awakenaware ago

This feels legit to me.. Of course the group doesnt have any legal standing within the corrupt system but I give them much credit for standing up and doing this.. Which appears to be some kind of self appointed citizens arrest type protocol which I have suggested before.. Maybe its been done. Backlash is sadly unsurprising considering what they/we are up against.

Vindicator ago

@Violetti112: I am flairing this "Possible Disinfo" due to the fact that Kevin Annett is likely a disinfo agent and his ITCCS has no actual legal standing anywhere in the world.

This post claims law enforcement actions took place -- that will mean there will be police reports of the raid. Please provide corroborating sources that are not related to Kevin Annett to have this flair removed.

Silverlining ago

The one organisation that seems to be doing anything about pizzagate and you flare it as disinfo???

Presumably if you were present at a SRA child killing, you would want video evidence before you would believe it even happened. They claim to have found child bodies in a refrigeration unit. This as real as it gets.

anonOpenPress ago

@Vindicator I'd suggest changing the flair to "Potential lead" and to dig into this topic by as many of us as possible. I have a hunch this is close to the top of the problem.

I'm currently looking into 40 related sites, and some of them seems like they could be used as a reliable source, some of course not.

The related cases are very well hidden, but the fact how the main stream media and wikipedia are not touching it even that one related case is one of the most important factors during resigned Pope's time in the office, supports that this is definitely worth looking into.

This might lead us into very high profile levels (Royalty, Vatican...) where pedophilia is apparently being hidden (remember Saville, BBC, 84 arc-bishops not facing charges etc.)

ArthurEdens ago

Exciting they caught them and saved some kids but I'm not surprised about the blowback or that the cult was let go. Machiavellian vigilante justice is the only way to beat this kind of corruption.

Violetti112 ago

Here is the other ITCCS Communique from 6th of may 2017 An Update on the aftermath of the Ninth Circle disruptions and arrests of April 30 An unofficial media blackout has been imposed by the governments of France, Holland, Belgium and Switzerland over the entire issue, which forbids any politician or police officer to acknowledge or comment on the actions against the Ninth Circle or the cult itself.

Police recovered considerable evidence of cult activity at the arrest sites, including Satanic regalia, blood-marked torture devices and children’s clothing, and in the case of the Zwolle site even the physical remains of dead and mutilated children held in cold room containers

Eight children were liberated.

pby1000 ago

How legitimate is this information? I recall hearing about it before...