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DarkMath ago

"I have never, in my 20 years of working in D.C. seen such a panicked reaction from anyone."

I hate to say it but I think things could get much much worse down there and people need to get ready for that just in case.

Please understand I know nothing, I have no evidence nor am I looking for any. I only have the best intentions with this post because I think my role in Pizzagate is to become some sort of online clergy. Why? Because I've seen this hell up close and personal.

Religion is for people who don't want to go to Hell. Spirituality is for people who've been there.

We're coming up to a point in this story that I pray doesn't happen but could given the highly charged emotion associated with it. People need to be aware of it because I've seen people do this in real life when they've gotten caught in the really deep stuff and they cant' take it anymore. When I've seen it happen it was in situations totally unrelated to this but the end result is just as tragic. It's the god damn saddest thing you can imagine. People with kids and the whole nine years and when you see it your hearts breaks into a thousand pieces.

So I make this comment because if it helps just one person then it was worth it. One possibility here is some people guilty or innocent may go for the early check-out. People need to be prepared for what might happen. This whole story is like a powder keg and when it blows people go into shock. I've referenced the first link before but it gives an idea of what happens when people go into shock. They're whole system shuts down. It's like the opening to Saving Private Ryan but without all the gore. The emotions will be that overwhelming. People go into shock and they're so overwhelmed they can't function. Sometimes people stay like that for days.

I'm not saying it is going to happen but people just need to be aware of it. Things could get much worse down in DC before they get better. And it needs repeating I'm not saying the guns are coming out. God no. But this story is so raw their emotions are going to get just as raw as they'd be on Omaha Beach. Straight up, no shit.

Hopefully that pizzagatewhatever post can help introduce some of the ways to get people through the shock when it happens. There are no atheists in fox-holes and there's a reason they send clergy into battle along with the medics but just a little further back.

This ain't no joke.

doubletake ago

speaking of clergy, where they hell are they in this outrage of child sex trafficking? (oh yeah, i forgot.) ahem, where are they in this outrage of endless wars? Why aren't they out in the streets? (oh, yeah, talking to their lawyers about number 1.) sigh...

DarkMath ago

I don't know you at all but I understand what you mean. And I don't know what your future brings. But we're all sinners in the eyes of God doubletake. You never know when you'll win "the lottery". You could go out tonight and get shitfaced drunk and take out a whole family after you picked the wrong on ramp. You think raping a child is bad imagine what it would it be like to accidentally kill a whole family.


Silverlining ago

There is accidentally, there is careless and there is deliberate and knowing.

DarkMath ago

"There is accidentally......."

I see your point. I agree many of these people were more than willing participants. Some of these people are going to have some very long nights coming up as fantasy makes way for reality.