always wondered how so much spirituality had declined so much in our societies. We've gotten so focused on the physical and material realm, that the idea of witches and wizards are considered fictional to the average person.

Silverlining ago

Principalities - awesome story - just wanted to log it in my comments. @betoche

2impendingdoom ago

Thank you for posting this, we should all try it, it can't hurt.

SoldierofLight ago

Indeed. This is a spiritual war. And we're going to win it.

leaveperiods ago

What is a pedos favorite flavor of ice cream?

poppin cherry!

numbtoyou ago

Once shit hits the fan, Satan is just going to say fuck it anyways. Once you don't love him no more, he'll manifest his real evil. Satan wants you to believe in Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood and Sesame Street. But once you find out you are really living in hell now, you will want Heaven in a heart beat. But he knows that he has but a short time and because he is doomed for hell fire, he will try to bring you down with him. People should be wanting to turn to righteousness. Where there is no Jew, no Gentile, No Christian, No Muslim. Just oneness under the creator of the heavens and the earth. They are trying to maintain the JIG (make believe world), but the Jig is up.

when I say He as in Satan, i mean a like minded group of wicked people. I don't fixate on wanting this justice in pizzagate. I want complete world wide justice for all. It is on it's way and many are going to be sorry for the mind they had and have.

Commoner ago

I am guessing he did cop a plea. I found it interesting that the media spent so little time on his conviction.

Ushil ago

Indeed, we first need to get over scepticism and atheism and remind: We have nothing to lose. We can only win.

Try to visualize that the demonic forces of people like John Podesta and Hillary Clinton get broken, and visualize more strength for Donald Trump. He is on our side, he needs our energy. If enough people do it, it might work.

Jem777 ago

To add to the story, Julian Assange sent a twitter message via his personal twitter to @ Hilary Clinton yesterday that said, "you seem nervous Hilary, you should because I know what you did last summer."

LargePepperoni ago

That was not his real account.

kazza64 ago

i saw that :)

Freemasonsrus ago

You're joking. For real?? That would be EPIC.

anotherdream ago

Seriously though hahah - where's that link?

GeorgeT ago

Killary is so out of tune of pop culture that she won't even get the reference.

Harpua33 ago

You got a link to that tweet? I did not find it.

VieBleu ago

OUch! ha ha that's bold.

2impendingdoom ago

I am so glad he is alive

Jem777 ago

Yes and it seems that tweet has Hilary nervous.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago


lastpriority ago

InternetUser ago

I want to believe this is more than another faggot larper

remedy4reality ago

you small cranium mother fuckers have the same response for everything

jbooba ago

Well... light@end of the tunnel? Maybe?

ArthurEdens ago


privatepizza ago

Thanks for this, I'll ponder!

Are_we_sure ago


Yet another ANON.


Telling you exactly what you want to hear.

Impeachment talk is done? Robert Mueller just got appointed to take over the Russiagate investigations. Jared Kushner just got mentioned as a person of interest.

Lol. Just keep listening to ANONs though

whatonearth ago

It took me a while to realize that pizzagaters are so dumb that they think the email leaks are the only (possibly-)Russia-related thing being investigated!

SoldierofLight ago

If you truly aren't worried, and don't give a fuck, why do you come here so often? If it's not because you're worried, then you really don't have a life, do you? Then again, they pay you by the hour, don't they? And who spends money unless they have to?

Commoner ago

if he/she/it had half a brain they would get out while they can. Where was it that the Clinton's and Obamas bought property so as to escape extradiction to the US.

SoldierofLight ago

It's said that many families of the Old Guard have bought land in various non-extraditable countries around the world. I find that funny-- they seem to have made sure they're nowhere near each other. No matter. It won't protect them anyway.

privatepizza ago

Hey thanks for this, I remember. Isn't he implying that NSA have all her mails? (I know I'm being Capt. Obvious here, but he was making a point that her deleted emails were still accessible through key-score I believe, not saying that he had them personally). That's how I read it?

listentoreason2017 ago

Skepticism has no place in this community.

turitelle ago

Yes, what was all that about. He better ante up this time or it'll prove that he's just full of hot air.

2impendingdoom ago

Who is going to arrest anyone? Clearly MCabe and Metro Police are complicit. I guess Trump will have to fire McCabe and just go down the line.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

You better believe they've been watching Mccabe very closely.

pby1000 ago

Blanket DC with flyers.

LikesBoobs ago

I hope this isn't gonna be just as big a let down. I've a feeling he is just gonna talk about Seth being the leaker though.

HeartDaughter ago

Thanks for the update

keepthefaith ago

who are the "very big name politicians" you mention...?

DarkMath ago

"I have never, in my 20 years of working in D.C. seen such a panicked reaction from anyone."

I hate to say it but I think things could get much much worse down there and people need to get ready for that just in case.

Please understand I know nothing, I have no evidence nor am I looking for any. I only have the best intentions with this post because I think my role in Pizzagate is to become some sort of online clergy. Why? Because I've seen this hell up close and personal.

Religion is for people who don't want to go to Hell. Spirituality is for people who've been there.

We're coming up to a point in this story that I pray doesn't happen but could given the highly charged emotion associated with it. People need to be aware of it because I've seen people do this in real life when they've gotten caught in the really deep stuff and they cant' take it anymore. When I've seen it happen it was in situations totally unrelated to this but the end result is just as tragic. It's the god damn saddest thing you can imagine. People with kids and the whole nine years and when you see it your hearts breaks into a thousand pieces.

So I make this comment because if it helps just one person then it was worth it. One possibility here is some people guilty or innocent may go for the early check-out. People need to be prepared for what might happen. This whole story is like a powder keg and when it blows people go into shock. I've referenced the first link before but it gives an idea of what happens when people go into shock. They're whole system shuts down. It's like the opening to Saving Private Ryan but without all the gore. The emotions will be that overwhelming. People go into shock and they're so overwhelmed they can't function. Sometimes people stay like that for days.

I'm not saying it is going to happen but people just need to be aware of it. Things could get much worse down in DC before they get better. And it needs repeating I'm not saying the guns are coming out. God no. But this story is so raw their emotions are going to get just as raw as they'd be on Omaha Beach. Straight up, no shit.

Hopefully that pizzagatewhatever post can help introduce some of the ways to get people through the shock when it happens. There are no atheists in fox-holes and there's a reason they send clergy into battle along with the medics but just a little further back.

This ain't no joke.

Umrtvovacz ago

"This video contains content from Paramount Pictures, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

What the fuck, it's getting here as well! Soon we will be like Germany...

Had to VPN.

Otherwise great post.

crystalclear ago

Agree completely and feel we could be 36 hours or so from it being lit or exploded. Also had some thought about how unveiling those responsible for murder of Seth Rich--- will make pedogate the other shoe to fall so to speak. It might add to ability to consider the possibility of pedogate and at least a legitimate investigation. Hokey as it must sound-- Seth Rich and others murdered are with us

DarkMath ago

"will make pedogate the other shoe to fall"

I think many shoes will be dropping if you catch my drift. We're talking a centipede here not a biped. I only got my "Tin Foil Hat" card a few months ago when it was so obvious you couldn't come to any other conclusion. But before that for the past 16 years I took the party line hook, line and sinker.

I fear there are things that are going to come out even I haven't heard of at this point and I've been researching this pretty much all the time for the past 6 months. There's stuff out there that will turn people's shit white for a month. I hope and pray Donald Trump is on top of that fact because waking up around 300,000,000 people ain't gonna be pretty.

In the unlikely event anyone important is reading this here goes. One way to ease people into this is get rid of the non-disclosure agreements of people at the CIA and NSA. I'd say most over at those outfits are true American patriots. The fish rots from the head as they say. Most rank and file CIA/NSA have the credibility because they were on the front lines in the trenches taking orders no matter what. I'm sure they didn't like anymore than we did.

This is hard to describe but the Truth needs to come out from both sides of the aisle. And it needs to come out full broadside, all 9 rifles(see my avatar). This fucker's got to be full throated so there's no doubt who's in charge. If it's just Donald Trump people won't believe it. We need a bi-partisan effort and the more with knowledge the merrier. With more people talking the country down there's more of a chance of closing the loop and getting the message across. More people up on the pulpit will greatly aid in the translation. No hesitation either, there's no turning back. There are no half measures when it comes to the Truth. Aaaaaaaaaaaaand maybe a few well thought out immunity deals couldn't hurt.


SoldierofLight ago

I too have given this much thought. Re: the bipartisan effort, in addition we also need the people the masses worship to come forward and spill the truth. I'm talking the Mileys, Britneys, Lettermans, Swifts, Oprahs, etc. (Even the Pope.) Part of the peoples' waking process will be to realize that celebrities and other figures are not gods and nobody but the Creator should be worshipped. We need a divine spiritual awakening of global proportions. And if full disclosure occurs, and it must, it will be painful on some level for almost everyone on this planet. But no pain, no gain. And as we move through it, we will experience peace, love, and acceptance on a scale most of us never dreamed was possible, much less in our lifetime.

SoldierofLight ago

I love it.

kazza64 ago

i think comey would just like to crawl into a hole and disappear from public view .... but whoever is blackmailing him is pulling his strings and wont stop till they get what they want. its people like comey who could feel compelled to end it all because they have lost control over their lives and their political careers and are nothing more than a puppet in an evil puppet show

GeorgeT ago

The fear for the deep state is that Seth Rich revelations will trickle its way to pizzagate - and the dam will burst open. No telling what will happen.

DarkMath ago

"will trickle its way to pizzagate"

I used to think that before but to be honest I think the pizzagate stuff is a bit of a side-show. Look at the Extortion 17 story. That has nothing to do with pizzagate but if true it could just as damming if not more so.

Who knows though. This is like the San Andreas fault right before the big one. The forces building up are massive but you'd never suspect a thing. I bet the animals know though. They always figure out this shit way before us humans do with our "superior" brain and "higher intellect".

Jem777 ago

@DarkMath you are a compelling author who speaks from experience it is obvious. Surviving that shock and holding mercy at the same time is one of the greatest gifts you can give to another person.

That is the collective voice of these many victims and witnesses that have been silenced for so long.

DarkMath ago

This is definitely a hard 90 degree turn in American History that's for sure.

There are voices that need to be heard for the first time and that will change everything.

Reminds of the words of John Lydon song open up: "make room for me".

The truth is stranger than fiction. John Lydon played a part in this story.


madhatter67 ago

John Lydon is shaping up to be a great anti globalist spokesman....

Last week he was in the papers speaking up for Brexit, and supporting Trump!!

DarkMath ago

John Lydon for Prime Minister!

Power to the People!

doubletake ago

speaking of clergy, where they hell are they in this outrage of child sex trafficking? (oh yeah, i forgot.) ahem, where are they in this outrage of endless wars? Why aren't they out in the streets? (oh, yeah, talking to their lawyers about number 1.) sigh...

DarkMath ago

I don't know you at all but I understand what you mean. And I don't know what your future brings. But we're all sinners in the eyes of God doubletake. You never know when you'll win "the lottery". You could go out tonight and get shitfaced drunk and take out a whole family after you picked the wrong on ramp. You think raping a child is bad imagine what it would it be like to accidentally kill a whole family.


Silverlining ago

There is accidentally, there is careless and there is deliberate and knowing.

DarkMath ago

"There is accidentally......."

I see your point. I agree many of these people were more than willing participants. Some of these people are going to have some very long nights coming up as fantasy makes way for reality.

Silverlining ago

Surely people [for want of a better word] who torture, rape and sacrifice babies are unlikely to be shocked by much - unless they think they are about to be caught. My sympathy for them is severely limited.

SecondAmendment ago

I love you, @DarkMath.

SoldierofLight ago

100% agree. And thank you for your willingness to be that level of support because you already know that that job ain't easy. I suspect many of us here will be in a similar position because so many of our loved ones (and strangers we come into contact with on a daily basis) are in a completely different reality than the one that's about to come crashing down on them. They're not bad people, far from it, it's just that for them, the Red Pill is going to be forced down their throat with not even a glass of water to help it go down. We need to exhibit compassion in those moments, and not be I told you so's.

GeorgeT ago

Great allegory - .... redpill without water to wash it down!

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Don't say "I told you so." Say: "This is what I've been talking about." It leads them to further conversation and invokes a partnership in discussion.

SoldierofLight ago

That's a great idea. Better even than my idea of biting my tongue, lol. (And less painful.)

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Agreed. Don't be arrogant nor destructive with your behavior about this if it comes to pass like we all hope it will. Some might need your help to get them through the uncertainty of what is ahead. Help them through it and you will have new developed friendships and allies that will create the unity of light needed to destroy the darkness.

DarkMath ago

"with not even a glass of water to help it go down"

That's a great metaphor, well done SoldierofLight.


Blacksmith21 ago

I brought this topic up a long time ago. This "whole thing" is taking longer than I thought it would to at a minimum, see an arrest or two. But it is taking much longer, probably because the problem of the "Deep State" is worse than many of us, much less Trump, ever imagined.

If/when things do start to crack open, I think it is going to be like bringing a frog to a boil, versus dropping the frog in boiling water.

The MSM refused to even give the story one second. It was dumbfounding in a 1984 sort of way. There is a good chunk of the population that won't believe any of this, even if Cooper, Guthrie, Lauer, and Whoopie delivered the story via an a capella.

But some of them will, and the level of insanity and foam-at-the-mouth maniacal behavior will reach new heights. And they will stop at nothing. A dying beast is the most dangerous. The fight has just begun.

Freemasonsrus ago

I always think back to what FBIanon said when he was talking about how this would/could even cause civil war if everything was dropped in one sitting. OUR trust as regular citizens, would be irrevocably broken if everything was revealed at once, realizing how many politicians have literally sold our country out and that we have foreign countries who have far too much power in our govt. I have a feeling that what HRC was referring to when she said "If we lose we all hang by nooses" was bc she had sold so much out and other countries were going to come calling for whatever payment was due along with the very real fear that someone like Russia or China would dump all of the evidence bc apparently they were two of the countries who had all of the emails ect.

Violetti112 ago

Don't forget that an investigation (operation) takes a long time. Years of corruption and cover-ups from the inside they (the good people) need time and patience to put the puzzle together. Also it's very difficult to collect the right and trusted people. This investigation is of unprecedented scope and it will shake the whole world..yes the world because there are many ties to other parts of the world. This could be the reasson why we didn't hear something. Now Comey is gone I have faith that there will be a domino day in several months.

XF-Hyperion ago

I mean, the Anthony Weiner stuff just happened last week. This stuff is slooooooow going.

Violetti112 ago

I agree itΒ΄s to slow for me also, but I hope it payΒ΄s of our patience

GeorgeT ago

Perhaps Trump saw this comming and timed Comey's firing to perfection. He may also know that he can't bring pedo-gate directly so he went for the blind alley - Skippy never saw this one comming.

2impendingdoom ago

Don't forget how maniacal they were about trying to flip the electoral college, it was panic then too. But this is worse for them, and now Comey, their protection layer, is gone.

DarkMath ago

"The MSM refused to even give the story one second."

I thought this too initially. Some really don't like Trump but I'd argue a significant percentage are afraid of the Deep State and don't want to rock the boat.

So that means when this thing finally breaks and arrests are imminent and the Deep State is down for the count the MSM will start chirping. Then as they feel safe they'll start screaming from the mountain tops how they saw this coming all along and helped out to win the war against the Deep State. And then this is all we'll hear for the next 2 years probably. It'll be nonstop.

Peace_gate ago

It's like taking all of our credit, all the research goats, autists, and t_d'ers have been doing since the name Clinton appeared again. I have tried to red pill those close to me as patiently as I could but they see me as crazy. "Why are you bringing up human trafficking" why the fk not? I'm going to literally shake and cry when pedosta gets the noose.

thatguyiam ago

msm will start chirping

it can do all the chirping it wants. it won't change the fact that their owners have ill intentions towards the people

anotherdream ago

We also have to do what we can to discredit all of them and make sure it is known on the web and around the world that the MSM is just as guilty and are complicit in helping these criminals and murdering bastards.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

People will not forget how they were all a part of this evil corrupt cabal. The MSM will be taken down. You will witness the rise of the citizen journalist, as everyone will know how all this came to be.

DarkMath ago

Power to the people!

hels ago

This would be beyond awesome. The Redpills would be free flowing and people would begin to demand change.

We know that 99.9% of top politicians are bought and don't give a fuck about you and me. This is what needs to change.

privatepizza ago

Thanks Dark. Wishing you well man.

avian_buddha ago

I want to believe

privatepizza ago

You know what they say. Believe and it'll happen.

Silverlining ago

pp definitely look at the pepethefrog wordpress - quite mindblowing!

privatepizza ago

Thanks, that's a great article on Pepe and Kek. I saw it at the election. Great you shared it here!

Ushil ago

This is what FBI anon said too, that meme magic is real, and I believe this whole Kek thing during the election is more than just coincidence or a joke:

The author explains it with Chaos Magik.

If the energy of many people, or a spiritually strong person, is aimed at something, it could perhaps really change reality. So if many people put energy in wanting John Podesta to be arrested, it might actually happen if the universe directs its' energy to that. This might explain why some famous sceptics and atheists mock spirituality in public, but believe in it in private, like dr. Radin explained in one of his videos. By making people atheistic and un-spiritual, you take away their potential energy to influence reality. Remember how people like Jared Kushner are said to be involved in heavy Kaballah and esoteric stuff etc.? And how Abramovic has her work filled with spirituality. Atheism might be, instead of rationalism and enlightment, be a way to make people numb so that people in charge with dark motives have more spiritual energy.

privatepizza ago

Hmm... thanks for this, gonna check it out.

quantokitty ago

I so hope this is true. It would be lovely if those that had been callously subjecting others to tyranny and blackmail find themselves in the same position.

I think the beauty of this is that Seth Rich wasn't for Trump or a repub ... he was a true DEMOCRAT. He was raised in a democratic family and loved the party, so much so, that when he grew up, he worked for them! It means that true democrat saw the amount of corruption and was trying to get out the information and let others see what he was. That's what got him killed. If there is a smoking gun ... and I believe there is ... it'll be a victory for him. Not only will what he leaked get out, but the truth of the despicable warlords that have taken control of the party. I hope Pedosta and the Cannibal Queen are the first ones arrested.

artfullyours ago

Can you imagine just how disillusioned he must of became to do what he did?

The things he found out must've sickened him to the point that he felt compelled to do something.

He must've felt that there was not anyone else he could trust to turn to.

I feel sad for him, but by him doing it, it given us hope that maybe things can be revealed and changed.

quantokitty ago

Yes, it's astonishing. If the rumors are true, quite a few of the workers were disgusted by what was going on, but he took effective action. I'm really shocked Sanders hasn't spoken out. Didn't he show up during the campaign with a bruise on his face? They must have something big on him, too.

artfullyours ago

I guess I didn't know that.

artfullyours ago

Why would they do that? Do you think he was planning on exposing things about the Clintons before he dropped out. Like maybe voter fraud?

quantokitty ago

Absolutely. It only makes sense that people like Seth would perhaps try to alert Sanders to what was going on ... it's never even been investigated that Sanders was the recipient of some of this stuff.

nomorepepperoni ago

I saw recently that at the same damn rally Bernie endorsed HRC (Portsmouth NH I believe), her remarks start off basically going out of her way not only to thank him, but his wife and one of his kids. AND she goes out of her way to bring Seth Rich up AT THE SAME RALLY. And mind you, this was two days after Seth's death. Seeing that video made me want to throw up. I won't be at all surprised if Skippy threatened the man's family, nor if he knows something about what happened to Seth and has to keep quiet about it for the same reasons he had to endorse the evil Queen.

quantokitty ago

I think he's dirty. Blackmail wouldn't do with his whte knight image.

fogdryer ago

Thank you so much

privatepizza ago

Thanks to you

Jem777 ago

Upvoating you as usual. Can almost watch their panic on line as they attempt to shut down sites, edit Seth Rich Reddit posts & place bogus stories in MSM.

Stunning that at this point anyone would still try and edit or scrub info it is a direct inference of consciousness of guilt in law.

Many still do not realize how & who is archiving and leaking. Upvoat for you.

privatepizza ago

Thanks as always Jem, appreciate it. And exactly, it's all unbelievable isn't it? I hope they try to scrub more and dig themselves even deeper. It's a wonderful thing happening just now. I hope Seth Rich would be proud.

Silverlining ago

Go not so high that you end up so low. The secret to happiness is LOW EXPECTATIONS.

Jem777 ago

Yes so true and stunning that citizens are investigating their own government in the US & not only being murdered but then the murders are covered up.

It shows the depravity of man at one end and the hope & moral clarity on the other end. Where else could the citizens combine with the white hats in anonymous connections to reveal truth and save innocent children.

There are many aspects to this depravity as everyone knows but what drove most everyone was the thought children were being harmed.

Silverlining ago

You meant "one end of the rope," no?

privatepizza ago

Truth ^^^^

privatepizza ago

Thanks sarrah, good to see you : )

SecondAmendment ago

Is it just me or are all y'all wishing you had a drone camera following around Podesta, Donna Brazile, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the Clintons, and the others so we could see and hear the panic? I wish we could see them flipping out. Sadly, I think the only way we'll know that they're panicking and strategizing is that more people will die.

As for Kim Dot Com promising to make a statement on TUESDAY? I'll believe it when I see it. If he really has evidence then he is in grave danger. Since he is in grave danger and apparently already has a legal team in place, there should be no need for him to wait until Monday to consult with legal counsel. I'm not a lawyer but I know a lot of them and every single one said if they had a client in grave danger they would consult with him or her immediately, even on a weekend. So I'm not so sure that Kim Dot Com has to wait until Tuesday to do any bloody thing. Instead, given that Kim Dot Com has been full of crap in the past by promising things and then not delivering, I think Kim Dot Com is either: (1) full of shit again; or (2) consulting with a really shitty legal team.

Jem777 ago

Kim Dot Com lives in New Zealand in a literal compound due to being raided years ago. He speaks only when absolutely necessary. He would not make a statement without the evidence. It only adds though, the evidence is everywhere. It cannot be stopped.

2impendingdoom ago

even if DotCom has nothing to say, he is bringing attention to Seth Rich and that is fine with me. And with the time difference, maybe the wait is not so long.

privatepizza ago

Thanks for your comment. It could be tricky when he's a few countries legal systems to cover. Lets see tomorrow. The world is waiting for him and he'll lose all cred if he doesn't deliver. BTW, when did Kim not deliver?

SecondAmendment ago

Thank YOU, @privatepizza. This is a great thread. As for KDC not delivering, that was back in the Fall of 2016, right before the election. Back then he posted on Twitter a lot of stuff in which he threatened to post stuff that would put Hillary Clinton in jail. He had everyone believing that he could have been the source of the hack and that he possessed incriminating videos and photos and other evidence. He kept leading people on, and we all thought "THIS IS IT. KIM DOT COM'S GONNA NAIL HER." But then -- POOF! -- nothing at all got posted. Nothing happened. It was tremendously frustrating and disappointing and I have since written KDC off as just a wannabe.

If he really has the goods he ought to just STFU and post the stuff. The clock's ticking. Children are dying. People are being tortured. So if this is as big a deal as it appears to be, I have no patience or understanding of people like Kim Dot Com who say they've got the goods but then fail to deliver. And in light of what the lawyers I know have told me, there is no way in Hell that a competent attorney would make his or her client wait until Monday to move forward. Especially because the most dangerous time for KDC (or any whistle-blower who's dumb enough to announce the time at which the whistle will be blown) is the period of time between the whistle-blower's announcement that the whistle is about to be blown and the time at which the whistle actually gets blown. In other words, KDC is in the most danger now. If he really has the goods his lawyers -- if they're any good -- would be helping him expose the truth ASAP. The sooner the info's out there for all to see, the sooner the state of emergency for KDC will end. Once the whistle's been blown, the whistle-blower won't be in danger. That, in a long explanation, is why I'm frustrated with Kim Dot Com. Yet again.

13Buddha ago

Love it! We have to find out who was permitted in his ICU room post op. So far, we know for a fact that regarding medical staff, only the attending physician and "a few nurses" were permitted and that's it. This is a HUGE giveaway, because there was absolutely no reason whatsoever for those restrictions to be made ESPECIALLY in an ICU setting. We need names.

Silverlining ago

I think you've got this all wrong. My reading is that Seth was VIP'd and LE sealed off his room. It sounds as if MD-anon thought the attending allowed him to die.

I see no visiting VIP - unless the swarm of LE accompanied them in - but that's not what I took from it.

13Buddha ago

I'll listen to the narrative again for the 3rd time, but my recollection is that the surgical resident did not know he was a "VIP" until after surgery was completed when Seth Rich was in ICU. Timing of all of this after Seth Rich arrived first to the ER, then to the OR. then to ICU post op is purely hypothetical at this point. When a trauma case arrives to the ER, it doesn't matter if that person is God Almighty, it's all hands on deck to do everything to stabilize the patient who is essentially John Doe at that point. The restrictions regarding who could be in the room occurred post op when he left the OR and directly taken to a room in ICU.

xyz_3 ago

"We have to find out who was permitted in his ICU room post op." That's easy. His parents and/or brother need to request a copy of the medical records preferably through an attorney.

13Buddha ago

They would have done that a long time ago. Something is definitely wrong with them as well. God knows what it is.

xyz_3 ago

The parents may have too low of an index of suspicion regarding their son's murder, trusting whatever the police told them and have no reason to think anything was amiss at the hospital. Now that the anon surgical resident has come forward (if verified) things have changed. I myself had no suspicions about the hospital until I read the anon post by the surgical resident. The complete medical records, if not falsified, might verify and corroborate the surgical resident's version of events. It would also point to all those on the medical team who needed to be questioned and deposed by their attorney.

13Buddha ago

I am sure without a doubt that the parents were notified by phone towards the end of Seth Rich's surgery that it was successful and that he was expected to recover even though they were out of town at the time. Not sure if an autopsy was done, but my guess it was not. If it was not, that is even more suspicious. If it was, I would not trust the results either. I believe any parent would certainly request an autopsy on their child after an unanticipated post-surgical death. IMO, his family is involved, some way some how. These medical records have been "well-polished," and will reveal nothing. Witnesses are what is needed to 'fess-up and then get all the assistance they need to change their identities and get the hell out of this country until justice is served or a trial occurs.

xyz_3 ago

It was a homicide and therefore the medical examiner should have been involved. If the medical examiner was not involved, that itself would be suspicious.

13Buddha ago

True, true, true. I thought that was the case as well but uncertain if there was anything that could legitimately rule that out. There never used to be, but I cannot keep up with all the changes these days. Thanks for the info.

privatepizza ago

We do need names. We need anons to come forward. Let's pray they do.

V____Z ago

So why is one ex CIA operative named George Webb allowed to run around DC making videos about Seth's final walk? This adds even more suspicion. The powers that be are leaving him alone, that to me means he is more than likely working for them (not against) as a distraction. Or, as a "school play", if you will.

mooteensy ago

George Webb is a limited hangout.

V____Z ago


mooteensy ago

I'm actually a she, but thanks!

SoldierofLight ago

I'll probably always have my suspicions about Webb, BUT, if the walls are closing in on TPTB, and they know that they're being closely watched right now, they may be forced to lay back, dig in, and hope for the best. In other words, they may be on defensive mode for once, rather than on the offensive. I suspect we'll know either way, very soon.

V____Z ago

When one looks at all the discrepancies at once, rather than in singular instances like this, there is no way to trust him.

Another red flag, he claimed Seth's brother wanted to come out with the truth, and that George was about to interview him. Based on his claim alone, a post here went viral, yet the interiew never happened and Geroge went running off on his next tangent - and NO ONE HERE questioned this. It's scary that no one questions him, when if one of us did something like this, we'd have our ass handed to us by fellow Voaters.

Eastwood350 ago

I follow several forums including some of Webb's. I would think Webb changed his mind to interview him after it many of Webb's followers brought it to his attention that the family appears to believe it was a plain vanilla murder, just a robbery gone bad type of thing and they aren't interested in any working theories. Webb I believe is former FBI not CIA and someone mentioned once that in one of his earlier videos he said he made some thumb drive drops himself, so it's probably his insurance policy with a dead man's switch that would be released & exposed if something happened to him.

V____Z ago

He shouldn't need people to make excuses for him all the time. IF we're gonna put this much faith in someone, it should be someone who answers these questions himself, rather than deleting them from his Facebook page vefore anyone notices them, and who deletes half his videos and all of his Twitter feed without explaining why. He's shady as fuck and I cannot believe that people think it's possible some savior is going to swoop into our investigation, and do our work for us, whilst entertaining us with multiple videos every day, that someone who claims to be a Zionist, and who likes Obama, and thinks the perps behind pedogate should NOT be punished... people believe THIS is the hero we've been waiting for?

samhara ago

I unsure why there is a need to put faith in him?

V____Z ago

People are frustrated from having seen the evidence all these months, and seeing that nothing is happening to the perps. They're downtrodden from having seen that every one of the TRUE pizzagate researchers who made themselves known (doing videos, etc) were silenced and/or 'discredited', attacked. The pain of knowing that innocent children are being horrifically abused, and seeing that our entire system supports this, makes us vulnerable to being infiltrated and lied to, and the deep state knows this better than anyone. so in comes a fast-talking distraction disinfo agent with a wide smile and all the time and resources in the world, seemingly. It's a relief to be able to think that finally someone's gonna make sure something is done.

Not sure if i read your ? correctly, but i think it's pretty understandable that people want (need) to have some hero in what has been such a frustrating experience of uncovering obvious malfeasance, true evil, and yet be shown that there is nothing we can do about it.

samhara ago

Maybe I see a different time - line; since I wanted to expose the corruption my whole life and no one has ever cared; and I have myself been a pariah and attacked for what I investigate and care about

Also our 9/11 research group was destroyed over ten years ago, 3 members died of fast cancer, 2 went insane, some recanted, and some disappeared. It's nothing new. I've borne it for years now.

Also, I feel good about the progress Webb made so far, since for so many years there really was a dead stop .

And I think I'm repeating here

Maybe he's a false hope, but I find him to be actual hope. I feel fine about him changing track all the time and feel nothing strange that he should be financed; especially as he worked as a salesman for Sun Computers.. Alex Jones is fucking financed too, though he pretends to be a shill for vitimins. and does much less and has been at his schtick to no avail for years already.

Webb has gotten much farther in only 200 days.

I can understand people being impatient and I think the criticism of Webb is good too. It's important to take points into consideration. I feel much of the dislike of him is emotional , about his style, rather than his substance.

Everyone attacks me when I criticize "Jones." Whatever.

If someone doesn't want to follow Webb, there's little necessity to do that. I really have more important things to do than to make it my business who follows Webb or not.

When I say I feel it un - necessary to trust him, it's a just a policy I have. There should never be a necessity to trust anyone. That is your choice to do or not. People betray you or they don't

. I take what he does for what it is, it rings very true for me. As far as information goes, one has to prove something for one's self. Whatever he says I either take it and use it, reject it, think about it, consider it. It's food for thought. And he's working.

. It's a very little tiny subculture here and everyone does what they can in a world where the majority don't "give a damn" Some people like or love "Jones" work. That's fine. They get something from it. And I freely say what I think about him; because he did betray us, and you know people by their actions.

And obviously others freely say what they think about Webb; which is a very good thing.

I just found a few things - one, The Seth Rich family are obviously with 'duper's delight" ; which shocked me. And the narrative around Seth Rich's death is falling apart. Witnesses have attested he wasn't even at the bar. i think he could be in witness protection.

Also, things are moving to break the story of Hillary and Podesta to the mainstream ; so we'll see what happens in the next few day.s

V____Z ago

I have to admit, I do wonder if he's in witness protection too. Although I haven't seen much evidence that we have any agencies that are operating to protect citizens from harm from their own government. And I've seen no one stand up to the Clinton mafia. So to find out that somehow he was whisked away to safety by white hats would surprise me. Still there is no way to explain the behaviour of his family.

redditsuckz ago

The elite are banking on the fact that people wont do their research and follow up on the claims made by anyone...I mean has anyone here actually reviewed the evidence that the emails and reddit accounts are ACTUALLY (((Seth Rich's)))?...or have they all just followed what ever an anonymous source said?

The public is so docile and easily swayed to believe anything and they dont have the time to check if the sources are really correct. Who really has the time to wade through hundreds of Wikileaks emails?...people dont even have time to read through a handful or the will to do it.

You can see that the original posters of the evidence that Seth Rich's "Panda4Bernie" account was wrong...

*UPDATE- It appears some intel I received is Fake news, i am only one lone pede without resources or tech skills to verify every lead so I need you Pedes to keep digging to find the link between Panda4Progress and Pandas4Bernie. My source says that they rechecked the phone numbers for the gmail recovery match between and Panda4Progress do match but do not match Pandas4Bernie, the last two digits are flipped. Can a tech savvy pede investigate?

/u/ImJustAPatsy has retracted his claim that they are the same phone numbers.

And all this evidence came from an anonymous source so MOST of it could be wrong...I would say that 99% of the posters in this thread have not verified ANYTHING about those Seth Rich Reddit accounts. People should do their due diligence and go over all the evidence instead of listening to anonymous claims.

I will save people some time...Seth Rich is a Jew...ergo he is "in on it"...or "was in on it"...which means he knows the political theater and the DNC is just a scam for the Goyim. He knows there is no choice when you vote so of course he would be supporting both side of the same coin with Bernie and Hilary...he would also be supporting Donald Trump...which would be Hilarious if that evidence came out.

So we have Jew(Seth Rich) that supposedly leaked information to Wikileaks and we have a Tranny(Bradly Manning) that leaked info to Wikileaks...and the Jews and Trannys are running the whole earth and are neck deep in Pizzagate...


Do your fucking research people...verify Seth Rich a Jew?...well go look it up to see if that is correct...

V____Z ago

The whole Jew=guilty thing is just too simplistic. It's a bit lazy to take this point of view, and it sure isn't supported by the facts. Remember when I told you about my step father? He is Jewish and practically a saint. It was my Catholic family members who abused me. He came in and brought innocence and safety to me and my family. He is one of the sweetest, most innocent, selfless people i've ever met. HE IS JEWISH

Harpua33 ago

He actually said in a video today that he was part of the drop links to Wikileaks and basically dissed Kim dot com for being part of the American link.

V____Z ago

Apparently he also claimed that the Rich family is connected to the Finders cult - and as per usual offered ZERO evidence. He says shit like this and yet escapes legal action? This guy is a JOKE. High level CIA op, but still a joke. I cannot believe anyone takes this school play seriously, He's laughing in our faces while trying to get sexy pics from lonely housewives, which is his real goal. i've seen zero evidence that saving children is anywhere on his mind.

SoldierofLight ago

Good points. Care to share your theory about his true motivations? Apologies if you already have and I missed it.

V____Z ago

You know the whole "hiding in plain sight" thing? Well, he told us the other day. Look up the Voat post about "school play". In his description of the CIA's "school play" (and how in the world does he know all this anyway??), he actually describes exactly what he is doing. He infiltrated our group, used the energy we had going that was focused on pizzagate, and - well just go listen to his definition and tell me what you think.

He just deleted all of his twitter activity up to about 3 weeks ago, so get to that video quick because i think he's trying to make it hard for people to track his activities. He deletes stuff with regularity and will never give a straight answer as to way. I know why though. And he has screwed up enough times that it's time to make a post going over all of it, so people can see for themselves and make a decision.

SoldierofLight ago

In fact, you also explained why he tweets. Since an overwhelming number of responses to his tweets is always negative, many of us have wondered why he does it. You just explained it.

V____Z ago

I hadn't noticed that - though i never look at his tweets. I did go looking the other day, which is how i realized he'd erased everything, for a completely gross photo op he did with the grieving mother of one of the Franklin scandal victims. It was just so gross. He did it for street cred, nothing else. He smiled huge as if nothing is amiss, while she could barely smile, pain etched in her face forever. why did he meet with her? All he got from her was: go watch the documentary about my son on Netflix. It was like, dude, everything is already known, why are you even here?

To exploit you, of course.

This is why i call it gross. You don't do that to victim's parents. He showed no emotion, no acknowledgement of the delicate situation, sitting with this woman who has been through absolute hell. It was so disturbing. but alas, the picture is removed and i can only tell you about it with text.

SoldierofLight ago

You painted a great picture with your words though. He did it because he wanted a way to say he's not worried about anything. And because he's a narcissist he has no ability to feel empathy. But I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.

You're probably already doing this, but protect yourself. Energy-wise and... maybe other wise as well. Cornered rats bite. Even when they don't put in their false fangs.

V____Z ago

OK. Thank you. It's possible the danger isn't worth the result - he has everyone's trust. On Twitter and the youtubers i follow, everyone is recommending him with zero reservations. He's got thousands of followers. There is no way to stop this train. Someone trying to do so is in the crosshairs of a very dangerous organization.

SoldierofLight ago

I agree. Even on Voat he has his worshippers. We need to pick our battles to win this war.

SoldierofLight ago

This one? Too late.

I believe you're right. He's "loosh farming" Pizzagate investigators.

I'm looking forward to reading your post. Please ping me somewhere in there if you think about it. I don't want to miss it.

Excellent work.

V____Z ago

Ha, good - i found the video - listen to his description and see what you think

I like your take - the Loosh farm.

SoldierofLight ago

I should clarify that in re: to the tweets, I was referring to Podesta. And that is certainly loosh farming. Webb may be loosh farming as well, and it wouldn't surprise me, but I think his speciality is more about doing a bait-and-switch with our attention. Webb's video here about the school play technique is interesting-- and insightful, and that's why it's hard to write him off completely, lol.

Edit: (And I agree, it's exactly what he did.)

V____Z ago

Insightful? What if he's being fed this whole script? I don't see how knowing secret CIA operations makes him trustworthy. You mention that he is a narcissist. This explains my gut reaction to him, thank you. It's a trigger for me. So is government infiltration of truth movements, also: manipulation, lies and half truths.

V____Z ago

I guess i'll have to try and remember what he said. A CIA "school play" is when they send an infiltrator in to a group that has a lot of energy focused on something the powers that be don't want focused on - and instead of trying to kill the energy, the operative uses that energy but diverts it to something they deem safe.

So in this case, Webb is running around DC taking videos of houses and making it sound all scary and mysterious, and his fans LOVE IT. "Stay safe, George, yourre our hero".

Meanwhile we find out no one has interviewed the bar staff where Seth was last seen, and no one has interviewed his girlfriend. Webb hasn't commented on the interview he had promised with Seth's brother... and i don't even watch his stuff, so imagine how much other BS is taking place - for instance someone commented to me in another post that Webb has claimed Seth's family is tied to the Finders cult! No evidence given. Major slander, but he's not worried about being taken to court? Hmmmm. Next i hear that he claims to have had something to do with getting the info to Wikileaks, and that he dissed Kim DotCom! I'm not even trying to collect dirt on him, this is from replies to comments i've made here.

Since i don't watch him, I'm not the best one to do a Webb-outing post, but it needs to be done. I was hoping to have help, and for people to comment with more info that can be added. I have made a couple posts questioning things in the past, and the replies were golden, so i was planning to dig back through those and use info from the replies as fodder for the post.

Thank you so much for your encouragement.

SoldierofLight ago

You do a great job of questioning everything, so it's easy to offer you encouragement. It's all too convenient for us not to question people/motives/news sources, or to choose idols, particularly in times like these when we find out that so many of the people we looked up to aren't the people we thought they are.

I've never had hard evidence against Webb, and some of his stuff I like, but for the most part I've stopped watching his videos because my gut is telling me he has ulterior motives that don't sync with mine. On the surface he seems like one of the good guys, so that's why I like to read your analysis. True investigators always ask questions. And it shouldn't matter who the source of a news piece is.

What makes it worse is that we've collectively forgotten to Question Authority. It's what has gotten us into so much trouble.

V____Z ago

Now THAT is insightful. You should do daily videos! ;)

SoldierofLight ago


Jem777 ago

He has explained his motivations. He has done thumb drive drops and pick ups. He was put into D&D program by Deputy Director McCabe after taking a stand against him in an informant case.

He has DMS info and has stated it outloud about who his killer will be if he is found dead.

V____Z ago

And he always tells the truth. Like that he was going to interview Seth's brother. And that anyone tweeting a certain hashtag, he would contact them at later date and they would get at least a million dollars.

SoldierofLight ago


privatepizza ago

Good point! I don't follow GW however know a lot here do. If this anon is legit, it doesn't make sense as you point out. Hmmm... !

privatepizza ago

His name was Seth Rich.

privatepizza ago

I believe they can, and possibly have, through many comments. WL are also connected with KimDotCom, who has said he'll testify that Seth was the leaker. So maybe WL won't have to. KDCom says he's releasing a statement on Tuesday (t'morrow), after taking legal advice. Kim doesn't BS and doesn't talk unless he has something important to say, afaik. Lets see tomorrow : )

squarcle ago

They were so sure of a Hillary win they thought covering up would be easy. Ha!

Tialah ago

I'm sending nothing but panda pictures to @HillaryClinton @HumaAbedin @jmpalmieri and @johnpodesta from now on. No context, just pandas.

SterlingJB ago

Best and funniest tactic I've heard so far. Just pandas, no context. hahahaha

Yates ago

I've been trying to change my twitter avatar to a panda but it won't let me.

GeorgeT ago

I send them Katy Perry's Bon Apetite vid - # 'Nice Troll Job to PG Community, is that all you've got?'

Premeditated123 ago

Followed you! :)

TheArcanumOrder ago

Whats with the Panda thing with Seth Rich? I've seen it before but I don't know what it means.

Edit: I'm an idiot. It's posted all over this thread.

HighLevelInsider ago

That's a funny idea.

What might really bring them down is if someone did a live investigation. Interview business owners in the area, and see if they still have footage.

Or get a camera and laser microphone on Pedosta's house. Has anyone done anything like that?

hels ago

It is almost a promise that all the business owner's in the area had their footage taken by the CIA or other alphabet soup jackets and disposed of.

HighLevelInsider ago

Has anyone called or visited them to see?

Empire_of_the_mind ago

The process of exporting CCTV footage typically leaves a copy that is not overwritten.

hels ago

I posted what I did due to the lack of 9/11 Pentagon videotapes and how the alphabet soups confiscated everything from local security cameras within minutes. Obviously if you owned a business it would be the smartest to have several backups of security camera footage; however, this costs money and how many small business owners have extra money to spare? Where I work the owner is constantly watching the security cameras (calls employees out) but the tape only records 2 hours before overlapping. Think about it, if there is a robbery or the alarm system goes off the owner makes sure it wakes him up. He would give police access to the cameras and what happened 2 hours previous is irrelevant if the intruders are still inside. Why would he need more than 2 hours? He does not care if someone is killed at 4 a.m. where his cameras are pointing outside his business.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

His security cam system is very shitty

Warnos44 ago

I am probably wrong but I thought that kind of evidence wouldn't be used by courts. Not that I would assume it would be given to the courts before passed around on the nets to cause outrage.

cthulian_axioms ago

Or get a camera and laser microphone on Pedosta's house.

That is a really good way to get yourself killed or worse.

HighLevelInsider ago

If you get caught... I'm not telling you to do anything I haven't already done myself.

You know they're raping and murdering kids, right? Aren't some things worth risking your life over? Or would you rather cower and hope they don't come after you?

What if that was your child?

LargePepperoni ago

Podesta definitely has 1st class security. I wouldn't risk it.

HighLevelInsider ago

Podesta definitely has 1st class security

No, he doesn't. You're making wild guesses based on things you've heard.

-Who provides his security?

-How many guards does he have?

-How many security cameras?

-How much are they monitored?

-Can they be hacked?

If you don't know any of those things, don't share your opinions.

I wouldn't risk it.

That's your choice, but don't come in here and share your unfounded hunches to dissuade people.

LargePepperoni ago

LOL. Yea. I'm sure one of the most reviled men in the world with lots of wealth has no protection.

HighLevelInsider ago

I'm sure one of the most reviled men in the world with lots of wealth has no protection.

I want you to cite concrete facts in support of this proposition. I don't care about your opinions, stories you heard, or theorizing. Tell me, what specifically do you know about Podesta, his security, or even security in general. Have you so much as read a single book on home or personal security?

cthulian_axioms ago

Fair point. I admire your bravery. Insha'KEKU if the Northeast becomes an independent country someday, I'll recommend you for a fucking knighthood.

Indeed, there are things worth fighting and dying for, and taking down the demonarchy is certainly one of them. But I live a thousand miles from DC. What would you have me do, quit my job, burn through what little savings I have, and camp out near the demon's lair in the hope of uncovering something? I am doing what I can. I am educating everyone I know. As a practicing pagan, I am conducting ... I guess you could call it "spiritual research", for lack of a better term ... to see if I can develop a clearer picture of how to proceed.

I am not trying to discourage people from doing what needs done, but I can see how my comment might come off that way.

As for kids of my own, I don't have any. But you're right; if any demon tries to come after my little nieces and nephews ... giddy up. There's gonna be a trail of scorched patches marking where I've sent them back from whence they came.

redditsuckz ago


So your calling on the god of primordial darkness?

Kek (also Kuk, Keku, Kekui) is the deification of the concept of primordial darkness

In the oldest representations, Kekui is given the head of a serpent

I guess thats why everyone was duped into "praising Kek"...the head of Kek is a Reptilian Snake...

Congrats everyone on praising the reptilians!

MolochHunter ago

reptilians? Pepe is pure amphibian, dude

cthulian_axioms ago

You misunderstand the stories. He is the the darkness which comes before the dawn. KEKU flings open the Doors of Morning as RA passes aboard the Mandjet, the Boat of Millions of Years. His song is the spring peepers which shout for joy at the triumph of the Sun over the bitter winter. He's one of the good guys.

HighLevelInsider ago

What would you have me do, quit my job, burn through what little savings I have, and camp out near the demon's lair in the hope of uncovering something?

Look around your own town. Is the Royal Order of Jesters Operating? Are there suspicious buildings in the area?

Where do the rich, powerful people hang out?

What kinds of things do your elected officials do? These are all things you can find out.

cthulian_axioms ago


You, sir, are walking the fucking walk. Thank you for the ideas. I'm on it.

HighLevelInsider ago

I've busted major officials doing nothing more than basic private investigator work. You can too.

cthulian_axioms ago

Word up. May you be an inspiration to us all.

keepthefaith ago


MRSMSMomma ago

Seth Rich loved pandas - his anon accounts have lots of panda references.

Jem777 ago

The pandas are a computer software program he utilized in leaking the zipfiles to various Wikileaks attorneys who all were killed this summer as well.

keepthefaith ago

thank you! his parents seem very strange.

MRSMSMomma ago

Hmm, yes but not very if you have ever lived in a place like Boulder or San Fran. Then you look at them and go 'this is what happens when you are always in a bubble'.

keepthefaith ago

no something is definitely off with the parents, irrespective of their bubble (every city is a bubble.)

Been discussed already in various threads here.

WaterT ago

We could all start doing this, it might start fucking with them. Humanize Seth Rich, everyone loves Pandas.

MRSMSMomma ago

Make a new post requesting we all use panda meme to send toΒ£. Make a list with their Twitter, etc handles.

Tanngrisnir ago

No mention of Kim dot com, interestingly. Either this is a larper or Kim genuinely knows nothing about Seth Rich.

privatepizza ago

He's tweeting that he's going to release a statement on Tuesday (tomorrow), after seeking legal advice. Lets see. Maybe it's Tzuday?

Dressage2 ago

I wonder if Podesta and crew can feel the noose tightening on their own necks right about now. They need to start saving money for the commissary so they can trade cigs for favors. Oh wait, is that a form of "pay to play?"

SoldierofLight ago

Justice would be Podesta getting sent to prison and into the general population. He won't even need to drop a bar of soap in order for karmic justice to work its magic.

0fsgivin ago

It's obvious they wanted to "make an example of him" shooting him in the back 4 times and NOT taking anything was intentional.

They didn't want vengeance on those leaks...they didn't want to stop seth rich from leaking more. They wanted all future leakers to know the price.

kazza64 ago

they want to build a wall and yet the bush/obama/clinton regime is no better than mexico when it comes to murdering journalists. its a sad time in the history of the western world when those who speak the truth are afraid for their lives

Freemasonsrus ago

He was only shot twice. Had on that created an exit wound so it appeared to be three. (According to anon Doc on /pol/) Take it for what it's worth. Not sure if it was a LARPer. What's strange is how sloooy this hit was. Seems to have been done by the typical thugs hired by these types. Illegal aliens or Somalian refugees who aren't CIA level hit people. Hence the need to cleanup in the hospital and finish the job.

remedy4reality ago

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... Rich was shot TWICE, not 4 times.

V____Z ago

This is why both Seth and Shawn Lucas' deaths were timed to make it obvious that they were related to their anti-DNC actions. It would have been a waste just to murder them, the real meat is in the WARNING it sends. DNC/Clintons/Podesta/Soros = MAFIA

GeorgeT ago

But they micalucalted - they were assured of Hillary victory!

Freemasonsrus ago


YeezusKTrump ago

They even roughed him up before shooting him.

Beat up. Shot. Nothing taken. "Robbery"

Mad_As_Hell ago

Yep, and his former colleague Andrew Therriault (the asshole who tweeted about an 'embarrassment' of pandas after he died) intimated as such: "We’ve lost one hell of a friend, brother, colleague, teammate, and patriot, but I hope his legacy will serve as an example to others who might step in to take his place."

Freemasonsrus ago

Holy hell.

Jem777 ago

He knows in fact he used that exact language intentionally to piggyback Podesta email and send a final nail in Seth's coffin.

Silverlining ago

Delphic - at least two ways to take that.

YeezusKTrump ago


He knows.

privatepizza ago

Absolutely, I concur.

carmencita ago

I think the Anons lately, like the 4chan nurse, etc. are trying to change the narrative. Notice the new posts contradicting what was said by others not believing the 'reports about the first findings of the Seth Rich shootings and the SpotShot? I think they are watching and they will keep trying to CTR. That is what they are up to. Keep watch and you will see it too.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Just keep reposting and up voting. They can't control the internet and they know it.

JunOS ago

Yea, but they've been trying. cough CISPA, net neutrality cough.

It's the reason BOTH political parties has been pushing for these internet regulation and speed initiatives.





And expose them all for who they really are.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

"Net neutrality" is not black and white.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yep, they realize Pandora's box has been opened and their grasp on pushing propaganda has been reduced

JunOS ago

Antifa WISHES they had the /po/ autists and /v/ free thinkers like we do.

Were groundbreaking here. Kind of awesome to be a part of actually.

TrueAmerican ago

Dont delude yourself

3141592653 ago

Hell yeah, we rock

dingomeat ago

HighLevelInsider ago

That's a good start. But don't sell yourselves short, you guys can bring these people down. You don't need to wait for the cavalry, you need to be the cavalry.

Run stakeouts with laser microphone. Get cameras going on the exits of suspected buildings, see if they're moving kids around. Install microphones.

You're doing a great job finding these perverts social media accounts, and news reports, and putting together the pieces. If there's any possible deniability, the Mockingbird Media isn't gonna cover it, and the corrupt cops are going to protect them. You have to go live to catch these people.

rodeo13 ago

Thank you, HLI. Where do you suggest we go to get equipment like this (where we can purchase anonymously?

HighLevelInsider ago

Someplace that it isn't easy to track to you. I don't want to suggest a place that would allow a correlation attack on users all buying the same product, or class of product, all at once.

Yates ago

Every comment you've made since you joined has been to urge people here that the ONLY way to combat this is to do shit like this. Risking the lives of people here by encouraging them to surveill dangerous monsters. With footage that won't be admissible in court? What's your agenda dude? Is that your website you constantly link to? Nice analytics. Why don't you encourage the FBI to do it's damn job instead of obsessively trying to get people here to do this stuff?

HighLevelInsider ago

I had to check because I thought you were with the government shills for a second because they upvoted you, but it looks like you're actually cool.

Every comment you've made since you joined has been to urge people here that the ONLY way to combat this is to do shit like this.

Have you guys put anyone in jail yet? Do police put people in jail with nothing but internet research?

Risking the lives of people here by encouraging them to surveill dangerous monsters.

Learn spycraft. I have done successful operations of exactly this type.

With footage that won't be admissible in court?

The point is forcing the cops to investigate, and forcing the judge not to protect them. Right now you have a justice system that protects them, and they will NEVER be arrested, no matter how much circumstantial evidence you have.

Hate me for saying it all you want, but I'm right.

What's your agenda dude?

Stopping pedophilia. Read my posts and decide for yourself.

Is that your website you constantly link to?

Which one? The stuff about the Jesters? No, that's another person who is actually a user on here.

Why don't you encourage the FBI to do it's damn job instead of obsessively trying to get people here to do this stuff?

What do you think is the point of all this? The FBI isn't allowed to do their job.

thatguyiam ago

work with the cucked system

OK there buddy. Don't you worry about the (two-tier)courts when the whole world see the pedophile fucks for what they are

GeorgeT ago

Contact rank & file cops - you will know them by instinct, form a group. There are plenty out there. Redpill them with everything we know. These sickos must be outed once and for all!

privatepizza ago

Cheers man

Jem777 ago

Hey @privatepizza, Noticed the tactic right now on twitter is going after to who printed the update on #SethRichMurder story. They are on twitter threatening the brace reporter first name of Maria M.??? and the local DCfox telling everyone Russia is using her reporting and asking that all ads be pulled.

Maybe this should be its own thread but this is how we turn the Deep State media. Everyone should be offering support to this reporter & fox5dc! Flip the tables on the media right now.

GeorgeT ago

Remember what they did to Ben Swann! But this is different - this is actual investigation! (And where is Alex Jones to cover it - nowhere)

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Start a /v/ for media backlash - or find an appropriate one. Would be good to have a home for this stuff.

privatepizza ago

Hey Jem, thanks for this news. What a surprise. Hopefully with all hands on deck just now on twitter, re SR, she'll be getting support and the crew will be pushing back. I just got back so I'll go take a look. Thanks.

Jem777 ago

No worries. Trying to do everything possible.;)

MuhammadWasAPedo ago

Fuck all anonyme sources. I hope its true but i will not believe it before they are all in jail

HighLevelInsider ago

but i will not believe it before they are all in jail

Then get off your ass and start running stake outs with laser microphones. Get cameras on these places. It's not like the media or corrupt cops will be able to do anything if someone gets a video of someone abusing children and anonymously leaks it everywhere (with proper procedures to ensure they can't track you).

Silverlining ago

The ITCCS recently did just what you're suggesting.

Update on events arising from the April 30 preventive actions against the Ninth Circle ritual killings ( May 14 2017 by @Violetti112

idontlikesalmon ago

Everything about ITCCS and Kevin Annett should be distrusted. Look it up, it's pure misinformation.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Up voat for your username

BobMorris ago

I'm suspicious about anons too. Nobody who is high up in the DNC is ever going to jail, not Podesta, never a Clinton the swamp is that corrupt. All we can do is get the truth out and redpill the masses.

Silverlining ago

The alleged Clinton body count hasn't brought pitchforks and torches onto the streets. Is one more death going to make a difference this time? Any assassin who has been Monarched will suicide [one way or another] before he sings. We saw the Godfather.

equineluvr ago

Amen on systemic corruption.

The masses are just slaves. We have zero power (despite the BS they've been spoonfeeding you your entire life).

remedy4reality ago

fuck you.. don't walk in after 3 days and start bitching

MuhammadWasAPedo ago

Im just integrating you sad fuck

UglyTruth ago

Fuck off shitstain.

remedy4reality ago

doing a poor job of it

common_sense ago

He has a point.

remedy4reality ago

No he doesn't.. In this case the anon is purportedly a key witness in the biggest murder since JFK and naming that person would be the stupidest fucking thing possible.

Guy is a typical dipshit who complains first and never even takes the time to think. Fuck him.

common_sense ago

All he's saying is that you can never fully trust anonymous sources, he's right.

remedy4reality ago

Really, Einstein? and he's a fucking shitbag, just like you, for not understanding WHY this source is anon

you daft fucks are going to suck the fucking life right out of me..

common_sense ago

I understand why you fucking inbred. Use your common fucking sense, you have NO IDEA what happened to Seth. Just because this anonymous source, who could be literally ANYONE, said something that confirms your prior worldview doesn't mean that it's necessarily true.

People who want the actual truth wait until things are actually confirmed.

remedy4reality ago

oh... you waiting for the FBI, CIA, or CNN to 'confirm' it for you ?? you're so far out of depth here, it's pathetic

common_sense ago

Did I say that? No?

remedy4reality ago

No, shit for brains. I have a very good idea what happened to him. He was killed in the hospital when they didn't get him on the street. You think VIP's just fucking drop dead without a CODE BLUE, you fucking retard ? Change your fucking name, you're a disgrace to it.

samhara ago

It's logic, rather than speculation , so get your definitions correct,

The name "common sense" is appropriate, because commonly people are at at loss to figure out anything.

common_sense ago

You're speculating.

remedy4reality ago

yeah.. that's what an idea is.. you fucking paramecium

again.. are you waiting for an authority figure to decipher the evidence for you ?

common_sense ago

Dude I never said it never happened, in fact I believe the DNC was behind it just like you do. ALL WE ARE SAYING IS THAT TRUSTING ANONYMOUS SOURCES IS STUPID.

...........why is this so hard for you to grasp?

remedy4reality ago

This is going down exactly how it should. The anon source has been following closely and has been frightened to come forward. The other anon talked about the mood at the hospital being full of fear. Now that the momentum of the investigation appears to be with the good guys, the anons are leaking crucial information that begs for further scrutiny, and likely potential protection. The other anon also said something to the effect of 'they can find out who I am'. These people are scared shitless. It's a hail Mary and I for one, am praying for them. The comment was fucking stupid and the 'trust of anons' takes a back seat.. way in the back.. to the importance of the anon's statement.

Silverlining ago

I don't see him as a murder witness, that's not what he claimed - anon is just saying that DNC are running around like headless chickens in a panic, because of Seth Rich. Did I miss something else?

remedy4reality ago

You sure fucking did. You said 'murder witness' when it I wrote 'witness in a murder case'.

See ? Good fucking God, this thread is a cluster fuck of idiots.

Silverlining ago

I'm just in awe of your rage.

remedy4reality ago

you're actually oblivious if you think this is rage

This is fun for me.

Silverlining ago

Whatever it is, it's awesome to watch!

equineluvr ago

" the biggest murder since JFK"

Hyperbole much?

remedy4reality ago

excuse me ? Seth Rich's murder brings down the House of Cards, you fucking idiot.. Pedogate, Clinton, CIA, Brownstone, Satanic Elites, Election Fraud, Destruction of the DNC, the MSM...

I knew there was something incredibly wrong with you. What a jackass. What the fuck are you doing here ?

samhara ago

We hope. JFK could've been an elaborate psy - op .. But that's a digression.

privatepizza ago

Let's see. What are MSM sources if not anonymous also? "An official, on the grounds of anonymity due to not being permitted to talk on behalf of ......., said "

They're happy to tell us complete BS w/o a thought.

samhara ago

Now they display complete comfort with total lies. I think they are trained; the talking heads anyway. The suits are just gang-land.

remedy4reality ago

Gee.. how many JFK witnesses were dumb enough to talk to Mark Lane ?

MuhammadWasAPedo ago

Im not saying that MSM is better. But we shouldnt make double standarts. We are better than that

remedy4reality ago

You're a fucking dumbshit... anon may be a huge potential witness in the murder of the century, and is putting their life on the line by leaking this info.. and you're posting pedantic shit about the optics of PG because you want a fucking name ?

How fucking retarded are you? Please... shut the fuck up, already. ( here 3 days on the sub... there is no 'WE' that includes you, fuckface )

Silverlining ago

Be nice!

privatepizza ago

That's very true. I concede and will think about this. Appreciate your values and agree.

Odaat ago

I have upvoated this twice to have it disappear... maybe my third attempt will stick.

superesper ago

If you hit back after upvoting sometimes it doesn't work. Also, sometimes it just takes a while to register an upvote/downvote.

remedy4reality ago

Here is a trick.. After you upvoat, hit Reload

I think there is a glitch where if you go back and forth on your history or hit new pages, the voat is not registered

spezSentMe ago



pby1000 ago

Thanks for that. I would always go back to redo my upvote, but now I know to reload. It was getting very aggravating, to say the least. LOL.

SecondAmendment ago

For what it's worth, @Odaat, my "upvoat" for this thread did appear, no problem, as upvoat number 70. I hope your upvoating capability returns. It's working for me.

Odaat ago

Thanks! The third time was the charm. It's been a recurring issue, and today I was frustrated enough to say something!

Vic138 ago

If you upvote it twice it WILL disappear. Upvote an odd number - or just once.

4_InquiringMinds ago

If you upvote it twice it WILL disappear. Upvote an odd number - or just once.

I thought we could only upvote once on anything?

nuworldblue ago

32,397 times should do the trick.

privatepizza ago

I've upvoated you too but it's also not showing, nor is my upvoat for @BlueEyedDevil64 . Weird...

BlueEyedDevil64 ago

thank you. probably deliberate by whoever pushes the buttons here.

Skunt ago

I've noticed some latency between posting and it appearing on my profile. Give it 5-10 mins and check again. I was getting replies to a comment I made, but the comment wasn't showing up on my history.

TrueToPooh ago

I had that happen yesterday. My comment history was delayed by around 30 minutes, then it all caught up.

privatepizza ago

Seem to be showing now... idk...

privatepizza ago

i think someone said there was sometimes a delay.... idk... ;)

WaterT ago

I'm guessing it's the server cutbacks they've made to save money.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

It's just a symptom of the db change queue backing up - nothing nefarious.

privatepizza ago

Good point. Makes sense. Thanks for this

privatepizza ago

Hmmm... hope so, let us know? I've had that happen too lately. Thanks for your upvoat : )

BlueEyedDevil64 ago

I hope so

privatepizza ago

Should be