snefru ago

George Webb at 2:30 in 208.5 re: Offutt AFB in Omaha. Calls Mena the throw in Iran-Contra while Offutt was the asset to protect due to being the center of operations. Offutt is also a major feature in the Franklin scandal and it is where top cronies hung out on 9/11.

Probably similar timelines posted elsewhere but may be useful

April 18, 2016 Wikileaks lawyer John Jones suicided by train

June 28, 2016 Bernie supporters and democratic donors sue DNC in nationwide class action for fraud

July 1, 2016 Process server Shawn Lucas delivers “you got served” to DNC headquarters

July 10, 2016 Seth Rich Murdered

July 22, 2016 Wikileaks releases DNC leaks

July 28, 2016 DNC Convention

August 2, 2016 Shawn Lucas Dies (Fentanyl overdose?)

October 22, 2016 Death of Wikileaks’ Gavin MacFadyen

2impendingdoom ago

This is really helpful, thank you.

Are_we_sure ago

Suicide is not a verb.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

I can only hope you're trolling.

pby1000 ago

Seth Rich was from Omaha. Was he or his parents involved in the Franklin Scandal? Are those his real parents, or was he adopted?

fartyshorts ago

His brother looks a lot like him, but the parents could be unrelated I suppose. Is there any way to find out?

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

It's a deserved question. The behavior of all three, the DAY of the funeral on tape, is not normal. Not at all.

kazza64 ago
