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betoche ago

PLEASE READ THIS. This is how the spirit realm works. I have witnessed it and it was crazy real. it says "our war is not against flesh and blood, but in spirit realms". these satanists are protected by the demonic realm and it is known they have done sacrifices to Molloch, and other pagan gods. etc. They may even have principality protecting them in the demonic realm and they have given them a spirit of invincebility...and a spirit of lawlessness. I once saw how this can be broken. Probably THEE most crazy thing I have ever witnessed. 100% true story and still is shocking to me, 6 years later. I had a good female friend, who had a 4 year old son. Her ex was a drug runner from mexico. He threatened to take their son to mexico and she would never see him again. She went to ICE and authorities and they could do nothing...this guy always got away with drug trafflcking and never caught. I told my friend I would pray for her and went to the wisest man I knew about spiritual things. He did not ask many questions and said "lets pray"...he began to pray and then looked up at me "does this guy ever get caught? is he invinceable? I said, YES! He then went back to praying. He said "I break the powers that protect this man and the demonic covering he has and break the spirit of invincibility...I also break the spirit of lawlessness and expose him now, in Jesus' name" We opened our eyes and my friend looked at me and said "it's over. This guy is naked and exposed, It's done and over for him" I was shocked...he said it again "he's naked and exposed, he has NO protection, we removed it"...the next week, my female friend said "oh my god, the FBI broke in his place at 4 am to apprehend him, but he was not there" they later got him! He was never caught before in YEARS. This TRUE story changed my life. Prayer works...our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but is spiritual realms! Its true. pray now, the same prayer to remove spirits of invinceability, lawlessness, and DECLARE _____ (name person) that they are now without demonic protection and naked and exposed (to the light) and that the BLOOD of Seth Rich cries from the ground for justice. (like Cain and Abel, "the voice of your brothers blood cries from the ground" add this in prayer) Blood is life giving and the KEY to so many things.

BloodGod1337 ago

This probably seriously explains the huge decline of spirituality in the western world in the recent centuries. The evil cabal knows that securing a spiritual protection amongst themselves is important, so taking away the population's knowledge and wisdom over that which is spiritual had to have helped them in securing and gaining power.

It's just one thing that I've often pondered, and it's the rapid decline of spiritual beliefs in western society. I've always wondered how so much spirituality had declined so much in our societies. We've gotten so focused on the physical and material realm, that the idea of witches and wizards are considered fictional to the average person.

Silverlining ago

Principalities - awesome story - just wanted to log it in my comments. @betoche

2impendingdoom ago

Thank you for posting this, we should all try it, it can't hurt.

SoldierofLight ago

Indeed. This is a spiritual war. And we're going to win it.